©lit ©rntrf gm ocr.it, BELLEFONTE, FA. Tu ldi*rgltOlloii|(wi*li4 HcttttFapor fUUUIMI (CU I.N CKNTH* COUNTY. ill h i h.s I life Ui&ttOCKAl i u lb" it-!>>• I ntftT) i'liur.li) taomlii|, it llrlltlotil*, QO IIII), I'M tiivuU tUMtlf wtlhlu Ihrru aiuiittm will t> cuu* • lt|r*t| iu 4titAli( No will (•• tliacuhlinuffl tiolll rrMr|4r pAI'l, At Option Ol |>lll*lllltrr l* luunt (it* |>MH) for Iu *•1 VAIiCV. Any t>r*ou |>rocurli) it# loDi Mh #ul#rrlb#r# will b# stiit wcopy frurol hr|. our t !rvultioi. tin- pMprr AH un tie u Ally ii>llAM<> Ami |*rulllwtth milium lot MUV®rti#iiiM h • iieve lb tutwl MUl|>lr 1.01.l In Iff JO 11 UuliK • ltd Arc ir* |**r*"i lo |.riui .til kind* ol lttM>k#, l'r. t* ProgrMiuiiti I'tult-ra, ('uiumrrt l.l piliilnin, In th# Qnlt tlflft And At III® ItiWfwl I'ttwei | -1 TAlrn All wlfrltrn®iil r • l®w#i*rn ll.Mnthr## month* 10 caiiU c®r Im® for ili* flrwl ilir- ii.arrtioti#, Mini & c Wilt* A 11 tie for ®At"l' AddltioUAl tUMOrtIoU. bpt-4'lAl * nolle** Olir-llAll Uttil®. KdUoriAl notlcr* l r#nb por lln® t,.. > tnripit, it ims •iiuiiiii*. 10 c®fiiAp#r Im® A SllAnl ll#ounl i# mntl- to |riAt u Adarrtlaliin I ) t h# IIAII ) ♦•at. or y®Af, a" follow#; JU Ot; - • rtel OCCVfll®. j 3 B oi® Inch (or Ii 11 n *.*• i lu iyp) * < I*l* T *•• tilt life i I '• i' IT#** I lit Is 1 1 * I ' J Q >r:®r coluiiiH'or '* iiti lt®"! li -11 i, i . r I'M III! -I . . I |3ft V. l' f i sltv-ri - !*'• •* n*l iu i wd for • rltou, ,-t earli 'ri * l"ti lwlf y **%rl PIVMXHT in i>l4i > • t ai*t|iilri'i! P.ITITI v VITIP i •• I# j. insertion itli ■i j tie* rf • ' r '.r# tlt * * '' itf#. lic-t VOTI i tit hf .itorlAittltnm#. 1.1 c®nl# |®r Mt|, **Arl ltt*er||nh Taritl Diacords Torr®p'>tid< , nt of III# I'atri •. WASUINUTOS, J.tnusry 14. ltonbt* H ive arisen in the minds of some demo crats here whether the republicans re .1 ting in good faith concerning the set tlentent of the tariff question. From EXPRESSIONS that certain republican* have let drop it lia. been inferred that the radical ptrtv is not sincere in it professions and that it doe. not intend to p .AS any t ill at this ses-ton but lei the mutter g iover to trouble the demo crit* in the presidential election • lssj. Tliere cm he no d >ubl there are republican politicians who would pluv battledore and shuttlecock with the hu-i'ies interests of the country no rilutlet what the COn.eqUence (even lo the bringing on of A panic) 111 older to eulittice their waning pitty prospect*. But us a hu-ine*. question the M*jori y of the republic olitic, there i* doubtle s enough sentiment in ' favor of pa.songa toll to put one through if it can only tie put into such shape s* to satisfy the majority of interest*. The trouble uow, a* it has been all along, i* 1 in the widely diverging view* held not only by individual members ofcongre*. hut forniu.sted on the one hand by the - ways and means committee of llie i house and the finance rommitteeof the i senate, and the shortness of theea*ion. The iron and steel interest*, as is well known, are b.tierly attacking and ve hemenily protesting ngainst the senate , hill, ami parliamentary complication* ' are (cared wlien it sliall go lo the house, owing to the fact that H t* at tachvd as an amendment to the inter nal revenue reduction lull. The whole vubject is in a muddle and between the greed ol the syicctal inteicsta which are all here clamoring to tie let in. (and some of which were overlooked by tbe ! tariff conimi-.ion), and