Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 08, 1883, Image 1

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    <JI)f (Crntrf i*£fc Democrat
VOL. 5.
fb Centre fwwflot.
Tsrmi 51.50 pur Annum. In Advance (
*. T. SHUQERT AJ. R. VAN ORMcH, Editor*. <
•Thursday Mornine, March 0, 1883- |
Cantro County Democratic Com- 1
mittee for 1883.
DISTRICT. !"■• P "• '
lollrfoutr NW. ■ M. K-lchlln* lk.Usfi.ulr. I
M g. W . Cbon. S in T tli
*♦ W. w. .8 A
ITowmrl boro. !rm <' leather* If-wanl.
>lltMbUrC " iltttN l 1 Jt'lirs
I'lkilliMbuTg Iw. .I' O llrrlin*r Khlllrt.ru
• 2 w Sol Bebnidl
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VniouTlll. bnro. P J M-:n..n.M
IVtinor l*p . Wm Ihl-r RrllrS-ntr
t.p. Kr.uk T A.lm. M.l-tm.s.
tluriwlJ" t*P llriiTjr M.wkrr Plna Hlriiii
I'oil.c. t vd .lohu Rp ....Imni
• 'urelii twp J-. 1 ." Mr( l.iakrT II .m.ila
IVniisn o. P I. T Mrilorniirk sut < oil**--
.. >|> L. W. IV't .Ikark syrinx*. I
■ r.- S P John OuMrun Sprlnp WIHs. . i
.. % p Win Low Farmrr Mill. I
llalurs K. P L H St-.Trr U.-lssr.t
M W. I* ;w• IL "i Auruiiol'iirf
JUlf vloou tW|> I • Or'fllii -ts 1111ßl .*!
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. i:..,u lap lam— P Linn ..... HI ii.rh.i-i
-L.rl.'O lap. .I'll-. • w -l*" r
Mil- LP Kin* I- Hl.o-r ... Molla ohur.
i'-t'tgn tarp. l|SSi EsUsfSJr. Itlin f— (
Croo tap p 11. Stotrsr
I'.Htar Np. . II J M"rr Lolr. Hall ;
H. P Sanill.lßl.o l Vnaay*llln |
K,„h S P Wlllwm I'ultrn ... Ph.llpal urg |
S l> .IT Krrrly Sainlt Kt-li" I
sb'O lap W'i R Ha a nr. Hn-a Hn -
. Ilap. ■ C. 3 B.o!rf-nl- |
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f nl -u lap . * K RmarteS Kl.-mlog
Vt ikr tap. .. .!••" i h Km. rick llnl.l- a'.nr*
Wvftb tap . MB .a >tl Nfl Mai oia !
Cbttirmtn. j
VI. Wtun WALK cm.
llos. Simon CAM i:RON celebrated hi
4tb birthday mi Tuesday last.
THF. people of Pennsylvania should
be thankful that at last we have a
Governor whom uo unholy influence
can awe.
SPEAKER KEIFER got the vote of
thanks the last session, that he missed
the first session of the 47th congress,
hut it was a shabby one —86 to 8, less ;
than one-half the whole number of
members voting.
waukee, will, in all probability, he
elmsen Superintendent of Public In
struction in Philadelphia. Kduca- ,
tional timber must be scarce in the
city of Brotherly liove.
THE record made by the Democrats
in the late'Congres* i< a subject of just
pride and gratulat i<>n. It is rlear,
patriotic and unstained by any act to
lie ashamed of. If the same could IN* 1
said of the Republicans we should
giadly publish it.
WHETHER or not the Republican I
Congress, which has just gone out of '
existence, ischnrgeablc with betraying
the people in not providing relief from
the onerous war taxes, there will be no
excuse for any neglect on the part of
the next congress. Instructions to ,
them were clear, pointed and direct. '
termined to call a special election in
Chester county to choose a succes
sor to Senator Kverhart, who ha been
elected to tho 4Xth Congress. Here is !
another opportunity for the stalwarts ;
and half-breeds to test their relative
strength in the harmonious party.
THE share holders of the Pennsyl
vania railroad company ought to be j
satisfied with the splendid manage
ment of their affairs. The annual re- ,
port shows that the gross earnings du
ring the year were nearly fifty millions
of dolb.rs the net earnings within a
fraction ol fifteen millions. The sura
of 11,800,714.95 was divider] among
the share-holders, and after paying all
fixed charge)! mid expenses, 81.850,.
