Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, February 01, 1883, Image 1

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    tilje Centre tlemucrat.
®l\e iCtnttc jDmocvai
Terms 51.50 per Annum.in Advance-
S. T. SHUGERT &J. R VAN ORM H, Editon.
Thursday Moraine, February 1, I°B3.
graduate of West Point, who embez
zled himself out of the American ar
iuy is now a brigadier Geucral in the
Mexican Army.
HOAR of Massachusetts has been
re-elected to the Senate, ami a cry of
fraud sfrailar to that which secured the
Keimhlicuu uoniiiiation for Governor
of New York, greets him from mem
bers of his own party.
TUE Baltimore American gives its
Republican friend-good advice, win u
it says: "Don't rely for success in
1884 on Democratic blunders. The
opposition are doing tolerably well
just now. They havn't put their foot
into it for some time."
THE rumor is again revived that
Secretary Folger is about to resign
the Treasury Department to be appoint
ed au associate Justice of the Supreme
Court. This time rumor makes a
very .satisfactory change, when it ar
ranges for Aliundt Bradley to step
down and out iu order to make the
Ex-Gov. IIOYT in the closing days
of his term was pretty roundly abused
by his former political associates, and
why? Simply because he learned at a
late date it is true, that he was < iover
nor.answerable for his own reputation
assueh.and not the Cameron*. His ex
perience however, of the selfishness of
bosses, will no doubt be of great value
to him in the future.
SENATOR HARRISON of Indiana, who
in two or three years service in the
Senate, has been able to secure soft
places for seventeen <>r eighteen rela
tions in the public employ, besides an
indefinite number of adherent.-, is uow
said to have a brother for the otlico of
Marshal of the middle district of Ten
nessee. The Senator is a candidate
for President, of course.
.If DIIE JKKE >. BI.A' a tell a short
time ago and fractured hi* right arm
in several places. The physicians be
lieve he will never recover lire tie of
it. But the brave and grand old
statesman, always equal to emergen
cies, it is said, has learned to write
with facility and rapidity with hi left
bond, and conducts his business and
correspondence himself a- formerly
It is proposed in Congress that a com
mission of seven be appointed at a sal
ary of $lO a day each to consider the
aubject of inter state transportation,
aod to report at the next session. The
country will soon begin to think that
there is a little too much commission
-lor the money involved and the ad
vantage* derived from these outside
THE great reform papers of Phila
delphia are so entirely disconcerted
over the appointment of a competent
Attorney General, that they show an
unwillingness to accept reform from
the Governor They have nothing but
cold water for his attempt to reform
the Recorder's office, of which their
complaints have been incessant for
several years. The 7Vme particular
ly cannot imagine that anything*good
can "come out of Nazareth."
THE Governor's appointment of
Mr. Page as Recorder of Philadelphia
in place of Koeorder I-ane and Ross
l£uay, is furiously opposed by the Re
publicans in the Senate. Mr. Lane
was (^uay'schiefdeputy and succeeded
bim to the title of Recorder, when the
latter was rcappiinted Secretary of
State.on an arrangement, it is nssertcd,
to divide the profits of the office with
the boss. Of course the stalwart Sim
ate will resist any change iu this nice
arrangement of their favorite bosses.
CoNiit:i:-s is devoting this week to
the consideration of the Tariff bills
and ex pi Is to make such progress as
will secure the passage of a hill before
the closo of the session. Doubtful
thing- arc altogether uneeriaiu, and
| unless Mr K llay and the other ex
tremi-ts do u it show a greater spirit
of compromise and liberality, the
! whole thing may break down, or be
worthless as a stable settlement ol the
vexed questions il'p.i--"d. Ihe coun
try lias made a loud call for the revi
sion uud reduction of our revenues,
and it will not be good for the health
'of any partv to close its eyes to this
I demand. What is needed in a tarilT
more than any tiling il-c, is fairne-s
to all iuteri ste a- far as practicable and
stability. If this is not had now, the
subject will continue us au intermina
ble struggle until such u re-ult is at
tained. The extremists on either side
need bridling. Atpr.-ent the qtics
i tion is considerably mixetl.each House
working upon a seperate hill with
1 evident conviction that each has the
i only bill that should pass. The liar
ri-bnrg J'ntriut, -peaking of (he mixed
| condition of affairs .-ays: "Amend-
I mints will undoubtedly be made to
| both measures and when the two bills
I meet then will come the tug of war.
