Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 18, 1883, Image 8

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    fhe Crufre gtmottni
Thursday Morning, January 18,1883.
OiiaattsuXDalii*.o"tillnlli|(lii|K,rtai,t inw.
•4 from biij full "I III.' o,lllit> No iinillllllr •
ln-rt.'.l uulits acvuuifiaulril lj lln n .1 nam* of lbs
Local Department.
Mr. Harry Teats is out again.
Black sheep do not lind it hard to bido
in the dark.
Miss MinnieUarinan is visiting friends
in Milton.
Tho revival in the Molhodist church
s still in progress.
—Mr. K. F. Vanada has opened a new
store at Coburn.
M r , A. M. Neidigh, of Woodward,
was in town on Saturday.
Mr. L. H. Frank, of Uebersburg, lias
been appointed mercantile appraiser.
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Smith have our
thanks for a box i t enkoandc. nfecti ucry
—Mr. J. Willard MnUr proaclnd at
the Methodist church U-t l i iuav evening.
Read tho sermon preached by K' V
W. O. Wrsgbt, of it in -burg, i n an in
side page.
Rev. .1. K. Mili-r, of Centre llaii.
will shortly ruiion- v> I. insvitle, Clin
ton count}
—How man v i t i .r -. ho.■! districts w ill
throw prejudice a-ido and elect lad)
school directors ?
—lion. Henry Meyer, member of the
house, has our thanks for fat rs in shape
of public documents.
—And now Ulani l.ard has a new l'ost,
G. A. it , mustered Wedm day of la.-i
week, and l- N" '•
Rev. Calvin F. Gophart, of Mlllhcim,
called to see us on Saturday. No one
con id bu mure Uuiue.
—The Democratic local express, (Jen
James Comely, manager, ha- been -olj t..
a Mr. Housed. Likely Jim means to retire
from active business lite.
—Tbe Millbi iin Building and Loau As
sociation, one of the soundest tlnancial in
stitutions of the county, euded its eighiti
year on the gib nstant.
—We regret the necessity of recording
the death of Mrs. Sadie Rea.-. ner, wife of
Mr. William lleasoner, at his residencei'tt
Logan street, on Sunday evening
Mr. Dav.d A. Kuhl,a former | ruminant
citizen of I'enn township, hut latterly a
resident of Illinois, died at lii* honi, re
cently, nftcr a long season of ill health.
—ln tho matter of selling chalk to a
school hoard and limiting the expense of
travel by turnpike, we think Mr. Francis
Spoor entitled to a pr. minint position.
—We understand that il li. Harsh
berger, Esq., is contemplating building an
elegant residence on llalfmoon hill and is
ready to receive hid*, Sp-cilii ations to he
seen at his office.
Mr. A. W. Rishel, one of Mtlesburg's
most enterprising merchants, while ir.
town on Monday called to toll us that hi*
new businos venture promises to he a suc
cess, We heartily hope so.
—Senator Wallace has introduced a bill
providing that ail shi rili"-, exctq t those in
Philadelphia and Allegheny counties,
shall receive not te-s than fifty cents pr
day lor boarding each | risom r.
—Senator Waliacc, of thi* district, h i
bs-en placed upon the following commit
tees : Judiciary general), Finan<, Mm -
and Mining, Judicial Apportionment and
Legislative and Congressional Aj portion
Mr. Daniel Grove, of Marion t, wn
ship, one of (be valued friends of lh<*
DEMOCRAT dr<qqied in to see us on S aur
day, and gladdened our heart in away we
should be pleased to have a great many
more repeat.
—A rare opportunity will he given the
citizen* of Jacksonville to I jrcb*c m'-r
--chandise at low rates by Mr- S. K Mil
ler, of that place, who for JO days, com
mencing next Saturday, will sell at c -I
to make room for new stock
—The William,.ort San J- /tiiansr Sat
urday edition, Orit, now sport* the beauti
ful head g-nr promised by lis publisher
when tbe first iuo came out. Very neal,
pretty and appropriate. Now, go in to
win, we all wish you well.
Mr. MeMilien proprietor of the "New
lirockerhoff." returned on Monday, from
a protracted visit to friends in Ohio. lie
jnforms as that by Feb. 1-t he will have a
practical fire e-eaje-attached to each morn
of the house, with printed directions, thus
insuring the ab-olute safety of guests.
—Dr. Thos. R. Hayes, who for a month
past has been enjoying his annual /arluugk,
in Philadelphia, wilt return on Monday
next and resume hi* practice. It is a
pleasure to know that he has been favored
with a pleasant time and will enter upon
the discharge of bis duties quite refreshed.
