Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 25, 1883, Image 1

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    SHI'GKRI & VAN OltMK.lt, Kditors.
She (Swiff jSprmarnrt.
Tormn £1.50 r>" Annum. In AiHi-nt*'
5 T SHUGCHT A J H VAN ORM 1. Editor,
TVirshy Morning. January 25. ISB3.
THK Philadelphia I'rcfi* believes
that the Schuylkill waters should In*
enrefully washed and blenched before
being used."
Tun Washington /V>*< It inks that
Renublicnn 1T• >r- ought to he grate
ful to the New York Hrrnhi for it*
editorial head.-1 "Dm't Shoot llie
Tin: present Governor of Pennsvl
vnitin n it snin!l hov when the lnsl
of hi" Deinnerntie predecessor, which
was Gov. NVui. F. I'aeker. retired from
the i ffiee twenty-two years ago.
MfUt IA, Spain, was favored with
twentv two slow k* of earthquakes one
day Inst week. This would ho a
charming re! r at for people of nervous
temperament in which to cultivate
THE wheat ill this coiintv is now
under a eoniforlahle covering of snow,
and we mnv have good hope that the
protection thn* given will result in a
pood yield to gladden the hearts ol
the fanners in the summer.
THE President having approved the
civil -crviee hill, it is now a law. The
first net under the law will he the
appointment of the commission and
the adoption of ruhs to govern in
carrying out its provisions.
Tut: K v Gorge \. Gordon, of
Grenwieli, Coi.nectiriit. is rertninly a
h TO of rare merit, as he is douhth*
rn instructor of rare exeellenee. He
d<'.din* < to have his pari-h in a eoiuo
trv town to accept at, SB,OOO p sition
in a eitv.
Tilt: Priiid-s Rmisi, who is a
daughter of Victoria, nud her
liushind, the Murqui-* of I/.rne.
travelling in the S nth. are now in
Giiailes'on, South Carolina It is
said that the party are to lie enter
tained hv President Arthur on their
return trip to Canada.
THE Gremlin.A G->ngranien want
a panic. They held a conference n
few days ago and ngre*.l that the
principles and organization of the
pnrtv should !>e maintained, in vi< w
of an anticipated panic to come off in
the near future, when the principles
thev advocate will be appreciated.
They are to issue an addris* at an
early day.
fre.ui the secretaryship of the Repub
lican National Committee. His resig
nation was received and accepted at
their meeting last week, hut no vote
of thanks for the work he performed
in defeating Gen. Hancock and elect
ing the Republican President, with
the funds ah-tracied from the National
Tr*usury, appear in the published
THE New York Times is a Republi
can organ of recognized ability and
influence, hut it does not take kindly
to the Republican project of securing
two additional Heiintnni by the ad
mission of the rotten borough of Da
kota to the family of-States. It say*:
"A community *o corrupted and de
based is not fit to be a member of the
family of State*. It is not likely that
an honest. Congres* will grant an or
ganic act to the repudiating territory
of Dakota." "An hoaesl Congress"
certainly would not, hut whether the
Congress that aeeepi* leadership from
the repudiator* of Virginia, and
makes up its majority by the fraudu
lent admission of frauds to its mem
bership, possefse* n sufficiency of
honesty to forego the advantage* tolM?
derived by "the grand old party" in
the admission of the rotten territory
it somewhat doubtful.
An Important Bill.
The lion. \V. A Wallace, h'enntm
j from lliis district, lust week introduced
nud will urge upon the attention u|
the Seiui'e a hill the necessity of which
s. ems to la- vi rv iippaii in, and the re
stills of which il it shall become a law,
cannot now lie estimated. Wo give
iln* pieiituhlc to the hill which set
■ forth the cuiise that ha* led I:> the in
J trixluetiou of such n measure.
