Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 01, 1883, Image 8

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    tEhc (Crnttf "Uraocrat
Thursday Morning, March 1,1883,
Ooaasrolf!ict,ciintAlnlti|ciinporliit moss.sellclt
,.| from sm part of llie county. No conunuolcstU.!,.
Intsrled unless accompanied tij I lie real name of Ilia
Local Department.
]l I# rumored that Howard is to have
a new post master.
—Mr. Chas. A. Glenn expect* to open a
photograph gallery at Snow Shoo soon.
—Mr. and Mjs. E. A. Nolan, of Snow
Shoe, wero in town la-t Wednesday even
Ono °f tho most genteel images of
"God cut in ebony" is now High t m-ta
blo of Bel'.efonte.
—Tho Special t'oaciavo of the Sir
K nights of Constans Comniandery lu-t
Thursday was an occasion of rare enjoy
ment to the gentlemen.
James N. VanOrmer, of Itellefonte,
called in t< see us on Friday la-t. He
didn't insist that the river run up -Mil
llintown Democrat .(• Remitter.
—Snow Saturday night and Monday
afternoon sandwiched by warm and co'd
winds gavo sufficient variety t.. tiio weath
er of late, to suit th- m—t cri'i a!.
—S-w all stand bu< k ami give tie
Watchman and Centre 11.11 Rem, fer fair
play. Wo must have a little excitement
occasionally. Don t crowd, stand back '
—Our venerable friend Hon. Samuel Gil
iiland, of Boalsburg, called on us on Sat
urday. We are always glad to see him
and ho will a! ways find our latclistring out
—Mr. Abraham M'Cullum, of Miles,
burg, paid us a vi-it last Saturday. Ho
expects to go to M—ntana in April and
.Miletburg will lose one of her best citi
Mr. Jackson Gorton, for seven years
constables of Philipsburg, paid u a pop
call on Tuesday. Mr. G >rton is now out
of politics—or no, tin is assistant Burgess
of his flourishing town. lUh for Gorton, j
Esq. will l-o what people addressing '
our Republican friend J. R Tate, of l'leas
a it Gap, must add to that worthy gentle
man's name hereafter. He was elected
Justice of the Peace for Spring township
at the late election.
—The Central City Milosburg school,
taught by Mr. K. IV Noll, is said to be
flourishing finely—in fact better than f r
years. Of oourse "Davy" knows how to
do it and we hope many yoars of his mas
tery are in store for the school.
—Dr. 0 H M Alister, of M Ali*ter
ville, was killed on the l*>lli ultimo, by
being kicked by a horse he bad led to wa
ter. Dr. M Alister wa* a man of much
local prominence, aged about l"i years,
and a distant relative of Mr- General
—Col. D. If. Halting-, „f Rclcfonto,
called at our sanctum on last Saturday
Tho Col. is an able lawyer and a very
pleasant gentleman to talk to Ho is a
member of the firm of Jno. H- Orvie A
Co., operating Phoenix colliery, n-ar
(hceola. RcnelU.
—John Burchfleld, K-q., of Mifßintown,
Juniata county, one of the olje-t and most
respected citizens of that Fan, *i' laid to
rest yesterday. Hon. Theodore Burchfleld.
member of Assembly from lllair county,
and Mr. J. N. Van Ormer, of thi ( lace,
are nephews of deceased.
—I) F. Fortney, K-q , on Tuesday left
for Harrisburg and Philadelphia attend
to important legal business requiring his
presence at those place*. Mr. !• rlney
know* as much about the practice of law
a any of them, and securing him a coun
sel nearly always result- in carrying the
point for his client.
—The County Commissioners have pro
fioseJ to the borough authorities that they,
the Commissioners, will build the bridge
over Spring creek at foot of High street,
and contribute SI,OOO to cost of erecting
the abutment*. The offer ha* been ac
cepted, a bridge ♦ feet wide with H walk
on each side 10 feet in width, will soon be
erected. Our "County Dads" seldom make
mistakes and in this action will, as they
should, receive tho hearty approbation of
the people of tho county.