510 07 was carried to the credit side of
profit and lose account, which foots up
$12,195,039 41. The securities held
by the eompauy amount to 8112,657,-
306 50 at par value ; but the eom
pauy puts them on the books as worth
181,037,618.44. The income derived
front them duriDg the year amounted
to over three and a half million of dol
lars—a sum almost sufficient to meet
the interest on the entire funded in
debtednew. The business of the com
pany has very greatly increased. The
groM earnings were larger, as com
pared with those of the previous year,
by about five millions of dollars.
The Governor's Message.
On the Ist instant, Governor Patti
snn sent to the legislature his second
message. It related chiefly to the
charge made by !•'. B. Gowen, to tin
effect that K. G. Patterson, employed
hv the Slate in the action to recover
taxes, which, in thcopinion of the Aud
itor Generul, were due the common
wealth by the Standard < >il ( unipany,
bad been paid by that company's offi
cers to suppress the testimony he find
collected and thus debarred the State
from receiving its just lues.
The message was accompanied In
papers giving the facts in the posses
sion of the Governor concerning Un
charge, atul while he dd not express
an opinion on the subject, he consider
ed it bis duty to lay before the legisla
ture the facts as lie was aide to ascer
tain them bv calling upon the de[ art
ments, and suggests the appointment
of a committee of investigation, with
power to send for persons and pnjH-is
that the State may vindicate its an
i tbority and force corporations to obey
the luws. The nicK-a r e :
I' ton tiet-o |>iihlirlv assarted by Mr J
, F. H Onsen, a repuim le and reaponsi !
• la- citizen, in till- hall of Ihe hoilae cl j
■ represelllAlive, that one K. <J. Palter- j
-on. a |ieron employed hv the aia'e n .
1 o action to recover certain titxesclmni J
I hv the auditor general to he due to
Ihe S'aid>rd Oil Company to ih- coin j
tiinnaa-Mllh, *as pair) hy the officers of j
s id corporation to inippre-a th" triimo j
tiy he had collected. nd the Mate tfo-re- |
In wa. prevented from obtaining inaju.t i
•toes. I'lie-a- Ciiarge*. H* made bv Mr. |
(i.nren, are substantially a lollow : "In j
* suit by this gra-at (Sinttoon <• eal' h '
tjainat the Standard Oil I'ompanv tor
the collection of taxes which it reiijaed
to pair, he had been employed I• v the
< ornnionwe.-iti h to colla-cl ta-atirnony. '■
He admitted under oath tti*i theS-and
rd ltd Company paid turn ST.. r sE) to 1
leatimony. lam prepra*d to
furnish testimony, and I make this j
charge openly and publicly before the j
legislature of the commonwealth."
Though 1 have had toroti" doubts a*
to the propriety ol the official recogni '
tion of such accuations, I havoenme to i
the conclusion, alter a careful survey of j
the subject, that the matter in the pros- j
ent instance i of sufficient gravity to i
warrant my laying before you the fncta
I have been able to ascertain. I here
with submit to you the following pa|>ers : ;
A paper purporting to he a contract be j
tween said Patterson and the state ,
through the auditor general, sa-cretary !
of internal affairs and the attorney gen j
eral, hy which the said Patterson was
employed to procure testimony on the
suit against the Standard oil company;
also four letter* Irotn the then attorney
general to said Patterson ; a letter from
the auditor general U|>on the same -ob
ject, and a copy of certain testimony
siirt to have been given by Patterson in
a subsequent suit hv bim against the
Tide Water pipe linee. It will be seen
by these papers that Patterson *ll
employed hy the state ; and that he
subsequently was employeal hy the
Niandard ois company, at large profit.
Without expressing any opinion upon
the subject. I deem it my duty to lay
before the legislature the (arts I have
been able to ascertain hy a call U|w>n the
departments. I also suggest that a
committee of investigation he appoin
ted by your lodies, with power to send
for persons and pa|wrs, in order that
the truth of the assertions made m.y
lie determined, and that the slate may
be vindicated in its efforta to compel
corporation* to be obedient to the law.
