Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 01, 1883, Image 6

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    £ht € nitre sprmorrnt
r r ——
A Strange Story,
A writer in the Lancaster Inquirer
says that in the first jail of that county,
built iu Columbia lv Kichnrd Itarher,
tht re wav confined about theyear I ■ .10
an Irish lad by the name uf .lames |
Annesley. Thereby hangs a tale ; in
| fact several of them ; for material
parts of four famous works of fiction
f —Sir Walter Scott's *( iiiy Manner
ing." Charles HeU'le - "I he W under
ing Heir," Soiollet's " Peregrine
Piekel," ami "Florence McCarthy,"
f are based mi the romantic adventures
of this unfortunate heir to the iill<
and estates of an Irish barony.
' Horn the child and loir of Lord
ami Ladv Althum, .1 inn •* :a jet at
infant when his uiothcr, sliametiillj
neglected hv her liiislnind \vu- reducr*
by abuse, disease and pov rty to i
state of exi rcine mental an I |•' a -i• n ;
imbecility, and the boy him-i it wln-i
six or seven years ~| age beiaine a
t "houseless vagab-md v. r.deinn
through the streets ii Dublin town
Filially this he.-olltd Poller d I lli
oolv good thing reeordt d <•! illin. II
I died.
I'lien ( aptnin Aiinc*lv,a hr-iucr m
the dead u an. and a chip of the -ami
worthless block, had the poor In>\
who '• half naked, bareheaded ami
barefooted wept over his father
grave," kidnapped by hired ruflians,
i transported to America, ami hinise I
succeeded as next of kin to the title
and estates of Lord Altham.
The young I >nl reached America in
his tliirte- titli year, and in the course
of time was nppreticed a-a plantation
hand to parties who lived in Lancaster
I county. He ran awav from his mas
ter, was captured and imprisoned at
the county piil at Columbia,
j Finally two Irishmen, John and
William Brodus, fr mi the place <>l
James' nativity, while traveling along
, the Lanea-ter road, were compelled to
seek the hospitality of hi- master, and
' after conversing with the lad they he
came cuuviuced that he was the 10.-i ,
Altham heir. They assisted the boy
to Jamaica and there he found a good
friend in the person of Admiral Ver
non, who carried him back to tin
Kmeruld i-It- after an absence of a .
dnz**n years.
I The trial that ensued was a menmr
able one. It lasted for thirteen days
The jury found for the young plaintiff ,
But a power greater than court <i j
jury interfered for the usurping um le
The "wandeiing heir' -uddetilv died.;
He was a great - uger ami it i- I
stated that whiie he was confined in j
the log prison at Columbia neighbors
from far and near would gather to
hear the melodies he -ang. That wa
ft century and a halt'ago To day vn
read of Henry B-rtrarn, the In ro >l
"Guy Mamiering." 01 follow the gra-
Filiie and fascinaiiug aecouut of (.'har
es Keade'a "Wandering ll* ir." ir,
pi<-ture the wonderful adventure* "t '
"Peregrine Piekel" as tll by T .Inns
Coirifr .Smollett, with an interest re
doubled bv the-e local s**-iaii*ins.
| Mrs. Quinn's Triplets.
flaw Kie'tmcn't I'frldj' *| >t A ';un,tnt'-l
th l*H-! ( .til. K- sl.
Charles Qiinn.a workman employ
ed at the Midvule steel works, Nice j
[ town station, was oil Thursday last
( made the father of a trio nf haltc*
two girls and a buy. Mr. (j linn lives
with his wife Slid (u|i to ihi- time
three daughters, aged t, 1 and 2 years
in a neat liille brick house on the Gut
Plank road, oetween Waytiil junction |
ami Xicetown. Mr.-,
birth to a girl weighing about buir
poumls, ami an hour later tin
first baby was provided with a sitcr
of her own weight ; while scarcely had
the two young ladies given their open- [
ing concert la-fore they were followed
into the wo rld by a baby brother
weighing six |s*uuds. The birth of
the bov involved a very difficult op-r
--ati'-n, known to the medical piufc**inu
as "version by the feet," it being neces
-1 sary to administer ether to the ex- i
hausted moth r. The scene of the j
wholesale addition to the populate n
was visited yesterday attermaui hv a
Record re|*ortcr. A friend <>f Mr*
(juiiio was in charge of the house, and
. was ably supported in taking care of ,
I the triplets by halfa-dozen motherly
women, all of whom vied with ea*-li j
i other in lavishing unstinted praise 1
] upon the three little hits of dimpled !
humanity, which were being exhibited
wrnp|ied in little blankets to some
neigh I Kirs.
| "The dear little things: ain't they
I just perfect," said one, and the others
choruacd : "See what lovely eye* they
' have," "and suth cute little heads,'
| "and such lots of silky hair," "and
just look at their pretty little ear*,"
until every possible attraction had
r been pointed out and commented ii|M>n
The yuungsteis are, indeed, pretty
little babies, I eing well formed ami up- j
parch'ly perfect I v sound and healthy.
