uhc Crnfrf jaDmocrat. UELLEFONTE, FA Why Hearts Break A Matter-of-Fact So lution of Sentimental Problems "A healthy man or woman does not ilia ot n broken heart," a well known physician r>ni sical health "It is erroneous to suppose that death by heart disease is H|AHV* sudden. It is very commonly | lotnn-ted lor year end exist" Ulldetieled > \ llltl.-! ►k i! 111 ' physicians only to be developed by some sudden occurrence. I here was an eminent physician of Brooklyn, in active practice, who died within an hotir of a time when he was about to lecture. Ho was so we'd that, after examination by skillet! physicians of a first class in snrance company, ho was declared to be perfectly sound and a policy for $lO,OOO insurance on his life reached hi* home before his body was cold. I lie cause of his death was a mystery until the nost mortem examination by I'r. •loltn "i. Johnson, of Brooklyn, showed that a little pieco of chalky deposit in the heart had become loosened and formed an embolism. Ihe man had simply taken some specimens out of his desk and he died in his chair without any excitement or undue effort. Any little excitement might have done it. The exertion of grief might have done it and then his death would have been cited as that from broken heart. "So-called deaths frotu broken hearts may be frequently traced in this way. i 'no exertion as well as another may furnish the rcptisit culmination. Medi cal books are filled with instance* of death by heart di*e**e during the per forntance of pleasurable natural func tion*. When a man i* nearly dead it i* easy to put on him the finishing stroke, but it is inaccurate to give the finish ing stroke all the blame of his dealt. When a woman loses her husband or a girl lose* her lover and by nervous ex haustion, loss of sleep, lack nl nourish ment, nnd grief weak-in the action of her heart, she i- said to die 1 n. broke heart, but she has in fact died '•( a very ordinary disease. "The case of l'lll Poole, living days with a bail in b.s heart, is ofteu spoken of a remarkable : but lr. Flint records j a case where a ruin bad a hill lit lit* heart twent- years, m l tioi.h die.l of pneumonia. Both these in* n had heal thy heart*, and could wot h tve had them broken by grie'. 'let, in fact uiore men than women die < t heart dis ea*e. Ml of .ixty-noe observe I case* tlurlv.seven were males. Another re cord showed seventeen males out of twenty.four rases. Another record showed th it in s xty two roe, ot rtip litre of the heart there was fatly degen eration existing. I 'ne observer recorded seventeen cases out of twenty-four where the heart was ruptured and where fatty degeneration existed. In other words when fat is substituted for nuicle, the organ i* easily broken. If any of these diseased people had been subjected to sudden grief they might have furnished illustrations of heart breaking. ' >ne • medical observer records 100 cases of rupture of the heart where there was no grief to aecount for it. fn fact, grief is a very rare cause of heart breaking. "Oisease is the real cause of heart breaking, and the vatious kinds of dis ease which lead to it are so many that volumes would he necessary to describe them. The cause of these diseases are manifold and are very much under the control of the individual. There are.of course, hereditary tendencies to heart disease; hut aside from traumatic causes these tendencies may exist for years without fatal result. "It is a curious fact that the least \ dangerous heart disease often creates j the most apprehension. Frequently pa tienta who have only a functional or curable disorder will not be persuaded tliatcalamity does not impend, although there may be no real danger. uded ('hand ler doggedly, "that you tire in a big hurry " "See here,'' said hi* visitor, who wn* not the kind of a matt to put up with insolence, "If you don't unsay that ami ajKjlogize for it now, on the spot, I will give you the best thrashing you ever had in your life, right here in the pri-sence of your chief clerk !" And ('handler on the spot backed down, apologized profusely, and hand- ed over the money. Cnriostie* In Claims -1 -l <*? Vrt\h /|i . / thr TV- • 'I - M' ' ' I.'