Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 08, 1883, Image 8

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    She Centre fPrnorcai
Thursday Morniug, March 8,1883.
Oo*RMroaDo,rnUlnlnicliipirUiit "
..i from on) of ilie county. No romnuiulrsiVix
InvtN uulets accoini'uil by the r**l name "f 'n
Local Department.
Look out for Wiggina' storm on Sat
urday or Sunday.
—A handsomo piece of fancy work exe
cuted by Miss Mullio Ileczer, i* on exibl
bition at the Bee Ilivo.
—The regular monthly meeting of the
Y. 11. C. A. on Sunday the beet
attended of any vet held. (Jen. Beaver
—A Huntingdon audience will listen to
the lecture on "Russia" by Kx-Gov. Cur
tin, sometime about the middle of thi*
Mr. Allen Schroyer and family re
moved from their lalo residence, oil Tues
day, to tbo dwelling ai ; i.,iiiing '.l.-sl i C,.|
Wni. Shortltdge.
—Our senior editor, Hon. S T Shugert
ban been tonllnrd to the limwr ! r near *
a week, and lltltMljh nothing scrums :-
wrong, he regret* b-inu by indoor*
Duos poultry |m) Lew •teal Fm
l',t.. Some vari. ties ri hv. i. • liell, |n:,
ii> cut a d with an vi r-i-i: |.| y • "re i. r
who were never known to nm (>.r ans
—We are pi oared to tind that Churl.i
Smith hu been re-elected one of the Ju
two* of the Peace f' r Bellefonte. Char
ley has proven one o| the most efficient
squires in the county.— Hrpot Ur.
—The dwelling houreof Mr John \Yat
aon, n>ar Mlloburg, a small fmttic- struct
uro war destroyed by tire at noon on Sal
urday. The house caught irom tbo itovi
j .pc which extended out through the root.
No infurance.
—Our enterprising, readable and bright
little friend, the Lock Haven Krrr. uy AV
y. rets entered its Second volume, last
in tbo Y. M. C. A. lecture room wa- well
Thursday. We wish it a prosperous, long
and happy life.
—The concert by the blind Shale sisters'
attended and gaveentiresatisfaction. Their
singing was of such a character a- to enlist
for them tho sympathy of all, and uo
doubt wherever they go they will be re
reivscl with tbo open-armed cordiality
they merit.
When the C'ntrt I/ill Importer -ay*
"the Commissioners feel dispose,] to do
what is fair to Bellefonte as well a- the
tnx-payors outside," it speaketh the word*
of a wise man. In no -en is the present
board found fault with, so far a* building
bridges are concerned.
—Sad, indeed, was the death of Mr
Alexander Scott, of Rr >okville, .fefTerson
county, which occurred on Feby. 27, while
he was helping fell tree*. A falling limh
struck him and ho died in half an hour-
Mrs. .Samuel Hine, of this place, was n
daughter of the unfortunate man.
The resignation of Robert McKnigbt,
K*q., was read at the la't meeting of the
eouncil, to take effect April 1-t Just why
this gentleman should desire to retire from
the council, at this time, doth not appear,
and should ho rare to state publicly what
hi* reasons are, our columns are open.
—On Tuesday morning the family of
Mr. Wm. Wolf, of I'cnn townahip, con
sisting of eight persons, accompanied by
Miss Laura Breon, of the same locality,
and Mr. Irvin Miller, of Haines town-hip.
boarded the western bound train ru rout'
for Illinois. May success attend them.
—The ladies of the Presbyterian Mite
Society will hold an Ice Cream Festival,
or. Friday evening, March in the room
adjoining the Centre County Bank, com
mencing at four o'clock. We advise all
our friends to go and get a plat" ~f ice
cream and piece of ink- Toko's —Hi
Next Tuesday evening Dr. Th'**. R
Hayes will deliver Practical Talk, N-> 3.
before the Y. M 0. A and its friend* on
•'Our Eyes." This series ~f free lectures
has already become very popular, and the
interesting nature of the subject, chosen,
and the acknowledged ability of Or
Jlajes, should attract a large audience.
Rev E Edwards, of Milesburg, writs**
us "the ladies of the Baptistcburrh, Miles
burg, will hold a festival, Naturday,
P cream, cske, etc., will be served. It is
hoped this festival will bo liberally patron
ir.ad." We can only add our wish to that
of our clerical friend, that no want of pub
lic patronage may detract fmm the •n-ccs*
of the occasion.
