Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 29, 1883, Image 8

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    ®he tCrntrr democrat. 1
Thurtdav Horning, March 29,1883.
Ci-.)<cnM'i..''inUlrilnKlm|Hirti)l iiw*.>*lliH ,
•a from mny pert of the counly. So comamnlcsltMis j
mi-ilt-l vi u |o KW vim p*n IMI iy tin'real tiaus* of Hit.
Local DepHrtmeut.
Hon. I*. Gephart is at homo.
moved to Howard on Thursday.
—Tho A>o ' speak* of Kov. John Tomlin
son, ol Millhoini, hut means Aaronsburg.
Hon. S T. Shugert, of the DEMOCRAT.
WIO in Harrisburg from Thursday until
Hi* Honor, Judge t'uinmin, of Wil
liamsport, registered Ht thn Brockerhoti
House on Monday.
lr. A. Ilibler, tired of living in rent
ed houses, purchased thn Halo property or, |
Allegheny above Howard street
Live stock generally command* a high J
price at farm sales while implement* se|. I
ilom bring what they arc worth
-Mr Sydney Barefoot it doing hi* level j
l.e-t io divide bia time equally between |
I'niunville friend* and hi- bun..--.
Fill v. two rafi* .-f -i| iaro limber will
he tbmti-d down the tiv.-r thi* spring, the
property of the M---r- Holt, Snow Shoe.
-Mi \V. F iL-wiar a ('" litre county
young man, I* clerk the Worth c, unty,
Mo. circuit court. 11* wi'.l !>•• olge next.
A fall, from a wagon, on Saturday
morning, readied in a broken arm for ;
Ma'ler John (iiven. a tepon of Mr Jno.
—The trouble with the rat last w.-ek
wat unavoidable and likely to happen at .
the best regulated work* during cold ,
—We believe the return of Rev. G. I>
pennepneker, pastor of the Methodist con
gregation, here, give* very general -ali*-
—(ln our 4th page to-day will be found
a striking and intruetive illustration of
tho comtiarative worth of the various
kind* of baking powder* now n the
Kx-Sheriff Hpangler, of Centre Hall
thought a trip to town incomplete without i
calling at the DEMOCRAT office !a*t week
one day, and of course we were gla l to ee
—lf the legislature fails to ) the bill
preventing juries mulcting parte'* whom I
they tind not guilty in part or a.! of the
costs of the prosecution, it will tail to
j.erform a manifest duty.
Little Kdith, "laughter of our larnsvited
friend Mr. Amnion Wolf, late ~f Mile,
township, is visiting relative* her" She
i acknowledgi-d to he one of the mo*t at
tractive children in the world.
—On Saturday Mr Wilbur Harris wait
ed upon "SM persons at the jrnstoffice win
dow, between 7A. M. and 8 R M. Had he
not stopped to Count, the number might
have been swelled to one thouand.
Mr. J. H. Meyers, of Norri*town, at :
one time proprietor of the Busb house,
wa* In town this week He expect* noon I
to move to K">cket,-r, X. Y The Pxvio
< RAT acknowledges the pleasure of a call.
—Mr I'riah Stover, of Henner town- I
ship, succeeds Mr. L. D Shreckengast a*
manager of the Valentine farm, south of
Bellefonte. Mr. Shreckengast move* to the
property of Mr*. 4>*ttl*, near Pleasant
Mr. Isaac Kline, who was employed
by the old Bellefonte Gla-s Company and
now is president of the Window Gia* As
sociation of the Unite) Stat"*, with head
quarters at Pittsburg, viited Bellefonte i
Ka*ter falls on the Sunday alter the I
full moon which follows the vernal equi
ne*. In 1818 it happened on March 22, ;
which is the earliest possible date, and
will not again fall on that date during thi* 1
or the next century.
Mr, 'Rash Williams, of this place,
lately of Dakota, ha* engaged with his
brother, Mr. S. 11. William*, in the paint
ing and papering bu*ine. Our wiry lit
tle friend will find hi* experience in the
Northwest of much use to him in the
transaction of hi* business.
—Thomas M'Dermott, wa* arrested at
Puniutawney, la*t Friday, for theft and
placed in tho town lock-up. There wa* no '
tire in the building and M Dermott either
to escape or keep himself warm made a
fire and was burned to death along with !
the bouse in which lie wa* imprisoned.
Mr. Rash Williams, who had gone te
Montana nut long sgo, returned last week,
thoroughly di*guted with part of tho
west, and determined to *pend the remain
der of bis day* among Centre county
friends. We are glad he did not like it
out there and welcome him back
—Mr Martin H. Haines, of Tyrone, on
Friday last became either a father or
mother, w* do not know which, for our
informant did not know whether the little
one is a boy or girl. As Mr. 11., in the
silent watches of the night, sits and rock,
the wee being, he can sing
Much my rbiM lt ■till nl •|ttml*#r.
