Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 05, 1883, Image 8

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    flit Crntte
Thuridav Morning, April 5,1883.
OomKßiiponnßNCß.c^iiiUiltilnglm|xirtnt nw. ■"!*< It
•4 from any part of th county. No c<mtnuolcfttk>n
iniM tc! uulaaa Ai'fonipantft! fy th® real nam* of tba
Local Department.
Trailing arbutu* days aro here.
Happy man ! Mr. .la*. Chambers, they
are twin bays.
Kli l'erkins will lecture for the Y M.
('. A. on the 28th int.
Mr. Richard Garmati, of Coatosvillo,
is visiting his people here.
—W'illiamsport has suffered by tire
again. This tirno her Rubber Works.
Tho ladies of the Reformed church
netted $•">•"> from their ico cream festival.
—Seventy is the highest number'of trout
reported caught by any one on Monday.
—The .luniata Valley Editorial Asso
ciation will meet in Huntingdon on Satur
day nest.
Mr. .lawes Broi l.* hn- Qni.-hcd a suc
cessful term of echo 1 at di>trict,
No. 5.
A ten year .'lt v arrived at Scotia a
few evening, rince. havirg come from
Mrs Samuel Foster has returned from
Tyrone whore .he spent a fortnight among
old friends.
—Miss Alice Wilson i* home again after
spending the winter with Gov. Curlin's
family in Washington.
Mr. /.ettle anil his mother, of Jersey
Shore, passed through here on their return
home from a visit to Penn's Valley.
Milesburg's new Methodist pastor,
Rev. W. W. Roes, has entered upon his
work under favorable circumstances.
—Tho Women's Missionary Society of
the Presbyterian church meets to-morrow,
Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Adam |
—The Daily St ics man wants electric I
lights to bo substituted for gas on the
ground that wo must bo "like other peo
—Wanted—A few more wholesome nui
sances to loaf at the station from 7 to 12 A
m., from 1 to fi i\ m., and from 7 to 10
r. M.
Rev. Mr. Billheimer occupied the
pulpit of the Lutheran church lA.t Sunday
in the absence of tho regular pastor, Rev.
S. K. Furst.
—The business of tho late firm of S. A.
Rrew A Son will be settled by Mr. Geo.
Brew at the office formerly occupied by
Hon. S. H. Yocum
Mr. Hull, a man of ninety years, ,
lying ill at his homo, Valentine. Forge.
He is greatly emaciated ; his arms can be
spanned by the thumb and forefinger.
Rev. Jas. Wilson, of New York city,
whoso father lives at Spring Mills, sails
for Europe this week His congregation
has granted him a sit months leave to re
cuperate overtaxed nature.
Read the new advertisement of Wil
liams & Bro., to b found on another page
and then when you need any work in their
line and desire it done in th* best possible
manner give them a call.
Mr. Jas. G. Wighaman, of Philips
burg, was found dead by his wife on com
ing down stairs at their home one morn
ing last week. Death is supposed to have
lieen caused by apoplexy.
—The young people of the Methodist
church belonging to Mr. D. M. Lieb's {
class presented him with a most beautiful
Faster card at the close of their meeting i
on Thursday evening last.
—C'assel Salsburg, of Altoona, made a
bungling attempt to suicide last week, but
he spent too much time in drawing his
razor from the ear to the windpipe when
some friend interrupted him.
—James A. Fielder, of Williamsport,
visited his father-in-law, Mr. Emanuel
Brown, over Sunday. Mr. Fiedler is a
Madison burg boy by birth, and his friends
will be glad to know that he is on the
Williamsport Aun and Hannrr staff.
—Some two or three hundred lalsorers
. are now making the snow and dirt fly In
the barrens on the Rellefonte and Buffalo
Run railroad. This road | about seven
teen miles in length and will be completed
in the ensuing fall.
—Altoona young ladies refuse to kiss
fellows who use cigarette*. Hollidaysburg
girl* will not ki** young men who do not
u*e them. Bellefr.nte young men will
please note this information, and when
they visit these places, govern themselves
Most of the students at the State Col
lege are spending their hort spring vaca
tion at home. Some few remained at Col
lege. No time probably within the his
tory of this institution ha. there been such
unanimity of feeling between students and
members of tho faculty a* now.
—A special from Washington D. to
the Philadelphia /'res* says that Governor
( urtin was one of tho morning callers on
the President. Our townsman likewise
asserts that tho new tariff will not prove
acceptable to tho majority of manufactu
rers, especially Pennsylvanians.
—"There aro young men in town who
cannot hold a skein of yarn for their
mothers without wincing, hot will hold
120 pounds of a neighboring family for
the bast part of tho night with a patience
and docility that are certainly phenom
enal."—Philtpthurr/ Journal. Gracious 1
Bair; what part of the family so nner
gizee your young men 1
—Tho rocent lecture of (ion. Beaver in
Association hall has awakened thoughts
not only on "How to get and keep a
homo," but on somogencral improvements
which might be made in our beautiful
town. A goodly degree of homo pride
prevail* as is attested by tho attractive and
spacious yards, the whole length of Linn
and Curtin streets a* well as other portions
of tho town. Tho cemotory should receive
materia! improvement in many respects ;
more trees should ho planted in certain
localities, several old buildings which are
toppling and unhealthy ought to be torn
down and peraiits, granted by tho proper
body, to build only such us meet certain
modest requirements, should be required.
Tho condition of tho street, of tho fence,
•>f tho yard and of tho entrance to any
building is an index to the character of its
occupants. Dejected gales, tin cans, and
piles of rubbish about a door proclaim
againt those who dwell within tho door.
