AViii tttlverttneuteuta. The Atlantic Monthly FOR 18--3 WILL CONTAIN Contributions in almost every number by OLIVER WKSDKMi HOLMKS, Author of " The Autocrat of the Break fast Table," etc. •'Mlclnol Angelo, A Drama" Which uas led complete by HENRY \V. Lonoekixow, Ami which will run through three numbers of the magazine, begiiiuiug with January. " Tho Ancestral Footstep " Outlines >t an exceedingly interesting Romance, from the manuscript ot Natiianiei. HAWTHORNE. " Daisy Millor, A Comedy " IJV It kNhV JAM K*, Jit. A dramatization, with iinportaui alterations, ol ois very popular story •' Daisy Miller." Stories, essays, sketches and.poeins by .John t. Wliillier, William L). Howells, Charles Dudley Warner Sarah Ornw Jewett, Richard (Iraut White, Rose ferry Cooke, Horace lv Scuddcr, George I*. I/itlimp, Harriet IV. i'reston, and many othersol the best Aiuericai writers. The A Haiti ■ furnishes its renders ii the COUISH ola veur hs much reading • is contained in Twenty Ordinary I 'ol u mo of :;00 (.ag-s each. TERMS: $1 a year in advance, pas'ay free-, 35 cenU a number. With sU|>o lite sue portrait of Longfellow. Bryani Wh'tlier. Liwell, II dme.s or K nersrn. >.">00; wtili two portraits, S"i.UU; with three. $7.00 : with four. SS.(JU; wall five s'.l 1)0 ; with all sis, $lO 00. K •niuVa'lces should lie mole hy Mm. ey order. .trail, or registered letter, to ;il0t)lT0N, MIFFLIN A CO., ■t I'ark St., Itoitim, Met**. " AYNE'S I O Horso Spark A-restlng i arable Em_lia tvs f Mtcbhraa Pti> Board* i-i In luiiir., burning rlabs friu li> n* lu CCIT to none ice Guarantee to furnish power U saw k.Oui) tof Hemlock Itannl* to 1" hours Our ie no * uriJl cut 10.000 jrrt id ui>' i ims'. i> r Knglm * as - i l'Aß*Tiro to f rut It II 1,. r- |*,w< r on S '•-* f Iml ua:cr ton any otlcr En rlif it duel villi on Automatic I' ll < IJT. If yon *IN' a Stationary or l"..rahl>' Ene nr. Boiler, CI rci lar Saw Mill, sha'lio# or Pollma, . trher rs-t >r Ms-lJart'* IV.rn Wr>irh> Iron pulley. • ml 'or our iH'i-i al <1 rata login* No. It, f.f Information ami price*. B W PAYNE A SONH. C'omlug. N. T. Box ltr FURNITURE. ;+• B. SPA XGLEU A- CO. re. guest the attention of the intelligent reader Jo r a moment or two. The farts they detir> to make public will have telling effec upon the domestic, economy of any household in whirh this recital of theii facilities to supply furniture of ah kinds ei/ reasonable prices, is given a fair hearing. They authorize us h stole that every article they have on ex hibition is new and seasonable, was bought for cash, and will be sold at tli> lowest price dcTi: im. ■ ♦ ■ When I decided to locate at Bellefonie I also decided to ad h* re to certain business prin ciples that have never Tailed to insure success and crowd my rooms with customers. In he first place I have only one price. Ant although I hand e ill kinds and prices of goods I am alwavs careful to explain •0 buyers the quality of every garment I exhibit. Th s does away with dissatisfaction, disappointment and faultfind ing, and rarely fails to bring the same customer back tor the same good c . I will tako pleasure in showing you anything you may wish to look at and as sure you of a hearty welcome at the Philadelphia Branch. SAMUEL LEWIN /."