Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 22, 1883, Image 1

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    SIIIOKRT A. VAN OHMKK, Krlifors.
VOL. .">.
■ flit (t niter fDtmortat.
Term* 81.50 per Annum, in Advance
8. T. SHUOERT&J R. VAN ORM6R Editors.
Thursday Moraine, March 22, 1883.
Contra County Domocratio Com
mittee for 1883.
Jl..||..f.>ot.- N W J. M. Krlrhllns 11.-11-■!■
" H. XV. Cliiu. Smith "
• \V. VV s \ M, O'O'tluli "
Unwind , ru. Irs e Lrathi-r- I!.,ward,
llllnhnrz Jam,* 1' J. n. - .... Mllt-l-no
Milllirlui '• K P Mnwui Millh'-im
I'hlliushurg Iff. ('.<• lUrlitut.-r.... t'hlll|~>t>snc.
W. S.-I S.-hmtdt
I'nlinTllle t. rn PJ M- I', iial.l I-lain IMR
Hi'ittin iw,, Wni. Uhlrr 11.-ll*f..|ilr. ,
iwp* . Prank I Adam* ...Mllwfaart.
Il irixl.U lp Il.'tirv w color ...Pin* Ulafii,.
r.n..— tv|,. . John Rnop UawM.
CaVtla lap. Jshs MoClosk** Unsuils
Vsts'isoo 1 1 1 r MrCorniirk tat<-' llr,—-
N [• I. W \A;,tk,r Uut'k Sl'tin**.
Ura;' .- P. John Cnhlruii spOn* Mill*.
N.l'. Win l.nw ... Karmrt Mill*
Balsss >: P L B.D >•, WoodwsnL
w. r. . Oao. Sowar ..Aaroeatrarg.
Itair Moon 1p. II Urtltlo CI, rmni.wn.
11 arti- l Tp |i W Motor . IW-iNhurß.
Howard urp loin Ulaan Howard
Hual.'H top. Jul,i, Q Mil.**... Julian.
Lilwrty tap . Jam--* I' Liun. Bl*r.rhttr>L
Marina Iwp. .j .1 Uoj ... Wslfcsr.
M ini tap. mil. I SI.Ot Msdi—'ihurs
l\,lt.n Iwp. A*n,'W Seller-Jr. I.lui. >r. '
hag tap. I' 11. r O
r lirr N IV II J Mavav Cantra Mali
C IV Camnel Clark Tue-eiitllo.
K'l.l, N P William ('niton. Plnllpal-urr I
. p. J T Kverljr ..Sandj Kl'l** '
hunw Sb"* Iwp Win 11 tlsvor- ■-"• •* Cun*. I
Sinnj tap K W I ... BrllaMllr. I
Tatl-.r lap. Hrpluri, Itl.ia r Fowler.
I Iwp. 8 K Km. rirk Planting t
W .Ikar t*| J.,. pb Kmarlrk llill'laralnrg
It rtl; tap >1 s S|itu I'ort MatlMa.
IV M c 111 IN I K
Chairman. j'
W. M 1 PBS W.Lar.s,
(iix. Di.tz, ex President of Mexico .
end Ins wife, with nuruher of Mexican
ladies and gentlemen, were moat cordi
ally recievcd and entertained nl Si.
l.ouis la-t week. They are ahout to
virit Washington.
IDtlxc the Hoods in Arkansas, a
preacher whore church was pretty uni
vers*lly submerge I, preached to his
Hock assembled in skills, from the roof
of the church. Thii was certainly an
exhibition of a commendable degree of
earnestness as well as pluck.
A aIIX landing the Slate debt at 50
cents on the dollar, has passed both I
Houses of the Legislature of Tennessee.
. Whether this is forcible elimination ac' j
cording to Mahone's system, or volun- ;
tary agreement of creditors, we are not '
certain, but we believe it is the latter.
TUB periodical rumors of the failing (
health of Mr. Tildtt are again making 1
their appearance. From this it is lea-
sont>le to infer that Presidential r.ags
are tobetrotled round loose before long.