—The death of Dr. Samuel A Mudd is
announced in the Maryland papers, as
taking place at hi* residence near Bryan
town, on Wednesday lat. This, it will
be remembered, is the physician to whom
Booth applied to have his broken leg
dressed on his flight after the a-sasination
of President Lincoln, For this simple act
In his profession, the doctor was arrested
and treated with unmerited severity by the
military tribunals then in vogue, and sen
tenced to tbe Dry Tortugas for life at hard
labor. After serving there a few years,
and rendering valuable professional service
during a yellow fever epidemic, he was
pardoned by President Johnson, and re
turned to bis home and family. *
' Muxmi KNT GIST. —Tho hell on tho
► now Lutheran church i* limply first c lass
In ail respects. It has a very melodious
minor or "A" tone, weighs 746 pounds,
and was cast at the Buckeye Bell Foundry,
" VnnDu-en A Tift, proprietors, Cincinnati,
Ohio. The entire cost including mount
ing and fixtures is between ami SIWO.
11. E. Duck, Esq., and Mr. John H.
Frank pay for all and donate the hell to
the congregation.— Mill/trim Journal,
' was at tho brink of the grave. She hnd
been given up to die by throe of Alle
' glieny City's B"-t physicians. They all
I pronounced her disease consumption. Her
j finger-nails and Ll| < were blue; was pulsr
j le*S at the wrist; we were called to witness
j her death. At this moment a neighbor
I brought in Da IIARTMAN, who presented
I a tahle-poonful ol I'rrunn every hour. She
inq roved from TH' first do-e. and in a
w. I'k -he WI 1111, and now H— then -ix
month* ) she I- well. S. O page fit) in the
| " lii- of Life," a ho ,k YOU can g> t grn'.l-
I from your Druggist. If not, address Dr
'II vUrM V V, U horn . < I ~
i S. KB Kit LI NK, Soutli Chicago, 111
A ll*i iv TIMK — The T!6tb anniversary
■if the JAY Jan 10, |K>,) upon which Mr
an T AIR- Calvin Smith, of this plain were
married, AH* most fittingly celebrated by
that couple, their children and friend# on
W, Inn-day f lat week, at their residence
~n West Logan -ire '..
Mr. and Mrs Smith were married by
Rev. Wnt. Humborgr, in Fi-hing Creek
Valley, Perry county, and lor twenty-five
war- bar* enjoyed the companionship,
love and a-sistant " known only t-> those
who fully under-tand the true d gnity, im
(Hirtance and respi.nsihilitie- of the mar
rie.l -tale. Mr. Smith t- one of t ,r U>re
ui '-t bu-in • men, enterprising, honest
arid efficient, the prnprietnr of the m.,t ex
tensive f>akery and cortfm tinto ry • -vahloh
merit in Centre . " .r.ty, at-d in B-ho -
f title, ..f which a hram h has late y b. '-n
established at Snow Shoe, I til enjoying
th- ben-'tit of a large HI. ) nor' a-.' g tra!"
i'er- nallv he i- a genial, open-heart* i.
ri-ndiy gentleman, of plea ant and taking
addr. s-, and in consequence j qular, re
-pecte 1 and esteemed.
Very much of th" #u, c<-* thatha* atten
d.-d the etid-avors and effort" "f Mr. S
tinee hi' ! cation h ro is d jet ■ the unlir
• t.g and t ii-tant a- .stan o of Mre Smith
who during her husband s ab'ence, assutio
entire control . t th- bu-itos-.
The festivities WERE participated in by a
arg" numh- r, and WHEN the proper time
tame a!', were invited to partake of what
*• pr to IIIU- 1 TII - M"'t I — intiful, t*s'.e.
fully arranged wnd complete s, T-out they
had EV.R seen. The < entral attraeti. n
faring TH hnd- - • .H"— ti r UJ- N tier of
I-. IT*,) IWI itMM trmi IDtt Ibv a hand- 1
-. M • litt!" < >u; LO, sugge.'Jve ~.f THE in
cident jculiar t" the NCCA-ION ; a bask' t.
made entirely of canity, which elicited
m N B fav. rahle . unit nt, the W rk O{ MR
Emory B'-aies, i* pr hahly th. -nly -p.-oi
men of artistic ULr of the kind "VER . en
in B-llefonfe ; pyramid* <>f fruit of It. .: •
and cotly kind-; chicken salad; "!#•
■iient'-d ham*, this ornamentali n coti'i-t. I
,f R "I'S—MADE of FIEET* and turnip", TOME,
thing ENTIRELY t."*, I • -V • in**rt> ; tn fan
iful shapes and W n lerful arrangement
•f PBJ r and other articb ; candle; not. ;
ne cream and everything the ta*'.e ~f EX
rien< • d ca'.erer- R • , I .ggs T. DU* I g
j the evening TFI largi • • :r,J ,ny was agree
| ab-y entertained by iti th" Voices of
MO-E- Jer.l • Fisher, ' -1 A M n'," n-rv
j and Nellie Kline being particularly Q -
LI ealile.
( treat ere, tit is due FIRN r . It ales and
So. n StatVird of the BUSH il ..,SE ( T.,
wio>m all tender sin, ere thank' f..r many
a. t* of kindness and cuurte-y.
Tne f diowing present* w.-RE received .
f't elir ,//,* Mr. at,d r* C. (IT
fieriek, San I I and Jacob Smith, WM,
M'd L • > otigh ati.i the DR.W'W RAT
F, kr ' ,'*S Pr OF |I M Ll.'h an I --
I) G-ay. KQ . ami Mr and Mr* C I,"".
