Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 08, 1883, Image 3

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    I'ritffHsi IHHII t. 1 1 iv/.
u I). Li AV,
llril.l H-ONTL ;
A ."Clal t ' lit* ■ • t 'tll"I ' >'[•
Jlflro •IjoiiiMiu llriiiki'iliofl li " 44 -
1 A riVllNK* AT !.,
I 11. i II""* H'l I'* j
i title- lit Allisri ut.ni. i.tilliliim. 'I- "■ " r "'
.ri) "vi ii|u*'i t> tin ri,iil|>.i*.i*h *' "'I
\ ll> '
B.H IIIHIMJA. .f .•■.
Has I'lM.iS Sc lIKKDKIi.
ATlOl*>rll A 1 LA*
111.1., hi "Nil I '
.|ffl....n All.|*l."i)
ar-tr i'iiplvtl I'.i lull- Hi HI •>! A >.* .in A ltiii a
(. H. TlHTlir *•••"•
I H'miim*' A* '•**•
II Kb khmTK. '>
Office ami N K • urii' i ■! lUwuiuu'l ti*l >
1B! *i'-."^
" UUA , WArta **'•£ .
I.MI \N|) t OLLKi ll''>
J miliar) 1.1-l. i'l.f.AltHM I' f i
l/LLLS li. Oil VIS,
J \ U r iHN'.V AT I.
.iYI*'K .|I|W|III|. I'oiiil ll"UN I'H III' ilfl""
A u >*.ll *1 •
c. t. tstt*btft.
A \ At IMRSL* f V 1 I.
tv-||f,iiUl* a , !'• . *Jt** tilkil'll "•
fit-iii. 'li "in •• ifiiimi • Uuil'ii Hi
1 Lvil \MI ..'OIXKi rIUN IIITI''L.
, i.rlAHt ir.LU. i
lint I tlifll. I- '*•""'"
HKAVKU it UK I'll AK r,
% riMKNh.tr \1 LkW
• Jlttcu u atruet, loflh of High tl' M
fonw, I'*.
nv\ Four SKY,
iu;li.>'intk. .
I,.l .|*ir to 111. Ift 111 th I'ourl II- >•-
f ki r.iHN.il II LAII.
llr.l,*.Kfi>N f ... I
Uißi* Allritlu-aj <lrtl, on P-..1 iHlitn. * '
I li. SPAM JLF.Iv,
f I • v I f.lllN KV I M.AVA
llKi.l.lifl.A r... L\ IKr ruL'M I P *
N|l*.*'Ukl lllonlt'.l l> * lilt*. I I*lll.. tl- 11l ill
11.un., : .11..111 V ii- i.i l-mui or *>i.b *•
r r C. UIPPLK,
1 • IfrnKNKY AT-I.AU .
t.i H. K t A I KN P i
All |>n ni| tli it.Mnl'■ li..
I,iH k IlkVkN PA
Will attend in *ll "rk m n.arflld, C.nlr. AO
Clillti'H fWUIIUtt
1 • iirnKNKV AT LAW,
tiffl. - In i'* nr it llakat,A|l(h *lu *iri- I.
.A|iH.i™l llln.ll.iii All' H I" 111- c* l ' I■ i Uoo .it I Uiw
All liii.|ii.h- aii-ii l-rt i |ia.iu|.ll)
I'l.tl AIIYIKLI*. t'k
All if' 'iif'tly i !• )
UK HOY. M. I).
• Mir • I'. r.l 'I • A-.T Fortr-i
U4* oftjrp. I'tKI.I.F.K'.NT . I'A
?*!♦ mI n icifei. to rj m •
I'hrunic I'—l
nil. .IAS. 11. DOIililNS, M. I'.,
PHVHI li> ash HVmiNllil.
Oftt''* 1 Allerfhtif Ht„utr
tbt! KKI.bKrONTH. I'A.
nil. .L \V. IIIIONE, r>i'ntit,CHn
N f otfi'J t hi* "lft r •i"l uli N r t
•l.|* <>f irfH | three Juafi ot Alleghni),
BelUfnote. P%
V. * r.,r; in-io to a.: a..F.>ilrltiiTA f.>i f tPnti. CAT AII
lra.lt' Mai... i "pyriirma. rtr., f. r i . •• I I.li si*;.
• iia.ia. I ui.a, fci.c'.a.nl, Pntnn*, (,i rnuinr, -tr. \,i
b.-i\o I I llilrt) -llvn j .nr' r * |>rrlrtirr.
Intr !.• litalni'il ibnaigh 111 an- i.Ylrjil I i !!• rn
rsTlF'r A VKRirav, T!il larjm *• .1 Afili" •! I lilt.