Wurnrv* difference* frequently nri*
: l>--1 w.-t-n | i.sons engaged ill 111 e iron
siiel hii'l i 0.l ir.iles in tins slate Mm
; .ink.'* and In k ill- r> "iili itieretrnn. j
win* li par *!y z I lie-c mi j-ori an t mdu-lrn
I.ling great l-.-s il|.oil 1 ill 11 cm |dn\ *-r alio ,
j etnplnvP<l and -eem to lii d 110-ir nnli
| solution hi siai \ a inn or in lorce, wlncl.
does lint nee ni Willi the leaehings iO
tiumanily mid the true policy of out
law s :
And ir/irtmi, voluni-.rv It il .iin.ls, nm
in illy i 11.. - ii. wuii Mpnlity ot o pr.- 1
-en I slum and ni lights il-.r.-in and a
' fi.o k dlseiis-ion then . hy I lie persons
ii... -r.-le.l, ol 111.- I ii-in--• lions in
Vi Ive.t Hie I lie plain path" |o mill 01
l-..<. CC- - 1.11. - '.I, i 1 ' I'll "f sI | | II- ;.n. I
jIIi • lhe ' • ol I. loop : I V I to- p >ll I' -
11.. -n-.-o - lo we :.i'-111 om et il .
1 man. i- iii .1 -i uie sis u h • --ii mill. I
loi til.ill .1. hi.>n II the. -li.ll tall 1"
,gi. . i - 11 e .id wil Ii Ihe pr .eliee anil
p oI it- - i .nuionive Ii h.
i'li ti.ii ■dm ;i ni f lliis in. a.Mirc ;■
we believe 'lie lir-l •ti nt riitnie lo or
giiniz" tiiiiiinai.s uinl.-r authority ol
law to settle the long and often ii.-
graceful a- well as di.-asiroa- • ii-put -
. lie'ween the laborer and his employer.
It is well til.ii the ta-k of training a
law tin ilii- purpose has lain under
taken hv one - . aide and competent as
Mr. Wniiiieo Coining from Itiin uiid
re . iving the full iiiijn- -- of his long
ami ripe i \peii.-iu e its a ai.d
';i law \i r. it w ill lie s pert.-et as it is
po-.-ihie lo ntaki a haiuaii law. Tl e
i pr vi-ini.* <; the lull are voluntary.
There is in. compulsion or litig it ion in
it. T• - litv liv" workmen, eitiz to ot
tin- I'oited 8 at's, who lui vln ell ill
tie trade tw i \ eni-s, and <>n venr in lh>
di-triet, and live employ, r-, <,. h . m
pi .\ ing it n w..' <inen can peioi ui the
jll lg.- to 1--11 i lii - - !.r a trihuiial
e>un;>o-e.| of an iipial r.unil-er em
|.|.\-rs and w.-rkineti, two, five, .-r
-. veil, and an II in pi r>, ail ot u In.in nri
to III* I .1111) <1 hi lie pi 'i> "I. 1 111
tr initial thus ii < ncd shall • \i-t . "tii
\. ir. i here may in-one in <a. It *!is
trict in each trade. The umpire eu
led .e: 111.11 l P di-ellf-l II |s i zlialls
li.l by :... ti.'.iiinul n tcr ll.rie tin cl
ings. lie may then lie iallid upon
and lii- on i-o II is to I . final . xcept a
to the rate ! wages. Witnc-se- can
lie eu ll >1 ai >i i v idem e -u limit led. N>
attorneys are permitted to go ls-lori
the tribunal. 1 lie niemhe * of tin
tribunal ore to serve without -alary,
ami tin I, light and room aic lo If pro
vided hv the c.'itnty. It agreement in
the petition for a trihuiial catiimt la
had, either side tuny petition ntel oh
tain a trihuiial lieen-e an I thus place
i oil the other side the burden of re- I
fo-til to di.-eu-s the rpiestioii at i--oe
1 Not having the hill l 1.-re us, we have
given it* nihstanee n we iiiiderainud
it. In further explanation, we give
!the renin, ks ol .Senator Wallace, made
at I Ii" time he introduced the lull, j
when lie said :
"I nsk for the reference of
ti.is lull In the committee on the '
judieiarv general. I shall urge it up* ,
ion the aHfiilinu of the S. mite. The
