Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 04, 1883, Image 8

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    ®he Ctntw jDrraorrat.
Thursday Morning, January 4. 1883.
ooiisso*t>**cs,-.'--uuimiiiaoiii-ttiii u-vs * lli
•il (r >tu ii) |ou I uf Ihe lily. -No Coin—-ml- -All
lassrtsei uules* ccutu|nle-J by lb* real uauis of -be
Local Depart incut.
—That good fellow, "llud" Crisimnn,
of Pbilipsburg, gave us a call last week.
Como often and slay longer.
Mr. James C. Noll, who for several
years had been identified with the schools
of Spring township, and is now attending
Kranklin and Marshall college, Lancaster,
is at home.
—Mis* Carrie liume* and Miss Lizzie
Swart/, are testing the pleasure* of a short
sojourn at Iloutzdale, Clearfield county,
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lindsay
and others.
Miss Carrio Green, of Milesburg, dur
j ng several terms a teacher in the school*
of that borough. - married Tuesday
evening, Jau. 2, to Mr. Favor, ol
—A number of tho etni-.oyee* of the
nail work* presented Mr. feainuel Lewin,
on Christmas morning, with a hands-inn
dressing case. ii- desire* ill this lli.-lltict
to thank the givers.
—ll. II Osinan, the popular J I*. ol
Port Matilda, i* .-td to be an exceedingly
happy man, and all on account of tin
"bouncing baby boy that wua giv-n Inn
on Christmas morning.
—Oar cultured friend, Mr J. C. Meyer,
assistant principal of our public schools, is
this w-ek lav-ring Auronsburg friends
with hi* presence. The DkmocraT wsnt
him to enjoy himself.
Mr. A. C. Mover, bookkeeper atn! j
business manager f--r \V. J. Jackson !
Powellon, wa in town last w.-ck vi-iting j
friends, recuperating bis health, ami—well,
with our friend Chas. I*. llew-4, K--| , w-- '<
give it up.
Mr. Mert K S. alts has severr-1 hi
ronnection with the Brockerh- tl manage
ment, and intend, to go int<> the wli-il- sal--
grocery business with hi* brother, at
Lima, Ohio. Mr. Sealts' many fri- i -I
wi.h him w--ll in hi* new venture.
M-ssrs. G. and K may walk up l>> th*
h-a-1 of the class, taking"!---* -n* in catlb -
driving. There is something so peculiarly
pleasant in being dumped ov-r an em.
baskm-'nt into mud ami water, Into hi
night, and helped out by ladii•'.!
We, with pleasure, inform the many
llellefonte friends of Mr A \V IVtnkin,
that no more a* a single man can In- h--
addressed. A win-nn-s D-s, Mi-* Ai-la
Abbott, of Greelev, Color ad •, stole In
* '
heart and on the evening of D-e. 28.1 i.
1882. assumed his nam
—Of our various daily exchanges n-- ;
one it a in--re welcome visitor than lie-
Alt-Mina Tnhunr. Its news departm lit is
always full, condensed and pertinent It
deserves to bo extensively r--ud in Ceritr
county and well patronized as an advertis
ing medium. We wish it well.
—Our carrier, whose ink-smeared %i-.g
--cast* a momentary gloom o'er the 1-righi
nets of the sanctum fi-ior, r--<piet u* to
thank tn-inr friends for kind remembrance
on New Vear's morning. He succeed--1
beyond bis fond-mi expectations and is
consequently happy as can be On his sr.
count then, please accept heartfelt thank
—Wo call the attention of any of our
reader* who urn In wn', of s salaried sit
uation, and who can tin tne bill. • the ad
vertisement in another column of I'. G.
Chase A Co , headed "Wanted Write
to them for particular*. A(V-'2t.
Wai.KKR Towx-titr.— Mr* (has
Harshberger, l!ub!er*hurg, baked a cake
for tha Market-Yocum wedding on Christ
mas, and placed it on a window to dry,
here soma miscbievtou* boys found it and
the supposition i it went whern the "de
bate*" was held.
A great many of us would advise that !
Bellefonte gentleman to discontinue his
regular Tuesday evening visits. Frog oil
is not a spes-dv cure for consumption.
Mr. Mich. Hubler is rising into promi
nence as a veterinary surgeon.
A new store ha* been started in Hubler*-
burg. Although the trade is now retail It
may in the spring become wholesale.
• •
Maoomic Ikstallatior —On Monday
evening, Jan. I, D. P. O. M , K W Hale,
assisted by a number of the members of
Bellefonte Lodge, installed the following
officers of Old Fort Lodge, No. 6.37, F. &
A. M , at Centre Hall, via :
J. T. Lee, W. M
W. P. Sboop.B. W.
M. L. Risbel, J. W.
J. J. Arney, Treaa.
After the installation tbe member* and
vlaiting brethren repaired to the hotel
where many of them bad left their wive#
and daughter*, and tome their sweetheart*-
Here were also a number of outside, or
aa Masons would call them, profane gen.
tlemen and their 'ladiee, invited by the
committee of arrangements.
At V o'clock supper whs announced and
all flocked to the dining room. T- give a
description of the innumerable good things
with which tbe table* were loaded, would
require too much space. The unanimous
opinion was, however, that "Dave" Meyer
can't be beaten at getting up a big supper.
It was an occasion lung to b remembered
by tbe mason* and their friends.
Fob Wrst I'oixt.— Having received
notice that tbe 20tli congressional die
'.riot is entitled to the nomination of n
dadel to the mililaiy itoadetiiy at Weil
Point, a competitive examination will
be held at llellefonte. oil Wednesday,
the 17th of .Innunry, 1883, and the ex
amine™ will report to me in portion who
on examination, ia beat qualified and
an alternate.
Blanks will he furnished from the
War Department which prevent the re
quirementM for admission to the acad
emy. The newspapers if the dialrict
are invited to give publicity to the time
and place of examination.
A. 0. CI'RTIN.
A DISTRRSSINO Ac-. idknt.- Mr. Al-
Wnod Bvef, sun of JiifOi h Kve*, wtin live,
near llie Friend*' Meeting limine, in Half
moon valley, was singularly on for tuna li
near Hl-riiislown, on Friday afivrnoon,
21#t ult , while hunting with an intiinal
friend, Mr. Hlsckhurn, we believe.