Our air, soil and water are the purest. In
harmony with these, clean surroundings
aro necessary. Under favorable circum
stances not alone physical power is in
croased, but character becomes strong-
In several slates the law prohibits adver
tising Sends from defacing nature. The
paint brush has a most excellent uso,
but it se'dom enhance* natural beauty.
The gaudy color* of cortain of our houses
become monotonous and in a short time
tho owners will return to neutral tints.
Fairbanks Bros', of St. Johnsbury, Vt.,
(lava now every reason to be proud of the
town which they have domineered. Prob
ably no New England town hat such prev
alent town pride and fraternity of feeling
The laboring men in nearly all cases own
their own homes, Brussels carpets and
We have every reason t believe the
present town council will exert their of
forts to increase tho attractiveness of
Now print*, n<-w ginghams, new dross
good* at Lyon & Go's.
—Tho funeral service of Mr. Samuo]
I'otter, who died very suddenly from sup
posed apoplexy lat Saturday morning, took
place from the residence of Mr. Abram
V. Miller, l'leasant flap. Rev. Goorge
I'enepacker officiated, assisted by Rev.
William Laurie. A large procession
followed the remains of Mr. I'otter to the
cemetery hero where the deceased was
buried. Mr Potter felt unusually wall
on the evening preceding his death. 'n
Saturday morning a member of tho fami
ly entered bis sleeping room and noticed
nothing unusual with the aged man as he
merely coughed and turned in the bed. A
little later, his daughter, Mrs. Miller, en
tering his apartment, observed his motion
less condition and approached the bed. To
her terrible grief she found him dead.
Thus paed away a man who had tha ex
perienee of nearly eighty-five years. Five
sons and three daughter* mourn his ud
den d"alh, one of the latter being the wife
of Hon. Cyrus T. Alexander. He was a
man much beloved by hi* family andhot*
of friends who will ever pay tribute to hi*
dear memory.
—Go to Graham's shoe stor and see the
fine stock of boots and shoe* just received.
You can get a good bargain every time,
every thing to be sold cheap. Take a look
at those nice Kid and cloth top button shoe*
fot tho ladies, they are just beautiful and
cheap. They have the best line of men's
wear in town without any exception.
Corner Brockerhoff row. v6nlt-2t.
—The Morris and Philipsburg Railroad
i* the latest chartered lino for our sec
tion. The road will be seven mile* long,
beginlag where the B. (' A H. W. R.
R. crosses tho Moshannon creek and termin
ating near Philipsburg. The president of
the company i* D. W. Holt, of Philip*-
burg Director* aro J. M. Hale, Jno. A.
Lindsey, L. G. Lingle, 11. K. Grant, Jno.
M. Holt and Jno. A. Mull, all of
—Have you been to the great bargain
ale at the Bee Hive, if not get there as
seen a* you can. lOtf.
Mr. llnder*oti, manager of the Steel
Work*, is happy over the receipt of a let
ter from the patent office at Wa*hingtn,
informing him that a decision giving him
the right of a certain proces* ha* been
favorable to him. The same patent, after
his application at the office, we* sold by
•orne Englishman to the Steel Association
for $200,000. Mr. Henderson ran now *el'
the process for a* much more to the same
—A new line of spring gloves, lisle
thread and silk, mcusquetaire and Foster
lacing gloves, Lyon A Co.
—"Did you see the man walk the wire
yesterday Sunday i from the Brockerhoff
House to the First National Bank ? It
wa* a disgraceful proceeding for Sunday
and It's a wonder that the authorities
didn't stop it"— Daily AVics. Please re
member, Mr. Srv is, it wa* done on April
1t, "all fools' day," and may be the au
thorities are charitable in such cases.
—CMt scrap iron wanted'for the ca*h
or in exchange for Hardware at H. K.
Mr. CRlvln Lose ha* dissolved part
nership with his father, Mr. Isaac Lose,
8r , and la now to be found at the livery
stand lately occupied by Mr, James T.
M 'Cully. Csl. is a most reliable 4 young
man and in every sense worthy the pat
ronage of the public. Give bfm a call.
FAT WORK. — Muri. A. C. Lonber
gor nil John Irwin on Thursday painted
for 11. K. Hicks a sign covering the entiro
end of the barn on the mill property of
K. C. iin in (•, Esq., near Mann's Axo Fac
tory, confuting of lHfl letters, ranging in
si/.n from 10 inches to 2 feet, anil did it all
in one day. Wo solicit report* of similar
work satisfied that it cannot bo beaten.
BKAUTT. —"It is claimed that New
York women look younger at . r >o than Bus
ton women do at 40, or Chicago women at
HO," for the reason that they have been
taking I'truna for the past three months,
but iioston and Chicago women are corn
ing up in lino style—entering upon the
homo stretch on Manalin. I got ono of
your books on the "Ills "f Life" from your
Druggist as a present, anil, a it directs,
have been taking I'rmnn and Manalin.