Preliminary to this the stubborn old
war of New York must 1<• dis
HCNSTOR.F. I. MITI urn's nepotism in
dimis->ing * competent me-senger from
the committee of which he is chairman, '
for the purpose of appointing his own
fifteen year old son, lias damaged his
chaMCtei < a reformer eery seriously, fie '
might profit by a lesson from the civil
service reform commissioners.
Tin >tar ru'ite trials are still pr igre
ing ltradv. one of the chef expediters
B is put on the witness stand. He swears
I that W ilsb is a liar, and Walsh swears
■ with e,ju i clearness, an I perhaps with
mure plan, h.'iity, that It, .sly is a liar.
wonder if ',tne 1 -ss are pass
in that famous investigation.
question of prohibiting the Her
man laiigu ge in the public *rh"ol* is
now agitating the people of Ohio. This
grows out ol the introduction of a bill in
thif Legislature forbidding public in
struction in that language and like the
legislative interference with the beer of
the Hermans last year, is not unlikely
to have an important bearing upon the
politics of the state.
is the pioneer in the restitution of
money illegally drawn {pr ' ongrevxional
services. He refused to accept several
huadred dollars tendered bim in pay- i
ment of salary and mileage to which he
did not believe himself entitled by law.
yhe deduction was made for time be
SIM Kbcent in attendance upon his own
business, in which he rendered no ser. ,
vice to the public or his district. This j
deduction is strictly according to law,
but Mr. Flower is the first to giva prao
tical effect to it. If all our members of ,
Congress were bound by conscience or
law thus to account for absence from
thair official duties, it would make quite
an item in the public expenditures and ,
leave many of them a large shortage.
Our own distinguished reform Senator
might fare badly under such ruling.
Tho Apportionment.
In the House of Hepreecntativea on
Friday ln>t Mr. M'Nnniiira reported n
bill from tho committee providing for
tiro apportionment of Senators and
Representatives. This hill is t he one
approved by the Hemocrats, and eon
cedes twenty-seven Senatorial districts
to the Republicans and twenty-three
to the Democrat!), and in the House
one hundred and twelve districts are
given to the Republicans and ninety- j
two to the Democrats. These cotiocs- |
sions are marie by the Democrats in a |
spirit of liberality, that there may he
no excuse left to justify it failure to
apportion the State in accordance with
the requirements of the constitution.
It ought to he satisfactory to the Re
publicans if they are influenced by
any desire for fairness, and possess a
-hade of respect for the oaths tliey
have tnki n a- representatives of the
people. Hut it i- represented that tin-
Republican caueusses havo already 1
i determined that no apportionment
1 -hall he made that will improve the
shameless gerrymander of the prew-nt.
If this he the determination of the '
Senate, the Republicans have the tna
ioritv and can prevent the passage ~f
a fair and equitable ap{K>rtiut>iucitt.
Hut their responsibility will not end
here —a tribunal which even Senators
must respect, will pass in review upon j
the result as well as upon the motives.
This is a question upon which the im- ,
pcraiive duty of the legislature cannot
he mistaken orcvadetl. The constitu
tion has limited the time anil defined
the character ami object of the law to
he enacted tori distinctly to admit of a
quibble as to cither, and that man j
who docs not appreciate this duty i* !
not worthy to lie a representative o'
the people. The parlies evenly bal
anced—one holding the Senate and
| the other the Houc. are in position to
pass a law of perfect fairnc*. There
i is no tier, roity —there is no excuse <t
| decency in the adoption of any to cos*
ore that will not insure equal ami fair
1 representation to both in pro|>ortioi) to
I their numerical strength, fairly and
• honestly ascertained. This we la-lit ve
\ is the ioi|ernttve demand of the h -n
--i est p, iplc of the Stale, without regard
to party, nr.d no trick-n| |. gislatioii
which will tend to siith the true v >ire
, of the people in lavnr of ju-t n-prt -,-n
--. tuiiuii v.ill o. ought I i i.e approved.
I'.iir play is nil that i- or should be
.demand d on <iih r -ide, ami if the
R 'puhiicno Senator i- -o blinded n- to
refuse this in orl* r to per|tetunte the
iinequu! distribution and sliaimh*.*
gerryinundt-r of the prest nt law, pub
lic opini n will run them into n hide
scouer titan they imagine. They (an
no! atford to do tiiis in the face of lite
Literal manifestation from the lloiuc.