It I coins Kve- hud occasion to iiho th
ru nir ml of lllarkhum'ii gun, and while in
i he act of pulling it out, the latter holding
die gun, the hammer caught in Him k
burn's clothing, dischiirging the load of 8
or buckshot, lodging it in the unfortu
nate man'* alidornen. He suffered intern
l-nin for an hour and a half when he died
Mr Kvi-d was about 17 years of age, and
his sudden death i- a Sore alll - lion to hi
family and friends all <-f whom have tin
sympathy of the entire community.
—(ill til .Ja. Harris -V Co anil get a
nice hanging lamp or student lamp I
Christinas. sit ,
Harvard Cot t.x--: —At a recent meet J
irig ni tin- ovarscvrs of Harvard C lege
■ discussion was held upnft a r- soluti-o
tt I ich ll'ol bei-n bi-fore the h -llrd for -I-V. I
eral weeks, that in the i.pim n -f tin J
hoard, tho statutes m iking attei. la i c - r -
morning praters and other religii u •--
ere ises com puis -if y sln-ul 1 r• j - l---l Tin
board, hy a slr.-ng v refu I t. ad
ihe resolution Hut Mr Gx-'R-ii Sintrru.
iat-lv from Martin-burg, litair i • unl*
I'a , who had a Can-t-r-u* gi *>h • ri hi
ri--n'ind wbiisN- s'lii- Iti e use - f /'■ /•
mi li t re a \ i-it to a ('mu ■r II -pit i'. I' I
allowed t • take that pir-i-i, llenl retiK 1) .
and hy its use f,.r a Very short time, ws
- un-d completely page "f in the '"I'D ii'
I.if ■ g--t nfie fr on \ "iir Druggist, lit
Mrs Jknrik It Cain ►.mora tin the
j afternoon "I D'-i'--tnb--r UP. lt">o. hit •
patiently suff-n I for more it-in a \
-without a w.ir.l ifli | i 1.1 g, Mr .1 mi
llt Criltendi-n pinci-iu ly fell 'le| in
•leus. Fur twi-nlt .two t ears she was th
faithful wife ol It. v It Critts-nd<-n. ot
11-I|ef.inte, riii-n -n-r of the - Amerirai
■sirnlsv S lio.il I'n n Ail wxi k
[ibis must estimable woman, as sin- tsst
1 with her family i t. -ru- .<- -- •• it.--
I her house was alwais "set in order
Nothing that she could do tor In r farm >
and friends was ever ft iifub-ne. A
. hurcli nn-ntber from < iiildho -I -In- w
n r diltg-nt in bringing up her own
> hildren in the ' nurture ai d rdinoiiition
f the lend, alwai s, in tin- al-o-rice - t
lief hushanil leading the daily family d<-
\ otions.
That the cl -Mi.g scene* m the .it., ol
such all one Wi re I s if ll should I A -!••
no surprise. Almn-l to tie |.t h.-eath
-he was perfectly i on-'iou* ari l rational,
Irerpiently repeating mis pr-- i--u w-i r!-
••1 8 riplure. th- ln-t an limtl
wlii-(a-red, ' Tin I. r-l is my . ;ht an 1 my
• alvalinn."
F"f all of like cliarai t- r with her .t is
| divinely written- Hiessi-1 are the dead
which d;e in tho L--rd, yea, -*iib the
! Spirit, that they niay fi.-t troni their
labors, a'd their works do follow them
| Horn XIV 13.
—lf you want fir-t i la s tinware r to
Harris' hardware store. 2t.
I'atrovs or lit acamihv. —This or
ganization of agriculturists, of which we
la-Have there are about twenty grange* in
Centra county, has just held an annual
meeting at Harrisb-n-g. AH | aru of th-
Mnte were represent- d, and m ich business
of great irnp-orlance to the order *m
transacted. At a | uhiic me ting hel I
during its session fi -v U -yt, C-d. Vul-r
K, l'l-11. t, Mortimer Whitehead, of N--w
i Jersey, and o.her p<ak--rs deliv.-re-l ad
dresses, and a most favorabla impression
was made upon those who came to learn
something of the aims an.l method* of
tho Order. Our lellow citizen, l*eonard
Kh-mn, Esq , of the ncighlrornood of Cn
tra Hall, who ha* held the office of Master
of the Orange for the last two years,
seams to hava met the desire* of hit fel
low members very fully; fof not only
were his official arts most heartily approv
ed, but h was unanimously re-elerled for
a similar term, and voted a salary twice
a* large as that which he had previously
rwelred. Remembering, as some of us d->,
that Mr. lthone fell compelled during hi*
recent term to disappoint the wishes of
not a few |M>r*on* this hearty endorsement
by his brethren is very significant, and
must 1-e most grateful to hi* feelings.
Wo learn that the fraternity is In a
very vigorous condition In Pennsylvania
at present, both numerically and finan
cially ; and that the proapecl of Increase*
in both particular* is very go<l for the
year upon which it is now entering.
tQTFaded articles of all kind* restored
to their original b-auty by Diamond Djea.
Perfect and simple. 10 cenu, at all drug
Linea to 1882.
Farowell old your, it long farnwrtll,
Tim precious momenta swiftly fly,
Will In "iron tongue*" rini; out your knell,
Farewell old friend, you too inuat dio.
Your pariiug gift's it mantle white
To wrn|i the earth hut oh, your breath
Let loose the floods, farmed tires bright, .
And busy kept your reaper death.
O'er many homes his shadow fell,
And many bent to his "sickle keen,"
Both young and old, we cannot tell
All saddened lives these months have
You lured away explorers bravo,
Did Year, what has become of these?
Ala*! theirs is an unmade grave,
On barren shore, by frozen seas.
Vnd one i gone, whose hidden thought,.
1 tour bed in guise of poet'* dream ;
Whose master-mind this lesson taught,
That "all things are not what hey j
I'roud science too, lias lost a son,
A man of kindly, beaming face,
tie keoweili now, from whence begun,
These peoples alt—this human race.
