Ctnlvc jnmocv.it. DELLEFONTE, PA. TIIK CKNT It K I) K MOCK AT in pub lUliol *ory i'liur*-U> niornloKi Bfl|ifonU,Uutf county, I'a. TlCllM3—Csstilu advance $' "O It uol|mlilio 4t|viitiCt A LIVB I'AI'EK-dsvulsd to tho HUtMU l Ui wliolo yu)il. t'*>iatil- iu No ju|n'i will u .llsotitiuii.d until rrot*|(o>r ■ll4. uctft ftl option ol |Htbliabn l-epor-going out "f th coiuilji nmntho psi-l for In silvoiics. Auy person procurlna n* tenca-h ititat floors w 111 bo aunt is, Procmo'iK I' -alora ' "11111.-I. UliirlUtinit.Av., 11l thr fl II ■ at at I lo Itnil *t lll'' It I ' aalhl* mil'* Allailmrttiiomrul* '> * t--ii" thou lltroo ni "Una •Ot onla |.ot lino for tl." Ural llii. o li.-orllou*. snd cola * lino lor ra< h Idilloiml tuaorlioti f|>..il antics* ono-half m "o l.tlliurhil noticra I • rent* |*-r l ea. | \ Nil. It *"♦ I i t '"Hit 10 COtJ t M |'t-f a I*l 11* •••' • • 4: ' •' . • x ' '" ' the quarter, li*h vt -r, r y r.*r, <*• !■ ll*w If ACS occvritD. On# Inch (or llnoiihU tjp#) tj ?r!J Tt... luim • ■ : 1 1 kbr— Ihi II QmiSti (olnmu 01 • • H All QO)IWR Or. • 'luili'i • P.troi • IvorllaoM' n ' I 1 ' ' '" '• • rtioa, ' ** tr . • M.ii '■ i IIIMM'II lnnco ' " i"'" " I'OLttl' A X.ltlvr I' I ' 'I ' ll' "' N "lilnc Hiat r ' - ■ iii-aiot. n.'ti ' ' lltorlnleolnwns.lSonnta p*r tins."-sell in* " > Kclief for the TAXPAYERS lion. Steuben Junkins, o( I.uzerm county, Into presented a liiil in ili" bouse of representatives which aim* at the relief of the people of the several counties of the ccinmonwealth from the onerous burdens of local taxation. It is a proposition to transfer the licenn taxes from the state treasury to th< treasuries of the respective counties in which such taxes are levied. Ilieeffect of the passage of thi* hill would he to relieve the state treasury of it* present plethora and to reduce local taxation to | the extent ola million dollars per an num. The Patriot has on more than one oc j cation advooted legislation calculated to disencumber the industry and pro| erty of the stale of the load of local tax es which hampers and oppresses tin-in The hill offered hy Kef resentat.ve ten kins will accomplish the desired end. Indeed it will do more. While reliev ing the taxpayers in a largo degree it will reduce the enormous balance* in the state treasury which are a constant temptation to plundering ring* and which apparently benefit nobody but the bunks in which they deposited. The sinking fund ha* at present a surplus ol upwards of two millions of dollar* an J the general revenue isequally plethoric. It is clear, therefore, that the slate iioe not need the moneys derived from li cen*e and that even if thecounlie* did not require relief it would be sound st*temn*hip to reduce the revenue* of the commonwealth to the extent pro posed in this bill. Apart from the reaons already giver for the passage of this measure it would seem to lie an act ofju*tice to the coun ties to give then, the benefit of the Ii cenae taxes. So far a* liquor license are concerned, the disorder* and criu.e. resultant from the abuse of alcoliolii drinks sold thereunder, are a Ux upm the counties rather than upon thetate. The expense of maintaining the crinv nsl court* rests chiefly with the COUI * ties. It would therefore appear to be but just that the counties -hould have the revenues derived from such license besides it i* reasonable to believe that if the counties wpre authorized to rol lect the license* forth.