—The Methodist sociable wa- well at
tended at its las*, meeting, on Tuesday
evening. It would add much to the pleas
ure of persons, who occupy seats in the
rear of the room, if better order were pre
served. Half grown boys and girl#—that
sh mid he dressed in long white, tucked
dresse*, and have ja-rson* to attend them
a* nurses, ought not to be allowed to annoy
those who gg to listen and learn.
—We learn with regret of the illness of
••'.ir old friend, Mr. Jonathan Kreatner, of
Miilheitn, who for • period of fifty years
has been an active and useful citizen of
our county. Mr. Kreumcr has not been
well for a long time, but latterly bis pbys
icnl troubles have been augmented. We
hope lh quiet of retired life, which he
means to seek, April Ist, may re-tore Win,
and that for many years he may enjoy the
rest so fully earned by a continued, close
attention to business for a Jong time.
OLIYKTTK.—The rendition of this do
♦ servedly popular opera at Reynold's
hall i°)lal Thursday evening was a do.
oided success. The "Wilbur 'is a strong
, combination, well supported and produces
'* un< qui vocal hits in whatever it chooses to
A CARII.— Any person desiring to ex
: pose their property to public sale, and
I needing an auctioneer for that purpose,
I will do well to employ JOHN H. LONO, of
i Curtin township lie has had nine years
" experience and is very moderuto in his
■ charges. His address is Longville, Centre
county, n'J'-'w.
L Title S AMK Ot.t> STORY.—A practical
■ joker a long time ago announced that he
had discovered a "burning mountain near
> Woodward. The description, o vividl
portrayed, must have lingered tn the un
frequented labyrinths of some other brain
and this letter to the New York W'ttkly
Suil, was the result
N<r There i* a place several feel square
! ienr the top of a sleep hill in this vicinity,
| .trial over HK) feet above the level, whore
the snow melts an It fall*, and where
• moke or vapor can be seen rising in cold
, weather. When the mercury stood below
; /. re in the open air, the temperature rose
•o lb above in thi* hole, a* tested by a
thermometer. The ground i* of a loose
j -late gravel, and on top of the hill are
• helving s|„(e ro- ks. No water is near,
nd the ground i- tarfeclly dry.
Centra* county, I'a J. D. I*.
Hi nt.RHHRI H" NOTK*. Miss Annie
■"•tilth of Jersey Shore, i* visiting among
David Zimmerman, of M< K"**sport, Al
- cgh-*nv countv. is paying a visit to his
father, Lewis Zimmerman. K*q
| The happie*t man in town Is Courtp. v
Career w ho is rejoicing over a female visi
tor who calls him papa f Huq'r rhurg
| children talk so early in life o —En ]
Michael Hubler, proprietor of "The
Eagle," I* suffering with aboil ori his face,
[ which confined him to the house tor a f-w
: days.
tin Friday there wa# a brush-cutting
! frolic at William Shaffer < w here al>oiit
twenty-five participated land ha Ia e 1
< time generally.
Smn th- old barn on the John Dur.kle
| farm will be replaced by a row structure.
Hymen is *til) at work as the eigth wed
j ling rame off a few days since the j arti--
; thereto being John Brown and a lady
trotn Clinton ct unty. John -ays he doc
not like tho title of "old batchelor *o h
just e*cap<Nl the list. I'vo
SI'RINU Mm. ITRMS— C'ohl. windy,
stormy March is here, an 1 w't'i it bad
road*, bad colds, and all the di*agree*blc
ness attendant u(*>n this s.-as-m of the i
venr. La*t week certainly d**erve th"
name of *alos week, as th'-re w-<*io four
large al>* in the neighborhood of thi*
place. One of theo was Dr. J. II Icit
xel. The doctor and bis *->n Charles wiii
locate near Freeport, Illinois, where they
will both continue the practice of rn>-di
cine. What will Wallace Duncan do
now ° i the great querry . for he and th--
young doctor were inseparable compan- !
mn*. Sirs. Nellie Kumrine, relict of
John Kumerine, who died two years ago.
fell a victim to that fell destroyer, cop. j
sumption, and on last Saturday evening '
h* r spirit winged its flight across the dark
river. tin Tuesday her remain* wi-r* I
committer] t their !at re.ting place R.*v
A lams, of the Methodist church, i* h Id
ing a series of meetings at this place
•shannon Post G A R , a'. Centre Hall
hail a sermon preached by Rev. Fi*<her,
of the Lutheran chur. h, on last Saturday
evening. *
James A Deckert, of Potter* Mill*
lias rented a building and will < ngng- in |
the butchering bu*ine*s in the Spring
—A new year of The Atneriiaii Sunday- '
-I hool l.'niofi, the s.e u-ly I serve in
Northern Pennsylvania, b**gin* t**-dnv.