And the warrior ag d and hoary,
lias answered Ills last bugle call,
iiis life is the theme of a story,
\\ itli Liberty woven through all.
lie strove with both wise and unlettered,
For ilie freedom of fair Italy.
I * nlraioelled of earth —unlettered
The great (hi ( lam above, set Ami free.
I it Year, riot only bust thou given,
With iberal hari I, llie cy press
j i'.. la, ours, but thou bat riven
The chains that "b ' forge, yes
. t llou bust given tile laurel tiai,
\\ lieu i.'i r tli*. land a nation sjH-kc,
( Vnd "una man power rm i-ivcd its due
And Horned aas "party lash's" >lr.-fce
.IT ne, tx.-. I x irig ■re tlid Y ■ if,
ill tile Iw i eenturi s just gone,
Since i" thsM .|i.,ris a barque drew near.
Bring Ig Is glad new i ra's <|a 11.
lis In mg Ire Jit a slur.). br I,
I'nd'-r a leader, slaurii-n slid tru •,
I Peace in his heart - peecc In his hand
With eharily t ward ad he km w.
\i I r.o--.. II ] s 1 bll h-r vi■ i. f,s bright,
tli w hat lhc romtriy t|* \ * w n I bring.
\tu| round ■ ur | alhway roseate light.
Is glowing over everything.
; Again f n r-- W- 11 t o imi- that g "rt",
i We s. arris tan pause t" drop a tear
' F.t memory s -iik", but hi*'- n on
T roe in the fright A. r i'mr.
Book Notic .
Our /. rf't Oars o 1-t 7*'.r Amcarry for
January. I*'-. i. th" rl id-v N imf. r ■
j fits charming '•! ignore a' is the m"t
rart IV" s . t l I It entail,* fix--
in j -sg". and ali it tw"Uty • Iher. but lll*'
I" all. I! a I .s'r ili.ilf. all irswn I.J
niiinoit artists expr.asly fur this w.-rk
lan 1 engras aI in th h gin sty •of art by
x|r 1,. ..rg.s T Arolr a Ih• pn tun'*
sr.- llislru live an I elevating to the lasts
a x -lit .v | - -ng t ih" lit
! e.i. |;, ; - 1,i.,'.t,.rie., and deierip
i tlx •a- ar- all by lh> Is.-I writers,
j at 1 sr- a" sin h as will interest the |-ls at
1 n iias .i) s m*pr ox. theif minds sin
near Is I e publishers uii" that re*
font r /.r. u i f tt.f ',,un.i rohttit far Mb
. it •r , [ A* put up nt f't markt-* -
'A mjh fit b ill. ' I 'lt I all-, lie-Its
lie Magai.ine tlier.-lore, must sub-- ribe ir
, in ha-e tr,„ n i i,|,ers .'al a year . .^.
'or eight m oths A spi-, mien Ire.- Kta*
- pn I -lung (' •. II i.r-.n, >| ...
The /.'.ft -in not ffrnri , for Dec-mPer
is on our lahts', aii I Is an fmpriix elti onl
it jam pr x is... •rssll-- softh s x,r\ • v i-nt
ntagi-r.ine Among other srlir 'si f real
■m-rit we mention "Winter's Work for tin
rjr a I toas-lier, ■ In the si Imhil
r- -rn. "Kng-i-h fJra'titnar not as ( isnce,"
eleventh pa|--r, "Visiting Si-houls" and
Hi a \i Word* " {I r* per annum.
We should he (ileal• -1 tar has e It H-atl by
-vi rv teacher in fVntre fein-l v. A-ldress
/'</.. r/i ml llfttri: , 1.12 Filth axnluir,
I'iti* burgh.
If re I. sminth ig for Ihs school b"j*
and gis's A neat, • haste monthly devot
ed to just what the pujuls of our inmimin
.i h0..1s r. -'l roost It is all it. till-- no
iln s .JulAr.r'l iitnrv and .Vr rtp Ii
V cl*, J-r atitiiim | # i, id I * hmf by \\ ,ln r
Fitch, 1-12 Filth i i". I'uishurg, I*.
Vick a Kb/mat. fit'lliK -This annual
x s*tt .r is bls'bii Well- one l'rinter! on th-*
1 t of jiajier, all uniting in handsome il
lustrati-ins, it a eriainlv insy i Isini to rank
a> a samjile of the liighesl ty jrographn-al
! art. Its colored plates, three in numha>r,
are perfect gems, and we are at a fuss tas
discover how this enter (.rising firm ran
nfT -nl to lavish so much a ijiense in hoatili-
Tying a publication for which they only
a<k ten cent*, whllat to each of their last
season's customers they actually give it as
a Christmas present As it* heme indi
crttee, il is a "Guide" to the projier treat
ment and i isllure of all kinds of 11 iw-rs
and vegetables, each des, r.ption being ac
companied bv an illustration of the par
ticular plant or vegetable referred to.
We should advise all who are interested
in gardening, whether for the pleasure
obtained from raising flower*, or for Ihtv
more practical occupation of rai'ing vege.
, tahlei, to • ml to .fames Vick, Ibahester,
N. Y., for a copy of this most instructive
work. The publisher claims that "Vick'*
- ffeed" are the best in the world." end we
i have no doubt, "the world" endorsee the
I claim.
1 The Ontntal Cankel, which was launched
I on Ih ( ' Journalistic sea one jeer ago, has
not only survived the most trying portion
of the ordeal to which all publications are
1 subjected, hut has come out more than
1 conqueror. The December number is a
■ marvel of literary excellence, tvpogrepb
, leal .kill and general interest. No ladv's
reading table is complete without it. Try
" one number, and you villi not fall to take
it regularly. $2 00 jwr annum Kdlted
by Kmer.oti Rennet and published by Is.
1 Litrn Bmllh, 012 Arx:h street, I'hlladid
j.hia. "
—Oo to IlarrU' hardwnre *tore to have
your tinware rapairad. St.
