I'roft'sstoturl ( nrri*, *\ AiUlllNl , A I I.V* liKI.I IF'OM'K. I'* M 1 ntt*ilt> it •> * iln 1 '•" 11 ll"l ' lljullllll. 11. ... I .11 11..1 ' 'jMIOM.VH .!. MrCL'LLOl'lill I A! 4 *i iN I \ N • • * rail ir*i;i * • •'*• • M o In AlLrn lnnlUi . " t •• • "i rrly u|*t U •*> ilm riih| iiuiiKiit/ 1 t tj > I \'\ n. 11. IUMIIi * r - r HASTINGS A UI.EDKU, ATTl'l NM > >1 IV VV lit- I. I F"'VI ' !'•' 'till .. ..II \ll..Utli% alt.it. < 1 11 • " ■III. ... IHIi-liini 11 >WUII All 111 •" - \"ol'l'M A IIAKSIIHKKGKU V il fortNKYM u t>AW. |ii I : I I .IN I I'.. 1' I INHMV ...i i i i I 1.-.I -.I I i. I AII-KIH-H> •! ,11 li,. r... Hi ,t.l> il—ll■ 1'"" 1 IIaIBH , . Mltl , „ Ab l , , • A ALII,'i. \\* ALL V( E A K 111 Ml -. v iHI iM i ,11.1 i• 11.IN HI i; i j„ i, lir . I > 1 . ..t li i-l' v T "MiLIS L. OUYIS, l j At" I 'I'.M.V \ r 1.1 u . it t'li'K • i pu- -liii. " ..lit II >i••. ■ ■ Hi- -I'• '' " A ~ F.i - .... mi ...>m. *- " t LEX A N OElt, a UOVVER, A V All I..vt.ii .ir LIW, I ~,i .' . , -I . i'a. 'l' " ' lit it., ultfl ' .i • i UAU • R*ll - '"'J I* i. v.v- :> >1 ■ i'-> '■ ■ , ■ . .. I F. 1.1-. I' V ' IJKAVKK A OK I'll Alt I J > atuKSKvt .vr uvr, , , . .J , .... . f Hull II -11. faille. t'A. 1-1 ' l y F. FOIL I' v \ ■ I /, VI ' N i ■ Nil V bail .1 wr i >tli li-.'llii tli>-'' IH ' JOHN I'.LAIK LINN. r) \Tf iltNi.'i vi i.v ... I.IUMI I'V I' •" J L. SI'ANGLKU, tt . \i; ■ cv i i.m, H ril.tKt AII. i , I'- Vv I iV. ... uu „ . .. • ... ■... - ...... - .11 ill lb. li-. irla. ' i 11,... •- . .>*.' l"l> 'P C. flli'l'LK, I . vir"i.v . vr-uw. i•• ;.iv v i > i'a .Vl'< i-i-i-. i iI. j \ \ *M. I*. MITCHELL, > v t'R.vi rii vi ■' hveV'Ci. I. . K *I I N iA . U i ill -t.-l I - ill 111 ' !. I ■ ClmtMM v'Olillf Ur C. HEINLE, , hi Hi.Mv • ~i : ; . 'N' lt, IM , ,i ant H—. V ■ "" • \:i ■-. .a ■ I' . : WILLIAM Mi ( I'LLOl" i.l, n 111" -N'•- ; ' (I V; . I tl V ltl I UK Il'iV. M. I>.. , li.-. - 1 • 1 \\\. ,i vs. u. nor.r.iN . M. - c-ti -i.i rn.rt. . v. nil. .1. W. 11 HONK, i 'enlist,can 4 &.i|lmi<. . I'. S^ATEtMTS ■ . Jn ..... . ...i .. :..i-c . J rt; • i t.ii- i m*'. , . .I, F ..... v\. f. 'l.i r > IH <■ >, , •>* •• * |rrl. t,rr. 1 ■ toll.. -: isr n/ti it, i-- i ti • i i!., ®n t v- ,< •!I" i '• :itlfr.". II i I l irhtn' .1 Il riihrtirr lhatrr*. IEL AR ID "W.A. IR, IE! W I r,S(> N . M <• K AIM >A N K CC >. jI>KA LEI'S IN STOVES, RANGES - HEATERS. ALSO faints, Oils, (Ilass and Varnishes, AND —J BUILDERS' HARDWARE, ALLP. lURUT ATMCKT. ... IIVMEf BiXX'K, .... BRLLtrONTK. "* JPIARK JOHNSON'S F Indian Blood Syrup, Cures all diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Skin and Blood. Millions testify to its effioacy in heal ing the above named diseases, and pro ji/ nounce it to be the BEST REMEDY KNOWN TO MAN. M\Hk (Jnarunteed to cure Dj/sfn/iHia. Laboratory 77 W 3d St, New York City. Druggists sell it TRAVELER'S GUIDE. j >KLLi:i'4N 1 L liil, L ~t \ (i) .Sic m ,m|i i in >t. irrlfet In J., i Art. •'* H I. -f nti* U * m •! 4lmv Mhui II itdvvi i Siiuw Miut j ~' . n.,,rrn liillnllfloult 4. i i'. v UlVlliMl :•!.'■• 1.46 I ' n iv. •• ■! m."• . W L . v y > Itl, AI It .li I Mi| • Hull .! i.l A 1, W 1. A ill,!', V A I-L LI KAIL I > 1.1,1) ... UIHI \, i.. I.UW V'-- U|l 'AM f.'l' %I * , %. M. I' N. rW.AM ® <" . •_ *111*• Ai :\i i • *• ... IV, II i y ~K I.