Ohst ruction Bosaca.
The Itspublican senators end repre
•entatives *ome time ago. saya the Hr
risburg /'afriof, in secret conclave com
milled ih wnr ii 0 | obstructing (h.- jas
-age of apportionment hills to a select
commit lee of botse*, cbirf among whom
ire Mr. Cooper in the senate and
Messrs. Hillings. Molineaux n'l Hrown>
of Kne, in the houe. These nre (he
I boea who are to give order* to the re
mainder of the Republican nenatora
and member* and who* truncheon*
are to thrust into line any who are <li
poted to f,e independent of the obstruc
tion policy determined upon by the
Republican caucus.
The bosses have ordered that in the
hou*e no bill, however important, shall
t>e considered out of its order on the
calendar and that even if a member i
willing that a bill introduced by hirn
ehall be passed over and be placed at
j the foot of the calendar it must bs con 1
I .idered when it ig reached, no matter
how unimportant it may be.
| The programme of the bouse* i* al>out
to he developed. It i* simply by every
1 possible mean* to nbstruot the passage
of apportionment bills. It i* their de
liberate intention to defeat the passuge
of any apportionment bill,congressional,
j legislative or judicial by the present
, legislature. Let the publia watch and
see bow these desperate politicians will
attempt to defy the plain mandates of
the feonatitution.
I'.KLLKFONTK, I'A., 'l'll (IKSDAY, MARCH |ss:t.
A MyntoriouH ProL'Oodinir.
Citron doll county, this stale, ye-terdiiy
ate! l ist night, Charles \Vili n. a I• j>
uty I'nited Stales Marshal, assisted t,y
two const dile*, arrested nine white ni"n
and one colored mail, all respectable
merchants or farmers. He took tlieni
from their home* without allowing
them to change their clothing oi make
any preparation* t<>i a ;>uinev. lie
carried tlieni I #' iraliai.is and lockeil
them up all night. In the morning lie
took tlieni to < larenre wln-re they are
to be held uniil Tuesday when tfii-v
will be examined by th I'nited s tnte*
commissioner. Wilson h.ai-l the arrest
wrus for an election < Ifense, t-ut would
j,ive the prisoners no definite informa
tinn of the charge against liiern. Itm
was olfi-re(| for all (lie prisoner*, but
Wilson refused it, giving u* his reason
that to take it would ilppi ,ve hint of lii*
mileage. Ureal indignation ha* been
caused by this proceeding.
From the übove it appears that the
monstrous fraud known to the public
as the Attorny Uonerul of the I'nited
Slate* i* again nt woik. on the same
field where he made a disgraceful ex
hibilion u year ago. The tyranny
and outrage of the proceeding detailed,
are such n* might becxpecfed from the
instiuctions of an infiated fop. and niay
he safely laid at the door ol firewater,
where it belong*, ihe crime for which
the arrest* were made is alleged to
have heen committed in November,
l*sii, ami will no douht he a* rediculous
a. 'those upon which the Vltorney Hen
eral emptied his wind hag on the for
mer occasion.
Tilt f >-fr-'r*or. A ••oris! ion of Ifarn*
t'urg is now favored by regular ad
dress,• from 11,s* most distinguished
Uemocrtisof the Stale. tn Thursday
evening I**l the Hon. Wn> s. Stenger,
say* tiie I'jti, spoke n-ry torcibly an t
eloquently of the principles and public
services „f IJ R . .Tefierson. lie said AS
Washington w** the grat military
lea'ler o! the revoiution, so r ,s lit!„r
son the informing spirit of the civd
policy ol the reput-lic. detrerson wo*
the author of tf,e idea that government
should he ••of the people I y the | o ;le
and for the j *(>(.;,• " It had I ten said
that Jcff'eroon is dea l, tut tliat was true
only of the corporeal organisation
the man. .lefTeroon sj r.t > ,s still
| re*ent in tho fr e principles c hicli he
erigrafle-l into our system . g ,v-rr
n-.ent. ' Mn may conie si <1 men ma-,
go." toil like the water* <• f th* p >Ol *
Iro ,k, the gi ari lao 1 ~. ,na principle
r.l human ftee<|om which is the life of
th;* republic, n II "goon forever.