-' /.' -i! . Old claims are stored away in lie' room of the house committee on claims a- thickly a- corpse* in iVre la <'hai-e. There are no less than two thousand of them now resting on mouldings, or | sticking there. ?-.m; two or thru- J hundred were favorably reputed up on at the late .-• -sion, hut of tin imt , j more than twenty were acted up>n by the house. The largest claim eoitsid" j •■red by the committee was Hen Hal liday's. now some twenty years of age, and g'MKI for halt a million if it ever j makes all the eoiitteetians. It wa* favorably reported on hv both liou-es of the XLVth congress; but back it goes to be introduced over again, and again to be worked out of the com mittees. The ironclad "extra"' claims are larger, but they, though before the committee, were not touched by it dur ing the entire session of the late con gress. The Myra Clark (laines casts is one of the old ones. The cotton dealers'claims, one of which wa* re ported favorably late in the session* involve large sums of money, and have come to he classed with the slow ease*. ; There were many claims for relief front postmasters in ea-es where p•, mi } •> per , lay, or ?P* per year, still exhibit their savings in their increased stock and im provements on their farm*. , I Ihe plea that great speculators, ab , aorbers of the product, are savers of ; | what Uleirers would ollierwise s |usn der, is not good. The great s| isolators are great squanderers : at, I, .f :l W nce"-;ty that these mono|)lits exist if great public works would r-ot exist without them t is fortunate they are , spendthrift* and not a lot of misers, I elss tlieir vast hoard* would soon en dinger society. That tli" agricultural and labor inter e*ts are the great saVer* of ncciitiiul > j tion is further proved t,y the fact that when the end of speculation i" reached and revulinn and settling day arrive, j and the speculators as well ns others ' ar" forced to rigid economy, prosperity li* again reached through the product* of the farm, and the hard work of the farmer, without a single possible con tribution of the banker, the trader or speculator, excepting always their forced and reluctant economy." These figure* also prove that the only result of violently forcing matket* into false channel* by granting protecting subsoil,-* to favored interest*, i the en ' rolling of a lew thousand people at the expense of as many millions : the building up of combinations of pro tected and favored interest*, which use their power to dictate lower wage*, and the fostering of extravagant and luxri on* living, which is constantly tending to divide society into classe*, with a wide gulf between the two extremes The plpa that protection beyond rev enue saves or benefit* American lalmr i as false and ridirulou*, a* was the plea that slavery was right because it was profitable to the slave owner. The Southern slave did not wear • chain ; slavery wa* only the appropriation by a class of nil the fruits of labor under "due procea* of law, ' and without any legal remedy for the poor victim, who could neither fight nor run away. So all special claas legislation is of the same character and for the aarne pur pose. N. KEKVK, W ASIII voToi), March 24. 