- -4V • . 1 • • -'V . .." I All ** ... j * . ** I.l* I I l.Mfclt " 1 ' ' * l If* I 1...." I .... I •• . " '• ' I . I• • I " li All ' -. ' •'' JlO J I, . " I' ll I " ... H V" VIW • .1 . . •• .li*rn. M ... -"7 ¥ I • Q " JaiUU •• l * H , ..." I IIIOI.YIItU " ... s - ' W ' •* . ... " w Miiui- In " .. WU • *'■ • . " Mil- '■*-►. " 4 *' L. „,j , .. IJ. i;,-iuUto " 4 ' " ... " 111 "' '.t f. '* s '* |u ' * ,I. •' i.mi.i, - • '""J" > IN M ant hntfl* " 1 - ! " - " ::: :: r:;;:;:..- , "' 1 l , . " Mill H • " ■ - ''! 11 - ' , " t' il lllfclOll " •• ' " i| * I , . , k „ ..i" •! ii - • I JKN.V-O I.V ANIA KAILUOAL. ion A.riiiii* •• • •- • niiii' .t-r 1 4 '-" • , i>* ,-iui i i ; ■ • \\ i.n 1 AUI h'.l K >IA I L I'liiu i l|'' 1 J ' 5 J' in r . 4 11 i • \\ i|j|,iiu| 't- - . i. i •• i..- w II / ;••• - 11.-ll.tv I XIAIIM'.A 1 'I'M-'- ...v #".lU.M|.liii il.rr,.luii, I" ■ i. | \v >ll, .in-, 11- - - 1 11 ,i - . ii lli-ii > I . • ii j - .-1} l.i* . •' ~ ;• •' ■ i FA-I 1.1.N F. " >V" ■IT ' I"lilt ! rrlv .tll.■ *II '■ 4 4"M i i.Ai \ Hi. PACiri BXPftKHI ' • 1 It IlitM \\ . n • ♦iti% 1 ' i 'vi n * i. !' .l- U '* •• * 1 11 (> v Y K\i •l x "t n* '' l " '• 1 w i. k II %n . ..- H . i. • • • \S P. ;. , • * I . • * * it • i Kill! M All - f ; I. k it% • ' 4 : " i. , t V r' . UN I - - • * • ' 1 - ' 4 " Atll \r • * t 11 IT t ft " * I' ~1.4 . 7 . - ■ : - tt * • *- 1.. I V H 11. K r\* . A 11h • • I trr- i > , - n r r • • tt i ll 111* * - N ♦ "I' J V. -I *i to - .r -I,>ri iu; N i i; V , • ru, I' t| I W. .4 N . V I IJtrM U.*L I •) A V, . t. ?! %t 1... k II v\ I, . 1 \ li li trj>in m • ii, iw. -• iii r' -!!.•, . - M - H i; 4i • * iti i* *\ a \ A R l y rt ?*. . mi *i i 'Oi \ \ a i: I * il) r V I i'hitk * | - i*d to t • . Kfi I \ ' t- U .f 1 , I *,!'•# ,ri I— I I i t . ; ~> Li l *' |"fii i*r '• *l' rj ; t : * •• w * R ■ tt* r, • 4 . , Aw . G- i*w*4 j I ia . Tits k.vJV*. • n Tit*; < r 1 VII'TIIVV , •: 1... I' . it vv N? C. I 4, lr .1 h* i ! *. i . M^'" h Ifch If* *t, I- . .*, 1 'I I III' •' •• 11. . t_ }•' r, * , jiy • 'r.*' . TRA.DL - *ARK. ' " - ' •'.> * A. k tCAir ißrtifgivt fat 11. Cll.Nlllt.lt a 10. I'll ftlitiruh, l'. gjjga I Ra I ' I |h I i ***** I '' ImnM lli.rl)—lt frrar.'hr,, ' Nl rlitr r i fir rKamin*lif!.-''• i irkt. til athir ilcparlmonl* <1 ln,lutrial progri j.'iMiabnil in anv , irintrv- Pmgla . opt 1.1 I y mail, 10 ccntn. Hoi.l l.y 'all in wa it. sl-rt. \ l(lrc, Mnnn .'. f 0., ptibliahrr* of S no tide AnnTK*n. 'JF.I Hr- trluay. New York. Handbook abont patent* ritailid free. \rw Attrrrtinrmrut. TUTT'S PILLS A NOTErHWN^SAY?' | ]>.Terr:l ir ten futrt 1 bsva ! Iktii S m;atjr I I 1 •> • .1, I n,iupii-,.,ii nil I I'll**. I.Mt ! r:>11? "• 11 rj ; c nn . mmr-i I( i 1 tome; 111 lll'ln ( ill w,lll lit' V Initio. I I.m 1 now a nri'll m., I i ....l ,u | 0., i I I*l fret, I'Vlll ir . I K..T r. r. 1 I I,!,!, \ i •! forty jmnii ,Mt . I iln.lt. 'Jli j- ore ortl> I ilitir ueiiflit in ioi l. Ksv.n.L. mpsox, ixiuiirau, K*. SYiypTows CF A TORPID LIVER. I Lou* if At(i"Ut'-,N'i'|i!. i.llowclro(it I v., I Pulii in t'iu llon i, wiili a (lullemißntion i tnthnbnch part, I'mnunderthnShoiild.r j I bl.itl , fiilliit u niior o itinif, with a illfl- ' inolliniilon ti rr rtlun o lx !lv< in id, Irritnboby nt 1 1. . |-i, L.wi plrlta, L-.as I c.f_n>.