Last Thursday, Washington's Birth
day, Gen. Beaver entertained hi* associates
on the Republican State ticket la-t fall, at
his residence. Chairman Cooper, Senator
Davie*, Hon. Jno. M. Greer. Rawle and
lirosius, owing to other engagements
found it impossible to attend. Tho affair
had no political significance whatever, the,
to them, distasteful subject being broached
only in a casual way. If the General un
derstand* anything thoroughly, it i* mak
ing guest* feel comfortable and wo doubt
not a pleasant lime was the portion of all
Miss Clara Moore, of Miles burg, who
started for Missouli, Montana territory,
on last Thursday morning, there to nurse
t invalid brother, Will, who had gone
u> that country some time ago for his
health, did not reach her destination in
time to soothe tho spirit of him who lay
dying lhou>ands of miles from home—
with only bis father near him, for on Satur
day he was summoned bcnce. Poor boy,
stricken family! bow wo sympathize with
the relative* and friend* in this hour of
bereavement! Of Mis# Moore too much
cannot be said in praise and commendation
-of her brave undertaking. A telegram
reached her at Omaha announcing tho
death of her brother and she 1* now on
her way back.
TBK 1J A x l KT.— M'Millen's Now
Mrockorhotl was handsomely illuminated
iat Thursday evening, it being tho (*•('•
*inn of tho Commercial Men's Banquet
No. Everything i said to have pawed
oil' pleasantly and tho enjoyment of each
participant wax unmeasured. l"nforlu
nately, for ourselves, wo could not attend.
A'Jl Itl-A SI'BN'ER DSAIi. — Wo are
pained to hear that our old friend and
schoolmate, Aquilln Spencer, formerly ol
llalfmoon township, this county, hut for
many years a resident of Winnebago, Hi.,
to which place lm removed in lHfd, de
parted this life ,1 any. fit, last, aged about
To years. Mr. Spencer WHS a member of
the Society ol Friends and a most excel
lent gentleman,—cordial and true ir. his
friendships and genial in companionship,
ol which tho writer of this entertains an
exceedingly pleasant recollection. He
was ar upright, honest citizen arid over
performed the duties assigned him that
gave no regrets to age in the decline .f
life, lie leases a widow, three sons an I
live daughters—all well provided lor in
tho land of bis adoption, with hosts of
friends who regret his departure
A Bio Ars.UK. — While in Pittsburgh,
recently, it was the good fortune of the
writer to lie thegueit of Mr H (' Yeag-r,
formerly of Itellefonte, and now business
manager of tho St Charles hotel, situated
between Third avenue and Wood street,
ceupying one wh >le square. The house
i-> a handsome four eb ry brick, containing
l iu rooms, each department fitted up in a
style becoming the gigantic proportions of
business operations, constantly demanding
the assistance of 1 ; ernp! yee, ;i of whom
have been selected en account >. f their
singular fitness for the duties allotted them
of Mrs. l'eepies, proprietress, enough
can hardly he -aid relative to the constant
efforts she puts forth to insure the comfort
of thoe who stop there, ably assisted by
Mr. Veager, wh >tn everyone whoplea--
uro it is to be acquainted with, knows t<>
be a man of large heart and h 'not desire
to fulfil all obligations under whi h b"
may be plac" i. A larire, ll .nrishing st-'H'ii
laundry t connected with the house.
When in Pittsburgh stop at the 8l
Charles and be happy
IVII • rtw r1 s vkv. i ion.—Til" f ,'. S.i g
description t,( a novel and u-eftil h- i*e.
hold an l business necessity, we find in tin-
Bos; n J any l-~
(if all tho attempts which have been
mnde of lute to ut lu the wonderful re
source# of electricity f"r doinc-tc | .f
--poss s, nun' 1 have been m r- strikingly
sucto—sfui, an I tew arc I 1 interesting t >
wide raiige of readers, as the new inven
tion of the Portable Electric Light Com
pany, whoso manufactory, at Water
rflrs- t, is n 'W a scene of tne greatest a ■
tivity, both day and night The instru
ment from which thus company takes ,u
name is a small and c tnpact piece of
mechanism, <'ccupying a -; a •• i y live
inches square, arid it can be r adily i arrie f
from rwm to room, as it weighs bit live
I > in'ls. It is so constructed as to furnish
electricity whenever desir>ai f< r a >rge
number 'if important and ■ instantly r<-
curring d -fin-lie uses. When pr videl
with simple window, sfe . r <!■ > r attach
ments. it serves as an unfailing an 1 start
ling burglar alarm. th trespasser b<-i"g
confronted with light and bell instantly,
an 1 is >qually adapUwi f, r th ordinary
uses of a i all bell As a lighter, it Is per
fe. t, being capable of producing instanta
neous light In any [art of the house, by
adjustments furnished hv tho company
II can alo bo attached l • a medical ga -
rninc col by which a pow r: ii . jrrem of
electricity ran b" convoyed. .Many, [ rom.
merit businesx men are inter! •: d in the
nmpany, which was Inrorporatr i tin i r
the law- of Massachusetts at. iis er virig
airea Jy a inn-1 gratifying MI -- Urd-u
iir inquiries should tw addressed to th -
business- offi <• of tho company, N gg
Water Street We underxiall I that this
instrument i sold at the low j riee ■ ! five
dollars f r the lighter ; ten d liar- roil
pietc with attachment*.