I'.uttrr rlt A's —M r and Mrs C Strtck
land and Mr. and Mrs W T Twitnv.r"
A n 1 I• M A Kirk anj i
Frank P It air Ifie jeweler.
Ci A— Mr and Mrs J >hn Dawssin.
/•./<*ridmml carter— Mß and MFT. cha# I
f,r r —Mr Wru Hiden'tlcker, of Ha
gerstown. M I.
,Vi/i r.* P Har Afr Cha Halms.
Tnhlr I. it' rr* M r and Mr Go \V Ka
ton. and th- Haas family
Fork*— Mr and Mr# IJer.ry Walkey,
Mr ai d Mr*. F X L-hmanand Mr. Cal
vin Smith.
S/r . us - Mr and Mr# John Meese, Mr
anu Mr*. J N' Van Ormer, and Mr*. If
W v*. it /key
S m/> Intel naif ifip/irr —Mr and Mr* Dr.
A. S Smith, of Aitonna This present I* !
heautifntlv engraved, the donor is a young
er brother of Mr Smith.
.Vn/>Aia ri'nya— Mis*. Nellie Kline. Miss.
Sailie Graham and Mr. (and Mrs.) Walter j
Car or rak*— Godfrey, Keebl"r A Co.,
Fancy Cake and candy bathci —Mr. Em
ory It.ils.
We trust many more year* of pleasure
and usefulness may be added to the first I
twenty-fire of the married lifaof Mr. and
Mr*. Smith, and if they and we live long 1
enough shall enjoy attending their diamond
To' Judge, America's greatest Illus
trated weekly, for Americana by Ameri
cans, free from vulgarity, sparkling with
wit and fun, should be read by all. Illus
trated by the most able stalf of artials in
| the world. "With good will to ail and
; malice towards none," published by the
Judge Publishing Company, J4 and 86
J North Moore streets, New York. Try It. |
—Mr. Jerry Morrill, of near Julian
Furnace, win in town on Monday lint,
looking up tho chance* of getting paid for
two horse* slaughtered by the cars on the
28lh of November last, tin lliat day Mr.
Merritt had stopped hi* learn right In
front of Mr. Daniel Irvin's store, at Ju
lian, lucking the wagon and wrapping the
rein* tight around ihu lock handle. The
team had always stood quietly enough,
wherever placed, anil as it was past the
regular train time lie was not looking for
any danger Imm that source. But just
when ho thought they wero safest they
I were in tlie most danger, for very unex
i [leelediy a special or extra freight came
shrieking along the railroad, frightening
the t.-Hiii and causing the animal, to start
] right ai res* the tr*ek, whore they wero
I caught by liie locomotive and both killed.
Mr Merrill thinks the company ought t<>
recollipelixi 11 I 111 , at least 111 part, for the
<h-alh of Ills horse*, both of wliuli were
valuable animals, and lie is unable tn stand
the loss. \V e are glad to say that some
disposition is shown to do this, and we
tru.t the company will aet liberally in the
matter.— U'nleAmiin.
( i iieerning Howorth * Hihernica arid :
(' rn-ily company, the ,Vn,- Iturrn I'ni'in,
tblo|.' r|3, 1881,-ay* Howorth's double
si w, the llibernlc* and t'unedy Compa
ny and Mirror of Ireland, a| p< ared at the
New Haven Opera Ilouso last evening in
the presence of a fair audience. The
evening's performance began with a com
edy, entitled "I,ifo in the Emerald I!e,"
and during it. rendition introduced a line
of -v. . i:dty act. hv the various members
i j
of the company, which were well received
The performance clo-ed with four living
allegorical tableaux representing the past,
pr and future of Iceland. Taker, a
a whole the entertainment given by Mr.
II w<:th' company wa- tir-l-il*-- in all
re.j . , t-, ar. I i | a'.erm 1 after title sty !e of
The Tourist, and "The Brook, wr.h .
the scene.- laid in Ireland, a chang"
from the old line f p- rt rmance* giver,
heretofore |.y - lib . unpariii- Reserved
•cat* at Brew'. i'ir advice is toss-cure
als . arty a- | --ible for there Will be a
r jsh. I'ru ■• a- u-ual.
N x'. Tue-day. f d Ir, ■•.ant, II w 'tli •
Hiie-rnna and Mirror f Ir an i will a|
I e.,r here with a • rnpletc i ast and noi h
in prmed Pe el thi : For the first tune
in two y ar- ir Irish population were,
last evening, given an opportunity of at
t> r dl. g an entertainment of a i la-- that is
a- | ; ilur with th- in, as "Uncle T"BI'
Cabin is f r tho average Atnriian.
II worth ■ Hib'fnica • unfunation is, t
mi tho least, an a lmirabiy .electo-i one
Thu onterUinmont wa- largely attend' 1
and gav# the le**t of >ati.fa' li"ii, if the
h- arty p-al. of laughter arid tumultuous
npplaui" of ih audim e i any criterion
a- to the merit* of the performance. Il
abound, in fun arid is devoid of anything
vulgar or offMuirs.— T'' /'<• > (111 ) I
7 i n-frri/it, E b. p.. IHWi.