Inl*l ir.a ji'T|4,i r.f 3.HO*rrar.h"Wl(>ltopn
>f lYI." U yrry InUrvAtlnti. ami luu A i rr. r - - ia
•Irculall'i. AiMrr-t MI'S i A i *, P-i'. i K.llrl
iiM, PiitTa Of NIENTInc AMIRII .v, 37 I ark It*
I trirT, Haiil t>*li at>-tit mirnu >-■*•.
It'ilmm Mrh'nrltiiir .I 1 (J"-< lltirilti art itrtiirm.
Paints, Oils, Glass and Varnishes,
AND —|
W.I.K'tHKS Y iTHKKT ... HfVKC HI.'C K, .... HKM.KroNTk ► *
Indian Blood Syrup
irei all diseaMs of the Stomach, Liver,
twels, Kidneys, Skin aud Blood.
UHOHH testify to its effioaoy in heal
j the above named diseases, and pro
nounoe it to be the
TUAi.r. mar*. Guaranteed to cure Dyu/fe/tMia.
Laboratory 77 W. 3d St. New York City. Druggists sell it I
it li.— luu*- flil'O It' ell' Cl Oil *lui •Hoi Mali h
mvipb HUAi* 4Uuia.tOA.il. irrift' tu tilUluiilt
..Hi A A
Mutt-* clot I •(*•• i *.!- A a.AirU" 4 ai.u* *
* 4ua* dhw i-to tr M II* MllalvM*
v. .
LHS*ep itnlt**t<ul l.lh M ~rrii' M" v
I ... M r r lI. A I., t* i'l ri|-* • 1 1-• '•■• t t
I #iVl.i h.vul.h \ ilLLhl IkAIL.
II ..r.l/- A
. *tl. ...i.tki ~.T..k1' "M- |
• ** 4 . i m illltA. #•% I jiA'Ut " •
! y a •#•# ....wa'*u t' ijiulti k.ie.. • "" *
** ~j ~ , <t •• IJI % ** ••• *•* r ./ft
" " I Mll " •• _• ♦' u
' i" it .to .....a ** b'AIH " ••• ' "• V "•
'• if ait ..... " II■•••II I* It " ••• '
' •* U aU* . ... ** I'O* .O(ll0k " ••• hUO •* |
* !• i " JmlNii " ••• *
* u •; .... •• i uto.ittit. •• ... • *•' ••
'A' lt ..... '* .YiiuH rhirt It' " •'
" U OAO ..... *' J|taal#Wl K " •" *" 4 " 4
• .. ..I • tu'iitootu' ** —r i t u -
w ..... " ,i iHHLIIi ... r " ' 1
u ..... " tllMlli " ••• ♦' ti a
i"> o to JUohIM 4-#*i4t •* I i • •
'* Id •• ll **AlO • • ••
1 ■ .o .... " r.4|)i' tut* " ••• ,u •
.'0 t •• itpi i| leek " ... <4 4U ii*
' I ! •' Mail ltl " ••• <4 14 1
JJ , ~, .* | i~l -l. M ... " it't I* •
, t I •• i,.. k lU'fli •• ...10 'lit-
I ill. N NS i 1.1 AA 1 A tia\ll.lkUAi
f| ItkAk'lU • *, •" '
\> I d ,1 hU.
tit. MAli*ltNkii I'liHA 1 • ' ' 1
L..* A 11. '" '* •
lAtiAKA I. Arill./R U' ••• • *'• 'l 1 '- •
IIAIIW "a, 1
' • V tai t .Alii - a t • |
a. rrti• •* t* to "■ t 4 ' i
.at-fUget* l) lll AH'* 4 it* Mk I lU
li .it- .1 \ '
Li.sibrt'i *•• 1,-hiu 1,4 -
11 .. | . ' ■ I
*• Afftfe* -41 b kllHi eU h4 I j
|£An'! A III*.
•AClfr U E \l'llkrr i"Hi k lUtri' J' •''*
•• \i ii!!• •
4 Arrlfxi Ihriuiiurf 11 ■>
M i'ill i>|e||i|ii*. .. U 4-' |
lA V
•• I. • k 11J * eli ll.'-
44 •• i> lUU".|'"rl ii 4" e
44 *rrttpat l!*rrii wrg 4 i" j
•• IM.iN I- j I * . : ,
EKIK MAIL Uutf i'" *
• i. k 11.fr,, ' o .