Holy M(la kmH thy M.
—The public schools were dismissed on
Wednesday evening until Monday mim
ing neit, out of respect for Ascension
Thursday (yesterdayi and Good Friday
( to-day Watchman. Last Thursday was
not Ascension Day, the celebration of tho
memorahlo day will not occur until forly
days after Ka*ter. Mr. Furey will likely
mix ufi Washington's Birthday and the
fourth of July neat.
mooting of tho stockholders of tho Bald
F.aglo Vallny Railroad Company i* called
j for Tuesday, April 10, 1888, at 12 o'clock,
| M ,at 2!i3 South 4th street, Philadelphia,
| Pa. Flection for President and Directors
' *ame day and place.
MILITARY. —An election of officers to
I succeed Col. Theodore Burchtluld, Lieut.-
Col. D. 11 Hastings and Asst. Adjt. Gen.
D. S. Keller of tho 6th regiment, N. O.
P., was held at Altoona on Friday last.
For Colonel, tho names of Col. Hurch
field, of Altoona, and Maj. S. \V. Davis,
: 'if Kbensburg, were presented. Tho form
er declined to run ami the latter wa*
Col. Hasting*, ('apt. J. S. Garrett and
! ('apt. S. F. Statler were put in nomina
tion, and on tho first ballot ('apt. (iarrott ;
wa* chosen Lieut. Colonel.
For Major, Capt. Amos Mullen and S. j
I F. StHtler ware nominated, tho latter being 1
| elected
The retiring officers had gained a firm j
hold upon tho respoct, good will and
obedience of thwlr commands and their j
' successors are benefited by being permitted j
| to step into shoes that never frequented !
any but tho path ol duty
lIt'iu.KHKUL'K,. NOTE*.— On Saturday I
lt tho remain* ol Mr* Kli/.abeth Mc-
Kean were interred in the old cemetery.
The corpse wa* hrougnt from Look Haven, ,
where she resided since she brought the
remain* of her husband, D. Dobbin*
Mc Kean, from Kenton county, low*, who.
' ten years ago, accidentally hnt hnue|t j
■ while out hunting grouse. About a year !
previous t"> the above named accident,
' they sold their possessions hero and went
1 west with the intention of making that
1 their future home. Tho bereaved friends
have the sympathy of the community.
The deceased was agi-d 66 yoars and a
laughter of Jefferson Sanders. K-q.
Mis* Klorar Kiinger, of Williams
port, is on a visit to her parent*.
Tho entertainment oi the Logan Lit- |
erary -ocietv, on Saturday evening was
well attended, and an excellent treat, a* it
wa* well rendered, and the participant*
deserve praise
Tho annual election of the Sabbath- '
' school wa* held which resulted a* follow-
Supt. Levi Whipp". \**t. Supt. Joseph
K'o.jnger; Librarian, Herbert C'eary •
A*t Librarian, Wm 11. Docker. Secre
tary M;* May Markl* Treasurer, Miss
Clara Hockuian.
A. Michaels, the Nittany valley buck
'ter, i* again confined to hi* room, thi*
time being at Christian Swart*.
Bertha, daughter of Cha*. Har*libarger.
i i vervlow with lyphoi'l fever I'vo.
h quit the service of Mi*<r<. Whilmer
A Spiglenieyer, and will soon commenee
farming on Mr. Whitmer * farm in Buf
falo Valley, Union county. Davy wa* a
jH.puiar ale*riian and his presence Irom
behind the counter will be missed by tho j
j many customers "f that firm.
Mr. Grenoble still continue* to have a
big run of cu*t"m over on the Hill
He expect* to have a new tenant in lin
ing hotel thispring, tho temperance man's
proclamation to the contrary notwith- j
Leonard Rhone, Worthy Grand M*ter
;of tho I' of li wa* seen on our street*
'a-t Saturday. I presume h* wa* on offi- j
;al limine**, a* it w Grange day in our
'ittio city.
F.r.ra Smith, *chool teach'-r anil mu*ic |
instructor, leave* for the wet in a few
week*. High wage* and a better position
are the allurement* that are enticing him
' to the "land of the stranger
Jeie Dunlap and Mis* Alice Neo*o, of i
Farmer* Mills, left thi* week for the
w*t, the later for Illinois.
John Weaver anil Mrs. S. Taylor, have
i bought the properties of James Tyson and
Mr*. Benner, near the em! of Bru*h
S. A. Wood* and Mrs M Woods have
purchased a lot on Church Hill and are
making preparations to build.