NOT Arrrcrxii NR A-.K -Sims old
S[icciro*n* of R val Baking P iwder that
ll* been kept on the shell of a grocery
store for ten years were recently tested by
Prof. .Hchedler of New York, for the pur.
jiose of measuring the h*- of strength they
had undergone. It *a found that, al
though the powder had been oxpo-ed to
atmospheric changes during ail this lime
—for it was not in air tight cans—its loss
of raising power or strength was less than
one per cent the powder being practically
a- good as the day it wa< put up.
This is a most valuabln quality in a
baking jeiwiier, one which which few pos
sess. Most powders if not used when first
made are found to be ineffective. If kept
even a few weeks they lose their leavening
power, become lumpy or caked, and value
This superior keeping quality in the
"Royal" arise* from the extraordinary
care in its manufacture, and the scientific
principles employed in it* combination.
The articles used in Its composition are
thoroughly dried by heat before being
compounded, and are so prepared and
coated as to prevent tho action of the acid
upon the alkali prematurely, or except
under tho influence of boat or water nec
essarily used in cooking or linking.
The Itoyal is now used extensively in
Australia, Africa, and olhsr low latitudes,
where it lass been found to be tho only
baking powder that will withstand the
hot, moist atmosphere without deteriora
—The Japanese tea-party was a success
financially and otherwise. About $176,
were realized. Much credit is due Mr*.
(Jeo. I). I'lfer, who Isbored early and late,
to the member* of "Lorlng Band" and
msnv others.
L. L'ottor Post, G. A. K , gave mi enter
taimciit according to announcement in
their hall LA-t Friday evening. The -n
--tertnirirocnt LONIIETCD of Sciojiiican views,
principally of the war with now ami then
sorao "Comic*" lor tlin juveniles. TIM
apparition wu* operated by Alessrs. Austin
Curliti and .1. Mile* Green, who consider
ing Unit they aro not EXPORT" G L along
admirably only that Squire Green would
NOT tho viown In upnido down. Tho onter
lainmout MI Friday evening w.OT followed
by an oyster nipper on Saturday evening,
alio ice croam, cakes, nuts, randiei, AN.,
in fact anything in tlm liuool enjoyment.
Tho T'lti/.on Cornet band tf Mil*burg,
WAN present both evening!, and did credit
to themselves and instructors. Kvery
thing PANNED oil very pleasantly and agree
ably, judging from tho jolly good-humored
countonftncol OF the members of the Post-
Our friend- will remember that Willie,
ion of Agncw Moore, went to Miaaeula,
Montana, last fall to join hi lather. He,
Willie, wan tlieti in rather delicate health
and it wa thought tlm change i'i climate
might have a betieiieial remit on I ini
Such however we- not the care, aiid
about two weeks ago Mr. Agnew Moore
telegraphed homo to Ml lenburg for Clura,
Will's sister, to come to him a lie •
worse, ' .po left f. r Montana Thursday
morning and Thursday night another tele,
gram told them here that Will was dead.
F.(7>rls were then made to reach Miss
( lara at Chicago by wire, but unsuccess
ful. -\ telegram reached her at Omaha
and she at urn u >tarte.l home. This it
certainly a *n I ca-e and the friends have
our sincere and heartfelt sympatho s Mr.
Moore I,ai been in Montana !■ r a! out live
years and the family expected t>> neve
Hmre this spring. We iia!l be sorry to
! ' them hut doubtless they wii! fee|
more than ev.-r n< w like going - M<- the
• n ar. 1 brother i huriil th-re
Mr F M Itufllngton arrived home
(rem Scratit n, W • dr.—day, Feb. k'l, after
, nte a long visit to h< r daughter, wife f
,1 Hi., 't Uo, A. M We are giad to see
lor h king so will and l-> have her at
home once more.
Mr. A M Hutler i preparing to make
extensive in l;:,cations if hi- pr< j .My.
