®ht Cmtrr Thursday Muruing. March 15. 1883. ••mlmliilhr hi|rtnni •*••• *•'l •y llir rwl imtm* of tir Local Department. Noti< k toSTOt KIIOLKKHX —Tha annual meeting (if the stockholders of ilio Bald Eagl • Valley Railroad Company in rIW for Tu ugbt ' *•', tine 0 vears. Sec another column. -—-The general impression provnilf- thai no nn re Lamb street sowers ripair 5 lift W Phili T . ■ * W • hs' i do about it ? , f nUTh ** frt" . ' • • f i'l►' Gnacine they live there. —The auction nr.'l ■ ;i • I'uil ipsburg Library A--m in'. . v Sit • Ist. • hould bo we!! attend.si A number of our \ t-ange* . rue 1 dre"cd in the somhlsnc" of erudition, they are wrapped in the f.tti * 'niter Ktcnr '. A new line of 'print; glove*, ii. 1 thread arid *iik. tie usquetaire and Fo-tor 1 lacing glove.*, I.ynn A Co —The last Friday evening festival of , the Preibyti rinn La.|ic' Mite S , lety netted the managers son, 'thin; over ?'•<> —I- .ik Haven was 1-* ■ s'..w and will not got tli II C., C. A W . railroad shops. Bellefonta should r rotlt by le i 'is. | ter - misfortune. —Our spicy little exchange tin- .V- in of D'-nver, Mo, ha* enti red its :| •. A H -\ fkMfl • r of I - rr. township, on Monday. "Reed lonlr* well and i* the mini' Jolly good fallow km year* ago. Mr. Rush Larimer, on* <.| the pnw prietor* uf th> extensive and popular K i-h H"U-P livery Mabls*#, ha* hwn filtering with quinxv sine* it Saturday, at times being quito ill. I lie IIMI, biggest and nicest tock of ctrpet*, oil cloth* etc., kept in Cenlre county can now be found at the Bew Hire. 10 f. —lt U reported that Col. Jame* Mllit. ken baa bought the Linn street residence of Dr. Th'ie. K Have*, furniture and all, and that the Doctor expect* to travel in Kurope for awhile. Mr*. Joe \V Furey, who had been viiting for a week or more among Hit blersburg friend*, wa brought homo by Mr. Furey la*l Friday. Doublleaa Joe found living alone unendurable. —Mr John I. Kurt*, the teller at the Centre County batik, entertained a num ber ol hi* friend*, .Saturday evening. The affair i* highly poken of and 11 one more feather in the i ap of our hoapitabla and jiopular friend. Among the many good fellow* em ployed at the gins* work** Mr. Frank W'e-eott *tand* high. He a *hort time : ago fav< r*-d the DKMCII*T witli a call, and will IMI welcome whenever he choose* J to repeat it. Boy*, do net forge*, to attend the 1 •'B"ok R-eeptlon" of the Boy*' Branch i next Monday evening. Ymi should have ! a public library of your ovro and we tru*t . enough inu-resl in the matter may be aroused to mull in euring for you a nice en*. —Our in*litute resulted in wakit.g up many of our people to a more at-llse inter *•l in the w> Ifare of llet schools; and many of the leat her- a'p introducing (tetter ntethiel* and showing * more earnest pirit i In their work.