44 44 tt'iluaoi ; rt 11 1 • I
44 *1 rlf • •! 11 ATI !• 1 It. f ... • !*• m
*• PbiUMull'hm.. 7 oi
■ r AST lal N K lei*e A III! It I.J • . I . I . I. w
tffllM at •! ifflil ' :
i 44 Plill'iel|-li|*. .. 7 lie •>
I KrU Mil Wp*l, ,\ii(tiß lA|'f U'i I.- • ■ ll*
%|C' T1|II"-I*tI' I# Wot ni-<l l>.) h."l Hi k
.!,•/ ciuir li- Al .Noi llun.l • il*i •• filial, i ll R
! K triu* f" 4\ ilk* nl-%1 r* *UAI S rii!> i
Kl'le >l*ll W'll. Ml*Kf. I.H'fPU We* I, *u<] F.rte
KlkfCM MMI ' II - 1 1 aa • | i ;< ■•: *11•• fi W e*t
utAki* cl'ti i ".ne< t. n t w llMni*| OI t titiu N C K
1 v% . truitic >< Ih
K'le >l*i! We*t f \U4*ra Kt|<fMl We*l. *nd lU)
i.t| f*(A I L.ru*k- r<nt.*H ti*t- t t.-x"k I(*T*O
Will H. I. V. I. K. II
Krlr >1 iI V. 4ii I W"*t i iiAtrt *t Kri *itbu*m
•n I, * 4 >1 44 K It it fort' villi i' • A A > K
I H , At Km;- Hum ** ttl M n \ A I' P. K.*n I *1
I'tiltw 1 nitli N N f'. It
i l'arl >f <4r Will f 1111 l*e f•ea 0 I'hl!*'lel|} I.* •ta 'i
W iln*m*|eiri "i N'i* "Af* I t; r • W Kro I xj re**
V> •* i. PL it '!•*! fliU I'ur.t- *' I |i*i F.Ajie**
F** 4 . 4il 4 jn l*j Kt|>t f > 4 Lo kr>n AII
oii(Ut!r*tn W n S
lu::G HTAL 12,
ttf< ftUTI mi hot I. <a Til A c eg C t
>x st 3ir*ri ,% n
tradeL/MARK. "Hi !1 "*■
A-k loiif lr ggul r-f it
Ci ts ru i:r a ao , i 4 u is.
■ P eoprright*. He. for
■ C I thisUnit< *l KlaU*a, anri to <*oUtn pat
| WJZ V| rnt. in I'anatla, Knitlant), Franco,
I Ail | Orrrnanv, an*l ail other rr.nntnca
IbmJl Thlrtj-.!I fr.r." t rart ' No
rhargn fir riatnination of latxlcls or draw,
inpa A.lrico lir mail frw.
Filrtila ohtainrd Ihrnntrh n *r. noltrr.l In
tho *( IKAfTIFII AKKniC AR, which Ila
the larsjrat cirfTtla'ton, r n'l ta thn rioat tnfla* 1
i rnt-.-.l ucw.pr j>er of it. I* rt'l j tibliahrtl in the
. world. Thr ailrantaßt • 1 '' uc h a I'.ottfO rr.rj
I patenter titnlr r-'and.
Tliialarso and aplentlidlr illnatraled newa
pap"rtap;ihlilic<l VA ICF.KLY alfljlarrif,
an 1 ia admitted to tw* tho he.t paper ileti'ted
H.-trnrr, raerbanica.lnrr ntintia.t ntrtneetio*
worta, and other departmenta < f indn.trtu
propri f*. p*il li.i e.i m any e- netrr. Hmrl*
eopte. |,y mail, 10 ccuU. Sold hy'all oewa
• dealer".
A'ldreea, Mnon ft Co , pnbh.hera rf Fr.rn
llSc Atnrri' an. 1 I.r adwar, N.w York.
Handbook about patent# biaiUtl fra.
AV ll' .tilrrvtlm UK iilm.
i- i.Ti i::- Ml#* hit i k M . . ) ] . I 1. m
iNrtll ft MHftff to J i| Cdlia ! ' " i i, i, |
l- *. a; t ,* •i■ w n i MimmrYiilci!
10 i;itj lit %il ilit-1* ( • v • Ji>i Jo j m'J,). ]nm
11 r a Vtfl ■ 4 •. h 1 111 1 | < *t
I- 1 \ NFTT R * , i SON** ftn-i I HIITI
I {'♦'! fuftf WW . ; Th f HtfOfUl
llic.r fttny'it >•> r
liar, R. L. MMrsflN, I,< uUtUlt, Kf.
SYrrprows CF
I>op"of Appolt*,Nnusrn.li >wolneo!lv*,
Vnin lit tint Una I, \vt ha nt.'l ac.ir at.on
tnth • binlt eait, fuiiiiiriil. r I if hlir.uld' r
blt.it , f-.ittii-r i nf IT p iii.urj wnli a ciia-
In lln* ioi Ii > a tto.iifh Ivrr i .jut,
Ii i ii.it, iyi i t i) rr, 1. wip.rin, li*n-j
* fir ir.i •v, with h f Unif ifhrvn u in -
) i teil aoni ntiiiv, ft /onr 111• k , Ihzzlnri a,
Flint ring i f thfl_h"art. Dot i _b lorn thn
cyi'M, Yfllt'W Rkin, Jl utr.fhc, lie-ll'-
nc* e C ntgl t, highly colore*! 1 r r
lF l 'IRSE W\N[N' : 't A.I.E UNHFtbtOT
lit 11 S Ft' I, i r i .pr. In lly mln |,ln! i<>
am in nii.iiiirilit,rrllrl.hin uniliniiK
of lr< It nil n j to n.lniiliti tlir . i ftr i , r.