iieei-s-iiy for-nine la wtul' riliuna Ito ad-
jiu-t, or to try to a 'ju-t the ititfi- nines
now so prevalent in the trade* must lie
apparent to all. This lull proceed*
up. u llie theory tlint hi liii-iiiem mat
ter* men are cqiibl; that H frank dis
i discussion by themselves of their
grcivnuce* is the r. ad to their "Tile
| iiu-iit, and that purely Voluntary mctii
ods are litter than compulsion or
litigation. The hill is purely tenta
tive. I have no prulc of opinion as to'
any of ii* detuils, and seek criticism
and advice Iromull interested. In a '
government ot law, stu ba* we boast, {
it Is u disgrace to all ol u* that the ill
lunate remedies for strikes nud lock
' out* are. fn oe and starvation. 'Ttiiw
full i- lu.t an holiest effort to avert
this disgrace, and lo amuse and agi- j
late the public sentiment ol the stale
to the necessity for action in this
We hope this hill *hall become a
law. That it i* greatly needed, no
one will question, I hut it i* wise in it*
provision* and hruad in it* concep-
tions no one will doubt, ami that there
lias not heretofore been sonic tribunal,
outside of force and starvation, organ
ized, to which tho laborer* in our
-i.iius and manufactories could go
lor relief i* a disgrace to our civil z -
lion. It this hill shall hcconnt a law,
11ribuual can he organized .11 which
the laborer shall stand 011 a level with
hi- wealthy and more powerful em
ployer. There he will not need to
tear to go—discussion shall he full
and free. In that trihuiial lie can
take all hi* giievayi.es, produce all hi*
' proof- with the full consciousness that
when he i* heard.justice will he done
iii 111. That i* all he can and will u-k.
A strike or lockout, only work* star
vation. It settle* nothing hut pro"
• luce* great distress. 11l most en*.'*,
the employer, hv reason of hi* nhuu
.lance, i able to w.-ar out the scanty
mean* of the laborer, and he returns
to hi* work impoverished with hi
_n lev fine. - unsettled. Il tl.i* l>ill sha'l
1 .>ee<line n hiw and lie wiel v adhered
10. we l.eli. ve the day i not far dis
tant w hen ,-triki - and the disastrous re
-lilt* which they bring alike to the
employer and the employed, a* will
11 •to the Inisinc-A of the country, will
he u thing of the past. I'*..r this 101 l
(and the liem-ficient results we li-lieve
it will ioing. tic great ho I\ of lah. r
n.g men will ev.-r he indebted to Mr.
J Wallace.
It is not anil-* here to assume <-r
I expre-.s the gratification we fi*-l in the
I ability and fitness .f our Senatorial
" pre-i ntntiou. Who hut the thought
toll and ever vigilant Wallace could
have wrought out a measure fraught
with so mil' h ii ter-st lit the thu •and
of men who toil in our mines, mills
and furnace*, nud their employers ? I .
1.,' repres'-iit.-.l thus hy a man of ma
lureexiienciire *nd internau*liip. i
c -r'.iinlva gr.uul iti. n that may h<
lodulg. I l.y any constituency, for in
i addition to the udvciilagi - to accrue to
the public int. r-1- from inti I ig> nt
Mid 1 .'iipetent repr. -i'iita ion, wln-thcr
in the >ciiate <riu the II m<, a M-if
t> s|.* * I attaches t . the constituent in
wlii'h !•" may fn.* justifnd in taking an
In h • pti I.' We are pfo'l I -it' our
S nator.
