©he tfentrr Stmocrnk to BSLLEFONTE, PA. Vittoria Colonna, from "Michael Angelo." Parting with friends is temporary death, As ail death is. Wo see no moro their faces, Nor hoar their voices, save in memory ; Hut messages of love giro us assurance That we aro not forgotten. Who shall say That from the world of spirits comes no greeting, No message of tomeraberance ? It may bo The thoughts that visit us, wo know not whence, Sudden as inspiration, are the whispers O! disembodied spirits, speaking to us As friends, who was outside a prison wall, Through the barred windows speak to those within. As quiet as the lake that lies beneath tne, As quiet as the tranquil iky above me, As quiet as a heart tliat li.-nt* no more, This convent seems. Above, below, ail peace ! Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends, Aro with mo here, and the tremulous world Makes no moro noi.-e thin the rene te t planet. <) gentle spirit, unto the third circle Of heaven among the I .J >ui n cended, Who, living in the faith ami dying f ■ r it. llaro gone to their reward, !<'> nu ;li For thee us being dead, h it f r nn -• If That I am still alive. Turn th oi dr the rob bers and for the i'tdgi - and the |. ,-i-- ; lators and the public teachers who have been th ir nccomplici M-an tim - tli fact* ar-t . lie kept in mind, —tVnt we have among u a a j class of men who, in their rapacity, j are bent on enriching tDm-lv by forcibly seizing tin property of their neighlx r*. and that t'tuv have learned how to u-e f>r this purjs.se the organ ized force of the State. S .me means | inu*t bo found of pitting a stop tothem. I i nless titi* he done speedily, the re- j sjicct for Inw on which social order rest* will not survive.— From "Topic* i "t the Time, 'in the /-'.Amiry fV-ntury. American-Mexican Treaty. I /VaU Gmehmtni Rttektd ly it* I'' mmiAJtion. ; WABHINOTON, January l H. —The : International Commi.—ion appoint. I to negotiate a commercial treaty be tween the United Htetee and Mexico hn* held meetings at tin Stale Depart ment every day thi* week, and ha made very satisfactory progress in its work. From a well-informed source it i learned tlint a free li-t hn- been agreed upon, which, although it doe- not greatly increase the number of artic le* already imported free into the I nitcd States from Mexico, docs nev ertheless, remove n number of unnec essary duties. Among the nrtieles upon whose free importation Mexico lays particular stress i* sugar not j above No. 10 Dutch standard in col or. This i* sought not so much with I a view to the immediate imjiortation !of such sugar from Mexico into tlie United State* as for the purpose of ■ encouraging and developing the cul ture of cane and the manufacture of sugar in the former country. In the six years during which the treat i* to continue in force it is hard ly possible, in the opinion of the Mex ican representative, that the cxporta tion of sugar from Mexicoshnuld reach any very considerable proportions. At the same time the development of su gar manufacture in connection with | the free admission of agricultural im plements and machinery from the United States would give free play to an irnjKirtfint Mexican industry and lie reciprocally beneficial to both conn -1 tries. The list of articles to be importer! i free of duly from the United