Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 08, 1883, Image 6

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    ®lit Crntrc grmorrat.
Report of the joint Com
mittee Appointed to In
vestigate th Affairs
of the State College.
Mr. Mylin, from the joint committee
appointed by iheßenate and Uouseul K-p
--rmettlallve* Hi the la-l regular scs-ioh ~f
the General A-#mbly i in v.-etiii#> tlie
condition of thu Pennsylvania Wtu- Col
lege, made the following report, which
was read by the Clerk :
To the Honorable the Senate and ilouaoof
Representative* of Pennsylvania :
Gentlemen—The coniiuiltee to whom
was referred the duty of investigating the
condition of the Pennsylvania Slate Col.
lege respectfully submit the following re.
port of their investigation* and . utlclusions
The roaolutioii under which your com
mittee was appointed w the loll.iwing :
" In the Senate, April 14, IflHI.
" Whereas, The b-ard ol lrusl. es of th-
Pennst Ivania Stale College have addro*a|
the lollowiug ineinoi ial to the Legislature
'• To the Honorable the Senate and Hou->
of K ■preelil*tl V.-S ot the Genera' Assent 1
blv of the Commonwealth ol 1* misyi
" tieutleman—The board ol trustee* •
the Pennsylvania State College,'ii view o
the fact that the allegation ha- heen pub
llely made HI your honorable bodt lhaitli
present uiaiiaguiiieiil ol the institution tail
to comply witli the requirements ~f me a< i
of Congress of .lull 'J. 18)12, and the sever
al acts of the L -gi-lature m relation there
to, and. recognizing the right and the tin
ty ol the Legislature to -.a- that the plight
ed faith of the Coiinn -nwealth to isrri
out the provision* of the act of Congress
aforo-aid I* fully m--t by the r c pient oi
the income of the land grant fund, re-jea t ;
fully and earnestly request that a commit
tee, to ho composed a- in tour judgment
shall he proper, ij appointed to investigate
thu affairs of the said college. The dwire
of the hoard of trustees is that the invest!-
gation may be thorough and exhaustive;
that thsniinmittisi bct."m|e'-ed of gentle
men thoroughly in sympathy with the
higher education of our industrial cla*i-*,
who will give much tint' and thought to
the duties which will devolve upon them ;
that the investigation include the details ol
expenditure in the past and the necessity
for the appropriation out of the income for
the present and future, the present scoj I
the courses of study and the contemplated
enlargement of the same, the quality and
extent of the instruction given in theclasi
room, and the facliilies afforded in labora
lories, work-.hop* and up <n the farm, for ;
practical instruction in the branches of :
learning which are related to agriculture j
and the mechanic arts, the practical vain-- l
of the exporirn -ntal farm* connected with
the college a* r>*q iir-*l hv the act of tin !
19.h of February.lß >7, and the p'ans to I* j
adopts*! to secure greater off! iericy in th-ir
admini-iraiioi) lor the future, and, in short. |
the entire scope, methods, plans and opera j
tion* of the institution, in all it* vari—l I
and various d -parluient-. The work being ;
necessarily one ol great labor,and IliVolv- !
ing the expenditure of much time, we re- i
tpectfully suggest that th • com llltlee he j
allowed to -it after the adjournment of the
present and report to the next ses-ion ol
the Legislature.
•' On behalf of th hoard of trute* of
the Fenn-ylvania Stale College and by
the authority ther.*>f.
"President of the Board
"R-wolved, hv the Senate of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania (ihe Hou.e ol
Representative# concurring). That a com
miltew of thirteen be apjs.iiilcd, eoti-i-ling
of fl ve member* of the Senate and eight
members of the Hou*e, to b appointed bi
the presiding ~ffi or* of the re|o'live tsi
iss, to inve-tigate the afftir* of the Penn
•ylrania Hint- C"lb*ge, as prayed for in th
memorial of the board ol tru*te. above set
"Extract from the Journal of tho Sen
"Tlliwta fi COCHRAN,
"Chief Cb-rk of th- S-nate.
"In lA' Ihtutt April 14, 18*1
"The foregoing revolution is'lii urrs-d in
"HENRY lll'HN,
"Chief Clerk l|ou*e of Representatives
"Approved the 28.h day of April, A D.
At the first mwtirnt ol the commit'eo.an
organization was-ff ct-d hv the election
of Hon. C T Alexander, c hairman, and
th- Hon Geo W. Hall, secretary, and in
order to facilitate the enquiries of the csun*
millee, the dutv of taking testimony ■
entru-ts-d b> a sub committee, cui-i-ling of
Messrs Mylin and Newmter, with Alex
ander, chairman of th- general committee,
of the 8 -nate, ai d Me-srs. Kotw-ru and
IJall of the 11 .hi— of |{ -prsentati ves.
The said committee having pursued
their inve-tigatiofi*. have made to u* the
accompanying rs|s>rt, which meets with
our concurrent - * and endorsement. We
herewith present the *am as part of our
report, with an appendix embracing the
act* of Congress and act* of the Legisla
ture relating to the Hut# College.
Avis 11 MTI.IW.
KM* Hot. BEN,
WM B. BottKKTa,
A. WttaoN N'lttttta.
To the general eommitiee authorized lo
investigate tb affair# of thu Pentisylva
vanie Stale Collego :
The suh.eimmillsHs create.) hy the gn.
oral commutes-appointed under the con
current resolution of the L-gislature to
investigate the affsir* of the t'ennsvlvania
Htate College, approved A |#rtl 28th, Anno
Domini 1881, respectfully rejs.rt:
This sub committee held numerous ses
sions at llarrishurg, West Grove, in Che#,
ter county, at Philadelphia, at the Stale
College, at the exte-rimental (arm in Indi
ana county and vl Bellefonte.
They sought by advertisement* in the
nswpa|-es*, by public invitations at their
sitting', and hv diligent iiersonal inquir
ing. to bring before tttern every |>eron who
bad. or was aitpp-wd by himelf or other*
to hava anv fact#, opinions, or crillcims
to offer which could throw light upon the
tubj.a-t matter uf the inquiry and lead the
coinmlttsm and the General Aembly in
•n Impartial and satisfactory utid -round
ing of the real merit* of the questions in
And in justice to themselves,in this Con
nection, the committee feel bound Vu ray
that if anv fact* bearing upon the matter
hava nt been brought to their attention,it
has not been for lack of diligent < If .rt on
their part, nor becau-a the door* of the In-
VMtigatlun wura nut thrown sufficiently
wide open to admit every comer. Thu r
, -olutioti, inviting communications relating
to the college was as f tllow- ;
" Resolved, that all person* who have
any complaints or allegations to make
Ngain-i the iiiHiiHgciiicui of ibe Pennsyl
vania Slate College tm Invited to forward
to tlie coiuniitti-e at II irri-burg on ~r be
fore March 20th, IbS.' any statement in
writing they desire to make. "
This resolution was given publicity
, through the agency of the A-s<a'lal. d Press,
and besides thi* general Invitation, sub
| fimas were issued I" every per-ou wtio
was named to th'* cominilieo a- posses.ing
information or facts likely to throw light
up-ui the investigation.
The gpneral fl.-ld of inquiry WM laid out
- under the following resolution adopted at
the first mis-ting of tti" suh-cofilinillcu at
llarrtsburg, January I", 1882 :
It-solved, that ill order to facilitate the
labors of the committee apiHiinted under
the recited resolutions, tho committee pro
ceed in the investigation in the manner
follow ing
First. To inq iiro whether the pros,
•nt management of the tad lege is in com
nliance wilt the rcquir-ment of the net of
Congress of July - 1812, and tie-several
tot* of th--G-nernl A-seiuhly ol Pennsyl
vania in relation th'-r-to.