— BUPT WoLr, in J'a. School Journal. Dr. tl K. Hoy took in Philadelphia, from Friday until ruvsday, or at leart a portion of it that we tormina ia dearer to him than ail the ro-t put together. Dou. know* "what having a real good "time meant, and we are pleaeed to etatw that hU axp* elation* were fully rualin*d. ' I | —The oilier day Mr. Cha* F C-aik re. j i oeivi-d an excellent photograph of M . ilm Montgomery, of Wuusau, Wo., a former llollrfonia young uinti. We an- ! lloiiiu c with pleasure that Mr Mnqtgom- | i 1 ery is meeting with much success in his t ' 1 western home. I— Mr John il I'luniuier, superinteri- j dent of the I*. B U motive power depart j merit, Alloona, was ill town latter part of I last week. The fact that one of our most I j vivacious and popular young Indie* nmnop. ' olixi-d nearly all his time ami attention may be somewhat significant, and the l)s: \ mos'kat will not berlow to tender congrat- ' ; illations w hen the tirn come* i —New styles furniluro cretonnes, ul ' Lyon A Co *. —Our thank* are due ll.ui. IL-nrv Meyer-, - member of iho legislature, for n copy of ; "•rnull'r Hand Book. Mr Meyer i rapid ly ta'cotllllig one of the inust popular rep re*entatives at tie- Slate capital, and r> fl.-ete mi, h credit on hi* iniotitiu iit*. 11.- is ■id to lie one of the hardest working men n uie floor, and no bill, howi vt-r uniin ortaut, tail* to receive his attention. Lyon A I'*, will open a lug line of nfli * ami boy *' boots and shoes, this week. —On Friday evening f->iislnn* Cmn- , on? di rv, K T , elm-ted the following •111 er* F.iiiinerit Corniiiander, Rev John 1 Hewitt ; Genernli*-imn, W. F. Reta-r , Captain General, J. C. Harper , Recorder, George II Weaver; Trea*urer. J,,|in I* 11-irri* ; Truiloe-, Robert Mi Knight, H Stitger and I) 7. Kline. Tim term ot ' office la*l one year. —All new sty les of lai ••* at Ly on A Co'*. We are p'.cao-d to note tliHt M,-*rs. II K Hick* ami John Gritfiith liavi lea-- ■ 1 the old Bellefonlo Foundry for ten years, and will throw more life into the • - Inbli'hnu-nl in on, wi-.k than it km w in one v• ur before Tin-y will mak- and -ell castings of all kind* and run a tir*l • las* black-mith shop in c-inioallon with the f .indry . tlur hat* are, ff, gentlcnis-n i A new lino of cor*eU, jut iipencd at Ly on A (,'o's. \\ It ll fill cere regr,.| ill,. |>|y. , n,t ri - rd* the death -f V| „j |).,s i I 11. .gh.i t 1.-w l-t wil, Pa . whiitl .a-1 urri-ii at io ii-.ine N\ i dm-sday i-\.T,u,g, 7th in-lai ' II" wo in the neighborllo-al of Sij \ ■ r .r- ol •g. and known in tbi* coiii.iv. 'l h.- (iraetli. fli* j ioft--i. n. that ■ -f -ti'\• -. - r i Il IV il -Tg ill-'i-r, gave S 111 an ev I. r-| Vi knowhi'g - f laud li'G. ir, ..