lilt N' work H'orbl pcrtiiciit'v
bs rv. -, "It might be n- well t- r > ur
I- .. in.l coot tup TBI ICS of the Re
' puldi.'Hli js i-onsl- n who have tu li
protioii: (trg Governor I'alti- -ir* ml
iniiiistratii.il of I'euitsylvnuia's aff.itr
a failure before it was h. gun, to sus
pend pH--ing Miit"tice and inflicting
capital punishment until he has he. 1.
iritd ami found guilty. If he should
prove HII Ivdsnu and Mr. Cas-idy turn
out a Kelly nud a lla-kin rolled into
owe, the iVnid ruts will not Ii- li-huid
| the Republican* 111 censuring and cor
j reeling liiin. But for the present let
the Governor and the Attorney Gen- j
era! have lair play. It will certainly
strike the impartial nltserver as curi
on* that, Mr. Cassidy lieing altogether
j corrupt ntnl unset upulou* ami Mr. >
I'.ittisou his unquestiouiog and servile
I.ail, the business of the Comptroller's
office in I'liiladelphia should have
been discharged during Mr. I'attisoti's
1 wo term* with such brilliant efficiency
and unswerving fidelity to the princi
ple* of economy and reform It Mr.
l'a*sidy raallv i* Mr. f'attiaon'a liar
h adcr ami is anxious to use him for
corrupt purpose*,why didn't he begin
where the pickings were most plenti
ful? '
SSIME Rcpuhlicau and Independent
pajicr* seem to ho greatly disgruntled
| l>y the appointment of I>ewis C. Cat
sidy a* Attorney Geueial. They will
|do well "to insm-M their soul* in pa- !
' lioncc" for a season. Caasidy will prob
ably neither make a fi*d of liimself, or
• lisapfiiint the (a ople in the perform
ance of ju*t such duty ■* they desire
to have intelligently traii-actcd in
Pennsylvania. When he fail*, it will
le time enough to cry him down or
find fault with llie Governor for hit
Nit'.any Valley ltai.roud
A charier wo* grant'-1 at the ,-MIU.
Department hi-t wet k to n eompiin.
to lie known a* the "Nitinny and
''Southern Railroad (,'onipnnv :• I.< I tlx
11011. W. A. Wallace, S. R. I'.-al
Frank - •> .
H l{ Peulc, . 11. Ii IWM, I i ->') 111
Yurdley, •!. -I I'm an I W W. M irri
son ore nuiiied a- din-etor*. Ii 1* tin
j purpose of the company, w.t arc in
formed, to build a load . oiineetiiq
with the >Sii-quchauuu and S mthivt -t
II 11 road, nt which Mr. Wn !.n < i
l'ri-sid. Nt, nt Mill Hull, nud |.s- -i 11 L
thruugii Nitinny valley in II il. !->u:.
Ilii-, we helieve, i- uim of tin link- in
whut is tAini lin 1 Iv called the 'Vnnilcr
hilt I'liniu. '
COM,I:I> M\ Cox ol N it!, i n
liiiH, lui* pn-i.-nted n Dili o 111. 11-.n-r
providing tluil in - of e.n -leii
1-lectiollS, the Colli. Mailt- -hall h pad
nothing ll:ill - - tl.e II
tain an : <i. hire if.. .1
soiinhle gioiiuds for li. ■ , .1
:l it the pay .-ha'i tin •. . m \
IUS to COv< r till- In I . -.11 v I-X I
not to ix-ci ,| 1:1 1 j
' tin* or some -t 11. g• nt • . t :ir
a stop to the prelitnhl- hu-io - -i
j coiilt sting scat*, *. 1 to- to h> a . • t
j ty to protect the cuuutrv fruin n |> dili
real spi colutioii W inch is M;U in
jcr. n-ing and ha- nr>.l.x I. on
lormiduhlc ji 1111 -• . I, xi iv ,1
i tr-.-:- Without it 11 % nici.: in luk. 11 t
! Congress for the iiu te ; urpo-e oi
drawing the pay u-ual x no A i 1
...lit. stunts, nud soiin |t .x.-, u -U !uw
should lie made to nrr---: ti. in r.
