Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 01, 1883, Image 1

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    NIH'C.KKT \ VAN ORMKK, Kill tors.
Vl he tC nitre
T *irm SI.AO par Annum, in Advance
Thursday Moraine, March I, 1883.
Cantro County Democratic Com
mittee for 1883.
liOtllO. ' P. o. A6i.r*.
B IWotilo N. w. J. M. Kai.tilln- lUll- fonlP
• ■ H. W. I'll*.*. Smith "
.. XV. *V. S A Mryiiith>u. "
I? .4pl l—rn. lr I' Laatliara llaward
t'llrahurc Jama* I' Milwhnric
a iihiim •• re. "
PliilltMharK Iw. <• <• ll'-rlintt'-r l'hlll|<sLart;
■ vv. Sol Schmidt
;i VV A. V . Oarpalllar.
1 ninnsitla h"C>. I' J- M-iNitmld Flamm*
M an r twp. Wm. tsfclsr Mlafctil*.
H K -, l*i. Frank T Adam* M!h-hnr*.
It iru-tdo t I' It-Tir* M.-kar Tina 01-iin
Oollsft twp. J din Rg'p
Cirtln two. Joh ii Mi* lo*kcy It-nnd*
I' nrusnn o H J. T McCormh k. *tat- c.dl*p.
>■ | , |. VV Watkar B<K-k S|.rtnit*
o-1- S P. J. lm CoWPOB *|>rtO|t Mill*.
\ |> Mil, I.no- .... Farmer Mill* I
IT tinea i: P. I. • *<•'" W...l*r!. ;
VV . P. G— Bowr AanmalMir*. |
I ,tf .Moon twp. .1 II "Irifflii St rnodoan.
| „ri twp I' VV Marr .HuaUhury.
I mud tp John Olmir 11. ward.
limton tp. -hdin VI Mil.-* ......Julian..
L hartr tP Jam"* P. Linn Blaiicharil
I irl-n twp. J 1 II Oj Walk-r
VIP, tap Kill* E Shnft-r Marh'tduirit
p.llon twp. A/now tMlsrs Jr Kilnu ro. ;
I nn IP. I" II Stofi-r ... IVI-urn. ;
] tt. r N I'. l> J Mrv"t < cntr* Hall.
S. P Samilal Sla. V. Tuarulllr
N p' William Cation phlllpabnrg
* P J T Kcrljr *.m-l) Ki le-
S ma Shoo twp Mm R Hajnoa Sroiw Snoa
Soring twp. I. C. W >w.l .... Bailafoolw.
T it lor twp. llaphurn Klnwrr* K-w !-p.
t ~ twp. .* K Kmart, k Slamlng.
V tk.-r twp J- pk Kmarlik lliil-l-rwl org
Vorili twp. M *. Spoil* .Port Matilda.
XV. Man Wvikr.K.
(iov. ALEX ANDKK 11. STEPHEN* of
(ieorgia is certainly a well Italanced 1
man. He is seventy-one years of age,
and weighs Bcventy-one p muds.
THE conference committee on the i
posial appropriation bill have agreed
upon October Ist, as the time when
the two cent letter postage shall go
into effect.
PHOTOGRAPH* of the L'riuce of
Wales, in masonic drc-, were recently
sold in London at large figures. The
highest price paid for oue, it i* *aid,
w as S9OO.
THE Chamlicrs of Commerce relief
committee of Cincinnati, acknowledge
the receipt of a check of s2,c()o from
Wm. H. Vanderhilt for the relief of
the flood sufferers.
THE oldest man in Mississippi is a
negro said to be 138 year* of age. He
claims to have lieon with Washington
at the battle of Bladensburg. But
all the obi negro*, living anil dead,
were with Washington.
KXTIRE failure to meet the want* of
the people or to appreciate their in
structions of ln*t fall, i* alaiut to be
recorded against the Forty-Seventh
Congress. The Republican party orp
the endorsers of the bankrupt Con-!
gress, and of course liable.
IT is again rumored that Senator
Cameron has determined to withdraw
frotn tjic Senate at the close of the
present session. L riles* some change j
is to be made in the cabinet for width
Senator Cameron is booked, the rumor j
i* not entitled to much credit.
mont, found himself in a police-court
_in St. loouis on the 22d of February.