the politics thst are creeping in the thing is upon a iss of uncertainty. It iaimpossible for the general public to keep posted a* to the statu* of the question, even, with the fullest daily report* furnished, since • une of the most intelligent and he-t e piipped members of the ways ami mean* committee confess their inability to understand the larilf commission schedule and charge that it wa* mole lo niystily and deceive. One member of the committee .ays lie ha* been unable lo get any satisfactory explanatiou ol the iron *chedule, alt hough lie has to licited several manufacturer* and their expert* to give hint a statement show ing exactly wh*t i* pnqiosed. In the lioue committee the republican* have been engaged in a K tkenney cat fiht pretty much along. Dunnell, who iv an out-and-out tree Iradtr, In* been absent in Minnesota trying to defeat Windoiu fir senator, hut K isaon and Haskell have giren Kelley and Errett and McKmley no end of trouble, ai d J. I). Weeki. secretary of the Western iron association, admits that the tte* have been sustained in the committee by democratic vote*. In the senate finance co i mitt-e the iron and steel delegation charge that Sherman and other republt- cans haft* been deluded by the "l'sraea merchant," und thai the whole outcome ol (lie com mi i tee is more against Hum ilmn ihey would expect Iron# a dem ocratic congress. Ii i* noticeable tlmt •ill the wealthy manufacturers, who have grown rih, clerk. Young irth in a lawyer and wan a very com petent and obliging clerk and bin fath er died poor, but before the funeral "f the ded chairman won scarcely over Hanson discharged the clerk and made a new appointment. Mr. Kasann avows that his object in making the change so hastily w.w to procure the services of a • liort h ttol writ* r as clerk to the com mittee in order thai he might attend to lon private correspondence. An the com mittee in not likely to meet agon this -•union und will consequently have no • luiien to tie performed by thenewcletk the government will pay him nix dol lars a day from Uow until the -till of March lur acting as amanuensis to the gelitletuau fiom 1 iwa, Mr. II -arol the ta tniuillee is indign ant at K a sou's in decent act and the members of the In liam delegation threaten to tiring the in liter before the house and a*k for an investigation. Lite lacsulut fun far Forfeiting Northern I'ucl lit' latitat 11 rati I s labia d. WASUIMJTON JAM-AMI 12. —The Hou c Ju-llClary Cailllllllllt-e Ito-lay by I Voir ol nix to live (aided Mr. I'iocior Knott'* renoiuiion providing lor the lorteiture ol the Northern i'acilio land grants. Mr. i'i)*on was the only Republican wlio voted against the motion to table. Mr. Hiaoll refused to say any tiling about tun plans for bringing the resolution be fore the House, hecsuse he deemed it unadvinati-le to forewarn the opponent* ol lite resolution, t-ul he says he ha ■ aich plans in view. Friend* ol the re 'olullou will hold a meeting within a aiay or two to decide definitely upon action. l ire following is the text of the Knot "Thai all the lan-Is granted to the Northern Pacific Kail road Company tin der an act of Congress entitled 'An act granting lauds to aid ill the conduction ••f a railroad and telegraph line from Lake Superior to I'uget Sound, on the Pacific coa*t, by the Northern route_ approved -Inly "2, lHfi4, winch had not been patented to amd company on the first day of duly, 