, tug 1v 1! l.y making it .- - .if . .
THE N". v York . s - 1 'A
I. 0-t 1 <!.< 0.<i 111 H I . (t
ii ni i' 1 ,tM■ 1,1 all * 1 . 1. 1
tinve IH-en tort. ile<l hv I t. •r> •
r.-nd ii.iii| aiii. lli _ , ,a ; > ..
earn the griints. (i x .j . ■
lllVl.lv ti| 111 | 111- H | l i-l t' t
an I tlii-y arc 11 >t '. h . :
llie IIUI I v burly of I i Ihi . It
i:i.|>..--ili|.' for 111 i - t -i gt -- t a*, i
ihe niiittir in tin -'n ( >1 • e it .
• !ispn*al. Il will h ,1> -1 1
F-.r'y 1 iglith I' -ugo - 1
an acre -.1 tin pul-.i l.u.d 1-1 i - . v
i-oiifume.l to anv . •, • I 1
will In- equal Iv 11 h xof 1.1 • 1 \
I lllgn -s to -. e I hat I ■j- -1 ■ i
vi long. I In . a >•> it i- a . .1 j. ■ n i
I. i- prop* r, limn v. r, I r tl|. I' oty
s. vi nth < >ngr -- I . 1 k j.- ' . j r
v> nt 1!' issuing of pa'-:.:* fr a
Rand Ofliv wlule tie final -■ 'lenient
of till quest jII i- |*ro||i g. 1 -XIII
pnthv Willi the plan* of lie- land _-i.|l>
I er exhibited lit .ittn u >:h >r 111
ihe interior depariuient nud t. <• . e
partmeiit nf justice IH-INIS to ti- R. •
• trained from taking pirn ti. nl shape "
DISASTERS ly ti -1 aid ti • a d
I rail, has mad., tin npcniii,; 111 . ta .1
flu* year m.tiiorihl for it- fist .-!
j horror*. To the tcrribh tire .h-a-trr
nt Milwaukee, the frijhifnl . 'ii- it
|on the Pacific railroad, rc-nlting iti
such destrui tioii of Ituuiati lif., aud
many others nf les* horror, i< u-.w
added the sinking of the Hainhiirg
American line's steamer < aui!nii m
the German ocean ln-t Fiid-iv, which
1 went down with unliving frt-'gh' •}
i over f-'tir hundre*! soul*. Tiii- waJ
the result of h collision with .1 R iti-li
steamer in h n-e fog. Tii. .) , nm><|
vessel carried f-mr Imudred pas- tiger*
and w crew of ninety-two, aluut eight i
of whom are rejurteil to he saved.
Ot'lt Republican friends are quite
hilarioii* over the economical deter
mination of Governor Pnltisoii to
assume the duties ol his office without
Must to the Commonwealth, f >r the
parade and show so lavishly indulged
■ heretofore on SUch occasions. Wi 11,
let tin 111 he merry. The people who
pay the taxes will not object. Gov
ernors and utfi. ials who decline to
*|ieinl the public money, except for
legitimate purpmea. aru the men the
county ueed aud expect lufavor iu
> the future.
Si.l'.lll l.y cold. The llieruioiiiet*
regiMi ted J'i heluvv /.--r•> in <lura'l
! ui Friday la-'.
PnoviiHNn escapes from fire* i
'.l Hid 10 iiiii'a.-No i - un-1 place
.1 • 1 11111 •. n nt- i< ngua'iug tin ptjhli
1 "XV 11 > lit .1- 111 1 1 li* It.il 1 I ■ j..!* ■
ion, w itli .ib .it t j ill 1 iiuuc- of
•niisfaclory solution.