Secondly. To examine into the account*
1 >f tile said college to discover whether or
tot th- interest derived from tile fund re
11z "I frotn the sale of the land script fund
a- been delv expend.al in woodance with
lie requirement* of the said ai l of Coll-
J'o- bov>* recited
Thirdly To inquire how the several ap
iropriations made bv the Several acts of
he Logi-lnturit ol Pennsylvania lo said
•..liege have been ex pend '-lj
Fourthly. To examine into all the fund*
-cceived hy said college, whether from in.
lividuals' contributions or receipts Iron
indents, and a-certain if they have been
a', n—ll v appropriated and atcouiiital for.
Fifthly. To examine the experimental
| '*rm and a*ceriaiti the amount of income
I b-rived therefrom and of funds appropria
ted to each nut of the general fund, th-ir
i—lulness a- such, ami whether th- fund
ippr-qiriat-d to each hava been honestly
ippropriatcd or exja-nded.
Th- investigation thu- outlined covers a
very exletl-ive field, and while tome p-.r
--iiui of the testimony offered to t mr com
oiitteo wa* irrelevant and incottclu-lve.
thev h-lieve they have Pinbraceil in th-'ir
inquiry every important phase of the.ob
ject ; and it i- due to the authorities ol the
col lege to say riot only that they have
placed la-fore the cominltt'-e everv d—u
nent or oth-r sourcsspf information within
iheir control, but e*p<viallv that the < ar.
''ill and bu-iin***-like manner in who h the
iccoonl* of thp college hale been kept
{really taiilitat'ai our inquiries.
I Adopting for convenience the order of
J investigation suggested by the resolution
.hove quol-d, the first hrafn h of our in
' rtiry is, whether th- present uiai ac- UPM
I f the college | in Compliance With tile
req lircUPUIl of Congress Slid of the L gii
I -ilure of tins Slate, m relation tti. rrp.
I For plirjeise. of reference, these ait- ar.-
given in full in the ap|*inli x to ihi - r • j - ri,
mil the section* tno-t -trietlv |a-rtineiit t •
j till* investigation are quoted a- follow
-1 I Act ol Congress, approved July,'.'J.
I I (fi'.':
4 And la- it further enact" d Thai
*ll moneys d-nv.-d from the rale of the
land- afor>—aid hv th- Sial- to which th
land* are aiqatrtion-d, and I'.un th- sal
of land scrip haretiib-doro provid I for.
-hall tar invests*! in st< k* of the I'mi—l
btali-, or of the Stats—, or some other -afe
-liH'ks, yielding riot I •—s ihun five per e-ri
'um upon th- | M r value of -ni'l -tia-ks ; and
ihat the nion-i* • iriv.-*tf*| -hall lon-litiit*-
a perftelual fund, the capital of which
-hall r-innin I revcr undiminished -xcept
-• > far as may be provided in ssvtion flf'h
• f this acl,|an<l thu ilil-ri-l of which -hall
t.e inviolably appropriatssl hy each S ao-,
wnich may take ami claim th" ten- til ol
his act, to th- endow ill-ill, support and
maintenance "f at lea-ton- college wher>-
h- l-adipg otij-a-l shall h- 1 . with- ut -x
hiding nltwsi letitifle and I la*-ical studies,
ihd infill ling military tactics, to teach
Uch branch f learning a- are rdabal i"
-gricul ture and the np* hauic art-, in such
oalilicr as til" |p.g a' ir.w of the S'ai"-
llai resjea-livelV pre.i rib-. In or.l rto pro
"il U- th-* lih-ral and pra. tn-a! education "f
h- industrial da— iri the several pur-utt
,n 1 pro!.--ions in tile.
'I. A' t of th- L-.gi-lature of Penniyl
vania. approved April 1 1 **■ '.
"SEC 1 II- il enacted by the s- nate and
ll"Use of Repfioenlaiivso u the f unnioii
w-alth of I'-nnsylvaliia in General Assem
bly met, and it is hereby enacts*! by ihe
ailtholity "f Ihe same. That the a< t of Con
gress of th- I'niled Stales pa-->*| th
>md dav of July, one thou-and eight hun
dr-a| and *itlt-IWo, cntilh*) An act (IOIIHI
ing land- to the *<.veral Slat— and T> rrito.
ri-s which may provide college* for th
benefit ot agriculture and the m.-ctlnnic
*rt, la*, and lh- same is her-hy accepted
hv the State"! Penn*y I vania. with all it
provision# anil conditions, and th- taith ••(
ihe Stale is hereby pledg-d to carry the
-ante int>> • ff.*'t • • • •
•'SEC. 4 That, until otherwise ordered
hv the Legislature ot P-nn-ylvania. th
annual inls-rest accruing from any iriv—i
m-nt of the funds n'-quir>*l under th- -aid
act "f Congress is hereby appropriated,
arid the said commissioners are dir-i t.al to
pay the same to the Agricultural College
of Pennsylvania for the endowrnenl, •tip
port and maintenance of -aid institution,
which college j* now in full and successful
■ q-emtlr n. and where tho I cadi eg ohjswl is,
without excluding olh-r scientific and
classical studies, and including military
tactics, to t-ach such of learning
as ar- related to agriculture and the me
chanic arts."
it will at once be seen that the language
of the act of Congress t< sufficiently com
prehensive til embrace every department
of Instruction, so far at least as not to ex
clude any branch ol study from the insti
tution- for which II tiiake* provision. The
controlling r. quircments ot the act are :
(I) That a college shall !• established. (2)
That tts course of in-truction shall include
"military Indies." fi That It -h*il test
exclude classical and scientific sltl lie* 111
general, 4. That It -hall aim t-> prom-'le
the Ijlasral and practical s-du alion of the
industrial classes in the several pursuit#
and professions in life, and that to this end
(f) It# leading "Ijecl -hull le- "to Is-ach
such branches of learning as are related to
agriculture and the mechahic arts "
By ssa-lion one of the act of April I,
IHflji, the Htate of Penn-y Ivenie aiaa-i'l-d
the above quoted act ol C"hgres* "with all
its provision# and condition-," and as If t ■
give it# acceptance the hlghi-sl fsisslble
sanction added, "the faith of the Htate Is
hereby pl-dg.-d lo carry the same into
eff.-ct." By section four of the act, the
intere-t of the funds thus acquired und-r
the said a-'l of Congress wa* appropriated
to the endowment, *up|e>rt and mainte
nance of the Agricultural College ot Penn
sylvania on the axprss*# ground that It *H
■ HlrcMtJy in • ► jm*rnti• vi v nml n nruums**! n*
I i fniilll ilin r-|iiiri*iin'rii f ih L'nit<]
Uwh. N*iihi*r ihfa nor miy
' IMW* If ihn Hlnlo IIIMIIH HFLV IIHH|I tl •
f r to UIH rvquirvinwiU
of tin* law of Collin***, a X• *|it it"* to tin?
I tiiHiii'fiiHih tlioo (*x|H*riiM**riti>l lnrni %
h iuhj>H't whit'll will iH roroi(i.-r<l lul*r
IN ortlr to n-cvrihin whHh*r tin* IIIHIIHI!
