Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, February 01, 1883, Image 8

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    Of tfnvtv?
Thursday Morning, February 1,1883.
CoKßlni l ORP l '>i ,,l,|| l^ || l n Kl u> i N,r '' >,> ' nw, 'llctl
•4 from Jti> i it of *!•• "Uiiit No conimuitc*iUri
Urtn l uulcM %ccußi|Biit*U '7 !*•• r*l oaiu* of Ui
Local Department.
XI r , Xlcyer Lyon is at home.
—Esq. Keifsnyder, of Millheim, called
tn toe us on Monday.
Tho mercantile appraiser is a son-in
law of Commissioner Wolf.
—No bridges, no boilers, no citrus of
any kind and espouses tho same.
—Mrs. Adatr Veariek we are sorry to
learn is at present lying dangerously ill.
—li is reported that the proprietors of
both Millheim hotels havo been "return
—Hon. 11. F. Hunter, member of the
House, will accept our thnnks for public
documents sent us.
—Dr. 11 K. Hoy, this week performed
a signally successful up- raii -n in the way
of removing a turn r.
—Three Republic an 1 rough auditors i-
rather too much of tin- good thing, 'live j
us a Democrat this year.
scribed to tho Presbyterian r.ew Sunday ;
school and lecture roi m.
—There is considerable difference be- ■
tweon paying 1 one year, and 3*120]
tho next, for the same work.
Editor Grow of the Lock Haven J ur
nal has been elected secretary of the Clin
ton county Agricultural Society.
—"Thad" Longwoll, a Hellefonte boy,
is serving the P. 11. It., at Snow Shoe, a
telegraph operator and trin weigher.
—Sauil. Boycr, of Snow Shoe, is the
same good fellow ho always wa, and is
being favored with business success of no
mean order.
Maj. It. 11. Forster, of this place, is
t" have a de.-k in tho office of Secy. Africa.
Excellent choice.
—A little girl bv the name of Garman
residing near the tho. work- was baily
injured by a ■•'.cd < n Hunk, r Hill, on
Thursday last. •
" —Du Bois has "00 inhabitants and
twenty-three drinking places, and nine' 1
other application* have boon made for
license. Too bad '
—>J r. A brain Valentine while on her
way (o S inday S ho I fell, and struck her
head, and ha* b--n confined to her bed
since almost unable to move.
—The recent thaw has seriouly interfer
ed with the dang- r u* am . ementof coast
ing, but has undoubtedly t <ntributcd
much t > the comfort • ! at. i u> j arent-.
Many "f the p | . rty owns rs in U-wn
have sb wn decided ne_- o-t m removing
tho slush from their pavements which r<-.v
ders walking exceedingly unpleasant
Mr. H .tz, of Joseph Br ■ A C . . i*
a mil- ha *u- .-••* handling the pick as h"
is pulling down <■'. .thing that i *il
but tlo- buttons arid sure t • lit like pa: -r
on the wall.
Mrs. Ann li.ix* Vur g lecture<l at
Brook ville, Pa , y '-rday, on l"'-b *
Curso and the Nation Shame ELr.*
has had some rxps-r.-r.ee nr. I -u mid know '
rll about it.
—Co Supt. \V >if wi- in t- wn • n T-. •- !
day and seem-1 to -t int-rct* <1 in the j
Local Institute , or. • to 1- >el 1 at 11 .ward
on Friday and Saturday next and the oth
er at Millheim one week la'<-r.
La-t Thur- laV Mrs 11 bt. Thompson
of Coleville, an elderly lady being out in
the yard fell up :i the .. s ,-tainir.g a
painful fra. lure of the wr. t, • is rep Ti
ed however as improving a- ra[ ißy s< is
to bo expected.
—The ,V u-s is truly in a bad way when
it employs a drunken rhymer to writs- it*
poetry. The Milcshurg musician may
jMjasess many exccli-int qualities of head
and heart, but he iin t a poet, and they
ought to know it.
—Mr John G l"//.!e hns riab!ih 1 a
meat market in connection with his hotel
at Snow Shoe that is th pride of 'he poo
pie of that neighborhobd, and entrusted
its management to a gentb-man, Mr. Grr,
who understands every detail of the busi
—Our friend of the Boston Clothing
liouto is one of the happiest men in town.
Tho little fellow rame Saturday night and
of course his father is bristling all over
with the dignity attending fatherhood.