18*2, be and they are hereby declared forfeited to lire Coiled State* by rea*on of a breach of the con ditton* under which such grant made, and that said land* are hereby restored to the public domain and made subject to sale and settlement under exi-ting laws." The vote on the motion to lay the Knott resolution on the table wa*: Yea* —Heed, Wiilitt*. Biigga, Taylor, Hum phreys and McCold— 0; nys—Knoll, I'ownahend, Hammond, Converse and Pay nun—s. When the Judiciary Committee meet* neat Tuesday, Mr. Pstson will cull up hi resolut on to declare forfeiture of the Oregon Central land grants, lie a iya he will Mjhutantiate (lie resolution by in disputable evidence. no that the com mtttee will nut dure to smother it. He is. satisfied thst he will be aide tn obtain at least a minority re|Mecetnher I, 18X2) ttie height of ttie shall wa* .'l4O feet a Wove (be level o* the fl tor of theshatt showing an increase in height during the year of 00 feel. He says that if the marble can le obtained from thta lime forward with the same rapidity as during the past season, the wall and pyramtdinn or roof of the shaft can he completed |KMsibiy July Ist, 1884, and certainly by the close of ths working sesaon or 1884. Since the completion ol the foundation in 1880, Hi* total load added to the then existing atiucture has been 28 tons, and the settlement of tbn shall due to thi* loud ha* been on HII aver*ge nlioiit 11 iriflii'* for the structure. The lotnl pressure now home liy the "bed of fnundiition" IN 7 4,871 tons, or alioul it 3 KMIoI the total pressure lo be filially placed upon it. 'l'lieHiuouut expended on the monu ment during the pnt year wm $177,- 85000, leaving a balance availatde ol | s.'<3 417 37, which will supply and cut tlie niurble to course 370 and the gran ite to eouro 300. An eatitnateof ♦300,• 000 is submitted lor continuing the work of the monument for the year on' ding .1 une 30, IHMt, wlnch.it isexpected will complete the abaft and pyramidion and also the interior ataireuae and ele vator during the year IKS 4. The report i* accompanied by u letter from the joint commission recoinniending an ap- | proptintion l>y the present congress of \ the amount estimated us necessary to complete the monument to its full ; height ol 555 feet. The Milwaukee Horror. tir.> AND WOMEN JI MI- raiiM THE WINDOW* —Titr. MA.NUI.CU iiiiinr.s raft-XNT A IIOK I lilt API'KAKAM'K — JIA.NV I'll INS RUAST r.O A 1.1 A' ft. MItWAIkCR, .fan. 10.—The city is l grief stricken by the most terrible dm- . aster dial has ever visited it. The No* hall House, s six story brick building, : on the corner of Michigan street and j ('roadway, was turned to the ground at an early hour. The lire win discovered J at about four o'clock, when ail the guests were sleeping, and in less than naif an hour, tin- whole building, long designated us a death trap, was envel oped in II une.-. Scenes of the utmost terror prevailed. The inmate* <>f the • loomed building jumped by dozen* from die uppei stories, covering the stone sidewalks with lifeless liodies. Die shriek* of die unfortunate* filled die air in a heartrending manner. The people below wele unable to render any aid. tj nte a liunifier of die ternfi-d guest* slid employe* of the hotel ap jearcd at the window*, slid seeing the distance to die ground fell back to jai' 1 -11 in the flames. I tie employes of the hotel, which aocotntii'id iled MX) gu'i*. numbered eighty Six mostly