WM'fli of tilO SIHtH COni|lli**l* Willi
I IIH rt*qiiirvrii*hi of IMWH, tin*
roflllullUHJ III•]•• H lanri'fulI a nri'ful t'XHlllitlHliofi of
it- iiiiircM of *tuly MIII it* inolhoj* of i
1 work, bih m- Ih*y now **xi-t nnl it* thny j
H HV* IMM*D in O|M>miion fint'Hih** '
lli IHWH R •*! to TIIH iri-tit TILI*N WN* I
o|Hnfil in -ttn v HH i* w'l| known, in
llim yonr IH.V.f (iiacJ**r m I'tonrtHf KraititnfJ lour
j V-MT i* ••nrlhT. It Wm> origin*! ly CHllcd I IIH
! Fll'irh Shni|of IVnri-ylvHtiin, H
j tot tin* which oritfirmtHd, it- i in onn
!of it- early r**|r |H, pnrlly in n ft*t*linig ib*l
j farmer* might fa |r.-jteli im| Hit*
! word 4 UO||*|{H" H- THUL of it JIIHCM whom
j hoy * only I'"tiirnrl*| It]ln hnhi HIHJ partly
with th** ul -t of founding a -ntnil iro-titu*
, ti**ri with a limited cour-a of iintrmii'm,
I -irinlar to th* agriciilitiral *chM>U of Ku
: foja*, which nrti milionlliiattt to and h*ri |
j thorough than the agriciihuml college* |
j there, lint tin* t>chod on lining organi/. d j
) adoptod A coiir*n of in-truclion 111 inathe
; tnaiic* and llm naMiral MMHIICW* inof e\
tefi-ivi* than tiiat in any agricultural col
lego of KiiropM, and a corn*-|*ndinglv
lovignr linn' wa-(|M*otecj to tudy and rn
qu:ral for graduating. It- organisation
toid n U|H.| a collegiatH ha-l* from tile
beginning, and the tru-taai only awaited
the lime in with h th*y would he able to
••oiti|lct* it- laiilding* to chan • it- nan".
The riant" wa- a i ordmgl v chtig-<| in
to tin) Agricultural Ctdl*gH uf IVnn-yl
In 1871, the |/ N gi-laturn having previ •
ou-lv HPPROPRIATIML the PRM ICD# of the Na
tional land grant to th** LNli I ulion , and the j
act of C*ngri*-, A- ha* been >hown, re
quiring tin* RECOGNITION of the rmvhnrii
art- • Q lally with agriculture 111 the I Cluf*e*
of rtudy and NOT excluding OTHER atudii**.
the naiiE wa- agail chang*ai to corre*|tftd .
IN IT- wide range *f *NL-j •* I*, ale) ha- -irn'E
B*l*n klio*n a- the |*O|III\ 1 Valii* S'at** j
COLLEGE The committee* find thut lh* '
• ••iir-e* of -tody havw from time to lime j
hang* d to t•••*t the changing r** i
qnretn*'tiU t law or of public opinion ; |
tint, in iuearlier year*, the übj a cl of Ngri* |
culture l All theoretn a' and applied, nI way t !
held a prominent place wbtie other auh- I
j ct* were IVII illd •**l ill the interest of a
i nroad* r culture NN"* tl td, f *r example,
i th** earh**t printed I'oiir**-* of *|u Iv pr**-
% ide Mi-truMiofi in (**lttifat arid -o ial,
| li|e|ital ald tnafilial m i-lii e, aalrotioffiy , th**
fitglier rnntheinattc and other advance*]
j branches ..f l armrig The cour*e* of *tud\
now in full oiw*ratiofi are by lar nn*re
luid* d alid complete than at any prefioii
p.ri*d of the hi-tory of the coll g*, and
j *ee| b comply in the fulle-t -en-e with
! the r- q or* llieflt* ol ibe law- ot I'ongfe**
j arid **l ihi- I• l•. They in. lud** two gen
| -ral cur-**- oil** 111 general a i'll* the
jotli.r in the RIM lent la**ic- . ar.#| four
ta hnical • our-e*, vi/ agriculture, . hem •
! .r\ an I i*h\ -1 •, natural hiior\ arid civil
; engim-or* g
Th.-* corrr H uf
'I r irt.l.-. |..R IRIK >I>I |. MI- WH.< MTM UIIMMK
I-r M f.\ r. ."n t.. .M k.. M mil <•■■ll*. K, M .h..rt
• in-, it! < .r.K >.| vw jKMf. 111 lillur...
MI .I M .iMiiUr . ..uf. in . li-in -ir- >J.K. >MI
\ .ni'li'i.t. MF>- Ml.> MI|IIIIII.M| |. if .■ • IIIK L.-NJTH
•'I Itl.lll Mil.l Ml .11. Il llfMll' h>~ "I .lu lv .
lh.'\ IIIMV fil'll, Mill) IK. .('llllfi-.l t". |>Uf.l|K
M ililaf \ (M. li. t f f.Kul*ri v IMUKM, MIM
MII .In |kui., unl.-. .1 ■ ii•••.! ..n it*."l'il "I
|.fn .i. M' il I.M In 111 "fi"i. if-rniiHi.. i rii|.l-.
M-K r-o nr.-t t- drul. Kfrm-f.' |.i l.jr.M.
Mr., d.-liv-ti-iI mi i'klilmm lluri • 11 Ii lhK u-.IMI
>ludW .>f iii.' iU" r- K .in W Bud UIMI
ih.'fK i i Mrri-il "ii M li'iv U'li.'vh mu<!
Iti.. M| ('ln MM"TI. "I Uti" I'-'liT", * Hi.-h, li.R
■ *l>'ril Mi>) 1* • i.-t b\
f.-W II MILL , 11. "Ml IIM"I" "• UHL' Il HMV..
M.fi.iniMit'.n Thi' .luil- iil in ullurK,
f"f '*Mlll|'f. C Mil" ill.' iMlM'TMl'if I 111.11 l
' f|*> 1..M "III' ' M W. "I I ITM Ml.ll MIIM 1 \ . t Ml"l IflMl
I iti" B''lr| Ml. I l-MfM l" "b-.-rv.. | .f.h'.mw. "f
."lul'l. l INVR.UijMIi -n. Th" .lud-nl in
h"fii. 11lur*' w..f W. in ih" jiMfd' i" Mhd viti".
IMfil". 'l'll.' -I •L.t.'T.L Ml llt'M'hMfll. L MF I.
M Mil" lh h "|. MIMI i. IfMiri'il in lh.- u-o j
..I i.. I, . w.'ll M lh |iriri.'i|.l"M "f ni'" |
i , i.n'.li •. Ti." .lud-nl 11. civil >'iiiMi> ririi{
M* nuinn M kfi"rlcd<.. •>( lh" lf.-lfiimnl
Mf.<t iii" IIIKI Ii' MI. . f t.i. |.r..f"i..n, hjr I
! MCMIMI w.ifl. in ill" ti"''l ; MINI .luiiUfli. in j
i i !• I'Mrltii.'iil lii MI M'lniil. "f il, null
j J.I I- M f.' iMUtflll <*llh I "fl'lMlll r.'fKl.'llC" L"
, >i" ir |■ rm• 11. m' M|.|.li' Mii.in, in VMri.ii.
itidu-ifif "I hf" Wti-n ih in.iiliili'.n
*M. tlr-l "|M'fi.ti in iu IkiiU M c.'n.id.'rMt>ln
Mill"IIIII ni riiMfiiiMl ImIMIT vM* r.-q iiri| "f
MIL Thi. .YICNI 'M TNnd"n.d MFTCF *
! ITIMI "I n'.rml \*'MF. ; mid 'TIN J.fiM'llcnl
I.rk TEW f.-QINR.IL i FM FDIL M cdu. M
li'.MMl R M il.* R LIIMH M ifiMllcf .if niMiniHl
lat>.r, IH. IIIFH il I'vid"ntlv "rv.'. IHN LW..
