Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 11, 1883, Image 8

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    ®be Ctnftt JPetnocrat.
Thursday Morning, January 11, 1883.
OottßMroßDiMCS.conUlntni;!?!•••• UM U
•4 from may |*rt uf iho county No cmiioiuitlc .S i >•
!na*rtJ taulaM nccompnoUd by tha rani uaiua of iba
Local Department.
—How often have you written 'B2 for
'B3 *
Uriah Moyor will be hung at Middle
burg, Snyder county, beb. HB.
Mr. E. A. Smith, who returned from
Philadelphia last week is again confined
to the house.
—"W. W. Bierly" is tho name of a
new Post, G. A It mustered at Itebers
burg, week beforo last.
Ministers aro requested to forward to
tho DEMOCRAT, for publication, notices of
marriages and dentlis.
Mr. W. E. Uurcbfleld, of this place,
is building a store house at Pbilipshurg,
which ho eipects to occupy as soon as fin
—Tho Uoleville Union Sunday School
held its holiday festival last Friday oven,
ing, and tho occasion was me of much
pleasure to all.
Mr. James A. Keller, writesui There
will be a meeting of 11.0 Centre County
Pomona Grange at C - ntro Hall, l'a,
Thursday, January 18, 188:1
Hon. P. Gray Meek, chief clerk of
tbo House, and Hon. B F. Hunter, one of
the members from this county, left for
llarrisburg on Monday morning.
—Mr. Geo, lloff.-r, of Boalsburg, father
of Mrs. A. C. Mingle, of this place, la-l
week bad a stroke of palsy, paralysing bis
tongue. He has not spoken since.
Messrs J. C Miller & Co., have our
thanks for an elegant tablet. These gen
tlemen know how to gladden the heart of
the poor printer, and will have their re
Mr. Charles Kodgers, of East Lamb
street, was seriously injured at the null
works on Monday. He was taken home
in a buggy and at last account wn- d .ing
—The Centre Hall Rrjnrttr has put on
a neat, new dress, and enlarged to eight
pages This evidence of prosperity is de
serving congratulation and we most heart
ily tender it.
—Zion boast* a healthy well-organited
literary society called the Belles Lettres
Society of Zion. It it composed >f mem
bers who arc diligent in improving their
literary qualifications.
—The editorial fraternity will be loth
to part with Mr. George Fry singer of the
Lewistown Gazette He disposed of his 1
Interest in thai sheet with the beginning
of the present year on account of falling
Mr. David M Wagner is still confin
ed to the house, nursing that sore leg. The
trouble was caused by poison contracted in |
Philadelphia during the removal of an in
growing toe nail. That was six weeks
—The Bee Hive bulletin announces that ;
the proprietors of that busy place are de
sirous of engaging a saleslady. We would
suggest the editor of the .Veicsas a suitable
person and vouch for her capability and
Mr. Chas. Glenn off-rs for sale pho
tographs of the officials of thn county and
also pictures of the teachers who assembled
here during the holidays. Both are good,
were taken on the court bouse steps and
are on sale at Mr. Glenn's gallery.
—Miss Ida Gerherick, of this place,
who is attending Luthrrville Seminary,
returned to the scene of her labors on
Monday, refreshed by tho two weeks spent
at home. She will bear with her the best
wishes of an admiring circle of friends.
—Someone writing poetry to "Nora,"
and after scraping hit heart all over, runs
across this sentiment:
Lottnf not m |n*r fo
Hot m iiit#r •n't brother.
Now, if Nora is smart, and understands
her business, she will catch that fellow and
after learning who permitted him to es
cape go to work and slaughter both.
—The Pa. School Journal for January
quotes Supt Woll as follows : The friends
of the State College are ripeciing good
resulu from President Atberton's adminis
tration ; the beginning promises well, and
wc trust the institution may accomplish,
under his direction, the end for wbivh it
was established.
—Rev. Hewitt, rector of the Ep itrof
church, met the balance of a committee of
pastors and laymen of his church in Read
Ing, this week, to take action in reference
to the erection of a new diocese. Mr.
Hewitt's eminent fitness for labors of thi
nature renders hiin all the more valuable
as an active, xealous worker in tba cause
of the church.
—James Wian, fifteen years of age, who
reside* with his father, Mr. Peter Wian
on Gen. Beaver's farm, a short distance
east of town, lost his right leg week before
last. The trouble was a sort of blood
poisoning which commenced in bis foot
and kept gradually ascending until ampu
tation was considered necessary as a means
of saving his life.
