Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 29, 1883, Image 7

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" Whnt tlinll I Hi nam atiout, msmmsT
Tell mo Hoim* lovely nnil pleiisiuil tiling"."
"A gtecn meailon liostoii with <laiie while
Wheie huttcilhe* ttuttui on yellow WIHH.
" I)roum of n little brook t iat lies
Cradled in leaves anil mossy atonee,
Like a awuot child Zyiny; with hall-abut eyon,
It atnilee uinl muraturs in low, soil tones.
" Gently it* wave* o'er the pohhloa creep,
Anon it will dan CO in the aun'a bright
But now—little rogue I be is last asleep;
May the brooklet murmur all through his
ik-earns V
—C. Hroujhlon.
Iloltl On.
I loir] on to your tongue when you
are just ready to swear, lie, or sjieak
harslilv, or use an improper word.
Hold on to your hand when you are
about to punch, strike, scratch, steal
or do any improper act.
Hold on to your foot when you are
on the point of kicking, running off
from study, or pursuing the path of
error, shame or crime.
Hold on to your temper when you
arc angry, excited, or imposed upon, or
others sre angry with you.
Hold on to your heart when evil as
sociates seek your company and invite
you to join iu their mirth, games and
Hold on to your gixsl name, for it is
of more value titan gold, high places
or fashionable attire.
Hold on to the truth, f.>r it will
serve you well and do you good
throughout eternity. Hold on to vir
tue—it is above all price to you in all
times and places.
Hold on to your good character, for
it is and ever will be your best wealth.
Br Honest.
There was once a little girl named
May. When she was seven years old
she hail a great habit of running away,
and once, when she was wandering
alxiut in the yard, she found a bright
live-cent pi<s-e. At first site thought
site would keep it. for iter mother was
not very well off, with two or three
little ones besides her; but just then
.she remembered what her Mtndav
school teacher had told her, that she
must never take a pin which did not
belong to her. so she went into the
house and told her mother all about it.
Her mother was just then talking to a
holy who told her that her little loy
h;<l lost the live cents, and then she
kissed little May, and told her that it
was very sweet of her to try and find
the owner, and the very next day a
lo\ came for May, and in it was a
beautiful doll, and that was May's re
ward.—[ Young People.
Illark Diamond*
Every Imy and gtri knows some
thing alsjut diamonds, but perhaps the
word brings to mind only those rare
and beautiful gems that glisten in the
gaslight. What would yon think if I
should tell you that the gaslight itself
is made of diamonds that is, of black
diamonds? Yes, the wise inert t-ll us
that the precious stones in the queen's
crown, and the coarse, black coal that
is burnt in a stove or grate, or made
into gas, are mainly of the same stile
stance. It is very ixld. hut coals are
called black diamonds.
I dare say but few boys and girls
who read this paper know where all
the black diamonds come from. Some
say out of very deep holes in
but that answer only
Bk an answer. A great many
with jewels roll
Virginia every day, and
the coal was never so low down as
when put on the cars. It comes from
high upon the mountains, from one
hundred to one thousand feet above
the river; not from deep shafts, you
tice, hut from openings made in the
sides of the mountains. There white
men ami black men, with little lamps
hooked on their caps, go to work in the
morning; and when they come out
before dark, all are equally black.
Sometimes the men take their little
boys along to keep them out of
mischief, and It Is very sad for the
poor little boys to lie buried all day in
th-? coal-hank, without any sunshine
or playthings or song-birds around.
They grow up ignorant and shy, and
very different from other lioys. Thus
once, when the story of Moses in the
bulrushes was told a great class of
them together, none knew the name of
the baby Pharaoh's daughter found,
till one said it was George Washing
ton 1
Another little boy was given a
hall for a Christmas gift, and he asked
a man what he must do with it. I
suppose ho would have eaten it If the
hail told him to.
Bf It is bail not to know atiout Moses
Hand gum-balls, hut I once saw some
thing still worse, line boy was away
from school several days, and I found
V him building a little house, as boys
often do. Hut on it he had painted,
! with great pride, "L. M., Saloon." lie
! thought the best thing a Iwiy could
have was a saloon with his own name
l on it. No hoy who reads this would
i fancy such an honor, I am sure.
Another child, two years old, has no
name, because its parents are heathen,
and will not have the little tiling haje
What can he done for such chil Iron?