I writ" now brntly In reference to th"
work yet to come.
After a,l that has been thj* far accom
plishrd, it i* within the bound* of truth to
say that there are thousands of precious
souls "in the region round about" who are
still without Sunday-school privileges,
most if not all the time, a* w.dl as with
out a hope in the Savior It i* also cer
tain that these thousand* wiil not embrace
• the Christian r-ligon or hardly lead a
I strictlv moral life until they first become
(interested in the (fospsjl truth which is
"the power of God unto salvation." To
provide this Bible school instruction in the
word of life fcr all the needy without dis
tinction and to disseminate evangelical
literature are among the prime objects for
which w labor. A volume of interesting
particular* on thi* subject might bo writ-
I ten. Tho gratitudo I feel cannot be ex-
I pressed in word* to tho many friend* who,
in many ways, havp encouraged me dur
ing the past year, darkly clouded In the
j death of my faithful wife on the day after
j Christmas. Entering upon tbo work of
r another year, wo trustfully hope for tho
' j continued kindly co-operation of pastors
1 and friends, expecting always a* hitherto
. tho blessing of fled upon all we endeavor
I faithfully to ilo "In tbo name of the Lord"
I f*r th" eternal welfare of Immortal souls.
' I K. CeiTTKXnKN.
If 'llefonlo, Pa , March Ist, 18M.
' —Mr. Daniel Ilostermati, onu of tlia
> Democratic war horses of Penn township,
1 dropped in to sec us on Tuesday.
—Just got in K new slock of Chamber
* Suit*, walnut, o-ik an<l h*II. Call tosoe
■ UH. U. IV Spangler <V T'o.
llavn you been lo the great bargain
* mile at I lie I lee Ilive, if not get there a*
1 soon IUI you can. lOtf.
book Haven i* to have a oolFee
| house anil reading room, under direc-
I i tion of the W. <T. If. Succeaa lo it.
---Mi* Martha llunter, of Buffalo
l 1 Hun, sister ol Hon. IV I'. Hunter, ha*
. been seriously ill for home time,
—('at Hcr|i iron wanted for the ciu-h
* or in exchange for Hardware at 11. K.
We would HII) when we walked
we nweiit, but the h'ffiuUican local puts
i it "exertion of pedestrian ism induced
Jtri' For one dime get a package of
Hiainond Uye* at the druggist'*. They
color anything the simplest and most
' desirable color".
—Messrs I.yon ,V <>j will soon an
! noun re their Spring opening, which is
to eclipse any thing of the kind ever
Seen ill Hellefonte.
The best, biggest ami nicest stock of
carpets, oil cloths etc., kept in Centre ,
county can now be found at the lie® !
Hire. lOtf. ;
; —K. I. Spangler ACo say they hare -
-old r i.r t! UJ ml sr ' a hun-lrtti chairs
I during the past six month. Reason is ;
tln*\ have sold < hairs at bottom price*, j
Mr. J. I. I nrystal, of l'liiltdelphi*
agent for the "Pennsylvania Slate (• a
r.etteer and Business I'irectory," pub
I.shed '•¥ H. 1.. Polk A Co, called upon
us on Friday.
Mesr Smith A Kston sold oranges
on the streets last >*turday at 15 cents
per dozen. Mr. I>*vid Parson* attracted
the customers Mid succeeded in diapo*.
ing o! ovet sti dozen.
Mr. Foster Williams, who manages
tl.e clothing department at I.\on A Go's,
last wiek received a litre little package
from HoUtz 1 lie. As soon as he fir i-li
ed (or it be knew bis goose WHS 'vol-ETL
■Mr. < li tries l! i Igers, wiio w.is butt
at tbe nail works some time ago and
confined to tbe house for quite a while,
did not stiller any financial loss, he w is
paid the lime as though he had been
at work.
The report of the t 'oinmittee of t he
Senate, np|>nititei| to examine the afTsirs
of the State College, Will tie found on
our sixth page. i>tir townsmen, Hon
I '. T. A'exunder, is chairman of the
liio mercantile establishment of,
Messrs, Harper Pros.. Spring street, has
been fotiitn led with other places of
business by telephone. These gentle
men are keeping psre a ,th the march
i of improvement.
—The latest novelty at an unheard of
1 sacrifice, changeable Ottoman Velvet*
in all shades at ''■< rent* per yard, cost
II.bO lo import at the One price Ilec
Hive Motes. This bargain can positive
ly never be duplicated. lOlf.