Tiy Hit. I'lnrtly fairly. .nil yon tl|
■rain . lirntt liy llm ■linn, Vigorous
Itiiily, I'nrr lllooil, Mronti l*.rvr. .ml
. So .not • ti rr. I'rltr, JKciita.
ttrtlrr. .1.1 tfiirrnr M.. ST. V.
<rv Vl* Ir vi'l U lot
<•(>••> I ht U l>* u klittflr a |ipli Atlun of
lliU lijf. It IHI |M ils a nni ml rolor.
■ ct liikiKiiliiiirtMitl)'. *•! I.y ItrtiR
!•!, or r nt !• v i|trta< on r ri|M of .
< ■ lli r, U.I 91 it I rri t M., %* \ oi L .
/ Ult. TI TT's 9| 4%9 %I.of \ lualtl\
I II fM Ititt fln Jl r lii 1 -rful l(f rrlpia ivll! I
Ul.Luii BiipUiatlua. /
IPIfl/lf* # Aft ' 1 ntr%Uf(-r
jUUIvIVUO fi: lull .th.rn
V nhi # It'.tTiltlriliJ'lwrp.jMA-ccy,
\keystose/ h - p PS d -
Wc rss/ n,, !" ,,w ' , ' u
> J I of lb* ft. i4
l' 1 t s# • *f I V. M (4,
'ha S'ofl
The SUiTEST CbRI fr.r
I ft Ume *<•* J. cr !.• nlf rM tart: i- '. j j
\ w y v - - THiCN UJ :.o. i2|
t iTITEi W Iftl .X
* i n Bawd tOtad it i U9M '• * r L. I
- a •rr- : . • & • . t '
| Ladies. • I 1
•*,4 aioMa n SSd ty W • n mrpMNiJ •]
• ••* irt?r mjrt.jr** ! ftftlbly. '^l
*| f 'hfrPri J-i'-i ••.T< , w\rr*~-v -n ofurljr\ © j
I r r r>"- f (incgtAf C
- : i i r powrJSI
P; • :RAI T. :ir • -vr* >|
I * % rvnu-lr. nrlflnalty r% • _
. A I : Ir. -1 • ! A) | e £—
at 4 llh-m Uj ttf j*. t l.i.- , lr- II £
f? .*• r ♦ ■• • . % - • y ®
r ■ "r l O
i tl 1' < f j f r •• .t- S'
{ V
r lift |J.t*hllh f "I I !r 1 * I ft !i %
, I! n. -
9! ft ft ftl I*: • kl ft . w I H QBi •
* I'm ftiln • - .-f | '.r*lj
- l-.*r li. . !• ft-. rl! c i arfwtr *•
- •'*! ft .'b r, agr .Ur .1} I. r *if pp &
Z. If. Hali I • • • hi tilAri' fr
I *
_ • f lb# mI ft - i i to * • - i • • rrt W
' afti' Jf .!•" 1 • ft., r" If f- : j <fr m
. * •
Afc ; • r ' ■ S
r nplin i ' I I • ! Q
?jv/ \\<V
i.-s I ?J-
V o s
' i'V'rn.v
v\ , %
x 1
\ to
x \/ </
8-* RKliLKftOhTft. FA.
.CUSAP 017273 for TilS PICFLE. q
; ORIAT WLsruvtAjg^^cui^wrp,
r Jf** w f i
.1, IA .► 0< i.pfi, r M. . • o
lm >l lata, law, >• • " l wr '• ?
liUm. J. II JOII %ftftOW,
)G0 Sinitlifteld lrrt, TftUlnirgfc, Pi
Fir HNI.
VFAHM uoiittiiiiiiifi Kilt) Arm 1
• nil liana. th.Ka.N .im, li ■ l aii-flDllt I
ttitlft HI'II.IIIMJ .I t I.UI l.i.iMttit 11.1. gmaft.
tumult, at A. J. A T. K tlRIMft, I
■ Palaaiiil., tabu, i.i.i. .1 • I
(Hit tCrnttr
I „
.a, m OTtt ,, j
t'.orry f'irmer tu /n ihnu*tl <//>fj|/cf ,
j<ftfft#rrr% Hotnrfhuit/ rn'i'f it rttnt |
M' (/ it tit the "Agricultural tUtitur *>/ t *
|IKM(H!HAT, Hrttffinite, J'etm'n, 1 ' that I'ther |
farmer* may hare the benefit nf it Let
c<>wmunimtnni* be timely, and be *nre that
then are brief nmt n;tll /mirttert.