0- mm $500,000 Worth of Chicken*. A ii Al.r ni iiixi. or wo*r.v PAID M A it air in *n r. I. or TTKM*. A,my sad Nr Journal. Governor Eli Murray, of I'tah, tell* tbi* excellent story : I never shall for * get the amount of money it coat us to j * keep an old woman from crying herself I to death. Gf course we were obliged to I *ub*it off the country a* we went along, , and we naturally took the best in sight. bine day ire took possession of a chicken , ranch kept by an old lady, who stood at * the gate with a broom and threatened r to lick all of Sherman'a forces if Ibey i r did not more an. Now chicken* were r J considered officers' meat, and aa we were infernally hungry we went for ) those hen* pretty lively. W hen she i saw that her favorite fowl* were being < caught and killed she keeled right over | and began to cry. I'resenlly *be began I to scream, and finally you could bear that, woman'* voice clear to Atlanta, i I sent the surgeon* in to quiet her, hut i they failed, and then the officer* took i turn*, I>iit the more attention paid lior i the more she howled. 1 then got pret- | ty nervous over the infernal noise, t e cause the whole army would hear it, and , they might HUppose Homebody was tor luring the woman. Finally Sherman rode up and asked what it was all about. When we told him he said : "Give her a bushel of Confederate bonds for her hen* and see if that won't stop her." Acting on this hint, I proceeded to business. We bad captured a ''on federate train the day before with .*!, (KKMXxt of Confederate money and I hunted up the train at once. The mon ey was worth about two cents on tlie dollar. Well, I Hluflvd about half a million dollars into an old carpetsack and marched into the house, "Madam.'' said I, opening the sack, "I'll give you to . •>, • ,r i the 1 >t. Great as his *ur| r.*e bad been.it wa doubly so when hi ey,-. fell upon lh<- form of an infant, apparently 'ever*! weeks old, eti I lie 1 up arm in g the blank els. from who ii it p" ped out w th < V e* dilated by astonishment and fear. The little stranger wa> carefully lifted from hi* uncertain bed and placed in the skt'V. the cradle which ha 1 sheltered it being forgotten in the excitement ind left to pur*ue it* lonely vurnev toward the l ather of Water*. The child ** comfortable dressed inw iddlingcfidhet having a long tl.inr.el gown arapped alwiut hi* little shape. It had evident !v been l>orii of ' poor but rsj ectatde parent" but a* to elm thev were or where thev lived not the slightest clew could be found. The baby was taken home bv Mr. Gl xer on 1 comfortably provided for. whore it W 11 bo k<>j - r ill it* parent* claim it. Tlie supposit,n i that the ! 11 le stranger f!Aate,| down from this citv. its home being swept w.,v 1 v the break ing of the ,lam at the cut-nff. It will be remembered that a era lie containing an infant wa seen to float past < i*y street early in the evening of the day following, and. although efforts were made to capture it. they prove,! fruit less. Meanwhile the little Moses will remain at hi* new found home until the proper owners claim him /. --TV i, nTfr A Hungarian Tragedy. Tn* TKRRint.c urst IT* or A I nnr\ lOR- < TI sr.. A peculiar sad and shoe-king domestic tragedy is reported from the town of lUtyn, in Hungary. The keeper of a crossing on the Fast Hungarian railway near that town happened to win a few day* ago some hundreds of florins in a lottery. The poor fellow, who had never seen such a large sum of money in hi* life, took the bank note* home and amused himself in turning them | over, forming plan upon plan for their disposal. All at once a train was sig nailed, and he rushed to hi* post, leav ing the precinu* roll behind him. A* 111 luck would have it, hi* little daugh ter was playing in the room at the time. Struck by the peculiar appear ance of the note*, having rarely if ever seen one before, and not knowing any j thing whatever of their value, she pro j ooeded to ue them as a plaything, and presently flung them into the fire, where tbey were burned toashe*. duet then the father returned, missed tlie note* and learned what had become of them. In hi* fury he struck the child a violent blow which stretched her life le* on the floor. The mother who wa* giving a bath in an adjoining room to her second child, an infant, ruabed in on hearing the disturbance, picked up the little girl and tried to restore her to consciousness. Her efforts were vain ; the child wa* deed. She