MMi-'flMiil fiid- "f IF ivm. lF PHY.HML Flfiif*
Ml.d .kill in iiiMhi|Milali"ll WHHLLIFF iii"
MI.MIKI. 'NIN. nl UF I'.'lll|.lifv N.MN.IML 'MIMT
MM- MI." <>R unwl.F., III" cuninlllM did not
IN-1 CMI I'd U|'N I" d"- ID"
A il i- fcl F.F]IIIRI iiv NNY >-iilinif IMW
"f lh" L*N'L.F) MUL' "f "F ihi# SIMU\ II J
W.Hild -.'.-IN I" >M< M niMtler wh 'llv within
LHF dii FLI-n ID lh" IRUT"" LL'LL *c'|.t ,
in ihi |.MrtlciilR (MIM'UI which TH'-RW tnY j
• *i-l I.MI II f M I diffcrctu"' "f 'i|.lnl"fi) Wf nf ■
C"fn|M'll"<l I" MV in tinildn M'V'fdMiic" wilh
lh" fHCt* . W" Hud thnm IhMl lh<
C.>l l"if" i furni.hinit M litwrnl Mnd |.rarli. |
CM I cdiicMtt'W f"F th" indmirlnl CIMM.*, Mild
ihMt iw l"Mdifnf fd'jfM-i it t" l"M n tu< h
i hrMnt h "f li'Nrnifiif n- f" r.'lMl"d I" Miffi
i iiliiif" Mfd lh" nut hiinic MTU. Tn" chnnii.
cm I lMf>"fMtnri" t>|*iill)f Mrn in n fn.wt
MdintrMld" cnndili'ifi inm|.li'l'li*- nd ;
"itici"ncc. Th" j.hjf.tcMl lMi"TMl"fy hn- n
Bit" (th.'tiifh "till M.Mfi. f|Uii') cf'll"f'ti"n "f |
th" in*>.t M|.|>r<tv"d N|.|.MPMIIJ- "f in-tfii<w
li.n, Mi.d th.. nihi-r "f intnic.
li..n ri'lMiini; dinrlli t" lh" indu-inn*
lif", tiich iv* civil "nifinwrinn, mwhnhlc
Mil*. A - , hMV" rwaivfd fr.un th" lfu<lv
.HIMII MFIMIML |.PR"J'f iMtinnt which HMV"
■•NITI|.|M'D th-ni fttirly t'r lh" r"<jiiir"in"nu
• d ..rdliinry U-Mchin* Th"r" ittfrfMl n'fvt.
h.'WfV"". .n nil Ih.tt d"|.Mriin"nu, nnd In
th" lihfMry l.r M Ur,f inim.-drnt" OUIIMV
' which lh" in'ufi- Ml lh" in.iilliMnd ..I lh"
tru-lcft d'"'t n"l CUMI.I" ihciii in iimk". Iff
thn iw"lv" (12) i.r.ifiwtor* Mnd nrtirlnnit
now c>nliUltlni( lh" Imrhinif ("fC" In lh"
I cull"*" d"|w.rtm"ntt, only l* *iv in.lfuc
| lion in lh" ClM— ic* ; "fi" Ih"i MI hti
: I'htrtt >f Knif.ifh llhTMlnr", Mtid nlhl
IHRNNCHFT which "ni"F inlti
nv"ry .'"lift" id LIL-TMI "DUl'Mihin In ihn
mm" r*iH"cU"fi. it rh"ld lit n >i"d ihMt
lh" H|i|ir.|<riMll"n- mii i>y lh" IfU'lH" f.ir
lh" |.ur< hv i.f M|.(MifMliit Mfid p|illnrrt
I fur lh" t"vfMl cUtt riM.rnt hnv" h""ii
I mntl "*cliitiv"ly f-'f lh" IndutirlMl drptfl
ni-nt-. (hit ni lh" M|.|fi.|irMihht <f ihi*
kind, llwin lh" irnrt IWW nnd iWtl.
it*r"*Miini( ntwrlv tii l*i..uMrid (|fi OtPO.)
I "MM ihnn f'fi" hundrrvl dollar- • ivcn 10
! lb" rltwlitl d-("rimnt, and thai a* fur
1 lh- nufi-hat" f ma|ai.
I With ffKaft in lh"rhararl"r and con
duel uf Ibe tlndanu uf iba mtiiiuiiun, Ike
Imlimnny h"fnr" th rnmfnittc" it t, m
|i'iclt, nnd no nearly Uliainin.Mlt, that il it
inijnirritil" nut to b" convincnd by it, and
with ml Httrihiitlriif In any of ih wiiniwt"*
a conti'iout |.nr|H.Mi to ini"r"|.r""til llm
tacit, it it "n.y to •••" to whnl all "Xl"iil
li.-r-oiinl di.a|i|nili.tm"nu and rcacniini'tiu
color.'d llm vi.'Wi of th" two ifidividuaU
who nlorin irnvii di|mrnifintf t"tlnionv.
Til" rtnlerimntt of pri'twit and furnmr
►lud'Titt, and pari'hlt of rludent", ol pro.
l"topt, i'itit"ii. of thn neighborhood nnd
of ..(11. inl* wtio now nre nnd for tnnny
v"nr. hnvn (in.'n "iitfnf l "! in lh" adimnl-tra.
lion ol tin- IMW m Centr" county, nil unit"
I in coiitrndictinif the (feimrnllv vnifuii n-n-r
lion- of th" indi vidunlt relerred to. Their
unqimliß nl te.titnoiiy it, tlml lh" tliidnnt
the Hint" Coll.-*" nrn an manly nnd
honornbl" in their conduct, and a- correct
in their moral*, n any rinnlar Innlv ol
yolinit men in any inrtilutioli in lh" Mint"
or th" country. Several of th" wim-rtet
no inriln-r, nnd rtprrti tli"lr -tronif con
vicliont, bn-.-d U|">n oh.ervntion anil
knowledif", thnt th iluidard of ih"t"
ttuiletlla Ml lOur" rerpecU, it exceptionally
Tim next IbrcM bralicbu* ol Inquiry which
llm colli milieu propoMtd to iiivitolitfal" r.i
Into t.> lliu lliinin Inl liiann*"lii.'nl of lh"
llitlilulioii , Ibo ufund" id lb*t vnriou
tiii ni - pl,ici*i ni il- di.poral, cither from
the prot'itdt ol th I'lilUnJ Sm,* Lin.l
(•rant, lll** approprintlont mnd" by th"
•Sinle of IVntiry I vaiiin, ~r the contribution..
•■I nidi VHIUMI- and reculpla from ttud.'flU,
alid arc< rLain il ihey hnV" bucli hoiictllv
On ihi. i.iq-iriant point it i. "xlrcniclv
t r*ti ty iii|( to tl fid Dial lh" le.liiii.nv it at.