State* into Mexico ha* been considerably en larged. Among other things there t have been added to it |ietroleum, crude • and reffned, for illuminating purpose*; - machinery, agricultural implements, i tools for artisans, and houses made of ' iron and wood. t A provision has been virtually agreed upon which will relieve the . commerce of the United Htale* from t the transit duties which have hereto . foro been imposed upon good* passing from Btute to State within the Repub lic of Mexico. It it* intimated, furthermore, that a provision will probably ho agreed upon to permit the transportation of com- j modities from the United States to Mexico and from Mexico to the United States under tint terms of this treaty in ships owned by the citizens of eith er Republic which have h en built within the territory of either, luoth ler words, to allow trade bet we* n the j ! two countries under the treaty to be carried on in ships built in the United States and bought by a citizen of Mex- i ico or built in Mexicoaud bought by a citizen of the United States. Other important provisions are un der consideration, but it is believed ' that they have not taken final shape. Domestic Slanderers l>r. Tuhn'/f, in Fran' /. • it'i Sum/ ty ' If iijaztru. The law of libel ha-a ijuick and stout grip for open slander. It 1 should plainly and by name charge any one with frnud or theft, or urson or uneleanliness, the next morning I • | might have a premptory document | served on me, and in tlollarsaud renL- I -hould have to pay for what dam age 1 hail done that one's chnracbi. Rut the erratum? spoken of by Bt. l'aul are so -mall they slide through between tlie* fine tooth comb of the law. riiey live on ami live on, escapeing courts and juries ami penitentiari* .. 1 IN- district attorney cannot find them. The grand jury cannot find thcin. Shut thcin oil' from one route of p rti dy and tln-y will start on another. N * amount ol moral iiilluence can pur suade them t<> de-i-t. We might as 1 well read the Ten Uominamlrneiits t<> a Hock <'l en w-, expecting them t • retreat under the force < i moral senti ment. Tie v are found ev rywhere. I think they thrive !•• -t in a village of one f*r two tie usaud inhabitant* where ev• rvb dv knows everybody, but ur larg. cities have a full share. Tin v are if a prying tli-j >-iti n. Tt.ey 1■ ik int the ha etnciit window- to *• >• p< e pie at morning ni *1 evening meal.'l hey lean • as far through tl. keyhole ;e * 'filer p. 'pie ran-ee with tbe them th - world i- .i wh -• pering-galh rv. Tin y put the w --t construct ion • i ev rvtniiig. A • descending into the -tree* with - a little dim with t- ar-. the . vent i- -tirn ulating to tlm tub'-le-an r ami -ets the wiii-pcrer up in bu-im * : r inatiy week-, "tiin -s that hu-h.tmi ami wile d n't live happily together." "War rant v>u the hu-bntel abuse* her." | "I burnt e,ni," Shall go ,vor andtcil the ni ighbor, for thi- thing ha p>t ti 1> .-: ■; ; ed." ">iiail I bring the matter Itofort- the chureli ?" ."*he ru-h --•* in out ■ ! hr -ath, raying "Don't you think, all < ar, that our neighbor, poor tbing. came out of her house this morning cry in • .- Tiiat brute of a man tas be- n nbu-ing b r I-n't it awful ? .fii't think of having our neighl r his'l disturbed by such goings on! Well, 1 have .