Hi* veneration for the Father of his
country was too overpowering, ami he
became noisy and turbulent under its
inspiration and went to the lock-up.
IT is claimed that the Democratic
savings iu the House of Representa
tives by the refusal to appoint tho su
jierfluous employes heretofore charged
to the service, is over eighteen thou
sand dollar*, instead of eleven thou
sand four hundred dollars, a* stated
last week.
DOBSKY ASH BRADY, the principles
of the star-route ring, are said to be
much depressed and have little hope
of worrying through. Their tracks
have been unexpectedly laid bare by
the testimony of their own trusted
agents, without any apparent prospect
of plausible explanation to relieve
them. Bob Ingersoll, their attorney,
is correspondingly cross and snappish.
He does not look upon the mistakes of
bis clients with the same disapproba
tion that he views the "mistakes of
Tho Itoma Demanded.
The position assumed by (iov. Fat
tison demanding a strict accountabil
ity of all the money drawn from the
State, is bearing its fruit. Senator
I .ant/ the other day ofl'ered in the
Senate a resolution requiring that all
institutions and organizations (whether
charitable, benevolent or otherwise,)
asking appropriations of the State, be
required to lay before the Senate and
each individual Senator, an itemized
account of the actual annual expendi
ture for the year INS' 2, of said institu
tion claiming such appropriations, and
unless this is done no appropriations
shall be reported. An amendment
suggested by Mr. Laird to include the
year 1881, was accepted by the mover
and the resolution passed. Thus every
institution seeking State aid, is re
quired to make a report under oath of
its ex|>euditures in detail for the years
lsl-82. Mr. l.antz in explanation
of bis resolution, says that it is a
matter of common report that institu
tions in this State receiving money
for their support, the officers never
give an account of their expenditure*
I or for what purposes it is disbursed.
That he has grown ashamed of voting
away public money without knowing
what is done with it, and proposes
looking deeper into the matter in the
future. That is the general sentiment
prevailing in the State, and the Kep*
resent at ives can no longer safely allow
these things to go on in the slip-shod
style which has prevailed for many
years. Hundreds of thousands of
dollars have been voter! away year
after year, and placer! in the hand* of
individuals to he applied to charitable
ami benevolent purposes, without hav
ing received any account of the man
ner the charities of the State have
been disposed of. It is time that a
new departure is caller! for, and we
congratulate Mr. I<entz thai it has
fallen to hi* lot to be the pioneer in a
demand for reform so entirely proper
in itself.
of the Navy, ha* resigned. A slight
unpleasantne-* with Secretary ('hand
ler induced the resignation. The
lieutenant who lite* seen much active
service in hi* profession nod stand*
deservedly high, ha* l> • n on furlough
for some time, ami a* is customary
with officers under furlough, was about
to engage in business. The business
chosen excited the Secretary's sus
picion* of impropriety, if not rivalry,
lie had rented the ship-yard* of the
Heading railroad and under patronage
of New York capitalist.-, was alKuit to
embark in the business of ship-build
ing, which of course would be a rival
of the notorious lobbyist and suhsidarv
seeker, Mr. John Rrnch, with whom it
is Ixlieved the Secretary ha* very
intimate private relations. Taking it
as a matter of course that American
capitalist* would not venture on such
an enterprise with a naval officer, the
Secretary intimates a suspicion that
the Lieutenant is hacked by British
gold. This imputation is indignantly
. denied in a letter to the Secretary,
( who orders him to report immediately
!• the Department for orders. The
! Lieutenant obeys the order, and on
hi* arrival at Washington tendered
his resignation to the President.
IT i* said that Mr. William Mahonc,
who is received at the National Capi
tal as a Senator from Virginia, has
completed his organization of the new
Senate to come in after the fourth of
March. The President of the body it
to be Senator Anthony of Rhode Island,
by the grace of the Virginia Kepudia
nies the story published that he is to
bo married soon after the adjourn
ment, but the Washington papers
won't believe him, and insist that be
has made arrangement* for a perma
nent pair with a North Carolina lady
upon leaving the Senate.