lodged in the Sixth siory, exit byway of die roof cut ( oil by the tiieniid the iwo slamlpipes witli the tire ladders were lod available i lor die .iiii<* reason. \ verv l"W w re ' i s.ied by jumping on canvass, The ( s'ores •n■ J . ili on die ground their Were entirely destroyed. Lite scenes at the morgue, where thirty two bodies are lying in a ghastly heap on die door of a small room, are heartrending beyond human power ol description. A strong police |s netes *-try to keep anxious insurers in line. Nineteen bodies have bet n tdetilifieil arid elglil birdies are be J mi-t recognition. Mrs. John Hubert's body has been IHIS I lively identified. It was a touching scene to see the br'dc of a night upon the cold rntrhie fl ror. charred arid bruised with a look of anguish depicted i ( on her delicate features. It is said she was a Mi.* Sutton, of Chicago, before she married Gilbert, who t* inconsolable. I he hall* of the hotel were a scene of the wildest mnfoion. Men, women and children ru-hed up and down in the dense, •off .eating smoke, avoiding the blinding flme and roaring blaze, ami in their frantic effort* ru-hrng by the stairways and window* leading to the firo escape, stumbling over the i trotlies lying unconscious. A man stood on the corner of the filth story, twenty minutes, not daring to leap, finally. 1 he became bewildered by the smoke and slid off the (torch lo the canvass be low. Thw few who held it. could not : give it the necessary resistance. The j trody was shattered lo a lifeless msss. All the while hundreds of people were j lookingon, nohohy re-ponding to the i demands of ofTi,-ers for aid. Kveryfrody seemed spellbound by the terrible spec tacle. Atrovc the last unfortunate sat * man crouched ujmn a window sill, gaz ing like one absent-minded into the fiery abyss, motionless, but from time to time sending up heart rending shrieks. The flame* encro*che.| upon Inra. sng e l his hair and licked hi* night clothi s. With ad-sparing look, he turn!.leu inrk into the fire. A'rout a dni-n jumped from the Mich igan street front. Etch leap meant •l-ath or shattered limbs, and not let than four unfortunate*, at one time, Uy u|>on the icy sidewalk, clad only in night-clothes, blood and brains noting from wounds through which the Itoue* proiruded. Th•• scene in the alley west of the burning building, w sickening. A fS'ly I- fl o'clock the bodies ol seven unfortunate girl* were stretched u|rnii th- snow, with broken limbs writhing in agony. The loss of life in this terrible disas ter is variously estimated from 75 to 100. Complosory Anffruge. The effusive patriotism which pours itself nut in partv platforms in behalf of a free ballot it now to be cry si sliced in a lew which at once puts e premium on the exercise of the suffrage and threat ens with a penalty the neglect of the I ir o ton* p ivilege. Senutor Cooper, > f l>e itwartt c Minty, ha- introduced a bill I i the Ntnte m-nxte which provide- that a prill tax sluill he Ms*es*ed on all p. • sona entitled to the elective franchise, which .hull be discharged upon the pr- * Mentation of a certificate from the elec tion board licit the person assessed bus voted. Senator Cooper and Governor Ituller of M'ttsarliuteU have similar view• on this subject and it is a que-tmn whether Cooper wrote Butler'* inaugu ral or Ituller drafted Cooper's bill. That is a question, however, upon di luent* of which we are not at present