Amendments which coincide can by
parliamentary methods l.e united, but
the difficulty will arise in c< n-tituting
a -ingle bill.
The only way to thi
will be bv a conference committee be
tween the lion-" and the senate. I JMO
thi-coinniitt. e will therefore devolve
tlie settlement of the whole question.
The formation of this conference
committee will of course rest with the
prc-iding officers of the two houses of
congress sithat it seems probable the
j question of high or low tariff rnti-s will
depend entirely upon the weight of iri
fluenci the advocates ( f the respective
rat> - will be able t> bring to bear
upon those officers in the formation of
tie committees.
-A'l this \i|| consume time in the
latter part ol the s<--ioti and wfien
tlie-e la- ts are taken into considera
tion it becomes evident that the plan
of the r< publicans to place upon the
d rnoerats the respoii-ihility for the
i failure ■ f tar II legi-lation will sadlv
| mi-carry. It i- not likely that the
; democrats will n-k for an average re
duction greater than ten per cent, of
the schedule prepared by the ways and
mean- committee and no effort will IK
lnade to oh.-truet the passage of the
lull now before tbe house. The mud
-lie into which tnritr legislation has
, - -tiled i- entirely the result of repuh
liean di lay and anxiety to make party
j capital out of a subject which the peo
! pie in most decisive terms have asked
j -hall be treated thoroughly and fairly-
IT is announced that the Prince of
Wale* contemplates making a visit to
| rhis country in the early spring. Well.
I let the I'rinee rome. He might bring
his widowed mother with him. Our
1 President, Arthur, is a widower, and
knows how it i himself. He will treat
them well, and no doubt give them a
; champaign supperat the White House
! with a free ride to Mount Vernon. Mr.
Washington, however, owing to his
great age, and the tendency to sleep
even when distinguished visitors call,
may not he nlilc to show any personal
attention to the representatives of
j England's sovereignity. But they will
1 not lock attention.
SENATOR MITCIIEIX did not vote on
the hill to restore Gen. Fits John Por
ter, ami compares Very unfavorably
with Senator Cameron, who had the
manliness to vote, even against his
friends on the side of justice, while
Mitchell dodged and claimed a pair
with Senator Johnson, a friend of
Porter, on political questions, leaving
word with I/ogan that he considered
the Porter case political. On this Gigao
demands that Johnson should not vote
in the absence of Mitchell. This was
iust such action as might be expected
from a coward and sneak.
"Kyt'Al. AM. It* ACT JCBTICS TO AI.L MKN, OF WIIATKVKK HAT* uR I'll: CASIO!., r.' l.|fl|OC- ' I; I'nMTK AL,."-MT.N
Another Railroud.
A charter was issued on Tlinr-dny
last at the state department to tin
"Ilarrisburg and Western railroad
company," the capital stock of which
is 818.000,000. It ruus to a eontu'c
lion with the Pittsburg, Mi Ken-port
Votighioglieny railroad, to a point in
the county of Allegheny, nearly "p
po-i;e the mouth of the Sewickh-y
< 'reck railroad The principal < lii• • e
is in Harrishurg. It will run through
the counties ol i >utiphili, < 'timherlaiid,
Franklin, Huntingdon, Fulton, Bed
f-ird,Somerset, Westmoreland, I '.IM H- .
Allegheny and Washington. The
( "ipital of tie company i. s |s.it),i Oou,
being at least Sltl.tKXf, fur every mil"
of road proposed to he constructed,
and shall con-ist of .'iIiO.OOO shares of
the par value of ?•"><) f.>r each shure.
Flier officers of the company are u
president and a hoard of six directors,
and the following are the nann * and
places of residence of those who shall
manage its affairs for the fir-t year
until others are chosen in their places:
President, Richard K. Sheldon, Phila
ddphia : William T. Saugt-r, llatri
burg; G. M. Watson, All* jinny
<i"orgc O. Morgan: Allegheny P I
McNamara, Pitt-hurg ; G< . P. tiro
ver, Allegheny ; Fr leriek P. (ir-.t<-
vent; Harri-btirg; H. <Ju<lon
Allegheny: K. Mef.'ullougl , Pitt -
burg: IMwin W. Smith, < hail— I.