The Work of tho UOUHO,
Mr. IltiHson, Chairman of tli' House
Committee on Appropriations, remark
•>il in the llone the other day, in an
swer to I.Mti'lis, of Lancaster, llmt it
was the purpose of the liernoeruts to
Prolong the session for just us many
days as should he found net . -sary to get
through with all the important work in
hand. In so slating he gave fa r inter
pretation to the will of (he mitj irity
in that body. They will get through in
the one hundred days if possible; hut
they will not go home at the expiration
of the one hundred and f.fty d*vs lo
calise the pay then stops, if the interests
of tlie* people serin to demaud a longer
stay. The present indications are that
the session will not end in one hundred
days, ultl.O igh it is yet too soon to de
termine i erlairdy as to that matter.
l'he business, is much further advanced
than at the same stage of any previous
session since tho adopti n of the new
constitution. <n February )7th. at the
1 s*| session of the House, there ha 1
been 2HJ hills reported from committees,
.*'. had been reached tin first reading,
1 s on second reading, ami - had passed
third reading and finally. At (he close
of February 15th tins year (here had
been 4H hills reported frotn committees,
I'.HI hsd been reached on first reading
anil, 40 on second reading, and 17 had
passed third reading and finally and
; had been message I to the -enale or
Governor. A comparison of these fig
ures not only refute- the allegations of
the Republican press that the House
ha* been unusually dilatory, but show*
that it is exceptionally industrious in-1
h AS accomplished sufficient to give it*
members title to pride in the record
they have made. Wo see it stated in
sundry exchange- of the Malt* irt j er
suasion, of course—that with all the
boasted increase of time devoted to the
labors tif legislation, the present House
is doing but little Li tter than its | rod.
cessor. How much better it has been
and is doing may be lodged from those
figures The House of SI sat 'J hours
on Monday evenings, an i 2 hours p< r
day on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, 1 bur
days and Fridays, or I' hour* per week
in all. This Hou*e sit* •_ hour- ti
Monday evening", five h tits ■ • T ;e
--< 11y and Wedn*d.xy . and three |, or*
on Thursday*, Friday* sr.-l Saturdays, or
'Jit hours in all. It niut t •• remember
ed, also, that the prevent House i- work
ing with a forre of employes twenty
four less n number than the I*Sl ' no.
ami has not yet hid to expend - dollsr
for extra services, which latter fact is
without precedent, the saving, in - s'.a
Ties alone, from this source is Sjl b*i.
The number of employes serving the
201 member* of the House is les than
the number serving the V) Senators,
and there are no " lightning calcula
tors " among them either.
P.etween this and the day of adjourn
ment the House may |>o*sihlv do or
leave undone something to entitle it to
eentttre, but thus far it has merited
nothing but praise, having by it econ
omy and industry folfi'led every prom
ise made by the party to which its ma
jority tielongs and exceeded the most
sanguine expectations of its friends.
This session may strptch to 150 days,
and perhaps more, but, unlike those of
the session of I*Sl, they will be days of
hard work and will tie made to redound
to the advantage and profit of the JKKV
ple.-F '•now Isa<i<-T.
THE House of Representative* hjr
almost an unanimous vote <leeline<l to
concur in a resolution of the Senate
authorizing the librarian of the Sen-
Rte, the incorruptible Del any, to ex
pend a sum of money not exceeding
?.V>oo for supplies for the Senate and
House. The "supplies" does not mean
stationery, hut u brooms, spittoons,
soap, towels, hay rum, ami perhaps
harboring ami trinkets.
Cot.. THOMPSON, of the Washing
ton Pension (>ffiee, owns what he
thinks is the last willnnd testament of
(ieorge Washington. He snatched it
front the baud of a soldier who, with
others during the war, was pillaging
Fairfax Court House. Colonel Thomp
son has also in his possesion, obtained
at the satue time, the original inven
tory of the Mount Vernon estate, made
by Martha Washington. He expects
to preaeut these relic* to the Mount
Vernon Association.
Tho Philadelphia Hoc-order.