It injustice has been done either by the
commonwealth or any individual, it t*
ot the first tm|>ort*nce that the tact he
ascertained and the guilty puniahed,
and the state rnab|o-d to obtain her
legal st.H jut duea,
I al-o -ugg-st, while tl|ion this suh
j'-ct the propriety of the legislature
considering whether it might not he
well to repeal the law g'Vtng to the
auditor general and attorney general,
the authority to employ private attor
iieys to Collect claims due the sla'e at a
compensation tola paid by said officer*.
The law U|a-in litis sutject was passed
April 17. IH6I, and ia as follows;
"Tuat whenever, in the opinion of the
auditor general or attorney general, the
interests ol lite common wealth requite
It. they, or either of them, shall have
lite |Kwer to employ the services of
resident attorneys, to assist in the pto#
ectiiioti ami trial of cause* and the
prr-entstion, a* the rircuntsirnrea will
lU-lify, or a may have iteen agreed
upon, shall he allowed by the auditor
Such methods as that here authorised
are of quo-alinnable propriety, and are
opwn to much al-use. In the present
r**e. which calls for this message, l'at
teraon might, if successful, have been
paid $Jt) 000—a sum much greater than
the compensation of the attornwy gen
eral. within the line of whoae duttea
such matter are, or of any other officer
of the commonwealth.
The whole system is one that ought
to receive your ca.-rlul consideration,
with a view to ita app. l or. if possible,
its reformation. It seems to me that
the attorney general could collect all
such claims without other rcmuoera
tion than that now allowed bim oy law.
A Bud Practice.
The encouragement given hy the
committee on elections to the contes
tant speculation in the laM eongrctw
made that huHinetts unusually lively,
and Mr. Calkins, the chairman of the
committee, must he well sat ia lied with
ihe progress he lias made in establish
ing the business upon a solid fiasi-.
Most of the ea-ea were so entirely des
titute of HP tit as to leave no t-xcuse
for their being present at a I, only that
there was a fund on hand to pay de
feated Republican candidates, who
were mean enough to a-k it. This sys
tem of fraud on the treasury lias Inert
fully commented on and condemned.
But comment and protest hud uo ef
fect on the last i !<i)gri j to arrest the
hase steal, or to adopt any rule to dis
courage this *|,ci uiutioi) in the future.
I'he re|Krt of the committee in tilt
cane of U .11 of Alaska, is about on a
pur with others. There being no ter- j
ritorial organization in Alaska it few
of the speculators a-acmblcd and pro
|Hisid that they would st ud Mr. Bal:
; to Washington ILS a delegate to repr. -
scut them in congress. (>f course he
! could not he received. Thi he
| knew if he p tssetscd sufficient in
j telligetic" to T> prsi<-iit u walrus,
j hut the precedent v.as e>.tahlished— he
| could visit the haunts of t irilization,
I and avail liimseif of the fraud, ostah
| lishtil and cneourHgetl by congress, to
j draw pay from the government tocov
er cxpens- s. Titough the committee ot ■
election" refused to admit him they j
made a report recommending that
I four tho\i - 1 mi, fix hundred and •" ten- j
ty-fivtdollar* be paid him out of the
treasury. This claim, HO totally want
j iug in merit, has really more justice
; in it than the thousands of dollar* ap
| propriatcd hy the 47lit Congress to
reward the numerous sa>nt thieves who
1 had DO xense tor their raids, and iu
| deed no motive outside of the question
of plunder recognized by the itepuh
l lican coogrcA*.
THE "Tax and Tariff Bill" ha
j Ix-en signed by the President, and is
now the law of the land, it falls far
abort of public e*|ecta(ion. Little or
no relief is given the producing t lasso*
Three fourths of the unnecessary tax
ation will still be collected. It could
not have Iteen passed earlier in the |
session, and fully nine-tenths of those j
voting for it did so unwilliugly. The
people asked for bread and they were
given a stone.
■ -
Taking Caro of his Frienda, In the
Dyir.y Ilours of Cougrcos,
It did not re|uirc the lost act of
Speaker Keifer to prove that the
American Congress, for the last two
years was under the parliamentary
direction of a very low-grade man.
The act referred to hy the Washing
ton correspondent of the Pbila. Timet
wa* the dismissal of one of the official
stenograpers against whom nothing
was allcgid and the appointment of
his nephew in his place, Ixvidtw ap
pointing his son as private secretary
to draw pay during the summer mouths.