At the annual meeting of the i'res
bylerian Women * Foreign Missionary
-Socjetv. held at Port Jloyal, -tuninta
county, Mr. Nannie < 'rbiaon, Mr* W
I*. Wilton, Mrs.-I.t". Weaver and Mrs. ,
U diherts attended as delegates troni
this place. Mm Alice >mith repre
*eite<l "boring Hand."
The M. K conference, of thia dia
trict, will assemble at I bamhersburg, j
! March Hlh. Hev. (.. I>. Penopackor, -
pastor of this charge, will re
turn for the thirl and last year. Mr. ,
Pennenacker has done some good work
for loth hlschurrh and the community,
and it t* to be hoped that th rumor, to j
llieetKrl he may not come lock, should |
prove k r undb s.
—'in Tuesday, of last week, Mr*. Mi 1
chael Morrison, a resident of this place, ,
K s taken to the asylum at lUnvtlle !
About six weeks ago she gate birth lo a
cbi d since w hen her mind has wavered
snd her reason been partly dethroned.
Her friends and acquaintances devoutly
trust A short season of rest, quiet and
kind treatment mat res.ore her. Prior j
to her marriage -lie was known aa Mia* ,
The Harrisburg ' ipera house waa
the scene of a g.iy and festive ore*-inn
on Wednesday evening, 2-Hth ultimo, it |
being the time for holdiag the *< rood !
annual Hebrew charity ball. Mr Nam |
uel bewin, proprietor of the celebrated !
Philadelphia branch Clothing Hall, of;
thia place, was one of the floor man
a.er* and to hia ktndnesa a great tnny
of the participant* were indebted for
their happitiesa. Mr. bewin ia always
i a favorite.
-A dutch clergyman was in the hab
it of giving out two line* of a hymn at
a time, for the choir to ting. One d uk
rainy day, he could not see the words,
and said : "Mine eye* i*h dim, I cannot
see, I left mine ajiecka at home.'' The
choir, supposing this lo be the hymn'
struck up the tune of common metre.
The old fellow bawled out : "Mein Oott,
mien Oott, Hat ih no hymn, I only
saiil ojineeyea *a*h dim. " The choir
song these two line*, the old fellow
saying t I diok the dehil's In you all.
Vot wash no hymn to ting at all. " Ul
your parlor suits at R. R. Spangler A Co.,
opposite ltuh House.
r OIH OKCllCSTßA.—ltellefonte boasts of
having one of the finest local musical
organizations iu Pennsy I van in, composed
i of tho following : First violin,
• Hierly ; second violin, Fred Reynolds;
viols, |Jr. A. Hibler; flute, Nathaniel
Hierly ; clnrionette, Robert Hierly ;
cornet, K. M. Hlancbard, tromlione,
William llcrstine ; violincello, F. Potts
i jflreen; bass violincello, Charles Smith ;
i piano, MissOamacht.
| TIISY WANT TO LRAVK. —A portion of
I'hilipsburg'a citizens are desirous of
forming a new county by taking parts
ot Centre, Clearfield and Hlsir and con
solidating them, with Plulipsburg as tbe
county aeat. Thia move is at stoutly op
' posed by others who object to the ex
penso of erecting public building*, sup
; porting county ollicer* and holding
additional courts.
The matter should ho carefully con
sidered and if a majority of the voters
1 within the district, directly interested,
are determineo to have a new county,
it will be so ordered. We shall part
with ourlriend# under protest, however,
and hope after fuller discussion the pro
ject may be abandoned.
| committee appointed lo select a sub
; committee for the various districts O
j 'he county, reports as lollows • Howard
borough. WM. P. bucas ; Milerburg, I.
H. KLE; Millhnm, Jacob (iephart ;
Puilipsbttrg. Mrs. Wm. V. Hughes;
I' nionville, Christian HUI k ; [tenner
I ICOB M. Wilson ; Hoggs, P. W. Hirn
hsrt, K q. ; Hurnsole, .1. H. N weormr :
Colli ge, Win. Th<inip*OTl, .Sr.; ('ui tin
•I. W, Packer; Kergu-on, Aiuo* <'l RO
•on ami (leo. hckle ; 'tregg, Msj. .1. H
Fistier ; Haines, Tbos. Y>mrirk ; Half
moon. W. b. Wilson; Harris, I>r. John
F. Wore Is ; ilownr-L township. .1. N
HAIL; LllT* ton, -I no. W. Stewart ; 1/ berty .