The notable victory of Governor I'ut
I ti-on over the enemies of good govern
i ment in the content concerning the
Philadelphia controller.diip, is likely to
• he supplemented by another lntini| h
I in the battle with the audacious schern
era who are struggling to perpetuate the
i oppressive and odious Philadelphia re
rordci - hip. Whether or not the effort
of the governor and the attorney gen
' eral to oust Mr. Lane shall be attended
• by success, one thing is certain : the re
j eordership as it is now constituted and
'administered must go. The law a* it
stands is with the governor ami the
governor is with the law. Hut if through
some inscrutable tieviou-ness of judicial
' construction the remox d of Lane shall
he prevented, the legislature will un
• loubtedly intervene and settle tie
j matter by repealing that put of the
: recorder act which enables the incurn
! bent of the office to Oppress the | eople
by the collection of enorrnou- fee-.
If by any chanch the question of the
power of the executive to remove Mr
Lane now pending in the courts should
I he decided against the governor, -urh a
decision will only have the eilect of
' stirring up the legislature to | erform it-
I duty in the premi*es. Meanwhile there
j is no good reason why the legislature
i should lag in the work of re| • alirig the
' objectionable portion* of the recorder
! act. The democrats certa r.'y do not
wiib tn invent the * f Mr.
Lane, if there should f-e one, with tin
power which they have com pi nil < d the
latter baa exercised. The reput.Leans
• urely do not care to have fuch j ower
• conferred on a political opponent. It
would therefore ap| < ar that there :* no
good reason why a r<q •al 1 .il ho .Id
not he pa-sed at an early ilay. The 10,-
islature need not del iv action I • iu-*-
the question raised in regard to the
power of the goveri or to renio-. .* the
I incumbent of the recorder * 0;.. c i*
pien ting n the court*. TLs! fact should
not deter that t>ody from repealing tl ••
j legislation under wh li l!ec -der 1 •
was made a possibility. M the legisla
ture do its duty without regard t > the
pos*ibieor probable action of the court"
on the question they are call- i up n to
determine. 'I he r-cor er n qurv
shou! 1 be speedily at. i -he l an 1 ti •■
|tiickest way t ■ accomplish that is I .
repealing the statute wh , h brought .!
into existence //ir*- /
fill Mouse ('otnmitt*e on < mmerre.
it may be nccc*ary to ay, is not ur
duly mod< -1. I'rof at.ly no one measure
of all the disreputable mea'iire . arr 1
through the last monn of f'ongre ■
calle<t forth such a storm of rnpr< t.atu n
a* the River and Harlwor bill. 1 f.i wa
so unmistakably a job of the w. rt p
j tde character that it eould not I o w.i.l
ed at. and, one after anotlier, tho men
who were held to he responsible for it
were made to understand that thm
political career was practically over.
Soon after the opening of the present
session these men, pricked through even
their thick skins, made an t It, rt to
justify themaeire* by appealing to the
Secretary of War for a cr tiri#m which
; they hoped would be a vindication <•(
! their scandalous appropriations, (or. as
fine o( their own number | ntbeticady
put it, they were anxious to know why
the whole country wa* crying out on
them aa double d'd rascal). The Secre
i tary's criticism w sharp and to the
\ point and as significant in it* way a* the
1 President's recommendation ttint n<>
similar hill should be I rough! before
; Congress at the present session. \ bill,
only leas monstrous than the hu>t bo
' cau*e it floss not appropriate so many
million", is reported by the Committee
on Commerce with criticisms on the
secretary of War and the President
whleh are plainly meant to be taken as
an insolent defiance ot the popular ver
dict on last year's job The members
of the committee feel emulous, no
doubt, of those gallant bottler outlaws
who die, aa the phrase is, trilh their
boots on i but there is all the difference
in the world between robbers who fight
to the death and jobbers who live to en
joy the fruits of their plunder.—A*. I',
THE Frcsidcut LAS nominated John
\V. Foster of Indiana to be envoy ex
traordinary ami minister plenipoten
tiary to Hpain. Mr. Foster was for
merly minister to Mexico, and It is
much to bis credit unw that this honor
is conferred upon him unexpectedly
and without solicitation.
Tho Tarriff Muddle.