"We tender congratulations, Mr. Schnee
—At tbeir meeting on Monday evening
last the Ladies Parish Aid Society of St.
John's Episcopal Chureh passed resold
tions of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Sands for their generous loan of the room
j n which tho oyster supp.er was held last
week, and to all others who so kindly
lent their help and patronage.
—The Mountain ID-use, at Snow Shoe,
k?pt by Mr. K. A. Nolan, is one of the
most delightful places In the world to put
up at. So exceedingly attractive is It,
that guest* not infrequently forget that
lifo is *bort and permit themselve* to mil*
a train in order that they may tarry
awhile longer. The phenomenal succew
that has attended the present management
has been earned by close attention to busi
rinu and a scrupulous regard for the wel
fare and comfort of guest*. It will bo a
cold day when anyone, who top* with
Ed. Nolan, got* I?ft.
Lock Haven has secured a town clock
at Inst.
Valentine* store will ho moved April
Ist to the room* lately occupied by I.
— C. V. Huflbr, A Co., will movo into
the room occupied by M. L. Hchnecborg,
Aprilo Ist.
—lf wo again hear ola certain pool
room proprietor permitting playing on
Sunday wo shall expose hint.
After April Ist, Alfred Nichols, ol
Brooklyn, will open a general wholesale
and retail grocery in tho roam now occu
pied by Brew A Son.
Dr. Iligheo, Stale Superintendent of
Public Instruction, who was compelled to
forego a visit to this place during our late
county institute, on account of sickness is
rapidly recovering.
Mj. J. 11. Fisher, P.-nn Hall, A. C.
Hintmi K-q , ex-county commissioner,
Moihanon. D*. P. T. Mu**er, Aaronsburg,
Messrs J P. Kunfclo and M S Fielder,
Haines twp, and Mr. Jim 11. (Creamer,
Millheim, were among tho welcome call
•r* at this office within tho last day or
; two.
—The V. M. C. A. of Centre Hall has
i Ladies' Auxiliary, officered a* follows
Prost. Mis Cora Murray, Vice I're-t
Mr- W K Forster; Secy. Mi-s Jennie
Hoal; Trea- Mrs. J. W. CJonloy, arid
, Librarians, Mi-- Kate lies,man and Mi-
Maggie Thompson. We wish the effort
! abundant success.
i —On l'ridav a little son of John Brad
ley, whilo coasting on Bunker Hill, struck
a po-t at the corner of the Public Sob ol
i grounds, and was pick--1 up insensible.
He was carried to Dr. Dart s office whore
| he wa kindly cared for by the Doctor and
then taken homo in hi* sleigh. Ho was
injured about the face and bad one tooth
broken off besides other injuries,
Tho pound party of the Presbyterian
Mito Society, which was held on Friday
! evening last, at tho residence of John P !
Harris, was a very enjoyable atlair There 1
wn. quite a largo number of psckags sips.
j, I~f and tho receipt* of tho < vening
w-re very satisfactory. The improvised
auctioneer. whoi one of our legal frater
nity, a- 'juitte i himself with marked ability
and add--! much to the pleasure of the
evening by his quaint humor.
Mr. \\ . G Morrison an energct; and
xp-rien-e l teacher in the schools at Mill- i
n<-ini i active in preparatt-n for the com
i: g I cal intit its- to b- be! i in that b r
ough In the nc i-future. At his instance
the board of directors have calb-d a num
ber of meeting* relative to the ra*i--n
and th- 7 nl he hn* so s rcci --f illy ar- uo-i
mth mm unity gHMTllly, U eOUWtdt
able. T And the honest effort of our C■.
>upt. to inaugurate an w era in educa
t: nal matters in our midst, significant
ly appro lat-!. is wo think, an <-arr.--t - f
m-re satisfactory result* from ;r common
schools and inspires the reas. nal io I. j e
that Centre county will s w;..]) some
a*tir.g influence in a mat*.- r • v,'al a*
the training *>f our Icy* an 1 girl*.
