Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, February 08, 1883, Image 1

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    Slllunn VAX UIIHKIt. Kiliti'f.
VOL. ;>.
fthc (Tcnicc fhmocvat
Voriu C 1.50 per Annnm.ln Advance-
K T. SMUGERT A J. H VAN ORM *. Editor*
Tharaday Moruine. February 8, IHB3-
MR KK1.1.1 Y'S tariff on ipiininehti"
lioen ctrickfii out, and he will prolm
lily not he able to ressurrecl it. It
will therefore remain on the free list
to gladden the fever stricken suHirer#
of the country.
MR. MCPHI-.K-SON, clerk of the
House of Representative# figure up
the representation of the text house In
lie composed of 120 Republicans • >
Kcadjusters, 2 (ireenliHikers, "> Imle.
{leudtuts and IH2 Democrat*.
IT is again announced the one hun
dred and ninety-ninth tint" 'hat John
1 Davenport has at last captured the
forger of the Morey letter. It is not
elated where ho keeps the unlucky fel
WOOD RRT.I' MII.LR. put in a claim
the other day in the Senate, that New
York was a greater iron state than
i'ennsylvania. In his travels perhaps
the New York Senator never got into
Pennsylvania. If he did, it must have
been in a sleeping car.
Co So It EKi proposes to prohibit the
importation of adulterated tea. Since
its prohibition in England, the United
States is the principal market for the
poisoned fraud, and very little, it any
of the pure arliele is now to he had in
American markets.
THE detective polite torce of Wash
ington city who are suspected of fur
nishing aitl and coin tort to thcivca
generally, foru division of ihtir swag,
1 ave lieen abdi-hed, and the I'te-i
--dent has notified them that tln ir ser
vice will hereafter be with.
Tor. distinctive difference btlween
| the Dsiummti ami Bepublicaoa oo
1 the subject of the tariff is that the
former favor u revenue tariff' with
incidental protectiou in favor <>f the
industrial interests of the country,
while the Uepuhlicuiis favor protection
with incidental revenue.
IN Midlines, the fight for Senator
i t-tiil continues, and everyday g own in
bitterness. Ferry the Republican can
I didate never exceeds 49, Stout the
Democratic candidate ■><), and ihe bal-
I lance scattering <m MTM or eight nth
\ ir candidate# They arc now lulling
for acomm Iter' to inv*sligate bribery
Utnotig the Republicans.
| Tilt: pn-.iit ('o|igr.--s only have
I about twenty working day# to com-
I plele its wmrk mi the Turitr and other
kimportaut legislation to make up its
history. It has done but little, and
that little not of such a character n*
to meet the approbation of the c un-
try, or secure lite continued ascenden-
I cy of the H-pnbliniu party.
I Oot I*OKlt#OlA the other day,
I lav#, a Washington cnrres|i<iudent,
walking down the street from court, n
horse standing nt the curbstone snap
ped at him vicimndv. The Colonel
was at first startled, but immediately
turned upon the nnimal exclaiming,
•'Hello, what court are you a judge of
I ding In the frrpirnt legal tilts IM
eu himselt and Judge Wilie in the
r route trials.
UK he#t service the legislature of
itisylvauia can now perform for
people as well as for their own
illation, is to give us n fair, hottest,
ilable redisricting of the statu into
igressiotial and Lecislalivedistrict#.
ihe present tem|w? of the people
attempt at gerry maudcring or un
com bi tint ions to suppress the wrill
he majority in order to give unfair
|HUI- era nee to tiny particular party,
I only meet with contempt and < is
it. We have had enough of this
<1 of work, uud if there is one
Jg the |ienple demand with an em
tscs not to he disregar cd with im
iity, it M lor houtat, faithlui repre
Tho Euro ,gh Emotion.