-r,tr-l I'-ni •\ ivaiiia, and lo- wa- an imp. riant witi .-.. Hi I -arty i-v.-ry --i tinertl i a*.- In- -I in i-i|f curie l.ir forty years. To the relative. Ihe dei i-a*i -I we lender the losri-fe,' mm- , ( athy of iiianr I'-nlre roiuitv fio- I- ai I | *itn tl.ein tru*l h- mat r.-.l in peace. Jut ojm nnj a new line of handsom*- I • iiibrmderie* at l.miiA —Til" P.-imsy Iva'iia rvtaU. Teacher* A* •ocintl -n wii. ii., I it* n. t se-sion at Wil liani.(Kirt, Jniy 1 II and 111 II is -x --|"-et>d that every county wi.l !• ri j r-. •••riled ".onu-thiiig that lia n-v •* •* , urr.d in the history ol the A*s>* ialion " \\ ii*m'[-rt ha* ta-cn -eb-ci. i mainly ihn ugli me influence of a r.li,|.-nl of tlial plai e, \l r (.'ha* \S Scot I, g, ro-ra! agi| t I - I'-nn-j Ivania, for Met.r- Iri-.m, Blake, man, Taylor A Co , 1,.., k publi.t . er., New York, who Mill be J 'cased to • xteiid any < -urte.y I-. I. |-nw. rt" tea, ti er* and other* while in our pb-wtant tn-igh I la.rmg itty. Xew print*, near gingham*, n*w dres goods at Lyon Js Co 1 * —Th* Wntrhman la -1 week emitted a little of it* old-time venom, when it re, ] ferred U the Buffalo Run railroad a* th- | a*t ' heme of a few *|MY'ijlalor* We are not aware that any of the mono-d men connected with the hutinea* department of our eteemed contemporary have heen |o llcited to •üb-erihe to the fund that Belle, fonte mut rai if the road I* to |w> built, and are c inipletely at a IOM to understand it> position, unlaw* a spirit of general cu*-- cdr.es. I* actuating it The ll'ripAinni ai*V as well know now a* any "tier time that $lO 000 are wanted and must be rai-ed l>v l|e||fcntP The company can stand tin gentlemanly etiy or indtricilv, anv m<>tisi or oih'-r valuahts- thing. t* prta-nrs mi te-n,- iiiatton or eleciiisn. (<>r ap|iiiittiieni ) ex cept tor neeso-arv atisf profe r exps'iise* expressly aulfmrird bv law ; that I have tint knowingly vioiat>-d any election law of litis Commonw-alth, or pr*w-nr-al it to tes done I,* other* in my le-hnlf; that I will not kn-swtiigly rwrlvr. dirsa tly or indirsa <- Iv.aoy money* or other valuable thing* for th>< |a-rf">rmaricM or mm performance of any act or duty |-riaitittig to mv s ffl-e, other than Ihu compensation allowed by law." —The lateal novelty at an unheard of •acrifloe, change,.hie O toman V.drei in all ahadea at 9-i eenta |er yarsl, coat, RI.BO to imimri —nt the One Puce Be# Hive Storea, Tliia bargain nut |soa!ttV- j ly never he duplicated. lOtf. I FAHMKIO,.