Bo tar they have lieeri raised on the
1 bottle. The mother is also doing well.
Boon after the birth of the babies
their astonished lather sent for Father
Powers, the rector of Bt. Btephen's
itomuii Catholic ahurch, Niceluwn,
who christened them on the spot, the
eldest girl lieiog named Annie, the
second Marct-llu ami the buy John.
Miss Marcel la, when seen by the re
porter, was decorated with a piece of
blue ribbon t<> prevent In r being mixed
up with her elder sister, Mis* Annie,
to wh<>in she bore so close u resemb
lance that oven her mother could hard
ly till which was which without some
such mark. The other little ({uinns,
before mentioned, were delighted with
their new sister-- and brother and took
as much interest iu them us did their
Said the eldest of them: "There's
just one apiece for u*. ami when these
H little bigger wese going to have them
lor doll huhics.
An Ohio Romance
There is a little town near here
named North Lima, which has a kind
•if romantic hi-torieal it flit i r wli eh hu
lurn -lied the neighbor* and villagers
I*toil tor lalk. The hero, it such he
*i'ii i* I be culled, was a queer old man
mined Jacob A Igiistine. lie lately
lied. ll*- was asi range, gtsul hearted
utile mull, who bio I never slept a single
tight away from his home, and the
ongc-t jiiiniicv he ever made was to
•nine to this eitv, a disunite of but a
c*v nub-. Ami yet this stranger to
he world at large, whose life wits al
>m-l tlint nt a chi d, tlitough all its
• cur* hail a romiiiiee, the s crct ot
\ll i< -11 heearried to tin grave. When
in- was u sturdy young man he lie* nine
betrothed lo a bright, vivaei-ms little
(ii rmsu girl, (ioitlieb Wealaudt. She
smiled N | o HI hi- -nit. but tier father
broke ihe match. From this moment
In* "b Augustine lt d the life of a
1: has been known of late that
daeoh was ae mutilating considerable
wealth, nllhoiigh he niH*le no exhilii
don of it, and w hen he died a search
was at once instituted for the money
ami hi- will whu-h lie lm*l made a
veer ago. The search through the
attic ol his house revealed in out of
die way corner* many and various
amounts of money, which was largely
n Mexican and Spanish coins, hut no
trace of the mi-sing will was found
until a trunk was examined, and there,
oiuncd securely iu the sleeve uf the
old fashioned swallow ta led wedding
coat, wa- the will ami a hag contain
ing nearly t?7'>o in gold. Yesterday
ail the |K-rsoiial effect* left by the
-trange old man were sold at auction,
and almost within hearing ot' the auc
tioneer's voice, a prisoner in her own
house, was the once fair maiden, <ntt
ii- b \\ ealaudt, now ami tor the Ia -1
liftt -eight year* Imjielessly iiiane be
cause ot the cruel tale that k-pt h* r
•ruin uniting her heart and life with
hr betrothed. She remains the la-i
survivor of this-ad romance of a halt
century ago — I'd 'burgh l)i*j>a!rh.
A Remarkable Suit.
Ctmmanli far th' Ground I/ MI M the
.\ ci n-j/ Cuf'\?a( -V.y Hilt .
I'ITT-111 MO, I' I*lll twr |'|—Step* lis**-
•■eeii l-k-n i-y reputable ciltx>-n* of tin*
-iiy mml c. sew here inward prosecuting
■ rlmniol oiinno.se vnluc. The pri*|*er
V involved is llril upon Willi h s'sti'l*
i lie t'liiled Sillies I'tpllol. I lie Wlote
il-iii-". die T'esnury so I *ilher •• • v
rioneot sinl |iriv*ie l.uilding- in tVli
og on all I I* ol gel o*s 11. covering -I*l
* re- ill Itie I>i*tric <>l Coluilll'l, l-e I
si tes 11 V| in-r--- in 111 ol- n* org, M I .
SMI sries 111 IV ~|i lig-01l count*, I'll.
II I IRI-A-U'R HI I tie It ink o' P-igl-nd.