A l't itl.tr' meeting ol the citizen* f
Fayette county IIH* been In Id in I "nion
t(>wn, in which the verdict of the jury
acquitting Duke* of tlie murder of
("apt. Nutt, is denounced in n perfect
storm ( I indignation. .lodging trom
the -prove* and resolutions mid the
general cxhihi'i u nt feeling in the
community, the hc-t thing Duke* can
<lo is to slip otr nlo oii;e tiir'anowu
quarter ),t the rurlh, wlictr- In* will
not again IK- heard of. IR* hrntal
letter to hi* victim r.nd his no )r
Irrutal acts that -uggtwterl that letter,
should bar him from all decent a.-sr>.
nation* hero.
Tlfß Indopcudcnli of llhoslo Islainl
havo organized to force a Republican
form of government from the lords of
tlint Ntate. They have nominated
Kx .Senator Sprngue as tlnir catuli
rlate for Governor nnd apply to the
Democrats for sympathy ami aid. A
large imputation of this diminutive
State are entirely disfranchised—the
law* of Mr. Anthony not allowing
naturalised citizen* the privilege of
suffrage, unless they are in poescweioit
of a freehold estate, while of negroes
and other citueus no such requirement
is needed. This Htate ha* long needed
reconstruction to place it on nu equal
ity with other Statea of the Union
aud render it Republican in name at
lea At.
other day, lost their tempera in the
Senate Chamber and indulged in • fist
fight. Neither of the combatants were
much the worse of the encounter, except
!a dignity, and tha indecency of the act.
I'eiiiiHy I VIIIIIU'M Kit til.
i There IH every reason to suppose, from
i i investigations already made, that there
i* a large deposit ol anthracite < ( i! in
, t'olorailo. l'rofessor It. Weiser -tule*
, llial the field* of anthracite coal it)
. Uutmison county belong* to the true
i earbonifcrou* formation. Un analyza
, lion the proportion of CM thou is found
. to be equal to '.to pet cent , the coal,
, therefore, being a* good a* i'etiiisylvani i
I anthracite. This coal i* now placed in
. Ihe 1 >euver market at nine dollars and
. fifty cent* a ton, nn I la.t year over
three thousand tons were mined. Tins
n the sinnll beginning of u great bu-i
I lies*. An article of such bulk and
I cheapness ns coal eioro-t be carried b<-
yond a certain distance at a profit. The
j limit for the profitable n-e <.I IVnnsyl
vania anthracite .* prot ibly renctied
: | before it get* to the Mi-i-.-ppi rivir
, It would have been il l, io ipplv
t the vat, treeless regions of tountty
west of the Missi-sippi with fuel mined
s, st of the A i ieghenn- *. Itlt the ( o'o
, rndu i oaf, taken at an aliunde nine
I thou.-alld feet above th- - I lev, ! r -111
bo cheaply distributed to imi lis of
Consumet* West o' the M. l-.j.j ;• tl ,-
country t.ecoine* populous an<l the de
maud increase*. For smelting the iron,
gold and silver ore* of olorado and the
mining territorie* adj icent tljis find of
i anthracite is ot immense rnporinii' •-.
to 11* • and s half or th-, i- t J ;
il e-t bitununous rr sell;. I iiurn i.--u
--coals. It *i!i also )-ethe<heAp< t luel
to he oLtaine 1 for the trru -contirierilal
railway-. Color ado is - ' r ' 'rorn
I'ennsylvani.i tout s' • .u, no - - a
compelilor, (> r -.e w. . ~-iiea in rket
of tier own . but the sinvilarity n itie
mineral productions ot th< I* Mites
I tuny At some future *i.,y n ahe them
r (etcelui rivals for iti" [ a iii • I ,j ,-n
Otity in iiniieral wuaitu. 1 t la's
I gold and silver are out t .lanced t,y our
. petroleum so tar a the iiuan-dtnis y ie!U
u. me-wrrei!fir f* * d*rff f.nrt'
who would utuiertske if, • uUte a* to
'the outcome of future pro to tor.
! I%' l(, e, /.