We believe it is his intention to fit up the
smaller I aiding II!M TI |.i . t which by
the way is a good si/ed house :.>r his own
iise ar.d nm'. hi. jart of tl • franklin
House proper
Mr. Kdward*. pastor of the llxpti't
church, r-a I a v. ry interesting ) spvr,
Sunday i vi . ion rnii.g tlm three Mr
.1 id' r,s d the - missionary w rk in
A grand sleigh ng party • tup '1 „f
young folk fr on Belief' nte ar.d Mih-s.
burg ne i. ■ • Is •. we. k, Unde.l at Mr
N' >h M er's i, o It ,ff* I'u , where
they had a l -t excellent time and suj-
I .r T •• | arty i I ud in ti. r p**ise f
the • Iti W • alwav knew that was
a hos- pis ■ ■ go si. I the f.i'ks know h w
t .c \ w t, 1 luck '. you ■ d
friend* '
Mr .1 • ph Swyrc" |,a< b—n busily #n
gaged almost all winter b irtvr.g land lime
We tl ink I." a.••an- I • • rt • .1 the s! :• .
row and b irn white lini •
A parly ■ ' t iree tramp were taken
through here .a-t Sunday n -rt.ir.g <-n r.oite
F.r IS L'f' file : a They [,n I the I. gbt
HI ; r<- hi - n iril • I. ,< A- re. IN H w
ard, and . the ho U-t had put !T th'tr
old SH s ar. iat th exj.ense ~f Mr Lues
arrav d Uiem'elve* in bran TIEW suits, even
I tiding h ••*, shirts, •OR *t and GNM
coaie. Tl v ACRE trailed SUNDAY MM
ing L" L"ne<nv . lie and I aught. NO doubt
th.-ir next SIIT will B> pr • r,t f gr-y
barber [eiles.
Mf K tiert Shirk is rather seriously
suffering fr rn a fail upon th ire.
Tlie Smivn M11.1.s Hot -a —O.ir val
ued Spring Mills correspiondent, last week,
recorded a malt- r of local int rest to
which the subjoined letter refers We re.
gret havoc; been instrumental in doing
Mr Nash any injustice and cheerfully
publish his explanation
Si'Kiao MILIJI HOI sr. Centre Co , I'a. 1
February 21, land, j
hml/rinni Your announcement that
the ' Itig hotel was (leaned out by the
Sheriff was untrue and calculated l do
me great injury, and I feel positive that is
not what you desire
True in the absence of my attorney and
the Irom the city, Mr Grenoble
and his attorney gave a bond and replev
ined certain goods in the house and at a
let" hour on Saturday afternoon entered
with 20 men and removed a piano, parlor
suit, some paintings, etc , first with a
proposition to a settlement and if I would
accept, the goods would not be removed,
f ret used any settlement, save through my
attorney, and the good* were taken away ;
but the buUse has not been cleaned out,
and I have supplied all that is necessary
for the comfort of guests, that give me a
Tho lease is for five yean and I will
carry out all my agreements and expevct
Air. Grenoble to do the same. lam ready
to submt to any court and abide the de
By publishing the above you will do ma
a favor and remedy the injury you unin
tentionally did me. With respect,
—A curious coincidence of numbers oc
curred at the polls in Howard township on
Tuesday, 20lh ultimo, in casting the vote
of the venerable Kudolpb Pletrhor, one of
the oldest and most respneted citizens of
that township. He is in his eighty-third
ynar, cast the eighty-third vote polled and
did it in tba eighty-third year df the cen
tury. Mr. Pletcher has boen a regular
voter In that township for a long life-time.
The First National Bank, of Altoona,
was ro-chrirterod Feb. 28, for lb yonrt
--Hond tho very excellent |ioin, tube
found <ui our fourth page, by M. Af. IS.,
than cut out and preserve It,
—(Jen. Beaver's residence bus lately
been papered throughout and i- said t ■ bo
the handsomest work of the kind in Cen
tral J'ennsy Ivania
Mr. Frank X. tubman, proprietor of
tho Butts house, lia* been hound up for
nearly three weeks with u serious alb elion
of the throat, hut i, we are pleased to say,
rapidly regaining his usual health.
—The Lowislown I'rrr /'rr>* entered it*
fourth volume last week, with prospect* of
1 much success in the future. Mr. Trout i.
a live, energetic fellow and wetlinll always
he pleased I" hear f hi* doing well,
—The ladies of tho i're hyternui Mite
Society will give an ice cream entertain
ment with the usual ac "inpunyinent*, at
Hume, hail on the evening ' I March tlth
It will no doubt he uri enjoyable parly
I'r' f I>. M. Wolf, county tupsrinlen
; dent of public in-true', n se in wn
Tuesday evening. Mr Wolf appears to
suffer no impairing of los health, caused
, by the travel noce.sary t" rem I the 'I ols
of the county.
—Mr Charles Uaintn, who ha- presided
as chief i lerk < f the Bush ii• •u- - f. r n me
tirno, m Monday wiiilto I)j H i, th'-re i ,
as-umo control of a similar husine,. .Mr
Hamm has many warm fri'ici* in IJ. •! . -
font", who shall Im- plea-. 1 l" hear of I s
success m his new borne.