I lie niotie* * nlue of | In-est Ale Call ll*rd
* In* i-s 11 in 11 pit. Ii s.-ein* scrcel* cri-d
i*ile ill *1 sin Ii it cl -int Could 'n* nisde to
••nsiliie people; l-ul it iiev* rt Itele-s is
true. 'l'lte clsitii ilit* -ife lite tli'scrlnl
nis ot l-ilin Hi ideimmre, seider ol
••ilonisl iifile-. I he Isle M iwil Ills-let
nore, ol tills citv, ss-, H i- rlsiliied.
•ll* grem grnd soli. Alter the M IVOI'A ;
leslli. trltu-li nci-urre-l (>oUl eight *eurs
igo. I lie foiled Si*te t'oiirl imt-ie HII
trder in the HIH l*-n ore tunkruplcv
proceedings, giving *n nllossnce to ihe
,<• gnee lor lit** t ut| oe *if |-re>nt<ng
nte cU m ot lite Hudentnnre liei*s in i to
v**t estie. In NCCirdttice wilh tin*
■irder, the assignee h*> Keen gsihering
intoriuition lor the pur|-o-e of m-iiiti
ling |egnl proceeding-. It is under t
.tood thnt tie It** a represent*!ire in (
Wtt-hinglon *t the present Utile. Two
Washington attorney* were here recent
Iv con-iiltiiig l he heir ahout the estate
II her cUimtiiil* in this vicinity *re ex
si-ierdf K. II I'siietson, f'r. Ssrnoel
llelizhoover. of "lonic hitter*" lame.
*n old t tmilv ol Mansfield. I'a. Ahout
flirty *tf them met recently ' Mntield,
contrdiuted nmney ar-d sent a re|.re
sentalive to Washington. Beside* this
i-nncerted a- tnni itiey nre m*lividuslly
represented ti\ cou- cil. The I'llutoirg
stiornet* ini*re-ieil are Thonis* 11.
Mrrshatt, K. M-Kenrta sn-t -I.
Wood*. Some heir* in Baltimore are
represented hy the law firm ol Hichard
son & Co.
Tilt: average statesman of the pres
ent day is only once in a whiie an
average mat).
MltaioffAKlkm in India are finding
a in w olMtaele to the success of their
teachings. It is drunkenness.
Ir is estimated that over one nti'-
lion orange trees in Orange county,
Florida, will cume into heating this
MUM MAI'.Y AC*TIN, of Washing
ton, On , died recently. Blie had been
the mother of forty-four childmi, in
j eluding six sets of triplets.
Tiik 111811 who sued n Colorado
paper for R.'tOOOO ilamsges for libel
; ami WIHH awarded six cents, now lie-
I lieves in the "freedom of the press."
The Toledo girl who married the
fellow to get ritj of liini has commenc
ed n divorce suit for ihe sann object.
I'a< K vuur esses in as small a com
[** as you can, so that you can carry
iliem yourself, and u t let them an-
I noy others.
Ale.rinidrr ,(• Sil/t/i/f/ Sim c.
Store 7 1 Uc*l lliyji Sfroof, o|i|iosil' Ituwli llonsf* Hcllt'loiitc, I'a.
i:vi:i{YTIIIN(i FOIC Tin-: I AILM \M> <;AIM>I:N.
GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS. W. "Ihr to tin public tin larg. St si... k ami grea-est
varielv *d (iurden and Flower Seetls, whi' li we retail for tin* I* al nuiney a- compared wilh
any other dealers in Central l' ini-ylvaiiiu We hoy ->ur B< an-. I'- a- and Sw* et ( orn liy
the Im-liel; we sell them iu ipiautitie.s to suit pun-ha-ei s, by the pint, *piari. A'**., m*.isut*d
with dry measures not liquid unu-un- , by wl.itli *-ur customer* gain I > per cent, over
those piirehusing from dealers ii-iug liqoiil **r onil.i*-*> nu-afiir**. \\ •* buy oui B** i. ( üb
huge, (Ylerv, f fiti■ HI , Kudi-h and Tui nip Seed bv the pound, in tlo- -ill*- *d which we g.v<
our euMtoiiHTs great advantage-, in quality .i- w* !l a- prit e, a- eoinjiaretl with tlioMr put uj>
in pipers by .-*'*dmen.
