Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, February 22, 1883, Image 1

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    She Centre CUmocrat,
r \[he Centre TUmocval
TMI-lU* $1.50 per Annum, in Ailn nor
9 T SHUOtRT AJ. K VAN ORM N, Editor..
Th'iroday Morning, February 22, 1383
Cantro Caunty Dimocratio Com
mittee for 1883.
Mttmrt. *. r o r>i,*r—
-11 'llrC-nt N * •' M K rhtlns. 1-M- "t.t
s W. Cl, -mi'ti
W \V S C M< 1>I IWM ""
I! tw.rl ls.ro, Iro C II aril.
■llllAWl " -I "• * f I n-- MiO-l.ii.*
Ml 11.—4... " K t' !l' Millli-lni
I W. I I! 111-. 11 -- 'p.. Millll-l-llti;
W Set Sclnni.il ... .
•- a W A V (VrpMrt* .
I iiliinnill. Irnni. I' ■' V* Is-n-M VlfialUK.
II u-i -r tw . Win l-Mii,. IVllpl n'#
Rig*. Imp. I rttiik 1' Plant* Mi|."'.llfg.
I-tr.i.l.l# twp 11. nr. \|- kr. I'tn- lUt-nn.
C ill. gt I* p. J lilt K U|. I rnnmt.
Cnrii.t lp .Inhn S|.-'l.i*k.o, H-nml.,
I.rpiwn or. JT ■( IIOI.IV -t..ls IM
K p I U Wa-k-r ll.rli Spring..
0r..-< S I' .1 ■!••. <•- .1.1i 11. Spring Ml la ,
N I'. Win I..am Kt.mil Mill.
BtlM K I'. I. r.SI-v.i Wwlnii
I. w I*. la. it .WIT Aanxi.l-mrg,
iiir Medetwp J n Orttn
Ilcna tap 1' w M-vsr Ikml-lmfg.
11-maril lap. Jnlttt OI.QI I|..a*r.|.
11.i.l ilt tap. J "In. I. Mi! . I I
Lttir-Ijr lap. Jni> P 1.-inn Mn.-hird
Mitrl-u tap. .1 l II". W-lfc-r.
Miiiw lap. Fill. I ■Oi.f-r, Mmlia" l iir.-.
I'ltl-11l ta p. Agt na Sail, t., Jr Flllm-ra
I'r-utl tap. P IIMDW Ceßurn
1' tt-r S P, D J. Mrtfi f it'. II •!!
• jnti"ip' <Urk 1 •*•* vtit#
Hwb N.P \Villlnrii ...
j l .1 T K ri, Rid .
Ii r tkmtwp. Ww i; flj i - 8a ■ -
B,.ring twp. ۥ Wo "' lk#Hifnl\
Txi tc t*| M\ - ► *l*r.
I i t*p. 8 K Km-tuk TVtnlttg.
w ~ r iwt. 2 * ; 4 Km rkk lInUW
Worth twi. M vS SpoTtA %tr M it ) U.
\\ t\ IIKINLK.
W MILM Walkf*
THE raemhere of the < i vi! Si rvico
Commission has beeu named hv the
President They are Dnrman li. Ea
ton, of New York, chairman: Dr.
(ireeory, of Michigan and Judge
Thornan, of Ohio.
RCADINU has a man named Rich
ards, who has a fancy for proving on
the railroad before advancing ioei.nio
tiv s. The locomotive lias lieeit indtl
and good tempen J thus far, but it
that fail, faith may come t" grit f.
THE confessions of Rcr-hJI one of
the stalwart operatives holding confi
dential relations to the principal
thieves, is very damaging In 1 • r-v
and Brady, and'leaves them sea reel)
a glimmer ol hope !" r ampiilta!.
THE Demoeratic -Slate Exi iitive
('onmittee at an.< "-ling held in Phila
delphia on Friday li t, decided upon
Harrishurg h- the pi i:e I r ii tiding
the next D.mocratio State Cotiven
tin It will be In 11 August h.
OVER six hundred hills liave leeti
read in p'ac in the Senate and 11u.-'*
at Harrishurg. Fhcsc in addiii ,n to
the appmpriaiiou hills and other lm-i
--lies a that must necessarily claim at
tention is u formiiiahle array, and
ought to keep the statesmen of that
body fnni u(!'. ring ennui for
J tired days.
TilS Republicans nre sufTiciently
acute to know that party tlissensious
prevail somewlieri>, and from force of
habit imagine they exist in the Dt mo
cratic partv. Where and in what is
Ijpyond their ken. By opening their
—-cyt-Xjust a little, it might occur to
them that the other fellows r<w in
that boat now, not the Democracy.