-irown u*e and behoof, the license law* would be mor. rigidly enforced. livery taxpayer woulo then be directly interested in their en forcement. The more remotely th. law affects the citizen the more indiff-r ent he becomes to it- provision*. Tin converse of the proposition i equally true. The more intimately the right and interests of the citizen are related to the law the greater the likelihood that popular feeling will run in favor ol the execution of the law. Take it all in-all, therefore, the bill of Kepresenia five .lenkin* ought to go on the statute book and if the present legislature should place it there it cannot he doubt ed that it will be its future pride and glory. — Harrwhnrj I'atrmt. WASHINGTON, .Fan. 20.— After the ad jo-jrnment of the f- I-nate, yesterday afternoon, an informal conference of Democratic Senator* was held in one of the committee rooms, Senator I'end leton presided, and about twenty Sena tora were preaenl. The discussion was confined to the general policy to be pursued in regard to the impending tariff bill. No attempt was made to reach no agreement as TO wbst action should be taken touching any partieo iar feature of the bill, or as to any amendments to be offered. The general sentiment, as expressed, favored a cur tailment, as far as possible, of speech making and an avoidance on tho part of the Democrats, of the appearance O filibustering or purposely delaying the passage of the bill. A Day In Congress. 111 It NAVAI, 1111.1. lASSEII A.M> Till". TAHIIT 111 1.1. REACHED—EL I.OOJKS ON SEN A TOR 1111.1., WASHINGTON, January 25. —To day was set it past in the Senate for servicea in honor of the late Senator It. 11. Hill, of Georgia, lb-solution* ol respect for the memory ot the deceased were adopted, and Senator Brown delivered an address followed by Senator* Vorhees, Kd inunds, Jones (Fin.) and Burrows. UEL - K or REI'KKSSN T ATI V gS. Tho Naval Appropriation lull, with pending uioendnieut*, was considered ui the Mouse. The amendment for bidding <'hiefs of Bureau." from receiving additional compensation n* such was rejected, and that providing fir the payment ot if'ilU'OO to Asa Week* Was adopted. The bill A. is then passed yeas, J.tj ; nays, 'J'.i. The House then went into Committee if the Wlioie on Revenue t ills. The consideration of all t ill* on the culen .o. WHS objected to by Mr. Kelley un til the Tariff bill wa* reached. Mr. Kellev addressed the House on the ill. He said that there were many re luoti' ll* of exi-ling dulies proposed by ill" pending measure which lus indi vidual judgment did not approve, lie eared that they would he found in ■r.iclice to t .• so great a* to impair the llic cney of ou' productive power, and would tho* put consumers at the mercy of those who. by rea-on of tile with li.tw.ilof our coinpe itiou in any par ticuhir indu'trv, would have a monnp oly of our markets, and could control prices therein. Nevertheless he should •upport the lull in all it* features. *ul milting amendment* only in case he ■va* instructed to do so hy the • 'otntnil iee of W ay* and Means. Ihe hill n a whole was, in bis judgment, the !,•-1 measure of the kind which hud ever been submitted to the American Cot .