—At the annual meeting of the Voting j
Men's Christian A..octal inn, held IVem
l> r22 I, the following ■ ffl '-r. were rlec
t"d DF I. i*c. President; W p I! --
t* rm > Vi. •• Pre t: (' D.rigos, E S y
J > D- r-line, A-t S-c'y . M. !■ rtu.e.
Sr , T .-as .rer J W Conley, J 11 I. hr,
I, brarian. The Preid< nl *| jointed thn
foil -wing i ommitte< s \V P. II >stcrman,
M D"--ttne, J I. ir. Devotional ; (
| ' ge. 0 E oher.J W Conley, J T. I
L- 'ai I D It 7-r, Visiting . Wm. I. I<r
II S D"r-' r J amith, M ..Innarv M
D- rsiine, C D.og s an I Win. Wolf, En
lert.io'. u.'Kt Centra Hall ll', trr.
Th" Viog.K- ,i tnfrimn, whit 1) should
be g. I authority on .m h .ul ject*, in
d 's,-. the f.ol -wing n eti <>l of getting
r.d of *iuni| ■ n th" farm "In tb au-j
t .u.r. r early winter, r- a bo'.*, ne or
two inches in diameter, according to the
girth of the .lump, and about vighl inches
deep, put into it on* or two ounce, o'
-altp'-tre, fill the holo with water and
plug it 11 >se. In the ensuing spring tk*
out the plug and purr in a gnl of ker >.cne
oil and ignite it. The >tump wiil smoulder
away to the very extremity of tho r• -t #i
leav ir g nothing but a-hes "
r \V D. B ask burn, who will lie
remembered • the gentleman who la
•ummer r.nv. i"d thi* county tn the in
terest of <• institutional Amendment pro.
hthiling tho manufacture and .ale of in
toxicating liquors, except for medicinal
ue*, i. doing a similar work now in Clin
ton county. Ill* ap|>inlmenl. Ihu. far
unfilled are Rcnovn, Thursday evening,
Jan 1M; L<iek Haven, Friday ami Satur
day evening., Jan P.* and 2" County
convention at Lock Haven, on Maturday, !
Jan 20, al 10:30, A M
—Our young friend, Mr. Walter Bay
ard, of Bellefonte, who fills prescription,
and dispense, medicine for the .ick at F.
Pott* Green's popular drug store In that
place, spent a couple of day* in Philips
burg during the holiday season. Of course
he favored u. with a call. Khali be glad
to see you often, Walter — PhUifuburg
Journal.— Unless an explanation is imme
diately forthcoming wo shall feel It our
duly to advise certain Wtlliam.fiort
friend*. Under.land ?
—On ThiirMiny of U*t week a* Mr.
Jama* N. Van Ormer wa* assisting in
loading sleigh* on • wagon he fell oat
over the end-gate pulling one of the
sleigh* after him, both falling to the
ground tn a confused heap, llow he aa
caped being seriously hurt ia a mystery
i PI.KABANT GAP Jorri.waa.—Tho old
, year i* past and gonn. With the year
r ' 1883 w are still hajipy arid prosperous;
a during the ia t year wn have had many
change., and tho new year promises .till
i mora. Among thu now enterprise* now
- j in contemplation, i* tho enlargement ol
Mr. It. P. Barnes'store. Bob > ay* he and
hi* partner will show lie that they will ho
, | able to sell good* cheaper than any other
ii I store in Centre county. Tho new firm
r name i* to be it. I*. B and J. D., limited,
t a* both are men of good business qualifl
cations anil very economical we are nafe to
- *ay tliey will do u smashing business.
• I Our merchant* are at war with their
; price*, each one trying to undersell the
I other, consequently we get our meridian
• di.e at a fair price. Ilojai they will con
j tinuo to keep up thi* little game always ;
i for the toriMinier. ar" all benefited
Our enterprising friend, Hagg, i* run
ning ho, still boii*e and grist mill to tlnur
fullest capacity ; good f! ur and good old
1 i rye are what Ootlieh can justly boast of.
Oor friend* Riddle HIH! K"arny were
I both unfortunate, us cm h of them lost a
valuable horse a few day. ago,
• fur i-teemed friend, Henry /.eigler, had
a serious lime for s> v*-rai days, cause—
toothache. Glad to say he I* now convu-
I leecent.
Curt and Tom ay they wish their neigh
bor. to distinctly understand that they
ma le their .led for their own uic and not
for tho accnruodn'ion of ail.
The judge i still doing a reasonable
trade in huckstering, has still on hand a
►up|dy of his justly renowned .our krout.
J ... R say s hi. family i- increasing
daily. He think, he will soon Le com- i
peih-d to ■ in ploy an assistant.