WE are much gratified to note the
f evident prosperity of our rney newsey
favorilk- at the State Capital, the Hnr
risburg Patriot, in the addition of a
rotory H ie Press, capable of printing
10,000 sheets an hour. This excellent
paper reaches here in the morning
many hours in advance of any other
dailey from the north or east, is sound
in principle as it is ample in news, and
should be appreciated by our people
utid liberally patronized.
Oo*oßAf>o has recently sent two
beautie* into the United Slates Senate,
Jjowen and Tabor. The first it is said
stele the law library of Arkansas and
carried it to Colorado nd only •urren*
r dared it upon a warrant. Whether
the other fellow steals or not, is not
stated, hut is to "onery " too live with
his wife. Tiny aro both rich enough
to purchase the honor from a Repub
lican legislature to represent a rotten
borough in a Republican -Senate.
Pnge i:v Controller.
By the dcckdon of the Supreme
C>urt in reference to the Controlhr
muddle in Philadelphia which bus ju.-t
been unnminccd, (> v. I'attisou scores
a gratifying vindication of his judg
ment as well as his law. \\ h**n he be
came tJoverimr he umninatcd S. Davis
Page to he Controller in Philadelphia
in his stead. The nomination failed to
obtain the two-third vole ol tin Senate
necessary to confirm it and the coun
ctls ol l'l.ildilelphia believed and wet
a<ivised by city solicitor West, that i(
was their right to elect the controller.
Coder this belief ami advice the city
councils elected a Mr. Taggarl cmitr -I
ler. He was enjoined by an injunction
is-uid out of the Court of Common
Pleas from entering the < tli o, \\ hi! •
this was going on the (Jovernor ri
uominated Mr. Page, ami his notuiua
tion was confirmed hy the Senate. Tin
Attorney General, at the iustatiee of
one of the judges of the Court ol Com
mon Pleas issued a writ of ipi'i war
ranto against Mr. Taggart to show
euiisc why lie exercised and by w hat
right he held the office of Controllor.
Upon the argument of the case the
court eat red judgment of ouster
against Mr. Taggart. A writ of error
was immediately taken to the Supreme
Court of the S'ate. The caso was
ably and elaborately urgued one day
last week, and the judgment hv the
lower court ali'r ned. The laei that the
position of the Governor ha- been sus
tained by the courts is a matter of
congratulation. It will strengthen
hi (ii in his purpose to do right what
ever clamor may be used to harrass
him, and cai-e the people of the state
to have confidence in hi* judgment.
He need fiar no power if the peoph
nre on his side, ns well its right and
law. But what must the people i f
Philadt Iphia think of a * licitor woo
-eemed to kt. v-I little about the law
as to advise tl - city Treasury let t>
pay warrants even iiit< r Mr. I'.i ;■ *
title bail la-1 confirmed l y the court
ofl ommou pi< a ? I; ability of that
kind is what the city pay* lor, there
i- i. - win. ler tin ir 1). purimenl* are in
i annual muddh*.
;!.■ Il< mliog r a I. ih-liiercd nu .ni
dus, in the hall of the Hon- of il p
n- ntativi - or.e i veiling la-t week on
ilie -iibject of tr- ight diiK-rimiiiatioii-.
It wa* cirlain'y a great sjieceli, and n
masteriy pn-entati n of the suhj ei.
It was made In l r-- the i iiiimittee in
v:>, w n| the hill recently itilr<altud hv
Mr. lluliiig of Yeniuigo to prevent
dix-rim nation in fnight aud provid
ing renudy in the courts. At the
conclusion of his sjieech, Mr Gowen
present'd a liill he had prepared which
he believen would nn-re efFei-tually
reach the etui of jusf ce hod in viiw.
nlid asked it to he substituted for Mr.
Huliug's hill. We know nothing,
comparatively, of the merits of either
hill, or the necessity of legislating on
the subject at all, but the mover of the
bill before the House, and Mr. Gowen
seems to lie in pretty close accord, as
the former at one expressed satisfac
tion and intimated a determination to
adopt the substitute. But hi* scathing
review of the Standard Oil Company,
any body can comprehend and appre
ciate who would protect our people
from the vandalism of a foreign cor
poration as corrupt as it is tyranical
and impudent.
this stale is after Gen. Ha/.en, chief of
the Signal Bureau at Washington.