Frank Itarick, brother-in-law of your
townsman John F. I'olter, ha* purchased !
a lot on Guinea Hill, and will build thi* )
Geo. A. Hunk intend* building a wagon
| maker shop, which will be operated by
! Mr. Jos. Alters.
Ambrose Haines, tenant on one of the
j Allison Bro's. farms, had the liosa sale of
! the season last Monday, 18th inst. His
horses alone netted him SIOOO. He in
tend* visiting thn we*t this summer, and
if he can suit himself, will buy a farm.
Fun ahead for the boys! The B'hoys
are anticipating a lively time about the
Ist of April, when the constable's aid will
be invoked to dispossess a certain tenant.
They had belter take care or there will be
oweeping and wailing and .omxAing of
George Crawford, after a courtship of
oany yean, has secured a partner in the
person of Miss Mary Fetteroff. George
was a very tidy, tasty and popular young
i oatchelnr, and is to be congratulated on
I his good fortune in having secured MI in
estimable a young lady for a wife.
Mr. Pealor, for many years head clerk
in Maj. Fisher's store at Penn Hal), has en
tered into partnership with J. I). Long, in
the mercantile business. They will carry on
business at the old stand at the end of the
iron bridge. More anon. • •
Bay Tin- most brilliant shade* possible,
on all fabric* are made hy the Diamond
Dyee. Unequalled for brilliancy and du
rability. I (lets.
—Just opened n new liny of httiidsotno
cmbroideriua at Lyon A Co'*.
\V. I'. Brown A Co. IIMVO sucoooded
F. X. Lehman in tlio wholesale beer bot
tling business.
Mr. Win. Kaup, of Buffalo Knn, WM
married to Mi** Olio William*, daughter
of 'hiquire Williams, of Martha Furnace,
last Thursday evening.
—The pot officii wa cloned yesterday
from 2 to ft o'clock p. M. out of respect for
the late head of the department, whose
death occurred on Hunday afternoon.
Levi Straub, Esq., will move with hi*
estimable family, to Alloona, early neit
month. Society here regrets parting with
these friends, but it is hoped they may
enjoy life in the mountain city.
| —Major Forster is now worse off than
the foxes and birds of the air. Hi* pleas
ant and agreeable family circle has been
broken up ami be and they expect to visit
friends until May, when, in all probability,
on to HarrUburg will bo their next move
—The Convocation of Willian sport met
at Danville on Tuesday, to continue three
days. Itev. Hewitt, rector of St. John's
Episcopal church, is attending and will ,
not return until after next Sunday unle f *
called back for aome especial purpose. i
—Mr M. E. Sohnecberg, who for a
year past conducted the Boston Clothing
House, moved that establishment to Bios*-
hurg, Tioga county, I'M , on Monday. ,
Mr S., we believe, considered rents 100
high here, and thinks be can do better
elsewhere. Our relations with the gentle,
man have been pleasant and we regret the
necessity that forces him to leave our 4
—The new store of Messrs D Carman
A Son, in the new addition t > Bush Ar
cade, has been opened for the transaction
of business The general high esteem in
which the proprietors are held, the elegant
• t<>ck they ■ ff--r and the assurance that the
TITT best will be sold f >r th" very least
money is a sufficient guarantee that they
will receive a lile-ral share of ] uhin pat
ronage. So lll'do it be.
Mr. W. 1" Bailey, . f (ialesl urg, I I .
formerly of Bellefonte. who will I-- re.
rnembers-d as the champion of Greenback
ism here, in '7B, and editor of the i'rnlrt
Hrrnld, to which sheet > H Yocum, K-q ,
owed bis election to Congress, visited bis
sg<xl mother, Mrs W. D Bail-y, last
week H is a trifle handsomer, if possi
ble, than when we first km w him, and as
cheerful and pleasant as
CAMII LA I'SHI.- Manager S-urbeck has
secured the Camilla Fr*-- Company for
• •ne night, hut i not able to announce the
date The number of engagement* made
elsewhere ha* prevented the greatest living
violin virtuoso making h-r apf-earance 'at
half the plaow wanting her. But, the
dale Will he made known Soon and lovers j
i of refined music will Iso afforded the one
i opportunity of their Itvo* to error a rich (
' musical feat
—The Dxv|o< RAT last week spoke of
the exrellent work of Collector John T.
Fowler, and locate,! him in Liberty town
ship ; Mr K"w|er collected the taxes of
Taylor township and through the careful
, attention given the work by him and his
■ assistants, Messrs. kephart and Beaston,
; only remained uncollected. This
w-rk was accomplished with tlio usuai 6
per cent, collection fee. and is remarkable,
for Taylor township wa generally among
the la*t to "settle up.