PAPERED SEEDS We sell Henderson'-i-v-cd-at eafulng.ie price-. W, -ell I. ndnth* S, d*
three tive-e* in paper lor ten cent*. Th **• iff- r ar- wurraiit* -I to Ie- f're-li, ns *•* nain
to grow HH an v -nil- that are put on tln mtu k- t. \\ > 11-1i-• \e I lei di-r-on --i **|s to I tlie
best. Wi have nev* r known them to tail, im- pt a mistake in p'untii g* "r Irmii dr. nth
or extreme changes of climate. We make this statcmeiit from our iwn cX|H*rienci ol fiAeeo
year* with ilie*e se**|s. Wi kimw Mr. Ileiul* r-eii to In one n| tin m<it piu- it* al (iardtii* r*
uud Flori-t* in tin- couiitry for ninny years.
W*-furnish I i nit Tr*-***, Oruann iital I'r* <-, Bhu *>i rr\, K.i-, b* n•. t*i;< 1 Straw berry lb ot
HII i <;ru|*c Cutting* to ortl* r.
Cutaliq ues iu lingii-li or <i- rmun turni-In-I tr* * u nppliea <-u.
FARM SEEDS. It i- a -our f satisfiu (ton that we nre ihli !• aoooutice to our eu*t< mi rs
and Ir n ml" I hat we can supply them with eh an i'ndd *-d*>. In tin lit -t place, we ix* rei**-
th- gr* ate-t * are at I in-jM i lion when hn\ ii g -•••■ d*. When w- ;• .i• i.i - W -lein -i d- wi
ld way - o il*-r " eln it *•," w hii hi-I he Is-1 In ain I known to tl ■ti a li. W- re lean <I-. - r and
Timothy S-e*|; we separate I'iaiitaiii Seed from < eiver • I H". t mn-.i p
urate Buck horn and otlu r le-xioii- wo d ,-*i d- of tin -aim -!/*• a- ( i •vc r ■ • d, t in | t tin- -
that arc lighter an I ran he blown out ; tlien-lore "i don-it buy < a* rS* I mixed i lat
Staled. We have on sale Mammoth ami Small C-lovri Bt**l, clmiec rimoihy Soil, White
(lover >••*•* I. AI -* ke i-r ~.M-*li-li CI.,Vi-r Sid I'riliaii (ir.*-- >-eii. K nl kv Itiietira-*
S • -iI, Bill I tp (ira-- S i !. Law ii < • ra-- "* *• I. M- >b w I nil.i I< ir i-- Si !, M- I'-.W I'* *< lie
( *ra- Btnl,Swccl-sccnU*! Vernal Gn as Sin •! lloiigh-stalk Meadow Grass Bred, Hard Fwcoe
• ira-* S i-I, Tall ( )gi I irn- S. nl.t'ri ted D -gstail Gr I,l' reimial li\- ' >-. i- "•-* *l,
Italian Km lira-- Seed, Fiorin und <*t!n i' it .i-- *d-
I iriiiers wonder win wnd-gr A. I'lie r* ;I-* II I- pi. HI. I keep d HII WK-I- I er I part
iif tii'.- -oil inu-i In- luriii-lu<l with plants ■ I gra-- 1i al matur* at *! ti •u: JM-I ,
A great variety of gra-* i- to pioiiiot*- gi 'I | a-tur- nil tie - ,t- n I*i •• i>II1 1• r
made in the vicinity of I'lilad* Ipliu, i- m ■"* dal ail otlu r it** • n-n* fbrn-r. -vhi'li
i- atlrilmte*! to the ipiaiity of tin gia-- uj II wli* Ii tin < •** gt.i/ wim li i- *h - lib- <1 as
being very aromatic.
BARLEY. —We have on -lib a -mail lot of Minnesota and >. otch Barli i ! r -e*-d
BUCKWHEAT Silvi r Hull* 1. V\ ill am I! I.* kt• \, of Ih iiin r i ' '■ | J"• i t-- I 2"
pound* of t hi* I'utkwluat ot u* lis -1 year, Ir- in wliie.i lie r.t -<d '■>' i Itu-li*!-. Wi have
quiilly go*l n p in- from - tin r < ii-t-inn r-.
SEED CORN -■• ed Corn fr-m '* nB nv* r * farm, which pr.-\* d t << lie tb* in- -' -ati-lat l'-rv
Cirn to our t u toon r* during the la-t —a-ou,
OATS. We keep 111 *lo* k the I.\r*l-ior H'liile ( till - ami 110 Ktl- i.-li While < )al. Billl of
these vuri*-tie* gave go.nl -aii-'at ti HI la-t y*ar. I*i *■•*- I •.
