©he Centre Democrat. Thuritiaj Morning, February 8,1883. ogAA*4> + Ml •il fr.Mii Ally |Hri l ••<- ouiitilv. No c.imuite s la 4 >rUil itu !••*• COUHI(NIIN b) ill* UAUIP of • wiltor Local L>c|artiunt. —s37. Oh I Mr. Miller Tiffin is in town. Mr. J. W. Miller returned to his work on Friday last. Mr. Jesse ltichards, representing th< Philipsburg Jnumnl, called on Tuesday. —Our friend Mr. J I'. Iloagland, ol Williamsport, lost hi* pocket book, in Milesburg, In.-t week. We lliafik lion. A. G. Curtin, M. C.. for public documenta. —Joseph Baker, K-q , of Lemont, ac com pa n led by hi* daughter, paid us * friendly visit on Tuesday. —The irial of the case of Centre counl> vs. the ex-County Commissioner* wa postponed until April court. —On Saturday, our (riends, Mr. W. T. Ilair, ol the I'hliipsburg Jiiurnat, HI d 'Squire Hess, of tho same town, paid u* a visit. —On Monday 'Squire Long, of Ixmg ville, who is not oily the acting po*tma*i er and justice of thu peace, but is a capabb auctioneer called on u. —W. D. Blackburn, State Organ! /.or ii the interest of Constitutional Prohibition writes the State Convention will bo belo at llarrisburg in May next. —The barn of Mrs. Gill, who lives b* low Pleasant Gap, along Nitlany Mum tain, was destroyed by tiro on Monday night. Ore horse and four cow* perished. —Tho proprietress of an Alloona hoU proposes to pott in a conspicuous place, il the bar room of her house, a list of thos> who refuse to pay bills they contracted at the bar. Duprrr. & Benedict's gigantic min strel# at Reynolds'opera house on Satur day, 1 Tib instant. Read press notices elsewhere. Chart and reserved seat* at Brew's. —The ladies of tho Presbyterian Mil' S'iciety tender their thanks to tho citizen of Bellefonto for tho very generous patron age bestowed upon their late entertainment to Mr. Sands for much kindness and use ••• his room, and to Mr McMillan, of th- Urockerhouff H uise, for his Itfwral supply of coffee. Mr. W. L. Malin, who, for 10, th*. many years, ha# conducted the business o the W. U. Telegraph company, at tbi place, with such eminent satisfaction to bo employers and customers, has accepted th superintendency of the Central Pa. Tele phone A Supply Co. with headquarters *• Williamsport. McMillan's Set'ond Annual Commer cial Men's Banquet, take* at Th- Brockt rh'ff, on Washington's Birthday. Feb. 22d, 188-1, at !) o'clock, P. M. Tie en'ire Commercial Men's Fraternity ar> invited to bo present on this compltmen tary occasion. There will be no special invitation* issu>>d. Mr. John Noble, of Lock Haven, a job printer of much experience and de. cijed ability, ha* taken charge of the jot. department of this offi . Person* deir ing artistic work, at fair prices and upon short notice are reminded of tne fact mat now i* the time and this the place to hav. their orders promptly and faithfully filled —Mr Frank Keller, of this county, tins a clerk in one of the Department* at Wash ington, was married recently to Mi** Cor* Colyer, whose father was at one time prominently connected with the Penn'a State College. The happy couple expected to reach this place on Tuesday, but were detained by the late di-astrous fixd*. We hasten our congratulations. Mr. J Lewis Shaeffer, of