/./I, lii ni riil Mi rrfiauti, .Ilh'ijliviifi-Stlli-lh/oiitv, I'n Compare our prices "with tho.se yen are paying for the same guod?; elsewlierc. Arbuckle's Coffee - . . . ! c Jkoicc Roasted Co tie 3 - . 121-V.c. 'A" Sutrar ... - -10. Jhoice Syrup .... 60 c rood Calicoes - . - - 5 eu ts. Heavy Muslin-. - ... -j ecu s Dress Goods ai low as - - 10c. .den's Full Su ,s from - - 5.00 up. Jvercoats as o w as - - 3.50. Ladies' C.i.tsat - - 2.5.. ;ULL ASSORTMENT HOW IH. . ... . 1 \ thousand-and-:ne articles too numerous to mention it equally low uriccn. We guarantee ail lour prices below those ci 'any others. S. & A. LOEB. stum, in i in. i,Hn+h ih,h- i.i-I. liiitijiinh. /■". NEW (;()()1)S —FO It I It E SPRIMi and smiill TUADK!' |Wi hive ttdtsmnd In gel the verj Itvtt of <-vi-rv itlirg ii < > Hue. sod no* liHve x.iiio rttiiis illUK'l. <. I IXJ; CIIK.\M ( Ul ist;. Extra Dire- I UFA' II Pit! M> SELECT OYSTEES, • .sli //. / EOIATOEs. I.AEfiE EWE f'EA.XEEEEIEs I'Rl .Xr J.LI >. /.V/ / //^'> .YEH' I.EMO.XS, i I.ORIt'A .V,7 > I'rinrcv, I*a|ier-Slii>ll VlniomK KuiporatHl IMIIFII I*l DUES. A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FItUITS. PR ESt. E VEI> It.ARs, 11. I (*///>, II IMs 11 IMI lls I'LAIN CANDIES, MM: CO> F.' CTI ON .'0 UY, GOODIES of all Sorts and Kinds ttaj" We inv tp the p. < }!♦• of (', nt,• , mm l_ -an/c /c- (y/f/ytS N • a\ i i ? 'lit w i \ i |- n i rsiti c<. n. n\. To Imp. •I■ PR API | 11. I ( iN i > ii.i . ill s , , „, .... •lw of DttfT# i . il#v" Tk f Itfnl f'•! r*t Si* f r{• ft.ttr -h 11 u\ iir H f, t t |>r*rfr a | llnUt* IS i| * f li ft *lt 'r tfl t i nlm I* tl I \ k ON" I ir T ' •rl'Dr • I■ ii)>l • li tll r, A Itt - ♦ . 1 I fhrded A<.i,\Ts: rwiw • ' ji my 9 ' Thirty -Three Years Amonq OUR WILD INDIANS! li" "wl "f > i athnc, TV <• n. r r „ prrwm a . I*:.. I . \A ,i, .„ j, ~ ~ „ ... By Gen. Sherman. TM> . —ll4 ,| h V|-l I.- r rr~s.-, AkVmt nm-4 9*4.rm (• „■ imJ \.y r> S "m.O m. ... I. nl V.n Qtf. li.'ii tnl'.b, I'l.n.f Hn.r r , v..v.' •!#.. n "W.. Ji u f. an" .nil* arr-vl •f mi la'C-i.f pnfcl.SM. ft! * imtl.,| t'-l, "h. w .ff Tl r* r || H rrft.w w „v, ftpr-kntnof IWtallar,ar4 r' inr. t rnKT'ima. fovhir*. M f". IVinitr l'..r.a>.f. tt .*'i:,"r Mrl'.f , C I '.la ih. ii"i .im l| .r<.* IM ''Man.,,,, II.Ik r-fnnint. •• I *>.-r On U'Vy , r n H .a 13 f l ". fiMB mi4 br n, 'k-•fawrel afywalif fiw f| prwrt ...., AHt'.*T*l TSia i aaa fa-. 