inclined or prepared to enter. The purpose of Senator Cooper's hill |i- evidently two fold. In the first place it i* intended lo have the effect of bringing out the vote. The off year I -lay at horrie* and the disaffected ad ' h-rents of party it is thought would be t influenced to go to the election if their failure to do so were punished by the | collection of thi* poll tax. That would depend somewhat on the poverty or penuriousness of the disaffected parti -an and on the degree of disgust with which he regarded hi* party. It is likely, too, that such rt law would v une time* have the effect of dtiving the disgruntled party man to the poll* to vole "the other ticket." The other point at which this measure aim* is the compulsion of the inchoate voter to perfect hi* qualification by the payment of a state or county t*x. When tno alternative i* presented to him to pay a state or county tux of 50 cents or a p"l, lax pen -It v of ♦3.50 for negle.-tig to vo'e, be would most likely prefer lo yield ii|> the smaller sum. in tin* way die neces-ity for political committers to rotnej lo the ircue r>f die reluctant* and delinquent* on the tax list- would til the tti tin fie avoided. A* the law now stands large sums ol trior ey must be laned hmuhll) try political org*'- i/er* lo enfranchise the non laxp)ti g rlus* of citizens. A- 111 * is gent-rally Mccoiupii'lit r| through assessments o> - flice holders ai d cnnrltdstes it i-evi dent that a remote • fleet ol the lull in question would tie to modify ll tin' abolish that ngenev of |*>litic*l rorrup lion. It I* lint to be denied. ihiTrf.i" I Itiat the mea-ure ha* some tn-rit u t ls rt it deseivis serious nnd | . tir-nt comuder*iinn. Apart from the id-a ili at under free i n-111 u t tons tin ie.le uld I— OiniptlUinii ol the Voter to cast hi -1 allot llir-te Is nothing in Senator Co .p el's lull of all lllll.cr.il, Uli Iclnoci at I. or illi, toper character. But it i- a qutr lion whether it* coercive character i consistent with the -pint of our gov er tun. tit. Ii would be br t ter, | erlia >, to strike die tX qualification out >f li e constitution uti'i tliu- accomplish ah llial I* aimed at in this bill without mmpelhng tlir citizen to vote or pay a fine. The tax qualification as enforced under existing law* i* a sham a* well a* a source of corruption and the sooner it IS elmllshed th- fa tter for the purity r.f elections and the security of free insti tutions. T II E final message of (iovernor Htiyt i* an alile nnd comprehensive document, giving a general review of the the department* of Stale govern ment- The concluding paragraph* of the message are worthy the perusal of men of 811 parties : There was no session of the Senate last year Hut the Auditor General's reyiorl shows the following sums of money drswn hv Itelsney " during the fiscal year ending November .10, I WW. p'.ir portage, isl-l', ex J. rear c harges ami other ex|e'n— s during re cess of IKSI f 300 00 For same during MM of IMS. 1 SOO 00 F.