! Clio*. A. Cirter ; Marion, 1 S. Frain ;
Mlies, Hon. Samuel Franek ; Pat ton, 1'
H. Waddle; Penn. -irnuel Ard and II
K Uuck. F.-q. ; Potter, (.'levari lhnges
wii'l J. s Houseman . Ruali, Win. Iles>-;
Miow Shoe, REV W. A. T 'arver; S| RI • g
M rhael Weaver, lieorge Miller ami
I Hot. IN II; 'I ay lor, Thos. Merriman .
I'tllnii, K b. I"N-lerwood ; Walker. Hon
John Ibven, and Worth. R-v. W B j
I St till.
I he following circular wa issued ;
BTLT-irosTi. Pa.. Mr. 3. IKH.L
f>NX MA ; WE send you a supply ol
"Amendment Petitions" for your town
ship. IF you are S we believe you to >
I.e a friend of tbe cause, no words o' 1
ours are needed to urge you lo take an I
active part in tLis battle for tiie bight.
Will you please select your own a*
• islants anil carefully canvass your
I township (district) for VUTJO' signa
IH-ad carefully and observe the print
ed instructions a( the bead of the |>eti
tmn and. when completed, forward a*
- therein directed, to Hon. Francis Jor
dan, Harrisburg. Pa.
Jowri, in /Ac "JIUC.
Tut SHAH ANHTIIR Rr.*!.. Kvery good
thing has it* hosts of imitators ; every j
genuine article it counterfeits. Had |
manners and wicked habits hsve their* j
also ; but lie who shams the had never -
tmast* of it. while they who ape the vir
1 lues of the good or stimulate the gen
nine never hesitate to place the coun
terfeit before the public in their most
alluring tones. When these people
j imitate they always choose a pronounced
type or popular subject, to copy from ;
and when they claim to be a* good as
"So and so," or to sell an arttcle equal
i to "So ami so," the public may depend
utM.n it that Mr. "So and so" and bis
i '
articles are always the host of the kind 1
Thus the sham is always proving the |
genuine merit of the thing it copies.
A firm of enterprising gentlemen pro
dure and popularise an at tide of hous •
hold use, such as the Royal baking 1
Powder, whose convenience, usefulness
snd real merit make for itself an im
i mene and universal ssle. A hundred
imitators arise on every hand, and a- j
they hold out their sham article* io 'he
- public, yelp in chorus, "Buy th •, its just
; as good as H-iyal, and much chea|wr f"
I The Royal Hiking |>owder is the stand
; ard tbe world over, and iu imitator* in
i their cry that their* is "aa good as Roy
al" am all the time emphasising this
fact. In their laborious attempt* to
show by analysis and otherwise that the
"Snowball" brand has a* much raising
lower "as the Royal j" or that the
"Reeurrectinn" |owder is as wholesome
"as Royal;" or that the "Karlhquake"
brand ia "as pure as the Royal," as
well as by their contortive twisting* of
chemical certificates and labored efforts
to obtain recognition from the Hovem
ment chemists an<l prominent scientists
who have certified the superiority of
Royal over all others, they all admit the
"Royal" to be tbe acme of perfection,
which it is their highest ambition to
imitate. Hut the difference between
the real and these imitations, which
copy only it* general appearance, ia as
wide a* that between the paste and the
true diamond! The shrfrti all pay hom
age to the "Royal!"
f Our Borough Affairs
I The indebtedness of our Borough, si
shown by tho following statement of in
terest bearing bonds, is tremendous,
Act of ltJfj!?, S|(J,OOO. n per cent
" Ik/it, 5,0(10 in, per cent.
" IJUI7, 10,000. Of) (5 jier cent.
" 1 HH'.i, 50.000. fo) li |er cent.
" 1H73 , 25,000. (4 7 per cent,
tho Act 'f 1873 authorised refunding all
six pei conts. si a rate not exceeding h pur
No Increase of taxation can be legally
1 laid now, and tbe tirt thing to bs dorm is
to pay the sl,tuo. of floating debt. It
was a wise move to cease paying interest
on outstanding borough orders, but if the
authorities desire to slop liio int'-ri-ft th'-y
shoulif pay the orders.
After the floating indebtedness is fiqui
dated a sinking fund t" apply on the bonds
• houlil 1m !■ tar ted, and if only SI,OOO. je-r
annum could be isvwl it would enable us
to placo our bond* at a much lower rate of
Instead of tbe council agreeing to de
fray the balance of the cost of erecting the
abutments for the ni-w bridge, solicit sub
scriptions from private parties, most <ii
rectly interested, snd if judiciously man
aged, tb borough ran be relieved of addi
tional obligations on that account.