Last Friday as Mr S \\ Barefoot, with
M-- I) C K i— r. was driving out All".
gh*nv street, thre*. lialf grown girls ran
ar. I tr :l to hang <n to the sleigh, th--v
were kind y a-k—l to get ~ff, when one,
the iarge.t, rlauno-d her r- I >bawl in ui h
away a* to cause the h>ri t„ sudd- r,
run t<)- ne sid -, up-etting thn si-igh and
throwing the ccopant* h-avi'y to the
gr-oind, as 5.,.,n a- he discovered the real
tondllion i-f affairs he ran - if and a de.
m >h*hed sloighh an 1 injur-"! animal re
suite,) Mrs KMler was considerably hurt
and might have been killed. There is a
rneth | of preventing thi< outlandish nui
sance and Mr Barefoot sh uld demand at
the hands ~f the parents of the girls full
re-titiition f- r ilamage sustained.
—The rare treat to be given at Centre
Hail n-xt w-eeg, to all lovers of the "Art
Drme' is receiving the eorisideration it
merit* from the leading musicians of thi*
and adjoining counties. A truly encour
aging number havo already signified their
intention to become members of the class
and until the festival week is ushered in
there is abundant reason to expect the
number will lie increased. The eminent
reputation of I)r. Perkins a* an instructor
and com|>oed pissesses an attractive fea
ture that will surely create a desire in our
local talent to plrae themselve* under
hi* valuable suggestion* derived from a
wide and varied experience. Be*ide* the
free entertainment of all singer* in iUelf
gives promise of a genial lime in the hos
pitable farnilie* of Centre Hall.
Crard Jvhv Report.—Tho Grand
Inquest of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania inquiring in and for the county
of Centre, having disposed of all the
bill* of indictment before u* under the in
struction of the Court, have examined the
public building* and report a* follow* :
All the office* In Court Home in good
order. In thn jail find water pipes out of
order on the one aide leading to the cell*
and ten water clo*eU out of order and
having no water. We find one end of gal
lery floor loose and hanging down; al*o
four lock* out of order. The furnace heat,
ing the back end of jail I* nut of order
and ga 1* escaping from 11. Our attention
was called to a hed roof which 1* built on
the outside of the back wall of the jail,
which we think should be removed.
Robert J. 11 AIRE*.
Jan. 24. 1883. Foreman.
A GKAND HCKI'RINK. —On the evening
of the 27th the mutio of bolls wn heard
in front of the Kvungolical parsonage,
Miloshurg, l'u , and on looking out of the
window it horso ami sltiigh worn soon in
front of the house, nod in a few momenta
the door boll rang. In opening the door
a young man and a young lady were wel
comed into the parlor, after which it
proved to ho Mr. C. C. Finny and Miaa
Shrom, from the Holier ►tore, Hullefonte,
bringing with them and | .resenting to
Itev. T M Morris,* 11 r NI class grey wolf
robe, beautifully lined, Ve , a preaont from
the Shuey family. Hod hleaa the doner*, |
and thank* to the liberal giver*.
T. M Motliua.
(■KAMI (!osi Kill AMI HA 1.1,. —The or
der of Free Gardner* i* an ancient one,
claiming it* origin to dale from the time of '
Adam and I'ivn. membership i inot
nuinerou* in S otland, where it Is hul l in
high iadeem. The lirl and only repre
•entative in tin* Slate in the Si. Andrew •
Grand Lodge, No. I, at Snow Shoe city,
thin county.
11 i strictly bencQciai in it* character
and aim, designed to asit thoae of it* ;
member*, who may he uniortunate enough
to incur pbyaical misfortune, and in case
ol death to in*ure decent burial and pro
vide for tbo widow* and orphan* of de.
In order to place it in healthy tinancial
condition a grand concert arid hall were
given under the direct auspice* of IbcHnow
Shoe lodge, lat Thursday evening, which
we *re pleased to report proved an entire
• UCi e*S.
If our memory serve* us properly the
following persons participated in the con
cert, each le-ing greeted with vociferou*
applause Win. Morgan, Win Cook, the
Carney Brother#, Win. McClaren, An
drew Bernard, Tlios C M. per, Ilavid < ar
rn h, Win. Mair, Mr and Mr* Adam
Barr, and Andrew 1..a-, who did the hon I
ors <>f floor manager, and is Grand Master
of the leelge. #
The hall was largely attended, a great
many taking part, and enjoyment seemed
to i • the |.rtion i f ali.
We congratulate St. Andrews Lodge
U| n its succiMisful entry into the arena ol
units*! fellowship ar.d trust many years of
.<■ fulness may l>e meted . ut t-> it# kitid
h ear ted members
Pt-KAA>T Glf IT r. M * —The b'• ting j
match at Hang's set f„r *'
g 1 "i • rder sr. ! sh ling were concerned,
tw iif the large j rkc-r- were disposed of
with a larg" riutiib-r o? turkeys. G dtlieb
is a hri k.