I't-tsaeANT Gap.— Tim New Year wa 1 *
uxhered in at this place by about fifteen or
twenty young men and boys, who had been
holding a watch-meeting in Hang's hall,
from which they came about twelve o'clock
with bass drum, cymbals, guns and every
thing nlse tlint would make a noise. They
! presented n very xvar-like appearance,
i marching around the square, delivering
J volley after volley of deafening musketry
| Some who thought the resurrection win at
| hand rested easy after seeing the s reus- j
i iters, tine ol the church bells look up the
chorus and merrily pealed forth a happy
j Nexv Year to all.
i Mr. A. V. Miller killed his "brag" bog
■on Monday. Weight !i-IO Ihs, ag* 41
| months, length from snout to tip of tut), *.'
I feet, from cars pi root of tail 7 feet, 4 in
-1 i-hes, girth, behind fore legs 7 feet, 2 in-
I cites, height II feet, 2 inches, distance be- '
twee II should"!* - f<-et 2 inches. l'un
j Chester White to, k We should like pi
1 hear ol anything to heat this.
1 The hustling match at Mr. Htine whs
, well attended. We tried hard to g'-l
'turkey but fall's]. Tile atlair passed it! .
I nicely. Friend Stine knows how P> raise ,
j turkeys and how to gel rid ol them, too.
Our people were disapjasinP-d in not
I gr-tnng sleighing. Business move* i-n as
| usual. if. C
i TIM itOAMior Thapk — A in-etiiigof
, llie llelli-forita It iard "I Trade xx*s held at
the law office of It.-avi-r A (icj hart. Jlon
da\ evening. Geo J-• in A. il.-av-r j.re
! .Hid.
Nearly all tin- leisine.s interests if
Betlefoiite nnd vicinity were ri-prr-.-nP-d,
, ar d tin- b-'t •-( lie-lirig jirevailed
The itu 11 alo liuri railroad |sr j it xviii
ifi-i Ii-ed, arid the business men of our
town haie jr. in. i-d tu reio'ef any si-rvn
i in their ("•<*• r to insure il. rj-i-rrly inrri|i!e.
lion The x hmr wa. au'lioriz- li • ajqeoni
a i rnmitP e - f live p, a, l in innj .i clioii
Willi the Ml >sr. Collins, eol.lrai t -rs, to
I sct:urn the right of Wax Mr K C Hurrn-'
II nair Irian, Mr A I. •••! I) r I! i-l K-q ,
Ii if Hastings, Krq , and Mr II K
j ii icks W re lull i d
I '1 be following i I '-caot' for a or. -
, to loeirilsershlp will bo ballottid for at the
to Xt nn rling. Saturday -xird - • li it •
j ant Mes.ra .1 I, S, -angler, if-
T-'.-r. 1. L it r-- xx ii, A <> I iron. .Ir,
I'risr k Mil x. W I> Krnory, I. 1 Mm
•ol .J n ■ \\ Cie.k ami .1 dm M-- *e
( Adjourned
l.ia K ll xvr.s Coßiicspotxpcvr x W<
axe r. I . ,X o.| loe l. llowir.g • n.-.nuni *• .
. ~|| re a'ne to the late si--! o o| < -on
lo Ilat 1. k llax en
I.IM k li AV KSS, !■ 2*. I"".'
• Lpltoka lit. xi. i ,ai il.r I>ii • hi' r
' rin ol x i"irt Jo-V 11 1 C-o.s d"ialn
*i *. i si was 111 ito 1 I "if in Ihe pro osl i c's
of tile lirst week la-i BUS- II" n- wa- a lot
lo he in d or 111 .id- all I lb" loib-ix
< a"- in xs Oil ha man Ir nl' ear fie >1 i oun ■
i i-l our ioi,ferii-s ao l our tale • a -I |
date for M'lial *r were imp oat- I I •• I
. alter I *••• "l- IO d 111 're l o ollOlOt ill all the
i lor no r. The man iliarg-d with niurd"'
was | ircl guilty of murdi rin th- • id !
degris*. and alh-r a lew health i ri-inaia-
Ir uii Judge l)rxi, was sell I l*i 110- )• I
• unitary for nine years.
The brile-rx i .-e •* n d tib-d, sllliou;li ;
I k-ol . I ( .a• li of and If -el i. • I lo|.
'i itr, xxho'W re th-i ij-dei.dan's, W. re an*
I-- i- to go to trial. They an I ihi-ir i ■ un-
J set lilt Vi- f X sureties had I'oni .111 ll*a| t.i
1 fTeiisc agal'ol 110- law. while oil the otto-r
J liand our la'" • nudidap was ab-oiuP- x '
alrald lo b-t I hi- i xn- i onie Pi trial, tax Cll
1 the ex 111- urn in the case would have shown
his eiiftnex tion With the whole transaction
to has e been rainer disrej-utahle. The d"
fendahts did not atn-m l tu deny or inn
C-mi what they ha I done Jai kaon de
clare.l Oje-nly that X.mo times 110 y l-dight
in sail 11 ti s, but hex - r Sold
T. efe lias alwaxs I*l*- ' h some difference ■
•if oj.ini II as t • who i • iimi -in e | ib- hr.b
ery bi*ines# Th" trial old bx•• shown
conclusively that 110 flrsl Jiropsisitlon came |
from the i-onieri*c* of this i -in ly and H at
at even sp-p ih"V advisial and ii'loullid I
.■ur candidate il lb" published statement
of our i andidate I* examined !■ will show
ihwt while tba negotiations were going on i
• •ur i andidate Said to Jhi ko ii, atof jw-rliaj-s
to other* that he had re eassaj tils ct<r>f< r
ies from all |ra. iial obligations; that is
l*i itv xs h.*n to his knuwledg* and perhaps
with his consent negotlatiori* w.-fe g-ung '
■ n bv which two if his < oiiferx-es were lo -
'ar |iiifi has.d. lo- s.-t them Ire-* from all
|w.rs,.|u,l ofiligalom* No i>ne can lor all 1
instant coiicene why, onl. ss it was to i n '
al*ie them lo Jirnporly loek.- sale of them
•"loa 11 Woul-I have ht-en further shown 1
had the rae g me pi trial thai a'ter the j
r m-id-oation for the ronferee* of tin.
c-mnty had been pod, ah effort was n>ml •
to force the Cbwll Id uohferee* nomi
nate our eandl late bv threal'-iiing tto-rn ,
with exposure if they tld nol. This ol j
course th- y flu*"d |od and eur candidate •
beam" a great reform-r, and made inlor
rnatlon against .!•• ks-m arid Ibmp-m,
It was the fear of these things that
mad" mf candidate virtually withdraw
the prosecution
Il is a great misfortune that thiy case did
hot go pi trial if for no other reason than
to have the whole trull c a ||on put Upon
rramrd from the mouth* of th.-se who
were actor* in it. It is true no one *■ uld
or coil Id have h-en runricted but the te*.
timony would have been very useful to
fix the standing of torne of our ambitious
jMilitieians in the future.