A nniiilxT i>l'i Hl r |irniiiiii'iit citizens
ut tliin lime seem to lie curnest in a
desire to r form the iiiiitiic-i|>nl nfliiir* of
on R borough, HIM! in TIN so believe tlint
much may lie done in I bat direction
by discarding party in (lie selection of
nllieiul representatives, have requested
us to ask Col. Hastings to hold the
Rf|itiblicnn primaries a week earlier,
1 than usual. They also ilesire a simi
lai request be made of the minority
party. This rcqit st is just ami rea
j souable, and the party that dares not
| comply with it, brand- its motives as
unworthy and purely partisan. Ihe
people want time In examine the can
i di'hltes. ami to archillV select the fit
and reject the until nominees ol either
; |iarly.
The latter years have made almost
axiomatic the wise declaration of a
living, though venerable, statesman,
Horatio S-yiinire, "the peopleare none
directly de, eiulent for their comfort
and happiness upon the government
of their township otiieials, than U|mii
| ilie poliey of the l're.-ident, or the leg
islatiou of the National Cmigrt
In less th n two weeks the charac
ter of the borough administration will
' have been determined lor another
year. The issue ol ruesday * election
is of gravest import to the projierly
holders ol Helleloiite. That there has
been mismanagement in the borough
\ li ian es, that there have been nun er
oils leaks and riuutsimtis extravagance,
that there has hem lavish expend! .
! ture of the union ipa I moneys —with
nothing to show for it, ami that the
present eouiieil, as well as it- prcde
eessors. are lamentahly defi< ient in
ordinary business sagacity <we do ti"t
make u more serious < hatge is evident
to all, save those directly responsible.
We arc not indulging in journalistic
extravagance when we say that the
condition of the borough is alarming,
! it needs not. a prophet to predict its
' approaching liai kruptev. Yet no
< OIIIU il bus evim ed evi n H desire to
avert the coming deluge. Though the
I bonded d> lii IK ais 7 per cent, and i
: up to the limit that t an lie bori c, no
one of the city fathers seems to have
thought of n sinking fund. '1 hough
; ive pay a street tax lurge enough in
keep in good repair lour times our
present mileage, would any Strang' r
judge it by their present condition,
rhough we owe of n school
■lt lit, our school aeeoinmodutiiiiis nre
so inadequate to the increasing
swarms o| children tlint another build
ing must soon I* erected. Another j h
lor som ' north wind patriot. Though
conservative business men have offend
i $(10,000, for our water-works, in the
j wisdom (!) of our leaders, they have
: been relained to increase the atiiiual
deficit. Th n jMior depart men t has
! lieen so grossly farmed that it needs no
Willinmspnrt lies proven tho coili-
I nest of repudiation. What shall we
i do?
..... -
LATE reports from Washington m
dientes tlint the Inritr Iti'l will fail nf
' passage nl this session for want of linn .
Judge Keller who has charge of the
| House liill says the outlook is not en
j coutagittg, niid Senator Morrill who
J engineers the Senate hill is nuieh dis
CI HI raged, while Messrs Head and Car
| lisle representing respectively each
side of the isiie, say "it is physically
impossible to pass a tariff hill this sin
: sion." Unless Mr. Kelley's pro|ioi
lion to rail road the iiii|Hirtaiit appro
i print ion hills, y t to Im considered,
I though under a susjierision of the rules
| without consideration, which is not
Itkfly to tii'ft with approbation, it i
| safe to predict that the tariff hill i.
i (loouicil for the present Cotigrem This
|is uniortnnate. The question shoiiltl
I lie willed The subject of tariff revis
(oil, has loii){ been urged, whs as im
|m >rtmit at the commencement of the
Fort JT-M venth GmgrcM as it is in its
i expiring days, ami why the im|torianl
work was |ut offm the Inst moment,
the U. |iin li nn majority wi I have to
account. The Democrat* cauuot be
be IJ responsible.
"KVIt'Al. A Sit KX ACT JCSTICK TO AL.L MKN, ► WIIATI.VKK ATA IK OH I'KKM 1 AAIOJi, lo l louo> nil 1'1.1.1'1 H A I .