— By buying a Inrga Invoice n the l premises, and the hail will be free for I•■(• , lures and gatherings of temperate e people; j this place is a good field for leni|>eran. work, and flow is tin- lime to form tern- I --rani e clubs, associations, etc The license es pi res on April 1, and will not he asked for again during the next four years. | found the bar detrimental to the house and family during last year ai -J shall try to do better Without it hereafter. ; Yours, respectfully. • ir.o II NASH HE.XTII or M io N * -W \ s; Ttrr.s It is with r-nl sorrow tint ar" in- •• the death of Ms Nancv S Tuten, mother of K T Tutefi. K-q ,-dttor of th • It'll ' • n't /('. ihlienn 11-r h-aii, w'. h w • • piite 5i,,1.1- ii, -m i urr- lat'i >■ . ,k,\\ ■ ries.lav morning, March 1! sh-- having he. n ill ~i,|j H -ti -rt time II- rpf >n so pr.it -tiro • 1 the ,|i-...... rt'i organic t* j 1 -.- of tin- he.irt a* 1 iv -r Til" d-. a-.il wa fe.ru at If. —ri N II . April I I liOi I . .. had I .r>-. a '. .11 .dI h> 1 .1" >1 \..1 '< 1 •-• - age Phi . tl.e .I..light-r . l-ss. an t I'sin-i a Sin-.11-. .!• I)...ring, fin <• t i |> .he ws lllarri. 1 to (lasts rt f' T It-I ."f ('a' 1 ' -lg-- Mss 11-r hllsl sf- I dual Ss-.J ■ T IR.'rf, age.l -I"> year- h-avi - g .sun < hiidr.-n, Is - i .ns a I live daughter-. i. • the j. i. this mr-iag. On • <-f th. lot in in fat . \ . the -tirvn ing < hi! lr-i , th' -ugh Un kind 1 are and I- v.-t.-d allent' n of this , II st ' vi- g of mothers, r-.-iv.-i an ,-v. . eIS.-nl pras lical . duration 1 * • f them, ' f. lw ird T T it- r., an-l M -• f. th-r I' T n. are hnw ir. H 1.-f-.ntr, a' .1 sr.* . on vul.cd with gri. f |.y th- heavy band of sfllnti.-n 'aid upon then If I•-t T .'.en. an. tin r s. n, is also we'l kn.>wtt her. . A'l-'r tl.e d- alh "f her hushar I. Mf • Tuten m-.v •d. w• h hr .I. id*. -r ,to M - -it Vernon, N II . wfo re she had up to this time reid.-d She had h-ng (■ . n a in- in t r of the fifth."l" x . hnri h, and her . ■ n-nj lea a Christian wa- 1-r ,-h i an-l true one which all h< r a-.rrowing family .an •als-ly f-.||ow At the time of her d--alh, Mrs. Tuten and Miss K-ther w-re go.-t* at her inn s re-i fs-neo in this I HO We sincerely sympathise with mt l-r--ib<-r edtp-r Prayers will he said at Mi T iten s I,inn •treet residence, this afternra-n at 3 o'c -a k, j after whi- b the fun.-ral coft-y will <)• - ' part, on the 6 o il.ak train, for M -nt Vem-.n, N II . where the remains will fie laid to rest with f filling leremonies We trust the Journey- may tie safely made and ! the grief of our friends fe- assuage.) in the satisfaction of knowing that though dead j she still Itretb. "Young men lured n bv the faWe • mil" and kindn of a man who hat told himelf. 