S.ud for On.' or Mora Cutu-
Ilefurn lltt'j* u.rivt: -xaiiiintt nil
lour Intine gruwn KITIIH, M-IICI Btteli
n inn know ><HI will want, iinlull>
l.ilnl aml iirr.tn^c 1 tliem, make a li*l
■•I lliein, ttii> 1 tliillw Hie rl I.VIHI.
I'lieli rt in I an article in unutli t rttl
•• ill li. inlill.il ' What \ i jfi'lahlrn to
I'l .tit," whicli i |i'iiil tiuiii Hie enl
•niiti ill' llintaliie farin |m|N*r, tlie .!</-
iruftuiu/ I\/rlniiiift. hell the cutn
MiyiieM li.r which >ini have Bent ni
• tve, ill like up a Cull alul eoiiipl. le
lis t.f such as >I.II l.aVe not ;i|ie..il\
nil \ our home p'loeu 11,1,111111 stint
hir theiu pr..inpll\.
I *e the hi ink .irder sheet to he
(1111111) ill eviiy JIOIMI catalogue, ninl
•In not f.til to till up run -I'. 111 \ ami
|l.ilil\, in lull, the 111 a Ilk hit for
your ..Mine, post,,llk., counts ami
Likewise do not to enclose
s ill. tl c older u eh. i|U.', 01 diuft, or
lais 1. Ulee order lor the amount of
ei tin olileleil. If lint fol. veil leu tto
olitnill allV r.f these, eiieloM- the
liuoill.t ill lulls, will, the fraeliolls of
Hie tl>,liar in stamp", and have the
letter registered al the |srstnllle.
11l making; up vim list, consult
some iiliihlt* lal.le, (th* \ are found
pliutcd in some catalog ne) tilling
you how much jtroun l a yjixen <pi in-
I ill id each soil of *ei*d n.li si,w,
ami don't s. ml for u iiouiul where an
I "ounce" or a "|iHcsage' will Is
If HIP Mnirmni of seeds order, d
*. l. ss th.in fn ir pound", have
1 di. 111 sent h\ mall. It more it may
Is - e-hra|HT t> ori'i r them h\ . \pi. •.
1 —owing to dislaliee and seedsmen's
t fills.
W hell ion sasl arrive tr-s' a few
I Ir>>m each paeksgo - .s ja R 1 III ruel inn
I given in aholliei e.'luinn. If. under
a for test, from sixty to ninety |a-r
lauit. of th. in arc good, >Oll should
Is' snlill.sL
Now, so far n seeds are concerned,
you are tmdy for the gardening sea
What VoKctabka tj Plnnt.
I'I sin thin |w>inl jsihaps no two
j wriU'rs would enlirr ly agree. We do
j not mean to le diclatorinl. nor tools
trnde our opinions upon those who
| do not eatv f<u tin in, hoi <l. -ire sim
ply to ui ike a few hrn f wiiggestim s.
1 for the- U-n< 111 of tlmc who may
hare li nl less espi rieliee .hull out
■el A.-:
sMßAurs.—Of this very desira-
I h|e early spiing VegeLvlile there are
'said Pi le two or more xmietiew.
However this may la- tlu ie i e> rtain
ly none Iw-iU r tlian C<i"i r r * ( 1/, j
ami with this or Htiy other sort, "the
perfection of tlie shoots d. p.-nds j
uinioly on the favorable condition id'
the aoil '
IIBANS Of tlie Hush anrts, f'orfi/ '
hmg Villi,n , will la- found a de*it
: a hi.- variety, and either the film L or i
While ll'-'j' will leave hilt little to lie
'd. sinsl. The only dilfen nee la-tween
j these two is in the color of the hean
I If there are any Is-lter than these,
they arc to la l foiiml in the new sort- ;
/iYi<y I'oil. /.'mini /W, ain I
Hur. All thing* ronaidered, |hulmp
the /rviry I'wl alwnds at the veiy head
of the list. Among pile la-ans, the I
j old thirty /hiirh C'ue h'nijr. ia de
aervesftly |aipular. No garden, how
' ever, ia complete without the l.imn*.
; U' aic not aure that t'ner'* In 1
pmrrd are really an improvement J
u|Mtn the old sort. Both may 'a;
pi-Hi ted to goial advantage.
BK;T Kvery laaly plants (or
should plalll) a few fhfy/tloin lllwnl
Iwcause of their earlines. And rtg'it
here we want to aal plant litis sort
thickly, and thin out for ''greens."
Tliey are delicious. thirty 111-mil
turnips is the standard sort for main
crop, and Ifcu-iiKf'* I -up rmiiil is a
good kind to keep it eompii'ty. They
are la.lh ginal whU In si* lute, and
' hury for wilder line. Among the
! Mangels, ISI lit'* /•' p- ri'll .N.iß'ir and
j llrU'r Kiiivr Vrllow Globe have
•lone well witli u*.
