NIII'UKKT Ac VAN ORMKR, Editor*. VOL. 5. Cht tTrnfrc §rmoat. Terms St.ftO per Annum.ln Advance 8. T. SHUOERT A J. R. VAN ORMER, Editors. Thursday Moraine, March 29, 1883. Centro County Democratic Com mittee for 1883. MKTRD'T. NAUR. I*. O. ADbllM. tiwllrfont* N. W. J. M. KHrlilin* lWII*fnU. S. W. Ch**. Hmltli .. W. W. M. A 1 1 * ■ w-t r*l In\ l*tli*r ..llnwuM Milsmbiiri " I' Jonrt Mllfiol'UriC. s!llhrim " fl' ' MUlb-lm lMiillplirx IW. U.U. Ilorhnssr IM>lllp>l-arfc. • ■ W S.'l SrhmMl •* .1 W. A. V. rrpciitrr... " fnl.tinllle !"u. I'. J M<-l>n*M ..Kloming Heeaei ivt. Wai ISilw tMlt-f.-ut--. ||. Frank T. A'lamn Mil—l ing. Burn-Ms t| Ilnirjr Mix-ki-r I'lno Ulsnti Coll-gr Iwp. John R>p la-nnirii I nrlln iwi.. John Mi-Otwkrjr KoiiioU. E.-r*ii>ii <> I- J T MrConutck -Uf, .|lrK .. > |> I, \V Walkrr Uock Sprtl'it ii, -^r .- Julio Coldrun S|irir>K M'U-. X |> Win l.u~- ... Frm<-r Mill- Mw li' l> a. Ww —''••• W.l*. Geo. Bovrr Asiusabirg. ruif Uonii IW|>. J 11 Ortmo Storm.l.mii. Ilarri- twp. I' W M-y-r tV-olal'iim. Honor,l twp John Glrnu Iloword. tfliiotou t|> John 0 Mil'-- lullon. l.ti'ott, top Join-* P l.imi BUnrhord. Marine I J Uoj .Watkar ■ Miloo ip- Kllto K Shof-r Moilloonl.ur.- I'ottou tup. Agn-w Rollrro Jr Slim- -' twp. I'. 11. S tor or Ooburii. p ,„ rr sp l> J M. vi-r ... Crntrr Moll. o S.l*. Sntnilt'l Slorh Til—ryrlll'*. H,uh Nl' Wllltom I'lillrn IMiillpst-iir.: S |> J.T KTIJ Sanity Rhlgo. .-now shoo tot, Wm R Hoyor. Sm.w Snoo. sprm* twp. K C. MMmW. T-ivlor twp. Hrpl'UYn lllnw-ni lowlor. In in a twp S K Km-rlrk Firming. Wolkrr top Kmrrli k llutlrrotmrg W rth twp M S -potto Cutt Moulds MM C IIEIM.K Cholnnsa. W. MILS* W'/u.***. Bn-rwisry • IT is said that Tennessee pays a pension ot SID a month on all her citizens who lost one or both eyes in the war, whether he fought in the Federal or Confederate armies. A SPECIES of wild potatoes has been discovered on the table land- of Ara zoua, and is represented as very rich in flavor. It is to be made the subject of experiment bv the State Agricul tural society of California. THE Stalwart Cameron party scores a victory in Chester county. In the nomination of n successor to Senator Kverhart who has Ix'en elected to( 'in gress, Harlan the Cameron candidate carried off the prize by a decisive majority. THE Washington (D. C.) Gai'ttc savs that the bravest man thai ever lives! was one who blew a puff of to bacco smoke in the face of eternity as bin letter of introduction jut the in -taut before he " shuffled off this mor tal coil. " THE snow-fall in North Carolina on •Minday and Monday last was unpre cedented. At (Jreensborough the snow i- two feet deep on the level, and at Heudcrson it is three feet. The telegraph lines are down and many hwuses have fallen under the we.gbt ol the sot>w. Gov. HCTI.EH, of Ma—achusetts, means business. He expresses his determination to go before a commit tee raisetl by the legislature to investi gate Ins charges against the manage ment ot the charitable institutions of that State in order to cross-examine the witnesses. THE Baltimore American finds in the announcement that the Depart ment of Justice is aliout to uniform the marshals and deputies, aud that the messengers and chasseurs of the Treasury are to appear in livery, con vincing evidence that Oscar Wilde slid not come and lecture to us in vain. KETIIBKPORO B. appears, is ambitious again to be governor of Ohio. It is said he was in Cincinnati a few days ago looking over the poli tical situation, and while there was guilty of an unusual extravagance hy the venture of a whole five dollar note to a politician to set up the pins and treat the hoys. THE wheat speculators are moving early to raise price*. They report a great shortness in the wheat crop for the present year as compared with that of last previous to forecast the yield for 1883, hut there is a large surplus on hand in the west from last year's crop to be worked off, honce the doleful predic tions of failtirf for the present year. Tin; cxcontric non-descripl who head* the department of justice lit Washington, in his second raid upon the Democratic voters of South Caro lina, is meeting with übout the same success that mnrked his efforts last year. The recent outrage perpetrated on a number of peaceful citizens of Clarendon county, and the result ought to shame the Attorney General into the propriety of employing de cent agents to perform the dirty work, or at least restrain those in his employ. They were seized at their homes and hurried awav without being permitted to take a change of clothing or any thing else necessary to health or com fort. Hail was refused, aud they