Crawford and John M. Wily Pin
Mtt. Bi vi. A v, says the Wa.-hit gton
/' d, stat' d in the House la.-'
tlmt a number of Senators had inform
ed him tiiat the Pn-ideut had said,la*
would tail an txtra Kissioti of the
F -riy-eiguu C ingress if iLi Cougrc**
failed to pass a tariff hill. It may be
come the duty of the President to uili
such a se-*ion, but the possibility or
probability of such a contingency
should not induce the fiiendsof rev
enue reform to permit any tnrilf I II
to he crammed down th- ir tht it's
without u-ing all proper means to mit
igate abuses. Wlten the Fortv-ov
• nth CongriAs expires it will |iav>
been in was on eleven months —ight
in the long and thre- in the short -< -•
-ion. Ten of th- -e month are gone.
But thirty working days remain, ami
im<st of tlii- brief ri-sidwo must be <x
p tided on tlie appropriation bills
I'nder these circumstance* the major
ity, whose members cannot agnx
among themwlves <<n any bill, pro
posed to hold the minority responsible
for an extra se-sion, should the Presi
dent decide to call one. There has
IKCH scarcely n day of either session,
since the fir-t one began in December,
I*Bl, in which the duty of framing
and passing revenue bills lias not lit en
urged on the majority by the minori'
ty. That duly has l>cen systematic
ally shirked. The Forty-seventh Con
gress cannot escape this condemnation
due to those who trifle with great pub
lic obligations. The Forty-eighth Con
gress ran and will reform the tariff
and internal revenue if this Congress
goes off the stage with a confession of
disgraceful incapacity.
A Marked Man
The Head of the War hi*;/ton ( iit-rn't Com
milter Shadowed Ay Knemxte.
WxsaißGTox, .lanuarjr 29. Mr. J.
\V. Thompson, a banker of tbia city, ha*
been at the head of a committee of citi
zen* who have been the means of di*'
cloning the rascality of tho detective*
here who, by a conspiracy with thieve*
and burglar*, have been engaged in a
system of compounding felonies for
•note year* pant. lie ia evidently
marked fur vengeance, a* it !>• been
discovered that he i conMntitly had
owed wherever he move* by wiine one
ot these detective*. Whenever he leave*
the house in the evening he i* followed
and upon hi* return tlieiamn myster
ious individual may be aeon dogging
hi* footstep* near or at a distance, ac
cording a* his movements are observed.
Wbo ia following Mr. Thompson cannot
up to this time, be discovered, hut hi*
friend* have become anaiou* about hi*
personal safety, and means are being
taken to probe the mystery.
A OjßitnmniDKXi write*.- "If th<
; |.r.>*nt h-ffi-lsitnrc it a i< . rni !• d-la
' tur< ami urtii.j; in <p >,<| iuiih iiji In tin
pit (!;• n|' tin party la 11, uav 1
I tin y hold no lesion from Friday noon
i until 7 o'clock M ania 'vi niiig ? Tlii
I wan a 11>oliiiticnL ' iimp! no tl ii; !
I lln- Hi palilii an It gi-lnt n tl a! tin',
'only held i" 'on, ilir, <1 v- n tli-
IW< rk, Mill iinw rlln ■M il ]|| n
I >•••!.• i.r' •;• . i-Int-i; •• . . ■ ,ii
duty which we comb-mo , a- li t ■ !--
than a I'riiml in alb ; o an !• -
lure ?"
1 a reply tor ir I'rii \v- a i ml•,
ay that i< yi vi- it np ' ' i m -
are m-ii.-. i -- thing at" i nil, . ,<1 i;
would 1, no am-'.w-r to • i. :• • , ■ -,n
i 'ieiil to -ay tlnit f ■in ■> < !:i -an I
;''ay nliiee are two -,i r\ 1 '■ n ii! iiin.--.
The I'a-i 1 to wiiieli In- it .• i i in- xc.i
able a i tii r a- 1;- -,v, ami we !ih\>-
nothing t - • ;! r to i .-tiit. IV rha; •
tin- tin iniier.' can -• ti;>,i, na in I
-tone lie ire < learly t ! n we ' r I, it,
it i- line to candor ant) justice evip
, Iroin a prov. !er ti in In, !• i|g •that i, -
; democratic li-ai--- ha- li-me well tliu
lar in the intere-t of r t rni. wh'-n e -a
pared with the legi-laturc prending
it. 11 i 4 true, it ha• m■■ • i runut
, bill-, but it lm- o- ' v be. a ill s>-i II
,-itice the fir-t o( .I;.•. .art, ami in
i (bat lira t time i.n-i■ i., l-i inin
ary work ban bun a . t:.;.i-lnd, in
j which it wa* ili-covin d that km--
i "llieiali could be i|ip. n- d iMitb sut
| :icieiit to -avc :?11|,immi or I'.'.'hmj • iihc
j tax payer* of the emm i wcalili, Ii •
-io - the iuanptiriiti n- aI) - i.n •
, 1 1 a'' m rat a • \ ,ii_ • , a . . tiotml
| $10.<00, a i :i | ar- Iv. i! fli- i -! f
I inaugurating aK-pu • an (. vornor.