Congrosoionul Apportionment.
Among the (Aingn-ssioiial Appor
tiiinuient bills prepared for the con*
-iileintioii of the Is gi-lnture, none
i .-
-edits to po.-*eAn in ire the men; ot
i fairness than that reinl in pine hv
i Mr. IVireclU, of Mifflin, in that it
avoid* us far a4 possible the division of
counties, and (H-rhnps with one creep
tioii, places tlieui in convenient con-
I igu MIA di-l ricK It placer III! lielgll
holing county of Clinton in very
good eonipany, Intt scatters them
north and northwest on n pretty long
line of travel hc-idcs severs old genial
friends who would regret topmi eoni
pany. Mr. I'aiet-L's lull gives i'hilu
ilelphiit the saute district as at present,
taking a contiguous portion from Mont*
ginnery, principally settled hv people
doing business in Philadelphia, In
form the sixth district. The other
twenty-two districts are niiidu up us
fit lows:
Till hacks sod llie buUnce of Mont
> o—(.'neuter ami DrUwar*.
'.l' O l. Oleaster.
Itllli lt.-ik ml 1.-l-aonn
I ittt Lehigh, Not tliaui|-ion nn,t Car
IJih —I, ir-kawmina, Monroe. Tike
ale I Wa \ i e.
Kith —huternr, Wyoming and Su'l-
IV. til. •
14 h— "mimju limits, Tegs, Ilmd/opl
ilet I'.lller.
I.l.li —Schuylkill rniH Columl-i .
I bill Liniiiiiny, Norlliuiu tlUlnl,
M oil .tr, I 01011 a let Soj'ler,
I Till Yoik iiii'l It, 11, lon.
It>,li— A-lauu, Cuiulo-R LAIID, Frsnk
tin nlei I - 11).
I'.' h— f- io.in. It olf.ird Ifunling-intT.
Juonu, M 1)1 ri sii'l t Vuiri
-11) li <.'leMitield. Cntol-ria *n,| Itisir
I'lsi— >N •-•(iiioielsinl, .Snni-rsei hi 0
Fs telle.
-'-'nl—Greene, Washington, fteaver
sii-1 jisrr ol Aiieglieoy.
1' •I l'iliHl.Urg Hint |i:l rI of A i leg lien >
-4 li A ileglirli) t ill and Imlaoce of
A IF-Klien v.
lull—Armstrong, Indiana an-l ft uI -
I'ti'h—l,"rence. Mercer and '"raw
I'Ttli—4'lsnon, .1- IT- rwn, Cameron.
Ci-nioii. Klk hii-i Mi K-.il
l's I. Kile, Warien, Venango srel
f . n e •.
The adoptiou of this 101 l would
probably divide the parly r- pi, -• oiu
tion of the state about equally, giving
|a-iliups a majority of one or two ne-m
Irers to the K puhiieuti party.
llt K Republican* during the ln-t
e k indulged in a little cheap gratu
lation over a supposed discontent on
the part of Deutncfelic Senator* will,
the state admiuislrnlioii, and an im
agined unhappy state ol mind of the
Democratic party in concrpieni-e.
Some fanciful corrcspondei temployed
to prepare muterial for the M iisatioUnl
press gaie out that the I) in s ratie
Senators held a secret caucus to d
nounee fiiivi rnor Patiison and Attnr
nev General C'ussidy. This was a
• west morsel for the Tim** and thp
lb publican pre-* generally, mid the
lusty manner in which they howled
their satisfaction over the pr-o|wviive
downfall of the administration, and the
I> itinera ;ic parly generally, was earn
eat and gleeful, it. t, it turn* out that
the writer drew entirely upon Ins iin
agination —was wholly at fault in
his statements and led his cmpinvir*
into the hlun eiing falsehood The
thing was scarcely worthy of denial,
hut the Senator* have given the story
a flat contradiction. The consultation
had no such object as antagonising the
administration, nod was a mere consul
tation of Senators to arrive At an un
derstanding of thn course to pursue on
legislation to come under their own
immediate action. ISut the sensational
prcs had its howl, all the same, ami
is incapable of any shame for the lie.