I am s..rrv to *y that quite a number
of our cilir 'to are making arrangements
to mo.ve to I'liilipsh irg—among wio m are
.1 hn llrrn n. .1 it Shuffler, Sidney
M Her ari l .1 hn W Miller—ail g "•>!
iJemi rats and g ! rit'.n ns. We wid
mm th• eg... 1 no-n In mure than one re.
spect, ar.d h j •' they w.il all be mu< h ben
efited in their Tiew mountain h one.
• h-r • 'teemed friend, .1 an Noll, is • ne
of ti,e ~ ■■••fnl a| |inai.ta *t the State
< apital, having ro i',il the app. intment
of janitor He now say# trulx, I wou d
rather ha! • rls• eper In th* house of rt.y
Lr Is than dwell at the Ga| 11 • many
frier ds at the (rap an 1 throughout the
county congratulate him a# the ch. .en
i Hampton.
Jo. It s uvt to cannot .... .s the
editor if the Ti" ", Ale- Mid Mure, is
abusing Governor i'attison for appointing
Me <'a*s ly unless he wanted the ap[iint
rnent him. if J says he h'| . • Mac
wi'l n-.t find out that Spring township is
g -ing to erect an almshouse neit summer,
as ..ne of our overseers is an independent,
the civil service reform might bring the
presumptuous editor of the T. fc out in
opposition to the enterprise
Miss Blanch Tate and her brother,
George, are rioting friends in Wil lanis
te>rt, the Misses Kline, wl ose parents
formerly resided in Bonner township, this
county Hop* they will have a pleasant
time of it
Our stores are all in full blast, the sev
eral nerchants are trying their best to
secure the most customer#, lot# of fun with
them. Keep it up hoys, the customer#
will not interfere so long a* you sell
There i# already considerable wire pull
ing in regard to the Spring election. What
we want is a good strong ticket brought
out and it will be a success, a ticket with
no pullers or choker# to interfere will he
successful, and the* who are evilly dis
posed had belter lay low if they wish to l-e
successful, for yo\i know our stalwart
friend# are very an ilou# to ervn the dear
people of Spring to wnshlp. So let u* put
a ticket in the field that even the most
radical leader* of tbo oppo*ite party can
not find fault with and we are aure to win.
PHIS Bow*.
[Wo commend this letter of BLLIW
Bow* to the rotlce of thoae in different
part* of the county who might, if they
would, do the sims each week. IT is full
of news and will Interest our Pleasant Gap
—The time of holding the borough elec.
lion will aoon be here—Tueeday, 2>tb In
stant, and we truat those interested will
see to It that only good tnea are chosen.
The bulk of tasation is assessed and col
lected by these official*, and if they choose,
they can etpend money without any bene
fit accruing to the public. Take only the
very bet men, those who are known to
conduct their private, personal builneee
judiciously and economically.
Tho AudltorH and tho Commlnnlon
Tho report ol the County Auditor* ha*
been filed, without, usual, the signature
of the Republican member of tho board,
C P. Hi-wen, |;,,j , being affiled thereto, j
\\ 'i do not desire, at this time to outer j
upon a discussion of the merit* of tho
work done, and shall, for the present, con- :
tent ourselves by giving to the public some
Information they would not, in all proba
bility, otherwise receive.
Mr. Howes' reaon for not concurring
in the finding of the balance of the board,
are these
'/. thf Iliiviru'iU, f/ie ]r% t tit? f'.urf
'•/ < /'/< 'ij of i'rritff ( <>HJJty
I concur with tti majority ol the board
•it Auditors in th settlement of the ac
count* of the Sliorift are] Treasurer, but i
dissent from the re|M,rt so fnr a it puryort*
to bo a settlement of the account# of the
Commissioner* with the county, ai.u as- i
sign the following reasons
Ist. That in the settlement with the '
Commissioners the Auditor* simply corn
pared the voucher* produced by the Com
missioner* with the charges or entries
made, Without investigating whether the
• barge* were legal; whether the expend!-
lure was such a# the county was legally
bound to pay , I fin I large amounts were
claimed, to wit over three thousand dl
--ar for expense of county bridges, arid no
examination wa made to ascertain wheth
er the sa:J bridges are county bridge* or j
not. that in the opinion of your audit r, it
i* a .jiiention whether some of then, bridges
are county bridges, that tbo majority of
the auditors refused to go into a full in
vestigation of these different items, that
your auditor to satisfy himself made pri
vate examination and found various lr- j
regularities ar.d credits claimed against 1
the county an i from which investigation
he i* satisfied that other errors ix.st in the
account *• pr-s.-nt'd by the majority of
the auditor
2nd That In the it. m .f r< lit >.f }lf,2 -
17 for the printing of the , ti>mi##i..non
statement published in 18x2 your auditor
is of opinion that at l<-at • ne half thereof
i* in < ire# of |egi charges and that it
was an initio >ar\ expense t . the . untv.