Dakota, HI , write# us in substaneo that Bellefonter* have no real cause of complaint on ac • oint of cold weather, ix-causa out there on thu morning f Jn 21, the thermom eter registered 34° below xero. Well, Lew. that did heal u# a trifle, hut we opine no one envies your locality on that Account. Write again. Mr. J. N. Van Ormer, on Tuesday morning slarud on what he prApo#*, shall bo an extended bu-ine#s trip, intending to take in Philadelphia, Baltimore, Rich mond, Wb •lin< and Pittsburg. He would have gone Monday morning had the train not been in so much of a hurry Uo|m ba may enjoy himself and his fullest desires be abundantly gratified. —Capt. A B Hnyder, our agreeable neighbor, will move hi* tailoring estab lishment, April I*l, to the room lately oc cupied by Mr. Geo. 11. Wolf, two dor* west of Brown's grocery store, on Bi-hop street, where be will be pre|>ared to furnish material and make up clothing in hi* usual superior style, and equal to any other Arm In the neighborhood. We are sorry to luae him, and take this opportunity to re quest for him a liberal patronage. —Harry Keller, son of D. 8. Keller K-q, who was an applicant for the ap pointment of cadet at Weal Point, passed the beat examination of any member of iIA class and received the unqualified, unanimous recommendation of the board of eiamiiisr*. But inquiry brought out Via fact that he wa* not eligible, on Ac count of being too young. Wa regret that such should be the CAM as Harry would be an orna n-ni to the district a* he today I* of the town in which be ha* •Iway* ll,ed. HISTORICAL.—A dlitrewnl looking tnor- I'll entered our sanctum this morning, and in a slow ni)w il hat phiz would bo raisin' of taxes, and if • il means less fun at HOUR'S, if not the aions and sboolfii' R"s on." We a-sured liim that all would be well, j • tho individuals paid for their portrait* I ,t the rate of $lO3. snd s'23o. each, upon | shieb he seemed pleased, and as he backed utsaid "Tills will be Rood news at tho (tap. Thank*. Good inornin'." II 101 l WATRK. —Spring Creek >s not an uiruly stream, lor tho Rreator part of tho I • ear it pursues tho even tenor of Us way Holeslinß no one, and ntleiiding strictly to u own business. This phase of us char icier was entirely lost sight of la-t Sundav, | ben owing to the tall ol rain and conso pient melting of the heavy body of mow hat covered tho ground, its volume of water was Rreatly increased and the rise was rapid but gradual until about one • 'cli ck r u the ear work* dam, a short I i stance from town gave way, and the normout flood came tearing down tho reek, its destructiveness Increased by the iioniiruua cake* of ice, large piece* of truber and other debris, carry ing with U very thing movable. The embankment at she dam for a distance ot about ten feel Oil nch side the f! nsj gates was washed away •nd at least one of the buildings, in which inve been built hundreds of the la-sl cart • hat now are facilitating the commercu of he Slat,-*, wa> badly damaged. The loss •t this point will nmouiil I i nearly $2,600 In its mad career il encountered the rwtle work over which passes the private rai k of Messrs. Valentines A (J • , and, without taking into contideration the fact hst this