A monkey th" jr. ; erty . ! Mr J- In
<>. I z/le, j a'swl through town on Tbur*.
day and afford'-<l rnui h amusement t" t "r
--fin* hapj'ening at the depot at the time
■ sj.eeialiy our carro-r. wno afterwards
h irt- I< ,t ti;al it was lb" dear.,t, sweet
est little thing he had ever seen.
The ho lure, or stn< tly s; <ak .r.g, j -a. •
tn altai a, ':i th" "Origin of the A men an
Nation by Brest. Atherton, of ."xta'.e
College, !at Ti'-lay evening, in Y M
c A. hail, was an "x< -e-i.ngiv •. h-- arl*
•ff rt. iUt'-ned t" by the largest a lien <
that l>a- yet attended any of th" series.
—lt .* th- .! ity of c Kiatry road suj>er
xi. rs tn have fir.ger-h -ards at all rr. s..
roads, with the di-Ui, <• • f th • most iio-
I o.rttsr t v • r t wn ; ■ who-b th" Irgh
way directly run* markol on them in a
hg,l > manner. - ip- rv > r- wh■ ■ n"g "• t
to have th" finger j. "U at th" n"cessarv
pacs are Hat .0 I" a jer.s.tv f > f.r
each neglect
Mr*. Lrniia I',. I'revl, of I 'hi! :s< 1-1 -
jdiM, w.. i 'in I Ist week. J.aid t Ii" I "tit
"f more than "lie bundled and fifty
jHM.r (unilie-. an ! di-tnliut'"! among
the pex.r over twenty thou- >n I 'lollars
n year. She ernjd"ted a weitn*n to in
•titute inquiry into the merit* of <- i h
applicant, ami s-xa-ry week d'.pened
grc eric- clothing ami nion- y to the
j-Kir, who gathered every Tuesday in
the rear of her residence A - j-
I'iie other evening im ml" r "f the
\->' i.iti n had no companion w itli Inin
n- he j..i-ei along the street- JJe felt
lonely, without Hfiv disj'isaition t" 1' ad
hut iut a-hrj to dr p in "Otnewher' and
he at home. The Association rooms
were closed :<* it n s Sunday evening .
(tuirch *ervic-s were over. In his
wcarincM and lorielme.* of mind he
thought he could sympathize with the
many young men who have at ditfeient
time* a very like feeling. Young men,
make the Association r<om votir re* rt
for good cun|,anion*lii|i.
—Wih n, M< Farlano Y Co , call atten
tion to the only reliable Beady Mixed
Faint in the market Th" Pioneer I'r-
I arol faint is not only superior to any
Heady Mixed l'aint sold but rivals j-ure
white lead in it* smoothness in working
and du' ability. This paint is guaranteed
by the manufacturers not to crack or j.ee!
within three years. The guarantee is not
| only good for rej,lacing the j aint but it
will be put on if it should crack or j-eel
within the time S|'ec\fied. It Will l-e to
your interest to call and see Wilson. Ale-
Farlano A Co , before purchasing either
white lewd or any other Heady Alixed
Application was made at the state depart
ment on Friday for a charter for the
Clearfield and Jefferson railroad company
l build a railroad thirty-two miles long,
from a point in Clearfield county, on
Clearfield creek, near Winner's run, at
the terminus of the Bell's Gap railroad.
When comjileted northwestward through
Clearfield county and a part of Indiana
county to a polntal or near PunxsuUwney
Jefferson county. The capital stock is
$1,000,000, in 20,000 share* of soo each.
Or the 8,200 of those shares subscribed,
8,1*3 aro beld in the name of Charles T.
Berwin, agent of Philadelphia, who Is
president of tho company. Tho other
stockholders who have three shares each
are Aaron Fries, Allison White, Charles
F. Berwind, John H Converse, J. N. Du
berry, F. 8. Lewis, John FJeilly, 11. 8.
Frank and Harry Berwind, all of Phila
delphia. Charloe F. Berwind Is senior
partner in the firm of Berwind, While A
Co., the largest shippers of coal in the
Clearfield region .—Altoona Trihmiu, Keb.
Our Borough Affair*.
If tho last statement of the borough audi
tors he correct, the bonded Indebtedness ~l
tlm borough. April 1, I**2, was ON K
TY-FIVF. dollars. 'lhe Molicitor of it,,
I borough, in his statement before the . ' in.
missionors said it was ninety-eighty thou,
rami dollar*. Let tie- indebtedness b<
! either or neither, the people want and de
i mend to know how it he< KIDS x. much it
| CXCI-m of tlm iiiiiuuiil authori/.wl by law
Inquire, gentlemen of it,.- council, dili<
j gently, arid tell us whether anything ha'
i been stolen by the ring that created thii
: debt it so, how rnii'Ti 'J council wai
I made Dtinucrstlc t TISI ago for this pur
po*e, and tin- i iti/.ens of the horo igh d<
not want the year t • by without an i '
I rt being made to si; w up al, i ro< ke i
j lie,,.