The people of Clearfi -ld county can and
ought to feel proud that their candidate,
th -ugh runs of the confer-ee were crooked
was perfectly clear of the whole |>usiii"*s
Certainly lh day will com- when they
will reward him for hi* InP-s'Hj and uj
rightness, when ericnm|>a**ed f'V evil men
x. n. w.
Wttxirr Lkav li nn Krafonxn. lt t*
entirely different from !• •iher* It is a*
clear as water, and, as it* rmme indicate*.
1* a perfect YVgelahle Hair Restorer. It
will immediately free the head from the
dandruff, restore gray hair to It* natural
color, and produce a new growth where it
h* fallen off It does not in any manner
' aff-cl the health, which Suljthnr, Fugar of
l*ad, and Nitrate >f Nitver prejaxralion*
have done. Il will change light or faded
hair in a few day* to a beautiful glossV
brown. Ask yi*ur druggist fro ft. Km< h
laxttle Is warranted. Bmilh, Kline A Co.,
> Wholesale Agent*, Philadelphia, and
Hall A Ruckel. New York. -ly 1
' -A
Mk. Geohuk T. IJi'HNMbK.—On the
morning of Tuesriay, Dan. 2f<th, I KK2, the
sjdrit of Mr Geo. T. Hurroido took it*
flight from the earthly tenement P ho
and tu dwell forever in tlin prei-eneo of our
Oral. Though young, being but twenty
two year* of age, Mr. Burntide, or (ieorge
us Ins friends f*rniiinrly called him, had
Won for himself a good name, and by his j
kindness and generosity bad attached to j
himself a numerous body of friends. Hit
were riot tho pushing, driving, vigorous
I qualities of character that reccivo respect
through the fear lh< x inspire, f.al f,y gen* '
ib-M-s and symj'Hlhy lor won ar, endur
ing fri'iiid lilp, and lie; I the all-• -tion ol
others Irjv the strong, though inx inhle,
cords of love
To one who durii g a period of two
\<ars ulrioot tiaily saw aid eh-t-rxi f him
no low or unworlhy at-D are r> inr rob' r<-d '<
••f binr, but always llit wlitib win go.ai 1
and h' tioratde ; arel a* til* c. in't-tianee
with it* gsiiial In |<n insjiiring exj r sion
was turned toward J - u, it *< i-u-ed lo visage
forth the thought
* -1 fr good tie**, torsk for glednme,
1"U v. iM m-et them hll tie- w t,i|.
Whilst it !• -ad P chronicle the death
-d the young yd wlicli we kt. A ll.al they
ire prepnnd lo meet the L It 1 ri"t • the
isighteoos Jhut a- 110- Lox .r g
Father, Hon it is thai w<- hav- b< pe in
110- in Ist- 1 of our rfi-w si I • .r, rax "It
Is tile I. id Let 1 111 I. I xs iat spcriir-lb
linn -i
—>D Geo Wolf, th. tinner at ILrno
I hardware xp-re, las a great reputation
I throughout the < ount ' r tiiework. All!
: Work fully guaralite). 2l
MrlllOLiiS iu 801 l Coul.
Tils HIM:* St. I. A Mi* i I ' ixikr. XXII l IIAB
1 A A I I. XX S|i| mill sa Ir Tilt IT XX
sVi Vasis caii nosii n-xriM'
htVAI ■ 1 S Bill Uia.it • I II I.lrs
or 1 IIP sun.
I'll ll sdl-ljrh 1.1 anil Nr..-.' Yolk ' Ipllal
: ists nave Willi. ll Ihe |~rx• ir inVeet 'l
not lis. tint { loMixri II Ho- I. iii in. i
nils r-a la ir'is ol '•li tre li'l < "tea I lit- hi
. -iti t;e. l in- < o-.tlfo t I' lllll.l'M-'l
' .it i .i.ij -'it. s! '. w . -.| gmate'i !•>
Mr. j.rbo <• K ting rid •A Si tialot
'i // •nr. of llri- cox, • s . is. • acres ol
! .or -or i: i•• -1 in the a• • ■ • >ro< -r • -till
i o- ,Or ol |. . ft. i|,o doll I.
I- sts-i-sl ,ir 1 II, rit .r- *' iir - li lit I til
I 111. 4, . X II r•• , l; ,| lift • X tiif > rut), I
wrs-.ri i.i x'ltel, | t • • ihr.iugh
I Ly• oi;.itip. ' rii.'• tr. i • oir. .. i 1 ."sr
j !. id c . 1- ■ . lo - n .11 t..- wi'lr
I Gr- I'luiad. JtOls ~ IT r1.1.g I a-. roa'l |
l-a- Xi| r s'"| or . . ..l-l it li I Ire
V*lr Pli> 1 '' ' HI ' I 111 '- r .el til I 111 ,
,s. 11l . il 1X,.! jS ir I|S- li-rss X SliOfe
111 I I I - - . I i II- I .!• re . I
.' 1 Will 1
; or. t!i is g,nug ilex ili.g ' .< l-s-te • !
] lit n' n long li hi on i . i n iti- ■.i tri .
a Pl IMIF!| . i.> in • .-I Ito reel ;
pi pes al | 1,. | til I.| rs , cll ' lit- \ •ti -
I r •. •, t , a. r 'ra'i- I- t' 'I" If - i
Ih. • . • i. * * .i |i lit lonke a x-oii
(*■ 1t• ;' !-•'- fO .1 t I - 'lilli.l li- • >ri
'i,- .• ••' I .i- s , v. i, (,i, I'. niisyi I
x ti'.x r it'ro.ol. I i" f orjiniAlor
till I i.-l it. lie r* -I •• til- d I'll U
i , ; re r il.r Ii II n t for || -I
, 1.1..1 d* ••' mil I I Call II- it b. -n: I I'd
•nd tlie ink of s'ltli o-ot iran- 1 -i at •- i.