-ii-pcctcl it : r a long time. 1 saw him ver and put an end to this outrage? Dear me, i-n't it awful W bit pari ri! The fact is that one woman *et on fire I with n had spirit can keep n whole neighborhood a boil. She doe* not have to le endowed with any special brain. It is (pnte mquiite that she be not incommoded with a large fami j iv. That would keep her at home. Such must either be single or have m> i children, in order that she may have j time to attend to al! the secret affairs ,of the neighborhood. Women with; large families seldom succeed as whis- j perers. If anything goes wrong, she is the first one to hear it. There seem to telegraph wire.* and telephone* be tween her car and all the household* of all the town. Korgooo, lieallhv news she ha* no appetite, but for the scraps and peeling* that arc thrown out from the scullery into the back yard she has no time t<> go abroad is some day when there is n new divorce cae in i ; the papers, with three or four delight- I fill column* of private letter published, j That morning she ha* no time to read even her Rible. She may saunter on toward night, just to get another pa- j per to see it there are any more par ticular* of the case to get hold of. Sa tan loes not have to look very sharp ' after his dominion in that neighbor- I hood. He ha? let out to her the whole contract. She put* hnshnnds ami wives out with each other, and brother* and sister* in intagonism, and make* the pastor disgusted with his church, and the church irritated with the pastor, j and make* neighbors who feel kindly toward each other suspicious and crit ical, hissing through their teeth a* one ride* past in n fine carriage, saying: "We would keep carriage* if we never paid our debts.'' If two or three of these whisperers happen to meet, they stir a caldron that makes me think of i the three witches of "Macbeth," danc i ing around the boiling caldron in a dark cave. I have more respect for a , poor waif of the street, floating down F under the gaslight, with no home nnd no Hod, for she deceive* no one a* to ' what she is, than for one of those hags ) of respectablo society who covers up i her claws of death with a fine shawl and bolts the hell of ber heart with a ; diamond breastpin. My Valentine. ' Iler eyes uro jut #. blue n hue | A* a-ver painter'* pnlettn knew; i Why, laa.ak ! Sim's pruly m* a picture-book! j il"r iaaiir,—oh ye*, ber iiaitr, tier hair, ; l geld a* amy anywliere; Iter lip* aaitlip*!! thai roue ; 1 think 1 She's sweeter thari u pink ! A tad llaougli alio only staires nod w< ars The most aristocratic air*, I giai-M it's ..WIIII* to iaer stylo of dre*a I For I urn but n Jickcy-.lack, With tons d trouble on my back. Anal she, uli ram ! is grand nnd It. 11 I She's Alice's best (101 l ' M. A >u/r, nun, hi Etbrmry St. Ificho I'm. The I'cii. lon l.nw.. AN l.noltT I") IIE MAI.a: 711 III) AS IV U 1711 711 E SPEC I .1, A*.EST*, i tl l>i|'f'll t > til# TillM'S WASIIINI.TOS, .lun. It. -fhere will l.e un etl'ort niaida- vary soon to remoda-1 the pension law* relative to 11,a special uga'llts. From till account* tll4 a-xpeii lucnt of sending out irva-ral liurtdied clerk* all over tlie counlrv to hold lit tie United State* Court* of th>-ir own for the hearing ol pa-nsion C:as<- a. rant * succe!ul * could tie desire I. The expense attached to at i< at,#• otjeelion. I lae possibility 111 Ill.U-es of Ii ileiicuta oflicial trust un-l the una-veunr-s witta wlatcli tin' .s)st'-tn w.