My bowels aro in excellent condition, and
the lungs and heart are improving finely. '
11.21. J. M. WALK EK, I.awa-, I'a.
EVERT TLXMSAV. —The public are led
to believe by certain railroads that low
rato tickets will ho sold and special trains
run to the West, "Every Tuesday. ' This
is calculated to deceive parties contem
plating a trip West, as by the Pennsylva
nia Railroad you can go any day in the j
week on Fast Express trains, and at just a
low rate as by any other route on Tuesday.
it is a well known fact that the Pennsyl
vania Railroad is the direct route between
the Hast and the Croat West. Parties
contemplating a trip to Awinsus, (,'ulorailu,
Stbratka t Jiexr .tfrj ieo, ltakotn, or any of
the western States or Territories, would
consult their own interest by calling on
thu nearest agent of this company for
maps, time tables, dec., where they will re
ceivo full information, or by writing to
Thus. K. Watt. Passenger Agent Wastern
District, No. 110 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg
MILRMU K. NOT AV Last Monday w**
! a very busy day in our quiet little town
| and folks have changed around considera-
I bly.
Mr Harry Levi and family left Miles
burg, last Thursday, for their new houi
in Dakota. Hope they will be pleased
with the country and gel along nicely.
Mr. Justin Ilrownwell while burning
brush one day last weeek, was the victim
of an attack of falling fits and f'-ll into
the fire and burned his left litnb in a ter
rible manner. He is slowly rccoving
Mrs Samuel Meyers, of Central City,
has been seriously ill, also Mr*. E D
Noll has been suffering from an attack of
inflammatory rheumatism. Roth ladies are
Mr, Wm. Wilkie has said his property
to C K K.ssington, Sr. Mr W removed
to Mrs John Parson's hous" along with
John Ilihler.
Our enterprising mercantile friend W
B Miles, spent lat week In the city pur
chasing goods for the spring and summer
We believe our friend J. A. W. Rishel
is about opening up business again. Ward
does'nl mean to be- beaten o. Good for
you, old boy '
.Still they come. Wednesday evening,
March 21. Mr Dick Adams and Miss Kate
.Shope were made bone of one flesh, Ac ,
and on Wednesday evening, March 2*. a
wedding party consisting of Miss Edith
Gregg, formerly and years ago a resident
of Central City, and Mr Myers, of Ty- i
rone, stopped over night at the bride's rcl- I
alive* here Also on the evening of the
28th Miss Call firay and Mr Kyler were
married at Miss Gray's home in Miles
We don't know what Oscar will do now
since his right hand man. George, has
gon away It will be pretty hard on our
bass blower unless Geo. comes down and
spells him a little occasionally.
We noticed "Burnum's What is It" in
town the other day again. Think he
ought to give us a rest now pretty soon.
Mr. Edward Elder and mother have
> moved into the property lately owned by
Harry Levi which they have purchased.
Mr. Joseph Smith will ere long take hi*
shomaking establishment to Snow Shoe. •
Mrs. Kate P. Dale, wife of Mr. A.
W. Dale, was buried at Isemont on Sun
day last. At the house prayer was offered
by the Rev. I)r. Hamill, alter which ap
propriate services were held at the Lu
theran church, of which the deceased was.
an earnest and consistent member. Rev.
George Divon, her pastor, spoke very im
pressively, making the members of the
very large assembly feel that the memory
of the just is precious. Rev. S. K. Furst, of
this place, followed with a short address.
Mrs. Dale's death is a shock to her large
circle of friends and a terrible blow to her
husband and four children. She was thir
ty-three years of age.
—A new line of corsets, just opened, at
Lyon A Co'*.
—The last sad rite# over the departure
of Mr. George Jack, of Hoalsburg, wore
solemnly said at ten o'clock last Saturday _
The venerable man of 82 years had been
ailing for some lime and was very willing
to be at rest. No death could be more tri
umphantly happy than that of Mr. Jack.
Beloved by a host of friends, his own sons,
two, and daughters, three, feel the keenest
the ios* of a loved christian father.
Lewin, the pleasant proprietor of the
Philadelphia Clothing store, has just re
turned from the city with a large and su
perior lot of clothing suited to the season,
and all claset of men and boys. Give him
a call.
—Mis Raimey, of Boalsburg, Is dan
gerously ill.
—Our tonsorial friend Beck has put on
his summer face.
—Goo. Hishe), M. D., is to become part
ner of Dr. T. R. Hayes.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Nolan, of Snow
Shoe, were in town Tuesday.
A new sign graces the walk in front
of William* Bros, establishment.
Improvements are being made on the
residence of Mr. Jas. L. Horamsrville.
Mr. Randolph Nightingale is among
us again. He was seen out riding yester- :
—Jas. G. Wighaman, for sixteen years i
a resident of Phillpsburg, died on Sunday, j
March 25th.
Mr. George Naught's jewelry store at .
Phillpsburg has been closed by the credi- i
tors. Indebtedness $ 12<*I.
The Methodist church sociable on j
Tuesday evening was largely attended and j
all the exorcises very interesting.
tiaf~ Feathers, ribbons, velvet can ail be |
colored to match thut new hat by using !
the Diamond Dyes. lOcents for any color.
—The commissioners were in session I
Tuesday arid Wednesday, one of tin- mat
ters demanding their attention being tb ;
new bridge bid*
Another aged veteran passed from the i
scene* of earth to the eternal r<-lrn
Sunday last in the person of Mr M. S
Hunter, ot Mill Hall.
The Philadelphia Clothing store, on
Allegheny street, is the | l*"o to | urchase
summer suits .if the best quality and at
fair prices Call and examine the stock.
—Chief Burgess Fleming ha* issued a
proclamation to the voters of the North |
ward calling an election to be held . n
Tuesday next for filling the vacancy in the
town council occasioned by lha resignation
of Robert Mcknight
—Jersey Shore was visited by a lire on
Monday night which resulted in the >le
struction of two square* of buildings,
among which is the post office building
The fire departments of William*] rt ai d
L >ek Haven rendered a 1
—The parly which left here rM n
lana. Tuedav evening, had as| i ai <ar
It was riot a* large a number a> was an
ticipated. Among those who did go were
R. W Sm>uk and family, 'f Coleville.
and Dempster Meek, of Buffalo Run.