or i That the majority of the audit' is
• eJ or.e ha day t the examination of
the . .-minis- .>ro r#h .r,t-. that no | r ['r
■ lamination thereof c..u! I be made in tha'-
limits-1 time The r.-ult is that i: was j
lut a Comparison with ul a-, audi ,g and
examination su. h *■ the law ; ; re* ar.d
therefore I , an rod j..jn in the said rej*,rl
as far a the r. mmis,i..ners account* are
cohcermd Respectfully submitted,
< 1' II iw r- .lie. f.,r.
In their re; rt the audit r- s.w fit to
mak a few remarks and suggestions, a#
It was hoped that when the present
!• >trd < ! c .mn.issioners cornc into power, .
an .fi rl Would le ir.a In to collect the
h*ik standing tan - We must express our
surprise arA regret t find *o few of these
• 1 account* settled m 1 **• J. There is r.o
.*• DO why svsry I.; cats, n.-w out .
farther ha. k th*n l* - '.' sh . 1 n. t base
t . n sett . ) prior I -January 1,18-'. It
tberu is roth -r wax to cni|.-l the colicc
to n .f tin* xa-t amount of at standing
taxes we think the auditor* will have to i
Im gin t • charge * 1 moneys I. -t by reason
of delay in i Ussting t>> the commission
The law contemplate* th collection of
a.) taxes inday s fr-m the tim the dy
; iii ate ii flr-t placed in the hat >l* of the 1
collector Instol f enforcing it the du
plicate* ar" allowed t" run any-wherr
from thrise to fight years. By thi* means
the county loses a large amount of money
annually. Persons movo out of the dis
tricts, property is 1 ••!■! and transferred, and
then the colli* t-.rs r<>mc in and a*k for
large exoneration* because of this
We hope therefore by the time we are
called upw>n to settle the accounts another
time, no taxes further back than IKh ; will
be found out-*tanditig
The auditor* heartily join in recom
mending that hereafter arcounts which
• annot Im cid'ectcil he stricken from the
list of assets of the county Their is
neither use nor sense in carrying forward,
from year l<> year, account# that are en
lirelv worthless. .
We understand that there are duplicate*
outstanding a# far back a* 1872, given out
to men wbo were worthlos* and without
security being taken. If such is the case
they should bo set out as uncollectabie,
and tho people given to know exactly
what the available asset* of the county are
The auditors suggest that the commis
sioners keep their books In a more simple
manner. The difficulty of which we com
plain seem* Us arise through a multiplicity
of books, and a lack of system in properly
classifying entries or subject* in tbem. A
little more care in thi* direction will be
profitable, save time and and the
account* will be more readily understood.
s-Thi* evening the Ladies Mite Society
of tho I'riwbylerian church will give the
oyster supper of the season, at Bands' Ice
cream parlors. Nothing will ho wanting
that can add to the attractiveness of the
meel. The qualify and the quantty of
eatable* to be furnihed will render it an
occasion of rare pleasure. In addition to
the "season of sapping" proper, Ice cream
and cake, at usual prleoe, will be supplied,
every thing strictly first ela* and well
worthy the patronage of all. Ticket* 60
cents Help the good cause along.
A DOHATIOJ*.—Tho good people of Port
Matilda, Black Oak and Mt. Pleasant,
took possession of tho B. parsonage at
Port Matilda, Pa., on the 10th I net., and
proceeded to prepare un excellent dinner
for Urn occasion. About 70 were present,
and left behind them over SHO.OO worth of
, dry goods, groceries, provisions, dtc , feel,
1 ing that il was goi-d to be there, and that
it was more blessed to give than receive,
and tlin heart of Rev. I' f'onley and wife
were gladdened by their visit.