—We would suggest that th Postmas
ter General order the vignnelte of lion.
A G. Curtin to l>o placed upon the pro
p..od new two-cenl postage stamp It
would lie received with pleasure by the
jseople of the whole country. DEMOCRAT
Which would he received with pleasure
—tbe "order," the "vignette ' or the
"stamp 1 ' Perhaps you mean the three )
combined Next to the stamp proper we j
would value the vignette and don t care
anything about the order, from which
please conclude that we favor your sug- j
gestion, a* we would rather purchase the
Governor's likeness for two cenU than
| that of any other individual except Blaine i
j —Rrpuhhran.
The vignette, for next to the picture of
j Washington, which we believe ha* fseen
selected, that of Gov. Curtin would lie
most agreeable to th" thousand* who will
; use the stamp*. Anil then, too, it would
afford tbe enemies of Mr. (V an opportu- :
nity of doing what they have heretofore
most ingloriously failed to accomplish
lick him
—The capita! stock of tha Beech Creek, i
Clearfield and Southwestern Kailroad has i
been increased from four million to five j
million dollars, in order to construct nee- j
e*sary branch lines. Eight hundred inen j
are now at work on the main line of the
road between Jeraey Shore, in Lycoming
county, and the Mothannon Creek, in
Clearfield county, and It 1* expected in the
next sixty days to enlarge the working ,
force to three thousand men. The coal
com|ianiee whose lands are to be brought
Into reach of a market by the new railroad
are also making active preparations for
business. These large operations have
created an unwonted stir in the bituminous
coal district lying in Clinton, Centre and
C'earfield counties, enhancing the price
of properly o* all descriptions. Great ex
pectations are Indulged, which we hope
will be fully realixed.— OmrfieUi Rrpub
—A new line of corsets. Just opened at
Lyon A Co s.
TIIK CAH WOHKM. —Wo learn from the
descriptive catalogue of the car works that
the real estate is worth $-18,138.07. and
the machinery, old end row, $2-'!,076 31
T0ta1—571,713.38. The work* are offered
for sale at $1(1,(KM), on the following terms
—lO per cent., day of *al ;80 per cent.,
day of delivery; 20 por cent., one year
from day of sale, and 20 per cent , two
years from day of sal".
Bellefonte ha* now not only cheap lum
ber, cheap iron, cheap coal, and cheap
labor, hut inrrratint) railroad faeitifiri
for whut is known as the Vandorbilt sys
tem will toon connect with Bellefonte :
and the Susquehanna and Southwestern
Kailroad, connecting the Vandorbilt sys
tem with the Allegheny Valley Kailroad
at Brookville, tapping the immense Snow
) Shoe ami Clearfield bituminous coal re
gions, ami passing southwesterly, 18 miles
to the north of Bellefonte, will he con
nected by means of the Nittany Valley
Kailroad with Bellefonte. and also with
the Bellefonte and Buffalo Bun Kailroad,
which, starting from Bellnfunle, goes south
and taps the great and excellent iron ore
j beds in (Ynlre count)
Mr J. ('. Miller, Bellefonte, can give
full parte ulars.
"EAST LTN.NE —The Carrie Stanley
Dramatic Company will appear in !'
place on Friday evening. Mar ! .;>i;li, in
the gr>-at ami ever popular drama of •• Ka-t
Lynne. Till" play wa- produ<><d in
Bellefonte several n-sr- a.-, ami gave
i great satisfaction, it being ne of the most
entrancing drama- ever written At Bark
er. Da., it was played two nights and the
/'/or tiu say s of It
The entertainment given at tli ()|x-ra
House .in Monday night, under the man
igeinenl of th" ('arrieStanley troup". u..