—The Methodist Sunday school last
Sabbath elected the following officers to
serve during the coming yeer : Superin
tendent, S. D. Gray ; asst. Supte., W. I.
Fleming and J. G. Love; secretary, J. I.
M'Clure; treasurer, D. M. Leib; libra
rian, Edgar S. Swartx, asst. librarians ,11
H. Scbrojer and D. M. Leib; organist*,
Relit* Kline and Jo* Sbrotn.
Investments Without Parallel.—
To bul nw men the following from the Now
York of Doc. 31, will be osiiecially
interesting: Probably no corporation or
private estate in this country can equal thn
prime standard of investment shown by
the "Brooklyn Life Insurance Com
pany" in the fact that on tho doling day
of tbo year IHBH not ono dollar of duo intur
o*t remained unpaid. With nearly two
hundred mortgage loans, aggregating near
ly tbree-quarlori of a million dollars in
vented. all tbo interest duo was paid ; not
ono loan or security is in arrears. For
lurlbor particulate inquiro of It. M. Ma
gee, Esq., tho agent at this place.
—lloworth's Double show opened at the
City llall Inst night to a good house. The
scenery is fresh and bright and tho views
of the leading cities arid landscapes in
Ireland exceedingly good, and admirably
described by their pleasing lecturer. In
addition to their panorama, there is an
excellent olio performance of singing and
dancing, with Instrumental accompani
ment. Tho show is one well worthy of
patronage. There Is lots of fun of a bright
and sparkling kind without tho least
shadow of coarseness. This afternoon
there will be a matinee, and to-night* the
company appear for the last time with an
entire change of programme. Those who
attend will be sure to be well pleased
Hamilton 7'imrs, Ontario, May HI, 1880.
11 arvAHI) Col t.KoK —At a recent meet
ing of the overseers f Harvard College,
a discussion was held upon a resolution
which had been before tho board for sv
eral weeks, that in the opinion of tin*
hoard, the statutes making attendance on
morning prayers and other r.-ligu u* ex
ercises onmpulaory should be repealed. The
board, by a strong vote, refused to adopt
the resolution llut M a GE"HOE Mnrrr.H.
lately from Martin-burg, Itlair counts,
Pa , who had a Cancerous growth oil hi
nose, and who was advised the use of I'rru
'iu h. fore a vi-it to a Cancer Hospital, was
allowed to take that par-excellent rernedt.
and by its use for a very short time, was
cured completely—page oj j n ,p p ~f
Life"—get one from your Druggist. Ht
M t LK-ni'KIS AMS (EN THAI. Ctrr N i.*-.
—Mr James Lucas has returned from
Florida after an absence of ah.ut a m mtb
lie has had a siege ■ f thills and fever,
otherwise he is the same a- of yore
Mr. I'enuybaker, switch Under here,
has removed to Pbliipsburg where he has
taken charge oi tho station. We c- n
gratulate bun upon being so fortunate a
to secure to good a situation. Mr I'at
Martin is d ung duty in Mr 1' s place f r
the present.
Wo believe it is Mr Kohlbrecber's in
tention to enlarge his hotel. Business it
booming with him.
The axe factory has been tsklng a rest,
so to spiak, but will be running again in a
few 'lavs.
The Milesburg brass band seems to be
fulfilling th expectations. They render
quite a number of pieces very beautiful v
The residence of Mr Alfred Green was
ihe scene of a gay and festive occasion
Tuesday evening, Hd inst Miss Carrie, a
very amiable and excellent young lady,
and until this term a teacher in the
schools here, was joined in holy matrimony
to Mr. Will. Favor, of Kansas They ,
will in a short time start for their far
western home attended by the heartfelt
good wishes and congratulations of all of
the many friends of Miss Carrie.
Mr Mitchell, our (ostmaster, has been
unwell for a few days but we are glad to see
him back again distributing the mail.
Ax IMMENSE PARSNIP Many years ago
a well, that had bs-en depended upon to sup
ply water for irrigating a kitchen garden,
near a populous town in county Cork, Ire.
land, fell into disuse and water was con
veyed through pipes from a neighboring
The well was gradually Hilled up with
waste and rpfuse and its location almost
forgotten, until a vegetable of unusual
proportions forced its way to the notice of
• nhahilanta of the outer world Examina
tion revealed the dimensions and i haracter
of this wonderful formation which proved
to be a parsnip, in thickness the diameter
of the well —three and a half feet—and in
length, the depth of the well, our hundred
nwififfy firt/ftl.