Judge Thenutn's lien-.
i \ I/fM' * HaTM I MLK fc 7 WJtjV .Ol 7it f \fH
| , CI V tt* 91k Vi< T. A< T.
'n 1 interview wilh
irljz* I of tho civil portico c< tn
1 mission, app< at* ut th>- ritt>bur p i, / i
on Friday, relative to the work -f the
c- mrii s-ion, its | rospect ami j . ',
• tree,-is. His view* are g ro-tsl i (11 :s
'| I to t ;ic m si,-in and pr ,rt n-.vt u' i I
' he favors a thorough < xper ini n' if
jt'-tof it. F. Low it,g :,}!• i xtt.icts from
, the inters ew on xversl important
I points .
■'Wtil tlie q-ii-ti( n • I e (i(t),-r,-t t Irern
■ thoe Adopted on former occasions 1 '
Judge rhoniso ' 1 believe ti,e ,x
- -.trnii .rions should tw- con fin cd -'.rirtlv
to test th" capacity and (itr---,.f it.p
1 pers.,i > examined • li< bsrgo t, e
1 fluties of the erv;re in whicli Ihi-y er-!.
to be Appointed Slid "tl uid f C pi . liCi,
in their ehsrsrt- •
"Row old the Civil ' n .r t m ti :•
lan<l affect the j .vr'y n
'lt was a gr, At d -a).po>(it rn< tit to
tliem. Mr. i.Ator, I"|vl,-twoor It,tee
• int ii,e. i ! attempte i pi --(ire 1 ■ v. i
rhle lite rntniv.i- one; • !• -,,, ml ,
(ion. Lord L diu< r*t( n. A tic- t-ii-e
minister, sent I fie con n.. s .oners to ha ve
the paj irof n certn u | > ron seM In
inoi ior inspc, iron in i tdf-r that he
might beside to>x<ithis infiniDce o
get bun pushed forward. The eorniii -
. s.onets made a stand, 'helming thai it
would not be dune, i c l r . niuniissiom rs
are as firm I trust as nnj t.ng'oh coin
nussionei s,"
'"Doe* the Fendletnri < iv,l service act
secure or confirm tlie Republicans ,n
olfice ?"
"Nothing of Ihe kind. Solar ■* the
f'endleton act is cono- tned every clerk
• j in Washington city could be turned out
I tc roorrf'W without further cause or
I reason other than that their -enice*
| were not require'!."
"What does it do with them
"It provides that no |wr*ou shall
enter the public service without being
qualified. It aaya to ability and fitness,
'come front.' 11 give* to the |>o<>r mnn's
children the aame right* a* to the rich;
to the Dcmocraticyouih the same right*
accorded Republican* and will close the
door against tho indiscriminate use ol
money at elections, extorted from th?
employes and clerks in the departments,
whose salaries are barely sufficient to
maintain them respectably."
'I FR.WS: per Aim tint ,i Advuiice.
41 A re ili< competitive examination*
for <iov'-rnnteri t posit ion* popular in
1 Kngland !"
" \ ••*, so much *u tiiMt great corpora
tions and husint-i-M fiini* have persons
'-xatnined before a commission for their
' | own private service. The hunk of Kng
land, the Lank of Westminster, the
London clearing hr,u- nnd other large
'-st ibli-hnients, each of tliem have a
• commission for conducting tlieir private
hu-ine-M upon exsui nation- t,r,h(-d upon
> ttji* -y -tern."
"Are there atiy | osition* now in which
r e7. uninntions ate made'.' '
s , "t'h, jes, candidate* for eadetshipS
*r<- ezatniiii-d HI every 'lotigr-"- onal
1 uislticl tJirougliout tfie country, while
i formerly it WHS lr, U'-d upon t * a per
s qui-.'e ol n tnernher of •"ongress."