-m-t v, with n I-ritn* of having n*- )•-. tad H< 'iiindiitv, Win ririawi , luzr.lnrs*, Flutt' ring . I Ihoh'Hrt, I>ot i b-fora thn yi ", Yellow Skin, H'Midnrhi', iii' HH t niicht, hiirhly colored Vrino. IF TItKSK WA&NI.N'OS AUK UNHKKDKD" SER'OUS DIGEASES Will BE OtViIQPIO. lull S Pi 1.1.S ire r**m Inl If wlpf*i| In ■ ILL-LI IH' I.OIM ilnar r FR rt *MI It N rlimtuo of It it-i lo ami r. mid oii %%|ll t." 11 . 1 lianllhy iMrrailmi, t Ik'TUIII I m< Mi urn* IVmri. nn| |.|% *r. Prlrr, Jt\ < enU. Office. :tft Unrrsy *l.. it. V. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. I. R.i v llulr it ml 11 in L r rim Hired ton l*t< L l#y A uniilc npplMiMioii of fill* !•>. It IIMtail i% natui.il color, • liin'aiitniicnuily. Sold hv 1> MK uUt, in •cut i t ft|rta on me i|t • r H i. >1 ii in) St., \ %%• \otii. ( fill. TI'TT'S >l4 11 \I. of %'n Innltle \ I nloi unit lon nnitV r fM I ICere Ipf■ %% 111 I In mttlU u I 1t1.1.0u nppllcatlon. / —THIS PAPCU I? ON fILE I UV101CI ous) - '■ WvERTiSINc/_ Wystone/ \gccttW r T > ,, "r i f 7' ,r^i - I } !3 A SURE CURE ? * ir .1 : i .* i '•.a K .lnc3 and t X: 7:';7 : ;'Slf 1 : \ ■ } '•.T . k $ • • J '■ ■ • I 1 Malaria. t 2 .11 'A /.I urr r ! . i Jt , ' . D-IM lak at • J ' (i -ctPrvotucs. "s. ro n. | X '■ '■ ".L jsL'LJL j eggana . • * • MMHHH 2? c, >• T I r . I - t M.m - • invi. loll*. 1 v. ■ ? s f • |* i f ♦I r N •-. I *r r l S . a 2 • v I In llWiaM— en 2 ►j MM It: i ii j JB 9 rt maimn—i , A * p . i V S(,Y - r'V ' 7ne j Drt t ii/C. A j A X Oau X X /yf Hi V/ JOHN HARRIS, Snt.t Aom, ! J-< nui.I.KmXTF. P*. .CUSAP GUNS for THE PEOPLE. 3 i • ILCH, PM O,M Rmntn, n>miwt. lMtw. l oiw.P mi ' l s# p Adlre%a J. H JOHKSTO9. 10# Sni it li field tlrael. fllkhnA ' >i4 - For Halo. \ FAHM oontnlning Pllti Acres . m kaiinp lhM*cn .fKI*A TW'MITOIT PHAMK lil li.MKil .1..1 uut IMIIIAIH,* llll.kf H\* [)KMh'KAT, HrJ/efuntr, J'fiin'af/a/ other ! farmer* f#ir/y Luxe the benefit nf it. l t rt | commxtntcnlu'Hk he ti.nrtv,awt he t ,re that ; they tire brief and irett imiatetf. ' Too Many lloracH on tho l urii.. Ani n< an i ultivat -r. A iiiiHlnki' fri-cjuc'iillv in:il<: 113 f:rmor is iri too main ami too poor horses. The tost of feed ing a horse (lining twelve month, is usually half the value of a good one, and Hoini'liines more than the value of a poor one. From this eost uiuy tie deducted the manure, hut at the Inst it will Ik: seen that a horse mii't ! IN; kept at work most o! the turn tUrou. h the year, or hi will vert soon ; cat his head off. A strong team of young horses weighing 1-■!> pouniU each will coat for keeping dining the i year neatly or ipiite | are 31.0 working 1 ..">o <0 sa da\ in the hurry ol plowing ami harvesting. Through the year, however, the t. am should average ?1 per d:n in earn ings to olfset its kicp, leaung a profit of slm, less deterioration in value and ri*ks of aeeident. on farmers 0:1 small farm* keep two horses, wlu ll tliev have really pi lit ! able work for such a team not mori than two r.r tbrie weeks nut of tin Bfly-two. Worse still 1* the ease of many Inrg. 1 farmers, who ki> p *i\ t > eight horses through the 3ear. and a great ileal of the time I. \■' r. i'.inng in prrsiuetive woik foi them to do. Many failures ut firmer* :c lue ' > I'his cause. Snelr individuals will j easilv r. eogni/e the in ' ik< II \.i 1 g 1 a lot of men and ba\ ,ng t. < ~i , lit t>alf the time . but in prop...:; n to their woik the feed of well k< | t horses is a* co*tly a* ttic wagi- and .