IT seems now to lie settled that a
River ami llsflmr hill amounting to
(4.000,000 is to Ik* urged for pc-sag*
at this session of Congress. Io the
early days of the session it was an
nounced that no hill would he preseu
led, hut as congress approaches its
end. and many of the members are
shout to dis ppcar from the stage for
ever, they naturally desire another
turn at the ant ual thieying bill before
they retire. As usual this bill of plun-
Jer will be the clusing work of the
Governor Pat: 1-on.
The rcni'irk* nl Gen. I iivU of the
I ) iy\vi Itumorrnt in i Tcnn • n
J l lie lui-ly war made up-ill the <i v r
inr, iu |i>-rtiii*iiL uml proper The
Ireferring m the iiiuti-iint
■ lion nil tin' lU:h "I .Imiuni v, *.v
"II is inlininiii rain hi, I lin ii. a, is ju-t
liiri-i; works I'M. In fuel, i! :h-idli
1 ill worklog order yet. In. an
incoming (jtivi rimr rnjiiiii * mi>i• -u m-
In lake up tin; rein* nl p iv-r
■ lii predecessor laid down. Ofr.uirM*.
the position is new to In n, nii'l lie
new In llie |h •>>iti■ 111 ; hut he i< i.u i x
,ei ptiuii in the rule in >ii.ilar *.i- ■.
I lie wisest mail Ii els the 111-will'-- .li .1
jl aiigeempliiyini'iil. He has nut Iml
an opportunity evi u in in ui_.ii.ite.
tiiueli less tiienrry out, a sin.de incus
j urc n|' reform to which he ran !*
! pledged, or wliieh the people IH.MII
. Nevertheless lew GOVeril -: 11*84 ll.au
i a iiiiuith HI office, have In II more *•
I fntly •nugmiisal. Herein in* cue*
' mil* have nimle a mistake. T iev iiuvi
, liegun their aita- k. ami ilemiiii nut ui.
j 100 room As he hits not hail an .ippir
■ niiiity to merit tli-ir n-*.ii •*, ili?ir .ir
| rows inll harmless I'm* p. .p!. <,I
I'ellllsV I VII la ilk In Ve lair pill \ . 11l 111.
it is pari nt lh' ir eoeial la ing llr \
w ill never strike a man win • h• •
luwii, nor i mull inn Inn iit.M.ird,
! When Governor Pall i on lirctlo fait It
Willi the | mmiple, ihey w.'.l h- , ;in
i l'l Mule 111 II hi 111 : hill llli . M ill |Mi! ! I It
' themselves, "or SHlielioil it in ■ ' • r-,
i until litis lime shall irnve I ■ at*
lacks of tlx* slal waris an I tie .r .lies
tiave "si much ytem MI t • m ii • in
have a purpose. They ii .t(I AI IIMU
I'allimli s s'ri ngtii. ami hj • . I■. Ik
j hint ilnsii iM tiirj? h" run iiwiug e• :i*,c
(the ri for ins prnoii-eil |i v re
w in. j.-ahuis nf hi- gr wi ; *u. •*ll •
wi.h tin* (KMiph*. i lie api> >in' 1.1 '
Mr (.'us-idv is n mere pit •\t i i •ir
Ii .sillily :aw< ak iriVeiili t ; lh. em
I my, Tiicv admit hi- h net* lor tlx
■ lliei ..I Atturiu y t.. m .i, ami :e
kin it.ledge I lie (• iVl'l II"I - il > ple-l ui
el I ighl I ch . I li.- ,w:i i i i,
u i vi-ers Ile ii .'j.p em, in re i,* i
has II . u'O iiml t > .tnml i.p i : 1 u i .* v
■ ami.it pla. i'lhen flugi i iip .ii a -ingle
act ot lb* UuVtfuur which imiiea :he
hi- inli grit)'.