They are to Christian children what
black diamonds are to precious stones; ;
made of the same material, body and '
soul, yet as different :is night is from
Guarding Garfield's Remains.
It having been asserted by certain
newspapers outside of Cleveland that
the soldiers on duty at Lake View
cemetery guarding the sacred remains
of the late President were in the habit
of opening the casket every day,
your correspondent yesterday called
on Lieut. Burhank, who is at present
in charge, to ascertain if the asser
tions were Correct or false.
"It h;is been statisl by newspapers
in Cincinnati and Chicago that the
casket is opened every day by the
guard, who looks at his remains before
making his report," said the reporter.
"Yes, I have also seen statements to
that effect," said the lieutenant, "hut
there is no truth whatever in it. lb-re 1
is an order from the secretary of war.
which sa\s, T'ntil otherwise ordered
by competent authority. n<i one save
Mrs. Gartield will lie permitted to view
the remains.' That order is rigidly
enforced, and no one hut Mrs. Gar
tield is permitted to go inside the
\atilt. The officer in charge is requir
ed to make a report every month of
all property in his charge, and lie v cry
naturally desires to know that in men
tioning the remains of the president
in that report there i- no jHissihility
whatever "t there being a mistake,
and, feeling so, sometimes looks to -at
isfy himself, but aside from that, as I
have said, no one is pertiutb-d to enter
the vault."
"Has anything been -aid alemt dis
continuing the guard?" was asked.
"No, I think tot. The guard will
probably lie kept on duty until the
monument is built. At least, I suj>-
pose that is the calculation. The offi
cers Would be glad enough if it Were
discontinued, for it is not the most
agreeable duty I have perform**!. The
men are on duty every second day, and
the non-s ouuiiissioned officers every
other day, but the officer in charge
must remain here night and day for
a month, when he is relieved. This
is my ttiird month on duty here. The
men are not released at any slated time.
Some of them have b*-n on duty for a
year. I don't think the guard is nec
essary now, as two or three policemen
could do the duty by having two on
nights and one on clays."
"Do you have many visitors?"
"< h, yes; we have a good many,
notwithstanding the cold weather," re
plied the lieutenant. "People from all
parts of the country coinc here. Last
week parties front New Hampshire and •
others from Nebraska came to look at
the casket. Visitors now are mostly
people from other places, who stop
over in this city for the pur|>c>se of
visiting the tomb. A good many from
the city also drive out now while
sleighing is good. 1 think there was
a great mistake made," continued the
lieutenant, "in not having a contrihu- -
tion lix placed near the vault for the
purpose-of receiving subscriptions to
the monument fund. Persons who
cannot afford to give more than twen
ty-five or fifty cents, and would not
put their names on a list for that
amount, would gladly place it in the
box. There are vert few people who
come cuit here who would not give
something, and it all would amount to
a surprisingly large amount."—{St.
Louis Glolie-Democrat.
May Meet Again,
Lord Karnes used to relate n story
of a man who claimed the honor of his
acquaintance on rather singular
grounds. His lordship, when one of
the justiciary judges, returning from
the north circuit to Perth, happened
one night to sleep at Dtinkcld. The
next morning, walking towards the j
ferry, but baring he had missed his
way. he asked a man whom he met to
conduct him. The other answered,
with much cordiality. "That 1 will do
with all my heart, iny lord. Don not
your lordship remember me? My
name's John X; I have had the honor
to 1) liefore your lordship for stealing
sheep." "Oh. John, I remember you
well! And how is your wife? Bhe
hail the honor to le before me too for
receiving them, knowing them to he
j stolen." "At your lordship's service.
We were very lucky indeed to get off
for want of evidence; anil lam still
going on In the butcher trade."
-Then," replied hU lordship, "we may ,
have the honor of meeting again." !
What to Eat.
As a general principle it may lav
laid down that meat, llsh or poultry In
u state of decay cannot ho eaten with
safety, since symptom* of irritant
poisoning have so frequently arisen
from thi* cause. But a little consider
ation will show 11* the impossibility of
drawing a hard and fast lizteupon this
point. We relish venison which hits
partially undergone decay, while? we
at once reject beef or mutton in a simi
lar condition. Again, poultry to ho
palatable, must l>e fresh, yet we da not
scruple to eat game which is far ad
vanced in decomposition.