, I ol.to* on lire iVntfsy Ixqnia tAtlro. i
II xs testttcted tto* I- linage nl itn-.e
j Co-Is, nti:c'i culd es-nt to tiiark-l
slid readtlv di-ja>s"l ot. to the ant"U 1
lot at tea- 1 l.&Oll.Ollll tons. Th"V cite as
if cvid-'iicri if rh<- pr .fr* o| tin roll
on l lonrisg" lb at the I x ror •• and < 'lent
tf -Id railroad, the f •* d< r 110- t' • sr.
field coal fields to the tnsiii line ol the
IVlinsx IVarita falii d, although l id)
torty tutli * in lei ,th r.d gtcatljr fill
liarrassed lit xacaie.ix ot rars. as-nl I-
Hie I'.-nnss Ivaltla r iilixn.d and r
t>rnclre* last xr r a gro-s Urnn sge nj i 1
to aliotlt ffi <** l tsrl, I tie jt|.efance • f
: ihr Vat i|-r ill j-e.n le ill a "soil coat
regi -tt of tin* "sis'i- a* Ojcr.itors, and
| controlling a co'tro • img line wuli tin
IVnrisi Ivania rmlrtud, hat aw iixriied
tire liveliest interest in mirietal lands
m lite count tea ttoin winch i-oih liro •
•l>rixe 110 ir c.al tonnage, and. a* the
Vandcrlnit agent* are taking up lands
of tins description r* iiticxcr tloy are P>
ire fnuu'f. nlnei large j-tiriliase* mat
pillow It wa* stated yesterday that
tire Pennsylvania railroad had become
vciy vigil riii, an t would |-"tha| follow
' tire jr-dicy adojrtr I I y lb- Resotng -otru
j xr-ar* ago and ecu|e large tiacla. It
is is furt Iter stated tbal I he in nor corn
ti-itv iiad its attention (ixed upon 4",
INK) acres ol land 111 Ibe Snow .S'om
• "gum rif f'elitre eolllitx, wbirll the
Y .rider lull ag.'itixhaxe a - . ins. r*cleif.
' t vuxiti' /.cutty— I* . ,ts*. it to t ■ srtks
bOft*. I s It. * /. X y.so k *l. MasrU < t'a
rstl. >l l.<t llstsn, si,* Miss Mtry J d
rq.rfi c Mil s
llortl—CKUMß lie St. I**l at ttis 1 iss. fi
.1. tins.nils/s ■ i-Ilsrs l|i. I t Rit t M Merits.
Ms 1 twins* Xt . It titf. swt Miss fraaci* I N.gnCt,
tsrib <4 1..115,- Is|._ l.r.tTS t'l', N
URoVK-OSltNklt per gA, O-sj si tk. V-nas ul
frssts lsi.au near lrrs-.nl. t - R-t 1 M M .Tlx,
Mr xtsltwi. Itr.-vs. sat M-s xtsl.sls Agtres tlsrarr.
ts.tN of C.-llsa" I" . IVl.tr* Its, t's
lirsrtßßHlV -111>TKH —Psv 21. lAS 2. at tk* rest
r|. i./-s ol lb- nils rf.ttrr 11 ri IW.j 1 llnnlrr
irnflatn Rnn. fa. I-/ K"i ft Wnght. Mr R. 44.
M llsa-t.-rana sa4 trfss K. ha*. R It,inter
riRRK'K-IIOWIB -Pst. 22. ls. at tkr Sr.. * Sfcoe
r-enlsnrs i 4 Jsmrr I*. R -istssnt'ts. p-|. t-v R-s.
Xt o Wri*lt. Mr Psvl4 CMii'iN sa4M.as Mafgte
ORB—HOW IS.- At IP s.no tirns rst |4aee, aad t.j
the asm*. Mr Atsi-.tsr orr sad Nlv Jar lloet'.
slsfss id finite
DA UR —PKTBRA —|tr 2'-. I* 2. t * Rs W n
Mi Jsmns Itarr. id >a-t flu*, aad Ml-*
Clara Pstvrs. of Milsat-ar*.
CI-DtE-FOoRMA*-Per 2*. tar:, l-r *st W <1
n<M. M> It / Cllaeand Miss iis-lla Pisnatan.aU
sf Mtteslmf*
OiRDDIsD—DICK LD —per. IT, IRI *t th* Itr.n* I
Ist ear- Itatoti tats tsjr R* I A Irs las
Mr i -*, r i*x Osrdnrr and Mis* Amanita BsXls,ts.tk
id It.iesf.t. pa
KSrAt-R KKIsTKR —Pec 2*. 1*2.al Iks rsaktancr
id tk* lit Ads *s m tKsr. to th* wsn, Mr Mm tt
Drac* an* Mia* Kmn.a Slst*A*r,all n| cl aton-lals.
Mt agED-rODTVET-P*r I*. I**2 at the ism* nf
IS. brt.|.'. pnisi.fs. t.f Rr. A. J K-sa. Mr H msr
C Miasm-aad Mtss lliea l. Hmteeß.bidh id frigrr
sen t|L
KRKAMF.R VAN "RMER-Moe t. I hf Drv
ahsaessn. Mr Mx It Krswaer. -I Mllthstas. awd
Mtsa Als* K. Vaa thassi at B-ltekaite.
■ AHrtft-liRARn —Mce M, latlat rh" Iviksssii
B-ns-weaeta fs, to Dee I. K fsnl,
li bold if RanW V aad Mary K Koarr, toll d aear
' NIMno. Pa
—Wilton, McParlane & Co., call atten
tion to tbi* only r-'iahi* J! inly Miod
I'aint in tho inarki-t. This J'lonwr Pre
pared I'aint )• riot only rujerotr to any
It'-a'ly Mixed I'aint -old but rivalr port '
white lead in it. >n. -/tiiM-* in working
mmiJ (lu'ability. Till. paint ii guaranteed
t.y tlm man n far tun r- not to rr< i. or perl
within throw year*. The tfowmntee o not
jonlv b'ood t.ir repiai in.- the paint hut it
*lil he put on if it h ..I <r .kor ( .-el J
within lb time |< itt-|. |t will he to
your iniiTort to i . I wtul I-,. WiUon, Me.