—lt It reported by the Yeirs that Mr
Al. W. Ralston, who attempt'-] suicide at
Pin Grove Mills r • ently, is gaining raj -
idly in strength arid ha* fair < hances of
recovery During a sp- Jof sneiring Mr
Ralsp n ejette.l the bullet, whi h was de.
signed to end his life, fr- m his n
Lewin at the one j riee Philadelphia
Clothing store ran a • omodal* t any 'ire
or tate His t"ck is full and selected
with care to please ail in material and
make-up. He run* no fancy j.rices, hut
treat* all purchasers alike at reasonable
and just rate*. Hit goods will bear in
spection. Call and examine for yourselves
—The old council held its final session
on Monday last at their r<K>m. After aj
proving some bills the t|-ecial committee
to consider the laying of water plj>es
through Cowdrick't ailey to McClain •
I now building reported favorably t> such
action. The council clerk, Daar Mitchell,
I presented the report of borough exjeD*e*
for the year. This report was accepted,
and theold bdy ad urned • irrf - Squire
: Rankin then administered the oath to the
burgess-elect, W I Fleming, to the tress"
urer elect, S D. Gray. Esq , and l" coun
cil members-elect, F. W. ('rider, Wm.
Shortlidge and Richard McCafferty The
clerk railed the new council to order, all
the member* reporting save Robert Mc-
Knight. Mr. Jno. Ardell, Jr., was nom
inated and elected president, Isaac Mitch
ell rp.elected clerk and Jno. (. Levc was
chosen borough solicitor. The following
committees were hereupon announced by
President Ardell
Financial Committee—T. Gerborich,
F. W. Crider and Henry Walker
Water Committee—William Shortlidge,
David Hartley and Joseph <'easier*.
Street Committee—F. W. Crider, C. T
Gerberich and DaTis) Hartley.
Fire and Police Committee—David
Hartley. William Shortlidge and Robert
Mr Knight.
Market Committee Henry W alkey,
Richard McCafferty and F W. Crider.
Nuisance Committee—Joseph ("eaders,
William Shortlidge and Robert Mc Knight
Here followed nomination* at follows:
Hupt. of Water Works, Sam). Rine and
W. W Bateman; Street Commissioner,
Thus. Shaughetsy and Jno. O'Leary;
I>amplighter, Peter McMahon, After a
recess during which the committees con
sidered the respective candidate* the coun
cil again came to order. A tie between
Rine and Hateman made it neceesary to
hold a later meeting when Bateman was
victorious. Khaughnessy was chosen street
commissioner and McMahon lamplighter.
During the evening session Robert Mc-
Kftigbt's resignation was accepted and an
election to fill the vacancy ordered.
DBLKVAX, Wis., Sept. 24, 1878.
GF.VTS—I have taken not quite one bot
tle of the Hop Bitters. I was a feeble old
man of 78 when I got it. To-day I am a*
active and feel as well a* I did at .10. I
see a great many that need such a medicine.
It-St. I> BOTCK.
Nortcx.—Person# having R. K, ties,
fence post* end telegraph poles for sale,
will pleaee send a written proposat of the
kind, quantity, price and point of delivery
along the line of the B. C. A Southwestern
K. K., within thirty days, to
R. H, LAW* nx, Jersey Shore,
or W. W. RAXKIW, Look Haven.
8 t(
April JurorH.
i s
Following will l, found u complete li.t :
of tbe <rnd nod Truvrn'j juror. drawn j .
for tlm fourth Monday of April
OKA fl|j JI. UOKM.
frank .1 ll.rl-k llr-K
OBrar Ifolt Know Hho*
J I. Carter KergUßorj
Kami. ltrii/|f<r ill#
Uf, M Ihrni l'ott*f
J II Kt*.*r I'lll'tfl
i/i w hippo Waik#r
<. W M<-r,*k r UWtl)
Wm Pt'iVftr Urvrg
I, W Kb-rhurt Marlon
J W. Mmit I *il#K*
J 11. It* if any'iff Milli.'iu.
Win. hfiwurt Hii'rw Pljo*
f C| Mrk KifKUfdi
llurry Btroh## k*r Mil#* I
Andr*w Oalh/tfti UriP.n
I*/M# Varr.ali It" kit*
Wilbur T llali Howard
' li* \ C'ruj*# Ori>fK
J". W Maraliall Ik HDur
**ml J |#l# It* t,n#r
J l> Hill Ku*h
'i*-, Fortr,#y lUrrl#
John Urifhth hprintr
.1 l>. Ilwll Howard twp
J T M or mi. k Knrguaoti
JftO'li Mullflll Pftltoll
I'ftiillp Hpott# Worth
I lia* llnn> ' • k ll"ieic*
M 1111 Alfa ?!,•## lrH|K
I htfiith Kuah
MM K• nhart I'.* fiio r
I 1 HBl• ' • • " .. *
'rin Millar H#M#f .nt*
J I) W .(flirf 1w.H1,.-1
llarry M l>-w*l| Marion
Hh, ¥ KlUMi' k
W u Matbrn Uutt/m
hainl. • -Mr. ) Walk•'i
Win fir Martian Howard
\ iil"i, iWkwith Taylor
Prank Y wal llarrla
H W lUa.tr Patb.n
lUnj It • h I t n*ill#
John hrote |*ott r
il U hirflll-.lt It'll*? r,t
r It •r• I l'hiU|*i arK
Jaffl Kr**aan#r Mil<
w || Wik# Half Modi
' ii Hit,lth |f*!J#forit*
W. It Iuk#tr,ar, |l*l|f| #
Jafii## |'f,j.f rtftuw Pho*
J*' -■)- Y Jt.t*. r Main#*
Wm hi**filttith |>nn
hauil.t Muwr Haiti**
ll' or j It* - *- I it lon
"-toil M Mot/. Halt,#*
Y. If.--*it, r . ll#ll#f<#ut*
V. ft. Iti* har<)f W it),
lf Hi- M > I
John M)*r Ilarrta
Ihtu'l Walter# W'alkor
J hit T w iirira lo i,
Win H mv#ry W rtli
Math Mt l<Hikfy f'-olleff#
John hOfl rl ;•' || K
M J Will k tu!,*• ii
I • I Khi. it Man ,
.1 hit lUn-f) P|r •
I ll.ni Murray Yi"gg
Wm. Ci ► \s kaf
I • I Mr i.l I. Walk.r
l W - i*'f. k II * 1 tap
Ih . 11. ; i it II tl# J i,l.