were huddled into a jam like so many sheep. A Charleston telegram of the 'J4III instant gives the sequel to this most disgraceful story. It says : "The pre liminary examination of McFaddin, Wheeler and other citizens of Claren don county, charged with conspiracy to intimidate Voters at the last elec tion, was resumed here to-day before I'nited States Commissioner t layer. There being no evidence to sustain the charge the commissioner dismissed the case, and the prisoners were re leased. These were the parties, the circumstances of whose arrest created some excitement in Clarendon county a few days ago." It may be a good thing for deputy marshals to make fees, hut they must not lie permitted to make them a- was done in this case —by seizing unoffending citizen" and carrying them away from their homes to he arraigned and discharged be cause there is "no evidence" agninst them. This business can never be stopped at a better time than just now. THE remains of John Howard Payne, the author of "Home, Sweet Home," which arrival at New York la-t week, has reached it- final rating plaee iii Washington City. This has been accomplished through the liln-r --ality of .Mr. Corcoran, the emi nent philanthropist of that city, who intend- to have the remains interred with appropriate ceremony u the beautiful "Oak Hdl cemetery." At present they are deposited 111 the Chapel vault, but the eiT-monv which will signalize the interment will not take phi • • until the Mth of done. Ir is |Mis-ihle, av- the Washington ocea-ionallv to get a hint that i* ttsehil to the Uemoern'ie party even from MI unfair a paper a- the New- York Trili'iif . Referring to lie-tariff and the talk of further tarilf legisla tion when the next Congress comes in, the Tribune savs "Were it any other party than the Democracy we should feel no doubt in predicting that ordi nary political sagacity would prevail and they would leave the subject severely alone till after 1884; but judging the capacity for blundering hy pat achievements we are inclined to think they will take the question up promptly upon the reassembling of Congress." The "capacity for blunder ing" was on the other side, to a pheno menal extent, during the Forty seventh Congress. The Democratic record on the tariff during both sessions is all that the most sagacious Democratic politician could desire. The deep-land scheme of Kclley At ( o. to do nothing, and to make the Democrats appear to have defeated legislation, was foiled by superb management. The Repub licans were compelled to pass a bill, and the obligations of Republican Senators and members to various monopolies required them to make the hill just what it is—a load that the party cannot carry. The sagacity that prevailed in Democratic councils during the last Congress is not likely to lie wanting next wiuter, and the desire of the Itepuhiiran managers to have the Democratic House rush into a tariff struggle will not, we confident ly believe, be gratified. The Demo crats will wait till they can do some thing before making au attempt to do anything on the great question of tarifT taxation. "KMUAI. AS'LT KXACT JUSTICE TO AM. MAN, OK WNIATKVKH STATE OH I'KHHU ASION, KKI.IOIOL'H OH FOL.LTICA I..JFLJ-R*,! BKEEKKONTK, I'A.. THURSDAY, MAI(( II 2!T, IKH.'{. IN the House of Representatives on Friday last, the ('ongrcssionul ap portionment hill came up on second reading. Tho Republicans offered ft substitute which was rejected by a vote of !•!• to li~. The bill then passed second reading. It gives the Repub licans fifteen districts and the Demo crats thirteen. The legislative appor tionment bill also passed second read ing by a decisive majority, after a spirited debate indicating very clearly that it i- not the purp<>o of the Re publicans to permit the passage of any apportionment hill during the present session of the legislature, if they can prevent it. They have u majority in the Senate—the present apportion ment, which i- a discreditable gerry mander of the state, they are perfectly satisfied with —and will doubtless re sist to the last any change that would give to the Democratic party that just equality of representation to which they are entitled in all decency by right under tho constitution of the State. The Democrats are equally determined to maintain the right, and this will doubtless prolong the session to its constitutional limit, if it end there. The pas-age of tho apportion ment bills is mandatory by the con stitution, and if the legislators under the oath they haye taken to support it fail to pass a hill within the limited time, the flovernor may have a disa greeable