A UiiEi 1-11 -la:i-li4• i.i; 1 e •,mati
Init in o •• huii Ii- 1 v. ii- the pnjiul.i
1 ill of N rIII Ai;i. r leu, in- In g tie
I nite I J-i;:tes, Catni la itml M xi->
vill 11 Hi II eightCi 1 hull lied luillioii
i ' • :I' atc !* p;. 'a! Vin ' s' 1 a illl
Wt -i ail 11 .t wait t 1 • on: tin n, l.oxv
1111. it I tire rcm alio h-li.-v thn
Jen. ( 11..M i- in training for the Pr*
■uii lit v, hut there 1- no good rin a
0 -iipp. 1-1 that Hi li t the '*'•!, a)
hough there are ttnov xv!. . w 111.1 u-i
ui :-r 1 tint pur;. • • il pet milted
II 4' ' li ••••ver 11 iv lie sni.-lv a
- 1 ii- I. ! ix- ill. H. ioic >1 ti, id. 1 ef il
tii . i :i in- a . .<• < : tin- uii i".ntiablt
p'lhil . g ■.in.'.
1 it. - ixvat >ii t.. ■ x\! 'in. rnt
.>' i'lg to l>. iu !.i T.-.{ in'o • ffi -r nt
• tie * v p 1 : 10 .. • . w■. old hit v.
"ii>- . : .1. c.p.... in •o; :1 - pub
to u-y !..r • it p.l , . . It tin
■ ■
•v. ri , P.i'ti- 01 . 1 I their nln.
In p ip!> il tin I i.-ne'.i Repuh
1 h 1 t > tliiiik th< v
• >. v< i. <I ab urn . tl,.- "Imp. tial"
noli- 1 - they in. I, ai. 1 l.v ilm iui
'■S.I. 11l I* I . ■ N ■ Ml It' 1
I'" '1 1 . "l I)>
- > th t it till • j. r tie I ipi ri
. 1-I • to < 'll'gra!• i> . line - |...f|c]
■ I I :l! it Z I- of the R I
Ihe ..1' •• 0.1.0 0 • li I'l . lii..
iot I-• ill 111 th. kni'i 1 in-orrei'ii in
'*|H I'd.
1 1 ■ r- lui -pa- nw ni h 'ru k ih
I> j' I■■ 1 th .1 > aie ten
• o I r I. , ' ill 1. ;i'lnV
•I -u .11 •I in 1 Init I. .-Ix, ha- ill*
■ , .uii . it. i 1 iv ic*' i inline
•i'l- Iti \ ' . ■> t . S It. left
0;.. 11 .I . .11, 1 ion J , w lien
II Hi. vI- vvliiti X . !,, i, thing ill li e
m. ■ x . a I I I -.1
" HI ill'' old lot, . .
Ml: •' vt: - M< M lit p .1! i
iclji a i'■ |i,;. 1, 111 IJ. .. ,i" ,J |m
n. ! - > 1 ui, an 1 the 111- Trust Ing
ti-. t !. 1 -1 I ■ , pi.l red •i ,i\.
e .n:'" d i> el 1 .1 -11 ml ib ti- 1 the
p .j le ii- '• r |h- . hi. iiaii.-h'p, !.-
iv 11 iirok 11 up. I wn u J . 1 d strug
g■ . hut fie r'>. a :i lem a- li*
c n t.ipov. 1.1. an 1 exact dig f„r
tlnsv ring-. Tin v leiv. to po. Mc-
Mm - i- one >-i ili' i r nh!.*t nnd
lairhiq ■ •" >t te ritor in -f tin :r
rli. last "Sou -in itia ' upon
the "col. oed liuili i.ud :.nihil rei ni
to hi x> N g 1 ; i rib < iHolina.
11 •. bin been driven into tlm l.u*i.
in s oi radio..) 1 : •. 1 elicit mid are
ii ox making nn-l.: their own, with
their >.w n c.'ip'tiil, (.. lit: operated ai!
conducted f..r tli.ir own in 11. fit. If
the R.-publiian* do not int. if. re to
stop tin c oulragi up 11 the down
triHnl.ll negro,they may yet be diivcn
to the err-' lion nf tht irowu cotton fac
toid* *.