•re**. Mr. Kellev hoped there would be no delay in deposing of the tail The experts reported that the ret en ito re*o|utioiis >n the deatli of R, H Hill, of Heorg > Kulogies were pr- ' -unred by Kejrc •on tit ires II in n ond, Sp-er. Tucker, Hou*e, K isson, W'-m ,rn l ex. . Hook •■r Mi*. and Cox N Y ', after whicti the House adopted unanimously a sero - * if lesolutions t*xpre*-ive of it regrei it the "lealh of Sen lb i Hill, and th' I , a* an ndditional mark of re-pect to t memory of the ilece ised, at 4 -i, a I ourned. II ilkeharre Disappearing. FORTV \" r or MISE >I KI Ni; SINK* AM" < M *F CONR RS -TINS. Wit KE-IIARRI;. Fa., January 2'. —At fi "•'clock yesterday morning the residents of the >ecnnd * ini in this city w--re • tsried from tlieir slumbers by a r ar like that of an earihqu ike. I'eople r iti out of their hou-e- frightened, tut soon • -renamed that a cave in Imd taken i- ice in the abandoned oper.inp* of ilie Delaw ire ai d Ho lon Company's in ne n that localuy. Numenui* zi/ /..ig gap were visible on the -ur'ace, and old inner- at onro began to explore to b-arn the exaet situation. It took but short time to discover that the entire • Xtenl of the cave in appeared to cover -ur'ace of nenrly forty acres, tnoit of which i covered with miner*' dweling*. -rhool houses and other building*. Dor mg the day many per-ons rei ' violently '! AltributiiigeviTylhiiig that ha* gone uniim or thai nmy go etni*s lo tho alleged evil inlluenre of tin* H| potiitmetii run* beyond loolihne* and into grop* unfnirne**. It can not la* po**ihle tli*t the cau?e o( reform will Miller Irotn Mr. t".*idy , enrumbency o( the Attorney fieneral -hip, utile** the objectors to him shall deliberalely ruin that c*ue to revenge the • iovernor'a di.regard ol their wi*h" ■ o*. (Inventor I'atti.oil nnd the lfenio cratic party are pledged to reform. We thank heaven they are 100 openly and too '(|tt re|y pledged to it to ad titit of evunion. VVs know that the party i* sincere and intend* to redeem it* pledge. We believe the 'i ivernor to lie sincere, and wecinnot ta lieve and will not 11 lieve witliout cvideneo that the Attorney tienet il i< to t sincere. What objection could Mr. t'u--idv have 111 thwarling the can c of Reform 1 I'o do so would be ru ti ua to the partv. ruinou* to the (Sovernor and ruinou* to liimself. I* :l a supposed case Ilu.t he 1 intend- lo kill the parly and th' tiov ••rnor and commit suicide ium eli ' Ho 1 know* as well a* anybody that any wrong done by linn administration would be f.' il to every man prouiitu n: ly identified with it. If, thercfoie, he 1 iiu l no higher motive t .an *• f j r.--cr ration, tin* urely woul i prr vi tit htm from intentionally going astray mud mm .steriiig til- i :V. •• an I adv.sing out ' chief in igistrate. II Mr. i'a--idy was correct!, rcj irted in an "interview' pulii-fied several ' week* a : '. tls.nl. be ninde a III i-take 1 m avowing hituseil a cruididale |i r the I'ni'.cd s t..ti -si iiiile and ett.i gup ti, | \ttornev fietu rnl-bip a* a stepping ' stone t' ,t. II *at.itv as a lawyer I i I tie, n freely conn ic l f y those who liV e • ' ectr ito III"). il true |Jjr v . in our i-f 'ini n. would I e to cast paldi eil ii'pir itiotis aside f r the present and , rr.'