'til Kn bill II U fd'l Miflilfi* l , llt wl l#- |'( Alalia la fis-nk)-, ll' I*ll I mlm ill **N4> , \\ 11N114't NT I M M lit to fltdUfit lillll T.I at |n *1 it it uiid htfudy. And •"iio liinrq will. Ma nntira I l"'tT kin'f* * liNt ! ds, llh || K .s Mkr o< k**i I crliH|> foi a inll" ot iwo- AH i Htffi i'"|' h -it of i* t'! ti A II N ■ H li ra# l nil |sN 1 Atnl li . t' yi'i liiin itirti-i) )• in y |rr y In iiti- But li. T t - lrH%rl Till* tim II I wlil|> IiiHi nil ill" *- And entry my n i) l*t nta)i* Though |lr ||UU|l| ill |I|N duj ii <1 wialif • f i all tliitJK* ran lily, Atfl uiofp f ■! lli" lliliijt dltiniv Tl.Nl N I 4*l i NO' *' tl II Diss* I. 'lll - 111 I* *1 till Ihc • dining jiNfi u*> alilii' 4 It, lit f ■ i*i Mn* itiy n I*- t a! Wtil Ii fis r ulilla iliatl A iitifi i i thr | Tli# ibellH fit } M fcfi ■ 5 ui# Wl.srs i -a. I I ( ..-or. WHlla His . -I. (fill t , htiad kf'i In Uti hti|(i'-. * lilt### Ttf t .ftbd.>a of tlir wu: - tli# *' r h>■ h Biak" na > ll#r w • *illl ' * j ffct sit ftiiri|r, ' iiiit.njj ia' !t #rif N M:< Ntsgf) AA jib C 1 l'l*#iil| on lit tifi^t. llh kll)#. All* F M Miss .lennie llsrei in Philadelphia. ; —The A' ' w ill te t t. - fMUad p-lay arid ro. Hepuhfmn next v,.-ek. si(rf-e, 1, f.y I ngr- - small I' .rtin on the Tariff hi 1 . :. an in-id" pa,- The an.l ial I all of I .mpal.V ' l! of this j la.i' will I e v, n March - —NI - Jam-s O llri fi has j trial one more table in | '-ji- .n mi n i I r ti Aii'il' r rt.resUr.g ("inmiin .o t) -- r> from .1 .hri I. Witigale, I' I' *• , pi h found . '• an .ri-id" pa •" \lr.. K(' Hii hards s'-P rday 'art<-J '..r I'hl laifot pi a. where si ii, Itallim-r. Md , d-a - *-r# in i--a.h makers g.Kfs, etc, was in p.wn lately and trav.- e.| hastily -r. r rsr tain |"li..f,s of ouri ounly. making plenty of friends and se|, r.g h>ls of g si- where, .sir t,.. weni. —Mr Han Mead, wt-- r-pot' awl; .- has b.—n an Important in-mh rof the flush h iie s . apable .-pi | m-nl. on Satutday g est-. I'llila le |-hia, where we under*land h<- has se. urefej anno nl sent Mi-rs. i.l W S|a>ce and Wm Coats, of Pitts hurgh, to arrmt him. and at a preliminary hearing hereon Tin—lay evening, he was held ur.d- r lasll t- attend the C S. s..urt at William-port nest m -nth —The lecture, Y M C. A. Practirwl Talks. No. 4, on "Oar Rye*,' by Ir. T U ll.yes ,on Tuesday evening, was prob ably the most bcn-fli ial of the series. Dr. Hayes i thoroughly aequainP-d with that sutij.i t and a most entertaining and agr. - able talker. Ahssul one hundred persons attended, all of whom are unanimous in dsa laring themselves greatly benefited. —On Tuesday evening Mr. Henry Hoffman, of ea>t I.amh street, celebrated the faird anniversary of his birth, in a most I befitting and pleasant manner. A num ber of the p.-rsor,al friends of the family aa.emhlml at his r.-si-lence at 7 o'clock and were Invited to partake of a sumptuous . supper, elegantly gmt. n up, tastefully serv ed and greatly .