TXVKNTY Y XA it* A Uar.AT Brrrr.n, from
const.pillion. Had swallowed a half hush
el of Pills, and drank over a barrel of
< atharti. and Laxative slops. Had tried
.•very Patent Medicine recommended in
such case-, nnd had been treated by all the
very Lest physician# in Philadelphia, and
! wa* finally told by her consulting physi- j
< inns thai she wa re w to weak for ('a-
Uiartir Medicine, or injections, and that 1
►he rnul die File then look Mmtalm and
was cured Feudist page of the "lilt of
Life Get the Is.ok from your Druggist,
•r address I'r llAKtxtaM, Osborn, " , for
| one.
A'.ni' n -rt'BiaTr ix FBasin* —The Ag
ri. iliurai Focietj of the • .ur.ty met at the
Court House on Monday evening, fir K. 1
W. Hale, president, in the rhair. The
• •• ri-ury, S. L Ray, Esq , noted the pro- i
The attendance was decidedly meagre, i
about twenty ifing preterit, but the la> k
f iiiernl.er# us* n. .re .than cowj)ensated
for hr the enthusiasm of those wlioseslevo
. '.ion to the cause of husbandry had induced
them t • be on hand, promptly.
Moors. Win. Fborllidge, ("apt J. A
Hunter and A V. Miller, constituted a
A . .remittee to nominate officers for the
••nsair.g yar. They reported—Henry C
Camplwll. of Rock F; rings, president,
■ln.. I Thompson, Lemont, George Runk,
spring Mills, Hon il V Hunter, Fillmore,
and Jr.o. A Woodward, Howard, vice
president* J R Alexander, Bellefonle,
hairrnan, 11 n J V \S<*ver Mileaburg,
Wm lloal, Ontr* Hall, Samuel I>e-ker,
/ n. Wm Y Rari( k e; ring Mills, and
Al. ist.d.-r Cbaney, Port Matilda, exu.
live comn..iter* II II HrI.l/ergur. Kw;.,
Buhcf .r.te, secretary, ar.d Calvin Peters,
Fleming, lil rariao.
Mr Campbell admitted that be consid
er! ! I -nself highly honored and assured
hi* friends that th* cause of agriculture
w >o!d find in him a staunch tup|>orlfr.
('•. Fbortlcige, whose rotund physical
mak. -uj is ex idenc sufficient that in pr.-
f->sing t annually i.*r,'juet tbe MA-iety he
vx> saving ore word for the crganiiaii' n
at d at !• *#t half a 1 7..-n f- r himself
L' r.ard Rhone, Master of Ftate Grange,
Mr Hunk, Mr il *rnber ger. C'aj t Hun
ter and other# to .k part .n animated dis
Alt/g'tber ti.e * .cictr *p|Hars to 1e
80uri'bir gar. l w urge the active c< o;w
ration ol all th.ae interested.
Cm KT I'R.M r.fiu>•• —Court convened
•>n M■ relax at 10 .itlak, A M , with
Judge <rxi# pr-iding The following
, a*. * W ..fe do p. -e.! of bv Judge Or Vis
II \\ H.-.ver vs Jacob A Crider
SeiilMl and costs | aid
t lumonweallh of Penr.a. use of I-avin*
Stine, et al vs Geo \V. Rurnt.arg. r, et al.
S. ttlei arid co*l paid
Austin Curlin < t a! vs John Hoffer et
al. F. tiled
F. l*rd 11 Underbill and wife v. H
( a ui# Harry 11. ,I Fett.eJ and costs
I aid.
,-*inue| Fwarls. et al. vs. Christian
-h*rrar. N-ttleil and cost (aid
ItUna Fh-.1l xs J..hn W. Sholl
Judgment . rxf-ssed in fav. r of plainliC
t..r J.tisi and r.>#l*
Michael M rrison vs Ann Mcljuiilen
H—< tno-nt Judgment c<inf<-ss<d lor land
described In the writ, hut no writ of tuw
session u> in- OS ,ed during life limeof Ann
M.kiiillen I'iaitstiff to pay rst*
Sm v* Mary Flyrin Kjertmenl
Judgment lonf.-ss-d for land d"*crtb-d 11
writ, but no ril of i> **o*#i.in to be luued
•luring the life time of Mary Flynn
I'isintiff t" pay costs
Lrael Confer vs Abraham King. Capias
•>n ISM' #ur slander. Fettled and cost*
i *■>*•
Joseph Ftsaii** vs A It Barlin. \ er
! diet for plaintifl for ft,248 (f.'.
it B Schwartr. vs. Thomas B Sander'
verdict lor plaintiff, f >2.82
Jacob V*npMxi et a! vs. J. V. Gray. Set
tied and costs p>atd.
