I'rof'cH.sitmnl < '.trtln. e i>. it AY, O. ArrollMCV AT LAW* nr.1.1 r.IuNTF. PA nttpnU>m -..-n lit . lUlin 0-.i ■■ 4|olhiu| Ur..eli.rhtifJ IIIIIIHI M 'THOMAS .J. AItCULLoUGU, i. ATTORN KY AT LAW. I*Ull ll'iWil-IW, I'A. O.Tlce In Allmrl 11*• t , tiiiil.li.iK, !•* >f.in itirii rrly uccuiift-'tl l-y (hit I'll 111 |t*Lit i tiai.aiDg l'ulti|'tin) 1-iy. ! p. a. mm*ai. w.' aemaa. HASTINGS A HEEDKK. ATTORNhi BAt LAW* lUILi Llo.Mk. P tllftt'ttun Alle(ihp|i> •Irrrl.lwo doer. woi ttl %l • • ! At* urcuplwl It) l>(* Orm ul \oviiui liMllligi ' . ■. Toci • VOCL'M it ll ARSHBHUGKR I ITTOIINKVS AT I.AW. IIKLt LltlATi:. PA little# on N K. rornwr "I DUiimml *nl It: the nKim lately orcupt'l t.v Yutsnm A IU!li>K. vuluk *. wuu R wmt.IIIM, HAIR! r. WALUi r WIU.II* R.IALUCI WALLACE A* KRKBS. ▼ f LAW AND COLLECTION oKKH'K, January I, ISII LKA It M M.l' I* \ I?LLLS L. OK VIS, 1 A ATTORNKY AT LAW. ofFICC thw Court ttoiov, uti Itiw •* • A. U. fur*l' mldiug 1 C. T. It t X ' N t'tfc. c. *.UWR* \ LEX AND Eli A BOW Kit, i V AITOU.NeYS AT L W , ll< '.iuloDti, l*a , may lu • O HIIIIMJ to Kriclth or t* man. I'OM.IKTION 'OFIi'K. j I, vI.riARMKLL'. Pa J tits i utm. i. M hipraat. T>K AV KK ,t GEPIIAKT, J > ATTORN ICYB AT L \ w OilL'W n Allegheny itreet, north of High. Uwll* l , ilQt* l C* J* nv. FOKTNEY, • ITTDKNKY IT LAW*. IIKI.LK.FoNTK, P I (jilt .|"Or to tt, left Hi th 0 tttrl lluaa*. 10IIN BLAIK LINN, f I A PTOEN KY AT LAW*."-" HKi.i.tr imtk. i* One, Allijlliitti) Hlrntl, .*ir Toil Ufflci *l-' J L. SPANG LEU, *' . A . ...KNKY AT-LIW , i.KbI.KIO.N I K. I.'K.N IKK nil N TY. I' I •*}. • iii to t lH"tloins |irrtiir 10 411 i . t-, 1 itultnti'Kift tn tlrman ur K f!ih. i rr c. IIIPPLE, i • AT TORN KY AT I.AW. I.iit K IIA A KN. PA \i iti-m**#*t>r*>(nptly *tt*tuiwl ta, ll* { \ Y SI. P. MITCHELL, l-RAt ril AL <1 UVgVuR. l.t H k IIA I K.N , PA., W II ,ti. nlt 1 >ll erk lo Clear ,-ld, Centre *n 1 1 roll ll** * r j j itr ',+r kII ▼ci Natiut.al Hank. J r >-I j \V C. HEINLE, • Al* I nit .LA IT LAW*. BKLI.Kt'oN it, P I'Hi <-tC.in'd I|| II, Abe*-lre.l. t.(..<■ 1,1 4itt.ni ugi-.n If ihl cil't'Usa ■*( lnu. All l>oiio- ni.tl-tl If |T' in|.tljr. -I I | UriLLIAM MiCULLOUGH, ATT'IKM V AT I.AW , ri.L A RFI I.Lt>. PA All prnmi-ll* .P.IM It If hi. HOY, M. D . 1 i •#., •• iu r.r*.J II UM, Fortiwy' I i IKM h •> ... i A f* .**i| Atfnu' nt" Ui *r*toe *&• CViitli IH**AA*4 ' | UK. J AS. H. DOBBINS, M. D., (Ml V-I II A AN li Al K'.l.llM. 1 i >fii'. UWrßani M -i.t lint Mm, elf tir.I.LKPONTR, PA. ! nH. J. \V. RHONE, I)cntit, can t f-inii I • • otlti • an'l rMi'hßT# on Nnb of 111..h 4tr'rt ihr.c bit of Allegheny, iXDfont*, P% I+lj j PATENTS V.> (•.iTHiniir to m t aS"Urittm f>.| lumn. fTrt> 1 ra-lf Mark'.. (°i.p;rl|itiU. nr.. ft.r Itm I mir- I . la. i Ul.a. Ciiiflm.d, Pranrr, nr. Hi fcavbail tlilrt-Hve >mm* r*|rrlriiri>. rnlonUttlitainnl tAnnnh u* am nttUmi I.i lb.. Ha- E'Tinr AMIRIPAN. Tbl> lnrfn and nplrnilltl lllur tiati |4i[ r.t3.'tfOafmr.AbownlM. iTnpma I ,f ft. i" r.., u vt-rr Inirmntlnn.antl baa an rnormoon "rrmv n. /.Wn>. MI'NV A f i, Paifl (P-110 i .a, Ibib't. of s< tomnc aiukum.s; lniTt How. iWX *. lla'pl !>■( Hlmrlnwiu fppr. f WUmon Me Parian* .1 Cto., Hardw nrr fttnirr*. WILSON, McF 1 LANE ELLEFONTI. A SNU\V SHOE 1) TL I'LNIAT 1 AHLT* |IT I*I| TI OU AIL I*FL< I M,l.