J Gir gn at wi stern hunter .ay. this ha*
be. r, a \.ry |. or*"ason I r f x hunting i n
ac< ount f ... little mow. He I* now j ibi-
I a til •v' r the r 'Crnl fall at.d say •hew; li
now *ti..w us that in- 1 - urn*-1 •omething
wliil" out .>n the frontier , we expect t*.
is* l al.le t r.'port of hi* great sue en in
our next
<ir friend d'wn street who recently
went t" the State Csjutoi says he ro-v-r
knew what th" •. 1 adage m ant many n
sli, b< 'w. n lb" • iji ar. I lij. until n >w to
fu v ri tn.. true n i t - ~( it
<i "h, W" lh '.ght every b<*Jy knew what
It in. ant I'Ut it ap| '*r we were mi-taki-n
PS oir.• 1 o'.s are .1. ing a- well a*
can be e xje-ct* '. 'if. >ur.e the old grumb
lers are at w< rk but lion we always mak"
i due amount of a..-wa:.'<• f r it ii Ml i. i
nature with them. S 11.
Hi nt : R-ITT no NOTE.* —< n Saturday
J ,e Hw art*' hired man hr tight Mr S
and Mrs. liernun to t*.wn, on the way
home the h s*e began to ki< k thereby oj
setting the sleigh thr wing the driver and
• •■vi ral •mall boy. out.
The M.th"di*t are r.tn lu. ling a •• ri".
of mel;rgs here whn h thu far have mJ
been crowned with much ucce,
Mr Win. T. B*ck thi .eaw.n drill, our
, ringing civ. and appear* to be an excel
lent hand.
The bible C1A, which meet* every week
in th• 1! formed church, i conducted by
R. v Shoemaker, wh..** explanation, are
Anthony C'arner purchased the A ('
G -ary [ r forty whu h he intend* to great-
Iv imt rove.
\V" are pleaxd to notice thst fortune
ha* fai I M* Wm Uleven.tino in en
ahlii g him t ■ j urchae the farm nf the j
i !>.* ker ltr.. , near 7. c n.
Samuel Hfr-'iil believing that it i not '
g. | f.,r man to be alone, on lat Thur.- i
day t '.k ur.i . himself a lielpmaet in the !
p*'f*.n of Mi*. Mary "-hamp
Wm Kiuinger * little fellow wa. .e.
vercly t urn- >1 a few day. ago, by accident- 1
ally rubbing aga:nt a red hot stove, hi*
garment* immediately catching fire.
Mi*. Halite Heller, of William.port, i. j
enjoying a vi.it to her .it< r, Mr. J.eph
Kissing, r.
On Friday evening the i ahthumj ian.
•aw a newly married couple at meeting
and contemplated having a little fun, in
the way of a serenade. The evening aa.
I*H> cold for the picket, to |>er(orm their !
work and the couple left town, while "the '
b >y drummed a couple married twenty- 1
five year, ago imagine their confusion ,
upon discovering their mistake. t'vo.
Ct.KßtcAt. TICKET* DiacowrtNVKD.—
The authorities of the Pennsylvania Rail
road Company, away- hack In the early {
hutory of the corporation, inaugurated a
custom of furnishing the mlni*ter. of the
various churt he. along their line with
what were denominated "clerical ticket. "
The rate charg<*l f.>r these ticket. ** two
third* the usual fare The privilege wa.
not a>ked for by the clergymen, but vi*
a voluntary act by and concession from
the officer* of the company. With the
beginning of the current year thi. custom
wa* abrogated, or at least o limited in il*
application a* to be of little practical use
to the minister*.
Ho exacting are the conditions upon
which orders for clerical ticket* are now
i*.ued that very few clergymen can sign
the application. In order to obtain
ticket of the character named, the minis
ter must certify that be ha* two or more
i charge* on the road, and that the paste
board will be ued exclusively for the pur
i pose of bis visitations to lhoe charge*
Bishops, presiding elder*, and minister
attending conference* or other religious
gatherings must hsreafler pay full fare.
j Professors Alberton and M'Keeofj
| the Nlalo College wore hi town on Mon. 1
1 day.
Mr. James I) oyer, of lioabburg,came
up from Ijock Haven, Tuesday morning,
, looking to sleepy hardly knew birn.
—Uur slock of \\ ooleoH in now com
plete. Clothing made to order cheaper
than ever. Mo*Tnowr.ny \ (•<>,, Tailors
Remember the Farmer*' Institute to
bo held MI the State beginning
•laiiunry 30, arul_ ending Feb. Hoe ad
■ vertiK'tni'kt.
Mr*. Kin*!oi, of J!tjffhfvilla t | 4 y.
j corning county, daughter of Mr. James II
Itankin, i visiting the borne of her j *.
i)r. Hoy I.a- a new Heigh which be
very justly ty lei "a beauty, and > it j.
The Heigh i the Cortland pattern—roomy,
comfortable and pretty.
I IteeJ., scarf*, ribbon* and si.v
fancy article, can bo made any < olor want,
ed with the Diamond J>y•. All the pop
ular color*.