It was dragged to the public square of
the town and there for years challenged
the attention *iid admiration of the pes.pie
It finally became hollow, and bojs and
girls played 'hide and seek' within Its am
ple recesses, until an enterpriaing wearer
of the green put it to practical use by
having it lined with sheet Iron and setting
it up as a flue or chimney, in which posi
lion it serves him to this day.
Vegetarians and others interested are
referred to Mr Peter M'Mshun, who can
give full particulars and convince the
most skeptical.
—Of the many beautiful and appropri
ate Christmas presents brought to our
notice no one is better calculated to convey
the "compliments of the season" than that
of Mitt LißEie Forster to her father, MaJ.
K. II Forster, late of tba DEMOCRAT. It
is a crayon portrait of that gentleman ei
willed in fine style by the lady herself and
remarkable for ita resemblance to the
Wn continue the publication af an In
tereellng serial by that popular writer,
Tboa. J. Dunkle, Sheriff,
Tho Lyoomlntr.
Lycoming Fire In.ur- , hcw of
ance Company use
of J. A. iiiu'bur, ~ . . ,* v
Receiver, C °V r N °
' 86, Jan. lorin,
Rt. ltov. J. F. Bbana
The above stated case is ono of consid
erablo importance to tho public, and we
havo therefore gone to some trouble to g<-t
short history of it, and the questions of
law involved in it* adjudication.
As the caption shows the Lycoming
Firo Insurance company, by virtue of it*
charter powers, entered judgment in the
above case against tho Rt. Rev. J. F.
Shanahan, who is Bishop of tho Catholic
church of the llnrrishurg Dioceso. Tbe
policy of insurance WHS taken out in his
tiarnu upon the St. John's Catholic church,
of Bellefonte, January, A. D. 1876.
\\ ben the company entered the above
judgment it also issued an execution and
levied upon the St. John s Catholic church,
of Ucllofonle, and hud the property adver
tised for sheriff's talo. Rev. P. M'Ardle,
the Priest in charge of said church, feel
ing that tho assessment* made by the com
pany wi re very oppressive, and as ho be
-111-nil illegal, called UJKJII J. O. Love,
K-q , and consulted him relative to the
cat.-. I pun examination of the case, Mr.
Lovo advised the institution of proceeding*
to resist the collodion of the asscssmonts
u|>on the part of the company.
A petition was presented, alleging tiiat
the assessments were excessive and illegal,
whereupon a rule was granted upon the
company to sh- w r*u" why the execution
•hould not be set a>i<|o at the cost of the
company, tho judgment opened and the
defendant let it,to a defense, ."aid rue
ha* been | lending in court for about one
tear, ami was argued lt week at an ar
gument court held by his Honor, Judge
Meyer. Messrs. Alexander A Bower were
alto consulted durit g the progress of the
litigation, in connection with Ms Lost.
Owing to the al-eme i f Mr. Alexander
the ias st argue-1 by Mr List f•.r tbe
b-fendant; Mr Hoy appeared for the
Defendant's counsel argueil fr- tn the re.
I>rt of the i.tfi, ,-rs of the company to the
State C nimisti- ner of li-urance that to
aarrant tbe extraordinary assessments
mad- in May. !**", 11 le-esrne necessarv
for the company to show that it bad sus
tained at. ai : ial b-s by f,re fr--rn January
I. 1 e-si|, ~| May 1 K-ft. of ala>ut }' 2*1,-
ISSI whereas they only showed a bos s
Uiiuol ~f al."ul iT.uOO. leaving aim-si
flisiOs) ■( debt that they were making
assessment* to liquidate, for which the
e -rjipany f id to account.
Tne counsel for defendant claimed that
this raised a quisle.n of fart, that should
1... übmi;t -I t-. a jury, and that the judg
ment should opened.
It was alt.. claimed by the defense that
th" statement of I'M), made by lh" com
pare, show. 1 it bad d ,-ing tbe year paid
out over s'.?'* to refund unearned pre.
mi-itns in rash policies, which tho com
pa- V fas r. - right t-i a ess mutual policy
b-iiders t pay. It wav claimed, 100, by
the defense that their ( rcmium notes bad
been assessed ar.J paid a due proportion of
all legitimate losses and expense# incurred
during the life time ~f it* policy.