above the ordinary rut, .J -how Th"
to. wa- well flllec] „r,d th" management
did It- l-'-t to entertain tile audience
East Lynne wn- v. || r- r 1-r ,4| l tt,.. t,rt
evening ai i or, the second •• \ ening. t - fore
a larger audience than on the previous
night, the -I : -at: -na! I 4 l.a.iv
Aml iey • Secret,' wa- pr-wenled l"h*
,tr .("• i compo.*d of the very l- i ul-nt
and the gentlemanly ,i-p -rtno-nl • < the
• ■Mire company v, n- then f'ieml* fr.-m
the outset '
Iteo rvaJ seat tickets for 'a.- -it Brew -
-t re
I*l K-MAN We again IliVIt" the alien
tioti f farmer* sr. 1 others t-. tins m teil
f rs< He i* registered in S tt.sh Clyde*,
dale Slock It-w k vol .V ; g.- (VI, am] is
numbered .'i -V. D a l.rown Clvd--dale
-lad. n. h aled >1 fa- bf<d by An
drew Mitchell, ■*. tiar.d, im| rlc I in fall
of 1W.2 by 8..w. Br - , • Shadelar-d,
I Sprlngboro, Crawford county, Pa Sired
hy I/ockfergiis Champion, nn of the most
valuable horses ever grown in Scotland
M r J S Yea* ik. of th i • | are owi him
and during the coming season will have
him at Michael Korn.ar. s. near Zi--n,
Deter W':an s. I mil" east . f B"l>font",
and at Samuel Crot/.i-r s. 1 nr. es -utheast
of ( entre HALL
I'EAI TT —"lt is claimed that N"w
York women 10. k vc-unger at than fe -
' ton women d - at to, or Chic ag - w-men at
ft, for the mason that they have been
taking l'r->ina for the past threw months,
hut Boston and Chicago w- men are com
ing up in fine style—entering uj-on the
home stretch on Minolta I got one of
your books on the "Ills of Life from your
Druggist a a present, and, a* it directs,
have been taking I'truna and Minahn
My bowels ar in excellent condition,
the lungs ami heart are improving finely
I 2t J. M W ALXCR, I.awas, Da.
A $20,00 Bmt.jcAi KKWARI- —The
publisher* of flat If dor Monthly ofl<>r
twelve valuable rewards in their M mthly
for April, among which i* the following
We will give $20,1*1 in gold to the jrf-r
--soti telling u* how tnanv ver*"s there are
' in the old Testament Scriptures by April
loth, 18m ; Beraon* trying for the reward
, rnu*t send 20 cent* in silver no postage
j stamps taken l with their answer, for which
they will ro-eive the May .Monthly, in
which the name and address of the winner
of th" reward and the correct an*-r will
be published, and in which several more
1 valuable reward* will l-e offered. Address,
lirT! KIWiK l't HI.ISHIXo CoMPAXT, K.as
i ton, Benna 12-2t.
IxsTßt'CTtoxa To A"r>oß.—On our
sixth page this week will be found an
article of much importance to the taxable
persons of this county. It will he under
stood that only the Assessors are addressed
j by the Commissioners and their Solicitor,
but the people are the ones directly inter
' esled and they will note the proposed
change in the manner of making the iri
j ennial assessment and be governed ac
-4 eordingly.
JioTtc —Persons having 11. R. ties,
| fence posts and telegraph poles for sale,
will please send a written proposal of the
kind, quantity, price and point of delivery
along the line of the B. C. A South western
It. R , within thirty days, to
K H LAWSIIK, Jersey Shore,
or W. W. RAXKIX, lock liaven.
| Btf
DKLXVAW, Wis., Sept. 24, 1878.
GENTS— I have takon not quite one bot
tle of the Hop Bitters. I was a feeble old
mtn of 78 when I got it. To-day lam at
active and feel a* well as I did at 30 I
see a great many that nrwd such a medicine.
1R 2t. • I) BOTOX.
—Cast scrap iron wanted for tbe caah
or in exchange for Hardware at 11. K.
—Hare you been to th great bargain
aale a| tbe Bee Hive, if not get there as
soon aa you can. 10tf.
Mr. VV. K Burehfleld,of I'hilipsburg, '
wa- si home on Sunday
—New prints, new ginghams, new dress (
good* at Lyon A Co'*.
Yester.lay Messrs Conrad Singer, of
Itomola, and John Kishnl, of Centre Hill, >
called upon us.
—A new line of spring gloves, lisle
thread and silk, inousquelalre and Foster
lacing gloves, Lyon A Co.
—C'apt. A B. Hiiy<j-r will now he found
in the room lately occupied by Go. 11.
Wolf, tinsmith. He merit* a fair share
of the patronage of the public.
Mr. Thos. J Decker will move nest
month from Bolter's Mill# to L- k Haven,
arid the latter place will number among
il residents one of the best mill-wrights in
the world. Success Thomas.
A cow belonging to Adam Hoy, K#q.,
sometime ago presented her owner with a
calf, concerning which there nothing
remarkable, except that His Honor Judge
Mayer declare* n hint In Dutch
Easter Sunday wa- observed hy many
of the ( bur- he* of Bellefotilo with impres
sive services In some the fl tal d-cora
lions were grand—more so than on [ r-v i
- - aiori- an'! sp'-aial sermon- were
preai bed.
-Mr. J. li Wolfe one of Miles town
ship's most excellent farmer# and bet fel
lows personally liuntsel us up. ' 4 .la left
u* under the impression that he realizes
that it is not good for man to l-e alone,
arci we -hall bo plwund to note the happy
event wlo n it otrtirs
(sir fat. g<"-d-natured. widn awake.