His charges arc so pointed and damag
ing as to demand investigation. He
claim* that Hazen who is an officer of
the army is extravagant, corrupt and
guilty of conduct unbecoming an offi
cer, and demands investigation. The
general, it appears, docs not fancy lo
he tried hy court martial, and appealed
to the Secretary of War, to ask a t*pu
miltec of-Senators to investigate tW
charges, which the -Secretary declined
to do.
Who Will 130 Responsible.
It is simply willful prevarication lbr
republican pnpf r* to assort that if tin
extra M'ssiiiii - f congress i* called the
responsibility f.-r it will r< -t with the
democratic minority. The only ex
cuse that can bo mad- I'm calling i n
extra < --ion will Is the failure to pn-s
the i,eot - ary appr- priati n hills.
1W huvr IM-CII delay.<l oy TL. di
cussioii of the t riti bill. It tin- tnrilf
bill bad not bi i n held in committi c
fur (ight wo k- a pro|K-r and ju-t
measure might liuvo boon pa-od hv
this time and there would have boon
no delay of other Icgi-dutm:!. There i*
no mar tier of use in attempting to dis"
pule the l.i l that the responsibility for
not only uu (Xiru session, if there
should I• one, hut also for either the
failure to p;.s- a taritl' bill or the pas
-age of one which i- ace. ptablc only lo
the inono|M)lists, will rest with the re
publican majority.
it i* true the minority did object to
the attempt of the republicans to rush
the appropiiation hills through witti
outdiscu-sioti and fortunately prevent
ed it fr< m Iteing suceessful. Thedein
- crata have had too tun li experi- nee
with republican appropriation liill- to
permit them to g i tin ugh uu-- rutin
i/.ed. i'hey mu-t he watched on ac
count of the jolt- and "snake*" which
are very apt to tiud their wav into
them in ( xnrnitiee. The Hurt made
by the democratic minority to prevent
the j oph- frcui h ing robbed in this
way ha* Iweu taken advantage of hy
the republican tiiaj iritv ami the rial
w.irt pre#-of tin-country i- now making
every Hurt to convince the | pic
that <.'■ ■ ratio obstruction of legisla
tion ha- prevented the passage of a
tilt Iff bill and will make an extra so
siofi n f-,:iry. N - man of c-iminon
■ rise who lias wat'-hed tin- - ur-e mar
trs hui taki II in i - ;r sfr.-nthc
- art can be c t,vmcp, u t| . y,
riiinnl l- IIS an- i-i c-'inpletcly tlie re
it r-e < : the t; a. I. ■ repu'ilii ni -
ar- try i g ', >• <ild iw.-r- ihafge,
■'Alien Vol KII S V..11 hI v- It I CM— ,
I) lekguar.l tlm other i /'-r rn,t
Tin: itltix ■ fulot growth of nur
country, Wt. \.rthw<-t niui s .uili,
may l imagitnd inchr the stimulus
of a iii •• 11 <!ii-Ir\ which Im-i recently
vung n|>. II nl i- referred ti I• %• ih"
Con inr.nsi '/ <<•* Sliir. Win n tin* in
dustry i- F nk< II in hand by Yankee
• werpri-', the r. t ill in in .1 "hi ~
- -iii H- t Sit r • It i-. 11 .tit nt the
lll. uiiitai lure of r-Ivmu• tc bnuns,
winch arc slop; > >i t mil parts in ■ lew
■IHVS II ticc. " fhl -C hoU*EI" Ml vi tin*
•S'fur an- enmph-t in •v< ry repcct and
I nil Ii put together in a very few
■ lav*. It ii no uticiimmnn thing fur
the inntinficlnrem to send out hv 000
train an entire hhick "f buildings, and
f irnetimci even nn entire street. It i
said that at quest fur un entire vil
ligr like the following is unci i mew re
ceived by the builder*: "What i
your I- west/ijfure t>r five stores, two
wagon ami two blm k-nnth ihn|w, and
one Methodist anil one Presbyterian
Church, twenty five cottage*, a town
hall and n lock-up, to be delivered
within eixty day*?' A telegram Rak
ing "What ran you furnish a tidy
Cottage, *2x4o feet, with bay window
and veranda for?" is frequently re
ceived. The extent to which this in
dustry ha* developed, may be realised
from the fact that IMI H'>D a single
factory shipped 220 ears of this kind
of material Its manufacture is main- ;
!y confined to Canadian*, a singular
tact, the Yankee being supposed to ■
take up with any enterprise that bids j
fair to succeed oftert before the one j
who conceives it has time to mnke use
of his idea. A large proportion of the
houses in and around Winnepeg are
said to be. of the ready made kind,
kliese bouses have not yet lieen very
generally used <>u the United States
side of tbe line, but the indications
are that the emigration to Dakota next
spHng arid summer will he so great as
to render it al> olutely necessary if the
newcomers would h*vc a shelter to
cover them.