The Witliamsport 'V-rrcftr .{■ Jiulletut
published, Dec 14, H>, an opinion lib-d
by Judge Cummin, in tho c*e of the Na
tional Bank of Malone N Y , vs. the
Lycoming Fire Insurance Company, with
notice to Ralph Elliot, el ah, garnishes*.
We take from the opinion, as filed, the
< lautet relative to tbe alleged excessive and
fraudulent a-sessment*
VII Tim garni*h<-e claimed on the trial
that the assessment*, N'-HC -9 and 40, were
excessive or were made through fraud or
mistake, and in support of this view of
fered a -tatrmenl hereto attached marked
exhibit 2 Thi* statement is based in part
on a report ma-in by the president and
secretary of the insarance company pur
porting to show the condition of the com
pany on the 31 at day ol December, 1879,
which had been filed with the insurance
commission at I!arrt#burg and was offered
in evidence lam of opinion that this re
port is n-'t evidence in thi* rase, f. r sever,
al reason* First, it was made whiie
garnishee was a monitor of the Companv,
and long after he te am" a member. Sec
ond, it was made by the president and e#a--
rotary, who were the agents of all the
members Third, it docs not show tbe
condition of the company at or near the
time when the assessment* complained o'
were made Fourth, no assessments were
based on this rep.rt. Fifth, the official
action of the directors, whose duty jt was
to make the assessment*, cannot be invali
dated by the declaration* of the piriwident
and secretary. But even if this report is
received as evidence'in this case, exhibit S
Is clearly wrong and la not supnorted by
the evidence. On the assets side of the
exhibit the figures for 1879 aro taken frem
the report above apoken of. The figures
for 1880 are not to be found In any evi
dence off.-red in tha cam. Again, "while
the alleged assets are taken from receipts
from and alter January 1, 1879, the liabil
ities are computed only from May I, 1879,
thus omitting four months of losses and
VIII After a careful examination of
this case and of the books of the company,
I am of opinion, under all the evidence,
thai the assessment* complained of are not
excessive, and that there was no fraud or
mistake in the making of the same, and
that the garnishee is justly indebted as ful
Assessments Mas. XV snj 40. at 4*)— J M no
Isisesl frm inns M. ISM, to ibis date * 74
Rsvsivsr's SIWI imimsni V ?
latsrset from Jeaearj 13,114, to this de* 1 M
Total ... 4104 4
IX. ft I* therefor# ordered and adjudged
that tbe plaintiff', tba National Bank of
Malonn, have execution ol $lO6 96 of tba
debt due by tbe garnishee, Ralph Rlltot,
to tha defendant, tbe Lycoming Fire In
surance Company, and attached in his
band* with inUreat and oot'a; and if the
said garnish** refuse or neglect, on de
mand by the sheriff*, to jmy the *Rin, it on
the same to bo levied of tho raid garnishee's
good* and lands, according to law, an in
ease of u judgment against hfen for hit
proper debt: and u|mn payment, that tbu
garnishee be thereupon discharge! an
against the defendant of the parno to at
ta< hod arid paid. By tho court,
Ilt'Oll If Cb'MMIN,
I'reiident Judge.
—Of Ifowortb a Ilibornlca, which will
•hew in thin place on tho 'J.'ld instant, a
Kentucky paper say* : Tho unanimoua
verdict of tho large audience that wan en
lertalned by thia company last night wa
that it wii a very iuperior combination,
one that combine* more irntruction with
the greatest amount of Innocent fun than
any that bus ever visited us. A pleasing
comedy run* through the whole perform
ance, whii h i* ever and anon enlivened by
act* of specialty men atid women of a very
high order of talerit. Ihe whole company
aro hard to beat, and to those who love
fun w> unequivocally recommend Ho
worth * liibernica. A hig feuture of the
entertainment i sixty panoramic view* of
noted place* in Ireland, very cleverly ex
plained. Each picture it the work of an
accomplished artist and thi* part is alone
worth many lime* the price of admission
Wo hope Mr. lloworth will find it con.
venient to viit u* again, when wo prom*
l*o him an audience that will put standing
room at a premium —.Wo. Wflily Interior
Journal, Stanford, Kv.