.oluli'ly unaiiiniou* Wbnti.ver dill Tetn
of juilifMi"iil IIMVO IMMIII i xprea.ed by wii
ri'tjmcliii|{ llm K'.iieral rnniinif'-umiil
| and |nii - y ol llm llitlllullun, all, wilbout
exception, when quetlloned, liMvwi'xprceij
llm lull.-.i conlidoiiC" In lliu le-rfccl i'• t-K
--rily with which all llm fund, hav" been
•'i|M'iid"d and aci'ountcd for. Con.identic
110 well km.wii Bnanclal "nihnrra-.umni
lot lh" in.liluiioi, in ii. enrliur dav, m.d
llm I'Xlcnt >,f ihe iriU-retU ilivoiv.-d. il i. a
| niMtti-r ol ju'l prljc to (1 ri.l thai n<> rhndow
•■I .u.pici -ii ..I di.hon.wty re in uj. ,ii th
. . loiMilfirnlloii ..I' tl,in ifr.-nl public tru-t.
i I'lii. i. no more than WM. to haro biM*ri "X -
I |Ht'lnl from llm known character of th"
many "lllMii'lll clliz-n. of lh" Mlal" who
| . . fiflltubd lh" bonrd of iru.lcu. , bill tl i
noli" lh.- I"., talitlai'lory and nunc lh" l"..
due t<> ibelli and I" the Mini" lo record lh"
The different tourotw of income, th"
unit riM-clv.-d fr-un "a. h, and th vari.
.u. u••*. lo whn h th-y hav•• bcii applied,
Mfi'ificn in detail, in lb" full and "lata.rat*
•umiiiariet lr>.m lliu tx-.k. uf th" coliinf",
hn h were |iirni.hi<d u. ih- .. initnii... b>
I'r.ifew.or UMUIIIIOII, ihu bii'ini". iiinnaff. r,
an I which accompany tin, r"|.,ri. A
brief runnnary It ail lhal it r. q or.-cl b-f.
I'h" t Ul pr.M-e.si. r#alir."d b the Stat"
ir.'in ihe land n rip wa> lour huridr.-,| Mm!
thirty*niiiu lh<*u-and one buridr.*d and
eighty. .Ix dollar, and eighty cent. , lh"
u O . f Aftt h indr. I and Ii: '- II tho'i-Mi"!
"Il" tnili'lrcd and lliirly .it do lnr. haVlliif
collie I r.-in wlo under th- m t. of I WW and
I did, and two huiidr'd and eighty wight
tiioii.and i-ha hundnil ai.ii ci|(htt..ig i)ul>
lr. ami eiuhty cnli Irotu ai" und- r th
act ol IWi* Ib" -all-, ol .crip were mad"
under tn dir.. lion of the L'Vi.lalur", hi
a Stale loinmitwl.'li appointni lor that pur
|-'.e, and the incioii", a. it a. i ru.-i, apt n>
prialtai lo Ihe Mate C-'ll'K" In a. n.ni.n. e
Willi llm pr..vi.|..iit "I Me llon f/ni th" act
..( l oiiur.-.., lh- .tun ol f.iily.ihrcn thou
• and • ikhl hoiidrcil and richly it d'diar.
and liili eiil- (.lightly l"tt than th" ten
l- r i . nt Muthorix aij wa. "if"'nd"d in the
purihatu ol three .XperiiiiriiUl farm-,
leaving ihriw hundr.d and ninety Bv.
Ihou.and ihr.-e hundred and thirty dollar,
and ihirty c-'iiU to lw productively in
v.-.tcd Hi the act ..f April 3. IHTit, ih"
I. gi- lalup", in partial conpidcralion ol the
• IIIMII price ri-c'.-lv.-d lr,*rii the land tcrip,
directed llm i.tue of a rlligle tx-nd ol the
for ire rum of fivx hun
dr. I Ihotonlid d dlart. Ix-aring lnu r.wt at
n | .or cnt , running fllii year* from date,
and the I 111 "P". t meanwhile to b" palj to
llm Stale C.dli'g" Il will tx x'ti If,.in
! th lop-going ttau-mattl lhal lh pr.icecil.
|o| ibe land grant .>n which the college |.
j now r.-c"ivitig inter."t u three hundred
and ninety-llve th,<u*and three hundr.-d
, and thirty dollar* anu thiriv i"ril. The
; remainder of the (lie hundred Ihou.and
d'diar. tii mad" up of fourteen Ihou.and
nine hun.Jp-d and naly dollar, and iweniv
1' iiU premium on lh" M-curitiet In wl.uh
lh" la-l m.'Utionwl anmulit had lawn in
rutted, and eighty nin ihou.and teven
liundrel m.d nine dollar* and flflv cent*
contributed by ih- Stale The income of
lh" la*l two amount, .aggregating one
i hundr.il and four thoutan I rix hundr.'d
and .ixty nine dollar, and aevei.ly cen'.j
oiii.lituliM the only fund on which lh"
cidli-gacan draw (or r.-iaurt. improvement.,
new , oti.lrui U'.ii, and all other nei-mparv
demand* of a tiiailar kind. Th" income
(p.m the land grant fund mud be u*"d,
under lh act id C"ngrew, for ttrlclly
.ilucali>,|i*l porpoux, Thn total amount
..( tint income, from IWWj p. Ihdl. we find
j to have (awn three hundr.-d and forty-three
ihou.and teven hundred and flfti-aeren
dollar- and twelve ceritt; while lh- amount
actually exiwndeil f..r the ruppori and
mainlenancu "of the college during the
.aiim (M'ri.xJ wa. four hundred and fifty.
; eight lh. Hl. and tlx hundred and aerentr
•ix dollar, and eighty-two rent*. Of the
la.t named >um Blty-teven thou.and and
forty dollar* •> devot.-d to thn tnaintc
nance of th exjx rimental farm, which
uinfer the act ••( Congrert t.im.d to he
I properly regard"l at a |*rt of th" eduea
- tiunal equipment of the in.tltution It l
I evident, therefore, whether thi* item h
j deduct! d or not that n<>t only the income
from the land grant fund but a large turn
In addition, hat been legitimately expended
in compliance with lh" requirenmntt of
lh" United Ml*tw law. The remaining
contribution* of ihe Slate to thi* college
have been a* follow* :
Kirty th..nnd d >llar* in 18i9and forty
nine ih-.u.and nine hundred dollar* in
Iffsl, for lb" the erection of building*;
live tht|.*nd dollac* In 1870 for building
on th Ka-iern rxiH-rlniental farm, and
eighty thoutand dollar* In 1878 for the re
moval of a in >rtgag>' d"ht u|M>n lb" r>rop
|Mriy. Thia debt had be. n incurred ow
ing to the great increase in the coat of
building .avaaioned by th" waj. and after
the original Contract->r* bad be.-n forced lt
abandon their undertaking We Ind no
quiwiton in any quarter that the above
named appropriationa were appli.il to the
utwa for which they were tnt-nded Oth
.•r donation* to Ibe ndlege, chleflv hy the
Slate Agricultural S-clelv and rlllaena
who were i rile ret led In ttartlng It. hava
amounted to ..ne hunnred and flfty-four
thou-aud two hundr.d and eighty wight
dollar*. On .ummarlttng the** tiatrm. nu
It appear* that the prlncl|ial turn contribu
ted to the iiillega (aeide from ihe endow
ment fund) amount* lo a total of three
hundred and eighty-thrne tboueaad nnd
►eveniy-on.) dollar* and fifty cent* *• lu|.
Appropriated by the Slate, on" hundred
and "ighiv-four thou.and nine hundrtd
dollar.; ex leiof-d for "t|x'rimeiital farm*,
forty-three thou.and eight hundred and
eigiy-til d .liar* and Ufly cent*; conlrilm- •
led frniii private t-.urc.w, one hundred and
(itly-l..ur Ihou-and, lw., hundred and eigb
ly-llve dollar*, and the college ha. t>. i
.how lor thi., (arm*, building, and appa
ratu', regularlt, and, a* w.-Ixli.-ve, TMIIIV
iiiveiip.-i.il at four hundr.'d and tiM> on'"
thou.and, rix hundred and tlfuwii dollar,
and aevi'hly -vri cent..