There is no doubt that in many '
cases we are guided Ivy our palates in
determining what food is wholesome
for lis; for while many of us eat
mouldy cheese a Chinaman will
swallow had egg*, and some races en
joy ii.sh which we should consider
putrid. Even as regard* oysters,
which arc generally relished in propor
tion to their freshness, it is sometime*
a matter of taste. For example, it is
recorded of the lirst monarch of the?
House of Hanover that lie objected to
the English native oyster as deficient
in llavor. It was privately suggested
by a shrewd courtier that the native
oyster should lie allowed to become
somewhat stale before being brought
to a royal table. The king at once
recognized the llavor which had always
pleases] him so much at Ib-rn nliauscn,
and gave orders that in the future he
should always Is- supplies! from that
particular Us! a thing easily accom
plished under the ir uiiistanci-s.
The absence of evil consequences
after eating food which has undergone
a certain amount of-bs a\ is doubtless
dm- in many cases to the ■ mnpli-ti m--s
of the cooking process; but tlvi* does
ret militate ugainst the general rule
that food in any stage of decay is un
wholesome and should be avoid*l.
Of late years there have been many
cases of |H>i.*onnti* symptoms arising
from the use of canmsl meats. The
cause appears mainly to have U*-n im
proper methods of canning, or the use
of meat that was taint*i before being
canned. An examination of the out
side of the can is our only available
guide as regards this class j.if article.
The head of the can should l> slightly
concave, whereas if it U* convex it
show s that decomposition has already
commenced within the can. .•some
times through careless soldering the
preserved articles l>e ome contaminat
ed with lead, and poisoning by this
substance is the result.
Ker'agnizing Merit.
A touching little anecdote of the
late liiu- de MalakofT is jut now
going the rounds of the French papers.
A* Marshal i'vh* H >er tic had the repu
tation of U-ing Ixith stern and v iolent
when his temper was roused; but un
derneath this exterior he had aw arm
heart, and was swift tw recognize real
merit. One day, w hen at Toul for a
review, lie saw a poor funeral passing
by. On tlieroftln was the unlfusu of
a sergeant-major of chasseura-a-pied;
an aged man walked wearily behind it.
and a very small handful of friends
followed hitn. The marshal sent one
of his gz/ier.ils to inquire particulars,
and learned that the soldier Is-ing
borne to his long home had been
severely wounded at Magenta, and,
though sufficiently recovered to return
to hi* home for rest and change of air,
he died of debility. Ills eldest brother
hail lss-n kill.si in the Crimea, and
their old father was a retired lieuten
ant, who starved rather than lived on a
pension of alvout four hundred francs
per annum. A month afterwards the
marshal returned to Toul, and invit<*l
the old lieutenant to come and break
fast with him at the hotel at eleven (
o'clock. Covers were laid for two; the
marshal sat down briskly, and bis
guest followed bis example. But no
sooner did the old man unfold his servi
ette than he uttered a cry, for under
neath it was the cross of the legion of
honor,with its red ribbon and two large
official cnvelopi-s. The veteran
sighed, his hands trembled, he could j
neither rise nor speak, but gazed at his
host, who took the decoration, fastened
it to his button-hole, threw the envel
opes on the table, and said, "This is
your brevet as legionnaire, and that
is a pension of one thousand francs a
year. Now let us attack the omelette,
for I am in a great hurry."
Should Carry Bells.
According to a ruling of the secretary
of the treasury, n vessel cannot be ,
fined for the failure to have a fog-horr
on board in ordinary weather, but {
there may lie an imposition of a tine if 1
a liell is not sounded while the vessel
is at anchor In a fog. In view of the
tnany accidents from collisions of late
it would be In the line of enforcing
precaution If all vessels were fined foi
not carrying ltella.
We cannot comtemplatc without
alarm either alternative—of an un
trained ministry on the one hard, or
on the other a disastrous check in the
growth of American Christianity
And yet one or the other n inevitable
unless there is speedily a mighty re
ligious awakening in our colleges,
which shall lead thousands of educat
ed young men into the Christian min
istry. The time lias coin" for coll-ge
officers and pastors and the pre*s to
take the alarm and sound it, until it is
heard in every Christian home and
felt ia every Christian heart. Barents
must consecrate their sons to the min
istry and train them for it. But the
demands which are pressing upon u*
, in the near future we must look tothe
college* to meet. |He v. Josiab Strong.