-rk- are more ■ rt ous. These i-liTk- get ll.dtif) -i ya-.ir :n.d per iJiein expense*. I i,i amount* to upward* of u <|uarti-r o) uiiiiion of d I I ur* per annum. In rnHiiy co .<• it is till'-g.-'I tba--e ng.-lit* tire •x. eedtnglf loose in tha-ir '-xaiiiintiiton*. In otlii-r. tiaa-y are igid. lii tlae former <•<* tiia-y open wider tlae door- (or (i tud on tin- govern met, t than I" .r<- tl.a- -ysU-tn went into operation. In the Utt-r they •work an extraordinary hardship on lion est chiitn ant*. A* I'-iria agent A<-I* for iailll*elf. it depend* upon h;a honesty, faitia'ulnes* and capacity whether he i* useful to tlae government < r not. A goo.l many storie- of cro ... me-s Among tlae-e speri.al agents ur- • -aiming in to member* of t'ongre-*. How true *uch tule* *re they have r.o t . -n ' ' knowing In some <-*-i s. it . --a d, the Aget.' h.i art. I m the alout'le c.ipucity of government aietective MI t j i;ii nl mati ig. r, dev t.ng A* much U ntion to P'll'.y ID iltaia ,- t at lie bu- Deal for wliicli l.e ia employ' i. I nder the rii.e- r.f tt.e I>ri'i'in I Iflire no .agent is a--igned to th . .tricl in niaich lie ferm.-r'.v liv< d, and i-verytli:rg -done t> | f.-vnt the sj < iil eri.re from de genei atu.g into n powerful n i t pollti cal r.i'ifliine. 5 ,1.-|I good re-ui;. lanve come from the *nt. at. a* a wli'->. tlast it i* i >t thought ;eirab!e :-a je'.urn to the former cuAlom. Jt i* t-ong s- g gpted, however, ihut ah important change i>e made. Iv . avernoa '"urtin, of iVnn-vlvani*, tiisn w)ao.-n i .greater friend of the ex 'old er :• in ' mgre**. h* :i plan wliicli he wirl -übtiot .n tire slaAj.e of ii t-.il at all early day. it I* to do away w.lli tho whole .per ,i ngent system and substitute liie juro dicl.on of 10.-.il t-.-url-. Jiis plan, in brief, i* to provide for the same hesnng nnd examination how had ba fore the agent* of tbe United Mate, for the I'en.ion Department, but that tuch bearing and taking of tr*lim my shall be done fay the la*-*! court sitting in chamlaer* and transoi.tted tay tire I'en sion ' 'ffice. I'ropo.nl itaiilrond l.rg|*latiooon the <>rgßn ?" "Yes." "That was n part of mv profit on a spec in oats. Didn't 1 foot a deficiency of 1400 in the minister's salary ibis year ?" "Vw." "That came from a rise in stocks. Didn't I chip in 4700 toward the par so ii age ?" "Yes." "That came from a corner in oat-, j Haven't 1 wacked up on the orphan asylum, the new bridge, the park and the fire engine ?" "You have." "Well that means more corners und holding on til! I fi-tt my hair growing gray. < icutlemen, I will step out ai minute and let you reach a verdict." i Jl<-stepped out, but was only thirty seconds la-fore be was called in and congratulated on the v< rdict of "not guilty." .Vow Aih't ftixi iiiiiit *. | >ii.i;-: Rii,us: RILLS : a st nr. < i itr. rot \r> at lasts'* ONE NEED 81 PEER ' A nr. ' t< I r Ktli. I, 111.. It. 1.-i,* .• •! n< r )t t li-aI. tr i • " I It) l't. VA .. nil no Jii'llfefi r> jii' djr.i '!!• 1 l't WJlJlain a I <>itilto i t A •Itigi# •i - .r I|| e gotil ctif Bl MM I•a |f|| I ,J ; | t 0 f Uri ! 