piece of engineering skill wa houglit to be water and ice proof, carried •I along as though it had fawn as inucb • traw Kstimated loss. $1 oOl) The residence of Mi. A if Steele was fl-aided, and the ground story tilled almost o the ceiling I'arpets, furniture and r --teles of diet ruined At the lumber yard of John Ardell, Jr., no damage to s|wak of was done. Con oderable inconvenience was caused by •onieof the lumber being moved about ai d a trifl'ng amount waihid away J K. Hariri (Ts carriage Works suffered. -Several small out-buildings, a number of pilea of lumber and a lot of old wheel* ind other parts of vehicles, no longer in i*e, disappeared' lees about Col. George Bayard's dwelling house •nd foundry building were completelc •urrounded, but only inconsiderable "lam age resulted L. L Brown's coal yard *s under wa u-r and when the water tub*id>d it >• covered with huge cake* of ice, large and numerous enough to put a lo > in driving in that neighborhood, but no loss was su. tainted. Karly on Monday morning hands were put to work and at the usual time, orders were being filled and coal delivered Li customers. The lower ti >nr, (press and mailing room,) of the Wntrhmnn i.fflre was cover ed to a depth of about four feet, '.he win dows broken in and considerable paje-r de stroyed The damage to presses and other machinery was slight but a great deal o| work was required to "clean up." We congratulate our ••♦teemed contemporary upon its escape from what might hae been a much more serious Ins* of lime ai.d property. Tha wooden pert °f "'Rh itreet bridce, unable In withstand Ih fnrioil* onilaught. fall inln tha teething tide with a cr*-h plainly audibla in ovary part of town, car rying ith it much of the lioardwalk alone Water itreet. The Hone partt*nd, a memorial to good workmanship Crowd* of awc-tlrh ken looker*.on frequented tha vicinity for hour*, enraptured, amaacd at thn ajhibition of the tarrtble power of water whan beyond human control. Rtl mated damage sd,lK)o Ma*r* R. n Rpanglar A Co , and Har ry Taaia, occupying room* in Bu*h A M Claln'a hloak had considerable prop™rtt, *to red in tha barementl of their placet of bu-ina**, destroyed. Me*r*. Linn A M'Coy and othara, along tha line of the stream, at wall at several Ililathurg partial, waro victim* in a tmall degree. Mr. B C. L>on the other Jay allpped on thn ice and fell, hi# hand pointing t<>. ward* tha aouth, the content* of a tmall bucket of aasf warn iplliad all over hi* coat and ta tt and to great wet the cnou*. aton that he declare* he aaw the Northern .light* A OOOD MAN (JONK. —Mr. John M SIR. khou-e, pretid.-nl ol Salum Coal Co., of Hliick-hinny, LuKertin county HIHI in lerurled ill coal nml iron pro|arlb-a if' - vnrlotit partaof tin-Slate, died HI hit lioiiu on larl Friday uvenlrig of pleuro-pio-umo Ilia iifb-r n rhorl illm'tt. The divnated wa one of Shick-niiiny' mott actl vn cltiE-nt, coiitribulilig toward* the building up of that town inorelhitn any other man. He wat for year* n devoted member of tlie Methoili-t church u i i-l took giuiulne pleature in good ciiterprire* and i-haritabln obj.