I lie .Inly nf the Ih 'li . r .!- i. |. tin;
tin V "iniuhl slaml hy li. (i nii u>r
an.) hi* a.I nun -l ia i mil. II . . hi. 11 v
• X|a-e| rymi>H'hy, ui -upji >r- . !r ■n H
pllliiii alis Tliey ailing ui /■ .1 In nat
lie hall.it Imx, ami will ' mtituie I iil.i
it. W'e h'.pi no Democrat wi.lem
hrHce the mislakin p. t \ .1 npj -i
--lion to the G iveriinr lie la lp< Itop'.u e
ill olfiee. (ioveriea l'litiisoii Will tin
.li.-ate li mell !>• fore Ihe | ..pic, an.l
his strength will ho the peril
Hiring: li.
Tilt: Repuhli.hiih of the II If ami
| the Itaknia lohhy nnt'lc u vigor i- il
f irl on M iinlav to place llie r- lisn
l>.rough ill positioij In he |n. iil into
lhe Union at till* session, hut Mr.
: it IIMIIIII ami lie Democrats wa re nh-rt
i ami gave Ihe alii-mpl a final ipiivlu*
; In! llli- aII.I |||e in XI < inllgH -s nl |. in
I'lie ipiesiiou came up on a mmi<ui t*i
iliviile Diikalo into two lemon ir*, in
which n suspension of the rul-s was
demitn-lcd to consider it. I'his w.is an
I iclmii piece of Mrategy, hut was
'promptly met hv Mr. K 111 lull who is
' not easily i|eoeive>l in llie elfeet ol sin h
' p ncce>lings. The two third Vote re
Jipiind to ctmsiiler it, waa cmispii uout*
ly missing, ami thu were llie Re*
putilieans I'M hi I in one of their dc*- |
|H*Mti preparalions for 18.14. HI the !
it* I*l iii<>n of two more rotten states to
llie Union (hat has uu pr< jmi uii*m ur
right tu mlmusioii.
TIIK present C'-mgres* only have
almut twenty working dav* to com
plete its work on the Tanfl and other j
iin|Hirtani le, iluiinii lo make up iu j
hibtoiy. It has done hut little, uml '
(hat little lint of such a character us t |
meet the approhalion of (lie country
or ai-cure the coutinueil ascendency .f
the Ks publicau party.
(•■ivernnr's M'H*age.
(j ivsrnnr Piitisoi. vesirrd iy sent a
a i•. i ii.- 1i,i.1 . a which i 1 it- "•
*Ugg**sl inns an* lice led, w ill ICI ve li.
see |. I lis | to I v .In * o til very iisld wnis
Iu- rig tin* rein tin ier of the session
Ifii* ft-comm-il'l tUoti-i of llie messnge
■ al. ui it... ||.,.* i,f gov**ritoi.*iii. li^
' "1111 I . I A - ~( AN I.U, ,E.I I IY | IM-IIE.L :
h ir.- if.. I ||. gnveriMir' begins t.y ie
I Ull 111-mil' _• 'II.. rej.-al llf 111- set 111
IX . S I e II g 111 / Ug t1,,. I llli .. r-Cnr-lel
■I i'tii!a lelplil.t ami C.J.lt illU- t.v algu
Ilk f* il llie Jltiolllliili nl Ihe olti.is O'
lilu'i'ieiit tux rot lector, si-ali-r ot
s'.- til - and in.* i-uri-s iio-i tuiil-r .nspei
' I • 11 eIIn-Ii pi ■ I"I*I Isto I lie imi si. (e|
II mo .it I ti— -11 .i v 11 lest ion |a t: ng tin
gr- .in I ll.il ", xI fa vagal, t ..ill i. - - l.r.i'.i
ill i-IJi - h'.t'lii.g ela*" Mli-i I list "ilo
,u' lia -rii. - nl.iiul.l n l t.e ui 'l** a'
. INL-IIV- 11-I'IUS- nl |(„ L-nilllu.L|-| In, I,ll'
•lli id |'i-t-rm-i.i sliouhl h- desired'
' ii- Ii nor ili* 'i.Fstirti-tKin an-i riot n- ;
t till alls of 111 j uiiking Slid esc i|-i !