-nj >yed by all. AfP-r Pa. Miss I.ulu Her per enli-rtaimd the gne.p. with v.a-al and Instrumental music. Mr j lioffmati was the recipient ot a number of j i (Mstly presents, among oilier* a handi"ime t i heavy pair of solid go'd glasses. We wi.h : Mr. 11., his estimable lady and happv fam ily many morn seasons of the same kind of enjoyment and satisfaction, and trust : each succeeding birthday may find them surrounded hv hisstsof admiring friends. A CAHI —Any person desiring to eg yasse their property P> public sale, and • needing an auctioneer for that purjewe, : wilt do well P. employ .JOHN H. LOISO, a, Curtln township. He has had nlnw yr the fourth Monday of April : ORANiI J I Ki> Ha Vi.uk.l Itsr.li 11-egg Wm. S' s.il 51.,,. ..Nr 11 • - 11 M nt* Mi— l ij H••* W ¥ ig a* a Jl* C#r w f npi ihi mt, \ m hlmk"f M v dlnl Hru.g.r UliidMtil 1 ' ••.sir. ta . * I i,j u , lh M lw. IV . frr .|. A , I.eal I !!*,„#• J II Htirvrf 1'1.1..'* \\ Ml.lll f 11411 II .nr.| ♦*l AA'ltl AA sikr-r tli 4 A ih> gy 'I M \|. Maker I.t re- r|j J \\ l| -r . I t|,f AA in Hi . r * f „| I. |> , I, VI M.. rlt .r 'lofji.ti .1 || < i 11 h , | 4 .1 -1,1 Ml 4 ||. ... , I f,. x l| ..r . e J. 11. Hnl-I. I. I Ml,ll, Willi r•. Miiitlxtrß I lutl'l Itn kis 4 uri.r* I. At I ok. It ivi.alsi, . -I 'till 'I > •lfr^ l - J . |, S, ff |t t gm AA in. W ilkfjf Mil#4Hif|C •' '•! -t r llmix . lit A A KKH sft'Kcit-e *J| AA yv I . I Hill II WNI ! IMP At II V Ik. 11 • I A{ e >ll • 'f AJ I .* J-, It | - I,'l|S| II t|. # f 'h It, J, f,, I . ' A| 11. , . | f ~ \\ |l 11 k, It , r ■ I*l.i!ij. H|N*fi# U"Tlh i-I - -i.... , .• Ilati' ... k Ii . i I -f x., II 14 11 I i'i| % •. s. I,a •-g AA ft, 4 •< t.lnil | I'. | y F Mill 111 h mil Fsint C All e ||all|. • -I A| K • i'l. fi ! Htlf"r ll'li r| llMse I , ' ' 11*1*1) It gg4 •,- | M '' H •*)!••- lUr It. f -.t K It- *ll •' MiM.l ( ts ,< f AA A yi • r Ibi firf w It, .• AA ri}, ilrr> A! |. w. 1 Mntion J- • m ♦ A|. ,ef M| . 4 •ir-' I I 1t,.-til k. J . , A; .r. II fn , AA It *1 •t-f f I'm ft, |*x ') Ai 411 •, s AA n! k' r - e Is. • \V*lk* f ' ',Tv Hi;*-I II ir, *r, |{ • .*r'i tt u< It yt} A1 *-ih 1 'I, It.w wIU Af wll, A| . * .g, I ' 'k- N. (Utfe ' ' - ,1 ■ I't, uig AA IU- r I -f. r, Af J At M t . , . I IMiJ H*Ti I 1.1.,..%, tie. Jo'l Klin. Mmrwm •1.51.f, I* .11• r J },, it** • % f'.fUi-i D M I . s'l I 'e Me I • . H . ... • ll "Hi! fl | j-el ur. AA 4 .UrH Kf itikf Mil Jcsrl *4|full A4 4 • f Bont Bukltiti Powder. I M r-lktr II NO MSI-I Is I 711 g OOV. r.KN VI K N | , || | Ml"7 llr f!wa --1 ft I, ... 11 I fl, \f a •VI - I 1 iii.-t f - t;,- i, \crnn-.