The correspondent says:
"The contract for stcnoarsphic work
is made for the t ear at #5 000, the stetio- i
jrraper to py hit own rx|H-ne for as
stslance. OI course, in such a contract ;
the stenographer takes into cattsidera- !
tion the po-aihle length of session and :
the probable rt-resa. The money expen ;
•iel hy htm during the session is made
up in the summer vacation. In the caee
of the stenographer this is the legiti
mateprofit. In the case of K*ifer'ap
p intee ii at sit ecure, a nine m n hs'
-alary without any pretention of work
to do or meritorious work already done.
The speaker simply dismisaea a compe
tent employe and nuts hi* hand into
the treasury and lake* $4,000 and givea
it to liia relative.
Keifer ia no longer Speaker, but he
has fastened three of hi* family on the
Treasury for the summor. with oo er |
vices to perform. Keifer will get hie
pay as a member during tbi* time. If
the Keifer faroi.y by ibis arrangement
i>on| their issue* they will get about
SIO,OOO fordoing nothing. If the late
Speaker divides with his relatives he
will not suffer any loss of salary by rea
son of his retirement from the Speaker
ship. This is the way the matter is be
ing commented on to-d. - and the gen
eral verdict of all parties is that it it an
abuse of power."
Doath of Aloxandor 11. Btovenn.
At 3:15 o'clock iu the morning,
Murcb 4, I*M3, the immortal pnrt ol
the subject of this sketch winged its
flight to the great unknown. He was
horn on February 11, 1812, in that
part of Taliaferro county, Georgia,
which wan then known as fVilk-s
county. Me graduated from Frank
lin college at the age of twenty. Fot
the following eighteen mouths h<
; taught school, devoting all the time
he could spare from his duties to tin
'study of law. He pursued his legal
studies so industriously that iu Ix3l
I lie was admitted to the Bar ai Craw
fortlsvillc. He at once entered ujioii
the practice of his profession and was
soon known R- one of the cleverest
young lawyers in Georgia. He look a
deep interest in politics, and in 18.5 i
was elected to the legislature of his
I native state a- a representative from
Taliaferro county. In 1812 he was
elected JNat-- Senator from the same
district. He was identified with tin-
Whig party, and in 1*43 was sent t>>
| Congress. In February, 1847, he sub
; milled a series of resolutions a- to tin
1 Mexican War, which afterward form
ed a plank in the platform of tlx
Whig party. The breaking up of tlx I
Whig party in 1855 lesulted in hi" i
adherence to the D inocratic party. !
He repr scnted hi* district in Con 1
greaa until 18511. At the close of the I
I hirty-fifth ( (ingress lie declined to IK- I
| a candidate, und on duly '2, 1853 j
made a spo ch at Augusta in which he '
| announced hi* intention to retire from ;
public life. He opposed secession,
but when hi* native state went out ol ,
; the Uuiun he continued to serve her. |
lie was elected a member of the Con- I
federate Congress which inet at Mont- '
gomery, Alalrama, and wa made Vice
I'rcaident of the newly-organized Gov
ernment. In February, 1865, Mr
Steven* wgs one of the three repretw-n
--tatives of the < who met
('resident Lincoln on a steamer in
Hampton Itoad*, when the situation
develojed by the war wa* discussed
earnestly, though to no purpose, j
When Generel I>-e surrendered, Ste- '
vena retirinl to hi* home. Thrrr-, '
on May 11, 1865, he wo* arrested, i
Ho wa* brought North and confinerl
in Fort Warren, in Boston harbor,
I where he wa* kept for several months
-1 He was placed in a damp dungeon,
where he contracted rheumatism,
which disabled him from walking for
the last twelve years of hi* life. (>n
October 11, he was released on parole.
Steven* favored President Johnson's
jKiliey of recognition. In 1866 he was
elected to the Senate of the I'nitcd
States, but wa* prevented from taking i
his seat because Georgia wa* consid
ered not to have complied with the
conditions of reconstruction. He wa
elected to Congress in 1872, and he
retained hi* seat in that body until
last year, when he announced hi* in
tention of retiring from public life.