Help Ihr l.lv lug
An honored father in the ministry
said on his dying bed, "Let no words
of eulogy he spoken over my |x>or re
mains." Well arid wisely said. The
time to speak the appreci itive word,
to and of the pastor, is while his hu
man heart "hears i'* unspoken pain
and heaves its sis-ret sigh." But. too
often, not until '-> d give*-sweet rc
p-a.*e from earth" d-> the -pew *" ap
preciate the remarkable ta'e-nts, the
devout piety, the vigilant watching
for souls which marked tin- ministry
of the departed om- n-ov to them an
"angel in disguise." The toiler ha*
reached the shining shore. All t.-urs
are wiped away. ■*■•. y-- tardy one
withhold your !>o-n of words, though
they may he tic- richest tha* human
In-art ian dictate, or : nan bps can
M*kr lour I.lf# fl*an.
A uniform and sincere c naecratlon
ought to be the ;ir-' a ,1 - f every
church when there ar- -.gn- ■ ' a p --
*ible, or actual, rev l\ ik I.'t the
church metnliers l-> -in-- !I>-d with
the Holy spirit'- influence an 1 power,
and there will ij r- trouble aluut
conversioru. There may be marc or
h-ss than in -ome other year, but some,
if not many, there certainly will be.
When the world *e*.* the disciple* of
Jesus imitating in sober earnest, it
cannot n--:st the *:gh f I" tins end 1?
must l>e ri-mcmbere-1 that every
Christian need* to lua-o- fils own life
spiritually 11. an and and whole-
Some through and thr ■ ;gh. A single
-in <>n the part of a single < hristian
may hinder the w hole chur !. fr-m re
ceiving (Jod's l.|i-ss;ng The < i.lure to
confess only .nc fault, or to r-j a.r
only one injury, or to T-• only one
resolve, not only may hinib-r tlo- js*r
*..n concerned from the f llre-ss of
blessing which would otherwise have
lieen granti-l hmi. but also may pre
vent the whole church from reaping it*
harvi-st of divwie fav..r and rs!eenu*l
siiuls. In a true revival every
Christian strive- to purge his heart of
the last and b-a-t thing whiih is
grievous in the -ight of li -1 . an 1 into
that heart thu* emptied the Holy
spirit enter*, dwelling there and work
ing from that centre thenceforth a<
never before.
Ttmrlf Hints.
Bev. Br. E. E. Hale, addressing a
large assembly in the B >*t.,n theatre
on a recent Sunday : "There are pe...
pie who s,iv there ar-- no ste-h thing a*
a reign of Hod; that we are all like a
herd of cattle on the Texan prai
ries. or like a flock of sheep on a I yl.
orado ranch. Now. to do our work
properly in this busine-s, we must
first of all keep the body pure.not yield
ing it to every appetite or exciting it
with stimulants. The marksman at
freed moor, or even the man who plays
three-card monte, knows the value of
steady nerves, a clear brain, and a
quick eye, steady for use when the
rritiral moment arrive*. Every man
and woman in Boston kn->ws. without
looking up text-book* or ethics, or
going into Court street to consult a
lawyer, what i* right and w hen he or
*he i* doing wrong. Cherish an inti
macy with Hod, and take the rule
which Christ gave, 'Follow me!'
Follow him, and do it not as a clock or
a locomotive, but do it a* an immortal
being." At the end of the sermon Dr.
Hale addressed a few plain words ti
his audience on the subject of these
meetings. He said : "Looking around
I see ttint there arc many here to-night
who are not regular church-goers.
You don't want to go into the churches
to hear us preach, but we want to
*poak to you. and that is the reason we
have come here. We propose to come
at least half way. We will come to
I this theatre, and you will conie. I
know perfectly well I can see that I
nin speaking to jer*ons who, having
been bnptized and brought up in early
years in a eertain communion, have
come, through the tendencies of the
ninteenth century and of a free land,
Ito distrust the church machinery, to
believe it all u humbug, all a man a*
factored thing <>n tins part of the
priest* who want to make their living
out of it, and HO have ent HM-e from
the whole tiling. i have a very great
respect for the position of those per.
sons, ami 1 do not wonder that they
are where they are. It is to Hitch per
sons I say that I am not here as a
priest, or that we have any pretension*
to a divine calling any more than any
other man or woman. If we have
Hod's truth to say we are Hod's anoint
ed ; if we have not Hod's truth to say
we are no priests of hi*. I speak to
such persons with confidence. I ask
them to listen to H hat the free chun li
of America has to say to them ; to
what the I'nitarian church has to say
of life and its duties, of death, of
sorrow and of joy, and of our practi
cal religion in iliis world. We are
sure of your candor, and we a-K you
to give 11 your attention."