—"lno' write* us from Howard that the
i itizen* of that place have organised the
"Howard Band As.-< lation At a meet
trig heid last Thursday evening Mr Ate-
Weber was choaen president pro tctu and
Mr M. I Gardner, secretary pro tcm. An
election of oflicers resulted in the choice
of Ba.-cr Wcln-r, K-q, president, B rnar 1
I.suth, Kq , vice president, John A
Woodward, Esq , secretary end Mr If A
Mo ire, treasurer, H A M<-ore was also
chosen treasurer of tho band, A A.
Schefu k, secretary, 11 Fouls- n, leader • d
H W. Brickley assistant leader. It was
decided that the band should be called the
Howard Cornet Band. We rips t * r,
to have it second t<> none in the county, a*
we have the talent There is some talk
of bringing water to town and before lone
We ei|>vt to see hydrant* 'pring Up all
along tbe sidewalks —The ir-r-w rk- of
11. I.auth, which were shut d-wri for re
jir, have again resumed operation*
—The exes utive commutes- of the Or
tro County babbalh School Ai>Tiali r
met at the ofll.e of N 1> Hav Esq the
secretary on Tuesday lat
The object of the meeting a as to aw ard
the J Wul.ard M tiler priteof five dollars
f- r the best essay sin tbe subject of tcmficr
*nre by any sabbath M hod scholar of Cen
tre , sunt*, under the age of sixteen
lb-cause of the *e*y limited number < f
essays that bad I--S n receive J, it was .)•*
Ided to extend the time until the first of
next July.
In tl.a mean time the committee will l-e
glad t> receive a large number of essavs
from competitors for ibis prize It was
also divided U> hold several ha al or district
conventions in ditf-renl [ art* of the coun
ty *<> on.
The committee adjourned U. meet at the
*ame place at 10 o'clock * vt on Tuesday
February Ith.
—Two young men, living at the Forge,
John Ilry and Ilavid Tate, each aged
about seventeen years, tok about sl3. from
the rash drawer at Valentines" store last
Saturday evening Before they left tbe
r<som, the theft was discovered and upon
tseing charegd with it*commission prompt
ly handed th# amount over tin Monday
they went to Tyrone and were brought
hack to town on Tuesday. We have not
heard that any legal proceedings have been
Mr. John W Sum, formerly of Mill
heim, this county, who last summer went
to "Wisconsin, was married on the 24th ult.,
to Miss Klla Walsingham, of Maiden
Hoi k, Wis. Mr. Stam hat purchased the
entire business interest of a prosperous,
paying mercantile etUblishment, arid in
order to insure hit happiness hat ordered
the DEMOCRAT, and paid for it. Many
C-ntro county friends wish him a long life
of continued prosperity.
—An impnrunt change is being made
in one of our leading mercantile firms,
Messrs. Pearson, of William*porl, Seiber
ing, of Jersey Shore, and Murphy, of He
novo, have purchased a large interest in
Valenttnea A Co.'s store. The new firm
will trade under the name of Valentine*
<k Co.'* Store, limited, We bespeak for
tba gentlemen a hearty welcome, and
equitable share of the patronage of the
Mr. Daniel llamey, of Reedsvtlle,
Mifflin county, wbo bat for some time
been engaged in lumbering near Storms
town, this county, met with a sad accident
last week. Hi* horse ran off, throwing the
unfortunat* man out of bis sleigh, the re
sult of which was to break hi* leg near tha
tbigh. Surely a narrow escape.
Mr. Finley K. Johnston, eldest eon of
F.*t Master Johnston, left for Grand
ltapids, Mich., yesterday. "Fin," for
over a year, made Lock Haven hit home
and while there learned peinttng. In bis
Dew borne be expects* to receive good pay
and secure a permanent job. Succaea.
—Prof. W. H. Jordan will lectura In
Y. M. G. Association hall on Thursday
evening, tha 18th on "Foods."
—"Dr." Geo. H. Dare, returned from
i'hiludelphia on Monday. He bad been
absent more than a week.
—B. K. Focbt has bought tbo Lewis,
burg AVu< and is now it* editor and pro
prietor. Tho first number issued by him
promises well.
lsaac Lose, Jr., is convalescing. For
ys couple of week* be was tbe victim of
serious illness that confined him to his
—The second sari of Abram Thomas, of
Bogus township, aged about 10 years, was
kicked in the face by a horse IHH Sunday
and very badly hurl.
—Graveyard Insurance continues to en
counter legal opposition. The Fidelity,
of Klizabethtown, Lancaster county, has
just been called to account.