.vo ti hold the V'lorney liener.l j' • bip to the end ot the term nd o dl tinrgc I, • dull, . h to win the Hppl.nse •it those who now ol |,cl to it.n>. Tn < night lo I e lu* -tut.in. ri, at.il wlist more honoi ible fame could lie *(ipi;ie than jus' tbi* ? A' an. rate there i no good re*,,n sby the R-fortn element ( I the Rej it>. \ ,!Cin p*riy should singe bar k into the , bar'or of tbe I- ,s Rig. Ken if the new -'.ate u 1 nuni-Iratu n l,ou d pooe unfaithful to the pledge* of the | ,ru tnd the expecla ion* of the |ut lic tie Democratic tn*s.r* w,.f rot pn ve un- t11 li *ti i nor ce*e to do I> is 111 e for the cause of Reform. If they have bei ri ted into a mistake in tbe choice of riiern which we cannot believe in the absence of convincing evidence.i they wi'ltir reel tbai mistake at (lie br*t opportu ntlv. for tl.ey ate firmly resolved that ihe affair* of thi* commonwealth must and ahull I e honestly and econoinnally idnnnisiered.— C.trlult f" !uit/rr. ( laimunt* for the ( upitol. I'll r. It * si* At i r. ris t• M**inr t* Tttr Sirrs or NATM* VI HI'II.HIM.* I'ITT in (. .lanu*ri Lli -Robert Mor ri*on. of this city, the leading counsel for the Rlackmore heirs, clamant* of ihe vast estate of Samuel Rlackmore, eonststingof con*ider*'de properly in Pennsylvania, Maryland and the Ib. irn-t of Columbia including the ground on which stand* the National Capitol, White House and other 'iovernmenr building* lodav produced tlieorjginal document* in tiie case, from which it appear* that the claim cannot be ig nored by the (Government or the pri- ; vate partie* concerned. Among the paper*, which have be come yellow from age, i* one from the Orphan*' Court naming Arabellr and .lane Rlackmore a* heirs nnd executor* j of the estate of said Rlackmore, who; died about 17*0. After coming into ' possession nl the property, Mr. Morri son *ay* Arabella nnd .fane leased it for s term of ninety nino year#. Thi* lease ha* about five year* yet to run. Thus it will be seen that the statute of limitation cannot be pleaded success fully by the present holder* in resisting the claim. Long after the death of Ara t ell* and .fane Rlackmore the holder* of tbo land, realising thai their title waa imperfect, had a power of attorney drawn up, and presented to the heirs, who, however, never signed it. This document, which provided for the tranferofthe Interest of the heir* in the property, is also in tbe possession of Mr. Morrison. Resides these papers, which are con sidered essential to establish the claim of tbe Rlackmore decendaots to the property, there are deed* an 1 oilier documents which will be produced. Mr. Morrison wm* in Ktirope recently looking after the iiitercal* of the heir* in Kngland. There i* treasure, consist ing of about I'fiOO (MX), in the Rank of Ktigland and cnnsbtornbln properly in bondori mcl elsewhere to which the claimant* "crt ownership. Mr, Morrison will goto Washington. 1 fortified with an abundance of evidence to establish the claim, about tin- Ut . prog into. The heir* to Ihi* vast eiate ni di* trihtiied tlirmitfhnut I'ennav I vania. M try land, t (bin, M i.souri and i'llifcrriia. anil number about eighty. I'llr I.incaaler /,-' tbe com inittee* were announced nd ready tbi* year on the seventeenth f .fanu*rv notwiihstnr ding the mterrutition of *ll nut.lie business by tbe inauguration ;in ilie lt lion-,, thev were not announced un'il the twentietj forty bill* have tieim considered and reported