He WHS induced, however, to become a
candidate for Governor of Georgia,
and was elected by a large majority,
in 1870 he published ' A Constitu
tional View of the War Between the
States." Physically Mr. Stevens was
very frail, being small of stature and
light of weight, lie was gentle and
} synipatlx tic and noted for his gener
ou* hospitality, a* well a* for his force
: of character and remarkable elo
quence. He wa* never married.
Money in Elections.
Whatever may be thought of the
doctrine taught hy Mr. Ileury George
in his "Progress and Poverty," he ho*
done good service hy the thoughtful
article he contributes to the March
I Nor*h American Review on "Money in
I Flections." There is no gainsaying
Mr. George's assertion that the use of
money in elections tends to dcatroy
our institution* by poisoning the source
of the stream from which they draw
their nourishment and sustenance.
The evil ia one of comparatively re
cent growth, and it* extension is
alarmiugly apparent to even superfi-
cial observer*. A* Mr. (ieorge argues,
the tremendous levies made on cupi
tali*t*nixl Government employes are
rather a result than a cause of polit
ical corruption. The election heitig
the initial point in our political *y*
tern, *o long a* it i* to In.- gained b\
the u*e of money, and so long a* ii
cannot he gained without it, no *ub
"equent precaution* will prevent cor
Mr George point* out that in vari
ous pari* of this couutry only rich
men <nn he elected to office. Tlx
lection contest between A-tor atxl
Flower iu New 5' rk i- cited a* RII ex
ample, iu which over 8110,<Ki<) wa
•pent, though tlx- winner only spent
twenty-odd thousand. The u.. w
candidate wa* consoled for a canvas*
. that ought to have covered Itirn with
! disgrace hy b-irg made Minister to
Italy. What is this but a public ret
: ognition of Mr. Astor'n c-our-'- a* boo
! orahle, and what must the lesson drawn
therefrom hy the voter* of that dis- t
i rift who hud -tin his unblushing ef '
lorL* to liitv a -'-at in Congre-** ? All i
who are familiar with the sutiject know
that the degre<lali"n ot constituencies
where this progress is once h gnu i
| rapid. Tlx-nurutKT of itching palm-'
I increa-e* with ft-siftil rapidity, lit j
fortunately this wholesale corruption
Jof tlx stiifrug'- i* not confined to tlx '
I cities. Sparsely settled Nevada atxl
Gdorado are notoriously rotten bur
j oughs, and there are rural ennstitueu- '
, cie* all over the country where tlx
1 poison is rapidly spn-a ling. The con
solation nth red to Mr. Astor was a
' public recognition that the use ol
j great sums of money in a Congress
I ional electiou it- legitimate, where there
• ought instead to have been punish- ,
| mc-nt and disgrace for the men who
| thus polluted the source of political
morality. Very naturally Mr Flow
cr, though succt-rful this time, *a
not anxious to continue to c<>ntest so
costly a district.
This deadly lepro-y of the IKHIV
lolitic will not tie fully diagnosed
! without keeping in mind that its in- 1
| fectiou* growth ha* IK-CU coincident
| with the amassing of enormous wealth
| by the holding of corporate franchises- '
It is only a phae of the millionaire
evil to find a refuge from which gran
gers, and green-back er?-, atxl anti-mo
nopolists have been so anxiously grop
ing. Mr. (ieorge offer* a remedy i
which we can at least sec would be a
[Miliation, hut what certainty is there
that the money power will let go any
of the machinery which it ha* found
souaful? Mr. George would make'
it possible for even a pour man to run
for any office by having all the neoes- ,
*arv expense* both of primaries ami
elections paid for hy the Government.
Among other thing* he would have
the Government print ail ballots, to
have on n scperate slip the names of
all recognized candidates for a partic
ular office, and let the voter scratch
out the names of those he doe* not
want elected. He would otherwise
arrange hy statute to give no excuse
for spending money. We concur en
tircly with Mr. George in this. The
people cannot too soon take steps to
stop the purchase of offices. The ris
ing flow of corruption threatens to i
swamp the Kepuhlic. It is now in
many vital respect* in a condition
analogous to that of Rome just In-fore
the death struggle between the rich
oligarchy ami the corrupted prole
tariat, which ended in the triumph of
Caesarism, and finally in the over j
throw of the once great race itself by
the barbarians and the submergence
fur centuries of both the Hellenic and
the I>>stiu civilizations.