A little son of Dr. J. F. Alexander,
of Centre Hall, was taken to Mtllbeim by
relatives, while there was attacked by
croup and died latt Friday.
—N'-il week's DKMOCKAT will contain
a sermon preached by Rev W. U. Wright,
of klilesburg, Dec. 24, per request of
(•*>. L. I'otter Host, No HOI, G. A K.
—The other evening a Thotua- street
young man ask<d hi* girl why a hen is
immortal, and th'-ti wondered wbv she did
not laugh when told that it is because her
son never sets
—We ktiow of no one wbo is of mure
practh al use at a church festival than J.
L. Mpahgler, Esq H- is always determin
ed to lake the cake, let it cost what 11
may . Say, Jack '
—We had the pleasure of a short chat
j with Mr W. 11. Noll, Jr , of I'ioa-ant
, 'ap, on Saturday Mr. N--II is the senior
member of a new mercantile firm at that
. pla- e and rejeirl* hu-it ■ • g -J.
, —Centre Hall has a cliurcb for each 1"0
| inhabitant*, and wid ws The latter,
i ih-- Ji'j" Tier c .alius "an- ail nice and nice
v hx-d f-r one wtiu has s,. t g i where to
, lay hi* h'-a-l N", that k y-iu
—The Rrj u'lhran learnt that hair *
! bum* are to take the j see of autc-graj h
alliums W>- wan; a I ut.cb of the roseate,
hirsute Covering < f the editor of that pa
j per to adorn the hrsl < I our.
—Our friend Mr ii .es \\ ,k-r. whili
!in Harrtst .rg, m<- u*y •ag suq p<-0 ■fi
a railroad track, t< at. I an approaching
I shilling saglts, and futind htm—lf It #•
| l*r upV-- hit to :k. He wa in the ranai.
i —Mr Edward (. Kr.,mr:t.< f L< * is
■ hutg, feimeriy : ."qnio; Mil s, ca.ud to
too u* on Tuteday. Mr Ktumrttie is
dealing largely in gta.n, in < DLection
I with Messrs Mnilh llns , ai.J r- p. ru
I hutlnest gcesd.
• —Mr. David M "-rebas resigned hi* posi
tion as tiiai.ag<-r lor the M- rt Valentines
and U-come aniembir of tbe firm, Fox,
Moore A Co , successors t-> Fox, Cope A
Co , wholewale gr<*c< rt, i-'.d ai J Arch
streeis, Fbliadi-lpbia
—Thecour.ty audit rs arc- hard at work
They expect to have their report finished
stem, and intimate in advance that every -
thing is all right. It could not w-c-.l be
otherwise, for our county oID- tal* are men
of honor, a* Demise rats should be.
Adam liny, Esq , i* jut too funny for
any use. The other day he wanted to
know why more corn grew in crooked
rows than straight ones ; and then chuck
led ail over because no one knew that there
are m->ro criaiked rows than any other
—At the late session of tbe county in
stitute, Mr Cha* W. Scott, agent for
Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor A Co., offered
three dictionaries to the successful com
petitor* in an "adding contest " Mr K C-
Kmerick, Miss Ada Y'-arick and Mis*
Mary Kline were the winner*.
—The Fennsylvsnia railroad company,
with its usual regard for the comfort of it*
employee*, ha* added hospital cars to it*
already perfect rompletement This addi
lion will be a source of comfort to many
unfortunate one* who may be hurt while
discharging the duties falling b their lot.
—We earnestly request our agricultural
friend*, and others, to read tbe advertisi •
ment in another column "Farmer's Insti
tute," a course of frt* lecture* to he de
livered at tbe Hlate College, beginning
Jan. 80, and ending Feb 9 This appears
to u* the most direct and effective meant
whereby our farmers and their interests
ran draw from the institution located in
our midst th* benefits intended by its
founders to redound to those engsged in
tilling tbe soil. Fur full particular* see
sdver Jsement.
—lf any ordinance on the Borough stat
ute books compels property owners to keep
sidewalks clear of snow, we say enforce
if. If any ordinance prohibit* children
coasting on tbe pavement*, we say tn/orr*
it. If no such action ha* at anytime been
taken by our council, we sny take it, nt
once, and put a stop to these intolerable
nuisance* in time to prevent n defence in
suit* brought to recover damages, by per
sons who have either fallen or been knock*
ed down nnd seriously injured.