-cli III* bu-imit* tir.night him int.. contact with many of our citizen* who will regret III# death. The Merrm. Ale* antler A Co. ami L. L llr.iwu have pur cha*ed coal of him and lie repretenled III* contliluency at the coiivi-nlion wliicb iiomiiiat.il Gem-ral IJ-av.-r for governor larl rummer. Mr Slackh>>il#e leave* a wife ami ti* children. While lilt famili mourn, thu Iniriiieit, t-a-ial, political and religiou* world- loan a uteful fru-nd. MII-KNIU RU Ihi NO*.— Our dear ttMlwari friend# arc juhilaiit over the minority auditor # rcfu-nl to ign his name In the rejairt \Vo cannot #ee that lli-re i# any caiite for lilt declining. Anv perron with an ordinary amount of common leiim rati tee that he i* only triing to make In ill ell notoriout It II only a dodge. Can w not tern that lie it only looking lorward to tomething l-ti.r by and by ? If tho.e tame boarlert ol our biwri w-mld jil-l ► weep before their own door#, they would have quite a* much a# they could wi#h t" | do; our town i* rule*] by #talwrt#, with lot* of crookeiineti in the financ- i Thc-r*- \ i# a day coming when it will b>- our Urn j to laugh Look out, ye unju#t #tewardi, ! for y.-u have an enemy in the l amp \• u ii* I better tee thai your own audit give# a - clear ami full Halement of your d >ing, , for you will t.e held aceountahle, tin# year. If you never were before You will h>- , c.in|a*!led to ihiiw up every ll*m, and al-*• tell U# why y .-u have not lak.-i. bind* fr- ill the ditT rent lal-galher# If it la law you demand Ir-.m other*, we d'-maml tin #*nio from you [Ye hi j-a-rite, take the beam out of your own eye that ye may j tea clearly the mote which I# in thy broth er'* eye!] H-im-mber that your tin# will find you out before you g-i mucli farther. Our Meth.-ditt fri. r.d have lawn hold ing a protracted meeting for ten-ral we# k tpiile a number have | rofetted religion May the good w rk g.. on • for n.-wly organiß.al band it being ir,- ttruci.al IN Prof Gluih.a G> rman t- ai h.-r of fine abllili.-*. Tin- (> -y # a'e doing well. Then* factory, owm-d by Me.tr# (irein, it again in i>|"-ration, lh Meek brother# have charge and are turning out g-*i w..rk M<-re anon, 110 .ii *R *-N. At; tit'Oß IIKWK* AND THE DAIIT NIW- —Tin /r.u/y Am-# ~r Monday c>-n laiio-d an ahu-ii .-dllorlal on Auditor 11-w-# t hnnna tbal gentbman #aw fit to make a di-M-nling r.-|"irl oil the auditing f thu C-'inuii-#ii.m-r* ai count*. Auditor 11 •• we# i ha-ge that the mj--rr ty of the auditor# refmed to make a th- r-'ugh examination of the ■ I|">ndlliire* >.f ihe county, lie complain* that there wa# n<> inquiry made into an it- in of c-iim 'y printing amounting to }4.'ig 17 S . far n we i*n a-c- rtain tne truth, it I# un# doiibt.-dly Iru" if. at tin- j riming bill wa# not I.a.ki#l into If t it w.-u'-l hale (> - n -hown that K-Jiior Tut-n Meek il dan agreement not to hid aga 1 n*t - a. ll other, and that they w.-a! I 111 id" the profit* 8t " way • that are dark and In. k that are vain," one l>i.l war all thai had been band* -I in at. i the contract for printing la-t year #lalem#*nt wa* sws'.li-J t.. M*"k, with a "divy f-.r Tubn Tm# I* the rear -n why Tuten wa- f-.r reforin lat t e*r but n>-t th i y< *r The ahu#e coMamed in the article of the ,Vir# i- mainly owing to the fact that Auditor 11-we#, a i ear ago, dir. ..v#-ri that Editor T itcn had drawn # me thirty itii-n dollar# for unautliorim-d printing and the amount wa# i harg.al up t.i the old C >inmi##ioner K bt-.r Tuten will ho j c#ll#-d U|*in to refund thi# m-.ney, in the eirly future. Meanwhile he will roundly h-rate "Charlie for requiring him to re turn money that had not b-n <•> ur.