-•nterprisiiig fro nd. Smith, the l-ak-r r> •
pert- h. I'hilipsburg venture an aur<-d
- KIC- VS.- wish him i thing L<#- ai.D
to our numer us I'hilipsburg r<-- l-r# o m.
111 4'! 1 him ai d i. • va. of d If g f-usiness
Ws may ha va mora to say again concarn
u.g I. 4 u
Ii -a. I tliat the <-y t the <• liu-r ■ f
the .l/er#,r>r UontMy have BSTQ in a Una
fr-i /y r- ;r.g f rat -a-l a in nth pa#t,
win'e tha 4 . important per nag", himself,
ha- Ih-. r. r< ...i.. 4 a!, • w r h - • ffn e floor ir.
a van att'-n.pt t" •< ate up "one new id--a
'■ r j aii-.n Merit i. .. . hn, valued
at it- | rop-r w< rth
An organ itad gang < t burglar* ha*
t-eer, a.tively at w rh in H war-) f--r
-evera w.-e-• -cv--n"f whom haie le-s n
h-lg-'i in il h'-r< during th--iasi ten days.
Friend* have made attempt* t sup; i the
prisoners with t- t break jail, ar-d in a
box . f f..d left at th- 4 jail by aw 4 nan to
-Jai, hhcrifl I)unk< - found a -aw > retd.
— Pkila l' r ßaliafoata oor
B r. l Valentin*. K-q., is r w in the
general agency bus ft,—s and is pret ar-d to
negolial- the >!.- --r pun ha--- t building
l/-t. h'-rse. or anything else parties may
d- •re t-. buy <-r .1 M UL-1 he R I have
what 1* wantnd he can secure it - n short
r-"t.i <• This arrar.g-ment will not inter
fere with hi# large ar-d ir.cr-a-mg insur
arue business. 12-lf.
—Tlie lecture, V. M ('. A. practical
talk*, N" hy Gen. Beaver, on Tuesday
evening, subject H"W to get a home, and
flow to keep it, wa- one of tbe most l-ene.
flcial of the M-ru-s. Perhaps Mr Beaver
did n-d i are p, l< :I all aL-ut *'x uring go.-d
hom-s mere *no, hut th" talk was exceed
ingly practical, and delivered in the Cien
erai # own inimitaf-le style. We l-]ieve
Gov Curtin is to deliver the next one
A large, spotted sr-ake, about twelve
feel long, supfa>sed to have escaped from
some traveling menagerie, Infests the
sportive waters of n frog pond near Blair
Furnace. It has often been observed hv
trsin men while p-a#-ing that point—Al
loona 7"imr* —Not so had to start out on.
S;ring, ethereal mildne.#, with it* hou-e
--cleaning. flitting*, muddy roads and snake
storie* is certainly here.
—The death of so many prominent men
cause* the local editor of the Rrpuhlimn
to fear that hi* turn may come next. If
death, R* our friend, feelingly and pathet
ically remarks, loves a shining mark, the
unea-iness so manifest In the /{rpuhltran of
fice is uncalled for—its inmates are ex
empt But should anything so lamenta
ble occur we suggest an epitaph
Though now, in death'* rm-brart, [er liea, |
A oi- t-W-ering /-*-i;-, our luckle— brutli-
He'll reappear on Gabriel'* royal-ebor,
And to the skie*
the Lycoming Fire Insurance Company !
who have not paid the assessments due the
company, will he interested in the follow- :
ing circular ;
WII LIAMSPORT, PA., Mar. 2FL, 188!
DEAR SIR : — AS a member of the Ly
coming Fire Insurance Company, you
have neglected to pay astepmenls due upon
your premium note. >ou have already
been notified of th amount of the said
assessments. The Charter of the Com
pany give* me the power to enter an Ab
stract which will he a lien on vour pro
perty, and also the right to have ftxeruiion
issued at once with the right of inquisition
An Abstract ha* been prepared and is
now in the hands of A O Furst, Esq., of
Bellefonte, for entry, hut before extreme
measures are resorted to, I desire to make
one more effort Us induce you to pay tbe
amount due. If you neglect to pay within
few (10) day* or aatisfy Mr. Furst that you
should have longer liir.e, you then can not
complain if you are subjected to legal pro
cess and are compelled to pay the same
with Interest and cost* in addition thereto.
The amount you owe I* due some of your
fellow-member* for losse* by fire and you
injure yourself a* well as them hy neglect
ing to pay.
Rrrnrrr of tbr I, yeomtiwg Firt |ss*. OP.
V , .