-nt, t-s --r— >ry rns-1 r- rtn •t>•-,! - g expari mcnts a t<-the nips-*' , \<-f t-,k -:.g p- 1 -r lit I. t -t, v, ie lfis-1.. to d- t- rn ine what hfsf.J- an- th* rn-"t ■ in in- a! t . UK-, ar >1 a- !t ■ir up ity ■ its t' •• * 1- axet.ing ', ■ t- ts w,-r. -11 reeled ols-ly t • ao-rta" th- available gas ,-f ■ h ; .wdi r llr I. v. , r. p .rt gt* e the folio S .1. ■■ \st,r ,f *lt A|t*r It Hat It.fc' I* - '• ' I . #.we I'*. .1, t s 'I v (t. f Ii I f-nx I*** 14* j e l o • '***< I u • s . i. iH-rl ' - I i, .1 . is . sic f 4•,N• ' Wf M - 1i, ' • sbs.rt wr4,.f,l I ; ■ k r *' i ; ■ K 4 t".t • A 4 - . ' -4 miu* ••* i "N |T |c< Us e S 'llu k „. w . , .... *Ui In hi, r ; -V It,-- fl . ru.lo If- I.ii-l lay S ' 1 f-gar'j ail a ,m p w |-s a' v- y ur w no I'l -,ha',- sr. 1 Tufts* Aci-1 p.w-1- rs ile-fa'e it. r g. p-o fr,,-'y in p-o | ,king. ~r under i-,n < - main -late- ~i!f r.l tor r.i n lit II A M :i the for,t •(i \ ,-n • i t f fl frn.l, afi • a . ar-f .1 a' 1 • ah-.rat- , v i-r tision --I If - vs* , flaking l' tad* I* oi - -miner, e r-| ft'ai p. the f>..-rnti.- R.i in f-i\ -r of th-- If al brand. Snlo Heg|,tcvr. It i* imp-riant that proper puh-i. ty t-e gi, -fi | ibllc ,al--,, aid we .hall anr-.-un. e l'i th s eolum. , free -f s Harg.- tf-"*e (. r which tin hilts haw la*s*n printed at tl.e HrVJ-a KAI • ffi . Tl A| St > . " —4l tl.e II . Im-'f ft Aft'lih'l K'Mf'ft, l| ni *N*t "I IV- •Ir • -tit >t< 1' - e ,lgi i s till#- rN.A. I, '-e tmi II-h** '• e * 4tM ll' !*••# f *i i 'tn *fii list , <1 r * I*l t• \ Mill '• 11 -4tl #tl t iln : H'l I.S' S f.17 1 ► tl# f |.f.|f'|A In*N '1 Nsfh Kffltft 'I- 4 4WS-..1 ik .tiM r4 t,wh*Nit r*wilttti'> nr.i j-, .j|,i ~i ],.|iv<-rv ni'irin tli>* Him' thi* I! <1 K .nit. w.-.ti-rri K l( , wi'hin itnnv in R II Jf'U'V tfhltr, ar \\ W Ha>Kir. I. •. k Havi r,. H If Siiii" nimli' l'i .'"ir a i rn i.aur" fur /' ■ t>, ifnif i .Mus H.'iCIKMV .V < " T . ~r Rllll.lll - 1)1- K. 1)1 A 111 I > R<- *r nf ih<- -nitr i.' jii i.(j. i. . in. llll'Mi . • ||,i t r. lit \i f.,r a iitiii* mm! hi i ■ . , i, • i, , ' Wiir-i- hl'.i-f w•• . 1 ' • II RlllT., Ui-. •. I i.i i . ti nt v. jr.-lj ili'l |M rnm|i-1.l . i .in .ii |i ■ml nil i ... 11,., n .. ,i< . IIHIIV ihul it ti-v. rti i if| • 11-i.i —*'-t ki tup irwi <"m ik'l for fb* mh •ir io |.ir II Iwari-ht I] K Hl' K Ha <1 •< in* mi.l —■" iv m - ir- , if, I I' I)iiic !.m' - , ■ R I) |{ K Co Hut. ( ■ ; i. -. i ii,. it ,ui. mure ar.'l Ibi" I: ~J !■ r v. *►, hi d |.revioti.ly hln , j tt'.',. •! ,u in i mid, M.I I) . K I-,| j | hvk vn>i I I i "fil* fl'ill !m 1.1 /', j,ft ii'Va.'. |i Ii M-'f HI., ►••ii. II- Ijni] iJ.j.l.ifii : rm Tbrrmt, a'.cj it n. w well. A !• r wyn !(. it t.at rr,- lirely rel . i •.d., •in u,. h*ad wliii'h bti -I'l • f i V trr i! n I. r .It . I C'l.r t... .Ma i.r.i, I ui rn r t . enyihii.jf in mi , i !-■ ti.nt I'lif u,-* . u-i v'i"it ralttlHi'iini My w .- i► r,. *a t.*- ifttf ■ A'k •• I)-. -t ! - -,i ■ 'I • ! I.lfe, m i tf , , brink. 1! 2i Wai.m iLin II i r. i.u lt '•ii'.ui'!;, dift'-r-nt 'r. , . .ti ■. It i. h ■ ir *. *ti-', HI ! - - bum' i' ii h (M-rt.