Mr. R. A. Beck, our latbinriable bar
ber, burried to Philadelphia ar.d back tbu
—Tbe Sunday i dilir n .f ihe T'hdadm.
f'rrm it on a the moat rr-n-lable arid enter
taining papcra received a' tbu office.
—Our alcn-k of \\ oolena ii now com*
plete. Clothing made to order cheaper
tban <\< r. Mo? toomkrv ACo , Tailor#
*ts>-Th e IHirrcod I)yh nlwayado mora
tban they claim to do Color ovc r that
old dri'h*. ]t miil look lika new. Only
10 cant*.
Wil> n, Mi Karlanr- A Co , call atten
tion to iliu only reliable Ready Mixed
I'aint in tba market. 'J be Pioneer Pre
pared Paint i nt only Mipenor to any
Ready Mixed Palr.t udd but rival* jure
while lead in iu oiootbn< in working
and du'abllily. Tbii paint it guaranteed
bv the manufacturer* not to crack or peel
witbin three year*. The guarantee it not
only good for replacing the paint but it
will be put on if it bou!d era- k or peel
milhin tba time *pe< ißd. It will be to
your internet to call and aea Wilton, Me-
Karlano A Co, before port bating either
white lead or any oilier Ready Mixed
Wxi.vfT Lr.xr HAIR Hk*roar.a —Ft i
entirely different from oil dbert. It it at
< l'-ar t! wntrr. and, a> IU name indicate*,
• t a perfect Vegetable Hair Reitorer. It
will irnmediately free the bead from tbe
dandruff retti re gray hair t'i it* natural
oibr, and jr.-iuie a new growth where jt
ha fallen off. It doer not in any mariner
ffi-e i ih- I . with, which Sulphur, Sugar of
lead, arid Nitrate of Silver | reparation*
f ate done. It will change light, or faded
hair iri a few dayt to a beautiful gbrttv
brown Ak your druggitl for it. Em j.
'e.ttie it warranted. Smith. Kline AC" ,
Wb< ' .ale Ag'-r tt, Pbtladelpbia, ana
H; A Ru<kei. New York. 4-ly
*T*M Wtl "tX'.IUM -*l tk. re.ejea.-r of tke
ltd.. !*.. r .4th !►>.- fc. . J
Hi I Mr J l,:, tt -t.T., fti.llta tart, lately <f
Blaaaaanlla Mr. la!.
)'t ii ■ t P.. ■ M. tt
I I Kf> .S I'.MVTI •' :• jr.. ,| He tt Ear,
II - I',. . Or. < M . I t Ii J A Kerr Ur.
tt ra A Ir-ke .at Ma Alow M inner, uib of
liuidl i: I l( UKit \ I'm
TKMPI.IT - Iw > jhp- fct iht ham* J
ii. i <s*. j• Mr tt ffj T'ftj'M t. f H\mtr
' It .1 iM.elUtUr( > .< C>t.u*
•mi. *. llt
Ml IK Jmt nm>\ I>* .t !#■* 1. mi it. WarrWm'
a k llutiiir.d * Pk Mt Mrj M V ef.
—'' fii < W.ff f r i*tbHi'U"t>. >*•
Bl]/ouU Grain Market.
noi . n, IIM.
< rrt t.J #k t t . T K * kCo
Wbrl •h.lf, t hum* . fl lf>
\ . 90
Qum ml pm ff
mU*r,.~ri lurnbt' Ti
U J-f UIPI.fi „ 4-
llrnrirj {W r I uab.lft. vrl|hl
i Nw. I. ~t. |a t., .... if*
1 r •. -* , • I. rf e •)
pmmmk - .1 n
gt ut4 9 0U
Proviaion Market.
C rrwtwl l.j Broil
\ # *'l f ' **4 . |<tl (•'Ub4. • f
< lrrtf 10
•■a pm kmH l i
lf"h #• | rj. tifid ..... ;w
rtM.a.e. |-l |..r,a.1 a
Okaawgeri mmi *•
(Vmort) barn, l-r |. r.r.r| JT
lUm,i ifki t ufh4 ..0..*...e. . IV
iM t. Ik
lard yvaod 12
l+i dot ii
V <%!' . ju T 1
,Vrjc ,I d rcrti*rm en tn.
Application for License.