I lie turif! question i-, the difficult
problem tin- lb-publican Statesmen of
i the 1 Liti-c, had to struggle with dur
ing the ia-t wt-i k. Mr. K - !li v ami
his radical party, after spending tunny
week.- in revi-ing the work of the
turif! comini.-ion and cooking it no
to .-nit their own view*, were unable to
sat, f'y a large number of He ir Re
publican brethren ami pa * the bill
report* il at the tail < rid of the s<---iou-
In the nu antitiie tie Republican Sen
ate | a- ' i a biii more at - < jituble jc-r
--liapHtotle mai -rity, but very distarte
fultfi Mr. lxi ih-y ami hi- part v. Hi-nee
the fight t iiiniinnei-d to prevent tin
S mite lull iieing tale n from tie
>pf ak- r - table to In -übrnittcd to it
vote f the Horn* for concurrence.
I o i f'i et thi- all the know n tactic- for ,
obstruction, even to a change of the
rubs, were brought into requisition
and ably weilded to defeat the Senate :
bill, ami either prevent the passage of
any bill, or force through a committee
of e nfcrcnco the acceptance of the |
H-'ii*"- bill, which bail not pawed. I
Having a pliant Speaker t- rub t
order and to ajij int a ffiinmittee to
suit tb emergency, thi- struggle ••! to
"do or nt to do" wa- entered upon 1
with i' -jM rat< energy to b- victorious
tie way or the otic r. Kellev c ori-d
the v-tory ai : secured the c unmitlee. !
But the le-u't i- i -t known as we
go to p;- —. Tin probability is. they i
will agr< e up jii a bill, and whether it !
b< of tin- S. nar- < r II use c :,tru< •
lion tnakf- little 'litl- r- nee. a- m-ither
i- lik• !v t > n- -atisfaetory t-- the coun
try a a r< :i ami nu lificati n
t 1 ;-- w ..r tariff, t'.e - j,pri-- .n* < f which
the p.. pie eompiain to jutly.
Ml:. MI'I'IIJ i; IV. THE New .1, r- y
>*nator, i-ti i relay la-t admin -ten d
a vig : nis reluikf t >•. ri tare < han
dler, of the Naxy I >-partnient, for hi*
apjiearante in tin hall ' ! the -f nate
a- a lobbyist : r a bill enlarging iii
own | wer-. lie also einbram-l the
oocEti MI t • say that the Pniidtot,
after r, al. ;,g cr< ilitable nominations
for tie ,'lui - tli -r- of the rabinet,
bnd "fit- end, d to the lobby to fintl a
-ecrt tarv of the Navy.' Thi- i- net
tho • ■:.!\ nd. t'.i nl!at '! . .e r. bv
irnptidci;-1, may g • int • 1 t water.
Hi- allt nip: t i , ati i ic-ult
Lieut (ion ogt becauM t hat officer,
wliowa- on J-iri ogh. had the ninlin-ity
ti Ht tip a rival *— • -1' .I)tix u* !• .1 n
Roach in p 1 ;. id ing, w... m : h <-r
cri iitnlili to tb. .- • retary a- a man
or the bead of tin-Navy I)epertinent.
Till House of R pr*-i ntativi * did
a very co'iimcudable act the other day
when it n fuse*! to appropriate f?l<L00(
ti distribute "-inal. - matiual. 1'••
larg- inn int apprnpriat'd fur the
pun ha-' of tinx manual* |*rhap-.
a legitim.iit < \p- oliture, buf win u it
is di-tribute 1 :i- act luplnncut to afi w
cherished fiieud- of each no nil ' r for
favor- r reived, or in pi< pt-cti v<, tin y
ought not to he deprived of the full
weight of the c mpliineut by the uu
wise meddling ot the pubiie Treo-urer.
Ii appi-ar-from the investigation in
progress HI the c<nt -it I election ( asi
of Masey v-. Wi-e. in Virginia, that
Mali one improved largely u|n the
incihtxls of the IVnnsvivania ho--i*.
His method wa- to loan tax receipt*
to vote on and then to be returned by
the voter. This was decidedly econo
mical, required the expenditure of no
money am! raved the State from leing
burdened by any excess of fund*.
THE Commercial (tiurtte publishes a
despatch from Bhawiicetown, 111.,
stating that the river is slowly falling,
but that the water is fivo feet higher
then ever before. The high wiud
moved many house* from their foun
dations and several hundred were
swept away. Many homeless people
have lost ail and are suffering for
shelter and food. The railroad depot
wa* also swept away. The estimated
loss is $200,000.