-r terriff " recess ending Ike. 31. iwej iV*I 00 For service* during IKX3 1 111) 00 $ .1 |-| t'. c-ver the same |*-rt'*l And y<-t C-*-hran fs reported to hare ri-w(*p.,rnU-t| Ib-lsoey lrbr*rin of the Sen ate,—/.inioufrr /*)//ur*r, Influcncr- f the Hull un Health The influence of the *oil uj-vn the health of the living upon it, is brought out very (dandy during the prevalence of epi lemic diseases. That malarial ill >e-ae(like intermittent levers) originate from Ihe soil, i* already accepted ; and recent iiivealtgatiotia show pretty con cltisively that the g-rms of Cholera. Ahlonunal Typhus. Yellow Fever, and ttie plague are in some way connec'ed W'th the soil, winch is daily corroborated b, loiters from all parts of the routiirt, (t it ing the marvelnu* effect f'rrmna ha o ■ those diei*es, and in their ronvale*- c nl state. Jons K. CoIfBTNCV, of C >rry. Pa., ftayft: "I am still getting Iretter, thank* to your Ptrurnt an I ,lf.i*sa. " See page 34 "III* ol lute." 3t •,'"Too late in what the sword when the trum|-i souti Ii to draw it." Bui never 100 late to whet your sjq edte by taking Kidney-vV rt, festering lir-alth and making your** If a well, sitong. heirly man. 11 is unequsled a* a remedy for all liver, b w< I* and kidney diverse. All drugfciiU ktp ant re commend it. L':t tti B< a' on T ogetber 1.-win'* I'utU 't-lpbi, Branch c'othing j bouae I* as well prepared it* it ev> r was to suit you. No one need *nrtdt-r why a man who mitki-r :i ape. i -lly of one !ine of goorls cat! sell cite*per Mi ni lo- who ; handles everything. o>-o *J I' Mt I •. W.l *f V \ l_ .Al—-- v. ;'x ! -(•vivimni fj * , r ill # jo X3lfn3 rj Ta■ • > . \\ ■ l r-'. , r'T " Writ of Partition. I n the Orphan-' < utrt of ('< ntre f |ft the ,1 S '••?. J '*' I iG|*rt. linti J' hi* 4 I'ff ! IN**. J'Mizk B |WfT M II M•VI i* r.t.fcH t*'l J i tbt hisbifi) Prar.i % !•' < *tl+ f I t* ant! J ,hn 4 U' rr ll r g\t*t . M'- ■ i. ' I*s ) * x *. t. l-e (- * r.t \ ' a .'Asfsw* TH *• .1 111 N K Kl. |fi,fifl i"ft *. MMNbM WANTED! Tv wtbiM* * . Mui it ' hr f- jMit fKurk | lliii on • mkvrj ! ll| gift • iff" dkifriil .ni *.| *l.. W f. >. I 1 r lb# etpfise e,f th* Mtfn* t?4 % if 'i< z-srfql, >!• '' *f a 4 (tj A -• *1 <1 t II4*F 4 111, ThfCIlM S trejys-e I'h a Ulj ha. T* I • ' #t• hi i ♦ to* A R M K US' I N S T I T U T K. A FREK 1. F' Tf'. F >'O T RSF O.V FARM p>rns. 4 ( tyr-w f l MM w H In l' l ' i *i NM l' r * Tuesday, January HO, 1883, ft* I *ti tir iritis k y, Th leclNHo ltl rtihfgM'* lel|f t4 .-if s|- ta ' i'.tj. t'■ • Ai ' i.• ' Itj Hill I w p|MM •• IK *• HH tin JfHftll, f t MVS IMM .'III ill 1 1 Hill t* 1"* • 11, If • f'ha.-tfr, -!ft|| i ,l rs-efs-4 ftfi f*vr4lftll]r *•-♦*• • *•*' Af ss MPftt it, H. f tl'V t*U "■ Mlj.j.'trwl At • rHalg tsf fatfd >■ rr . Ii f ■ lit 'hi* lava iM'liUff yeti,| (ftwl an l llwesssf M. Hhf . W * •• .. !• f* w / laato *4. it -t • h as>is(xtfl ftft4-blf fllh I H'l •• I *- eh* oh I'ihfutt A. .- ii -■•: lnNnM | r ■t • |r (It fw •>!•* TM. • l*n h4 At fh' h f-l r arffh fftiftt* trail"* Vflla(e,l)i • h* g" '• *hv I attar -t f |HBf **ll At' • 1 ' VHlfl eft •., WM |l-iss tiff ltftftf-1 111 lit- l'r- lr-gi 1 llill 111 !llMf HUfl •!• •rfftlr tit ITflf'H pft.ffts kllM) (tug Hh Mf - W)M hrtn ftftt In tl *4 rtafUllul Hil.ti.s-' i Ihfp *** iHf nt . m I •■(• !%• he *' ' frr of lh* tiftiH If •• H*4 h Nre 4-avllh .4. U |H) • ' lit* ml Mi'l I*. M t*. si ft I hg* Tl fty.4 H'lfWHlil 1. |U At*MTft I e*'lire- It 4< If t| fetftA*it*+. f>4 l**4Jth l It'OHfti.i H'l Kah Ho i*. ' , t ll* MrKn. Off" lHlrt j | fcH i f 2 Hi %e*irnlit*l ' It* HI fir- 4; htllliifK x Ma**4i Hx-slUif, , 1 Oi||lftFeHlltt|,l IXHOfRf .'I 4. H* I'ttf* lUrli it Mtfhl Irn tur<-n. Ihuiti. 3; ToHl hffUt lt HaHlmliii, I , N 2 K INi. 'Ht >*p, ThflHi UriniM. Krw Utrkar |r. 2; N#i#eef- hg), I j f. IU •!%•*•. >•** txHrftr : IJ-h h ; Vhrif , CtifMhftlir'". MalltlfiHfte. an 1 I 'llnxy , T. Hf K*IWI M tdPMftm: An' •.