• od I of a hired man. Circumstnn •< s Alter Cn'os. Mr. 11. K Tonii.nson, > eoire* | (.(indent of the I'liil.idelpli 1 /' loses an interest oig ami ir mi • ( uti-, le upon e.i|i|,M, with 'I . r . g | com lu*iot.s I ir*t. 011 a 'ni id 1.0 n. w li. a* | in', ii ,ia!'le labor, soiling, 1 > 111 i- i th >r< ig! •'.( in, ?i \ b. 1 'f '.en Iw ith a lan | i o*pi < ' of ... -• d profit fioui the fal.li I..it wnl Ira!- attended also with a lie .. i u.' i>:. g w'ei d.sagii < able labor to tin i o in. . ?•.. >nd. upon largi farm*, al*o ■itnindailtlV spp cd lt'i I '.I .e. i *i stem of par rial - . ing. „ : n- . . . inert .i*i"g a* >1 tili uilics n- *ui inieinted, W ill b - attended M'II b -< tisk and piolial.lv g ve grea'. r pro u than eitlu r *3 *li 10 alone. Third, on large bonis dtlcn i.t in reliable lalair, it would be unwise to ia l l the diUicultieo and imtm n*c hi r ' of toiling to an alread v oveibui fened I AyUMU. Fourth, upon ail larii,*. it! .its to improve tlmir gi <1 ng eapneity In enriching |eruaaneiit pashms and rsising bitter clover, wiil piobablt pay as well us outlay in any other direction whatever. lit out paature crop liavc at least an espial chance with other crops. Manure—The Motive Powi r of tho Farm. ('■'f.ftf fdltn'i R'b * .Seeing wo tnanv things written about by wo many different (misons, i and lo many different w\w advocal ed for the same thing, 1 thought i would write a lew liuea in regard to a matter that lias more lo do with the auccewa or failure of the farmer than any other one thing connected with the whole farming business, that is manure. It ia the motive power of tire farm. Home have one way and tome another to keep ami apply ma nure, but the best way, in mv opinion, ia to get the manure into the soil as loop M you can. cither cnarae or fine. I That will aave it and inaure you good crop# aa a rule. Of course a person must use some judgment in using bis manure, but the greatest possible mis take a mni euii make is leaving it all .Summer to waste in hi* yards. Clean the yards at least twice a year. The general time, among ordinary farm ers, is lo haul manure in the Spring. A good plan iu to haul all you can duiing the Winter, spreading its you haul, never leaving in piles. I would prefer leaving in the yard, (Hot alto {■ether <)f course), until I could draw and spread. The work is done then, and whatever you plant or sow will give you an even nop. Not a crop full of lodged *pot*, or spots with no giain, and where the piles were left perhaps a spot of pig weeds or some thing else as bad. I have seen men that call themselves good farmers haul their rnunure in the Spring, upon tlnir Hummer fallow, and leave it in heaps until after harvest, per haps, before