Mr. Samuel K Sankey, of Mill,
hum, i> in town on Saturday. He i*
eiten.ively engaged in the rnanufatture
and tale of agricultural implement., lum
ber, etc.
A now firm, Tom HOMO A:
frnrik, in the !htf**t Mllihf>rn bu&inc**
novelty. The gentlemen without doubt
will succeed, bolb po#MM little hbiii*
ly end connd'T*blf ex lerifru"
\\ o rj'-w hiv o one tin>re "lirgott
;>*; <-r in Centre county, lb* I'hihj* burg j
Journal, which appear. I a. an eight page
.h'-el ]>t week. The improvement i.
■ Intl.. ridable, nil. at.re of a healbt
bu.inei. management, and .b iU recite
the support it d<-.erve.
—Just a. we go i pro*. • ir band.orne
frier i, J' Pierce Mu.-r, "I Millheirri.
I a 1.-d to tell U. that tie w rk of the
•uri'v -i !:t i g b •r J. . f wt i b t e i* the
• ' t.tr lit - .pirn, (it.r.li. i and, their re.
p"rt wii j i . ,rt for c ri
flrrnati n !.• it we. k
tin Monday. It fee death, occurred
in the tetchb ti I~f Mlllheim, Mr
P"t*rs, a gentb-man wh r. - d.-d with I)
K rnj rt. E j , Mrt li-a.ht, m< th> r of
Mr John Hrn bt wrth wbun • !••• had
lee-n living, and an tr.'aat child of Rev
< R V . lder.rnyer, j*.jor r.f the Evan
g'ii.al iharg Ti,. remain. <f all were
buriod yesterday.
The it. mill, at Port Matilda, owned
ly I'har.ey .V. Tl. uij *■•*. wa. destroyed by
fire on Saturday, loth in.tant, about 1
o'clock, A M It I. UpJ.ed that it
'aught fr m the furna.e. We have not
learn.-d w hat amount of in.urance wa. cn
the property Th" | r .prietor. mean to
rebuild a* •< 1 na- p"*.blc. The lumber,
except ale .ill 200 feet, war rav.-d.
Bulletin, nurnle r 2, issued by the
I're.ident of the State Col leg", ha. rea. h.
<-d u, and i an account of experiment i
made on corn and oat. in the ue of fer. '
tilir-r. It i. m l practical t<. condense '
int.. the limit* <>f tbi. arti. le much or any
of the information given, but it i. of a
nature. irn|*.Mar. t that every farmer who !
ba not received a C"p> rhouij addrvwa
Prof. Alherton at once, who wiil m to it
that those apply ing are upphd.
Wilton, M. Farlar.e A (■„ , r ij at ten
tion to the • nly reliable Ready Mixed
Paint in the market The Pioneer Pre
pared Paint i. r,. t only *uperior to any
Ready Mixed Paint a Id but rival, pure
white lead in it. sm.M.thne*. in working
and du-ahiiity. Thi. paint i guaranteed
by the manufacturer, r.ot to crack or pee!
within three year.. The guarantee i not i
only good for replacing the paint hut it
will be put on if ft .houlil crack or peel
within the time specified. Il will be to
your intore.t t<. call and ee Wilton, Mr
larlane A Co , before purchasing either
white lead or any other Readv Mixed
—On the.ubjert of "Keep your friend."
the l,k Haven Krprtu ha. the following
to .ay :
People who have warm friend, are
healthier and happier than throe who have
none. A .ingle real friend t* a treasure
worth more than gold or prectou. .tone..
Money can buy many thing, good and evil.
All the wealth of a world could not buy
a friend or pay you for the loss of or e.
"I have only wanted one thing to make
me happy," write. H*!itt, "but wanting
that warned everything." And again,
" My heart .hut up in a pri.on-hu.e of
th rude clav, ha. never found, nor will
it ever find, a heart too many." We are
the wcakot of spendthrift* if we let one
friend drop off through Inattention, or let
one pu.h away another, or if we hold
aloof from petty jealou.y or heedlea. .light
or roughne.. Would you throw away a
diamond becauae it pricked you? One
good friend i* not to be weighed again. t
the jewel, of the earth.
DeVATinw.—'The good people of Buffalo
Run and CenUnmal appointment*, of the
Port Matilda charge, United Brethren
church, called at the pareonaga lat Thurs
day and made glad the heart* of the min
uter, Rev. U. Conley, and hi* estimable
lady. They bad a very pleasant time and
left behind them good., groceries, etc.,
amounting to over $25.00.
Al meeting of the Unionvtlle T<rnjt-r
--nnco Union, Saturday .v. t i,g, Jar. ijtb,
]Hh2, tiitt following in <<'(i.ni''Uioriiiitn of
W. />. Smith, deii-und, • .
WIIKKKAB, (,nfi in Jl • infinite Wltdnfl)
removed from o on H— —, ]HH2, by
dntii our tfrcnd mid <<• v...rk<r in the
t<-mprnnt- CHUM-, W. 1< Smith. 'I bare
i ii<r<! be it
Hctolrcd, Thul in Ih di-ntli we t,av
lon otio ol the *arlh-t work.-r* ~f „ ur
union fi tahlihed in Ih'•'.!/ and one wli./x,
meana worn ever ready I i the |irutuution
of till* Wlifk.