CAHIIAUR. —An mrly grwal sort la
very d. siial'le. and lo till this place, j
I the thiily \Vnl-Juld nml to 11 it * I
I Liruiituui: anawer athuiiahly. lien ]
ilrr on'* Ihnhf Sum 111 rr is a good wc- |
oml early , so la ir<ufytuf/f, and j
Ix-ing u rapid glower, ia soon out of!
the way of sai ills. For late crops, j
to huiy 01 mauiifncturc into "Saur
Kiinil" iiolhing la-tu-r tlian the I'rr
tniiiiii tint IJII tcli, uml Slnrblelirail
M-iiiiiitolli l/rumheuil has us yet ap
peared lhrk*lnre Untuly ia u hand
some new scr-ond eailv variety, with ,
| niMiiy good rpndilicaliona. Do not !
I f .11 to sow HOIIII* one 01 the Snvmj*
1 for your own tnhlc nai*. They ure 1
| ii.liuin ly i'eltcr and more delicious ,
' than the otlu-rs.
ft 'At 1.1 n oyvrit holds h I Kill I the name
relation lo culiliilgc thai pouinl eake
and cream do to mush uml milk,
j Try the Lnrk-tuitnlia. ll is new, und
1 mi improvement.
ft'i.i.iKV.—We coiiiiiH-l growing the
1 dwaif kinds for home use. "IJ lulily
Hot quantity" is wanted in celery.
Jin ton M-irk-t, and Som/riiii/hom
II lull hu*e lung las tl our favorilea,
though Hie /,i I'liiiin C'/mfnuh bus
Won gi at favor with U-.
ft 'oil \ (*| ml) — llolhj Ihlttnli Is the
1 culll.st h-irl'l Mi ii-r-ohl full. Iww It
in a lew days and is our choice.
Stole* II /•.! </_, jrren will fillliish "roHst
iug ears'' until lute 111 the full tor
home 11-.■ liy JHu k Snip o. It Won't
si II Im.hiim' of its c.,|or, lint |..r
tootl'siHii. lu-ss it stands at the In-ad
the list. Amber ft rutin is a new
vuin-ly with < xrt 11. iit lal.le <|uulllieM.
< I .'I yilll.lt L-iil-l II lute Spun Is
the s' .inlaid nmi relial'le soit f,>r
tslil.- us.-and market. lot pickling
| try the <J A*. I'irktiiiij. We recom
mend it.
Lft Ifi ' r.— /.ur/(/ I'nr/ril Silr*iftti is
our ehoier foi tiit sowing. Lor suc
cession r/ A ' Llm JJ-iil und lln
111-iron cull scaicely Is* excelled.
I lie .\ rie I'irpftiUil Is H liuvc.ty worlli
II 1 Uig.
Mi sKWI.IKiN --Mnntr* 'il (1 rreii .Wil
li! - f mie I tin- ,\ e*r sto prt **■ a I s u y s give
110 11. ut 11 suits, tint yI.• tt A .N'ft
-1 hit h-m is a 1110*1 delicious little
mor*el. liny I I,u lias a splendid
1 i-piitalion. I'lai.t y our y ariei ies of
mi lot,s as lar apart a* uiny , und
do not u*. Mads ol y our imn saving,
il you grew mon than one kind l.*l
s. imiii, as the iiill lent varieties Uiix
y' •r y . a -11 \ .
\V mi kx] r. I,oji. —I he old M iual mi
Sunt has In Id long find deserved ml
pielllacy. The 'ft A lin/nnri-i Mnnn
loin .'111! li.ls pas.d It 111 the T CC
for the place ol favorite. t'liOm
(/u • 111 should also he lualx planted
I lM,i\, —W liele olliolls ale grow II
for m.ai wet id course the Uiot pro
duel IVC soils ale p|. fcllisl. and uf
the*e |u lit ips noiie an* mole p-'pular
. HI tin- II ' tin 1 -tu hi I,'r .slid ) el/nu
/ft inter*. Lor lioinc u-e we iniieli
pi. h t tic In 1 o as It. ing li'Uell
mil.l. r r.ml ls-1 1. ift 1 vol. il. Ihe ,\• if
(/on- for y. ry truly is our choice.
I AHSMI'S. — This excellent \C„CtH
hie 1* in.t so gem 1 illy grown as it
dt-s. iy . |i should timl a plm e in
i-x.iy g:■l. le li, ,1 u*t at tills season ol
l,e y.ar, wln 11 tiieapjM'tlU' la apt to
grow w. sty of wintyr diet, ami tin*
giM.d lion*, wife tiii'ls it riilheull t
liud y cgetutiles in addition to the
cihlc'gc nml | sit aloes whi'li have mi
|..lig held dominion over the UMc, H
is fully appreciated Wcgrow Is.tli
the II llm! t rnlllllil ali'l tlie •Vtir/e'.',
.ml confidently recommend tin in
{ ImiIII.