Fire Escape*.
"Two things ar* led." said .fohn
Becker to a reporter, "to secure to the
public security against loss of life by
lire. The (irst is a common sense es.
• ■ape, the se. .rid the universal adoption
of sin han escape. For thirty years I
nerved a* a volunteer fireman, sitting
for fight ye e- (01 the Imard ot en
gineer*. ami holding for live ami .1 half
years tlie |e>sithoi of chief of the de
partment, ami not a few have been the
1111 111 I M-r of v (-called lire-I-S'.ipes brought
to my notice. 1 have given the sole
jet t much time and study, ami the re
cent tires vv it It the at tent ling I< • - s of life
have coriiinmsl the opinion I have held
for years in this matter. |kt!••oties of
IPOI t (tending act >-s the front, -ide or
I 1 k "fa 1 :*id j ng He tl<t o- t onnectisl
by ladders .if iron, cmlh-s chains, pur
table ladder* and tovv.r- ami a folding
vv intlow-cs. ,ipt- may all la* well enough
as tar as tlieV go. lillt they do not go
far enough Inmates of a burning
building intuitively make at on> •• for
the stair-. A practical 11 r- -est ape. then,
should be t aistrnt 1 with this fact in
view. 'Fins to my mind an !*• done
iri no I ettt-r way than by hiiiltling mi"
or more irmi -ta.r isc* cm!os<*l by
some lirepr .( material arel separated
from tin- building pr--p. r by a hollow
w.dl. These stairway* should connect
W itii every tlot.r by automatic IRON
tl IRS. wiin.li SHOULD o|cti from the hall
SO that NO impediment to their LE ing
rc.'idily ojencd might obtain. Thus,
UJTON an alarm • f tire, the occupants of
a building 1 mil Tl' EML in safety
without fear of falling OR cv|Wsure,
which fear, I btbeve, LIAS OCCASIONED
the dea'h OF MORE than ONE JA-rson dur
ing THE last year. If tin- building lie a
large one. tlmn. TWO. three, or even
f MR of THESE UP PROOF S'A-II ~.CS might
be htli!t. C.vcll one of them • tllllll'ini
• iting with every floor of tiie building.
When I was in the legislature the
juestion of lire e-. aj.e- . vine up and
was the subject of tii oii discussion,
but that was all that • ame of it. The
general adoption I>l some such means
of escape by .air hotel*, theatres, apart
ment houses ami large factories would
soon e 'urate the people to a knowledge
of the means at hand for escape in
times of danger, ami would not dis
figure the buildings or call ii|K>n weak
women and little children to climb
hand over hand down a swinging chain
or .1 hanging ladder. In my present
capacity as superintendent of tire
appliances for the F.rie railway my
means for olocrv at ion arc numcrons
and varied, and no one plan but this
suggests so many got*l features or such
likelihood of meeting the re quirements
of the envrgenrie* of bra. in theatre,
dwelling or hotel.
Showed His Money.
John 11. V >n lfohb-n. a (ierman gro
cer in New York, ehangcsl a $1" note
for a stranger, and, in doing so display
ed a large roll of money, soon after
ward* two young men entered the
store anil said they had made a bet a*
to whose hat would hold the most
"Itot's nodding*tome," -aid Bidden.
"I know nodding* nlxuid such pisi
lint the young men were not to be
put off. They said they would pay
for the molasses. The grocer grum
bled about the "voolishnesses" as he
took the hat they w anted him to till
and went to the rear of the store.
As he returned with it tothe man who
held out his hands for it, he stepped
lietween the two. The one who took
the hat said :
"Well, how much does it hold?"
Before the astonished grocer could
answer he was seized from lx hind. ami
at the same time the hatful of mo
lasses was dapped <>n his head and
pulled down over his eyes. Blinded
and Itew ildered. he could make no re
sistance while his money was taken
from him. and when he got the hat off
and ran out on the sidewalk, dripping
with molasses, his disjioiler* were gone,
lie lost |274 and the molasses.
Horrible Tragedy.