I jitT Aiiiiiiin,in Advance.
of tho Insane Asy
lum limruri at Pittsburg.
ihtmom u in A'.r !!• - or men,
| 111 A I 'Hi Ml II INMATE.
j I 11,. I'm,. ,1.
I'iti -111 H' . J'.t I .-bruary 2k.—The
committee oppninted by the legislature
' 'oinvi tignte (he charge, of cruelty at
the \\ c*t<-rn I'cnnnylvan ia in ha ne a*y-
UUJ convene'l to-day, Ihe testimony
, -licile-l developed (he mo *t ahocking
■mil hrutsl treatment. A. 11. Hopkins,
a former inmate vrho ha. hince became
-.me. detailed a story fully a. damag
ing i|gain:-t the institution a> that of
''r. Kevin* He stated that he was fre
quently put in a straight-Jacket, struck,
choked and stamped upon by the at
tendant* until lie became insensible,
lie raw three attendants put a strap
around the neck of an inmate and pull
it so tight that the man was almost
strangled. They then jumped on hi*
body and carried him half dead to the
bath room. 1 n another occasion Hop
kin* testified that an inmate was laid
down in bed and so badly abused that
he died two hours afterwards. The
witne-s did not *<<• this himself, but he
offered to produce an affidavit on the
sub ect. The food given the inmates,
he *v. 1, was unsavory and insufficient,
i'r. Kevins wa l - also examined, and re
iterated his story of the shocking cruel
ty practiced at the lastitution that he
had gone to the asylums of his own ac
cord, but afterwards to get out had writ
ten to friends, but they said the letters
were not received. Huring the first
year he was once thrown down, the at
tendant falling upon him and with
h fist* rubbing witnea*' ribs so hard
that he w.v compelled to stay in bed
three r.r four days Witness knew of
several per- •>* kept in the institution
who are m • insane. Most of them had
" cap, r. but were harmless. Jtegard
in? cruelty to others he cited a number
of case-. ''ne old man named Morris,
n-*ne and unable to work, was thrown
on the lioor and severly hurt. A man
nsni' i 1 hnmni sk"d the attendant
for a broom. The attendant threw him
down. n?: "< >. pet : you dutchman."
W hen j < ked up Thumtn had blood on
h f ice. and a few days after wa* dead.
Ihe r.. • ' ,'s'i .n v. at adjourned until
to-morrow J.V. C.
Im 1; v. .1, I Hamilton, a I'crrv
c unt) I'ri -hvt< ian clergymaD, ami
■er , ! ivi filtsi a petition in theScn
atf favoring the adoption of the whip
pug p -t in thi- Stati for tin- punish
inent 'ri r :ai:t Times. They Inhere
that i rj real punishment w.,uld be
ni'.ri iif ttial in certain grade* of
fe i- than any "titer legal proecea,
•l! < mniunity saved the expense
f supporling prisoner*.
1111. Michigan legislature i- still
voting ). r a 1 iiite.l State* Senator.
I he vote on I' riday showed no sign of
agreement and left Smator Kerry very
low in the scale —five faithful adbt
r :it* only remaining. This is a *iid
• !iuW:igt >r one who took so important
a part in Mealing the office of a Dent*
oeratio President for the benefit of the
lb-publican parly.
Hi lilt! i i. was examined reoritlv in
the Virginia contested ease, and stabs!
that hi* collections on B-*es*nirnl
amounted to $2-50,000, but that he
burnt all the hook* and papers and
could present no documentary evident e
on the subject, lie was discreet at
least, more so than many an admit
scoundrel who did not |K-*es his fore
Miss. Mmt\ Dakiro, one of the
sufTercr- in the Spuyton Ihiyvel disas
ter on the N". V. Central and Hudson
Hirer railroad some time ago, has
compromised with the company fir
and A. H. Va'entine, the
father of the Mr. Valentine who, with
his bride, was killed in that sad affair,
receives $-5,000 for each.
Whkn it is remembered how nobly-
General Grnnt came to General Kit*
John Porter's rescue, it can he taktn
as quite a coincidence that the Grant
retirement bill and the Porter relief
bill both died in the same committee.