A lib dto 11;i-. tin s; r I.a 1:• :. •
I fMiiut ami arrange t. e t ..iniuiUi t
. which were completed and annontui-l
|-i vpral day- - - ..m r than t' same
I work wii - accomplished tv, , ymr- ago
when there wra* no 'icli int rfcrene. •
lo be iin • untcr-d. i II tin I:- pub
bean 11 ti did n r. i rt a -ingle
bill la-lon- lb 2 s tb ■ ; -I.iMiurv, win r- •
it-on til- l!' ii o| .l.inn.irv, ibi- \ ir,
"be I), in crntic hi. had r-j rn-d
twenty live biiN. I'r n tin - la,
! ! < •* apparent that v- ry little r- a- -n
• given to i xcite iiikl.il . tl. i l,r..ni(
gr iwb r, thus tar.
\ . Lock p>- 1,1 io. i-rriiUin'
-nlh iiKlan' and a < r nr, 'i telegram
-il ill- -i a- '111" in i t-i intnnce
•f •tieli tn ignantm ly a- -t<■ ty rarely
I tmlli led. |i upp.- ,r lliHt Ftlher Me
(' irilty, a ' l,rr ru- F i -• r' anil sup-i •
mr of h w-|| known re. k -i.0.,1 ,
jed "The S.trrtn*," in Perry < -ui.tv.
M ha fitbrli be i, t • i • r line of
f I .(**• (*XI. nil of Hi 'ii b t\i'l npph |o
| the put nient o( the i- o \ hop
Purrell. Should tin-; report be fil'lj
rnrr tioralo 1, n* we tr*M it will, ll,e
creditor* of ibe ,\rr!d -1, p will tee.-ive
lmndome dit "tend, n<l • i.,."t of
lliero are poor, the morev will do a vnt
j de*l of good. It pIVe one a hopeful iden
jot the poMibilitif* of hiiiunn nmtuie to
ee a m.n who lot* I- en |a>or til hi*
life malt inp -uch tie ( a ;re t- for 1.1 no
winch lie hit" inherited.
Mi>%imiti I trm< r a o railiratinp
• tipar rune with preat Kt-i<ituly. I hoo
who have raised crop* *av they make
more money in that wny than any oth
er kind of farming, and it i* (relieved
by many experimenter* that ibe indus
try will prove even more lucrative than
in the South. The vied grown from
Northern enne ia l-n valuable. Tor
feeding animal* il i* esteemed as good
na corn, ami it K betur d .pied lor the
manufacture of g!uco-c. It is stated
j that there ia no such t->mpensat.ng re
! lurrm from the pi i-iucii D of Southern
cane. Step* are tieuig tukrn toward
the erection n( Irrge sugar factories in
! several of the Western Slates, with
some of which will he conned ed works
I lor the manufacture ot glucose. Sunt
j enihusiaatio Northern cane-growr ia pre
dict thai we will soon he nt.le lo pro
j dure enough sugar lo supply our peo
ple. who now pay ♦IHO.OUtMKK)a tear for
: that staple lo foreign nations.
DKKIVNOX, the fore in an of the late
Star-route jury, lin.* IM-CII indicted by
the Grand jury for corrupt I v etuleav
oriug to influence the voice of his fel
low jurora.
It 'intieratle Truthfulness.