from eomtllittees ; tWPntv five have h. < ri di nosed of on fii-t resiling ami ten have nassed second reading, while it i* oniy the twenty fourth of the month. In the last home the first t II reported from rrimmittre* was on the twenty ninth. Speaker I' .unee's • ommittee* give gen eral satisfaction for the fairness with which tin ruber* of both parties w,-re allottnl ; it WII* (juite the contrary with -speaker Hewitt's. While the cession* h-ve not, in our opinion, n* vet | rovid (*(I for as much work a thev might, the a . lit ion of one hour to the lr idiv ce ■>n and the prohibition of resolution* on that day change itspr credinj. from • iiinconit eto btisinr e, and if the mem bcr* attind thei can practic al\ make the I ril it v Wei'iti one more working day of the wick. Th- very fact t),at the democratic house ct t ] 1 d to r-omider tin- portage allow e .>■ *ho, - .t to |, *<. i ■ r.or s. t si of the ptopiietic* to re 11 . 1 item h >us. wh;< i bwe never evi n bal'e I to consiiier whether r id ll.e pru' Wis unlawful. No republican house ti i~* drown the virtue to re-.st the ti mpt&tibt - to liil ar ml .rg iv,ll now n-e one d.-mocruti eu j loye if tbe hou-e do.ng tiie work upon which three re; uhli ,n ofll. i holders used to be un loved, and in stead of men drawing i' | cr day fr -m the slate and absenting themselves from tii*. r per t of duty w. t li, a toi dun with out. a cheap hireling proxy to do the t work, < very ni -n on the p'iy roll of the bouse 1* *1 Ills post ntid knows tbat be tins to cifiv there; in some in-tm.ee. I bey *re •V. li r- pi r> i to pay In ip < i of I brtr own pi.cm-'. . tor all of these tilings we me dull ibaltkful . and till- bouse li. -crV. s rt igid t inn f< r I hem. If it s|crne ar.'il III" tnfmli r* of hi* | artv rilled at tfie KxcCUllve Mansion tod..) ju*t t.efore the meeting of the Cabinet it. d | aid tlieir respect* lo tin* I'reti dent. They were accompanied bv the Rniish Minister and Mr. John I'avi-, First A*si*iant Secretary of the stale Ihe visitorawere receiveil in the Rlue Parlor anil were presented to the Pre* ident by A-i-lant Secretary I'ivis. They were then shown through the mansion and afterwards visited the I'e. par nicnl of Slate. The Marquis of Rome will be entertsined by the British Minister to night, by President Arthur to morrow night and hy General sher man Sunday night. The President returned the visit of the Marquis of I.nrne at the F.nglish Regalion thi* afternoon. St. Mr (tola* For February. • Celebrate# St. Valentine's day in cap | ilal style with an amusing alory mr So. phie Swett,called "A (jueer Valentine," and one has but to read it to ee the appropriateness of tho title. Anna North contribute* "The Mission ol Ma bet's Valentine ; and there is a funny little poem, "My Valentine,"' by J. M. Anderson. Joaquin Miller's "In the Land ol Clouds," describe* an ascent of Mount Hood by a party of tourists, and the loss and rescue of a little dog that in aisled on accompanying the climbers. Another paper which is sure of a hearty welcome i* one with the attrac live title, "A New Winter's Sport, winch is written by lljalniar H. Roaeecti who introduces our American boys to the tkft or Norwegian snow shoe. Uf the serial stories,'"Th TifcUham Brothers' Tide Mill," by .J. T. Trow bridge, leaves Ha young heroe* in a -till more exciting position than Nat month. Mr*. Clement has an "Art and Arlista" paper on the Flemish painters, with two beautiful reproducti ri* of portrait* of Reuben. aiiy tin* iireut urti t himself. "The alory of the Field iif tlf ' loth of 'i ihi* *rnib!anr of i, -Urb • .1 wh.! v : !. t•, I > ,rd I IT. | 1 ' 'ii r ndii, i;, ami i.i rings were of n < 1 111 11 ,-r i*l (h r i el itirtt tic • an. • i, . i ]i v. l lino inior tinn* thought it i% u I b- Inter if he were r.nled awa.