Tho Farce About Ended
Thk farcical response of the Repub
lican management lo tljc d mauds ui
the people for u revision of the Wai
Tariff and Revenue Ta\t • i* uhoul
played out with the i xpiring agoni--*
of the -17il Congress. 'I lie result i
what wus very lurg-Iy anticipated,
and ia truthfully referred to and de
fer i bed ill remarks of the Wa-hingtiui
I'out :
" Before Congress a**embled the lead
ing protectionists of that body openly
declared against any tariff r> vision
und made u vigorous i tf-ut to work up
public opinion in favor of that po'i- \
But for the firm stand taken hv the
President, in hi* annua] mc-agi. in
favor of reducing tatiff taxation, and
the hearty indorsement of In* po.*ition
by the people, tie re would have been
hut a slight [ri tense of doing anything
with tie- tarilf. Seeing, however, that
there must lie at least a show of com
pliance with the popular (li-mat)-l, the
monopolist* in Congr-with careful
premeditation, entered on the farce
that i* now m arly ended—tie- prdi-n-i
of trying very earnestly to do some
thing, while they were determined that
nothing should be done. Thi* i* tin
story of the hu-ine** in a nutshell, and
it i* a complete explanation of ali that
ha* bun done on the tariff in h--th
hou*es. < )ue part of the programme
only ha* tailed. It wa* the intentii-n
i of the majority leaders, not inert I v t hat
they would have no revision of the
tariff ami no reduction ot the inn den*
under that bead, that, hv n*uni
mate foxine.**, they would make the
.minority appear rcspui-.ble tor a fail
ure foieordainet! by the nntiuinv i r
I by th.- leaders of the mnj-irit v with the
in-quit-ei oce of their U-'ptihlicnii ao
--. ciates. fin* section of the pl.n i-r
plot has niiss-arrit-l di a tru*ly. Tie
inin rity ha- hown g i t nip- r and
.-reat discretion. Ther hive I- -n >.
I-miH-ratic ob*tructi t. ts. I, D u
ccrai* have f iiitcndi -1 oniv !-r their
-elf i \ id- lit right*. f I i , • : . v.
-uMain them in what tlu-v h.iv- d m
in regard to taxation during this
• i in a* overwhelming!* n- i in ! r-.-d
tlieni last tall f->r d-1- nng the iu
ti-inpiihle humbug tax rrdiici n lull
ol the ii iu*e R- publican ime )• f j.-
authors of the failure, which i- about
to he consummated in tie Capitol,
tnut take the obloquy tiny have * ■
richly earned. Their capneiu t<> pl--i
i :ar in i xec-s of their ability t - i xc'
<ute. Again we have the old story of
I laiiiHii hung nil Ibe gall-iw - lo i reeled
for Mordeeai.
Fur: IIoue .ludicial A; pirtiortnient
<en mit tee have rep -tried a hill thr- ugh
Mr. Mel) iinild, of Cambria. Ii it
duces the number of District* from
fifty to forty six, and di*pen*i - with
four law judges and tourUx ii a - iate
ju g-s. The judicial districts are e*
follows :
First, Philadelphia ; N* nd. Lancaster;
Third, Northampton . F -irih, Tioga ,
Filth, Alh-gh-nv ; Sixth, Krl*; S-refith,
ft e k ; Ktghth, Noribtimta rUtid . Ninth.
Cunitx-rland Tenth, \V--*;ti r. -an-l ;
Klevpoth, Luzerne; Twelfth, flwuploi)
and I.elianon; Thiri-enih, Brs.lfur-.! ;
F'mirieentb, Fafette; Ftfn .-riih, I ii-*;.-r ;
fstxleenlh, Lai kawanna; Setent- n 1 , F?ut
-1-r MI -1 Lawrence : Eighteenth, < •*r<-r< ;
Nineteenth, York ; Twentieth, • *mhrin .