• a 1 mat+t I rti
Jack 'i -rtoii Phill|ai 'jf|j
Jatr.fa '#• .ty#l 'if.j'r
Jan.. . Kf i" J. -
Auattri i ortln 11 ,ggm
k H.;i#t nt#
Y ' II .... IU-llrf nt#
1 •# 11. ■ /r Fiiilij.fi 'j(
John II I. r ,• Hu.h
' J 11. fflfig til.
M W . *#r lUitiM
J i 4 * a..fir, ?,il'.f
| With*til V a! •„•
<i W .!*/. ri |l*llf r,t.
J • h N.n
M -t k.r
N f* ra llowar I
Kami M i *-r I'hitipfhnri:
I>a. id i am ¥> tgu* *
li. V Ufa 11*11. 'nt.
I' N ft *i I.art J*prlf,*.'
la. • fit. rII wnt.J | J
J vs 11 -r l.fu'oa f!
ht.-rhart ' .lff
lUl> n <%f In. r I.IU rty
ll# r,r a 7<*U'l< r
W llllaro ll' '.r hprii,|(
John 1 tl* alio |l li font**
• M.lif-i Of*rif
hlliah K.h. r I r.ion
J. K ftr4.ar rtill ;•
la< i I I'-rI kI Ortlb
J .lit, II .
Win Wilt .y M i.-air/
H'jtjJ \'lfritme, Kwp, i now in the
,;iTii*ri ngencv butine*. *nd i- prepared to
I negotiate the -l*' ■ t | jrciih <• of building
! )nl, bor-e. • r Anything ; nrtn-- r/mv
de-ire t" buy 1 r ►"! I Shi i.d he tut hnve
what i- wnnte-J he run Mi'iri' it on -hurt
notice. Thii rrar,giriient will not inter
fere with hi- Urge nr. 1 int riming inur
t-nc© bu-ifu*-- I If-if.
.1 j.t opened a new iini* ' i,nndri rri
•■tnbr ideri<'i h'. Lyon A C ■ -
I. The lira, biggert und meet -took of
j carpet-, oil cloth# < lc.. kept in ' entre
I county can now be found at the Ifoe
i Hire. lOtf.
Wilton, M< Fw nr.i aCo . call alien
-1- nt" the only reliable Heady Mui-d
Paint in the market Th" Pioneer J*r
j ar-d I'u • • ml •-.!% .per: r t-> any
I lteady MuM P-.nt - ;•! but rival- f .re
whit- l<i> I in it- rni'-tliM-i ir, w rh ng
and disability Thii faint i- guaranteed
hy the manufacturer- red t - irmk ■ r j-oe)
I within three \ ear- The guarantee i-m t
' unlv good f r rej m ;t g the paint hit it
. .11 !*.• put i n if it -houid cra< k or peel
' within the time pe ifled It will be to
\ ur int'-rc-t t .call arid n Wil-on, Mc
-1 Karlane A Co., before juril a-ing either
while lead • r any other Heady Mixed
! I'aint.
—All new -Vyle* of lace* at Lyon A Co'i.
—Th© latent novelty at n unheard of
i -acrifice, changeable i Htnmin Velvet*
jin nil rliadee at cent- per yard, co-t
II.W) to import —*t the "n© Price I'-ee
j Hive Store-. Thi* bargain can fio-itiv©
ly never b© duplicated. l'llf.
- • a-t -crap iron wanted for the ca-h
or in exchange for Hardware at H. K.
HICKS' Hardware and Stove Store, tf.
—New -tylei furniture rrctonne-, at
Lyon -V Co -
Wat m t L**r H air Hr.i her —ll i
entirely different from aM other-. It it a
clear *> water, and. ail name indicate-.
i a |>erte<t Vegetable Hair H#torer. It
1 will inimi .lately free the head from the
: dandruff, reatore gray hair to it- natural
color, and pr.iduce a new growth where it
I ha- fallen iff It ib-e- not in any manner
affect the health, wt.i. h Sulphur, Sugar of
I lead, and Nitrate of Silver preparation
have done It will i hange light or faded
' hair in a few day- to a 1-eautiful g1..-v
brown A* k your druggi-t '■ ' it Ka<h
iottle i warranted. Smith, Kline A Co.,
Whole-ale Aginl-, Philadelphia, and
; liall A Kuckel. New York 4 ly.