-d 1 gaily. Tuten it of th*< opinion that rr ! form i# a g.-al thing until it #tnke* borne. I I'ut u/> or #Auf up. ' A-ide from all personal ahu#e thit maf ; ter of auditing the county i* m >#t im|a>rtant; wheih.-r the auditor* did th.-ir duty or not, one thing it true that the ("v.plo demand a m rough audi! thi# tear than lat. The people want an exacting examination •very y#mr. If no tuch examination hat been made the auditor* old not do their duty. —Two corpa of turvevort, employed by the Pnntylvania R R , one on L<, A. K rim 7(Rf John Grove about thn tamo niJnilt-r, and many olhnrt from onn to two alid lhro tuiudind each. Spring Mll la had a gnnuitm darkey ihow ui week. Thn Farinnr't MilU Corm-t band furniihiaj lh inunc. John A Urnnobln, onn of our old tnach ort, but at prntnnt our popular tinware and ItiiVn mnrcilant, h* Uknn thn tecotid wifn. Hit firtt wifn, who dun! about two toarr ago, wm a daughter o| Nf r 11-nry Kruinrinn Thn la-fy who Mii-oa-d'-d in invnigling John thn tm oiid Hum Into thn • rdnr of benedict * it a Mm Stovnr, from W.mdward May turret# and protjieriti attend llrnm (' ir|u-nlort are taking out thn liinbrr for tlm nnw hoiitnt of Frank Kiritk and la-. M C'lintlrk * # * IIT HI. niMU Ho NOTE*.—At announced ' he com nrt ramp off on Saturday evi-nint \ which, financially, wat not much of a iu< * on acrount of "he rain, but it w* a grand tin C'*M > n the part of thn cla-t Prof U.u k tnba tion of teiitimnnlal and hurnoroui tol.g# wa-gtioii to even mnti uo-nt, and Ma.b r M*. k It.-. k wloii.oiili 4 t nart o.d. but rang Iti• part# a* wnll *- many old rirignrt Th quintntle of httln girl# war aim excellent. Thn piano wa pretidnd ovnr bv Min h rum Hov, of Jaiktonvilln and thnr.rgan hi Mm Li d - Miller, of Yaiik<-lowr M*#l.r Arthur I) -rnbGr. -r, the womlnrful b--v violmt-t, and tID r Kntie, hn!|u.| to di#|#cn*e in • truiimntal mti-ic Among thn perform •r. wa* notii .-l 11 r foreign mu-i. al friend. IC dn-rt Ynag r, whu entertained ut with ibn harmoni a. veville, are vi-iting her par.-nlr, Mr and Mrr Jno Muter. On Monday "f lal w k one of John f) .tier # children wa intern d at Snyder t.wn S une time rinre, one of our mmhan'r pur. hand om.. pri*>. tobacco, in who h wat tnreri.-d a tin tlrip guaraale jng a wnt. hto lhe patron#, and now K J Mar kle u "ti kl' d all t" | le. >•*." he tenng liie lui ky one to draw th prir... and t# now in fatttctrion of a go.l time keeper. The John S Swarts farm ha# clanged hand- the purchater Iteltut I' I. Swarir A f-w day- mice th • faru.ert made g -.d U#e of the triow. being bu-ily engag ll hauling building tlone* for a new chur. h to be erected al Snydurtown, which it to take the place of the oldert church In the Valley, it having t„._..,me UR.afe. l'.