duty to perform from which it is not likely be wdl shrink. TIIEKE scemt to le no let-up of the excitement against Duke- at I nion town. < >ti his arrival in that place from bis step-fatln r'- on Monday IH-1, a committee of citizens wailed ii[eiu him and presented him niih a copy of the resolutions adopted at the indigna tion meeting recently held. They also served notice that lie would la- given twenty-fbui hours in which to transact hi- busbies- and leave town, alter which hi-residence there would not la" sale. It is said that Mr. Dukes has fnrwardci) hi- resignation a- a ineiniM-r <•;' the llou**- of R<-(ir< •'ufa tivi THE. nomination of cx Governor W illiain Sprngue as the Independent candidate Jor Governor of Rhode I-lami ha- been tudor-cd bv the I h.*mo crntic convention of that -tut.. and will receive the support of tin Demo eiftlic pnrtx s the fti in!- of equal riglits at the ballot-hox. The n this i-.-uc the Demiicrals have accepted hint a- their candidate, and we trust, by their aid will be instrumental in relea-iug the large number of foreign born citizens who arc not posscsed of, a free hold estate, from the prescrip tion under which by llic laws of the state they are denied the right of suf frage. —— Tilt. Republicans seem to have as sumed the right to furnish a Presiden tial candidate for the Democratic party, and concur very generally that Gen. 11. F. Butler, of Massachusetts, must he the man. Butler is not a bad sort of fellow. He makes the fur fly when he gets after the Republicans, | but the Democrats propose to select their own candidate when the proper time arrives, aud it will not he made with n view to gratify the Republicans or invite defeat, but to aecure the victory needed to restore the govern- ' nient to its original standard of excel- ' lence, from which it fell when it paused in the hands of out laws and robber*. THE North Carolina legislature haa passed a law imposing severe penalty for carryiug razors. This i a tragic hlow to negro duels. A Statesman's Faith. IIIF. I|l Itr rlllioviniv Ol AIKXIXItFK 11. STKI'IICNS. 'fhe lale Alexander If. Stephens, of I Georgia, thus declared lbs faitii in n i'utnre life and nn Overseeing I'rovi deuce : "I have for years made ii my husines* to devote a portion of each day to prayer in communing with this unseen, all pervading power with God. ; I WHS in early lift, deeply irnpr. sued with what is called religion* feeling, | hut after I grew up axd entered the world these feeling- great y subsided, jlt at one time became skeptical cal ! lous. "The world w* a mystery. I could | ee nothing good in it. I was mi sera hie, and that continually, lint, coming to the conclusion, after a close self ex lamination, that the error might he in | myself, 1 determined to adopt a new i line of policy for my conduct. The first resolution was to cease finding fault with, or thinking about, w|,*t I could not understand. The second wa in nurture and cultivate ss-iduously the kindlier affections of the heart, and with this every day at SOHIC hour to put myself in communion with God, to the 1 best of rny ability, Rkiug htm to aid, assist, direct and protect me in doing right. " 1 he effect of thi< upon my mind and I feelings and general view of thing- was soon fell by me. 'l'he exercises, which had at first seemed meaningless and aensrleas, ooii seemed to hring acer ! tain inexplicable satisfaction to the j spirit. The earlier impression* of life soon revived. I felt a better, a nmrh 1 more contented and hnppii r man. The feeling grew with its culture It soften ed the temper, awakened deeper emo tions of reverence, gratitude and love It gsie consolation in grief, strength in resisting temptation. "It impressed the mmd with man's weakness and frailties, and ins depend 1 ence on God. It seemed In elevate the I aoul and put it in communion wj.h it* ! MsVer. This is what sustains me Such is the character of my religion. I make no boss! of it, ami perhaps very few people who know nie have stir ides of it* exi.t.-nre, even to this extent. I have alwsis had such nn aTerion to what is contideied the rant of religion that I have been rather inclined to suppress than to exhibit to others what I really think and feel in auch mat ter*." A si' rxt ili-patch from Geneva, -wilierland, indicate- that emigration from that country to Amer ca lixs at -umed unprecedented prporiint The newsagent may have exaggerated tl.a fact* in declining llist a number of dis tricts are already becoming depopulated, ami that "< .uitsnen is without an lll habitant," but It 1- e* || 111 tl,at the exodus is timet hi II g altogether out of the u-unl order. "Had h*rv.