plowing it under. Good und Cheap Food for tho Teams. I.i ... ... s v T... ,1 Wo ait ohligtd to keep two teams (.1 hoi sis and two yoke of oxen, anil having to buy most of their feed have succeeded HI making up a fuo'l rat ton that to me is satisfactory. Oni ■ 'cam, W'ighing 2 "00 pounds, con 1 Hume liadv Fi pounds rye slr-aw cut j i tine, halt in morning, the remainder at night : lg pounds uncut briy at noon, tlie grim fid consists of rye. oats and corn. gro'Ui 1 (ijuril part* in Hilt, wi'h foifttii nior. added of rtlu 1 ! all. Tin* ri..xtu "O-t* s|.t;o per I (' pound*, and the team eat 12 pound* of it per day. mixed upon the cut stiaw morning and evening. The .Iran i worth t*l't. the iinv * 1 jel ton j 12 pounds hn\ p> r ilay is (•'•lit*, !•. po'ind" Htr-.w 1, * ceiit* , lg pounds ol feed I* I * cent*—cost of *< oping to-iri per div is. .'!.' i cents. -V ro . i t am vvei dung a little Jc*. than ..'.('(l pounds, consume less. Ihe < \-u v.tigli .[.on i pounds each pa.i. an i i.nh pur consume ol pom .is ,j| cut stiiiw. go pounds of hay, an i 13 JMIIIH IS of mixed feed ;n like manner a* to the horses; the cost I* -".(• cs-titf per yoke per day. I i.o a; imai* are not Worked hard; * >uie dins not a*, ail, but arc used enough for good exert i*c. Who w ill git. us -i Is-tter and ehcn|>er plan .' CtonnlineHf in the Dairy ih- *. *an i i. Tnf ivny in* •ho I b. foic i.viiig, U-liiorougiily ■I So I 1 :u..| . r sc.l I ■ evetthing to -t i ii I into tic IIII.k pail. lln : .ro I ; sh .' i j .-lei- 01, r the • 'l. h i- ' • . i.vi . Ilia milk, two i""i Ml ..ii*..! ii ic |us I thick tie *s ' ie :i' U* i oik ' . n.g In 1 >.i ih, ut hi r. Ihi .. i on. st made o' thick <••( .l. n i! im.i. v wi.oliij en M r *.. I .ii t 1., in good deal .f : I -tit ■ I ! h..l .1 uiiell ol 11 cut t' on. wni -1 i ' tliiu'igi, A - ofti II i* U o'll . • Ilubi'i s up.ui tin-111, I.u-v *'i uiil Is • in< >1 over and rinsed ' '. v • iv -ill Th; * won id be but i nail r in for < v !; dairvtunn to 10. liel it wo iid make a mntciial dilfi '.m-c 111 tie ipi-ility of the but ler oi chci-*i ti; ;i is to IH> made from , it. t'.u* little attention to cicauii r.ess would, iik* evi i v other tidy :•( * cuiiuecti'd ith the dairv, pay well in the long run, brcaii*c it would make ! ( guilds so much more satisfactory ind ihsirnblc. It would nut remove entirely tin lux 1**1(1, for tr lining at the factory. iucsu*c ilu and other oli its iv Inch it is impossible to avoid ari always Fable to drop into milk while Uing 1; an-1 led, that must Is- got out, but it would keep out so lunch leu utile matter tßat now g--i yi, us to make a material improve ment in the products of the factum *. .N /Ir oi / I.in .VIM/ tn iiiil. Profit of Cotton Feed Men) v 11 All- n I have lately made a careful vx|w . l irnr lit. with one cow , and find that adding two pounds per day of cotton aecd rural to her rations (one pound in the morning and one pound nt iiighl) increased flu yield of her but tec a ft action over one pound |er week. Tbe cost of the cotton seed meal, delivered at my barn, is two cents |>er pound, which would amount to twenty-eight cent# |ier week. The butler waa told at thirty-Ave cent* per