Lyon A Co. will open a big line of
men'- and boy#' boot# and -hoe-, thi# *'k
Hell-font© Oraia Market.
!' II TI *, ' lu
(VftKlH ##klt I y T R
: WhMil—brnhrl. • - H 1'
J " f|(L • •• . 110
: W V- J 1 •'
(Vr-Mi. 1<nhl
" hIM. i"f tuabaU................. *<•
<*a*. par .... 4ft
Rafl#Jl . I'M hltal, TJf W*fbt..
Kja • <
filler fte#-|, Jf JatflM
F1 nr. nh< 0" M I . R- IWr 0 00
** pr*nrlt. " .... 1 Tft
remand, par ton .. • 00
Provtaion Market.
Ciifr-tW w**klj l y 11-rper Brother-.
par pound .. .. m.— 10
pr |*>nixi. 10
IMM Mf '4rt U
Frwh boltar par p-nnd .. :*i
0*l< kDI paf prttlQil *•
J>f )'
(Vmntry h*m ppf IT
llam*,■igr lO
UH ppr {wtant|„ tM ,„... M ,. H , Ift
*#*• pffloF 2-''
P'-tat-** f*r I'tMhfl.. !*'
priMl !•♦(....„ w 1*
I RIG Kill of Jr-fph I). Tl<-nria. la Ihf
Ofrt off* catax-a PlfM of CMtlv rootT, to tka rmOft*
l"f af JoMph l, Tftt mM Notlra i* Mtuftf fflvan.
that an application will !w mad* on thp hmnh Mow
day of April n*at to lb Coarl of n Hni of
fralr# onty, for tha rliw fai|ra of Iaa< Milrhall aa
aaatfoo© Ar _ and for th* diwharp* of hia aaratiat on
hi* fOftal h-4, and for lit# mount#*aar* to lb# aaM
Joacph f f#f Iha raalda* Of mrntf natat#
and that a dnrm# will U#ti !-# ntada aorvrdtaf to ih*
prayar of tha patlti*<nar. anlaaa nana# .h nto tha
contrary. J O. It AItPRR
.'V ilvdo.il, m4il Iw llw OrSiim'
evert *( (V-ir- i—li In ewk. iUwril.ii k— g th.
fend in th* k-nd- nf lUm.I fr-nk. nr*iitn( Miem
t-JT of the M.I. of otirl.il-- <1 nun ley, will -tt—d n
llw it.tie. of kl- -m-l-ln-tt -I hi. idk- In lt.lt*
f.te en Prtd-y, th. 9Mh ita,* of Afrd). A. D, IMU. t
tee nVlnrk. i >, aim -nd where -II p-rfkw lt*r.t
nd <wn -It.nd If tk-i preywr
U N It. r. ro*T*KT. Andtter
-PulU rmulo In your own in".tiro for
j1 'j Wi. I,'are. your or'irrg to-tiny.
MoWTooMicnr Co., Tailor*.
Mew A<l ri rt iht ut t it in.
I>Y virtue c>f Hungry writn of Fieri
Iy i i
pit ot tits Cotfl of f .rof/,'.,. p.. i§ f
. "iiiity. and t/i m*- lir** l"l. thi*r* il' (
j'Ul.lic aal# In th# 1 **nrt II- um,, in fUllaf' Kt*. on
SivturcJfty, April 21, A It. 1803,
at I o*rtr"k. I' M . th* filo|njt .ja*riU'| ihi)
ftt of Hi* lffli<l*Dlr to ait
v., W
A I thoa# " rtair, in* a* "/ * t'i..rnnt* ar. l tia/ ta '
, I an'l aitual* In hr*rjf afi'l Mil**a t"tini|a, < ft,io
.onnty Fa., I- iinJf#J ari'll** , laf i) #. t.• •
tin if. K at a a tor* tin W r aiot/jf Uni of |ia%nl H<y
1 and CJhriatian llo.it/ rmlt ; **. ft Ij 4 -I'| *#-r /1, • .
t > a ' >fi" t b#fi' ■ alo. ,y *i.<; f aaid ' II t/ aml
, |Vt*f h llf.fUltff , .Itli fl ? J Jiff h # 'o a
l hail' 11 'MI I i iO jiff' t. t a t- • • •) t ' . •. >
♦J, at 21 j-rr ' - ' • ' '
I t I*-!' h • ' . f.)f 4
! lra* t of lot Ki • • . '.r* / • r.♦ j. *1
I p KillijC thf a)-"'f '..fill • 1 f lan! ' f-filitJifif
at a atom- ti. 1.l •• a!' San ' /w.. -| |• *r . r*t •
|tf|f||l I// il'dlf th#i- ' ■ f 'i, ' * , t4| |4*t If t
lII# |.la# of h ifin. it i*. o i.Uihir/ *. jitrli.-*, •!
all"afi** A! - ''.*•! tra* t ,r itof g- ond tt
{ oat# in tir+KK t**nidiip af ',#aail. i"uiKjl ar.-I
f' filte"! a# ! te* t', alt Ihfl'.t lijf at =i - r #r '
hjwl.V lar, i 1 h n*# ai . tin **,. . o*h I
; at ' j.* i' h *to a Ih. • aiofi|r laii r J ■ ' John
A r •..* i. north ' fafi . ! ja-r >. * ait- |.- th n- #
; rwrth /.j a.-at <Jpc■ h- t 4 M •... tl.. ? *■ f",ti, •"
*• ft 1 j• r h • t ' a* J- • f 'i,!. • fita
".jf • I a l. t 111* afOt- t.' r < .-rw f. . a # and of •
half *? I",' i/ •> 1.. i . , .tt,# i t i-n
* t#k-, Il •t< - It*' Tl t ' . -J *• ti.- J •
:• 11 % f J Ml
Hu. n
All 'I .♦ .tain Ii of , i ntuf# th# U*r.*n;li
' |l* ti#f. nt* ' • nti. ■ . t F* ,r.|f rtf k . l
joinll.fr thf "Id lab *afd f'.III* ' v ' f Itof/.-rt lialff.
and ' riptiMii|r 'o* <p:arl#'V f an * r* t.a th ,.r>..