*o. RIRTIIDAT AN VI vKM ART— February l-t wa# the im < a-h>n of a very pl.aanl r.o union of th familv of Mr Jotepb Hak. r of College town-hip together with a few Iriend- t celebrate the "• h anniversary of hi* birth Hi* family conrltting of two t.rnt and two daughter# and three grand I hildren were pretenl, eicept f M Biker and family of lit. k-ville. O. After tome 'line #|.nl in wn ial interc-nir-e all wore i invited t<> the dining room hiT * table laden with choice and Weil prepared viand* antong which to a handtomely ornamented fruit calm which called forth ' the admiration of all. Hot the dinner, bountiful and heartily enj iyed at it tw, >< not the only pleating feature of the novation. After repairing to the parlor the beautiful and touching vertot, written for the <*< AD IXBTITUTK.—I'rof It M. W..11, our Comity SujirriiilendMnl, hiving f)al u| on II -ward borough the place for the lioiiiuf, celled u|H>n tha aollVM trm hi'n and the friend# of edllceli.-n lii lhit end of the cunty to lend their aid toward in'i Li in/ i lo iioiliiiD- ■ tuoi-e#* Ho w.-ll wim llio r. de. id" who rh.'Uld |Mir-.--r Ibe two , priz • otr. led for b. -t r|u-llll|g, \) r. I \| . I.n-b gave out thirty? ..rd \| r J (.'. ' M.-yer ami Mut Lizzie ?.wert/. of our lielll'f.illtH m ll.Nlll Were declared ll##- \lt - lor-. The thank- ol all parti, ipetllig are certainly due to Mr, H'-nry K-lier and tlit* • iiiz 'ii o Howard I>r Urn . f!-.ria put j b.rtli t . make their It iv pb-a-ant and the j 111-tltUl" a -llcc.-t- ; Hot lerr clue to the! irti-le-a ~f |!•• {JI-. Iple# c hurch for tb.'ir I klmlnt#-- in "je*ning tfu-ir . hur. h t.uilding to ill" ute of ill-tllllte The local ilitlllllle can le* made a ui.i r.i when dir.*. 1.-d hi willing mind- and bearU A tiitANfi Ft: \-r iv PHCM.min at CEN TRE 11AM. —Tlim w.-ek of tong, #ci au tpiciou-ly opened on Monday evening la-t, with aclarr of 7", Ir, at tliir writing in -111 ! l-T-ful operation The program war largely made up of telecliont f.y the mil rical talent of Centre Hall with a ito.rl ad dr.--- by I tr. \\ I) Purkin*. the concju* b-r of the convention, and >oinu brilliant piHr.ci l.i Pi of \V T M.-yer The rnlhu. -.a ril nianlf.ti-.l pMmie-i ll make it tt f • a carton •oclally and profettionallv. The i/.e of the rlaat arid attendance a-t (he general public nxure the committee tht th-ir ■IT -rt- are not in vtn. I) - not f-.r. get the concert# Thurtday and Fr.dat evening# of thi# w.i-k Tilt tlklDoK —We U.I J r-tarid that the ( orumi-tioner# hav.- agrmvl to put a br-dgR over spring Cr.a-k at th" f.eit ..f High •tr.-et, t<. . >-t i i mat, if the b rough b.u !- the abutincnt* While ibi- i. liberal, it i hardly enough ►•> I);.I It ilefonte aK the •0a111..-# in win. Ii the c.. ,nty hat in it..- I a-l hu: t bridge# D. defray ani part of the eje-n#e' The pr-.|->—<.] bridge will le uij by < Itiz 111 out-i-l" ol B"llef.inu> to a gr-aler .-iterit iban by iho-n in it Of Ming. g> ntlein-n, d-> n-.l 100- right—the C "iiini.-i ro-r- are gen b-'m-ri and will n-t !"• bull d--r- 1 TWRVTT YEAne A CHEAT St rrr.RKii tr-.in con-t patlon. II- 1 iwalluweil a hall hii• hel of Pill#, and drank over a barrel ol Cathartic and Laxative tlo|>. Had tru-d -v.-ry Patent Medicine recommended in (111 h ca-.-e, and had m-en treated bv all the Very bert phytic iant in Philadelphia, at d a- finally t--1J by 10-r conultmg pbv-i --■ I a lit that rlie wa# now Uro w-ak f- r Ca lharti. M -fn in-, or inj.a ti..n#, and that -h" in nt do- She then t-e-k Minting and wa- cured See 3|-t page of lb" "lilt of Life (.