"Do you think the working-of tlie
i cottim;-sioii will be ur-cesful '
"It i* early t'i j-rfd.ct tl,e re-uh. f.ut
I lull all-lied tl •' tiie member* "f the
:• comtni—ion ut - >• - u.d w.th the
' '-ne 'urage.uent we i, ri < eived front
the 1 re-ident, ... it.vim • i ti,:it it
i In* intention t , gu,- tiie < ointn.--ion
1 A:1 the e'ij t it i ' .-i r.i nd it the
' her,d* nl i, ~d< ; rtm, t- w ... directly,
or ind rertly, *u-!,,'n uth< (11-i*. willi
in-ix month* Will I •• to men id public
' ''pinion in favei ot tli" -'-tern so
1 -trongly t! it r• -•.t > t • ol '-tcp- wtii tie
f imp -of le
f St v.\ t-il; N|l -,v It:, - i 111 r- • Itlfc 1 n
Dill to prevent cr* n ii'iuti ■>! human
liodic- in H'Tin -. Ivniiiu. The Sena
' t r - iii,rt- in thi- direction i a wate
' "f time. !;'.i man de-irt* to have hi*
' hodv < t.d. r i ntul J.i-a*lp - delivered
to hi* Jiitniiy in a neat tir;. ' < rt.a
went tl •I. tin -U'.'vd, why tit It i
a mutti r d tn-te that grav .- nator
"vi i .. ri- it quarn I with.
They iiigi.t, however, with gnat pro
priety adopt c nn'- stringent measures
to art est many of the involuntary
| cremation* in hotels, public buildings
r.tid mine* by reijuiring -ofe and etli
< ient eMitpis to l> provi-li 1 in till
huihiing* where the j tihlic ari invited
i ithet ' u pleasure r husiue--
A '<,'! MM I i t: of the
was rai-eii to inve-tigut< the tnanug. •
ment t-ftheS ddi r Drplutt >.-hoo!s,
ano a-'crtain . itv niany pttpi.-
•ue in said h who arc not f fr
pi.at.-. Mr. < \i , the ehairman i
, tin < n iiiitu-, and Mr. IlijlK-e, the
Sttpci iutindi nt, ha •• riH-li ! it mi--
i nod. i-tntiding. in w i.ic h the Jatts-r lui
tiik. it giottti i he cauunt inaintaiii.
' ihe I. purine lit lt>- pri sides uv-r i- one
' <■) the ptthlic departments of the state,
the dour-ot which cannot he closed
under any prel'-xt, to Ix gi-lutive in
. I'l'M. I S" 13 .• r■ are outfit-in the
Orplinn v liouls wronufullv, and it i
as i|,-,| limt tlur are in large mini
•' i H. gt I to i> e >rr• ted, atid it
wtil oil flu for the SII[M ri.di udent to
< !aim trial he hi- Hot (lerieitl three
equal t i the tn-k • t tiirnisliing t..<• in
>rmatioii and that Id- ofiiee i- too , \-
, i iusive to allow , > rk* employed hv
, in< n.e.iit'i to do the work in*. ••
-;r\ to • !.lain it. Phi- subject of ()r
--plian S ho-il* no d-light up.,n it. In
-•'■.td u( dimuii-l.i' g in iiutiih r, the
t.utith' r "I' r; ban pupil- it m-nr* .
on the inereii-e, whi' h in v;".\ that nil
, the otpliati rliiidr- n of' soldier* Latt
pa--- d suflieient \ < nr to have reneio 1
maiiliood and Wutnanltu <1 i- -- n -
what pnrndoxienl.
Mi:. Hi a K, ii < olirev] nn-seng) t m
the Nnvv Department at Washing
ton, to be an intelligent educated
man, ha- been tlistuis-r-d hv the Seere
laty laeause he detdiuol to him k tiie
Ixhit* ami | M rthriii other sen 1 lion wotk
not connected with hi* official duties,
for the head of tlieliui.au in which
ho served. As a reward for hi* party
devotion, the negro mar be placed on
the official roll, in order that he may
be paid out of tlie public Treasury,
l>ut bo cannot be nllowrd to rise above
the rank of a boot black for Republi
can official*.
■ -
TUB iiupreonou M lobe general
that the health of Secretary Folger is
seriously impaired, nnd will necessi
tate his withdrawal from the Treasury
NO. 12.
■" J'\UNJ.J.I. in coming to America,
■ and i expected to be present at the
Fund league ( invention to lie held
< in Philadelphia on the 2oth of April.
r JAMIX A. Jio.M4L:i:, one of the fa
r. miliar* of the Star-route ring, who re
,. ci-utlv tried to st< ul a seat in the Hen
,, ate of Pennsylvania from thcC'uinbcr*
i- land district, ha- been arretted and
i held to bnil in ?l,(tOof,jr a--aulting a
Deputy Marshal who acbpoened him
a- a witni -- on the Star route trial.