0•II ' ,( • |*o|j '(• Itilllulifi fj|a fci'l rIH tßltlr* 'ln li ' tfi hnilb Uwa goo*, Willtaxn'i Ointmfit • • *-■ r• • U*i turn nlliti tlt< ifHr-fi ■ tl'hit , j ufli- uUn> nt ft* M Mtrf (crti. g warm In! : *<;t* m * *. g 1 - ■ • '• f Mil l IS Jt' l'Wf 1 'Tlij f t |'ila # it* liiitg *f .• | 1 ' r nntl.if g * Its *,.!%. hut !t,r If n .1 SI '-f! rt . f ' - f int. ) iti ai* <1 lf H tUjam't Itt liai. I it< hiultn'Bt 1 has* ~s . r,-. fl. . It ftJT "U m- |I'UU t. say that I ha%* it-rr f '*bllllll A (O, k'Uialfiiritli, I'M. PATENTS V ■ ' ■ l. t * ! rt K. . ' '• ' . ,t! Jr.. M ' "ifc'l > .-to .1 fI: I .-I . U'- 1.1 I . t,. I lain > *||, * J'-iar,. rtiaa-rirrifr, r.i i U'WilawlUuWfliu -*lt yrmrf ir: S > rhsrf-• I r rtsmiiaßt n of L-.oi'.la or dr:. jai- A tri-o Iymi l frfc-. r.men r ills raf-'J ttir ' i-la US *r* W-fan 1 ,-i til" Sf IKVTIFII A SI lllf AS. .! )i I: . ttao twee*) rirmlataora, ud i* )ti* r>aot ir.ftn iiii-il la.n-psprr 'f at* I nlanb>l in U.-. *"rl lli* Iw a>l ppi r elr . ~o .1 to s r Bcs.asr-buiii *. iiiff fat! ;, • ik • air.s t. nil other th prtrrietat rf i i,liilra *1 prr.gn ... j tit'liel' t aat any * witrj . Sim-la • - Trie. I y JaAil, l'J etui*. K- . 1 I V All 1.l - d'l'-r A'Mrm. Hnsn A Co., publisher* of Sr-ica tifi'- AmerieAta. U' I Ur *t|irT. V * York, ii Alt Aha/ok about pAtcfata inAiletl free. TRAVULLR'S GUIDE. A N(iW SHOI. Jt a it -n ... til ... aCaatei -.s afUr u.t-l I i ■ u. *"■ -* - • m /mi - 1 ' •• I Bi -• 7 24 * M !/• Ilpllaf : t* > * i M arrlta* at hn' II A I aio Hit * 2 t w aft- ir.Reliofor.tr 4. r a | e%** luliof r.t# A i' r w arrfrr-a at 0&r t W J 1 HI. k lit •, I h 'lJW!Jlrt#T int I>A 1.1) KAUI.K VA 1,1,KY RAIL- I* aA la 7irar*-7*l ..Ayr 1- - Elf Sail •i,Ta lilKill Er M*ll. *' r*,* * . 1 "< ■ A r-ria. latTer :*• l.t-rat* " * 4* a I *' ' !,* ■ la.tfjn M l.**a. : '* ' T ' 4 AAI ' A .it ' . ;i. It, 7 '*" * 47 " la.. I E>(l " ... 747 CO :4- i u r. :<, " .. 7 *• 74* i. ..I . lUntr.h •• ... : V i. 1. 7 •'< <.s •• r m w.tiis. *4* l . j ■ 7lt Al7 . . . 11 M.rlli* ... 07 2* 7 1" " J.'i.r. " *IA #AI 7 • .A ' 7 . . " OMNtllll " .11 ■ 7"" s !■ gaaa st.--. 1b - Itl I 4 ; '■* !, 4-. •• Mii*l.iia " •'4 M' A** !' " 11-llf.*ite " . 4.7 VA7 , , • M>l*>'-4 , - ' AI. " CaarOla " ... VOS 1'- 1* , f A 111 •' w rant r..*i •• .Vl2 : 2.'. , ' II •••■i " ... 2" )" A , 4:• .... •' K.rf1.,111. " " slO 4 ' " 447 .. '• !•> la 4.'l**k " .. *4O t ' - r ' . ■* 4 . ■ M'tl 11.11 " ... 0411 10 ■ t 4 ... *• FlPiwiricfcft " ..0 h7 11 r, 4 /< " !,f*r k lllTßfe M hi 11 t -1 >KN NSY I.V AN IA KA 11.ROA I>. 1 r..| M. Hktilob./—OA AAII After P#r.llaT*r 12, 1*77 . W K-TW AKII. CRir MAtLlfws** I'l.lUl'l|*l. 11 •'.*! " ll.rri.t'tarr 4.7 • an . •• Wiltt.m|*>r4 . .V- . it. * 1,. I lIITMI. 0 > m •• " R.ti. rn.- 10 AAbib •' .rrite, .1 Cris 7 .V. )• . XIAOATtA KXPRKSSI**'** PSltoAelpfcl* I }'ii " Il.trl4l.larf ... l(lf*),n *' " W llllftm,p.at. 1 Z" yan " .Tttrwa.l lienor.'- 4 4" y l Cuarnfrn t y flat, larairi *ra.* la Hello fail. t 4 ?.A p m PAST I.ISK Iwm PMS.SrIf l.tß 11 411 an " 17.t r !>t.i.rf~~ 7 |i rr " " Wllltßrnaiaort... 7 |n. " farr'rei tl I**4 ll.rrn ....... ...