flew to the bath in which the had left the in fant. Another shock awaited her the child was drowned in it* hath. The childlesa mother, distracted and ilea. ] pcrale, rushed out of the house and - hanged herself on the branch of a tree. Jj The wretched father, overwhelmed with misfortune hi* fortune gone, his wife and children gone seized a revolver ' and put an end to his existence. The nrtistic completeness of t|ii* tragedy i. gives it a certain HIT of unreality, hut * the Hungarian journals vouch for the exact truth of these details. \ Long rilgrlmiigc I TIIAT i" TO nr ATTRMHRII HITII I-I ar JUII.M its I.v ! The pilgrimage of Knights Templar • of the I nited Stales, which will be made i 1 to the Pacific coast in August next, promises to b an affair of magnitude Great preparations for the journey have been made by the Templar* of several Faster, cities, and large de'egations / will leave New Y rallying point for the Knight*from Yer , rnont, Connecticut arid the 1 istcrn State* generally, and near lno have a) } read\ ~i ranged for accommodat on* on " lh" liiji. It is believed that a | arty of • not less than b'Siwill leave New York the first week in August. 'I hi* | arty will t.e at sent a month, yet tin- ,-xj < n ' ses of eaefi in• m! t r will Ir' x< lat onlv ' *2.50. ' , From Philadelphia what I* called "111,- San Francisco ( ut, of Templars W. 1 consist of about 4'" l Knights with ladies. Tbi* party i coiii|', < lof Phil , dalpbit Templar*, AND those from ad- . ( CENT towns and F,lu- I 'M- jartv under the OIIS| I, ~ OF Mary ( ',.mman d ry. No. ;■ , will c,r. tof I'hiladt 1 , ph-1 alor.e L'r, |-Rat •TU for the L'hila I<-1 phia EX cut ;on hA VE t R,-n in PROGRESS for over two years, and the |ASt V. like T tiiat from New York . will be absent -A. out A month. The entire EXPENSE from PIT 1 id, L|-h a. includ r.g tr ,II"| or tat. on. >;•••( tig c,r. jt,-.lence ipon the road, hotel arromm Ist fit S at -sn 1 ran, •• O for a week and in IS;C while ' here, have been !i ,< • i at ? si, „(,<) I more than half the sum n,de,| . AL r, civ on depo.it II a nt fund I I-S Mary Command, ry | .rtv WILL have a special tra n of < ight Pullman sleepers. The Wa*l,ington and I iltunore Temp lar- have combined, and will MAKE one large jar', IT,* | artv has , ngaged Wagner sleeper*. n L W II be at-sent Ive or six wc,-k. The programme U varcd ami .Utrei.v,., and aliut Knight, w.th lel e- w .1 go with TH" party IheC -T of th S tiij, will fie • .'"SI < AEH 1 re;N Wilmington. L',la warc, a select | >R TY WDL p . n A Pullman car, chit ter, -J for -ts • J . ■-*] accommo dation. I I ' .nrinnati commander > Will send lodge ut TEN dai s. | 1,, r<- N ,1) T.E numerous *ep crate exrur-ions among ttn- wonder* of the West, THRONG I the >-ierr,S to the Yosrnitle \ nllev. and whatever | .R.t, of interest inn most attract the sight • eer-. Jhe pilgrimage I- < xpected to L.e one of the most notable in the an nals of Mnerirnn commanderie*. NNR . F thrrtimrm ruts. MOV FY I'OK" t u pfrct. HV TtIKWtTCAI. LIVK IMStR AM K CO of NKW \oRK, -r flr*t h fim*. < < Irnjf' farm vln •nnta n<4 I*** th*n f. * • rtil tof fi'iu-litig .n* MM of talof t J f -F-OT. ANY FWFLLOTI T>AVIT) KL.!!F K. CO.'A A|>}>'AlR, IM'SH norsK, I > RKI.t.r.VnNTK fA , KAtiHo an l altiffla cntl'm*u, a* *■-)| as tha pe-tr arai travfllm anl r -mmovviat A tp loHtod to thi# fiml/lM 11-.tvl, thajr ill fiol i, {aifnfori* at r-a DAJ.IA raff*. rodorth mt* Jnnmoft antf ofhora atUntliaf OFMTRL. W. II TKI.I.KIL, PROF.'R ,n 1 " ,,f twn T'rmt ao'l I"' ntn dOO At itf-a A>l'!r*"* II II Al l KTT M•i) . P n IM4, Main l ty | JI Qilleipie Tool Company, I PHtsbwrjj. Pa.. K Nloiiiif:i<-tnr*rs rif l\ Jtrti/intf Mirhmmi ,f- Toolt, % OiI, C.W*,A Water Wells AHDK RKXN.'VI.V ANIA ILRTL.T.RK HIVLL II , FWSTVAT IT , K MA, I R ' It. th* nNtttff. 13 *• [TIIECKEAM CK All, BOOKS! OF AD V2WTURE. PIONEER A ATTt DARING , HEROES AiUJ DEEDS. I T>e tT,rtlllr*4*e*t*s ef sit lbs h*ru aD fnx.LL.R S*T,Lr NIB ttetlsas, eallaas a*,L WTW J I BEAST-, on, ooi HSMI lbs OSUIIMI NAN to IK. |.R-soewt, IJ*es awt la *>,.