-, i this ||,,n ph)s iriat.s, weil known in Hi ly Pitts butg iIV f Till I I [1 IT •?. that he WHS n imminent r their do L.I.J boots and -lines *ro (r 'V elc li(' i. t . |!iv (loutih tbc |rn • ! r tln in in i,i lo r pUc<-. and is t:,c liet Je.t | , .■ or ever beard of W- t II v ir. t. i, th i'. r *ri c! - •<• i • (el r(■ 1.1 c•'i,< kof fail ft tin W i.ter g at ail w Cist. Ve tin'.' e .. . -ii.tr wf,lie the iron i hot. a* i r,u l never have (hi* ebamoof! ?• i e/ain. n.'i v t. IV (• t ii f- \ i otli rig in danger n> t •..(■ W, • .en ii-- nothing it 'l! - 'l. I .it the be*t an l ' mtrtt i i r" , i■ i hu* Kid nojr Wi rt i ; >-i umte-nil n Ci" •"f i - >• ! ( r, 1.. Inr v and how (•!. I v .. > • \ , hut atl tie m trv it. mi • n*f A of •trot a' 1 at '* l o - >* M fp 1 b ih 'VraM li' fl rnonifl l# • J in f "fn|flibi Uh ibo mit'V|tnr| * f !<• '-♦!, klm'l tflt'hf.lJtlW re !rra H- i tla In )l Til Hal *•. I" *t** . 1"A % V || —RH EUMIT-I S-M—jl! . j t. ; r t..1 t; c r- " if- cf u a t| >t;CNEY3,LIVCR AKD DOWELS. || f-j J' r. *\ r,t tT Kr.d (A. -,i t%\ e-t Uj dr -'Xtfil rcfTVri. i|t mhi.i.lS TtiOUSANDB OF CA6CS Li JJuf r. tront f- r-m cf u.. %*rr\b\ * | t: -yrtv bn f r*OJ*Tr-mUCS, fl. I.T9HWOR HUT. ROl® t trouTß. m < li- I>rr !•<• •: t hr nO-'L £ |vrn.na.BTCTlAn.DWol*fc 6n.. Earllnrten Tl WANTED! T*'i - r iir Knnwv.i- Sft*A in llti nfi'l * • 01. % auiUf ? H * will f|p Arn ,ih • trill nl a lnf th* AI J, if *tj • ••(til, lto4y m --plojrm#-nt l g■ m| j \ Mr-tt H •# 4 II INE A ( 0,, THPOIP NllfT' tl"', l'bMal['ltli, L' ( Kftrlow urap > Vb*t |>rsil HOUSE, J 9 m 1 1 BVOfITB, PA , AniJ afnirlA K rtll, u.et .a. .U tk ♦ml fr<• lln# rut*lk n.rt iHwa i*n limMtiniiMr) if" frtftiiuM frw. Km • tin faih t>i mak nir afinr# m> nmA mil IWf 'rWAtt*'!! and All thnt H H*dr4 Ml ft##. A4> 4rM nttm—n 4 0# N Pv i tUnd, IIIIM WMf. A 'rir .tih . ,•/1 irni "ill n. J KNNSVI?\ \.M \ STATE COLLEGE. Win!- i lr*tn b January ; Id*J. Till* tft'tKtlf | M I I i , || llf tel. "'i. A "T,, MfTum ' ' " i-W.' 1 A I'm ! C!a** *1 ,f | ~, y #J|f# 2A f nil h , ■ l .. .j\ut \• ■ t 1. Tlia ("ll'.ttlti/ I'M 'ML Oft , , •*'' • ' Ml'l .1.1 . Military drill i t , , I i i.*. < . • IdMtaifl • rj i ■ i ' i S ' I* - - Imtii t 1 •*•** uu " P-/f i.aLtl , ♦ . , if f M .. „ ~, or.'i M MIIrHTON Pmt HM , _y, |f h,UWU, .|, ' Tt I' , J-.. J i J Kj;i>i;ui< KS, Repairer of Sewing machines, HHI.I.KMfNT) I'A '* •• r i.... a~ i . j . /. V* , " 1 I 1> 'ti'l M"i. ... lUmodUd lo 6U ttvlt mi th Ji inper$ t £t , "Km rtßufrwf lr All • rk i trar.*.< < -1. 4 \I( I \ KV To Loan at f, |r ft. It TIII mi TCAL Lin IMIt h -I.\| I. 111 lir M. v.,|ih t,,., ~ ~ „ ...J (..n, I 1-i ..1 ■ NIMMI InlkMlß i I .. 1 . . . r ,!. • i . f !-') AI.J | ft. .1 , M , ~ ,'! Hat k!. r Ilia. .. |it i, ~ u , , „ n.;.,.) t ;-.fif. i tl. | r tmi i r.fi., ■ at to* ra. 1., i. .11 .r a.ti.aa il 11.. IL I. r. at u.t tl, Hl) < CIIAKLEf V OIKI.MA* Att/ n,.