David Houaer. vs. Taylor and Bonger,
verdict for plaintiff for ff2lß,fCi
Fu*an Young vs Michael Confer. Fet
tled a* pr. papers filed.
John 8 Wagoner et al vs Christian
Bumgardner. Judgment ©onfaasod in open
cxiurt for nine dollars.
Judge Mayer presided since Tuesday
morning and disposed of tbe following
W. J Thompson A Brother, vs. Catha
rine Durst, Ejectment Judgmenlis entered
in favor of plaintiff for land described in
the writ
John H. Oddenkirk, vs. Thomas Toot
and Catherine Toot, hi# wife. Verdict
against Thorns* Toot in favor of plaintiff
J Miles Green and Frank P. Green, vs
C. K. Endngton Jr. This case was on trial
but not finished at the lime of going to
On motion of Gen. Beaver. W. A Am*
br..#e, K*q , of Pbiliptburg, was sworn in
and admitted to practice law in the several
court* of Centre County.
Wilson, Mc Far lane A Co., call alien
lion to the only rellnbl# Ready Mixed
Paint in the market. The Pioneor Pre
pared Paint Is not only superior to any
Ready Mixed Paint eold but rivals pure
white lead In its smoothness In working
nnd du'nbillty. This paint Is guaranteed
by the manufacturers not to crack or peel
within three years. Tbe guarantee I* not
only good for replacing the pelnl but It
will be put on If It should crack or peel
within the time specified- Il will be to
your loterost to cell and eoe Wilson, Mc-
Farlane A Co , before purchasing either
white lead or any other Ready Mixed
A Good Work Cohhiw tit. Tht
ovil* eilt in the management of the
borough eflairr )i daily becoming mora
apparent. Without attempting to M .
plain w quote (-omf-eient authority ao>|
ay, that the report of the Borough audi
tor! when published , l( . xl April „r May
will tbnw that tho committee of council,
having tho *tr<seu in cbarge, haro npenn
ed about tho tamo amount of money'u*ed
lat year, and made no Improvement* to
•peak oT, where** a bridge coding over
91,200. war built lb'- year Wore Tho
water work* will aiko hare cott nearly a,
much, and la t}ear r repc.rt *hi-w* a new
boiler, worth SI,IOO. to have been bought
and |id for.
On account of thia and kindrof] retk
lettne**, much dirralirfaclion exit*, taiea
Increaaed at an alarming rate until they
amount to a much or tn ore than the- rent
tenant! aro wilting to pay Iri one rare a
houre ii rented for sZ>*) on which the ag
gregate taie. amount to S'iOC
The only remit one might reaionahlv
eijrect har been to arouae a feeling of i.it
t- r antaganum to tbit rjntern, and to plant
directly, in the mindi of all, and derir* to
correct the > xiating abuse*
W itn tin! pur |eure in vie® „ number
of our citizen* met on Tueeday evening at
the office of K. I. Orrir, F.*q , and after
cbooring Ir K I. ftartt, chairman, la .
ed the uialler over cooiy, and authorize,]
him to appoint a committee of five, whoc
duty it wiil be to map out the work to be
done ar we!) a to devise mc-nni for its
accompiirbment, and report to a similar
meeting at the rime place on Friday even,
ing next. The committee <oniU of Kill!
Orvii, li. M. f.ieb. Krank I*. Iliair, C'yrm
Weaver end Ct.s* t'<" *.