Jtrmjlred, That bit ulerling worth to en
denred llilfl tout lliat w - > >ll long mm
and mourn liirn, though , a h, I. .mil.
tty t'i the d'-' rppp- ol "lipid wi w.i' h nr.*
i not nit our."
Xttolvsd, Thnt tender our ilnwwit
*y liifphtiiy to the wkJPPW .r '1 tie- ftb'-r
--h ih thik tlieir hour ol * ri ■ . 1.1 'I atk
tin in n k unto II pin Ir ii ii alor.e
I Cometh nil comfort in enrth - rwddett mala
•irel te ri HVp-liientr.
JUmtliHd, 'I hi a copy ,f tr.p rmnlu
lionip i#p- rp-i pprded iij ii p ir rniiiute* and
eo|p|e luiii. ti.p<l to the I . inty j,| <r lor
jiuhie at! n. I!) nfplp-r p( • tiitnilt
lit K A. 11l -eKI.. I'ret
1. T, TA V I.' iK, Him v
JIIIIII arx Juror*.
I ncf next U-rui of t * litre p only
i court will ben in on the fourth Mon
da., .'lid ilay of .'annar. , ] - J
lowing will IK* found a ii,:o|dit<* liht
of ttie ' irf)il and ] ruvi-re- :rc,re and
tnaia for that occa-ion
on*mp ji b'iii
! Jehu Keoaeir. Hub. I' Horke.ar. W „.*ir
vs ✓. I',ill ff |i f. , w (, , I',. I . r
W Bilk. W.l*, r. Mali 08,
11., til -i, II f.pi'rr, lata, i .....
AA , H irn. I'iiili|i*n i*,- ,t, 'pp |pi/p 1 p.,,, ~*
. 1, is -t0..,, .! ||
| I',* i,j hojij. i It .*•*•• tv r Me, * t,i, .. i.
I'* I'lilliiAt, g lipoma* I; . , Ilatna
' J AI.Ii N. If, I'.pM. i It J lla.t . - -le.e'
I, Li. . ll.ail I'..lter, - I I .-kip ij
I Jam- I . a* 10 , r ., . jj,..,, •
HUHJMN -|.in,it i• ni ■: • . a liif
ia\in*. joaiißa- ).? wlik.
M Pl|iua asgh, < j',,,. - wftbaa
11 ■*i ■ i t ( , H n , ~r |o. .
t, AA '.A pw*PJ r |pf llutUlli I I l|, P Mil.*
w I Mmi arm* f Jt< • >
I'p**.'.. Or. j* ■A i ail hf
|. I>rii.|. be ar, ,*• W k. , J. 1*...,, r
>A II I* ■ *i. ii || v. ,
.! A Mi- i -• '.f..,- o AA M, .. I
I t PUP. 11.1 l|P> P ,rg . I O'l r •• e: |,„
W 11 I A,. II ell.lllt J Ul .II -f • I
.1 iHital, 11.. ail I. r J n.p p| '
I >■ I. ,A en a lit r /: r* .A k !■
i*p * ' ■ llall.p <P> ~. i.p . i i' . ,
A It ... p.* ~*. I •„ 1.. J- r
Jpj I i.a.t.i a, in,a lob H , -pni.f
kjl',2 m&LXiz i,
ii- I-■ . Hl' .'a'" l If. • !',,tt. r
J ' * ■■ It K lei -.1., -i,
J II V (pr.h l. A , |
. ' V. • H ,?t . „ fc . j } M *, f
I*. J Kwitri, w iUtkui i u'ia# i •
h \\ MkifiJi-V iikijitjj,.
lkA\ > KM fe'.fcla— .j. Wftrt
H* ?V Kjrriu I'niob, | rat:k Ii Ml'r MU*
U*. in i !lr . r ft,. ~,,K
A ii.4*. IV I -J r,| u J|, %
i. •K * * * .... \|i k : fl J- J
J*< kMai v%*uirb, Ii ♦. l M'-* ( uiiio
I Mofl .k, h|i* li. '<|ilitf I' liruKill
I. I', -ilifcU." Il i't m, • I Krilcf Utf
I'll AjfA.rb Hrr j Jlf Hariri |i- •f. i t'
• )<ar *■+ |<.*f. fi(jrir* I 4 Hat i.t htim
A i Jl <1 1.,.; J > „ w,, >( '
AK' rnt u ,* ?•. ' ,*rk J'aU :
■' " II *'l I *l> . •' Ii M hiiij k r
•" If i. ar. 1 U . j| n J>, i'otl*r
II KIT r |W r * J Sauk * J'biJi i! j rg,
• fv .in tft-r |'hUitrl g 'At., ||<*, ra lA.iig.
J>. iar.• nu j r Miin. mJ H If. *r. LilM-njr
M liartl.um .Urn :• j I. M>lb ifarria
{, Mtitff, Iltiku J^hfllj^'uflill.