> at a, ■ ..t tr.t 1...A l;. |. orIotfAVIDZ .A;;r.i.M 4- 1 ' ' Uf'l.f.'.ufa.Pa. BEST N I >f >ll ,• i.. a < ;,,tal • t • -,nin t u . .a I itt ■, . i.it,,,, Mat.) ai uaktl.f f .rt ... • I. 1... i ... . , a* <-• t. t ; -"•alii.iiiiiki [imt |< ll aA. . If yoa aal • •||." at I. > .... a . n. .1. k r.at |..i a:I t| a I . v.r,t. I :a'. i , II 111 if), a < J. ,t t> I. Malta 4-47 •11 NOW 13 YOUR TIME. Get two Weekly Newspapers for the Price of One. \nd the Hi *t lulantl Daily at P.c auced Ruteu. Th* rij.tn n j: 1 1h Vntti I'Atijf? i lJ.t*'u t.'.f Hirtti f4*i.i ? *? ! t!, I'(>rk -i'-Llv >ut, *>l| m tit t tb* •'- iiMiif# .. w;r if: • *h i fc.*V 4b' • rtt * Until I'tTftt V*jij |lir Hffk! l.tuif i r f. i -m' il- T" •% j t I i-"t! t , I f t#-t f bwf- l ri 1 lib*Uracil p*r*m*i fi m t*t <-, j.t 1 1' y I I crtlia tar lb#y lU* ' | t j M ' J 1 • I'A" I * I ' ' 1 '!' '"frffcl.M. Hi f.iU'f'4 J' T< •' I'fc.ti !*• • % ' 1 r ... will fJu'r I t r ♦!* • n 'ft f tout {*•■ J if *ntrtt-n| .tiwmU u of |*t2tjtJti rf ptntiv)!' I'A I laY I' ATPIc'T |'f' ! • Ii r fit* Aa'rttoftod Prr** toil toll to! t. || | -la bal'Aii.i I'Al Kh'T | itrn t n.; . -1 i< ibaii ti r-rat jr |rti t ate latlato If* U KICK I Y P A 7 M| * | • a -a- C . right |fayr 4n.'t"l lalitrratmt a^r nltui *. u i.>* uranMfa/ • nm*. uwil i" !■ Oafit'C I!i numl^i • ill "tiliwi an illuMratfon i i M'toi* pr.n/*r.l U<|ir • Tin* I* an ailttot tl f atut whirh ati-.fi il t j-ia-aaa Trrtrir (I a>> ui lutartaMy in lian ,|,u klhKI I PAT ar J * r t . V} of lb" rhita4H|.hta UKKKLI T! MM to.II •* tit -na yr at f..t <• rah In ad at.< a. U (pti|,| hr * la f .r tl, atotw* | .rir* ol th* la It if. *.# | * I lb* H I.IKLT PAT MOT af*t *< it of •# CXItT aOP. IIPiHTII. ato torotitkilt n>ag* • /in*. {-nt'lulifl at fk9< n at at.touto.. toil! U ••i.tf't.* jmr ferfl Tbraaliiii fen4tiur p*r.d In y i-r t r* at one* A . Tli* Iff mr*to aril! ranlinan* a iW ransr rd mlfarte, •f |*-< i*l tj toill I* fcir*i a* far a* litn* ill ;**tutH. f.n q*> tton* aol It** na*fi* ito tio ariih tliwa. Ih*y • ill !•* op*to to all. fr** of rhatg*. ia<] all *at• t* •tnd*tit. ir Matiad, matt****, tal I*. a*h*tato4 nd cha'r*. | licaVb tt. nan pf...-:o l.rard In th* (Y4l*f* Clh, at tbaar aw*l rat# of a) nt !:>>• *4, 1% riN-it* ail "tot I tin th* l*dto*a rrlll lata opfortto nlty to atl*:| rorltatbma and tb*r nulbf* #i*fti***, ihtH a/'joainiint t4*ato*bto toilh th* *hara*r ParathCtof Aturarow. T Ultua Ida' ♦rial Kfdto*athn, and Politktoi BcutMtotoy fat Tat mm. 2. Bp Panr. UrKrt. 0* L*ctr* IWk.I h**f ng f-r Pannara. 2, By P-r Joitooa, I n*s tar** tftPaltanl (TinnHtrt, 4; Prrtlllaara. A; Ptnrk Ur*dltog. U Cattl*. .pftoding. X, Ibkitytnf. ♦ Pt Ptor. Bwiwtt Right Urttofto* flnttototo. S, Prt tin.tolßg, 3. \ *g*itol>lt> Uardroltog. I; Eta- KHrbigy , 1 • A. P? Ptoot. itoor. Thm* L*ctuttoi Parm M*cha h. 2. U*tror>l'gy % 1. • Pto Ptonr BilSita.Otto Iftotti* Emwla ; Thair CWttrvrtlaa. H hir t*n*nr*. ato-l Draltomg* T Ry Parr Rtiiao, (Y* lartiito ; tilt Anaf.-my of lb* (hton*attoatd Anltoal* I. Rt Panr. Rtu, tan Ltorttoftoi: Drlniablr Wto Irtto. totid Adulti rwlbai rf Pooda. Wftontotoprotootoltog te att*td lh* tnatto will pfetoMto thalt rotot*t.|-Kto and *•, ly •* 44 lying ua In adtopto Cotot oitt i.l< totHo to thta atotdart tot) h* addtaaaaJ ta Prvrf MeKti Pat* OdltogtL tialtf Ctotolra Cto, K