pound, making tbe profit in feed ing tbe above meal seven cenla per week on the butter alone. Hut thia d'vea not tell tbe whole 'ory, for tbe cow ia kept in much better condition l>y the col, on seed mewl than sfir ' would bo without it, for niic is almost fat enough for the butcher. In addi tion litis, her manure is considerably the richer for the meal. And then there is the pleasure of weeing the animal in first rate health, and carry ing a thick, warm, wo ft, smooth coat of hair through the cold weather. Til* greatest value of ensilage is in its tendency to increase the pro duct of manure, and thus increase fertility. Knailagc is about the only farm product that i* not sold oft the farm. An Excellent Place to Put a Little drain. Aui'fi *u Cult,tat • In breeding lambs for the "arly market it is less important that they come early than that they are kept grow ing without check from lack of food. After the lamb is ten days or two weeks old, it v,iil usually l>egin to eat something besides its mother's milk. No grain is better than whole oats, placed in shallow troughs w here the lambs run and the old sheep can. not. A very little grain fed in this way will bring greater profit than if fed to other kind of slock. The best lambs are always saleable at fancy I prices, while stunted specimens are | often a di ag .and do not pay <-x|>enses • Comparative Feeding Value of Cotton Seed and Corn. ym l> 'i.+i In lOO'i pound* of cotton seedcake, lecortieaUd, there arc '.'On |x>uuds of Iry matter, whu.hcon tins CO pounds ■>f nitiog* nls j mii i- of |ot isli and • 1 pounds of phosphoric acid. The , value of this article as food or ma nure may !_ •irnaU- i by comparing it with 1000 pounds of maize, which ■i:i ■ i pounds of dry matter, coo l ining 15 |>oi'ndi of niti igen..'} C Hi*, of iMjtash and • 1 lb* of phosphoric acid. An Open Question. Arba < arnpbf 11. of tfswego, N. Y., has grown four wheat crops in sue • cosion by pitting in with the s< <*< l .MO jKiunds of suiierpbosphalc and .I'iMl pounds of (b irnaii potash salt*. Chat the lan 1 n irons its f*-itility un der this treatment is shown bv the lact lhat the last crop of wheat nn* fully as good as ;,ny 1 his is very well as an i \|m niiuit to show what can IK- done. It is still a ijuestion whither tlic lata! would not in • prove more njiidly ai I the profits !*• greater with all nlci v tiling crop of I'lol el. Ho Careful n Yrar Selection. v :• u. • K i N- i ■; Spring i- now ,r | toaidiiug wf.cn ihe turner mu-t .■> s out bo a >tal lion to M'ls'd to hi- ii, .r. •. Let loin tie i afl till t'l 111- -I 5 ■ lion, and si • especially rl. it it - o nit oui in all lespi I l. 11 lei of kind, i-iiii lew jll I As to S X' . 11l 111 -l 1 1,11-1 , accordance til.- m.,. m l situation, fill tiles.- \at * .I'l'i V lUOIII It."o i l lo .lit I\ . and I i Oi,e slioull plilgc what is t.e-t • r • -illinlnidualiy and a future - ile it tsc 1 tier also is his iiiU'ti ion. The Conservative Couroo is Al ways Safe i -.i \ .i One thing is proof that the con conservative ruum of tht /•', m as regards ensilage has -ci \n this matter. Let them -till wait awhile. 1.-t our agricultural experiment t toi- an