'i iii-ri- i- -till another question, in < r.
nectiort w.th others, Upon whl ri we u:,n
itiiui' liat - light In IkTk or ".. sh<,
tic t 'ne the ho- c-u de-iresl .f2-'> OWI tin
plate from w hi'h tl.I ' r igb hoi 1- wer.
print' f I- a "i-ej t have |.,..0. .• m,
blank t" rI, to the amount'if toanv thou
"an Is of doiiar . printed. F tic of thex
blank-, the tin t" „-.,rer *,•, ■,,, ; a- .
perliaj - ')•-trov < <l, I. ~t th- p-oj •• v.. ..
Ilk'- to know whether any bunds weri
fra elu.' fitly f "d out a: I put tip : tin
j market and w.. h the \,.. t jgi, , ~ w
"1 j • 01.-1 t ; It )■ p • ' - that aI .
IMs war t • tbis question will explain tin
i frm r
The p. pie .< t. w r, are bur i ■
wall ii'hi, ti.at when tin y a*k . : the au.
ll,unties a ' ciip •te and I.urn ta; ,<r t'
tins'- ~1,-stlons, It will 1 t sufli'.e to "M
that lie pre- r.t coum I i : '. r< ~
or li st th'-y <! Nt I.:. *• v. .-.••ther ti ;
-ta'c < f things CX -- e f. J. ti,,
I coir.'., .-f . r< .; at- ir, tl..
matter • f it- unwiii.i. gru • l ;.*. t tl.
lestt< in of the tr ,! . , as. . al;. r ■ ar"< ,
examination say What the debt ii I ndad
an 1 float,r.g Whether art <i w.
frs .In< ru . ir. a'c l r n ' The, an
serious matter* t the p<- pie of 11. i.e! Nt"
a 1 I the d-o • -raU* alien".. >n • f <. .n
i'eilm; w" II ay >r. a future ... {.
I. w U • ; were r • a'n j, ar.d sh w
the utt-r la I. I .in- prit ; ;a < n
-uminsting the loan anj c•; . .f the
! sec .rit'e-
A< m —Any j. r • i, d<-s,nng t ex
!• their ; r party to publii sa.e. and
n'-ed.ng an a. -r erf r tat j ,rp ••,
aid w t < n.j y.l ;i> II L So, , f
Cortie township II" has r.*] nine years
■ ijieri'".' hi 1 s ve-y iii . ;xt" in his
charges II a)!-* f, •
county i.k
ll*' • u. §lo,(ssi The pr ''Uti- n
of * 'k on the 15-iff*!" It .n raiirnad will
i ot< "iiiiu r.c# until Belief, nte raises J|o,.
<*si Th - ar: ir.t i* - . small when <• in*
tar. I tb< V' - hC' ?.ternj in <■ :r tn ;gh
borh' •! tnat one fa.l- t . s. <• why any
'. ,'"t '.(i O , i I ■ cr.tertslr. ■' f of ,t- hi ' J
s< I imni'-dist y an I v. !!. spr a
ciT rt. Tli" <1 ay - ■ ;a-i ng tlie
t-re*t f ' ,r t- a" i ti'- ,f
the me: who l ave the tf, re. t , sj ire may
yd re. . t dtsastr usly C-troe fr.- : Is, ;!,*
time f. r quihb ing hat paswd, a- i the af
fa-r ha a- .me !a I .ei a} < Wo
all want the r. ad and n earthly reason
tan ix' a>- g! -d to; jstifv eny ■ s.e I ar.girg
We sre sasurct by mpet'i.t ant) rity
that th" investment will be a gocsd MS,
and sTall lie ) ' * <■ I mat w— k t-. rrord
th" completion <f th" nt wi.n th" ful'
amount k d fo*.