Il it rml mi'ot.ary to dwell nt gre*P<r
length on thi. bram h"I the .uhj'i't. Th"
d'-tailt are given in lull in thn a, . oiiipnn -
Ing pa|M-r. ; and we believe that no unfair
lial mind, ori examining ih-m, can fail p.
reach the ralU" l ollclu-loil. that the Bliali
rial tru.la ol th ln.tltulii.il have been [
honurtly and judicioutly adminitureij
The qUH.tli.lia cofllc cted with III" Con
duct ol Ihe >• J |"'f iin.'i, lMl larilit, tint com.
mitl.x. found HI aumu r* j.n p P, im.ru f..*r
piexing than any oilier, in the cur." ol
their inquiry. It it clear, fruin the t.-.n
iii'U.y, tual tin we I,trui. have cohdocUii
many valuable ••Xpcniiii'liW, and x rv. il ~
u-elul purfHite though th-y have come
rflort ul III" alltii'lf.allolit whi. h Wcfe in
dulged 111 l lh" lime proVl.loli wa. Itiwl.
lor them. TIM. re.ull may Ix. aci outiP-d
b.r partly on lb" ground of m-uliii n nt ap
propriatlon. I r-* in ih college luiij., nnd
partly 1 r..11l th" (act lhal Ho. tiu.teor, In
order apparently p. gratify 10. at o iitiiie i.
erilrutted Hi" g-n.-ral riuinagerueii- "I *.n,
ol thu larilit aMii.ol "litirc-y to n c .mmllpw
of gelivlcliinli 111 !U lielglllx.rho..<L 'lie
fiur;ai.e ~1 the arrangement a—-HI. lo hav,
been entirely honorable p. both par
lie. Tbacollege Multi-Title, w.-f" willing ■
P> cor.Bdn thnr plant to the acruliny afid
control ola body who had In.thing l.ui
1., al prid" in public .pint P. tllinulal" anil
reward iheir • If ori", and lh" lo.al c <<nti.li
le.. wa. willing P> fa-rlorm an unr. quipil
ftublic M-rvic. Ii Jt divi.li-d r< <q.. i..ibili- '
ly could hardly lail P> r.wull In dividii
CI 111 nM. I. ; and d.vid.-d coun.i'l. r.— ulinl, M
mighi iiaiurally havw ben exfa-P-d, in
dlmiiit.h.il • ffi.-ieli. V and roiii" lilng ol
mutual crilli i.m. We . an Bin!, In.w.'V. r,
no rea-on to douhl thai a title larger a;.-
pr..prialion w unl have added to Ibe ue.
I,line-. ~f ilo- K vierri Mnd We.tern farm.,
the tru-lni ol the Col I *"g' # have Ml g""d
lallh "Xperid'il til tl.al dire, in.n lully a
uiui b a- th"ir itic*line would j i-lili, con j
■ idxring lh" Ivrg- at..) gr. >*i .g m-'d. "I
ihi- d": *rini"iiu ul in.iru- in.n in the col- ,
Th am-'unl appropriated p. th- Kel
-ri. farm, MI Oiivter county. from |h;q p.
IM|. I. . ighl'iui lhoii-aii J eight hundred
dollar., p. the W.tl.rn larin. Mi Indiana
cunty, nit'i-n thou-and and fi ly d-d'ar.,
ar.d p. the Centra! lann, near th- college. ,
f..urtei-n thou-arid two hundr.il ar.d fl.it
dollar-. In •ur opinion, it would !"• urn
j i*t p. ihecolbge, a- iri t rt-lit tit iitn "I high
er education, to cripple iu rc-.ur 1,. ;
taking from the fund. n..w at IP di-|" *i
any larger a| |.riq.ri*t;..||. lo th" lain
than have ln-repdor" txi-n ma , while.
■oi ih" other hand, il i- evident lhal tin y
can n.'Ver 1.. rua 1" p. no-el p .bile eX|e"i-ta
lion without a much larger et|wte<ilure
Il one or b"th <•( th>- outlay ing lartn- are
p. (..• relallie-1, we h"li"Ve it would b" *
~'Und ar.il wi.e |.li> v lor Ihe SiaP- P>
niak" a lair anr.ua: appropriation lo tin
maintenance of ibern. Ilui Hi- ■x r. in--
Iv doubtful, in lb-* It,.hi ..r .-n-ni agrn ul
tural knowl.-dg'. wlnlh t or ad- xen
farm, are enough le-ip r in-,, "ti", l -r ik
purp e- of M tetillfi. inv. .ligation p. , .*lll
|WRI-aie f.-r ihe ire-r.-a-ed . tp-rie- K.-r
lb" |. irp..M*t o| f-ra* ileal |-r im.'i.laliori.
the more farm* the le IP-r ; l.nl il .earn* P<
U* not ufir,-a.onible l .ufq."" thai thai
end could la- to ally a. w. ll arid niu* H
Dlnrr th.-aply reached by a .y.lem of vol
untary 11.. p-ralion among individual (*•- i
in-r-. i any ing on ibe.r "fe'ration* and
working out their ex|" rinienu in wrna. ,
pondence wilh the ndieg", arid p, eor."
• itent und-r it* direction The tendency
..f opini oi *. in ihehe-t m<-an- of advam ■ '
ing agricultural knowl.aig" |.,r praciical
u-e, aeein to have undergone art irniM.r
i*nt i harige within a inmparalively r<-
vent fa-ri-Mi Formerly it wa- thought
lhal a tn(B ienlly rxlend-d rai.e' ol field
.* |a-rlrn. ntalton woulJ yield th- r-uti
n—-d"d a- a gutd" in u. i*-.(ul farming
But agricllure, like .-v-ry ..th-r branch
appii-.l M 1.-M, tia- b<i>ri influenced by the
rapid and wond-rfnl advam-" in every
de|tarlment el Mi--nii(i knowl-ilge, ilur
ing the la-t twrnly-flve y.-ar- ; and. a- * ■
!i.n.eqU"tiC" lb" inVetigali,.rit of the lab
• oap.ry have s>me Pi iMTUpy a lr in. r.-
irn|*.rlant relation to lh" practice ..( the
larming c-imniiHiity than ev-r b--f..re A
large number of agricultural experiment
• Pttion. have acvivrdinglv b"enalr-ady e
iabii.h"d in Europe f..r the m.I" pu'po-c ..( j
mnducling tuch invntigati'.n. and lh-- ;
niimb>-r it rapidly incr -a-ing In (hit ,
ii'iinirv four Siiie#, Cunnrvtii-ul, N.-w
York, N'-w J.-raey and North Carolina
have "ttahlirh-af Uch experiment rta'ion.,
and movement, in the .am" direction ar
on I.*it in "dh.-r State*. In our own, then- j
are indication* ola wide.pri-ad public in
terett In th" mailer, and the Stat" Board .if
Agriculture, at il !al meeting iinanini-'U.