' "111 ill- I iji.l-n. of lil in J'lie g a
- rm.r tin r-lore ric.in mends il.at all
n 'I" si ill -s la* |-g -l.te.J ~ul of • X
••••in - ami ill I'Xlrss ig tnl salilit'sl
. ."I uc-'d |. ■ -.JILL* fhtily ecrnpei -AIM
'I- . li< - * 11... g .•amiinl •>>r -I
h • all lies is i< gai list fees f .r nil | ul.
.'..11 i ii-. Ili h s opinion Ihe .jut i n
111- const nut ion l UI. iuuhledli lh It ti I
'ln'- rof I tie st ale Hii I li>r a 1 11 v•r i •
Ml lilts a lint I lit | "ID I wnl-tfi w Mti'i IMI
'• * ••*'. I g ivernor llie'. pas— —s I
- i-.ii. * i t.-r ' 11' muf ih- -ll*| ■el (if nl!.
i a li-ril-. ng. ref iring j.arii. uUi
'-1 'he I.uses -li rli ii,w gr .wo uj. j,
i ui* Ist • ii' •• in.ii -r i xi-iing Uw. II
-Il .-g-su as s remi .|y ..lisl ll.e s lv* •
i .|. gI i gii t-ii in ilie 1.Ij..r >.l ll.e | u
•-t ir i. 11.. 11.. In.* IUI isroul I *.-o
A•. .• *-I-|.I 111 1 1,*, ESS- G1 11 r.inn 1 1.
• ' --i-t-i 11.1 * -11 —< Ia- s-|t -ri isiug sp
' -ll'i-s. A -' a l'luls"h it.y lUC'i H |f
, ' I-HUI slmui I le carefully gusr-ie-l
I -s-lilg null llii* tojnr* tl,e g.irerii'il
It SO. I lie s' '-111 I m nl Ihe I - gtslat uf- I- '
] 'IM • '..r ii. h-ili-r gov* rnm-nl oi
.*•. pr-pii-d liy ihe commission sj
l-M.ile i *-i-i ,| >-sr* sni e. si I l
; .ii* in the r--j i- s| in i<l. In li v. tn...
II VI in l.i. ' -i me.-ig- ll.al ill • I- g '
Inuie. ...si |-r i - m ...j,.. suVii.t i• n
ae on 111. -inn of expert. I n lli- r-g
I'i.in . .1 Hiii-m* f- r Ihe iris.Hi- •
li- lh' 11 wa * Its ill* leg i.l s 11| re sgiin*'
sin- .I}- ■ t-) en i . j .—PI , | |, gists I inli f.u
.he -ev-isl . I ol ri I-I on lii liii
gu if lull, ill HI spptrenl y g-n-isi
cu irsrier e > umn-|s ihe ill inlro luce*
lh. S •!, aI. n V\ ,11 ,ee | . n.ln; 1.,r th
-elii-.o nl ■ f *i -, li-* li-ia --ri - iipl n
eisa . I -111J.1.H I-., ree lil o* -i. 111-.
• : le d- jN i --i -• I,- i|e. gi.sled •-) Ii >
i lii*—* t ii i un.'ur.ii m nl voln>*
'I el-en in i-sia'-li-h- l llimugliou.
Ihe .Isle, sil l lo tl,i •i, J ||,e j.ss.sg
4 I ■" |-r-*i I I'nng how ml l-sllnl*
, -le. I I- i-ri ... •! ..f whs) - 7 Ihe* .lis.
nd mi w ii- klll.l -if ps|u*r. proj.o.i.