11, , .n|^.aia.all .iVx lOlat. ,*S " iifMl'la*. ApPif.rr.ff lu in arlaf. • a KMW la- "•■ al Kin— "l -' lf f i urn* — .. .. itv In. f'-fiiv. *iia I>l rUnim lor a *am .1 mp. ISa aria f>llM~r,. a. . vnnriiixaiMX * in, cm •CC * "* •" T-*" *>' t*rm> a*H f. ml •OWl 'aaa. A Wtaa. 11. IIAEI KIT i 111., P. ii hat, Mala*. l i t .TIIKMHWM ( F \l.i. m s rr AD Mtv.L. PI -NT32R 4 r>.," lIVG HEROES Uti:J DEED . ' 1 • > I #■..! f - . t) I. • I ,hi >'• • n1 * < • •.1 r . , IMP 'J11 ' |Mt i \{ . • -I',, t. i , ■ OURIV ikL. " T *a!cO .. .1: <• • :■ ' AOfc.vrr, \\ A v r ED *#•( t-e i; I *. • •• • • . • ; \\ • 11.: . .. I trip • < TH AT WOND3SPUL 300? GUIDE !(j SUCCESS itij nm FOB IIS B^r * SOCaSI i | T •> • Ml* Mt> I' t *fc 1.. l' 4" It lloA r l0 M I N ; T Ml Ml Ml h. *r. lit** II f"'tr♦ r iiwtlj I atl'l PHttMllfllllf, |l<- t MT| tt •* 1 MH' • Itetx k nHi *f i- 1 I*l < mil i l ' rr'f r* rx agents WANTLD •• *' IM - |- <• lit*. I•* II * ? t ir| Ni'A ii NK V ♦•!* inl t** • U * It* ft t lit •**><** fir 4iw* In 11. I'L j A I Wiitxi.>•, 1.,*, i. ,V. 91 '■ t 4 if Ihl'int'Ht'f J jit. J KAZiKhs !;' OT Bittrhs I - i • {• * |.!h 7 nm) > m*tp .mm. ■ !' ' t1- u* y, k *r|/ ,k I*!• * . .k I II I • *!**• !!<• f f . • |■if h, iiJ t • - 'I • iar, s t j *'• ! . ... 'T * i | i I# • la* I* a i u I • . . J ♦ tf -I .. . M eM | Mi < • * >• * \ ./ik. ' '1 IM< lif . .h I'm* ufiT \r I I.: I. iio i 1.1,, : i ■ i r. , ... /. I , . V.tlry .(.. i . it I i t. vttli ir ■•LIAS A.. i SUMMER RESORT * \ A (tb M 11. I. I mfi Ui- U • i J t it? :-!)• New I r ckerhofl House. J > lit ivJ Aliol 1- HOUsK, * ■ t f.l li t NT k, PA < ( . 1 1 1.L..5, J'r-i r. . Cm < * • ii ntffl / "UN 1 I \ ! HO I ;.! , ■ I I \. ST* PA A A i !, .i! t 1'; j riru.P. ■ ■ .I I t, 6 , ' ■ ur. u.titMi. 47 JL (3-lItT ::: • EP.Y [JBSCRIBHL N i U :• by thct NLY. YOi:K OBSERVER, v .*. -* I f 1 He I- L -J. 7 f < - r *4. j *.* !;i< ■- n| j . ■ V j I t, • • . |t* I i.lrf, *h • • • ' I .. k I I H t*. I J I" ' MS * ■ i • • wi..| m J !.* f|t. < 1IW B , M.W YOIIK Or.SKIiYKK, MAI I (U(K. "K '/ / • 1 • ni-nnl • ifli w ' M • V 1 . i. ,r t. w. fc \ • ik t . '1.4 <. > . . 'I Na . * iii•>* int, \ i a 1 47 ij / 'i;v 111.* DIM V HANKIXU j V t , i"|~ *< %.<|A slitf-M . Ul4' N-.m # : I t I ,9 A Mil . *r< nii* ( **l ( 9li|hl - I * l.tf ( \M Ell !ii i:i>, "IN Alt Is N 11' I , .ii.d in nn it I ' .. , ~. 1 i f .•* Itt ♦. t • i fit. t ' / > ' < it miff (,/!■ rrii : . ...i .! I KuTlii.Ks, 1 i .11 •.' t U.v • ..... i*b NEW GOODS, • . ; . ..ATVH ' • • Ah M i J! AT y S ' 1 HAT If* I'D - 1 . 'HIH At {:. , M;■ Ui ■ l urfu.M nMci>', ... v. i uum i fry < V -.'lfcitljj, j i. \ N. A. i.f'O- ,1 . HOK" iii ) • '> i i 1 i lo* ] t;I , iJ*I > Mii.J KUoKS HATS *r.<) CAPS {. < , i ' J! ATS mid ('Am HATH nnd CATS IV,. 1 '• I •.' f*l. . IV *•! i ft (H 'A,, I'm, ' <,)• nr r#, .!' I.k l f. ttM l< * IrM c)m V r* JIATMTU fIKOTIIFRg, > ruiMi -lIT . titidrOMk, ra, . oi:\m> 4 It PI or Ukvv IV osrk*eM •• j urkt ffiv*.