llniVktMl Aa 11 IlHl'N kI * SO" The
lUlltumU llfpiikhrnu speaking in tlrs
sui'j"i t, cxpresM-s cur v icwi, ar, I we give
our reader* the benefit of it* remark- It
has become a source of sorrow I" many
persons t" observe so mr.'h drunkenness
during the p ast few dsys among the young
men of this t<<wn, and that, too, in many
Instances, where the persons under the in
fiusnte of liquor wtre supposr-d to be com
paratively free from danger of taking "too
much The sfs- ng temptation to drink
where wine or ' ther intoxicants are offer
d seem* to be beyond the jsower of some
to resist. We mourn over and sympathise
with such persons and would say a word
at this time to help them In whatever en
deavors they may h" making to overcome
their subtle temptation It is this II
you find you havo so strong a dosire to
drink that which will "steal away your
senses" and deprive you of manlines* do
not go whore such temptation exists. There
are persons who are not tempted at all by
what it seems impossible for others to re
sist. We are more and more Impressed
every day with the strong temptation
among the larger class of young men to
drink wine. They take the first glass
with the thought that it wilt not harm
them ; its exhilarating influences ar just
sufficient to induce them to take another,
thoughtlessly it may in ; then they are
gone. The beautiful specimen of man
hood is reduced to the level of a dumb
brute; the temple it may be of the Holy
Spirit is defiled. Let us urge you again :
"l ook not upon the wine when it is red."
—The thermometer registered 9 degrees
below scroti Summit Station on the Cat
awissa 1 tail road, at daylight on Tuesday
Notk e.—l*r!>n baring J!. It. tie*
ft l tiff juet. hi. 1 ! •,;,'i]e* f.,r n|i.
will fl'flff 'f I N WrtH-M of If. ■
' kiri'l, 'j i#f " ff * f.f r i .jj •,, .
along Iff •'I II I' >v ni*
| It. it , within tbif t J Ist., i ,
It II I.AWMIt .lef.et N.,„ r .
or W \S" It nk I !,•■', I! , .I,
j *tf
| Jor*Diemnu<J J), i. wilt color any thing
any color, an i' •f The. -at and
' bet way to '<• oi . in ~ . , I
; driijcgi.u,
~uiU foil 1!" to y!ir . n,,. h „, r „ I r
sllkOQ. I.rarr your t/tdtti tf
A!< tIKHV it '• 'l',. r,
Bulo lU vi itf f.
it !• in.; (it 11.. it | ; j,-r |,! jj <-
givcfl I .1. .j,*,, M<r , . „
in th. .inn, tr-f. of f .... ... i r
wliifli the 1011. bat. t-f.,1 j r:nt iat 1,.
M • *•,%!•. A' M i I , ( ]' .
I* ■ ('. ■ " •"<" • ' h.t- K<. t> )i, .
I * kin < (I , . . •. - •
' ' ' *' < , v .. t
j,., , 1,, . A • ,
To I'M vl IAS He Jo not (: ; ~t
reproach i,r <. n fn rt. t!. j rt. t.< rfn.t
regular j byri thi* i. not ■ ur rnie*i n
—toil w* '1 • Jaim .1 !,• : tdd I'nw
■ft t . bit ;r< •' rij.t. j. ► H .; r , r*, j , r
l>- k *1 tl. 1 of J, . j f... i} . i
gralnlr .fly bv a., <;• -cf • few . :
cure a., Li* j alien•*
' IKW tun. !•■ Iter t < ur • V , I'M
I>K. II AKT M* •• it, • ' 'J
lie •r* are o.L r. <j, a: f|v . largo
'• ar.- i. t m< re t.* , I a Nrg. •
t'.ey w* r I on, f ;• . t , 11. tie
I'- ( ov \ ■ r, Tit t,r ■
111 !j i; ; urn M> I'l .to '
MU i. I I > Mt 5 ' A 111,
: I' • -u4 at .> cl .t- • .'
M*. |> • * im* * , I m t I■l ■
fIITHIS* lt i • . , , It a If. ,t
•> !• ' l.ttl'Mft't I*X' ;.*••!< It. -ri t
1 •• t■ " •*' • t ' It . .♦ ..
■". an-l etartf ■*.o .r. .t-* tt,. .- tttac | *
. , ,.,1 , . . ft,.... t . .... ~ „ ,
"• • ar. If"♦ t I. at.e *•••<; t c,. ,
•,f Mi * W;t > i ■ "lit . .rto r t f cit
* Til- it* .1 I .a*at.< t It.. ta*t* >,r 1 :• tf
. . as.4 mj> • . tl.. fut. •at w! a ta.e
■> - ,|t ri : if .* ' v ■ |- ♦ •:
Swaync h I'IIIh Corr.'ortintr to the
h Bck
Tf. • fr. in i . t f. Pr ; ■ rly
•■• •it I uij ire I! !. t •• ; at; r . Jl .
a. Ma aria A|. ; y. L it. Kid' "T,
II rrt In*. A-.". It- sr. iII .. ntl.ai
H.l t . lb" ileLiiitat" : bur ien -.j with * neb
1 *"t -u* tickt,..--. •.. . . ..riecicnti -titly re.