-in in the House at Harris
I urg, Muriony - vnniiiir, provoked by H
r<- n <ni i h Urir, offered by Potts,
' oi- 1 - demonstrate-; -evera! fuels
tint sr.. not without interest. "J h<
mo i import -lit of these, j-srlispi, its
I-' tli -' *ii<! Iti'pnt-I cmis have not for
pott ii in it ili -r l.iritl <ii-rtiagfigueri
1 '• hi-i-n m.ttei of considerable par
1 " |ri lit to tii<m in the past, and
tli<- I>• -rnoerats are, after the
''l "c ' to inv years, m last beroniinp
sinew J ©i.-, (,-n not to hi- i ttUgllt ill til,)
Ir.ip- i v •. 1,,,. ri-solution nltackeil
1 ' gt- ■ I- i h<-liig hasty in its action on
"•"in ' 'i i --r not heing sufficient! l
J r tn . lin-ir notions, ami instruct
• d the .Senators mid requested the riK-rn
•* to vole against imy revision of the
t iil! t tin- ht -s-on, urging that the re
•luctioii oi 1 1 - * necessarily is u reduc
on - t tl • internal revenue taxes. A
number of •)e< < lies were made, and
thos- <.f ihe |). urn-rat-were aa hearlilv I
' . prot< tif-n it those of the K>-puhli
< lm. the-lob i-mo being that the Ist
t-r w<• talking limit,ly for buoconit* !
Slid Ili II 111 ,• iiitage, while the form I
IT srrs uttering their Lnne-t convic I
tion-o i tl,<- su ; -t. Practically every- |
body .'i I'ennsjlvaniK, us the I'mon 1
/- - has r- pest-'llv asserted, is for
? tr-'t • ■ on, because protection help*
I'- tins . vnnia. If they lived in a purely
-gr 0 'ii: -I .*■' .te, they wiitil-f 1© foi
t >f. because I re© Trade it for
the I-' -t 111 I < re-' * ol in© j r-ople of bgr,
ll. tu. ,! s' they understand it.
I ni> mm rot n© a particularly patriotic
Vl'-S I ' ta'.e ■■! the utj-ct, tiUt patriot
-:n h is a- i.tti" to do u.th influencing
nen oj -ion. of tit.fr a* wit}, their
t,..tt >i - < I the transit of \ en us or the
-ouice of the Vile. The difference it
that the ii- publican protectionist make#
>r tr,. - to tn-ike, it appear, that he is
for hyh duties t>ersu>e his heart goes
gusliit g out to the down troilden labor
i' v hi'in, at i t i rau-e that it it Hepub
all, that fie understand* tho sut-ject
s detail*, and that be and be
• ' " • ' -thful to the doctr.ne, while
• in* I ii: rat r protectionist admits
'.hat f.e f,r high dutie* from selfish
< n. o-raw m while | artisan friends in
f,, r ( rP © tra-le for the
<tne reasons, that as to details he is
not thoroughly |>-ted. and that the
dividing I ns on the suljecl of the tariff
is A territorial and not a partisan line.
It i t.o con fees ion of ignorance of
which th-y turd 1M ashamed to admit
,th r in k of thorough understanding of
tin- details of the tr ff. for it is douht
t I if a 11. putty of the national House,
•ft r -ill the t me they have consumeu
in listen i g to discussions upon it, have
arquin I anything approaching such
thotouali knowfeilge. The other day
th© House v-ted to levy a duty of
tnt> five ients a gallon on cotton
-<•<•1 - ii, of wlir-h. in l-H, the country
exporte-l 144 OM gallons, and except
ing -luring in - years none was ever im
port- I It is only of late, however,
that I> tuocrats have gathered the
c- ur-ige to acknowledge the truths on
tiiis s ||. .ct 1 hey n w freely a'tmit. And
it profit- them to be honest at last. It
enabled them to vole to refer the Totl'*
resolution to a committee, without fear !
that stx-h action could he made to ap !
i - if -- mi art of Democratic antagon- ■
.>m to the i .tilf, while in refusing to !
vote f.-r it they eicaped putting them- j
selves upon reeot-1 a- -Uj porting one of
the most arrant piece* of detnagoguery
• recently attempted.— l'mon I,ruler.
Viv - I HI v lb© UKMI ridiculous tax now
born© t-)- th© p©o|-|© of the Fnited
Slati - i tin yearly pant out
of th© I (©s-ury tor III© purpos© of buy •
ing silver burs, and out of them coming
fliand ilollnr* to he stored up onuseii in
vaults built tn eont'dn them. Ttie
numt ©r 't tbi*ae dollata now in store i*
over oir esy four million, and we go 011
piling it ro up at tho rate of two mil
.ion per month aftet the most jtositivo
demonsti dion that there is no demand
for them in this country or elsewhere,
because of their overvaluation.—/'A/a.
Three Senatorial Tangle*.