Fox SAI*. Hrafta on London. Aus
Ir<> Hungarian, Oerman and Italian po*
ial remittances. Cabin, intermediate
Hod steerage passage ticket* bet we, fj
Antwerp and New York. Philadelphia
•r Baltimore, vis. "Red Star Line"
I steamers, and between tjueenstown or
J l.iverpriol and Pbilsdelpliia. Baltimore
'or New York, vi*. "Ame i'-an l,iiie"
■learner*. A HAM HOT. Agent,
for Peter Wright A Son*,
fieneral Agent*.
Mni'iifß'. UoiNos -• Ar y msn t"~s'.
wishes to become not' rious in 1 ur t-irougn
mu't be the object ..f an 'it-iluarj n.-to e.-r
le- announced * a < nndi'late At tho la'.e
election a biograph si skel' h of many >■(
the candidates a,.-) d n-ach t" the toad
waters ot ring en "k at I'*i k t" Roof *■
' burg or the house above it A briet sketch
1 fa few ui.! not b amiss tJur la'-e mi -
, -ili lps! ebs ti o/j was a -ta! art success w itb
an abundance of iriconststenc} We ho I
j every respect f.-r the party, but the t'arh- |
- ing- are judge not I presume there i to
Jbe no d-m .nstra'.i in at tbe nnuguration j
!a tbey are gri al un reform TLc cbief or
j mayor ha* openly a-erte<l that be vr ,uld
1 -.- r.er vole f.-r the proprietor of Bsdw
taari fur a (Jein - ral His principle aid
or henchman in the contest, t, a si.lid ••%-
I enly (iri-erii-ai ker ar.d ar.te liiaver Re. .
• publican, did noble * ra to defeat a btolh- '
er in friend, love and charily Another
a few years ago f r iaraioct of duly in ,
-tTies was 81 sl, \ 1 Igmer.t r'-njerad and no j
audit of the same ever having been n.aje '
was elected t . th- sarue honorable (sisilion
we for meritorious conduct wi,ile
in office before. While another is varying.
ti;i in there Cbawley, the di gs might bile
Tho n-zt in order is a quiet, inoffensive
old gent, who it opposed to the free c hool j
•ysUrr. and we will say nothing tfsiul j
what hapf.ened a few years but many
of the taxpayer* remember tbat the bor
ough came near losing several hur.dn-d i
Une consolation wo base, all tbe above
j are professors of - and we have no fear
I but they will live up to lb" golden rule,
j and twaides this timy ar ft,II of lru Re
j publican consistency.
Our town was greatly eicited last week j
when a (we could not tell but what it ;
might be Barnum * what is it; made bit '
apf-earanre ano ng us. However we fi.
nally found it was only Nelson Lucas,
whom the County Commissioners sent
down to ask us to pay our State and coun
ty tax Now Nely if you are both de
tective and collector wo advise you lo
post no more bills on oir shade trees for
| we will not have them mutilated with such
stuff A word to the wise is sufficient.
1 We do not care to see you but be careful
: how you spprooch us fr we are native
K>rn and have a natural antipathy against
foreigners, especially tax collectors
Mr J M Wagner's new roller mill ar
- rived on las'. Saturday. It took a number
I of men and KIT* t" transfer it from the
| '
depot to tbe mill, where nearly one half
| the and of the mill building had to be cut j
! out in order to get the roller mill into it. |
1 In a few days Mr. Wagner will be able to :
j compete with Reynold* A Co. ia foliar (
The boys are having a good time watch-
ine the bear through the crock in Mr. ;
llorleau's stable.
Billy, the RrcaA/a*/ 7V-K man, did not
get round with his papers lest Saturday
night. li- "WXRAN'i. j
—Overseer of the Poor Keiehlin*
■ thinks that he can run tilings cheaper
! than ho* hitherto been the c** without
detracting from tbe comforts of thoao
under his charge.— Sot*. There is no
reasonable doubt to I* entertained. He
osn snd will run things a great deal
"cheaper than has hitherto been the
case.'' This is cold comfort, skin to the i
sort received by Job when K was In
trouble, and will not tsod to add to Mr.
Bayard's complacency of mind. Savn
us from our friends and we'll take care
of our enemies!
—Cast scrap iron wanted for (he cash
or Hrwxctnmge for Hi*dware-wk~IL K. .