Farlam* k ' o , hel-.r puri hw.itif. "Hbi-f
white lr/ol or any Ite.u) M.i.J
All ifit I n illriitfi,
virtue of nurxlry writ* of Fieri
• ' ' I 1.. .... . : |
.... . I ,m i in. r...,, • , „ j ~ t ,,,„
■.>. .1. I I' It • Alt.ft..j iter. ~| u .t| ..., .J.
|..|l. I- wl. 1.1 11.1 I >m.l 11..1.*. In 11..1* Of.
BtituiUny, Jun 20, A D 1003,
■ ■ " r* vt ... wing i._ rI i,+r
wUtt .| ll," it. I. libUIibU Iu w,t
V. t,
A.I Mot ..t0,., . f UaA ,liu.i. In tb*
'• *' *'■.;■ "f '■ ■ .••<> i ' • i.ii',ai ti.n .i i,
;I. .... I. I uu4 4t .. rtlw I | . ... Iw u VanwHa
,t ..., . a in. i.t i.n.i it, i,. I .1 .|.a
'' '' l> <>.. ..l Jf. M <1.11.., „„<t
ml., 1.1.4 it. i.. n,,.„ 4 . AIM. a.
. mi, .it t,.ili<! iia<. a 4 i
!• |. I 1.. Hi.! • . .ft, I, ...1 O.
...I .. ... V . M.1f'.U,,,,, ,y
*" '' ' 1 ' ' ' *■ •' .1 I- 1.1,.-# Item . ,
t.-.ib t t...i I. |.i,i,.. i,.,,,
l "t•'. ii..i. ..i J-,. |.,.i„ 1a... •
.W Mk i I'M* -ii I-., law a 11... , I • (Hi ~
t I, *I ,1 J 7|, t f.„
I I , 1., 1., ,|,
• 11.- I!• |-ttj ;l K II 1.1-
Alii;, till! oil# ,.,1 .4 11.. 4,1.1,
al. I.t. 111. . .1. , ~ At., ~| ||,.t , . '
-• 1 " ' ' * ' ' •.... ~1.|., .
I W .1. • I. j-, , ,
IL. . I",, tb. a (b. T-Hte'alwy"V' ;
, t .. .11:, lb- ...... It- • nil, , f<r
j ■ •' * 1 l" te. , . .41... I ..a
I-4 tea awW . „ „i... . ..., nmi p „in,
r *-1., , Item -.! kj|.| , A la rt 11, t. "
I. , |. r .... t .., , li> „ ~,a . . „Kt ..
I * ' . • 'I ' '• ■ , . 11,- |.l . . :
t ; < ( '" C (< I : l.'.r, 11 .4 1.i.l ||_
j i„ ~, t" II I'll •t. .. .1,1, 1;.,1,i11.,. .1,.
I I •; I ' I . , | ,
■"i . ' >• ■ "' .ill .t i.atbiii.t lo I* a
, tel ■U I \ > I, I- , 1.. M.1.1 fa lb* M."l-llt U
i.4 ain.it, l. twit ~11 .1. 11, M.f.-i, 4., ,
Xn J.
' '. ' ~tt *. I'• I ".tit. ,.t. l' lo'itet*
I . :.) I.: m.l-4 . . .. . ttb >, ■ i„.,tb I I
|I „ I'lblw. 11...11 li, 11.- .-1 1.,.4. ~f
W-.l- .l t,.. 1, , f ... ... , , ~
'• •' ' I '*"'• -> b-.' ■• J ...
M ti. ■ , .. ... „~. |
■ |. ,1..1.4.||.| UUKMUII On.
\ 4
, m ffciirrrti i . lU
I ' '.ti vj. 1 .wj , t .' If. |t t. fl
i ■.tall I Ul khiJ. IaI•. •I 'i t. ft,. |.| - tK .
||.,a i -.!!• tteaflh i . )•. ...♦ It ..
1 * J urtin I .1.4 1,.a rant i i 1,. iU a,I I'.
, J i uri!n A 1 * . • .1. J. K a*. lattfivt.il . ... m
j "• 1 •' I. Uli
i • - - ; - n • i . i
, fA Jrm -Vk, .1 < ■ 4 Uilif MlilmM*
■ ' I "fi • Ml t. kr
' *■ I .• r • .I- r >. til# b tftti Ml. rf
111- .-i K ..e . .*• -t IMHI l-t
If'**'' • ll -t . ■ t. , t*■ Iw "• -- ? ii i#-m|
' ' •
jM I ' '• . M<* * Ml Ir b, tf. fr. U ...
r. • 'la ''*■ cl A •! ■"tli'l i;
■ t -..4 it- um
a I tit tlw I ' %~t\\ f .1 Hnf tit
I a i Hmi ,ivi. In > .-i ia*4 *wa i. u.t...-. a„i
1 K . ... I . ... t I. I u , I w
nt - ■ o• i * ti •> i.i,.'. '.tb
-i .... , . i ... t , , . t,. i .t, ,
,i 1,,,,, r u.t u ..... m . . ...! :e, .. iu
, I ■t- ' I • ILK. I --8., .1 *.| . | ,
I* ■l* t ll"|.-. til*,. ...It. •f, ~t, .
• I ' *r. I \! liPn vi wt
• .■1 '1 • ! • 'fi ti<* i | I-atiO f . tit i*-
14 ' " , Ml
1-1 i I p nkte I | at <>*• fir ' ( t>K •%f N Utnb
J.-i a-t.t .* .1" (frill*-* I Hi,
IV II- ' |am* if. a I •! ll*. Iltfliti * i|' , •„ j
* I-' • < v I nl .• L M.inr.f
' |f |A ti 1- *t lte I .. •
. tli. li itll n•( •-.! | .S 1 JW . • ♦ Uifi.H)
finrr N 4 ►**• Ti !It . 4 -wt Ul 5H' |t t,aa t.
a ti,# .a .. 4: I i 111 ll . f r f til .4 "
*.( . I* - I ll in*. tti . I.