•• All w. w tv\>— of lace* at Lyon A
The bi, Liggoat Hfi>| nirc-t alopk fi f
i carpeta, oil cloth* *le.. kept i r ,
county can now be found ~t t)•- I'
Hire, jo ( *
Wilaon, M(Kwrli.rie ,v (~ f # || fc n,. fl .
tiorj to the only reliable Ready >f
j I'kint in the market The finm-er p rt .
pared l'' f '• i- >iil) superior n. any
Heady Miied I'ainl a,,,,] hut rival. pur,,
white lead ir, it# Miioothnem in w<,ri<i r ..
and du'ability. Thi. paint i* guaranteed
i by the manufaeturer- r,.,t p,g „ r ,
within three year. The guarantee |, ~,.t
only good f.,r rep,a, ing the [.hint but ,
; will be put on if it >hould < r*. kor pee
within the time |>e, iOed. It will l„. , .
vour lntere#t to < all and <•,• \Vil...r. M,.
I ar>ane ,V t ~ ( before pur< hk.tng either
white lead r,r ar,v nth' R,*.dt Mired
—-I lie luteal noveitvat an unheard of
aerifiee, <hangn.l,lo < utrunari Velvet#
in all ahedea at centa per yard, roai
♦ I.HO to import at the One I'rioe
, llive Moree. 'J hi# bargain can [.oaitiye
ly never be duplicated. jOtf
—' nat arrap iron wanted for the ca.h
or in exchange for Hardware at If K.
HICKS' Hardware ari'l -Move Store tl
New rtyU. furniture .■r.t..m,e. t
Lyon A: < v,,
\\ ai. n n l.tA iII :uH r • r.. f*. r a it •
entirely different from ,i It i e
' iear a, water, and, a- i. name indiektee
ira perfect Vegetal,;,. Hair Restorer It
.will immediate.s free the bead from tb<
dandruff, rr-tiore gret hair to it, natural
'"lor. and J rodu. ,■ a ru-v. ,*rowth where .t
ha, la,,en off It .1 „ not in any u.ar r.er
aff.-<l the health, wt. t, >■ . i .r -..gar . i
"•ad. ai d Nitrat" of i r. j arati, ;
have done It will < liar v .•r fallen
hair in a few >)a\ to at .' ,1 g .
brown A'k your drugg'., • • ; p* n , j,
bottla fl warrant--.! Smith, Kline ,V C
Wbolmkle Agent* Pi lelphia
Hal! A Kui.kel, N. 1 11,
Lv or, A ( v. • n | _ r ,e f
mr li a arid bov. I ■. i■. 1.1 .. .j i . weel
I I \TII Ki-lAtlll h-T v„- 1.. ,|„
I" II " l, l 11... I I.I; Y J
M.tfh.ll M> W t l#-.lh. i W.- Ifa a Ku
no, on r vi ~.i i. • i .
IVITKK—-lItTMAN via- a, Uie l.ulo
yanaaag* hw j.., j A
, im t Mi w || li oi a, ti A!Mar, -,#t r,u
nu>. I- 11. >1 Mat# l
Bellelonte Grain Market.
Hi:,,, mi Mao i. !►■
< l,i a.,kl, 11' I. •a.
M l.i at— lot, j, r |.ti, ... f ] ]
1 red. * ...
w t.eal. s.. . , ...
' rn—war., t#l t u.ti. I ..., ...
■ k.11,4, |#r I ,1,1,, 1 .... e
' al*. jar t*nolo 1 4
Harlry, J-#i l-nibr! rt. . ,-1..
ri.ire had, pr pnu.a ow
t ra I, ...... . j#r I i I. i
per ark 1
t'la'ter, greaail j.,r t ,
Proriaion Market.
Cerrec ted weekly i . Ilat j# i grothrr*.
A j |.1, irie-l J., r te.ulxt ...
■ h,fTiW. .lrlerf. Jar JMIWa . , ."I aj. . ...
1t*,.., j.#r .juart
Vreel, butter j.er j,-ni..t.
I*l.l' a#t., J ,r |. ai.il
Hi,#.,• J.,f Je'Dbd o.
i -iiiilrj hwei, per peatid.. .
Man,,.ugar rnrej . .. ;..
■ Haroa i.
Url J.#r I
ktl* |. r '!■ i gb
I' tat.ee j ,r I atbU
Itn,d t.ef la
Art/' A tlrrrt t.*rmrii fa.
Assignees Notice.