UIC and Iter# Store, tf. I
—-Wilton, McPdfturi'' .v. (!<>., i*h atten
tion to the on I * **!• I • |;<- M dy Mii*d
1 I'aint in (In* nm'! * f '••• I'ionm-r I're
pared I'i. I i 1 ■ :;.-rn tin any
I IC-ndy Mi> : J' .ii • ~l rival* pum
white lihil in ii- ;it working
•rid du'ability. I >■„ ij. guaranteed
by till* tnamif*. •- n r- i 1 i„ , r .< kor j*..)
within tbriM! yir. Hi- guarantee i. not
only good for n; aiing th* pj, lt j 4IU lt
will be put on II .t ahould crack or peel
within thi! time ip<-< ;tied. It will h. p,
your intoned to i-all and * Wibon Mr-
Karlari* V Co, before pur hanng either
whim lead or any 0t1,,. r Heady M lXlv |
Nonet.— I'-rwiii* having It 1; ti",
; fence port* ar I t. iegraj h p.,leu for ,*!*,
will pleat* *rij * written proposal of the
kind, quantity, pro.* and pomi of d*liorv
along th* lin* of the U .V South w.-.u-rn
ft. K , within thirty day*, to
It II Lawaiie, J*r*ey Shore,
or W W Hanki*, L<H;k Haven
H If
Suit* made to your own meaiure for
|1& (H). I,tart y„ur orrte, (i, ( f„ v
MovTootiant A Co , Tailor#.
Salo EegUtor.
It it important that proper publicity be
given public talvt, and . tball annour..-
in thi* column, fr." . f charge thi ■* ! r
which the bill* have t<- iri prir t"d at th-
IJckm itr oflle*.
Tl HMI, Hliri Tl —at tl,<
! K'r.laltf, 1| Uillr rf.tl o! Jl. j |. t \> t},. J % , m , L
I tin# nafti, lomai cchva un.' •..*
I f*rOltDf
i riitti. *• riia . r fk,* r j,
iot"k, !*fru.bjr lU'j !#rt.j •• t J<+ |
j Nf*. 4 Cii mi if ha • m! . • |i. a > m
I I'M I*l M * ft' mlf - Aiur.i lUi) Ir, lkr> , „
! u ' l*t* tf Ka •L Kulifi n# 1 O'-i'
. h .* ftl ttt'trur; r-.'f ' ••• *-# J ►;**-•.
IU | Aim'. At I k f *
Tl ;•*? M *-!!.* r>i mil*
• r '" .• ' - UIU) t; , v
|m* fa! • *>U J• Arj !• li m A'. * - * *; i g v#u # r
, #
! To rnr>-! i.'.a- W lon t And fault,
I reproach "r corid< trr th- f rai tiie if *• *
I | bvrician ■ ! ■ or rni. n
but we O" i laiin ' ■ • t<> *Jd /•/•-
: nfl !• f< j 1 r p# jf 4 ,jf
j b->"k on tie II - ' ti d furnot - d
gratuitnualy by a.i ..'rugg , he w . J
cure all hit | a!i-t it
• ( >'W go p. iter county. I*a
!>a II am ilk -i - Dear S,r Tb* tomll
'eeft ae at heaiei. r d the t ■ large
I. net are no: in-ire than hall irge at
they wife I arn fe-ling quite aeli The
■ 4 ay v -ur /Vrwiei and Afan/ia are
; doing a miracle I<i■n. . take nearly m
I mu< u opium *• I did b-for*
ill Mm Kiticrr X*T\tki> '
Wti srr I.r cr II •.! KcmuRKK —ll it
i entire, v<l tf r- nt fro; -thert J'. it at
!• -ar a- Wet' - *r.• name ind'< ate*,
!it a je-r!' . t Vegetable Hair K*torer. It
: mil immediafly free the head from thn
' laridrulf. retlore gray f. r to itt natural
color, and pr aiur* a i • w growth where it
I hat lallen off it t. nit in any manner
1 aflevt the iceailb, which Sulj hut, Sogat 11
lead, and Nitrat" -f v ivi-r pr.-paration
hat* don*. It will change light or faded
hair in a few da't to a beautiful goon
brown. Atk your druggitt fo> it Kae!,
i-'llle it warranted Kline A Co.,
Wholetale Ager,t, I'hiladeipbia, and
Hall A Bucket, New York 4 ly.