*• .TPICWU R ' It* S-.l", lot Suit., SSandtsh, IWOA*. Kr*to. B-sdyt Oorl'H. Ik. *O*. ttnstan. < sr •-*, Cnstw, Oallk " M W ,1.1 Rill. Rnltalo Mil. U*TW Miles sn.L rrwnk.. . (rest In At* n Cklts *>MI orsm •( "UIWS GORGE ' OUBL V ILLUSTRATED UK IT* Hn. ..SR., I„R- fa, > Ik* Ills AGENTS WANTED, u- ,-fW.t AND Issti iuilS| to *4l, • Cn STANIIAUU MmtK rkit*d.lpfcla. Pa. * * N Nrvt Aih rrtim-m, t fn. | >i;nnkviaama STATE COLLEGE. term r.gint April A iHli 1 Till. X.1.K11l . I. .| ~ I f.jl 1..-alllifnl .|.t. I i„. m.lii. A i to u ... ...ii. lU , . WVlllg < MUVM I. A Full ~uf .f \ tr V< r A A • fullualuv I'M HI.. II K>. ',t|> . ..... •art, |..l|.,ia,u( 11.. ttrl I— ... ' 11.. 1.1 i.l I. I.AI.HK I l/l I 111 II NAT I lIA I. 111/lOKt ' I Ili nn-THV AM.NM-H . , CM 11. I K.IM I HIS,, 1 A •!. M HI/ IA I." HI li I!■, A,, i A •. .! HVM IA 1.1 |JI ISA K 11. I ||. i .i.t, J. A f'l*atrl A1.,1 A. j.-IAI . |*|.| ,|.| . , , MIIMM7 drill I. |A|, .. # I , , -i . ,■ .1 al.-l . a • •it* - hut it* H |>lli> ' PILES' J'JLI S ' a si'uk ' riti: i SE M.I.D Si El EH A •'*'* ' uf. Ii I! ■ I; .. ~ |t • g „,.| | f.i. I I'll.. i.. , . I*. U.11i..,, luli.ii , .m W,. in •I < i.i , , A lIB|M I * IMI f • • • .* •*' f, i, )■ * ;i. a. • r—t* itM s 1 ' • ii.• i|* to; . • . • i '• tiaiUi t toll , • J \\ iil.Mttl *hh'< •I. ! • r f f,#- t , ~ '* * * ' •*' ' L ft.', | , . I„. . t j *'• • • AJ- , t • , •< 11 * II I J M I. • i.t.i.ua lln Ml .1 . . .1.. . • I |.,„ I . . ... •I. 1... (.liuu. !■> ) 11..1 1 1.11.1. , I I -Mil e u, 1. M ... t. IMBMOtoU uml naaiM ul I.lbi w UUmi • Ifi : .toft il Ithhtil If I> *ll dru., |."i'< i: * IJ I.N ii 'i A* < ■/., J'rniit. •'I >T ' - 1'" I "I s. I ..II NOW 13 YOUR TIME. Got two Weekly Newspapers for the Pi ice of One. And the Hi HI Inlur.iJ Daily at Ilc ducod Rati j*. li.. nii*-ii|,i n |ri | 11.. Mum I'.iAioi . II • i'< aui.'ii, ..I .... 11.. .-all. , 11.. Hilt;) I*.. h | |: , S, s . ' i . a I 7 .. i I-,, i fi-l{ , | a , - i„ . s , .. ~,|„ wilt.',i li.lto MIIIII I'liki iit * . | r p} t-rr ■ T!. ut' 11 s 1 b |l , lit. I . ' T I',Hurt I f ■ ■ . . ibit I ' n a* * > 1 i • t ... jf, t >i It |.i |..M i.... • • ... ti„. lull 1 I irtKll 1it.1,1 ! ~ . ~.M "1..1 II • l.tl.lll' .i'l ll. |i,1....f . J.,, ||, i I,|. MMI M."l . 1f... I, l'.l •" I'l • I*l • 'alt ~| l-.l I . al.t ■ • til, ■ dla. A. |*ATI.I 'T II ll! I-111 S■. • MTAM . / M* ia* l.' *.. i, I i , it, ~ t g la WANTED! 7- r# M f. !to to to!tofj V* ■ ,i*to Hi • ill to tf 14* . ♦ .. I. iftl to 4 tik* mm* •.i, j.- > Ml li, , -d |.n - I H I • ' . Tl# r? toto. >,!' i I'! i * 11 i. P* >t, tUB } ... fcf n n rn I • mm N ritok A• • ti , c a. . u.i ■ • fM H M r.. * • % tfiaktr g f •Mutt** latodM'to i >, If•IIn fi * ||, j, Mil i U>t %i <1 fir;* mtk# gftoto.: j i ■>. f * \ tnt •'• • • t 1 nnf ( fJ. toft, tot. t ft. ,Hi 4 I'-n to' Vttof.. | i i i. I hkih;l:H K 'l Repairer of Sewing Machines. P.KI,I.KMMi r\ ■ ' nil# r ,!. it. Mt 11* it* I i • n Inn, ufh jPm\*rr* !- ' 'y • '*/ llnntHcm* {it/■#/.%, HA UN KSS MAN fFA OTC HI V • • : I Ml. • V • • I'.iml , KKLI.KP M I I A My 1/ P. rlair 9 1 • jkUKi.rw. ••T f|, 1 . .*u Ac. All - fk :<*!!• It* 1 U| At!♦*.,% totr*t, nt>ltt' ■•* l -7 > N • ft. Iti* k rti<'f fioii Z All lh- ViMfUH I'Mn 1 rr#*- 5 rrlptloßt *l*4 k'n 1 l; i—* • jr Tnm'.M' Mo l ito'o.Ai Ac, £ < * 4lf t C N( *fto. I'" • | ' ■ • ll • 4 to ll r. NATIONAL HANK OF I HKM.Kro.VTI . Alltofkfrit ktrtol. IMlflntit*, P 4-lt Mi*r 4Ua pi* *him r |MIK ( KNTRK DKMOCItAT BOOK and JOB OFFICE allkcjhkny STHEKT. IMILLKFoNTK. V.\ , |H HOW OPPKHINM MEAT IN or (KMK NT X TO TW|BUI*O M**TCXAM Plain or Fancy IVinlinir. * Wb h\p unutiiAl f*iliU- l*r |.rintiiii( LAW IMMK>, PAM PIILRTN, CATALIKiI'Kto, I'H(MOtA.M VKS, ST/ TKM KNTS, CI KCt'LA KS, HILL lIKAIis. NOTK lIKAKS. It 17WIN KSS CAKIIS, ' INVITATION C'AKDS, CAHTKS UK VISITK. CARDS ON KNVKLOPKS AND ALL KINDS OF BLANKS, BBjrordfir* by tnntl will ri*i* |