I N Till: < t )MM( N I'I.KAS (I'
I • | • h - ,
■UU H ffrff. i<4f la#ifeii{ ,j t rvxtitor* A iti
T JlbQiry IZ A I> !►>' •>) I ftl- fr til ftf ffkal*
■tt*4 'billl"* r*Uittp<) bf ssiil (rH'tfr llrft r wA*-r > •
Ulm >' > fil1 Moi ' r tlfvtf'i mm utrd it i* fin|
at r<lr*d tht if titan* .■ t I i lit* l<rtirt
M tola* of Af'tii MHIlg Ifri •mm*- ill bi> in n*>.<
..|ut l ffiitn tlx
.1 C IMir-KR
I MiiNfvH "•vsti f Thorns*, in ti.>
i irt >f ( . nm- ri CW* • f mi ootiMt. t* the rmdf>
tor* •( Jo*.. j,h it T)o ink* NiUt* • ir*fM |irfo,
If si *rt *till I" Ui* ■ tl.• L Mot>
isi f Af>ril n>it t<> th* '-urt *-1 ( 'Jf ' **'.■*• •
i ttrp < >it* f-r th d>' t*|j'p HI •
A *fi(t i*r th* t#. t(kf -j in,
pHh'.r £ t'
ir.'t trtst • flea will tfiPTi le A £L
l<tster < ( lb* (•etitbitir l ink*i ST
Wj ppp
T> J hn Corm*n, l*tp of tliff t 'ont* of ( <t)tr ind
•*!♦ af P'mim Itftnia
\<Ai *r' b# twly notiftwl th*t ..n tbr >tb c 4 Narrit
lHh 1 ,. nil*** tiprrfi %,. verafrinM i* lb# ttnh*M
t •urt < f C*ntr* r<ni v tab rrni't. <v*mmndinf %<n I
i|afnAf m Mid .nrt On tb* 4th V'aii.!% tf A| til Jha
f>'l *4k* flan**. II Mitu.ii hat*. it tb >r| ban*
i'oirt m*<i* t< r* ly b *>iaaiAiit**f,ir* f
Jm- >b Una , to il oftr tr tof burxtrxi
sod Mtm !•. atiu fUty b-iif |t*i(m Matiuii
tn*naill|>, ' antra fVtintT, aW f.. to* 1. i*t€.
; Mid lh o'lif tnrt M tl* Wtf' llrfi tra httodrrfl ||)<J
; fit* i#rrh*, in tb tow .kbi|- *1 *M t y*
Karh 'JA. lTi> *hild fta t I* tart aiU 11
t<nr M-Onaifi|i*lM will, tb* r- t liitotta t>f uit.
,'km A MiTati.r o. tr
AtfM* T J Ol HU. Mirflfl f < Vntr* C'ttntT. P.
NOTICE i hereby 2iv.11 11 m• the
fdloottaf fMIMtOtI pat-nfl* but* f 1-*J jel
liifftt t Lire*** <n tbp t.fl- • af tb tl.fA ot the
IVtttt I •>1 (t>*ef! t|*u*t" wif.ti tli IVefe .0 e* 4
lot fVnti f nnt|, *f'd tbwt *ff>llrwifti will to •••<*
at th- netl Sewwoit l ati irtnllnc • tbe wire
' Y \ .....Tatrfl fi* i |t-.
j W It Tier b ... • •'
C a. M Mill#** b to
(tkftnir ' •
Ktn*fin< l Htoti *III U
J*c A*"t#rwi Ibrne# .■ .1
Ffe-I ft *il(l* . v Lean b ..
Fr* •! fmilh lloate# •♦*• !•
Jin. l!affi<ble T* r r.,.w. Hillpaf *ri llm
Jn I'SMbi •!# 00 . .... do
A It (!•<• •• *b ..... aba lb
JIM A. M XhnWt #■* .... .V* • A
He-matri Cnjrl* do h
Jbt* Hh#*an -V 4.. in
J II * Mankifi di . _ p. ttet town-btf
|l J ... do do *1"
I> II Hbl b wffa <br
W. f* Krh .. WH<4eili Fhiiif*' P '
MUMI. T Irwin. Tim* HiMbHtw
Ibttt H >bb d<> M ailt#* tiotiiiln.
Om> Mill#t . lei Ur+vt d.a
Jn*> II tHbb* A dai
J<* HHfcntt Vt Pan •!
JmYf ir* llate* Rw#b A
I A Keith ....... ItKfff Lffl •akfp. _
llaerv W,||„, t. 4,, We A. Ac,
Jnl't. II I'liV .Pi *to V' ij^H
Jn MaUej 4a A> 4..
Martin Halet tkiiaf Hma *• *
a...,.,-1 to,. 4e k Jo k I^B
T V Te.era Mile. ~.nOI|-.
Hra i, aieiket ttwlneo A,
A Int. K.klhnrker 4 *
(brttatt. Ilaaft * etrtng >k.
P t.OnlM Kallwg IbwaaPattew tnwrwklp^M
JanJ, tWke T.,#r RoaarA a.
J A LtilwMkan *>' rrtao r .rnlilH
An*w ktelf" >P . M.*k Ae
I f tltHPlk IV.k^H