A. J. NT Hixant. the Ru*]ton Stal
wart | ■-! master near II irrisbtirg, ha*
been arrestee and imprisoned on a
charge of misappropriating funds
received 011 money orders. He wa*
app lint's! in Octolier last, on the
reeo nnn , latinn ol'Cmgraasniau Ilair.
He state* th t the most of it was paid
011 llsihhe l's a-e--oieni* mid other
alvaoee* in aid of the Repuhlicau
Ciindioatew last tali, for which he haa
receipts in h s !**-wsioiu
TKIOIN: J*l.r>4i 1 11 Aiii.iiin. in Admire.
i ' fin. I'lti 1 !)<•! jihi i l{<r;r<l riry pro
" 1 ,erl y remarks: "I he bill introduce-1
■ u tin- to extend il <■ t roe
or- kc piiii.' : p - ~:HH> f,, r
r- orphan* mi. It' not to pan*.
Hie great.-r irn ,r of roldiera' or
hnim lire lio-v \ Mi ,- mi 11 |rt n(.||
•ho have attain i tie r m-ij irit v. Tie:
1 loiinu' -t of thi' i are 17 vara ohl.
I In- Stiio- l.i- " XJHII'I I million* <if
I<• 11 mr- up nt rthy i limit j,
■ it tin- ot.j t 111 I hull' II tu'h Ht
nun'l. The m y!, n ifn r • xpi ml
■l "ill not h< fir th< rjihaii* hot for
In- proprii-t ,t ~t i' .• m '1 icy
lift l i.i pa I fir what tliejr htft
lone, no I an; n.t entitled to uuv
iltIK-r com-iih-rn" .ti "
l.i.N \lt . iv i- aid to lw a
'-k'•' r- i! •-,i ■ vni rio Nw Y ik.
1 In- Si'iiatni'iul I.I ctlnn*.
" M.I.K % T I I LIT ON Till. LLC VOCKA -
11' Aiht.
Tim -1' r-1 - • - i , tlin l"nit"l S-*!#a
Vnitr alii o burr ihu< fr bwn bald
I 'i -1' n i-ii ri -1 - 11, il o'l i • true of 111
-•i-'T fii-ii>- . -V ' ■ r iinotliwr nx y,-*ra,
to - 11 ••- I - . Mr. i>• • K ii HA receive! a
i-i i vnl of li . i .!i:ini- .< n fr :n K An
'< kV , .IT I I • v , 1 I Oil h*P
loin In lli-r 111 •!,( |Il if M . roil It*
I iitart U| . fifteenth je* of h.
•hi r • 111 ' n grr ■*. im v i |f b<-i-fi i .'lit
p it- in the 1 i .-(• ami ox m llia Si-n
••• He i- -i man of great apt gbMMi
t I for t mi m. ter 'I writ ' iin*i
of I ai-..iio ii-i ,i, i .if ■ honor.
'I- i* ul. nl w .rk< r. an i though a
"ri i rti —t pir- •r. of tier illy btoid
■ ewa. 11" ••! ■of the few !• -mot r-*a
| a i.o t.• vi- i■ •• .. |tm i courage tutt*
• ot to ho I i f•-1 to tin- irn i ii mi of
0 * jiHitv w tii ri-VrPiici* i i ill.- ir:fT,
iri'l it ■.l not t,. lii. fault if tlio
N Cl*. . DO— not in- • I TII.- I-.UA of re
no. wli < i fairy inrri-i-ir.y in
-opnrtaiirp. t.o|.| , *,,1 clearly. Mr.