Now all friend* of equity and honor in
the admir.utratiun of our borough affair*
rbouid come right in regards ** of political
bia, and rae to it that c< ro[>eteDt men
only aro elect/*] to fill b/rougb officer,
florae to the meeting on Friday night
—Thir we take fr m the /Vf',vrg /,*od
rr, of Bunday last, and refer* to a citizen
of thi* place and well known here a* a tip
top, fir*t clari. g'*>d fellow, and we know
there i* n>t an iota of flattery in it, bit
every bit i m re than merited by our
genial friend
It would be bard to imagine a man more
*urprii*i than wa Mr. ii C. I'eager, the
manager of the Ft. Cberle* L lei, yeterday
afternoon on being called into the dining
room where he found the employee* of tt,
b"tel waiting for Lim. Without giving
him litre to in'jU.re what the trouble a a.*
Mr Ir**ac W'atrccn. the head waiter, j re
>erit] him with a hancjr me gold haaded
ebony cana a* a mark of the high ettern
in which be it he. J by the employee* of
the hotei. Mr. Walton made a very ep
propriate 'pooch and ended by hoping that
Mr. Yeager %-uld never be caned in a
manner r. t quit- a' agreeable a' the pre*,
—at Mr Y'-ager wa* greatly moved and
• xprewrcd hi* appreciation of their kind
ne* in a few well cho*en word* The ran#
*i then pa**ed around the people pren-nt
and ali united in raying that they never
bad teen a bandt'-mer preterit of tha kind.
A f2O 00 Biblical Rewabd.— Tha
publisher* of AufWy'i Monthly rffer
twelvt valuable reward* in their M nthly
for February, among which ii the follow
ing :
We wilt give fU'c fiO in gold to the per
ron telling u which i the middle verte in
the Old T'-*ument S ripture* by February
lutb, lfc*st Should two or m..re correct
rrowerr lie received, the reward will f.e
divided. The money will lie forwarded to
the winner February lhth, IBM Pereoni
trying for the reward mud tend 20 rnu
in *iler ino po*uge *tamp taken) wuh
their an*wer, for which they wi I receive
the March Monthly, in which the name
mil adorer* of the winner of the reward
rnd the correct anwer wtll lie published.
Thir may be worth J2O 00 |i you ; cut it
out Addre** Kctlkihik f*rßLiMit*o
Compare, Katon, Penna. 2t-
WaLBCT LkaP 11-VIR llr.tfOKKR —lt 1!
entirely different from all other* 111* at
clear a water, and, a* itr name indicate*,
i* a perfect Vegetable Hair Restorer. It
ariil immediately free the bead from the
dandruff, restore gray hair to itr natural
color, and produce a new growth where it
ha* fallen off. It doe* not in any manner
rff.e-t the health, which Sulphur, Sugar of
lead, and Nitrate of Silver preparation*
have done. It will change light or faded
hair in a few day* to a beautiful g!o**v
brown. A*k your druggi*t for )•. Each
bottle it warranted Smith, Kline A Co.,
Wholesale Agent*. Philadelphia, and
liall A Rocket, New York.
—Our tock of Woolen! i* nowt com
plete. Clothing made to order cheapcer
than ever. MoHTQomkbt it Co , Tailor*.
rrLTOK—BIBIBKR.—On Jrnorry Ifflh. ISkJ, rt Ik*
b.e Mr J.'hn Jcliwemhrnth, l-T l T M.
M H>. Mr Jute I ftillea ml Mir. knh E
fc**nrr. ril of Collage toswabip. Ceatr- twenty. Pw.
AIRE** —lb Milroy. Mifflin rowaty.ee r.lwhy,
|H* rta I art , of fwesraowla, llub Aiktnt, *H
7* year*
Bellefoate Grain Market.
Rtucencva, get. 1. IMS.
Orfertod e-kly ty T l K-yeoMr ACo
WVerV- ek.t., (-I baabal 41 ®
, ,-4 - 1 (U
Wkret.bo.l_ - - *• ,
C„rw—eatw. par kwcbel®* ~
tlIM. per ha*b*l. .......... 71
Oat*. p*r torkrl .... ———J*
RrrCey. per trkl. ry wrfML .J*
n r<* aeed, (r poccaA M
Plowf. wkolwale, per Mil., fcott** •
• per eerk, ~ ITt 1
I'lrrter. gn**n!. per tow • w ■
Provision Market.
OomrM Week! J ty Harper Brotk*r*.
Apple*,dried, per poned. •
Oherrter. dried, pet powed.mird— ld
R**at per <*eert IS
Pt-eb krllrt per pwead... —• —- M
Obu-k-n* per poaed ■ •
Cbeeee per p.>*d so
Oawatry beats per poned R
H*at*,*war rare* —. I*
Lrrd per peaadl.„ fan mi. . t*
*• peeC-TZ
Pile**** par badbet ta
Dttod beat >•