-inner,.i e\VAYNK". l'll.J.S, u ■
< ..Main ti.! ia; | • - j ....... j) >
r. .>tb'T -.-1.. •. ■ • t: .r, : f r
} ' ente, box of | • " I v.--. 81, -.rt
Ittatnp* Addrtai, Dl* SWAYKK
-<IN, I*l sdf ; ! I'm : ■! ! i Dr
1 eirt*. s sy.
"Mir. y ' ".-rent fr- •. .. Jt .• a*
"r *. water and. e •• .rr." inc>i. s!e,
a| • rl.t t T *c. 'a' It' -I! t..;.. Jt
!*: Ir■. * r r. t! ra gra* 1 if it. net ~#!
ha* fallen .tf It .1 v .ri,t r.,-t
affect the 1.-alth, wl.t -i t.ur, ..far of
t, f 1 N ' , ''t rt jrt.iift,' i *
'hated Me It will <! .-sr.. ' n,t or faded
, hir in a f. (Ist* t • a !•. .f.tifti glnttv
i br. wti AT '■ .*' •(.- . • ij 'Ka ,h
jt- tile i* warrantod >■• itli. K • • .V <' ,
H* A H ifkel. New \ f, 4 If
Jlrijht . |> tu.R.e fti ■■ Kidli' .*. Ill.
j bete, fit, : other ll.MAtn of the liii'nej*
Mild L.vcr. w foch ) H a/e br ing *<• fright'
; ' no! hi*, t. II f. Httt •• i. the • l it It. nj
i. at w ill i rely and : • rttianeetlv ircvtnt
and cure ,\!i otfier i ret. nded cure* onlv
relieve |nr *. tinje ar i "L ti rr.ake y..t
many tune. w. r-e
•T.'V H! .Tut hit "n tie giah nil . H K-< t A
\ k, lit Ar Mr ith |i ) hi vr ;i J
-• MfMlai* M Ct in t 1h (1. " I
riflM.irh U'F.MH.KT tb 2.-A u\t f.
"tin. a• i}* !**. • IMi I* I B ''h ■
v I ; {• f Uk' i I* 0 , kr *t|M
l*ff C W **£]#'* . • f 1 *o r O'K
Bellefcmte Gtain Market.
Hm.ir •* Mtitb. 1. lAV
i if f . Mj t T I*. Ri jmtMi
WfiWlt wliilf,fmt I'Ollii ...ft fl g *
■ '7
H N t*
! I'oJH—*n. Jtfff tl"
•h* iifti. (• f l.ttafv . Tf
'fjkt*. f*f trtiahfl 4.%
|*r huabH. ry* **£' t ~j>
Mr# ...... ....... to
flotw jd-r jttdiri'! , ... (ff*
I nr. • lo'# |# I'M ,It t'tifi. fi no
*• }'-r ki., * 1"i
risift#r. gr il. |ff lon f v
ProvUion Market.
CfrrwlM twklf I y lVnr|>#r M tb*r.
jfrprtitfl. }q
f*r |i>
!*#•• t'* II
Frh hnll'i jwf h'nu4........
Chlrkd'M per t"nnd — w ,....... wtw ...
f r |d
(\untrjr humfft
!|nt. njr*r if
K(t 4a
V <•#■• frr l *
t>r|#4 h*f II
J \ n< thl —All htiw'tl.4 4<tft>eate. In Ik.
ye*r I**l "ill h. 1 l.r-M lath. hit. e< tfce Art era. 1
(< immMi.l. oiliiettoti if n* t vlttxl sc.ir, t)>. r*l
4*y ft ApHl I*.
Ja". Wmr. )
11, > r.tl'Mll. -Ce,
HJ A. J. Oanar, i
. V 4maol. an a4lter tm4nM k* h tVfhao*'
Quart <*♦ Otitra rwintt. In !■<* Mid pM ajwn Ik.
rtre).!l.>n Altai e in. out of t Wearer,
.teeat- tef Ae ef T M Il.lt .!■ 0*.4. ao4 **.
Mrtrtkatt'-n <4 Ihe fund la the hM <4 H aoroatit*
tat to a4 **ne, : the". ieR. 111 ".UtWi thernte, "lit
toe.f the patuet In iatetwt *t hU '<• B At* !-=*-*'•!**l
er MMtnta, on Tnert.i tie :*'tk .kf of Watch,
l*t, 10 "'chtth.. . of "04 4ay, "ke*. a4 ahera
•II part ten tete.e4 par Mteo4
**3T 11 A Mlß.Altlttr.