|| I,l'ii.pii Snod Hlioi'6.iift A. *,,ARRI re ill I r*• i.# ..144 A. I.T io.% o. —l io* -tacit, A pin -•, l**"; *,..•1411. WA.iIHAHIi. AAITWOIU L% | .Malt. , l i iu Arrive a* T) i tut* l.eavi ; ..• en . , /* ti o. tit*U.tltu " ... h "7 b •" Julian " ... s •• u * b f>7 ** I Miouville '* . . i - P -P I '*> SI- •• rnow rtiiuv lit " ... ""i HI ,I T " ITIHNHURK " ••• * U V '• **' A l *• |lt*llTTlull TO " ... P it - T ...„, ** AllT*l'TlL g " ... K LOL* ' V•> I.*!!"" •• iu.l. •• ... Vi-•" • I V * 01 •• LLOWARN " ••• '*' I:,, " I 1,1 lAO .... ** KHKLEVLLLE " ... 0•"IO *' 11 ♦ Bee. ll lt*k " ... 0 4 " "* I.i •• ill Hall " . V' *I * ,*0 I .. • KL. tiiiiirfton " ... '• * 1' , JKNNSV I'VAMA 11A I LIA O Al'. I —O'tllUh If III* antl IMP liivUifK.r- U Al. IPF DWITTIUWVF I- *•• • W t.* RW A Nl>. ,c I L N i Vi I . . a * r. i . • , . • " •• UARRIHI •• " >\ ILIITTIII-I- R1.... S . •* i kn.* . ' a I • • arrlvwa at littw... ■ ■ I ' 41A (JAR AK A I'll K?*6 leal • I'lnia t* i|i.la . - . • * I! IFI* urg ... I" ' A I \lilllt..|a.ll . . | •• airive*at l.< i> • • i • . taatMtgeia By ll>h iraiu ait.t< . Bel. ! funt tt 4 val LI.N L leave# I'LiU'ltli li* li •• •• liariU ... . M •• Willlan j t •• ariiva at !.•• K lla K " I 4 K tTW \ K!. iCIfICKXBRKSfthk il %vm a *• •• Wlllla* *i • • * ■ M arr ivr* at It it 11- • .* li At •• •• I'M . I* i; Li LL KXI'BKSS LAAIE. K. RI. I •• " I. " k lla*. . II •• •• W .1 nj .r : . i . ' •• arrive* at ll o- nr.* ■ • il I H All. Uitw B* • v . " a* TILL * at II II 1 •• I'hilatJeljf 1.1 ... : ITFT I.INK !' I E. A - . T ATRIT at il -IRl*> ... •' " I'Utlai T|IIN. .ri • Mai I W eat Niagar lij'. U.-.t I W • ' AN . • ..at >*l THAT rti Willi 1 I Irani* I i like*! arte a*c. rut-'. *. W • at 11. k! I iveti A At lo*e cofin-< tioti at U llliiflup rl a 111 Nt . train- ii.'tth. Hall Weat HI ira Ki - v • . i ipr-•* L i*t. c' -• • til jat I - fit I! h N li. K tf . It* Mil KML at ! tt E,! I IT I I II >. A t M ' R H. It * I I . I ,It En. J" I intti U till It A I*. il. K iftM I With \ v K i: •arl r a; will fun '•* '* ■ *. f, l *>!•'* ' | M'tatii-| r S.-urara li. f- * • I fh i* ; ■ - • .IT • -> X. V*■ .I - * . - . TA . !. r. LUI A. IF. TM - < ■ ' /QFRA CO\.SL3IX'T|I>N *1 n -RAHASUI I t r. ■ I TRADE.MARK. MF" '*, I.LLL I A■ K . '■•>. IT-,, T F>R IL UI LMUI K A . I'll .burgh. I n. eoprrighU. TTR. 1 r M ■ IHO Unitoil HLNTM, *nd to ooUln R*;- £3l rntn in CMULI, Enplnnd. FRI> > , ■ifel GTtn*nr. n>l .1! other . imt trii - WMMMM Tblrt>--*li far.* nrnrti. >v V>. rhnrgn for rxarointi>M of uoacla or dr"- AP Adrire BY mm I frra. Fnb-ntn obtained tbrotiph TIA are noiiro.l IN tho ITCIKTTIKIC IMKRKAI, WHL H hi* tlio LARRNAT cirenlation, and in tho MN*t infn | ential nnw.ptprr of it. K ML p—bllnhod In Ih* ! world. T)in adiintaßfaotanch N notice ITCRY ! patontoo nndcratanda. Thiklarßn and nplrndidlr illnatratcd TIFWU paporiannbli.hod W KKKLY at (T.2F> a year, and ia admitted to IXJ U. T>rt paper d<> t. f>.. 'i 1 .. 7!? .s ' • ■■ arT" i • ; r vs; , ' . J . I 1 N .1 M l • , * . ..11l It. 1 : • I to <•; I 1 • i ti'. i tr il • i i •; , 100 | i , , I I i i.q v rt ii ih.: .\t vh: • • i • • i. rrp • ,i ■ • iiu.Ky. SYT-T fOf.l': OF A TeuVsb LiVER. yaisjn tro l! i VM ha dull nri\ton j Inth i . in. r ui>DhcaU!