IIIK Wert ( he.-ter 1 Iterorrl
believe* that ft- Robert Fulton wa
only ten year- o! t when the revolution
bri he out he- wa- not eligible a- a -uh
'it for ne of J' nn-vlvania'- statue*.
It ha-been averted that Fulton
claim to b- the 'riginal inventor ot'
the application <>] -team a-a motive
power, wa- on• 1 very (juestiooablc
ju-ti e, and it i- now P , bad that hi
gho-t thr ugh t- management of a
di-l.ngui-hi 1 J.x-fx-nitor should de
prive the memory ot the brave An
thony \\ ayne ot the Revolutionary
statute, to which he was entitled in
the National Nailery at Washington
a- the representative hero of Pennsyl
I in. pension bt is to he published,
containing the names of all person" re
ceiving | . nsion* fr- m the I'm ted Mate*
government. Jtw.il lean interesting
| volume, and w..l be largely read, re
flecting honor fin the deserting arid af-
I '■ ir<Ji r g tlieat-- 'if detecting the unde
serving who Iv thousands hate got
themselves | !■ i fraudulently upon
the pension roll, and are drawing pay
from the government to which thev
have no \ ahd i lain)
(ieneral News.
An e'tale of tome MO.OOO, said to be
1 I all nor -- ■ savings, is left by an aged •
colored woman who has usl died at
i Bridgeport, Conn
New y ork city has I*C, mile* of water
pipe, ~.i. miles of sewer, "21 miles of
ga- J ip'-. fourteen at, i a half of steam
-1 ipes. and fifteen miles of underground
electric wires.
A renne*ee schoolmaster ki ted the
gifis a punishment, ami before the
j trustees put as to the practice it
t""k him about an hour per day to re
'juite their disobedience.
In lial'istown, York county, a few
days ago a bull and a coal fought Hsr
peratelv b- an hour The gnat
whipped tfie hu.i in -'v.n rounds and
chased him a. n -- country for nearly
two mile-.
Ihe New Orleans 7 > • I*t *>• j,a
been visit mg the taile-t man in Ameri
ca. His name is IT* nry '."lay Thurston
and his height i seven fe t seven inches
and a half. He bv" at White Oak.
lexas, and is n thrifty, wrll-todo far-
ID' r.
i lie K v. Mr. Taiinage lectured in
-<-w Orleans la-t week, and in talking
with a i' 1 orter s iiit ii the cliange" in
• 1 phase* of •southern life since he via
iled the S uith Hve ar- ago amount to
almost a revolution, and in some par
ticulars to a resurrection.
An Indian woman, !:>• years of age
fives near FiUpvtric, in bullock county.
•*he was on (rem ral Andrew .Tickaon's
-I . ! as a cook w uen trial worthy cut a
.road through the country of Florida,
and has some of the pots and kettles in
w -h she used to cook the hero's fru
g ' ' I.—JWi/r /iVyistr
.t i i tsl urg girl aho had refused a
g anl liHikicg telegraph repair man
liiree time, with n MX months gave a
reason that he was too much of a wan
■ ierer, J hat he roamed from |>ole to
k 'le, Iroiti one cluuti to another, and if
lie did onto* home, he'd IH insulate
that the neighbors w ulh be sure to
t dk.—fl'tj'urj Trlergmph.
F'gbt years ago A. C Kean, of Wowab
bud, Cab, purchased six trees of the
red gum variety and set them out at
fi s home, Af w days ago one of these
trees was rut <lown, and it measured
•evenlydive feel in length and nineteen
, inches in diameter at the butt. The
blue gum tree, it t said, growa even
more rapidly than the real gutu variety.
benjamin Franklin's old "bulls-eye '
watch i* owned by a man in Lancaster.
Large offers have been refused for this
watch, including one of *I,OOO per an
num for ten years, from a New York
watch company, simply for the loan of
the watch during that period to dis
play in the window of thnir office in.
Broadway. ,