THE legal fraternity generally will
be pleased to know that Ovid F. John- j
•on, Esq., of Philadelphia, has been
induced to attempt to re-write his
treatise on the law af mechanics' liens,
a subject upon which he ha* become
oft-quoted authority. The original
manuscript was destroyed, just after
ita completion, in the disastrous fire on
Library street, recently.
TOMS: $1.50 per Annum,in Adtanre.
The Houao Appropriation Bill.
lieferring to the work of the House
Appropriation Committee the J'atriot
ha* thin to fay complimentary of its
work : " During tlie two month* which
have passed -ince the organization of
the legislature the appro|iriation eom
nittee of the house ha* accomplished
a splendid work.
1 here have been referred In that
eornraittee hill* appropriating in the
aggregate 8',722,34<i. Of these the
! riot hill amounting to $2,500,000 and
J the border raid hill aggregating 50
j |M-r cent, of iff, were nega
• ively reported. The other hill* re
j it-rrr d to the committee appropriated
> I o, 'J,-{07.31. M'-asure* appropriat
mg an aggregate of 92,015,303 were
re|srtwl affirmatively, having been r<
duccd in committee from the original,
to tho extent of 8*32,700. The bill*
rejKirted nagatively, in addition to the
I wo above named, aggregate §72*,214.*
, 31. Ihe committee ha* in it* posse*-
' 'i,in yet hill- appropriating money to
; the amount of *lo3,o<ro.
There i much to commend in thi*
record. The committee ha* labored
' t-< I v and well to retrench when ap
| pri j.nation* were deserved and to lop
I df entirely when undeserved. The de
j mand upon the treasury wa* iraportu
| uate and profligate, but the committee
; ha* stood firmly in defence of economy
It only remain* to add that the larger
j portion of the hill* affirmatively repor
u*d are for proper and deserving
Sharp Collections
Mr. Sliarpe, of Prauklta, ha* intro
duced a bill in the House, providing
I i hat ail corporations now indebted to
I 'be State for taxes on their capital
toek or any other taxes accruing pri
or to .June 7, I*7ll, must pay the same
into the Slate Tr<a-urv within sixty
day* of the passage of this act or else a
penalty of ten JKT cent, will be added
a- well as interest at the rate of twelve
per cent, from thirty davs after the
; tax became due. The bill makes simi
lar provision for the payment of bonus
I ■ i> capital stock. Sworn statement*
|of the receipts and expenses of the
Kastcrn Penitentiary, the House of
liefuge, the Deaf and Dumb fastitutc
and the Northern Home, all of Phila
delphia, were received among similar
reports from other institutions, in ac
cordance with the new rule requiring
*uch information before appropria
j tioua can be passed.
MI CH ha- been said lately against
the fee system of compensation for pub
lic officers, and the conclusion seem*
;to IK- pretty generally reached, by
(hose discussing the subject, that all
fees should be abolished, and fixed
salaries for all officers, whether county
or state, to be paid out of the public
I funds. The question may have anoth
er side, and the experience of Cook
county, Illinois, it would appear by the
following extract from the Chicago
Timr.i is developing, to some extent,
that phase of the conundrum :
When in Illinois it was found that
several county officer* were enjoying
immense emoluments trom the fees of
their offices, the efficient remedy, it
w.s thought, was to establish a fair sala
ry and require thai the surplus of fees
1 be turned into the county exchequer.
What was the resultT The officer, no
longer realnut to keep down the expen
ses that he was not compiled to dis
charge, or collect fees which were not
specially teneficial to him, saw his office
(x-onme a charge upon the county. With
a single exception no Cook county office
is now self-sustaining. The special trou
hie does not arise from the failure to
collect in full, but in the distribution of
ihe service that ha* been performed by
a few low i need men among a great
many ul>ordinat* receiving high aala
i ries.
Hi. HK Morris not meeting with the
•ucceas he expected. The American
1 workiugtuan, artisan or laborer is too
content with his lot to be influenced
by the idle braggadocio of that coum
raunist. It is well for our institutions
that this condition exist*. •
JOSEPH MM. IU* A* Box, cloak man
ufacturers, Philadelphia, have sus
pended. Liabilities, 8150,000.
NO. 10.