HOUS HOLD SUPPLIES. () 11 *- of ibc in te--: ir y i --en: ml* lo au* in g'lhiti *1 lion** hold is n
fiist-ela-s —wing Mat Inn* I lie -owing Mi Li n- liu in*-- at *nn rune w ti" do greatest
mono|Hily mi earth I. \ t**rl - o ale prut • w11 •* ileoiniuled and •■ • >an.'*l In-iw it g Mai!iiin.
wiih'Hii regard to tin ii merit*. S-.ine ot the * tupiini**- irx to k*-* pup die • *l*l pra< Ii *•.
Ilappilv, the day w lien people have to \itld lo ihi- * xloHinii I ■ •! I ><!• ing the pri*t
two \tars we have "n • *-toit v t •oinhnned tin- old ixi iriioiiatt prat ! iee in ( i ir ■ mntv
ami have brought about H new i ra in the S wing M. • liiuc loi-iin Bv attention in lui-i
--lie-s uud el- i-e ill-peel i-Hi of I In- quality "I illic lilln -. We hcsriilv I et-.iln no ml I In* Klliiliglon
H* the lx*st-ma'le, lighi< s|-riiiiiiiog, rno*t durable nil I umst *iip< ihlv-* <piip|M-*l S*-w ing Ma
chine nfi'cred for -ale in Centre eouutv We i hallenge eoiii|s-iilion in slit psnieular, no
matter what i*lher mniiutiu'iurer* elaini, ami we -ill at ptirn* wbii It, it ih*M-in want of
Sewing Machine* will e-.n-ult their own inlere-l*, i* the X'ty be-t iudui-enu i:t wlis they
should hi yol ti*- The r*a-Hi w*- <nii make this tb ri* ilist we buy b>r i-i-h aiol -til ut our
-tore. It eo-l* at lea-t from 81'J t<* S2O each to |nddlpH Swing Machine tlitough the
country ami sell it. A moiiietit's retl-eii-in will teach that this extra c. -t cornea •tf the
purchaser. Those who buy of ii* ut *mr store -ave tlii* extraordinary expense. We give
the very best warrantee wilh all the ninehnii-* we sell. We sell ihe finest tptaliiy of Nee*lb-s
for all S wing Machitiea, at '2-*t cents tu JO cents per dux* n, and he-t Machine (hi Mt 10
cents pr bottle.
WASHING MACHINES —The most lc*irahle Isbor -s ving machine in a hou*e is n good
Cloth s Washing Machine. Front our **wit ex jwrience ml _ L _
tlm te*iininriiHl *<• have nf others, we offer the Walker
WasllCT, aiul here make public iu th*' f* llowing lan
guage : This Wa-ln r i* simple in c-uii*t ruction ami so j
eay of n|M-ru'ioti that nlt*r a few- moment* of iustrut'lioii -"WrBHBW I
a child ten years old can do the washing. It i* compact — wSfIMHK ■*—-
a child can carry it. It never gel* out nf nrd r. No
<lrlay in fining it t*i any sized tub. It works wholly on
the prim iples nf presi.re; tbs* ruit wear the clothes ill
the lea-t. It will wash the finest luces or the heaviest blankets, IK*I quills or caf|*et. If
water boiling hut i* u*d (which may le roiiliiinniiy tli'iie, a* y**u an- not rtquirx-d to put
your hntnls in the wa er), you IMNNI not b*il the cloiht-* <* free theiii from stain, or hltaeh
tliciu. A* an investment, thi-rt* i nothing jtertaining to domett ie economy that will pay
the purchaser so large a profit as this little UVlirr, l>oili in saving nl T thing ami llut
drudgery nf wa-li-ilay to our wives a, *1 daughters. We are continually in receipt nf testi
monials of the highest commendable character, without a -ingle exception, from tlms** ho
are using th*-se ma* bines, showing conclusively that the design of the iitvei.tor is a cnmplete
success, ami his inrwt saiigiiine iiU-a- of the Wa-h* r aie Iwnig fully and priir .ienlly realii*l.
All we ask is an investigation and a fair trial of this nieeliiiie, ami we know y*ur prejudices
will melt away like Irosl under the morning sun.
We take great pleasure iu showing our Implement* and Seed* In all those who rail upon us.
Every owner of a cow or other cattle should fe**l thctu a portion of Cotton seed or Linseed meal.
For sale hy
Aij:k ll\ii:u A. Co.
ileileliiiite, I'a.
,NIM I'l I > tltlttlit-tifr.
Winlar la..n ngini January i tkHI
Mllmimmiiiih ,i... ***• UM
Wa.l. ... la lit Ma \ 11.
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I I KilKliKKJi K>,
rtepairer of Sewing Machines,
liK. lIK.lt. .11, i A
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Get two Weekly Newspapers
tor the Price of One.
Ard the B(hi Inland Daily at Ke
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