#r b I' . * ""rthe cv • f • v i, It n . , Vi it BF DmiOPbD. • I * . i ipteJto I liaiiKO ' ' ' i I r I i-.fi llir ntllrt *r. i -in i . .1 i !v. mid miii will ir >• •* • i' J tjon. \ iu'oroiia 1* '• ' 2*m a.joh'l fi i. . nml A *<■ unit I tc . I r.t * . i rnil,. **• f. \ . \ . TOTT > S~HAiI DYE. • ..% llnli ii it liinlii ra i linuunl In r I.lon . v It., i .. I>> it * 11.1; 1 c r | |i.t m| tun of tlil* IM . . It tin if. ifm i% i it f i.t I rulor, l M * lii ■ II * . lifiMl I v . Kol'l lv 111 I'M i 't.Ml n nt• \ rt|iirHoil irirl|i( of M, Itl - • . i' . •Iu r I t \ si.. \rw link. / nil. TI ITS*. .\l \l.of\iil uit I • I- v lurnMimdoiiitixt I f fill ll*ccl|it■ will I hi inn ' iiiiiioii tppUoiwtM ■ / uUOICIOI/S/ ' Wrtisshclzz& Wr/sTY c I H. P. II UULiA RD. ~ " I Proprietor, \ f ,.rrr c / *tw t.*,*. ' " 1 I-- 1 r J • .*l-r;fli t r I. !' ; .. - \ ■ i.OOO ' • il U I'M • ' , ' *r ' -.1 j ' ' J i I". . : i ■- ■3 LTaar | I . . :•. . O. °t .. I i . r l . o I !. t . I t i.l.tru I I i I • e pre- l o.' r I t > rI. ir- a. J , r k .t ■ t t : Z r> > ■ . ' • ni, 1 i i •• • iII s .. a w c i •- ' *• \ I f * H 5 ' -'" A •3 i i > *• r I. Nt f f* '• • s IPHH ca , I n •• . I. .• f I ifc. ?t ,iii. o I lot . . *1 i' iflc Uti* '' r \ v^x-r.. \ . VMfl 'i- K -w i> X / •>X / 'AN \ Joll.v IIAKKIS, IS'II.K Aokst, I4a KKl.Ltrnxn. PA. GuK^r^3PE;?LE.^ !*. Utf • .* Ml t iit.nlniii|2 Filtj Aorrn .n*l In.*., llirfe k rttr* . TwnolOlll rIIASI 111 1... IN I ....,l 'JBItATj ti- litltitillt, Ciiii. i4ti. h. iilif tCniftt BKLLKKONTK, 1' A . iiaiIICTJL.TVRiLIj. ANLVV'H, FAfTH AND HUIiDI^TDiNH. rat: TI4T or tax jiayiowal nn.um m tii iniiLi.i* • 11si.x ami. ruoAfr.uin or uti umrh. h'.vn i/ farmer in Am annua? rsi r\en*e linenrem H >nietAina of ra'nr. IfVif* it nwt Mffi't ft t<> the "Agricultural fofitor < f tAt Dkmocrat, Htllijontt, font a. that '• farmer* fnay have tAe benefit of it. het f.ommuHXftttinnn be timely) ami ht sure. font thru are hi iff and veil pointed, WM. *l. J KN SINUS, (iieen'H I'.'it in o, Conn., lint Kejit a (.•atvl'til ac count of Itia pigs tills year, uiiJ tnakuH liis jK,ik coHt about i\ < cut* I >. r pomi'l. If more fiinncr# woulil lieell jut hticli eareful acetiunts, we hIIOUI.I soon know more about tie profit ol pork growing tban we do now. Til.', National Crangc at it*, lu'.e 'tniiual aession adopted ;i platform, or latlier formulated a I'eC'laratlon of I'urponeH. It lias the ring of candor, honesty and true manhood, and iviil will repay reading. There u not a line in it. that may not profitably In accepted as a rule of arti. n In i veil I individual farmer, whellter lie be a mi tnber of the onli r r.r not. I Mail HI 1 nI.V wins p should be kept from storms of either lain or snow, and are la si protected from siver. cold. It is well, however, to avoid the other exlntuc of housir g till-in too I'losi ly. and parti, ulatlt in i lose siabh-s in which their inanui. :s lilow. dto ai'Ciiinuli.te. She. p nr. Nat iiully cleanly, and demand ftcsh air more than an\ other farm sto<„. "I'loterti.'ii with v. iiiilalion" is . good rule to b iloa in pn.vi in „■ .juarters tor iln in I'llor. < '.M.I'W 111, ad v is. 111 the N. :g id cattle as the or.< I k t .ah .