NOTK'K i lirrehy piven that the
f tl< •nig n bv filH fb#dr pifi
-11 <ti f<* Ufiih* ir tli "Sit* <■! th f ili 'f
gtiarfw kftMh ■i ■ tb I'SMW. tU an 4 b-r Mttl fXitili,
*: d thai k| | llf*lkc*a Will U n.ai+lo thr tK-It "••*■ urn
'■( Mid Crttirl to m%un*
u Mt#f, T**ro,
K \ Millar. do do
J 1 l*l. Of do Liberty tap.
r R f*-tff, do do
S H Kqms. do do
A K - 0. do
J (the W iilUm Rtotti, do do
lf.hn Ptarifta. do rkilipoNirt lor
Wlilum I'ukst, Tstrti, do
K"*tort Tkil 'h d> do
Jsaie R1-tib(, ►!<*, ft*.
J C II Rl KB. I'mttHM-vUt^B
A omre <4 Ixtiia a ill t>o doßvored mt th
}l*aat htoto Cidlecv. Iffißhlif
Tuesday, January
aarl mi<Jlb( FMMJ •*.%*>* <W t**tee, finniiT
t Tire let lure, will rial-rat. l e ul. nutf l ewlf-e-tm,
uf |e-r Ul im|.r.'e 1,, A fit alt n lett ai.A I'll*— re
rtt trill Ire (iren w Jar at line will jrernlr, |..r q<%-
lil> mhl *l. m-M It rauwiln nib llm JVj
a 111 he -H-ea ht all free -f ehrrge, rati ell iettveate*
are narllrll* lartreA h a'l'aA
A fee rorrm. lo the I ollefe era he ►Mvllrf ef a
<l..rr"' 4t li ler eerk Man. ikle r krr(e Ir. Itrfl|
real, fuel, 111.1 are of ear h Ir rnluire ae W furaieheA IV
el rider u, il, ; hedroad, nrattr ret, tMe, aatlMt.nf
and rkalrt tlthel lllrr lee. eer kle llgfcl led<l..lktkß.
I -a el., A< , Will need lo be fart-liked 1} tbe uom|rin>
.<• Ibrlnieleei
Tilde l.ttrd nr. Ire kkd at Ike kotel a* trllb j-r-teil#
lam I he* In tbe tlllirr, Ihe aeoil. kirge hy Ibe lelteV
l>e.n Id rti |et .t A few In enitf afwdltwlkin, ten
|r>nre l-etd In the IVrlege Clab. nl Ikeil ewl tela
Irf llent bail Week,
I'erv.ne aitewdmi ike |ertore, will baev ofgoira
ally to itlead lerrililiowa rndoikee relieve eiemM,
I hire i<a)wiinl<w( I emiel.ee eitk <ke rhwr*- ler ef
Ihe iiMiiwh a end li e lettliliee here < gered lae ob
niamc a * hi" ml in 1 ( w lie.■ adrmailoM
Thiliertnrei will 1-e.i ef i i niejy f m, n> riant
and Interfering intye i. m fnltoue.
I Xi flmtni Itumtnu, Two Lerturew tndui"
lit.l Kderill ra. iud PuliUcwl Brwurday lot Fir
t Br Pane MrKxa, Owe Lactate Rook-KeepjM
X fir wiert
X Br Pant Joanna. IT teen latlirw - Agrtcwlleml
rbemt.tr., 4; Ptlillrer. X IWnrk Br*d|ag, g
Oillie reeding, T, llwitrlßg. X,
4 By Pint Bitai tt Bight Lacinrrw : lUao XI
Frail nrr.wtwg, .1, Vegetir.le liardewlag, I; Eat*-
mobgy, I,
ft Hr Pant. 'Atwnnn, Three lermrea: Farm Merbaw*
•tu. I, ktriir l.gr, I
4. By Pane Btan.aw One LarTwri Bn*ti; Their
Coaatlnr-Uriti. Malnlenance. iud Prwlnage
*. By Paw Keren, Cur Lecture, The Anatomy ef
Ihe Ihaneetirered An I mall
L By P*o Br in. T laittiw; OrtakaMe Bw
lira, led Adwllernltrra of Freda
Pecwnwr |trtr|arwni la it I en-1 Ike row me will ynnmnAa
Iheii mreilew. and own. I-* n U'ileg w In advarw.
Oowneini. ill--ii on Una iwMleri mat be . Idremed ta
P.nf MiKaa.
ft tile l allege,
al If Oeatrw On . Pa.