Uiof- I |.-a it l*ff!K th# aa" I-A • f |flonnd tph.'li
I rat. ktin It l*ifiith a- \ hi* *.'• . ti,<ird*i dat. 1
I lli* *t♦ da* <f JiiJi | . f rh 1 • - >u ! *■ yi* J 1
John hwnh*n • ■ii .- - ■ • . •.* .
' ' t.tff r un in !.- I IP" i I j . * A an ) J hn
lahlmft la* <n• die ifilMtl '■' lb# mh *a *• mtk*#**dl
to —ld Qmfg* A ha. a. : th* h f•* i.! i •
UinUrt 'lf'MfJ t * <ji#-d datf i vtt. | *w#tn
•*-. IV," an l i* ■ |h. , II j.*?*- j' i
l<thof Matcl p fd| It !<#•) Boidi
II N, t<a* J> an. I.'- < I Jut.' Mid t*-
< .' !• !in X •#-#I Ht/ik II ' _ (m.•' J' . a* I-* r *r•
* |hrto trill ■or* ft f *W*r ■ •.*•
#k- it t, an t-i- # m> • J j#fM . f !#. 'i, A
N -
A Ikt rt|bt, ■ •'• itt || and
t a I t. at |.h tot if) •I• * ' and fit ?• BH| rjf.^
• * tr* ratntv, F* A
lar . f ll'tin itr *.• /1 " * U i* *,♦ It.,*•
/ Kin- or, ti . ,*: Mm. . ' J ♦.<; F Fori hail
ltd Otoff* ViletiUiM hj vi Buf Johft
i urt • ai !J) .) 11 Vi- * • . th* a*t I y
)%., lt- fti f f*tat f M S M tf, d*#>a**d
ntairc.jr - a and 2 j*-./)**-, n, •# jtaa
th'r* ♦••'t'-'l a ta ! ?. 'rat'i' '*a ' g I ii#a
• a.'afh - t;r t I * a* a 'ran. •
# i, .* f * a ! ar.t
\ .! t, < ritfl ' !ftft ft; f dafanu
Ml 1 ft 'ftt Bftl .. 'a:4
a I ft*' ftprltg t a f I P C 1 I II" I * J la fen *1
• .i i.'- 'a . > '# ...raw*
I*BB kit Bg Were i wattad ainl —oil o>l ?.•
► hi ti.# . fht. t.t . at, : t.r.*t f .'f#.,4afct !a
gad I * ' '.ft t opftftll j • } • ifelh I 4 ftitra
. . i itirtad Vitb M \ Elglß
' Ir r> Wora. ir>' StidiT.c a.I th# tend* Jr< ar,t way rot*
k ... *.^. # '.
808 v * . -.'ft ft • • ' ■ 'ft
right. Uth f'-th'.a
B ft Itißt •••.*• War* fgi l • MM* ir, tß*
I • t,gh of M *' tiff <*-tr. .t.t' J. Ff*titir.|
I Wfelarai *■••• #• • I VI at
tt. ' Fib kII •## |t i-rt\ i • k th#r i f**iftda
two *t*fj w# MOM h4
A •# * fht t.t hi ' . f#n lan? a
Ifed to B " ft' • t • J'• fgf BM-ft?' N"a
!.*• hi. fMi '*? ■-.rg . ♦ .tr# ' only Fa a t. ?g
I • ■ a • a J
a ■ ftlfwfc • * Uhu.*- d**ilife| ) t.
Aft ail t). r ? ? ' < ai d tr t#-r#t f :#!• art
i lid ti a .tr at ortaln 1 ? • j m # 'gr andrttHf
ir. It.# t.'f -Uf!' flk 'rt' li •* T>*r r.f II .|B
II . .*• •• . id
batitd th#r# n #'•"!-f at #t r> . line i*wim
*#.?#* tak 'r* .5. * h* *oM aa th* j•*
j 'l* of A •' . ' ...t.r
ft- '
A!< t' a* *rlaJri rn'-ft*. #„• trr.#w#t and tf t iar.'t
hituat# It, lift r • t n#h j,i ' r t.<• ' libty. Pwnri
tatna, and d**.rtt'*~l •• < Hoara t w.t t
it.# #ftat t<y lard of 1a.,! Wartr# or, th# ** nth >■
Und < f lam#l W>**#f,f.r th# a#t ty land of 1
Maolt#r a*, on tb# t >n I . U. i • f ?#n r*- Bright
i.taJjii. t th**-# ft* r**. tr, . < r !*#• 7 ) r' -f #t-'t.*d
• frmm# d#!i,ng hn# i i-art, arid .U.#r at l u.U
fA#ir*-l tak#n In #ltit ar i t- w.ld aft
tl j: j-ttt f Mary iH-nk.