■ .1. d to - it. i ii ii iii. hi its Is -i i leiilioii, T: e s\st. in is inui hpr ■ 'led ill ilngl .nd, and . wulinlv .. v.K'a'cd In tlmse wiio arc le-t i.e. |tiaiuU',l w.lh it, h .1 the < xp.nse of rtttii 2 up ai'i'orniiioda' . tor , hi <• on this plan vv.ii print .m if'.clu.l ar to its ad ption in tl.; . • unlrv. Carefully piling the manure in the* open v nid oi ui. !. ra < nap hei ro f w.il lie found t<> answ. t :t.I pia< to d puiposfs, and ti. s | , .11 i easily within tlie na. hoi e\i ry f .riiier. 'liik far rue i who rio. s not hate a supply of small fruits—str .nUrni currant*, raapls rne*. bl.aekh ui.s and grnp.s—from Julie t<> Frost, in gr< at ahundance, so that In- and I i lan.ilv at.d ail his work | . ople m eat without stint, tails to live cp to liis privileges, and should st once set alsiiit iinprov. inent in this direction. Just now is the time to Say the |cna to plant your fruit garden. You will never regret having followed this advice. Jlos'T take too much stock in reci|ws and prescriptions to aid you in |>otillry keeping. Careful atten tion to feeding and keeping houses and runs clean arc the IN st preven tive of disease. We don't approve of the frequent dosing of fowls to keep them well. OMC COW well fed and comfortably oared for will produce quite as mueli milk nnd butter as two that a.c al lowed to run at large, lie on the wet ground nnd IK> subject to the exjios urc of the weather. lr it is desirous to produce an in- ! crease of one ton of pork by feeding one bundled swine that iiurense will lc more cheaply obtained by feeding those which arc a year old, or older j ones. Tiik secret in profitable Winter j feeding of pigs is to keep the |n-n dry and well (tedded. Feed lilu rally lint do not stutf with meal. There is danger in stimulating too | largo a lluw of rioli milk by feeding highly of meal ai d grain* to new ' milch cows. Bettor fiizo, Moro Lumbn, Heavier Fleeces. •lofiultiaii Tkltull, fti N! .•. li*U r Hlrt"r. The writer in the cnrly days of his farming operations did as most other flock musters did in his vicinity, let the sheep rough it late in J ail and early in Spring. The result was like that ol all other farmcis in those days—or ut the present time lor that matter—the sheep grew poor all w in. tor; many lost their lambs in spring ; many died of such treatment, and many of those that lived lost a con siderable portion of their wool, so that there was bill little profit, if not actual loss in such management. A fid u si-1 i. h of such neglectful care and feeding, I began to think there was a better way. The first innova tion was a slitd lilted lor feuding un der covei.willi board windows that could I.- open. 1 (ui light and venti lulion in pleasant weather, and closed (lining t-' .in. and extreme cold. The result wus plainly an improve men' on the old i:o particular plan. Tht sheep I it I much Iftttr, ; lined in flesh timing the winter imparl of falling away, as had Iw is s been tin ease :ri previous yeais. without pro tt ct. in. Having s'.aiti I in improvement 'ami thinking there was rooin lor. mote, I began to fitdgra.n during' tin- winter month* ; although many old lit j lit lls *aid It was not b st to il so, as tin i vi. - i ;i-t tl.eir lau.it • arforc their time : the r lamb* we ~o tie at tiiitii also. s ( , ii., re would l lie i. 10-s 11... u2 e. . fioin • ueli grain ft edii: 