■g- 11 era I s.lsi > lull fir the |i-lg*s • (
i ie co i.ni-m-eslili. ii...*ii.n ll.e pas •
agent a J.JI- .riionm-nI l.|ll al this *r
-1"• ' I I g • -Ilure srlilrh sh ill I
•"r - 1 npiiisM-, 'Ugg. sls ih it tin
g ■ ..in,re r—| -esl uuislsii.iing rlisrler.
ol H.C n |Hr*li ui. k-pl nlise by a fieri.
ii u* organ t tiinn and mikes a strong
sj.jiesl fur legisli I ion enforcing llie
**•• iif ••' ii tli sr 1.1 - <>f i lie c-.11 -I ii ui. ii
It I- lh# /'. '...a pMfowwd plrsMirr !
t-i -ii.|.ii <s ih— nless j resetiie'l in tl.i.
me*. *ge. rtie legi.lH'ure will d > w-ll
I" a I 'jil the *Ugge>tlOns of lh- gu*i lll
or sn i I'l|.lesiir to give ill-ill pr.-vcticsl
etf.ct in sjij.r .pi Ist- legist. Imn.
Tu* republican* in congress hsv- frit
li re I s-s .y llie lime ol tli- session until
Ihey are oblige I lustieiipt in ps no
l-ob-inl applopr.slion lull, without Hi*-
cu-tion or even consider*lion. R c*n*e
Ihe d-in > rl* |>revent-d so Sllempl 'n
ru*h through llie legislative *p| nvjo s*
t' >n I.U. involving m l l lions ol dnlltt*
of the pen, !-'* met. w.iliout *ov op j
|mrtunily f-ir exriniostion. republican
popers like llie PliiUdelphi* /Vr**
chsrge that (he larirt'loll is being i.h-
Miucted h* llie l>-i3->cr*iio congirrv
m-n. This is merely disl.liy exco
for ihe (allure of ihe republican m*jor*
Hy loisU- |> Ihe lanff .-ommifsirn 101 l
• t the beginning of the session lJ*r.
rtalnrg l\ilriM.
T f • ivU tv u isot JI Uf ihs Dr.xto*
CitAT this week coiituiiiing the rc| >rt
of the counly Commiieiouer* **#
priultci nl I lie * (B.*e of tie Centre
ll*U Rrporltr. .
TKItMN: A mi m. in Adunrr.
Tic.' lib' <; niix iiiit rif money itii
• ill'j.i v<x•;n t■ • I fiiini ili- (miniry
■ I ' Mill' ;I \ r I .ill ill 'jjeil bill 'if
;>i niiiiij! w 'i • never authorized
Iby air.ltiily I - matter i wptct*
i v left ir ■ I l'i Itvl iriii' i Tuteo.
('■ H.on \ in, it • • lib bat fumi-hed
MiiiM ii j I hi,. l al,. ut $90,.
' Mini) 'v. r in. I .'!'efitinj,' $ 150,-
''oo, b' v. i|.i'- stuck of pre-
I'lO* lllL'till".
riir. in fl nf lut Saturday and
| ""ii in In v but' lit* ,1 verv tlidnictivt of
' ;>"ii H • rll I' i:;i.ylvntiia.
I'iM ..'.ii A 'j'lient city Milbra
•ever'it , i n."- .Ii- ii - in I,uili being
-iiliii'i,'. . A M .i' I v 111 < • Tnutville,
Oil tin ai I 11. i : .il, much damage
ha- liein ! .• ,i ! many people have
'"•in r'-'i'ii- 1 tt.'b 'lifJi'-ilty, while
li' rI. ,ii- ii.. ~ |ii „n; itiih ail
1 tle i r i' iiiU'ii
O.n iof t 1 i -! pmfituhle indus
ri"- • i .1 Ihi lli jir -( ut ( tin
:r - - 1... 1 1- .!• --I - ruling S mi*
• I K.'initi 'lnt. ibetni. It reptires
• nin 11 I'II 1 1' i I | n ■' eeiile lln lnj.iiie.il,
ii 'I I'** I hi inter, it liib.: it yields
iii'l-u ne T• iilr i - I • ll< 11i' ill most
i -('•I" tin i-and- dollars. The
i IvHiitnee* . t ilji. liu.il i.. r>\ t rutlk r
- i at viln t I i e tlii'ten arc K*attd
nut, the jiiit in i lie .ante.