The Kepubltoaoa have three tangled
Senatorial skein* to unsnarl yet. Tncse
are in Michigan, Minnesota' and Ne
hm<-ka - u ui.iMUftl nurnU-r to occur in
or. 14 winter. They ate, perhaps, the
last evider.ee* ol thi* dialisfection
which wa# ni,r'i< d a feature of the
canvas* of lhS'2. The only result to tse
deplored is tne prohatnhty that some of
the ablest Republican Senators will
probably he displaced by weak com
promise candidate*.—JVrw I'wf Tahmr,
TKRMN: per Annum, in <1 \un-<*.
THE Senate on Friday la-t pax-ed
the bill abolishing th; office of I)< ■
linqent Tax ('olb '-tor of Philadelphia
and empowering the Kereivcr of Tat
in to discharge the duties of that of
fice. This in om of the lb-form bills
prepared by the committee of One
A NOVI:I. biJI ban bt-r-U presented in
he ( 'IIIJIK ctieul hgixlaturc wli; h re
quires the voter at the poll/*, v. lien rust
ing his ballot to remove hi- hat. This
kind of legislation might do in a stale
were they burnt witchc* by statute and
made it unlawful for a man to kiss hi*
wife ou Sunday.
It is given out that Senator ' am
eron will voluntarily retire to private
life at the clo-e of hi- prc-mit term in
the Senate. He may retire, but it
will be altogether safe to leave out the
"voluntary part of the programme.
Hon is the bo-*, and late events indi
cate that be is abundantly capable of
maintaining hi- p -itiou a- su< !i in his
MR. HUM NO- >F Vcnaugo, lias in
troduced a hill in the House of I! -pre
-entativi-s to enfi re the pi visi ms of
the Constitution against unjust die
oriminations in freight charge- of
railroads. The bill aflix<- jN-nallies
for violation of the Constitution
in the matter of freights and have* it
to the court* ami jurie- to decide w hat
constitutes unjust 1 i- rimr ition. If
the bill passes, it will <J uhtlcss have
a corrective influence upon an evil
much complained of.
Tin: Committee of the Senate did
not take kindly to S nat<r t toper's
bill to compel every man to vote or
forfeit two dollar* and fifty cents for
failure to qualify himsilf to exercise
the right of suffrage. The committee
did not approve the bill. This is bad
for Cooper. By r impelling the indif
ferent Republicans to pay their own
taxc, he might in a great measure
dispense with the assessments which
bothered him so much la-t fall. The
forfeituie clause wa* certainly a verv
brilliant idea that would have immor
talized his statesmanship if incorpor
porated in a law, and spread upin the
statute books.
fHi character of Biweo, Ihr new
Senator from Colorado. is *ry well
• hown in one of h railroad ndv.niurea.
He ■ attorney for a road which m
to receive certificate for 11e land* upon
the completion of oarh ten mile*. Thin
proviainn w complied wrh by build
in# the firat ten nub s of road, hereby
eo much land w. wetirrd. Tl.e rail*
were then taken up and moved ahead
ten mile* and r-l*id and another land
certificate applied for. I"hi w*. contin
ued until t tie three hndred mt'eaof linw
were fimehed arid the land* aecured.
When it *> *ll done Bo* e i made the
l>eech of congratulation *t the jubilee.
Thi* wa* a very m*rt performance, but
•uch performance* were not formerly
looked upon a* #tvm# men (treat
claim* to position* in the United Slate*
Senate.—/'A. t. Timrx.
If the above represent*correctly the
character of the new Senator from
Colorado he i* certainly a man of very
low grade, discreditable to the body
be enters, if not to the legislature who
send him and the people of the Stale,
he will presume to represent.
COLDRF.D MKN a* land owner? are
| looming up iu the south. It i* said by
Alabama paper* that the prircof land
' ha* advanced in many part* of that
Mate, and that thi* advance i* mainly
in consequence of the colored men who
have aavt-d money investing iu farm*.
To own land, *ay* one paper, ha* a
good effect upon the colored man, he
feel* that he ha* a stake in the country,
teases to be an active politician, and
almost invariably vote* the demo
cratic ticket. The situation of the col
ored roan i* different in the north, few
of them acquire property or obtain
position* of trust and responsibility as
they do in the outh. This may be
accounted for iu the fact that there the
colored man i* not subjected to the
name degree of race prejudice that
greet* him here, is tuure independent
aa a citisen, command* rr*|*et for in
dustry and enterprise, and repudiates
the idea that he ia a chattel of a polit
ical party who claim their allegiance,
on a /alt prHrntc,
xo. :>.