Twenty-first, Sehuyikill; Twenty--ecrond,
McKean ; Twenty-third, Iterk*; Twenty
fnurth, !!!s;r and Huntingdon; Twenty
fifth, Clearfield; Twenty-'ixtb, Indiina;
Twi vi-ntfi; Wie-hlngt-n ; T .e-jtj.
eighth, Venango; Twenty-ninth, Lyo til
ing; Thirtieth, CrawforJ; Thiriy fir-i'
I<ehigh ; Thirty-'pe.-nd, Delaware ; Thirty,
third, Arin-trong; Thirty fou-th, Suopio
hanna ; Thirty flnh. Mercer; Thtrty-<ilh
Montgomery; Thtrty-eventh, Fulton,
Franklin and Adam*; Tbirt>-eigbt, Ilea
ver ; Thirty-ninth, lt-*lf ird and !jiiner-et;
Fortieth, Centre, Union and Snyder;
Forty first, Mifflin, Juniata and Perry ;
Forty-second, Columbia, Mm tour and Sub
livan; Forty-third, Warren, Forest and
Klk ; F'-irty-fotirth, Wayne and Pike;
Forty-filth, Monroe ami Carbon; Forty
sixth, Ulinton, Potter and Cameron
Thirty eight of flteee tliafritf* arc
entitled to I'reiiident Judge*. The
riitg|<t diatricta are those having 40,.
000 inhahitauU, among which ia our
old aaaociatc, Clearfield.
TKKMN: $1.50 per Annum, in Advance.
The Ploodn,
This -i tln* have been un
usually il.-uMious in every direction
hut 1111 ih>' Ohio river ami its tributa
ries it ha* been appalling beyoriil pre
- !• nf. < iiiciiina'i, 1/utisville, New
Albany ami other |ibices have kuiit&in
< ! iiiinien-e In--, running into million*,
ami gn. t suffering uinoiig the people,
i-h-ii, women mid child en, thou-amii
ot whom are rendered hornt-lewH and
iletituti ol all lliey [a**eH*ed. The
• itv ot Law rcttreburg, it appear* frotn
a inrri -p-indent, who procured a steam
• r to *i-it it, i- |K-euliurly a victim of
tin angry wave*, being entirely üb
merged. I r three dava the citizena
were without food. In the lower por
li• net the city, where the poorer
i .U--I- reide, everything ia destroyer],
■ xeept perhaps the dwellings, and
they of course are much damaged.
Hundred* of the houses are from ten
to fifty feet under water, from which
the people were driven without Iteing
able to save any of their properly, to
i i- erowde I together by hundreds in
tin- public building*. The correspon
ih nt who details this sad record con
tiliue- :
" I in- reporter steamed alongside the
f'oorl llnuip, woolen mills, churches,
' .ri iiuu* fm'ti riei and public school
molding*. All ot the shore name'!
building* were crowded and jammed
"tb | |de re*eui-il from w*tery grave*
10 t •• larger and more secure reaiden
< • - liii- f..indies h*ve been driven to ihe
second i third *tone*. fhoa* of ibe
nmre we,ld,r classes extend to their
1 fortunate neighbors the band ot a*
;-i*nce and give thern places beneath
their roof*, iin the principal stree *
i lie w*t. r r itige* from een lo tweotjr
f ve fei-t deel l. Although precaution
i :*•) in a men.ore t.een taken and pro
p-rtv removed front the lower stones,
out 11111e it fact hit* l>een saved. Hut
' * of the merchants were able to save
rite- five Is I nous inds and thousands
• I io|. ,r-' wott h of t.ousefiold property
11 i i- Hi rendered worthies*. There
e m *nt families who |-o--esed nolh
g i.i i t '.an i heir nou-enold pro|wriy.
ug .list he. have lot nil they
■ *r- l t gre.it many of the stoader
iHI * in the low land* have t-oefi
w. | i >,.t and lie.u-e* „nd eotiteois
oreter ! t lo the onneis."
IHi subject of the entire unifor
■ n v ; bsllof- in the elections of the
"ihi i- attracting public attention,
and -i v> r. I lull* have (teen introduced
in tin- j. gislaliiic having ibis in view.