7 111 A 2 IJ!-lkT Wit a
N ' bawtlrf rl ui it. U |i M.J<r*r.
A kuct " hatt.*
• Jrrr,
• J' MH riiiS* k " I II J'ararr,
, >• • # " Sam*'
H I'Hw* " Hj i am ftohh.
I Ha;nh "" .Utn-m <• non,
\k than, Ktrbo *• faoioMi)Ji)Af(|
AlUrtOwro - |i ,un jm |. ,
l> II it*' £* " 4 *<•.k H I<*tu r,
Jublt >ifb..K.in fWtVUrd i\ b l. A 4 <t
• ha?l#- H-aty !>'.it aIIIi i
I r>c i dutif " *an**
A * ,: ' • ' .Namr,
'• '"' llui •• -.fr> B Kaah.
II >A ifouvrr " Jaiatt .V a tit
TftlaT Liar 2t> Mtik.
' rnirr r<uitf r Audr • C.r ff rl ai
4 -i',-* M > <.t ,tn H X vn A* .
9 MrMaalpTi £t'n j •> 4 M ki
ACOf n •• u . , , f ,j, f
K*. k uarof - ,? hrt A I Jui 1 I,
A' .1 Th 'tf|r<i j A To *■ < nibar n* furt
II A .!*• b %( fid* r, '
.1 ho P i. •b • Adm'a ** > ♦:
4 'tin of Pa trf ' I, Al. ng]
b( ll i,|rra<r " J..hi. Hr f in-.u,
... niar.r. i urim ri a) • j„hr llf.ru r,i aJ,
.T jhfi f itt at al ** ii,.
KII I'udrrltfli n ui * II • H||
frinii ft al ** ( krtri .••hamt
Jtib t II • kj-i ki♦ k *' T'i tint f iMit rt ns,
J.af|A.rwa i I.l'r'i w 4 K La Jt [
Hrhrrra hll * J.ihtt U w,
M rhaaJ XorrJaon M Ann an,
44 >larr Hut, %
!• ra* I 4 •' A Kif.
I ■!. Kf ttotf j* | ivt|tarf
War mi A Mrrrltl ** h '.oh. I.tj;r r*r,
| b rtua* |: jr *. .|ar . \ to
Mary A lUr ,< v . M< r.: m >j'
aid tv,ia n R O ,
l J B •••aria ♦ Tl ~*t><frr*.
I U ||,lt h . |, t , hanrialn Cq
! H II <)t M Kl<fa?ttt*c In <*o..
Hiinrtrl! A Aikrita " JmiMitJi )'n' k
All'od " ?>artM,
Ja<vb Van Poof rt a) " Jl V > .r*r,
A B K*a '• (M 1 i . •■>
A < * hOtitMl;
Datid Ifotiarr - TaJ A
Hian Yourif * Mu hafl 4 r,
A Kaolh rt u* .1 Kunk.
Bernard H aatirr a r.a'm " 1 Baoti)..ai<frrr.
William llrriH *• 1 i,nmJ Ihinkir
Wntxrr L*r H ah lit*rottc* —lf4s
cnt rely dilT.-rent front pth.-r* It ir at
clctr a waler, and, a* ■* 1 -me indii-ale*,
it a |*er|e t Vegptnhle Hair Itnturrr. It
wl'l immediately free the head from tha
a-tdriilf. restore gray fcalr t . it natural
ol .r, and f.r.pdiire a new growth where It
thilen off It doe* n-d in anv manner
ppff t th" health, whirh Sulphur, Sugar of
• ad. and Nitrate of Silver preparation!
have done It will cbanre i'gbt or faded
hair in a lew day* to a le-auttfUl ylnwt
hrown A*k your druggist !• it. Kat h
le'llle i warranted. Smith, Klirc A Co.,
Wholesale Agent*, I'htladeiphia, and
Hall A Rtlrkel, New Yrk. (-|y
l h"l I*- •llNI > —rta Jipp ll.I'M bet u. b
r*n*|..rk,r. *1 th* U p*,*et,nce. Mr kn.l R
P(prnl. .->( lie kley. aiet Mt** Mart A M.wna, •<
*♦. il• rtdml/.
Application for License.
N'OTICE i horchy jrircn thnt the
rnttewtnc tiamept r"*'r* have l<-4 their |ll
l. n* lor U* la the „f ,k„ tieanal
Maart- r *rmon rt lb* IVaee, la ui At met e..aty,
aad that a|.|<lt<*tm* all. he n„te ta the aetl M-ai.au
ol aaut eenrt hi gnat the aame
W $ •., Taveta Mllthata.
A A UI'H. Je
J I Pelr-na e |u.
rsK t
A. K. liraham, kaln,
John William He,a, 4* 4 ■
fhillpKwrg haea.
Wt.ilam Parker, Ta,ta, 4o
B-'i-ert Tayhp*. 4o ,*
Jamaa Ral<Jir.g, fttaa, !m* Mmu l*a,
i. C. U AkPK*. Piwlkmia*Mj.