- 1 'f.- 11, ot A .I IIM, VhO ii A A i.AA||
I •• r . "■ i t.-rtn. In - i* in the
. | rl of ti,. s oa'<- f .r fo- pitiiAtakiug
li i iioli'l tioir.ro-r of <l#-oi.mi with
• --1 it ion. mi |. oti i r! ir it )■ <| |. •
ooa o'c n.tiiU 'i .1 11 * Mr I. itnr,
Mi iai pi. it, ii,.n pr x-n'f'l fr ill
I ii ft oi t k .- -A not if a j rt a*
' ■ a •!.- i to i.-ikc. ia * ri-<- .rf x I
• fer ot tin hi to ri l. mo. rutr. and
• in ich rn .!• 1 I- til oi • ti.ari li i at.te
•llnl a |,*i I I t in- ( n tit rvtoft pet,
I • arl i• i. of A• a nt'iA. ho j u*t torn
it I V l|o unai i-n r 11. int. of
'ot-. !• i. ' f .ii It• | itil r*na in the
l . -i llUft ot.li tin. <• t .|i-i befog re
fo ' I lion. Mtui i< ■ i v HI- K it< ii (itfi n'
'■i k-.-fA, * oi' on rather tug
• I I-i I 1 111 ill 11. -11 l 1 I.A fl If cf tif | *
ii| l-inrn'. M '• r ,(■ • 1 * one of tie
• t 1.i.-lilv CAII ■ NII-<i mritil'tn of tl.e
i p nti'l o pn' th • nioAi u-pful ||a
t *ll i 'nl | .| . -nri tn" n i xtirii
1 1' .10,0* , ton n, in ,tt,-r. of | t *r- CAI
i-1* ion. *ni| p rti, ulnr'v in tbti (
inv oftnp |p|*l i| n-t lon*. In* trri ret
Ii hi p l.ppn •xir. no rv*ltiiti|p. Nin*ior
il'.uili-r. of South *"t olma. h*< ho,- n
.o p*l i-rtpil apinu-lp tor tin- w ik ot %
- net or, An<l i* -i groamtt nun. w h
x I ni t hp Soulh I.*a , vprjr rpitiiD to lia
Iffip I. Ilia poiln>n in rt-ynfil t n ||,|
I i cil irtfii* rpl om lull wiA in attikit g
. n'r*Al to that of iitl nl h follow
l> niorritA from tho N -rth.
<l. iIIP n-iA- n<>n on th I). m - prntie
1 !-, p* (lotornor CoTjoitt, o (!por f ia,
i< In-aI known thrmij.-hout thr rrtiniiir
on nrrount of the inipirAt in I.IA routae
a* (i ivrnnr. II• i* a man of ot'final
I rop an'f unqtiptlionrti talrnt, lut in*
rip. r • nn-'l in Congrt-rrinnnl
Mr. liui'lnll 1., Gil.tnn, of I<"umiaiva,
tl 1A lIPPII All VP-It* 111 |||P If U'P, hlld
vii" i lertp'l to the Sonivlp without op| o
ioon. lie lAonoot IIIP mo*| rullitrnted
tcnllpman th*t thp Si uth h trnt to
HIP national rai itnl, and hi* lihoral
vipwa, an inilt-|H-n'lt'nt rharartor. and
much | rrnnal iutlopnrp. Thp Ih-mo
cratr bavp rr-plocttil Mr"r>. Hattir, of
IVntit CP; Hanroni, ot North Carolina ;
Siulahury, of ltplaware ; and Cokp, of
Tpaar.ao that it will lip *ren that of the
f uirtppn Si-nator* from that aide wluwe
|prm* expire in Match, nine hnre horn
leiurnptf. Amoo)f thoni are theatmtvg*
oaf, while by Mr. ft,l>on and by Mr.
Henna, of We*t Virginia, two more
p*U bare filled by men of Con*
urt AAiotial p*|iptipfee ami of tealed
ability.— .War l*ii 'iimtt {lirp.)
THE PritictM INNATE AMOKEE {cigar*
NO. J.