IT rvd.q.paf a retolutior. urging the .-tiib
li-hment of tuch * -tallon "at the -ar|iet
f.racticahle time " In view ••( ihe fact.
and con-ideratb.nt tiigge.p-d, we are of
-.pini-m that th- ini>tM of the coli'V
• houbl be auth-.rix-d, in ca.e they .hould
d-wm it advi-ahle, p. tell lh" Iwo outlying
eifwrirnen'al farm-, and r-ijnired pi apply
the Income from the fund thu* ..(.uin-d P
ih tupp'rt nf an exja-rimerit ttatlon ol
the kind referred to. It would lh-n b--
nn-' t-arv for (he I-cgi-lature p. make an
addirtonal annual appropriation in order to
• nab'" the tlation to proe-a-ute work of
of equal tcope and extent wilh that done
by timilar .lationr in th "four Slate- men
lioned. If, •• thn cour.n of legislation in
dicate*, il it to be a part of the ".lalill.hed
l*ilit-v of the State to tend lie aid to the ad
vancement of agricultural knowl.-dg" and
practice, il would fern P' be (he dirlate
of round policv t" cmienlral" it* e*|art
menl. and r-ff -rtt, both in ihe iniefi-i id
"cnnomv, 'lf i--ncv, and eae of control.
The Stale College ha> alr.edv In u. a large
|.arl of th-- applian.ie and "qiilpment nee
••taarv for lh" ami e, ful maintenance of an
experiment Marion, and it now doing a
larger amount of valuable work in rhatdi
rectlon than at anv previou* p-riid ..f it
hi-tore, and it now publishing it* result-
In a aerie, of popular bulletin..
The fact remain*, notwllb-tanding the
condlti-'n of thing* above tlaied that th"
college for a long tim • hat b-i-n tubjert P>
an amount of public erllici.nv, which ha
ra.iili.il In a widespread diMrutl, If not
h.iaitlity, toward* I*. nnd the committee
have coiotantly directed their Inquirie.
wilh a view inata-ertainlng tl* ground*, and
if pop. ihie the proper rem dv for it. Their
iivncluiin have been prapentui in part. In
formar pagwt of thi* report. Bui it few
point. pr-fiiip- fupib-r rrnilt i i.l.vf
•>u< i'i u, "i th- flr.t plattb*t iiiui'b |(
it"l iii,*rl f lb r-l-rr-d in, jjr-w
• •lit of M romlitloli •>( IIIII>K- hii h in • H NU
•T • xtU. W bfli tll t-011-H- •, f.iiiii(|, t J l
•••*t'fnl HtUonpl. fia.l lii'fh iri til*' ii. lartoii*
j part* "f lb*' •••••Hltry !•• tabll.b < limit, or
| -••ll-tf-r inr iii'trinti-iii in
li<t on-of lb-til bn'l la-.-ii •.!!• i. ~fni limn
I < lllt 'll, nl I' liUM I VBI.In. lo— rio-l. .. Im,|
h**|t-M lli 14. tfl—paili--i|-'riiri-n| b-ri* * ;||,j
p-.ull <|ifr--r-llI* ; •.ml IIHM ih-m 1..|,
triMiMl liU ral'i .f lh> ir inn. al ,,| IU-ni,.
In pPo|li"tf it. 'I I liibij-la-m ii| iln- |. w
-a.jly •-•'llllllilliii Hi* J 11.-,f |,, || (i . nmht
*l.|| lb- pllMia* 11. 111, 1 IH-1 HIIIH I ",
VH||l|n Hll'l • k IPH •'t | —••'lal I ■ •(• I, |,,
wlmt 'Ufh HI, 11. •t ■ I Ull - •■< 111 I || | 1,. ,
jto Ml.olnpll.b It w lii.li 1,. |„. 1,. |||,l,t
! llmt H f-ttr llloti'ba I, ...In.j. |,, „„
1 Htfri-ultMPal lii>l it:il I,in i.n nj i ~|,t ~| | | M n .
j who la-kil lb- -l-nonl. ~f „ ..iin. i p., L .
ll.h .-'liii'Hll*'ii 1111,1 .kill—l Ml,'l .* i* i i.i'l,
taPin-rr Hub ••*(-•• Inll- 1,, U . i. |.,|...
<t-H,in.it 1., dl.H|.|,-ii,iii,. i,| T|„.
ful f ,fiin-r mil l t,i 11,4. 1.1 ii,. | ,„> ti, •• f
til. apt, ••!•—rrallori, tii.ighl j,irt K i,...,.| MI..J
kill, which . mil 1 .IIIH , ,1, ; \ IF,I„ •* T , 1 .
■ X|.rti.|iiv; H1,, 1 mi ||„- ~|t,. r |i.f.| it,.
.iud-ril wli-, <l—ir-. i., 1,, 111 •. f .iiiilmr
with lb- H-ii-iic-, ~1, wbii Ii Hfii. uliur.
r—t WUI |,t|r..,.. h long HI„1 Ii ~r,.i,„ 1,
• ~nr ~f I.Miriii.it Tb- roll-* f, 1, ,1
ibn*. whil- niHny w-r- wil|n.|> 1. i,,
11, Hint i',,iitril>ui- lb. ir Ul. r 1..r ■ iln,. If,
~ i'i| —*|l*hl l < 111 |,.f ih. ir ,-IJI,, ail. n, 1,-w , i., la ,
1.1 (.iif.u- th- im .-.-MH -nr.- of I. _b, r
iii-tru-n ri Ii am- MI-.. h-li. —d M| il -
■ „iI.H llmt lb- Ul. ,r . ! .1,,,1-1,1. , ~1,:.|
■ . ofirplot-d H. i., 11 Hk> it r-11,1,1 , ihIIK .
• rid Ih-t. IMI .br K - ,-r f. p „|| .x■
!•••" t nit- II'IHI., •• IN, |.IH< ,•! MI 11,, I. w
ft-ur- ~f ~11- lon,.lf—l dollar. Ii at.,
--.ii f ,111,cj how-v, r. itiMt 11 K, >,|
1,l t,, ,-r-HL, X lit- -MI,. r~f Ml,\ , I..ir|. r■
■•I- iniii.t- r■ f .1,, !,-• .■ , M 111 11 1 1 .11,.
t- r~f H, r-. in .1,1 H M TUN H. t>, MI, 1.1 ~ .
ft,hi, ).,.. Tbi- t*'>t|l) I.- |..,,. *.\-ri ir,
• klll-d Ul-.r, 11,11. II 11,,,r- IB- IMI- r ~f tin
traiti-d l->\. Tb- 1 r>- 1 i IHI I,>•, MIL m,.i,ilv
■ml lMr k '-iy <fil,,(t-i,l mi.,l lit- Irij.iw.-ru
i ...on •.,rnj —I l.-fj 1 . double 1b- ni, 1,1 al .b. L
Tb- *i|ib>,rill-. ~! lb- i-,, ; ... ~ I*,
•Hll.fi-<l, HI*I. that it aar a - ifr,| ..it,}— f,,
-,,|i,bin- M.\ . t—rim 11, ,•■:i r • ,f , ~|i j i,,., r\
j labor in rai- ~f M larg. miriiti—P ~( •ni,|, r,|..
With H IHllPfc- of Mill HI-'d ••'1 I 'MI I' I
Hiiid-nU h" Hiiijhi y •• IMH, r |r,|,rr,,i
1,, if,l t., in.ittuiion- wn-r- tb-f -no r* h
not r-rj'ilr d . wbtl- 1b.,.- who it—ll, d lb
form-r w-r- tf-ri-ra'.l\ urmbl- , • 111 H illn -
t,, r-nmiri I >in it, b-•, i, t .- 1
'— tir-lh- IHII, r TB- TRl|.| -•, -.■ J ,• - 1
an. p-irrif-'M,NI 1,. , 1 I-IHO-I, k *,ri.-
bt*,—*] with vt 11,1 , Iml. . 1 , , I.|,| 1* ~
n did, -v-r \ k ioil ~f .-t-r. MI I. r, n , L .