-t the (.k ir- m your Druggit, -r a f.e.-n a r.-gu r either Mr Scott or our-elvc#, -inc.- hu writ.-t u lie reach* d Tyrone. af.-ly and we are Hill --ii hand to receipt f.i lt f-r tubtcriplii.n aii.J entertain vuit- r —The dom, If ever, harkt up the wrong tree, .me day la#l -k #gnim.irl ill entire force, dvil and all, aid g-'t off the foll-ua ing 1 Miaa Maggie Shatf-r wa# happy over a party of her Bellefonte fri.-nd# who -p.-nt a rec-enl Friday cveiiing at her h.nite K ghleen of the lovely, the beau tifuL the elite, the t>.n t"n ladi'-t of that t-wn lame in the "mountain echo" and four gay prancert propelling It wat a happy party in fine paraphernalia and ef fusion nnd illusion Ni two of the eigh teen la-H.-t had their hair dreced alike Can the iiti# numb-r of lewk Haven lad ot d-i b.lter ? II 11.-f.-nte may b >a#t of it* lovely maiden#." N-iw. If Mr Ha '■her.t" d" rot tpruce up their leather# and l-aik knowingly at ea> h other, it will he becaute tbey have h-ard that Mr Orow ha# been hu-y, for m->re than a vear, reeling off that kind of tweetnett to one of the "elite, the ton ton ladlet" of hi# own town and naturally infer* other ladiet to be fond of the tame. (Jo in, Alva. —The judgment hat been opened in the rate of coming Fire In-uram-e Com pany *a Rl. R.-v J F Shanahan, and de fendant let into a defente An act of jut lice. 00TMillion!of packagat of the Diamond Dyet have been old without a tingle c.im p'aial Everywhere they are the favorite Di A, Ma. Z Your communication received, but at we already had one in typa from the tame haalily which omtalned marly the tame newt, we could not ute your* tbla time. But, writa again. Mr, F. P Oreen, the pofuNrdrue girt, haa added a complete line ol la.iofl ary mad blaoke to bit twek ta trade. Tiik Mintki.?— \ fair audience be low, mid large in tin- upper ti..f w<'| tin „,,] the Uupr. 7. A U-in-dii.t mfnatrrla | B #i even. \ log. The i ii'iouinni. til w mi t>rij yall* i one and w well m vnveti. It w*i through# out a minatrel i-rformmi.„f ( | l<( fmbion-d order full of variety, mid wet carried thr. h withe 'itiiiiutn).,<,> prompt, nr.. Tin, Ml.King In bth ao|.,ita m.d choruawHt e„ . 11.-r.t, many ~ I were new, lb fr.-. b, and the La tum". w.-ro i,..v.-l, bright a..J inking. Torn Waro-ld and Ar.ni.. While were alike ({...el a. end-men, ar,.J artiUMhg a) ■ hara. ier negr Tli- burte.ipie oper "Sarah IJuri.i If.art „ well done m.'J a mutiny, md Iher# ... . , f un (! „ % laree "The |'..|ar Hear* ' Th-[e-, i. Ilea ill lh- Mi of hole.aie Ul.j.i , y mg and rung and du . in-ti gav ti.ui b aati.. faction The company t large, ri, h in re. . UK—, at, I w.ih eae-ller.i Veaii-m#, and takii.|{ ;ii.lnr. i. , dale for | übii. facr Mm,rArtier, A - . II Jhnfy I hii n. Sii.t 'i —The .Newark X I I ft ei j,,t,r„T October .(-..U tt,„. j,fai- .1 n„. tr.iuj.e ' D.ij.ri 7. A 11. n-li. f. New (ir ganti. MinMr-u k .„ve a fln- concert la-t night. ihe Grand **,.-ra h< wa i r.*wd* ed la.l evenini: lo ei joy the , lev. r |- r. ' .rinan. -. I thir | | uUr com par \ N"..th- II If 1 *" le* ra !of lit- p rforioar •e I ...J r. praU, n-l m !