A lill.i. ii- i ■. . 11.• |by Sen
il'.r >ii 'i art In n.j i -:, t > |. re vent
•' 11- Inien • lii .i - \Hie., ' r from
> In r. : ► nit v ile* fur
• in. if nb i' v. ihlaml useless a
l'. ■wi mi n i: i. |i'.iblei icrticeive
'I li'ifbiii ein ;i.-ve ilue* not pre
i -umo ! i init i i ttiilt the u-uul modes
■I i "el „• 11 ,: ie mi i : or placing
Illi'lilati. , , lie field, but aims to
. 0:j 'ii' i*. In . auite and
i' "itl'y I' i it, nt!i| he devi* oto
. ■ ' • tin't ti be en i,*
',ri> ii i e.ii i : u|i'in by their Jl*
t • ii i ii. \ i Ii loreing them into
io| ti tut ttitii tiie infernal bores
• i 11 1 " I •tit \ ■ r-e the country im
"'ii c a lmi tII g I lie lie. pie it
t'nb' Im Im iw i; 11 great pleasure.
i'ui tin. i. i. hi* ut tin: i vtls of ptdi*
ti- thai Liu t'linii"! reach.
i vie 'li aiiiiiuinccincnt made
at It iie |. ! i It. a nen Democratic
'l' i i. iibii.-lii- I in Philadelphia,
u ii ample < .ijii il |u insure its sue
• I' i* a -1 Mii I tin* paper will le
under the editorial nitiii|wMMof W.
I I I It" I. ! til' I. 11l .iSlor I itelli
iii •r. Sin ha publication bit* hoig
1 ''t i in- ii v. t 11 tin |r the man-
i_i• 11 1 in ut i, • in. ry.. lie and biilliant
t' in v' chairman the * ate (.'otninil
"e, i annul biil ut cx'tUMve cirrul.v
u"ii aiui advantage to tin Democratic
party. *
1111. i'hihnb Ipliia/'<r4 is an edi
tor mi headed "(iuvernor I'allisoii's
tiistnk.." si irt* oi: by saying:
' fiovi rnot Puni- hi i.iiinpiesiiimablv
in holiest, w. II no lining, sit Wight for.
laid public die. r. Hi* integrity of
pinpi- * ninl cl< i aiioii of aim mined
; in-.in (-"tiilly impugned."
Thai's enough! Thevcry man the
(leople- inn.ted. 11 he should make a
slight nn-iake imwr and tlien.il will
j imt be forgotten that "to err is hu
To Place (limit ON Hie lb tin <1 List.
W isnixuTox. Kci.ruri ti l'ht house
C'muiitije mi miiiiary stfot• ai tl.eir
meet tog t'd-i pruei icnOy i'grre.l U|>r>n
ilif letni" o' the bilin j I .en (lenrral
(Si .ni u|m ilie retired lisi.it the army
Willi it.crniik at getter*). The chair
in in w. iii-iiuetnl la piefaie a rcpott
illt-VIM 111 111.- bill HI t'C lUl'lllll l ii to
(he .•••ininiitee at their meeting on
Tltuiaiiny. A nt'iioriijr report in op
posiiim. to the | to|.niti.<n will pmb
ail) lie signed iijp . w.t or lli see member#
Minnixita Si natdr.— After a
prut radial contest for Senator from
Mimneoin, ex S-creiary Wiiulom was
dctvaied hj a vuteol HI to 30.
NO. 0.