• IT.,fi 1. Hi,d - \ -l-ni w•1, b,h nbl 1111 o1 b
1 fiirni-h an -d o all 1, of run, b b -• b- r ii | ,
wiibori \ • , rim b lal- r a- wa 1,. d< dt 1
lib] I,MI- It,- H|.| !|< Hli. t of | 111 ,1| : .
| Tn- lall-r H. Md"|i.<l Th- ,| , 111,1, I 1
• rnijrhl hv- !•* nt ritiHtm* <l. Ur)
I . I lh* wet >•'■ C' ?;:*•* *f 'J i 'IT r' v
jrf.int.-d HI ih !u*n *hi h -i ••n
ti ! th- u .\ *
Hut vkilh thai •* t H n |mr| f if
hnM* r. ih- \ fi j r.,%<}• n
ih rul wlliidtlitfl • fur k. |nt*wiltli f ♦ f\\
j h • -*. ••in ih" * %>• rut | nr.
; -uii* n"1 '• *• i >r; lif... |( aw. j „f
.n- * - tif" fihU* lt • rfn'fi li- |r. j- ri
f t 'aid I'lll* *l| • L*" it |h f ft I r • w
)• ••• h- hf dttiifw -i iht ifi.t i.
' tut•*r UN* nirf I-I In.• v l\ mffi. tjlu'ttml
Yoidtf *h-Ut'r ifNiikt't if h
i-r t't hr• (•<!. ih> w
. alhr.tf* f-.r %rh*t h h % *• h.*w| trl %
j ..f ii nh h ih" j M/.-- tif 1• I tn in t
' uithi*i r* it- u Mfr.l ih" tf
.• fl -n **•' iti * ■ fir*? n Hip'-r
n- n- in ''ir t*tt• 1•• t *!l •mm .-t % .
iwrU'd '<• ih" turrn 1.. \|.r v
I t-li ••lldH Vti'lfivr *kh" " i
' in lnftMiriir f..r unr.i
.f p"n#l\ m|i*l hit'h Un i pim h
| *-tqi|ipttl f .r in ttiht r i m|-I• *\
n ft*. ••fid n in •• 1 h#
n< <nn if |Pt* iiP* rf a putini*
j.Mfffp Ihf it••• tf
It 1h" I• w Iu tiiSfttap).
Ilttl (f#lf t<f Pit tl'lUf" St Itlt f* |i,|
i Sini" id* "\ pv r fm< i*.
i'V f-p * qiiriiiir ■ |h.tf..|gh §fpit nlttfpal
ih. p" -tuM •••• rti in hi- Ititf*
j j-tiip* in tinif i< titMk** ii p*f| ..pH|.
hlr fip ih" fniiiir" ttf pitid-rt* fit ft-tnil
thfmftflf' * "( ii* * ]t WIIM iw
unjn-l lo tht. h pi. flt .f
•iifi fi intttiti'*n h\ th* riiiniU'f if i|
nh**!** h'i" *h" t - -1 • I f un-i- r
-if it* |jrM<i'i*t'' ip I" Mm ttpi'v -nt
MH', Ih" nimh"p if ii *ii.
r) -tii f-p th" ftftfn- |t"fi.fl wn* MurU r."
flvt Mft<i ih"ft". •* fr M*
pift-i-pd* hut** IMIITIV ipif n
in-l i.*pinl (Mirniiu Pwih' thn ihr- *.
. *• li"d j rif**fti'tn
Xh if ih" c<• ll r> v # t
i|iiti< ufcd irt it. unH it i
■ h"p"lif-p" pift"n f'.-m th*t rmi" ; h*iY ih"
ff c-mmunii ti-n with ii ht"
1 |r"n*lv ftiptr" if.a
• th"rt- i n*>w if-f-d pf-fMpt th* • rii.
! p.Hnl will Mttiipi pm dr*Ttli (A H. Wuh it
if**il*ii" hif MV n•***•••• iwpfnpivi, th"
rmpkth!" h"*uiv tf it iii|titi<-n. fh"
• *hihfiir if it# i lipn*t". fh*
! -iirftundingft frtm
r•%lit v iiTid pi'MUmcli"#. f *nntt fi|
ruf# tiP il th" Mipfwpt Mini paifnnapA f
ih" 'tf th" Stut" THa i"rithtn itf
fh" rttmnilll"" mn i mIM hr npin .f 'hit
a'itn#"# l t" th" "rpdilon rf (\tffi I' l*ti
%-p*itv unH th" Il'tn -VA
ftl'r. ll# with th"t fif ih" Sin'#
1 -t|iif" a fi.p ih ji|ppiw* nf irrii- Aiing thnt
ih" lAll#*P h<1 ht"n
On inqiirv. find ihw* 'h" ap" in
fit* pnftilM In N-w Y'* r k. A* if
W"11 tmiwn, a phi'nnihf-'pip rilif"n. ih"
*al" Ff, f n (Vrn"ll hi|fhi ih" #niir# lun/f
•I'flp fp'm ih" Suii-, pMi 1 p h" nmrliAi
fifii*# f,r ii APid Mjn#inf 1f lfv-'A find
h'ld it. And I*t ri*** th" intr"*#iiv thn
h"n*-6l tif it* M'ivnmti in prh*" Th"
i#. iht AII ih" Innd* .H hv"
hi|*h fienP"* ; A i*rtn fc id paH'" mwum i* Atllt
And ih" "tdtwm"nt ttf ih" unir#**.
ftify tfitfn ihAt al-tn# will i" fr ni
'hr#M miiii"n t> fmr mt'lh*" dtd.
iwr# In |llin'i, th" rf fhnm.
p#l(Tn.in ipd"f !*• #"rn"" ih" hmlinti *f ih"
iiniw"Pftitv irm*# wmpl" f-tm wm
i< •I'tnful bnnd""tl nrN* htii'dii-ft pt-wlr
f,w fvpiipnnrv Afid iwnhund'td th<wi.wnd
1-tlinfM in h-tnd* ; 'h'i* pnitMin# rwnir
Mit*n hp th" tmm"dU" n"d f • n w
<id iin-tp|fftin : it *d in*Mtnti.fi, And
th" iiniw"fii\ t" lrwi" in U"d tdpn
I -rvnidi #nl htid 'h-m (• it didi *D
fdvnni"" tf pfir*" B"idt* ihi# Ih" |/fi*
iMlilff h"#, within ih" f"W v#N • nf# iff
"#1 Ahlihm"fit, (IW?| irtud" wit>rrfri*th*n#
fpni tht fp"wMrv fir n"t Ktiiidinr*.
rwtii* And n)tll|mnni nmiHinlifif to Ahtml
lt*if htitidn-d lh.%t|w,"d (iitlUn
Th" *•*♦ "f hnk-Tlrvatf S, | 4
lM c* ft IA mh' litiflf# M A'M
IhtMfMifwt win, Ar*t ft qiwlrMf4ll *t fttpit*
-tf (Vttiffft t tWt i||- | 4ft wtM lpt* h"
nt"" At ftA 111#. "itAtMAf" AHlth"* rm* M rrn* 4aH r
mm 4 •vmh-li. •..• p-r nm Wm-1 hb '"• *bm
iwft Hi# iw4iißHi ■ •< tawtt'wH"* f'At that
■Wtfft link# wmiM fctftft'#-* BOt'v A Wini'-t. 4-I|*A,
ll th* Utff" km aw! Artf 'hr wrw *r"* *h With
(CbnfMM# •m/u*rtA fg* )