-i t \-j i - I'."'. •. r I' win immediate, v ft. • t l.tl t II i" • ,r. ' I j-ii)i|, • v. v'i..!i v. i .r. in InII.-it iiflT It .t in ar vII ■ r n.-r • i-hI, bihJ N IfHIM i.f ; -.i r |,i | ntnlioiii ' nii* •. f;i*. It w;l iti h i v'" HyM - (h'lim nir in b feu ,!hv * !►. i'.-fi,* v ■>* •i.wn A-k M.ur dmev t it. Knit. •m m i- w rr'• . ! - , > hln ' A ( MI„.I.W|M AC I . •• "* mc 11, AIM ..'nl •- ' < U \ f'itßD m T'lK I*l 'I I. 'if' ivm (}. i. rum..it , • - t IImIIm(..|.! HI .! I i * * M.li r. i. ' h • I .< li.v.- alwut* 1.-,t t) • I--. % • 't'-ty Hll'f Ml t 111, -t, !,!.••• I.f K t. '"f •' n . h|. k-| lin a r.l- .nM 'l.,|. Tm l,i • till v > ! t • . , J r M ! 'I. ! II "t mt'i) I' 1 ..mi. till BL'" mid mrk hi in (.lain fl.'iir— mil l ll 1.,u —' ~n..., mad li-.jiM 1., i, u ■ lb" I'Mir-'tift."' "> ili |ni)ilti . whi. Ii h* I ■ ,• ill" khlh t>"- ■ .-! ■ • th-in I r. im . i ... i.ll'tl, wh i t|fl-.|.t J.. H'. i Jll I'll 111, - • |"l| !lt fIH dl'\ >l"d I' M .Ht I .lir W.H-k- 111 i.i! i v* ti , in (> - wr ! • ia[ . m- i - --m li"l 1." I-- of th- It Mo. IV kIAHRIACL K r v> I'V Kin - - • r.i i , K.< It * I .1. Ml I I K- •* 11. >1... I ikH to. DEATHS. M iVKR-Oe Mi. • 1x •I • • . i II !•< If • .1 II M , I • 'II Brlli-li.tili Grain Muikn. IK, if W V| , ■ ( 'twiwi *l* "I I. 10 • i. Ml.ml— A fall#-, |* f ei " ** ■........ 1 U tiMt. %. I * | .if—*fl, ))( l'lekl< i ... •*' Out*. |f f-ii.hr- .... . . ..... 4.) ImiM f*r i n*- 1 i i %-r >W,i, |H j'.Gfid ... | .if mh K-nii ' , I I Ik '• f 4'l i-"t. ri!#f . (Jhi|iti Hrotbr*. A||i|N.4ri<4. |rr |Mruw! V' I 0 ' f?1* rlfli} r 10 M ' n I Oj ■ ' ■ ■B 1' I uth'l 4 ,i mi-inainiin ... . m. h 1' \ftr Ailvrrti** 999i'ftt*. Notice. J ft*ri nf % lr ** • ** In it fl I ccnul* In the m*tnr *"*."\ lrk i. *p4iin f-r \ 1 frw I *nd • filif U ffMhtfl "I tl • t'f !■ • ' blrk*| Ik. | . i .. • • m i .i: -t m | • 11 . *u-- • I • • I nfltHi-d k r|itn)tif 2 tk inld M lk t • Ih- % i' * r ibn #f * •r --ltinff lit# Nf nii| iH* ll i 4 * m i4 't#c#niwrt RctiinwWf Ihir It* b 'wt 404 M#h f., pHtP* t. ' tn I#hm* fwliHr.i: nut •! b# l' fnit'lkwlinii ii • kY Ht • btif , |> H Notice T J.4if 'nwn t -iintf of (Vnn# nod Hi # IVime* 'riH V D hflHd tbf !VT lh kb 'f Vn|i, mU M V'* pro*.W (It# f) t4nf' l i I < • W]l HMMHA r WWHI|I e v*** n|t In mW OnM "w h- 4'b M.ntUj tA H|.*4l I'M, • i*f •!*• f*n#, t nny %m H*%-~ obi tl# i ( ■•!' Hl#* ••* Hdl 4-y t •dfnini*' ** J•/**• liny (Pf -1 nit < ( t t*t •t t<* fen* rf**d •I. t *. tn irps. HtMl K'fvf nt to Vnmi i.trwf)|. ' rOtrf • wnoft nrI (. jrun !• Sl.1 fc t4 ami ••# Imri 4 4 t nrt* aid |inn.l" -M IwM Kb* —*!..iH f.|r l*Hi ti oai, eVßM*t*>i *•. !■*• tri i-*r iwjwi ntc In w Ml| t ;•* ml Mißal liiviii |.w . itb ib' |*|. |,.lj cßiik CnU .A Iminr ." i oaa u MaM abate Pl-aawt Obji. 11*