2. which till v 1 ■ fi It ri d doubt fui. in gram ft filing I give prefei cnci tot in. havi fed i .rn and oats, iinxt d about too I i nt-. ar.d fe i t!a.ly about a half | ml to i ach sle t | . My she i p ' i.i s |< d are all l.ria ding twts. Ir fittrl.Hig -hit p. would i.'ivt one | nt ti.ii.,, or in ire if the sintp w. re latgi out*. . v ntcu tun- Hit Ut i 1.2 to It 1 I g I i.iti 11. \ sht p have mprox i d in - zi. i a ' ii .re I on! , .ml si, : ,r • t -.1 .i fl. i . - —tlilet- vt r v ess.-nlial r lid they I.nt go .. -Ii p fi.rllic r, and /" / I.ail i ui., and then ti, I'- ll to in i k i'. 'I line *te eniiv f.rni.r- who hsi -I*.' I 1 kept .- • lii'f|i. - That i- on v one among the tnsnv mistakes constantly In ing made 1\ many faiiuers. Ihi 1 rn v .id l.oul 1 I . nI lenst otiee •II I. n dsv- eovrff-d over Willi nx lo I• n inche il • p tetli murk, ilri aar hol rsliiis trp.iil.ls tinnsr, or tan hark r>. SAW dust. Mt.yltf .' I'., I'. r. j Supposing the barn yard to lie of the average size, would not the farm er who should undcitaki to follow j this hit of advice find himself with a pretty big winter's job on hand v 1 expect 'hat by > muddied form of j i ll.e li.iv l.siiinil pic**, w. shall eonipr*.* ereeo crs or nlo ri elai pulsr • bales held liphllv t lltxi l y stout itoo I wire, and we shall huii.i Iheseon* upon j ..nolh-r like l.ig so-, ri l.ricks, in anv , I iddioc. whether t.r.rk w ~lle.| or t-osrd ed, that we have available to tliewnlls will have no •ide thru -I to >tnil *g vn*i. n I we | roewed we -hnll fill up all crevires 1., tw.-rn lit. I ilea and the wall [ anil the ir.leroiees l.eiween coniiguon* | bale", w ib ehafl'wed trodden in. t'hslf 100, at bottom, and per haps a thiekish laver of i haft over ad. will aurk up anv exuded pores Old int. reepr the arrest iof tit is!lire as we |n T from outside, nf /('•'." ,1/.'AS. , r, ) Why not do the "rectangular Index" up in eanvaxa, and whitewash j them, and pack tin m down in ootex or nshe*, like baton? I'erhapx it : would lie well to "*ug ir cure" them, too. Crcis-.n ly vn Homo-mad j Butter. Hotel* now prefer the creamery butter because of its uniformity They can ail a hundred dilfercnt plate* itjHrn their tnhles in a single , day, or can set their tables u hundred ;iiay in succession, ami serve their 1 customer* alike at every table and on every day. The creamery system ha* evidently come to stay, and if wo i we arc behind the VVeat in 'liis matter of butter making, then mint we not adopt the name method* i they have adopted in order to com pete with tliern, or even hold our own ? We are working at a dixad -1 vantage when we manufacture a thousand pound ß of butter in ten or a hundred plnci a instead of one place. It is ten men or a hundred men, nnd ten or u hundred churns against one man and one churn, for with the ne'je nary power arid con venience one man can make the thou sand pounds much cheaper than it can lie made by the ten or the hun dred men In one case there area hundred churns nnd butter workers to work against the one at the fac tory, while in the factory the very , best man in the entire community is ehosell to do the work, and he will make the whole product nearly or i quite' equal to the vers best that is made by the lust individual maker