\ U
A i th# r ifjht. tit I# and mt#-r—t of ddftodafet in *I!
ttuit <-rUk.ri rr.oft**.ftft - - t. . ..,r t and tr*'t of land
MtMl "g-': ft law. (ha
Iftf. f#-ft a, V if'Sitjd'M r : tl,' .• f 1 1, t r ih V <-f t|#
h,r f Ji' ' Why. on th# #■ th ly land# of John
KJ.inberr'r • n th# *-at I lat-da of W'jJUari, lii l.r
ar.d on th# **t > * land# ' iiiam l<> )#t and
k><#> ronißibtng Ik. hull ir#-d raft n# -tr -if l*-a
Ai# ail that #*tait< n*#riai-f ?n'tT.f..t and trart
of land wttiat* it, hwfe M # t wn*hi|> r#t tr# rvaintj.
Fa t*ot}nd*d and daatntwd a t !> •* %i-,
at a* n .nk th#r* * |.y lav d•' W , lain Faird. *ouh
at bB
fr • th# ti ribwfwt ad f Fifth tro#t in hn-
t" hi 4 t wnahir n Of.t*# out* *f
atr#t. *ty f#*d and • i'w4it c r, tha•■•?
fll '
I ft I Mr**t t *I, I.#! f.-*t iw ' mari'-i on
jar. fhr. -li ># 1 t# N ft ■ lak'n
T> * a. 1 I uridine in .to! on ait ?
g* -and #i?ugt# in th# t ri ; <-f W*lk#f.
,t*. R.i r h'.oi, i*~l n th* north Ij a j
fTTTT- Bl feg i- # : I• 1 ■ f thf l*lt*r L. 1
Ir t.g n th* pub ■ tua-l * t# t t v 4 f*#t ai* in
. h*a fa t-f th# at th# vdth f th* fmtitipf #tt#nd
e *o,jih 1 . if I" f##t fr.t,t ' it* ruling w**t l**mg
Ui #nct' 1, angla 1 f#rt at-i 14 f*H B*m# : t*fe#^B
r rfth#T W
So l't
All that .'Ttain n,#aanac* t#n*n ** t an-I I'd of Und
• tnat# in 11am#* iewnahlp. Cffetr#
• nn lo'l and daw nt*d •• f..110* • t *it Hi th#*at
■* Und of Tkfekid fjiarr* n th# a. th by land# of
|*ar.i*l Mur, on th# '*t I t lard of li ' t •*M*aith
at lon th# wTth 1 y lar 5 f <*fir£* la'k. ntaminf
a TV. m*r#or !#*• th#r# n Mirtid a d*#liing Hon*#,
• tab)* and otl* owl V r*d takft-#, in#-
mnt ion ad to !►# aoil a* th# pripirly "f J,**fh K- n
and Mary Kn
Tf.rm* CA.ii —N" 'lil will lx- ftrbrtuwl
, w-tgwd until th# j r*haa# r#"tiM ia jwid In full
T .1 Dt S KKL. hhorlT.
?h#rifl"a IWlUfcwt*. Ta., Aj rll \ )<►■ ..
VOTK'K i* hereby given that the
* • vtwg MNMtI !• WM km II ♦'•••* !•* • •
tiofift f'r I r*a* tn th* ofh.# -f th# <"A. > *t th#
<vnt of t#w*rl ()w<l#t .d th' |w '• in und
b.f I'Hitr# •' nntt. and that afpl*oat * will t mad*
at tb#ii-*t b"*#rn f an-! (".iitft I it # era* .f
th# MM' '
f V \ I, hmati . Tavr. Mhl t#* lb-.
[. W It T'ht .I- .. . "
i rr. M M,D#O d.. *♦ t
f Iati.#l *arwan d--
t. Rtnar.ii* iB- *ft ''
n lloaard 4 M■*)*an
T Jwo Andrrarm . Ka'tnc llonar t
t I'twl ftolltn# tut,n *o
S Fr*o k n,,h Hnfe* ¥■ <i.
% Jw< iUnd*t< . Tarftt* ... 11l ' fidatn; |Wro.
f, J** Pa*#Tp rr
r, h f\ Bom .1.. U
a Jwn A M 1* A,
ft* 1 ward ryl* *)" ... rt d
♦, Bh#♦**•
J. I! <Vhi?fc d.. p. t t..f to* T.'h-;
• I) J M#y** b do
. ft. II Bnbl d.. ... . a J..
, W .* IC*h ~.. Whotmai#. V*h<tijw)4ig P *
( C A faiilkn#-' d* I • .
* BHfel. T Fmin Ta**#r Vi?ih#in U-o
j llwri B it* do Walk*, h.anfth p.
m <!** MiU#t do tr*rc "*
t , Jfhft. II WW" do do .*'
Jn* Ki#<kW#f do .Tonn -to
p JMft*y llay** rb Bwrh d
K A X"!an . .. <io Bw> M* * W**#hp.
p hmr mtb#fitr do do d* A,
John t). I'r.ftr , im . do „ m .„, do dt ,'i
Jno J !uian#y dn ik< A d*
Martin llaUy ...... Baling h h dp
darnwf tfl yrf .„ to d-. do do >U,
T. F M>y#r Tanti ~..HUh twaMy.
!l#nry (1 f Hall#* do —...Hiife do
AIM# t .
. thdUkh 11wag.... . . do thtnig d*.
D H.Utb*t„„.„ Uatrnc llnw* Fatf- t, tnamkiji.
Jgnot* CboAw. „ wn ,fkw Howard k,**,
J. A I.UiftgatfHi do .... t.mhi|.
1 John Frlldfe ~ t*ai<nc ll,* L du
Itrtlff .|o . . Woftk A.
J e. lIABPCR, dark