-ts and American competition art the i. nsnns assigned tor the wholesale movement o tin* cmnlri It is not m .-wit/ef. land alone, but in all parts of I urope. that Amencnnroinpetition iruining the farnir- Itread anil tm-.xt raised four to six thousand mile* sw*i tan I e sold to the consumer* of llurnpe at prhes which dely home competition. It is not unlikely that emigration Irom the agricultural section of Europe will go on increasing for >e r Apportioning the State. The making of Congressional and I Legislative apportionment* j* a duly de volved upon the l.ogislatufs t.y I lie federal and >t*te Constitution* The member- of the legislature aie sworn to support and be bound by the federal and Mate Constitutions, winch are tli paramount law So it a|q>ear* that the apportionment of the State i* a matter of legal obligation which does not ad mil of postponement. A failure on the part of the legislature to perform it* duly in this behalf would justify the Governor in calling an extra session for the specific purpose of msking appro j tionmenta. Pennsylvania is a Republican State* and the faireat basis of a|q>ortionment is the vote for the Presidency in 1880, when the full strength of parties, aa near as may be, was brought lothe|>olls. In that year the majority of Garfield over Hancock *" over .17,000. The rote stood ; Garflald 444,704 Hancock 407,428 In settling the matter of apportion ment between the two great parties the scattering vote need not be counted. But a* there are twenty eight Congrea*. ' men to be elected, if it is possible to do i so the Mate should be divided into 1 lilteen Republican and thirteen fterno cratic district*. Any school-boy can take his slate and pencil and demon strate the tairness of such a division on Ihe basi- of tlie Presidential vote It is 1 more than fair to the Republican party on any average struck upon the voting done since 1880. The same ratio of livision should govern the apportion ; iiieiil of the Senatorial and Representa tive district*. This is a matter that could be settled by business men who desired to treat each other honestly in a single dav. There i no difficulty ' about it except the difficulty that is fomented by partisans who wish to con struct the tVrngrcaaional and Legislative districts so as to defeat the honest ex preaaion of the Mill of the people of IVrinay iTßiua. We are sorry to see a dispoMtion to delay action uj>ori this necessary legislation and to insist u|.on a division of virtually ss-,s to th<- hob people, and has been ssiing it for years by a< ta far more potential than words ever were." emigrate, or starve This policy hss practically transferred the major part of lieland, minus the soil, to the I nited '-late*, t here is moie of Ireland in Ametica than in Lurope, for that jmrtion whirh has come here has a belter development, mentally and pbysi cally, than the part left on the " old wel. Forced from the home they loved and which, hut for cruel oppreaaion, they would not hae left, the Irish in the Foiled .-latca naturally hate the British government, and it it not un natural that their hatred exteds to Ihoae l*>rtiin*of the people of Great Britain who have sustained the oppressive poli cy of that government. England should understand that the Ireland in Ameri ca can no more he prevented from crying out against h-r than the Ireland <>n the other side I his is a free country and we give great latitude to tongue and len and type. So doe* Great Britain on the I ngll-h side of the channel. It is only in Ireland that she set* aside the habeas corpus, abolishes trial by jury, seize# and imprisons without even so much formality a- the preferring of chsrire* and tramples th,. inalienable right- of Ireemsn under the mailed heel of brute power We can not and do ; not wnt to prevent freedom of speech and of the press in i| llt country. We rnnst insist that our part of Ireland -hall Ee free as the English. Welsh and Scotch. We must do all that a friend !y nation ought todo in preventing a few of the wilder spirits from commit tmg improper act* Rut England must hear in nund that she is re-|>onsible for the fact that *o mnv million of our uenple hate her. They would not now Ee our people, nor would they he haters of fnglsnd if they and their ancestor* could have had a chance in life on the , sod of Iri'lsti'i.