at the farm dairy. In relation to the improvement in dairying in Nn Knglaiid. the paper quotes one M issai huselts town where the a-soi a led system had lieen adopt ed, and it was found that the whole product of the t mi. i- now equal to the best that was made by the old sy stern. Tlu> i o* of selling has also been reduced, as .t is much easier to I sell 5,000 j ounda of Grst class creamery In '.ter of known uniform* ity than I t j minds of farm dairy butti r at tie : ghest prices paid for . ac'h. DOCH Tobacco Exhaust the Soil. I It 1>..f1" r u. bi, The question i* frequently asked, if ton ceo i, .i-- not iinpoveiisb the •-oil, nnd i ■. >ii IM m ircea-ily an swi red. hi Virginia thousands of acre- b .v be< tme barren, but care ■-s f.truiing did it. The farms of Lancaster c inly produce I>ctter e I ops lied ,V th .11 tbev did twinly \ ears ago. The land t richer and i.ioie i ■im lin .\e. Not an acre lies wss t J .in three to live percent. •■I h * ii I i- Ihii ight .as much as a ' trriu i *ili ;- i in lobicco. i t is very i, .\.. , ll. ai urtd, and the crop ol win it, which nearly alwai\s follows ' 1 co, : 1. t'< ron tobacco ground a < - te iii the firm. The in nn< i. ke* the two cr >ps. The MI,, is ui • i • i I t.ie situation. Should r i i • -m i!.' ri..ration in • nil hii ' i< iTop would at once '< ~uii ~ li it under the present system in I. m n iition set m* impossi • lie. linr t \ \i,i|s of tobacco funn ing has st ■ly iu.pK.it d the ,l fat ins. Cr. nm Production. • * f Hf r <. I. Out .I ti. si m 11< -t pan* is j, de< p Lin iat. as iu.gt. as u desired, with a round bottom, surrounded with a eompaitment of water; the latter to be alh.nt one I >ot d> p, and lour or six inches w h ; the inside vat aliout twenty i: > he* diep. A moment s thought will convince any one that the milk should l>o ehilled at the top antl war on lat the bottom. Fluids sink wtili col l unlii Uicy reach forty - two dtgrccs; below that jsiint cold expands water and it rises. Hut as milk setting is usually conducted above forty two degrees, if the cold is under the milk the more the milk is chitted at the iKiltom the less ci* eolation will result. The colder it is the more closely it remains below, while the warm milk stay* on the surface, often In-coming bard and sour before the cream rises from that at the bottom. Cream production is too commonly regarded as a chemical change, like the souring of milk, but, as shown by the action of the cen trifuge, it is mechanical. The cream globules are the largest, and, in M minute degree, the lightest. A gen tle circulation in the milk will bring them to the surface, where, if undis turlwd, they will remain. If in a properly constructed pan the up|H r circumference of the milk is chilled, a current will descend along the cool side; and then if the lower third of the deep vat is exposed to warm air, a current ol warm milk will iise in the center, hearing to the surface the cream globules. A few hours will tning the best cream to the top. KKRIIINO poultry must lie conduct cd on pro|er principles to secure tho greatest meed of profit. While thero are many who feed too lavishly, thero are far more who do not feed enough, or who feed very irregularly, and tffe result la a very poor lot of fowls.