*Bl H.rrHl iirg 4 1" p m '• " Pl.itft.tr lyl.i. Tanpni KRIK M Alt. Ibbtm R.ii •*<■ t 7 p Ba " •• Lor I lUrera *A p m •• '• WilHam.ptarl lltaApn " Al ll** Bl II ar r t*.n r 2 40am " " PtiilaAati hi 8....„ 7 lyt.n FAST 1.1 SB laTtWt||Um.T-Tl 12 ' kt " arrlT*. *1 11-rrt.l..,r s ....„ 7k>a n> " " PbilwMplilß 7 .Win 80. VbII *l, K.pr*.. W>,. |.,k 11.r.e Aee..namtlli'.n W>l an.l la.p K.j r*M R..1 m|tr r-ln. rAnnn-liran.Bl Nnrilnairi-erlan t villi 1 1 B. B R imiD. fnr WllkulAlw rt Srrßialoe Krio M(l *t, Nlr* Ftyr... VNI, ami EH* K.pr. W l.*n4 ll***fl Ar-enmnr-lallraa. WMIf, mak• elo*.maaitaer-tloa tl Wllll*mapt.rl Vila 8.C.8 W. Iralaa. nertb KH Waal Wwt, Nlaftra Riprav* Wrt, aa* PA. Ktpr-K*.t.ip*k* r|.* ■. an*.tl. i. at lla.*n Wail. H F \ B Iralaa. Erl* Mall Eal an A W**t eoanartat Kal. villi Irmn, n L. S. A M. S B 8..al Cvir v|ih e.C A A V R It, al Ban per a rani vlih B N. T 4 P R R., ar. I Al Orißvnof via A A V >1 K Parlor evr* vlll raati tt*ra Pl4 ATT'.IiN) , r a7 LAW r.1.1 .11 .inti y A 'lit) in A1 !■ i' 1' A J lr rat, t a . . ■ I 11.... Ilea t.j !• I ,i„ .| 1 ~ A ||,, . ft. 1"'t (! J. , ft,H pp., ■ V-CK I M A HARSiiIiKUOKiI * 4TT. '*..f I |. I A ' •j t lb u.i rwni !•!>;> J I * tvrf.m A |f*t MILIUM A 1. At* fj J. tftlfcf liAknr r ai;a<* WILLI* ■ r * a LLACS. \\'ALLACKA KRKIiS, * * Hi* 4VII UILLKTIOI OPFTOI January I. H'l CI.KAHKItI.iI*PA. J." LI.IS L. OR VIS, ■ * . ATTORKI V AT 1.1 W <>KI ICE tap • Out,,| || t# . ~. ((,, 4- , A ■ i I uil i dull Jit ,• t ALU, AMI . C. ft a t. \ LEXANDKR k BOWER, * • ATTou.SEVI, AT LAW. ' ' ''• I * '''"J ' "*■ < F I ► ILM IU l.'.g .*ij CI ULtTirlAlT j {RAVER A UK I'll ART, ' * ATTORN *U aA7 LAW . ii A 4,1a1.% il.'Kt b rib of lilffe I*..* j.i, OF. FORTXEY, • A TTOfcv I i '.7 ! AW I . 1.L1.l -Ml, PA. I.*tl 4" t > la't!-, tbt < rt II .-,f JOHN BI.AIJt I.INN, tl trrovvsr AT LAW. ii.i KKONTJC PA Off aAi - • ..1 ~, p.; It . 4J-I, I L. SJ'ANGLKK. *' • A IToI;.NK\ AT LAW. ir,:- I 1 i.l 1.1 -it.. I.S . Ii il. >7 l". PA. * \-"-.ltU'.t i i ■ iWti - j t>. . : o :! lb* v .rU, C . ut • t. f . 1.1 jr r r c. iiipi'i.i.. * • AiiTOI.NET *7 LAW. . ... >"• A HA IKK. PA. All ! 'lf r'H] • fa) ill .llmMI I), \\'M. I'. MITCHELL, ™ * PKACTK AI - II i i R, I/O A liA\ I N PA, W,l; IVDTi r\ fttt'titi t, flrwti lo O t -rti+ hur|r% i'TOftl J'—]f | \!R J AS. H. DOBBINS. M. P., 1 ' nniciAi AID IGMRHI, 1 7 , A i fct it ai i • - Mt*r *■" liKLLLIOS 7 E. PA. nR. J. W. RHONE, Dentist, can I* l' ' si ai in - " i ,1 l j.. d,kfi na Nrtb ■ ' ' Hi.' ,irwi thra. i-. n Lad AllMfcra*. Itallafaata, P* 16-1, lUixitirns I IARNESS MANUFACTORY II BKLLKPOHTK. PA |-1f 1/ I*. BLAIR, I • JEWELER. mm, ci rt, rvn . Ac. AH Arork MMIpI (}% tnwl, rodrr Br kt-rto- fl ilwiw, 4 u I) HA I. Kits IN PUKK DRUGS ONLY. 3 1 /.ELLEU A SON. . . '• UK COO UTS V * Hf - b ff lU*w %. ' All tb* CisiiflAH Calfnl *hllcJbi Pr~ • w aid Iwmlb H'-rtf** *4 4 tf t . . • C. WTkJ Pr-ws t i f lAlUf.Ctili'r. MIR ST NATIONAL RANK OF I MIIIE.iMF AH*hfti Clin t. IW11T A-lf .If 1 mrrlla licoi/s 1 -RILK CENTRE DEMOCRAT V " BOOK and JOB OFFICE ALLEGHENY STREET, BKLLEKONTE, PA., IP NOW OPPKRIKO GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO TIIOPR WlPnisa KIKPT-CLAAA I'lain or Fancy Printing. W hsrtt uniuu*! fs< ilitip for printing LAW ROOKS, PA M PU LKTB, CATALOGUES, PROGRAMMES, STATEMENTS, 4 CIRCULARS, 1 RILL IIKAMS. NOTE il EARS, BUSINESS CARDS, INVITATION CARDS, CARTES DK VISITK, CARDS ON ENVELOPES AND ALL KINDS OF BLANKS, •WOrdrri by mtil will RECAI** prompt Kaf*Printing don* in tb* b**lttyl, OR •bort notice md nt tb# lowmt mi#* " ("1 ARMAN'S HOTEL, vl Oppo.lt*CVikft 1td..., RKLLKtOKTI, Pk TftllMfl.U PRR DAT A |wl Utk| XMM 41