I'KAM—Tin rr nrp so many r-xcel-
I. lit |m as that is dillicult to plant any
two or three *oit-, which every one
■ln 111* Ido for sin-is -ioii, without get
ting sati-fu'tor\ r.-ulls. Among the
". yti t entiles."—tliowe you w alll to
have in picking older aixiiit the time
thai the Br*i L hruaiy lainlw which
love had extra good are ready to
'•dress forty pound*," none are let
| ler than the L'itlr Inn 1. We have
'grll sll them rigulaily for fitieen
years, in coinja Ulioii with all the
newer yaiieli.", ami we shall con
liinue to grow thein. As a second
••aily lie Anr<iiir'r i* a go.xl one, uml
1 for the late and main cftop tlie old
i ( hllliipiilll of l.uqbl ll still holds It*
own as tir*tnml la'st. The Amrrirnn
1 Wonder, * crow* latwia-n our two
faVoillia, ( Itninjtin 11 1) t.nijbniil and
' 1.-Hlr firm, has many of the good
qualities of Is.th it* magnificent
• parent*, ami ha* sto.si tlie test .f
lour year's Dial without having rv
fault found wilh it. Try a lew of
them, w halev. r eke you may plant.
It is exceedingly dwarf, require* no
•'ii-hing. *ml may lie planted very
cloely. The A m'tirnn llurrr, the
I nee*t of the new hnw * splendid
I reputation, hut we have never tested
• it, ami can give 110 opinion ot il*
| merit*. It w'sw originated liy Dr.
| lloskins, of Vermont, and our highly
! esteemed fontem|ntrsry, the lluml
| Arte Yorker , on ground* it
w ( y* tested last year, lis* this UJ ssy
J of it:
Tie | ml* which formed nr*r the
ground were r**d* 10 pick June 2A,
• h ugh lilts'* llilllirdmlely *1 <•>• wen
• |Uite iinui'lio.. Nidi higher lip lite
loss,,ins liwft nut Vel set, wlu'e *1 Hie
tops <i| the vine- tftie riower were not
e*en Irt l.l.s.iii, Julv 'J I we were I'M k
lug ill* rn from Wl' hill M I.S't ol llie top.
I lie Il|* i f ftlie Vine* were llietl in
>.|.M.11l wl.lle ju-1 ft'enewlh wete niat.y
< ■ aing leal*, I'lie lsi picking *** iu*d.
Julv lb Tlie It'ieer Im-SIS an avet
■ge • t 14 |MI* UV M V'lie, esch |KVI iisr
• rig (nm. five lose Veil |**s —m err
eight. The |l- Were w I lilhd June
"7 f'ieke.i '_X*) piU w nuh conisiio il
I.ISII -e'sl. *.-ignu.g |4 .IA,
KADISIIRS.—L<r exit* rally lltere
is none • letter than Uie J-'rruch ltrt-ik•
!/•"'. It lis* no lack. We usually
I mix the seed of lid* kind and that of
jI he Uhrtehuped, bulb court! god
I uh-le (tlicy ore alike, excepting at to
, color) together. and how at the same
I time, >ii<l in the same rowH. It gives
j pleasing variety unii succession with
but little lilmr,
SgUAStl.—Of these there are rnsny
favorites, but whatever other sort*
you in ft v' plant, do not forget or fail
to pl.-.nt two or tblee lulls of Hub-
Ibu rd.
SAI.HIPV. or Oyttcr I'tant, —Of this
there i- but one sort, but that one
should liud n home in every garden
,in the laud. Wliul we said of I'un-
I ru/M applies with double force to this.
! Its culture should Ire very largely ex
teiuled. Ah its goiwl qualities, and
the mcllusl* of culture are cornpurH
j lively unknown, we repiint from the
, Aiurr>ruu A'/ririillurUt, uri article
upon the sidject from the |>en ol one
of our old tiiends, Joseph Harris,
than whom no one s|>vaUfi with inure
. authority :
>waor. often ■ sited Vegetable <>,„
i | let, i rifely grown to perl*-rlu>n.
!II I* I." aldltul %egelnfile, nod ilcM-rr* S
lo tuiieli more genernllv Slid eXO-tl
'l.iveiy lulllvaUl. fiie ell It Ivali >n of
■ i s • i-I' v i* |irec i. lv ij,e SH ine 1-ir | r
I j>. Il " tillpnrlulll to gel good seed
• grown Itoin I'-Oelullv relwieij root*.