The jury room of the criiiiinstl court,
Iri St. Louis, was, a few days ago, the
scene nl an extraordinary tragedy.
John ('. I'arker, a critiiinal who has a
record of the blackest kind in many
western cities, killed his wife and liilu
clf. lie was a native of St. Louis,
and altout thirty-three yearn old. Ho
was awaiting trial for killing John I'ay
lon in a saloon. His pretty young wife
Nellie, ami their live-months' old baby,
was in the court room in company with
his two sisters. The wife leaned
against the wire sereen and talked to
!ier husband some time while another
"ase was being heard. It was remark
ed at the time that they were very
nfTeetiouate to one another. A deputy
sheriff, who noticed their l**havior,.
laid to the reporter that the only re
deeming trait in I'arker's nature was
nis love for his wife, whom lie hail
married alsiut two and a half years
go. She was considerably atiove ldm
in the social wale, and sacrificed her"
family ties to link her late with his.
While the husband and wile were con
versing I'arker's lawyer asked that ho
might have a conference with bis client.
Accordingly the prisoner was taken
from the cage by a deputy sheriff, and
walked tbroiigh the court into the jury
rooui. 11 is W ife W .liked by Ids side,
and bis sj-ti-r* and attorney followed.
They took seats, and the prisoner
U-gan to give his lawyer a list of wit
' The wife was se.'it<-1 |iy her
husband's side. Something drew the
attention of those present from the
prisoner when a shot rang out, and
l-efoie any one. . dd interfere, a second
one was lir'sl. The first shot sent a
bullet through Mrs. I'arker's brain,
killing her almost instantly. The
e. ■ :id shot I'arker tired while hp held
the wcajsin close to In- own temple.
ll*' died within an hour. Xeither he
nor bis wife spoke .liter they res<i\ed
their wounds. I.ate in the Evening a
letter w .is found written bv I'arker,
wherein he showed that the whole plan
was arrange 1 that he should kill him
self and his wife and that she had helji
ed him plot against her own and his
life. When she vont to the court
room, therefore, she knew she wat
going to meet death. Yet she walked
a- ros- the room without a tremor and
enteral the jury room, though she
knew that to cross the threshold wai
to steji into the grave.
Arcs of People Who Marry,
According to the figures compiled
by the derks in the bureau of vital
statistics, in 2"! out of the total nutn-
Is r of 11."-A marriages in I**2. the
bridegrooms were under twenty years
of age. The numlsT of brides under
that age was 2651. The bridegrooms
1a t ween 2" and 25 years of age num
ber's! :t'.22. the brides :Kj>2. There
was .k'l*2 men married who were !k>-
tweeii 2-"i and Jo years old. and 2121
women Iftween the same ages. The
bridegrooms ls-t ween 90 and 85 years
(ft age were 1685 in number. and the
brides 747. Hut 880 men and 485
wmen were married who were l*v
tween 85 and 4 years of age. The
old bachelors who became Hen edicts
Itctween 4' • and 45 years of age num
bcr'sl 477. and the women who when
married confessed to the same age
w ere 2W> in number. There were 276
men and 1"9 women married Iwtween
the age- of 45 ami 50, and 150 men
and 58 women bet ween 50 and 55.
Seventy men and 20 women were mar
ried who w ere over 55 and under 60.
The bridegrooms over 60 and under 65
numlvered 4-1, and the brides 8. The
bridegrooms over 65 and under 70
nmnlieml 10, and the brides 2. Four
teen men married between the ages of
70 and 80, but no bride acknowledged
herself over threescore years and
ten. < >ne bridegroom was l>etw een 80
and 90 years of age. Forty-five men
and 68 women refused or failed to
state their ages. The record does not
indicate which of the contras ting par
ties in the alove list w ere married foe
the second time.
At lean Steal.
London is unquestionably the great
est theater in the world for the pcrpe.
t rat ion of acts of eccentric criminality,
and among them there has probaltly
never l>een a queerer case than has
recently been developed by the recent
apprehension of an offender for the
heretofore unheard-of crime of steal
ing baths. The individual in question
would lay plans in regular burglar
style for breaking into houses, always
selecting the mansion where he knew
the surroundings to Ite luxurious.
Having succeeded in effecting an en
trance. he would proceed to the bath
room. w here he would indulge in th
luxury of a thorough cleansing, and.
although he never carriM away any
valuables,he may be said to have gen
erally succeeded In making a clean