Bright t Diteate < f th- Kidnert, I),a-
I bctM ar.d other It aruac* of tho Ktdnwyi
and I.iver, wi irh y.-'i are hieing to fright
ened abcnit, II 'f Hitter, it th* only thing
that will rureiy f-ermat'entlv prea-nt
and cure All other pretended I I,ret only
relieve for a tune and then make you
many timet wort*
rat vt-w'Anao* r-e .• i--.*. it k. i* n
•Tl llunull W r J I ii H lfbrr I'athf of IltlfNtm|
j I Mm ISum *. ..f !>• i<a 4il, ( ot,u* u I'm
Ballafonta Grata Market.
aillr"t U.rrh. t ttt.i.
(4irr*t If.l I j T K K*JD .it lCt>
WUii-h liiu, i*r un
unL •* • l w
U ) II , Nee M 4
f f o J.* r I nidi r*m
•Mmm* Mf IwM ... * •
' Nhtt. per IMM 4V
fl%rlry. |*#r I rj*v
k ' : I
C<*hf M*.l. |*f |k nr>J ... , <• I
ri A f. Abnlml*, |—r M*l t f. § '*> '
; ' •/ i 1 M
PlMt#r. gn ortd. | *r i • o Of)
Provliloß Markft.
Ct>rtmc\*4 MrukU \ jr Brother*.
| Apple*,4fir4. |* f .... Jf
! t'fierrle*.dried. |ier p Ar4,h*ll im
lUut.* j.ur |MfV 1*
!fr**h h!tf pr fMNd H
i+t yml So
<Vmtitr* h*m pr poind IT
j ii*- • ■ v*- evrii ii
! li*rd per j **f * d •• 11
III* P* f 1 • .A
B ln*h*l.
; Brv*<J bmi, )•
- ~
.Veif Ailrrrtiit mi nt*.
' Btitl f y
B*'A > M !• tb* On*****' Oi.%r o*
I ofttmtf lr th* rot*r th# ovtmt*
ftf |V k*r Amcmm*'*,. p*tha of M J tVfb*r
' IN h**# AaIIWi lUp.rl •#:*tr*d t*hrk . Aodtf for
rot-neft4'n *id iirrte s? t pwfiti.tn
r**d mnl • nU !• gntAtM -it tt*. ! -yp.t ' MfHmat
h"Vf I" f*n-f *hjr th* Andft t i
i port. nfln'd •'•|*l*f f i*2. W.>d not u r*.
I wrteJ Ixwli h lk Am It.# f-t tla* pinoM of mmc+r*
(ftinmf th# ittH vnl du* th* ot id deoMd.
keinrh*l Jf •! AMI *rtn Ht tb* Court Aid (Hit,
Mftith •. JMii. Mtl<* I* mud* m thr** r*u4diti
fit of th* fur# by piMhitMi lit #n* ftr.pipr f.f
ttm#* prlof t th* tr#t Amy td •*•! t*ttit mu4 *
lul*r m*tkx| to tb* fcn* ttf #ti<h imh
M'#fttfc Bjr th* Court Ontflod from tK*i#<*fdi
thutlhitaf o* %lvrh. A V IWV*.
jam% uvuti.r.o c.
Hh*tiiroor VWl|rf.i. IV. Mn h T, |r*i
AftMt T J Id HKM.. ALwiff nf Cuptr* ft uMj, f*
T>i John (Viinaa. Itlt nt Hi. iVn.-it? nf fVwtrv aw*
IHilt of r.ami ltrl
V. *r aerM-j m-tta** iKat e* tit. At* nf Uanfc.
IMb raM wmw Tea w.r. *twniot *f l* Orrhana'
r<wi!t of t -ntr. r.'tiui f al-eoi.l. rvaaawaatn* tea t
pew la aaW Cean M tk. tlh ** >f Agrtf tWfU.
, an* akew (tao, If any ,„ t *•. otiy tie ikfknwt'
| Coart MalM ma-1- tn rnm If '* t-fwHnWtiiw. f
; Jam* Ituj. Imawl. t oil; ewe Hal of <a. IniMtnl
eml M-o trna. M nHo feat voul"w, la M.rt-n
lowarklg. Ctatre l .einir wtA In ywa ttr 21.1T4.
t.J lb. Hint Ira. I af MM net*, aa* na. bmeln-* aa*
I • twrrkea. la Ik. t.-wieMf aeaaU*, eel* le yea
: U.rrh la. HOt. akaai* let km aatde i) IMM g
j-eor aaa one |Utaa. arlih lb. <* mUiteM 4k
Jim A. KtVn*. 0 O. C.
I inati T.J. Bvwau. Mkerlll nftiemte Caw My. V*