-i ■ ret of the fiallot i* to be
hiitih'ai' id ami the iudepeudenew of
l,e ii r -eeur'sl again*! the demands
id tie -<• who claim to rigulate the
mn*i ii'iii I* if men not in condition to
-si rt th ir manhood at all times, by
• •r • i n. *:riiigciit ei act men l should
ie- mailt *iirh a* will not admit the
■ t;ii gid an i or placing a mark of
identifii atioii on a ticket, without
*evi re penally. It ha* become too
much a practice, not in /Am Uxnltiv, we
are happy to say, that the man who
employ* hb> r ha* g--t hime|fjnto the
fe lief thai b> riß'on of that employ
menl, he pos*e-* * a chatlt I mortgage
upon the laborer, who when the elcc*
t .on* coo ,i round ia, under surveillance,
bound t vme according to instructions
ind no? upon his own manhood a* a
free citizen. This is one of the cor
r uptioii* Bud difficulties of our elective
yptcm, and any act of the legislature
that will guard the purity of a free
untriiinmelcd ballot to every man. rich
or poor, a a priceless personal boon
breach, unquestioned and uninfluenced
by assumed maters, is to be com- (
It i now a year and a half since
the present election eonimittee in Con
gress wa* organized under the Chair
manship of ('alkins of Indiana, and it
i* throe days since the last contest waa
disponed off The promptness distin- |
guishiug the eonimittee in its early
work, w hen stealing seats to make a
afe Republican* majority was inorder,
was conspicuously absent in this last
canc. The rnntctilant and the mates
tee however will each obtain full pay
and will IH? satisfied. But who ia re
sponsible for the fraud upon the tree*
nry, for it is nothing else than a nak
ed, bald fraud ? Is it Calkins and hit
Committee,or the majority who per
mits such things to ha done T
NO. H.
A eteh holding the bill of the Tariff
Commission in his Omtrnitleo for eight
weeks, .Judge Kelley last week cx
, pressed the belief that it was a physi
cal impossibility to pa** a tariff bill at
this session. Was then not some good
motive in the tardy movements of the
judge leading up to this result ? It is
said that at no time could the high
tariir protectionists, "depend ufs.n
their men 1 and were better satisfied
with the tariff'as it is, than any change*
suggested by the Commission.
MICHIGAN is still struggling with the
| Senatorial question. No electiou has
yet been effected and the indication*
are gaining strength every day that a
i new deal must be made, and that Ferry
is hopelessly doomed to defeat. When
the defeat of Ferry is accomplished,
the signs are that the "harmonious
party" are not much better off than
when they commenced the struggle
many weeks ago, as it will then be
Ferry's time to kick.
; IT seems to be generally believed
that William E. Chandler, the Secre
tary of the Navy is to succeed Mar
shall Jewell as Chairman of the Re
publican National Committee. Well,
what liill Chandler does not know of
"ways that are dark and tricks that
are vain no one needs to know. He
will not at least need Hubbell or even
Cameron, or any other b<*s instructor*
1 iu moving the most elaborate political
machinery in the IC publicati service-
FOUR or five days only remain of
; the existence of the present Congress,
and then craes the inquiry "what
I has it done to relieve the burdens of
• '.he people of the inexcusable war
j taxes which ha- le-cti uuueceasarily re
, mined to oppress them T" The Re
publicans had to face this abuse of
power at the la-t election after the
first ae*ion, mud the result was not
inspiring to the party. It is not diffi
cult to predict that the continued
| oppression will have a telling influence
j on the result of the irn|>ortanl election
to come off next year when they a-k
for a new lease of power. The peo
ple will endure much, but they will
not submit to be robbed rear after
year and not turn upon the robbers in
<;VN, died nt hi* residence in New
York on Thur day lat, after a pro
tracted illness aged 72 years. He was
elected Governor of New York in
Ire-elected iu l*bO; and served in
the Senate of the railed .States for the
term ending in 1A69. Gov. Morgan
was appointed bv President Arthur
Secretary of the Treasury, and un
confirmed hv the Senate, but deciioed
the office on account of advanced ago.
He leave* a widow and an e-late c-ti
raateil at 812 000.000, but no children
—his only aon Dr. Edwin ('. Morgan,
having died jn ISBI. He had many
personal acquaintances iq this county,
and at one time held a large into est
in the Philip's estate in Philipshurg
and Hush township.
THE saving of 811.400 to the State
by the dismissal of a large number of
unnecessary employes is not an incon
id> rable item, and will be counted as
a very creditable reform to Speaker
1-uunce and Chief Clerk Meek and the
small, but efficieut, corps of assistants.
Tbe session of the legislature at best is
au expensive necessity, hut under Re
publican supremacy it had simply be
come an enormous fraud, made so
largely by a system of providing sine
cures for impecunious party worker*,
who rendered little or no service to
the state. While the House and its
officers have thus done well in recog
niziug the reform spirit abroad, the
Senate fail to respond to 11 • demand
and continue to stand; by their sine
cures and their INjlaney'i with unabat
ed sternness. The dou't care* for the
people air now assumed, thty may
want to modify and explain hereafter.