• i t wa. ferfornod th.it waa not tlr.t-i ia... i.. part n*u larir.e will te< ni|e-ffl'lou., a. all Were-quail'. If'^M They may well claim lob- ihn beat on lha r..ad The following parody upon one of lha mo.I popular of Ira I), . tohgi, "! publi.h at the r> qie.t ..f a In. r .) The Ninety nntj Nine. X iere ninety arid ntne that iivc and din ' In wo ;r <1 hur g-r at i • Id, I hat . re may r.-v-l in lot irv And !• . 1 ra|e.f it* • k-i. hi; The nin-iv and i.ir.e in i). ir h. vdt# hare, Ihe one in the |a a. with in.bet rare. The\ toil in lh- fi. Id.. Ihe r, melt an.) nine, y r the froii. our moil , r .arih , Th. dig ar d d-lve in the AiiMV mine Ar.d hruig lh- Ir. a.tire. f..lb It.iJ the v>-a I, re . ..] |.y ll.e Murdv fil.tw. T • the hai d. of r,< form rr t ► From the .weal ■ f tfo r hr Ihe deter t 111.a.m.. And the f..r-M le-f re Fartai.- A I'.. . call alien •on t. ihe only r. tah!e Rady 1111-d Faint in the mark, l The Pioneer I'r.- pared I'a nl i r-.i . nly aupermr lo ar.y It-ally lined faint a.ld hut rivala pure while lead in it. .mie.lhio-.a in working and du* al.l.it \ T hi. (atni ia guaranteed hy the rnanufai Iu• r- Mil t" . ra< k ..r |u-< 1 w thin three y. an The cuaranl-w la ri..t ■ nly g aa) f. r re|i Mini; the paint but .1 will le f.tn . n if tt should rra. k -.r (♦< ! within the tme >(—. i C-d It will Im* to i >.ur tntereat 1.. . a ) and ee Wiloin, Mc- Fa.lar.e A C'o , liefi.re |.tin hanrig either while lead or ar.y other Ready Mliod fa I hi Our at.a k of \\ . .d-r . |. row eon.• p'-le. (.1 thing mail.- to ord'-r h■ ta nan.- indn atw. ia a pert.a t \ ■ geiahlo Hair K.->l. r r It will Immediately fr>a' it- head (r..tn the dat.drulf rcwtore gray hair to na r.aiural • ..h.r, ar.d | rodn.-e a new growth where it hat tall-n ■fT It d' • not in any n anner aff t t the h. all h, w In. ti Sol phur, "Migar of 1.a.1, and Nitrate ..f Si v.r pr.-jwiraiiona have done II will ihat.ge light or fad'd hair in a few day a l<> a l-eallltful gloa.v firoan Alt y"iir druggi't ho It. Km b l-ittie i. warralilyd Sinllh, K lll.e A Co., Wholesale Agnta, f hiladeiphla, and Hall A Kit* k"l. N-w V'rk. MARRIAGES r.RKMini.K-htlil I R -Mn Ik' 111 lnl .l l K.I I. A > •••< k. m* IrofM* .( ||*W bvl4 r.'l I*l Ilir "I A Uf|h t lm|il'% < I 111 lull, Mr J A *4 HIIU, Rtoll %IleulUfß \ Mum, iif >■• hif 111 %III.MCKK }{ -H ih* ml Ihwa.m Mbf R-l l'U'l .1 H Itnnlil* f !!♦►•* I it||i|,. aiivl Mial |AUI *1 Nnlllbw IlM.irl HAt • (uN. i'+ It IHf'KII-tIL ltd r-*nurj ft. l| K** J A K •#r t th Uib^mi M <• 'if** IC n l Nim K(t K. Hisii, Udb DEATHS. ' W IH' MII.LMK —4N -a mh "f Jsii'wfjr.i'l h'%*t in lit- v|(i fioiillH i hi-f wtynf *4 Hi# kin| of (4I>M if R A II tMiii.er, of lh# | i friti. t* <.( Il< Ntllbrl m lie •*• .SI j*n itM Bellafonte Grain Market. Rrntroart. 1.1 . *. Ik**. t '4o r l *4 aolli |.y Tli Hi) e-.l'la kC Wl.rwl—a hile, |.-i I'lwli.L. ...fl W l.aal. *.. 2 * . W (\.m f, |ei n.ai.—l . an " ake.le.l. ua I'Makal. It O.ta .ft nu-bM 4k ■•rial i-rt '.u—-l l)aaal|tl.- TJ I I .a*. Ite-. |a > |> no.I !• Vi. nr. a I—>!■ a. ( r 1.1.1 , Roller. _. •tw I " piwit. • .... tik ! riaaler.*'"U f ih# Alweeep fit N'"#.iwl-e. laVlaa it a-.l #eiil-d again lh# Rial . 4m, t April Ikaj Jnaa *u, I U. I'a c.araru. . few a. I n*3 A. J. Uaaaw, J