, j I lo* t-ed- < nil n* sow ii mm surly in the
. , Spiillg ;t ■ lliegiouild !" 111 g.wel cat I til
I j Iron. Slid I lixVe sown II n lute us the
I't.i-1 i. i. ui .'utie Willi ex re) lent r-
UI'IH A* :I lule, howeyef, it in deeir*
• hide In io\r It en fly. I lie land vhould
lie |.ie|>nr. I in I lie AutUIIIIi slid II Cli
mit 1 e WO' ked IIHI ileej ,Of 11M• rich Stl'l
i , oiei.uw 11 will do well oil h great tra-
I rlei y ol eiitle. I eow jn t"', Iweldy
j iuche* n|irl I lie seed i long Slid
lel mi. nml lew .III)!. Will e!-,w it evenly
' Wllhniit Wnelllij* Itle need, snd sn that
- i quite ei|euiMve, it ie Iwlier tusowit
bf II nil d. l|ro|.|,|||g hImiIII two S.-r<i* I'l
em li inch ol low, aii.J run ring hout
, Unit M mrh deeji ; Il ll,e wenlher HI
• iiv. hiul ihe mi I very light, ii mm I*
ioi |ed mi ii ih or ail huh and a half,
• lid 111 dry Wenlher It ;• fi.-irat>le lo
101 l llie end alter sowing. An enaOn 3
ine I'lntiU hoe lightly nod or.
• ear-li eide id Ihe ro*. Mini a lew ijn\s
I inter, tun ihe home hue or cultivator
f f.ei ween ll.e roa. eiitl. r lint weed lo
, grow, and UUuilntely linn out Ihe
, o.i-, I-nviiig th-ni from four to six
m he. h|mri. t< usually grown, the
t root are quite enmll. i.e. m|l*~ the pivot*
V tie leli linilhii-k iii the row. rjrown •.
I live rei'oinilieii len|. llie rro|i requires
r , iron* deiahle Inii'i. lut the roots will h
-■> .ll.e slid hue. ne to c icruand an ex
"n i rue. nr..i niui'h in -re thnn y>y tb
exir i met id the land. "* d-lfyr it s giee(
' . i"). for Ihe 'i-ld g<r iri . where land II
i mill|mrai ivel> eh' nji |ue root- tiring
ll.e lllglie.i I r (:e If) spring. Like
I .• reiii|>-. ei|. t, ran i-e lelt in the
ground el. w tiler IUI it len-l * J.of
r 101 l ehoiil I I e dug ill llie f ,11. mid
. n • I'l 111 I'll e or 111 the . liar, we rt-UOlU
' 111. i.de I tor I hi • I,' 11
T"MATOKS —Of THIN wonderfully
popidu \eg. Lsl'u-Ih-rc arc so many
' **<s--t aorta that one ran loudly go
HSI/ay. I lie .Inae and I'nriigmi hare
proven very satisfactory in our own
garden. I.rial year we tried hiring*
l.oi e I'f rj'-rlifi", nll'l likll it so Well
1 that weehsll try it ngatti. Among
' the lU'W ij illlin tn f>>r public IsVor
the /.ejr l/i/hrid scents to stand an
••ally llr*t. We have not tested it
' |M >•outll\, but sniiie of our friends
1 hate, nll'l are loud in ite praises.
' We hlmll lw glad if these brief
fttiagrnpliH prove ol service to any
1 itf our readers.
Timely Stock Notes.
CWareoal should be fJ to bogs
ami |MIIry.
j Straw and balder are good so far
an I hey go.
A mature sow is lielter for breed
ing than w* young thing.''
I'lie profit in a pig co'nes from
getting hi ill lo est an much as be caS
'l'o sum up the profit of breeding,
tin- rule I-, breed from the best ; they
will pay ttie Ileal.
A cow can hot le expected to give
touch unlk in winter if her only food
i straw or cornstslka.
Sheep will endure severe <>oid if
kept dry ; but ex|s>suie to storms,
| titber rain or simw, in very burtlul.
From one lo two pounds of corn
and two (rounds of clover bay, for
iinub rale-sized sheep, ia a day's ra
Uenlleneas and rare with a flock
of chickens or luikeys will s<s n win
their confidence to a truiatkab.e ex
fbt given amount* of fKd tbt
sheep prialuces for the satue weight
of dry food nearly twice as much
manure a- the pig.
Tire pig that gets a start while
young keeps the lead, and a differ
ence of five pounds at aix or eight
wet ka ia made leu fold that a ytar
It ia miserable policy to ship
calves of a hundred |Munda weight
when they can las etmverled into
cows, lor llie dairy, and into lieef
when no longer profitable as milkers.
W itlt a little extra c-are, early
chicks can lw as successfully reared
as the late ones ; and the increse tn
site, and the lack of their early ma
, lurily, will uioie than rvcoui|a-ttau
I you lor your tnmble.
A gisal butler tnw ought not to
eat leas than ftotu six to eight quarts
of men! |H-r day, but not clear corn
meal. llran i not woitli much to
make butler, but mixed with coru
meal gives lies I 111 and Itnift.
It does not (my lo Iced very rich
fattening fiaal to sheep, aa theexcesa
of lucres e over that obtained Inuu a
ration adapted to growth consists
pi ii.cipully of tallowr, which U worth
only about half as uiuch as fleah.