* nf I III# !> <4W' -I AbltiuNl t. Ny fior R it. Tn l-Htiiea |rirltall# Wft* t#r, AiHlietftl|sfti of F4 fervfti pG-fvwihf fc tfr*4 lh" HftlW ill jirnfn -1# |l#l* H|l*fh|elr# iM tftfk, I f N* I" ■!* OoftiHtftnhOH Illi* BMij I# arWifirftl to PY virtue ol h.unify H I it. of Fieri J Mu towl > I.I v. IfllMl /•!! 1,1 tli < • I ,1 I I , I ~J , m >" >••■ ■ '•< 'I i .•: at jMitill' *i< 111 -1,1 I I I.: I, 4 , (i Baturdfiy, Jan 20, Ah mo 3, •-•Ml i-f (If* iJ- •m 1 .' - Ai! !<'■ f **#"!• I* V f . w u1 H li < j • ii, r j. . , 0 nl - ,1 •. < ( I II . " J ♦* Mt 5. .u Ll. VI. n, . .. ,j , . j otlivf |i„; In •<•!! t •„. of Y !•#. # ',i. If Mj • .'1 ■ I .<.! .. r. , 1 H |.f|l I 1 tIM 1 ' ; j • • ■ . - . , - • ' l" II i ■ • uil. , ■ > j - ....... . ... . uiMij.r* *•• • Im. til vU. J • i • I Jl 1 All Hi*- ntM.li!'" * J ~*! f,M f 4-Mil. • I'-1 I I* lifl • * I m I . i I .1 U ■ :u u !kn < i i ' J,#* l ;• • t • * • f . 1 • 1 t I ,#. 1 • 'A |iw. r • • • . . . • ■ s i'l'f 11 •• | kirt of 1 , • ... , • - Mir I,* hi'li . .(.• . f • -.j, |l- ■ ft,, tN j| II ill • , , . Y # ' I ut4 AuUr . ' . . . m f • 1 , l(j ' • Ul# *f 11 Ui a f .*• a, , fli . 4 , * ! . #•' . I.k if • t*' ffWfl -'.**#?. r . ■ ' 1 * 1 J •!"• it • I ft* •* / ntfl. #.! 1 hrM.ia li. ■ I ■ * ■ V... #t > . - , . j ,'?/. rj..-i y - .. * ■ 4 A , T '•: i ■ f 1 ' • T J I.rll- 'i -iMI liwlfn) M 1 . t *.l ... ' , • • li J > 111, I • r Ail t.t •• m • ' • ' * ■ . , ( fi i f. lit!, I,L. \. !.I - . i A I it.at 'ft* < . . il< • 1 | !.. • li fN Wll iti .** ||^( •I . > .. Wr'4*i- ' ll.# | i\UU . , | ( I i !•-•' M 1 i, , J L • I til ..!•! 11. I. , K TKK\i~ r.Mi ... j • (1 . i, x\. ?t • •••:• •• • I .1 III' > K hi. -i . r;C. p.,. - . ..r . 1 • i n j. ' . ' • I'l itpti. '.'"i. Jul* 1 < .Mi* ' hi : (■ nt r* 1 .•!*,. .• ■ I• • nil j < kn r • t t.. . 1 .1-1 I> * >• 111 II ■ ll'.Kl- , , nn I th..n. l>\ing . tr ._•> ;'t !(,.■ . .e. . to j r.—nt ih.-i'i !.l . t.ce luij *t' • •*-• ■ ). lor '•■ linn •r I I S FtAi*. Mtiker, t'ptr O IW 111, >•-' i-ii 4li Adtr, 991' *fro/'' \ \RPHANS COl C I iua YAU AULK REAL L>TATt Hv virtue of an . rdir of the irff'r • t'"Utl of I otilri" 1 i.rity, l v , tlo ■ i| !♦ ■*t "if to jmli'ii alo .n 'THURSDAY, January li, 18S3, ,rt on* o'clock p in., on tb fr r.iin • in j Curlin lowßthip, the following Koal T • tat*, lata of ll.r Tko l, d- * > Ti.ti < v to ho paid oh o> hlrni.ti.it. -t ■* . . third in one \..r th.-r. .< ■! v.;.h t .■ . t *■ , th 1.'.t00 in to, I. ... . t.r.-t. The dcfcrrwl pat men t* t. I- f.ti.red Ir loud and in>fi|to/e . n lh< 1 ton .* |tv o-t • *1 . | i | fliar - rxt f %. . tftlltvA ' • • M| '1 % • V V t| Hr>ii iitu - 1. hKI.I Rf.VTK I A •. I ■! |> )# , t|ii.f|> •. • Wt| I a a l| fi|f (P eml irat • il |*i I* t i oiM#t.i| V tl*4 I" >flf Iflw II .*#. uti ftp bni • 1 rf..| |hHi fiUttficlH at tTH|tiftal 1 . M. W*t' Li Jmi i . i, of #• , fri. nft Ootirt P Itl.i. i..| . wm ■ W I tjll "• .• *t I In ;tl tx •• t 9n t • • || .!„ •*■ II.IM * 1 U fie., n ftHM* -•*. bdlLf toil iMbt tit#' *tifxxt Ut • i.* 4 (,• '• Id w lt f..r .1* rtftbit it* 11* 1 .m I m •1 * At j s• tlti 4i tl| tfk | it-ill fin. it,*- ft.-1 . t t! a i*% wo*** tl> *1 |Ht Mfoo-..'• ~11 *afta. %rn|i*l Iw >* h •♦• 4-fift *• Mtcb' wU" m i.|lj Vmi Ck > f|r < • Hl#- 11m# t 1 IH# tb Htt| it. hi fi* • lull iRI tin.li.'ii aral • f t>ai ♦ •i'#.il ,f h. \4 4r. | (N< f, | Atal* It. ttl iISCUIBK LOU Hit • K.N. O IHK DKMOVKAT. In will like It, .a.a -11 jtm aih.