— ir.iiAii'gss /V*r, IHE Atlanta ta.. Conetilution -uggesfs that the South is willing to compromise with the east, if that sec tion will accept the inevitable, and move its mills down to the cotton fields. At the present rate of improve ment and prosperity in the south, this removal or retirement from hurinesa, will be a necessity in the near future to the cotton mill* of the north. Successful and Satisfactory. Izet carping critic* say what they will, remark* the I'alrioi, no state ad ministration sinee that of Fraucis R. Shttnk was ntore thoroughly devoted to the public interest than is that of Robert K. l'attison. And what is more the people understand and ap preciate the fact Thu* far the administration has not only satisfied popular expectation, but it has Iteen successful beyond tba most sanguine hopes of its friends in im pressing its policy upon the legislature. The administration won the battle to make Reformer Rage controller of Philadelphia. If was equally succeatk fill in making Reformer ,Garreft a i TKKMH: per Annum,in Advance. > member of the board of public cbari ' tie*. It* advice that the uncles* and expensive office of scaler of weight* and measure* l>e abolished a | W) j accepted by the legislature. , Other measure* relating to honest , government recommended by the gov ; er nor have received favorable at ten. f tion from the law-maker*. This i a record to la-gin with of which the Democrat* of Pennsylvania may feel 1 justly proud and which ought not to afford an excuse for arty honest inde pendent to oppose reform legislation ( recommended by Governor I'attison, even if it -liould IK; in the shape of . fair apportionment bill*. R A I'A IEM ha* recently Ix-eu granted , fur a new telephonic transmitter which , the inventor claim* will j>ermit the voice to he beard audible in a whisper at the distance of 750 miles. The experiment* made are -aid to IK* en tirely satisfactory, and it i* believed that it will revolutionize all other methods of electrical communication. It will certainly IK- A great achieve ment of thi* age of science and inven tion, when a gentleman seated in Pari* and another in New York can hold a conversation in audible language. This i* what the success of such an in vention would mean. DEATH IN THE PA HI NET. Itemise Of Postmaster t.eneral Howe from Pneumonia. lilt SAD IKTSLI.Ir.BWCB mosiTl.r BBCBIVBD HBBB—CART JCR LA HA or HIS ILLNESS AK EIECI TIVE 'IRDIB TO HE ISSL ED sr THE t-Rr.SIDESL TO-DAT. KENOSIIA, WIS., March 25.— Hon. T. i How., Postmaster Heoeral, died at j 2.2U o'clock tbia afternoon at the re*i • lence of his nephew. Colonel lames 11. Howe. He contracted a severe cold a week ago at <>reen Knjr, and returned to Kenosha. He was very ill Saturday, ! when he seemed to improve. His pby actcians pronounced his ailment pneu moni.t. He sii taken worse on Satur day night and s*nk rapidlr. passing away peacefully thi* afternoon. 7lir NEW* IK W ASIIIWriTOV—OEWEEAL SOR *' -• eEw*r**Kt>— ACTION IN orriciAL > IEC LEI. The first new* of the death of Post master i eneral Howe wa received in this city cmultaneously by the Preai dent, first Assistant PostmasterGeoer a! Hniton and < lonel Knorh Totten. I lie telegrams were mere announce ments ol the (act of the death, and were sent by i „)nns) -tames H. Howe, j Hie President w.-m visibly after ted at the receipt of the sad intelligence, but had been led by the tenor of dispatches through the day to fear the worst. Mr. iUtton last night had on interview with the President, at which it was decided • to issue an executive order to-day rlo* tog all the departments on the day of the funeral and draping the Postnflie 1 department in mourning for the usual petiod of thirty dve. Secretary Fr i linghuysen telegraphed last night to Kenosha asking to be informed of the date of the funeral. It is probable that ' several of the cabinet officer* will at tend the <>bec<|Uie*.— I'o t. lb tha President and Secretary of the Treasury will heed the adviee of the Huston HrraJd, they will do a good stiukc of work by reducing the mmi- Ucr of internal revenue ml lectors with a- li tie delay as possible. If they do not squeeze out from thirty to sixty of them, the DeiiuK'ralic House will leg islate them out ami claim the credit of the act. .lust so! Hut. evert then, the stimulating fear of w hat the IVin ocratic House might do, will not ex cuse the administration for failing to perform the duty at a much earlier date. A bfjtii of |7,OtN was raised for the wife and children of Sergeant Mason, when that individual was im prisoned for shooting at Guitcau. A modest lawyer who was employed, un successfully, to get the husband out of prison, now set* up a claim for one half of the fund for his valuable ser vices. and has served a process to enforce collection. THR ISRW-FI/IJIE AMERICAN feels that the youth of the present day are schooled, hut not educated. NO. 13.