4.1 nil* tt.- • I" If* ft B -Hf Jt .
. Al* tl| tl* *fM -i |•• • i .i4 * ilia ft- it, Mt |;
• <,*• •ia). 41 - •> • ; 41, lla-lt f••tl* f .<] bM A
•W |• < • lb >. . ttt n t I. ' l.r •a |. I |
I- <' | ■ 1,.. I .f .. Iti.r mi • f| k m t
I, • .t. ■: .... ...... t|, | - , I „i„,,,
Jo t'ohte lift >i tfb I Crtr 1 14*<I tt4f til | 5
< I t.. Ih |
i I , . I r •♦ Mi dttl .bit* r 11 i 4. IV
Im- Hi ili "% ■ r (nwwa.a, r. • ntil* I i . tit': imtr*
I'f, 111 "V ii* 1 ! iftA* : • • \I- un *t I 4 Inn 14 II
I | I"|J* 1% >1 wRt I-Tiff
N . 7
A* I Ik* uM till* i nilffi-rl .f nT i.fJvnt In *ri4
|P nil • lt| (•(nßUll'H.iif li4t| a-f Utati nutiMt* ft. Apitti(
t * v*tl| r |,lt I'M A'*l.ttll J£ <4. IU tmli.
Uit.li t f 111 * I fl ri 1 1441a 4* (} llni fj
y Kill**- 'B I' * n*l I v Ullua id J *4 I' liar Ida* |
atl'l 4aw i (f* VftUktlb*. • . fh' fc -tiift ii -t)a i.| JtJ.ti
4 till *, wltel Jivx.l |l \ a), i I' • . ib'l • lU I*4 | |
Ll< ' Ulr Il -ntn4* .-f II N M'fnllHn
t|lli.ltlK 4nn<i * w MBte 1
4h • m <••! n lorn* dtt.ir
ifj -4tt-t ti< I'M
. dt -lhiig !•"*•* !"• a Ifaati'
A. . II ll** ttal ! till, or 4 i)trr.|<4l
ti . f* t*ia liart.d |J
iiinnt* • fbj.iifm | tii n?r. ( 'iiaiw the
unlit' i-iaiaUi .** •< ■ .
Mm* ! ■• A l* M-4.11 rrw t. •
•1 1 tu< "Hwia itu*m
|r*.n W a-, in-lu line ai' 1 ta4* i J
t.mrir-1 llnrmtih taf*£ tt : n nniJ
laan ilii mt ii ifv ai-4 i-iti. f ■-
Al*. llh* :I,M till* a. 4t' lnnil !■ thO ■
Ul'-ifli 4*l MIMI tlfr. 4 * ll* n A!J, ('■ #ret
i H nlff wl I -nln nl|vml It I ' I- i <M
tlte MlntV •!*♦%' . I.*i 4ti: *"^B
# ti a. • J"4hl m i.
\\* 1. all tti' I till* at*l 't* * nt *4 , M
r j an.l 1.1 all that *t j• f | •.itnat' tn tU>
; lnHu, l 4 n( Mdl uf(U <>tttfm tt* . . n >ttlttll e
111.. itiui'L iI'UJ . r* t*U -m f*J
a hall-ni-r*t fratto* IwtHiv; Umt*+
AUm all IH* rifht. till. an 4 tr tn*mt a* l t.Aa.t
• |.mi-1 in all that i*iil ■UI tr | n r*. 4 t r ni
ia ill. Uirfttteh 4 MUfpii 4 ', ■ fh. roi.r<4 Huh
f a. l H4(* a4 nt t ,|n4 la.kto IVm
hanine #r*<i4 a lt lu>c Ix.u*#
M44>.|. tnkwp ti, ttkfHfilh.tt M w W frrid m th |*tn
(Mtli if Anatitt Cttf-tl*,
APihd . rital i mmri' hd r*4 lav**! H
•at* Itt til- jiai-Aif t, ImAtfg |- 4 attfl
.1. m •.<*' m l.4l<matr. tttt ,Hi ih* laM I'J e*Alt|| hK.
mill hii**- • al . f mtij *i( hfi.
• n ih* h b'lil't U*t I' if,t |4.h ktmxlgb iiMadthf
nIoRB wilfMi d f•* . . ill* Vh| Ul Ul d Mia
Ii d-it lav-r *atfit4 m tt! .,(: mW Mmi altty
anl i n ||r >4<ah ljr f•>! Mr* HatfUa4**f. h*i.a(
thrr* . traa I# Ia in m# . rhntmh l.aiktittf P-U'-U ••
k-tt in *%.rttikHi U It a44 an i|. idv imiii 4 km
J I. Mtanm han. Kk •!*<•). 4<
Tr rma CA*h.
ttd|ral ttfitil tWa |an < ha* ttr.*.. i m (and in fall. ,
1 *l. I'l NKKL HUrii. 1
Mini# "a ftirn, Unjlnlohh, |*tt . Ja X IMQI
Application for License.
NOTICE i* hereby given tliat ih*
foltewibf twliKf |>tww bat - (M lb-It |-tl
tt'Ut. l.Kw>~- In lb- ,4b- tU ite r ok ti llMtttfl
Qb.lt -t Sol.* ft lb. I'.mm .| , ,m| bt miM <. t.lt.
■4 lb.l t j.!b Will I- mmh Hi lb* toll tMI,,
C Mli rm.lt It. ftt.fl lb* *.■•-
WW Iftwt, A. .-tb, Uttlbna
A. A Mill—r, At,
J I |t*l..wc, tb. Utety wp
en Atewt, <wt .w
A. H KtiiM*. a.. v
A. K. Ai'.h.m, A.! -A, *bt
A, bit Mlllk.wSl.4a, tb. A.
J"4t- I'twttfib ih, rbl'trn'mt Iwrw
Wl.li.tw IStk-r, Wo-ra. r >,
M 4*ll Vwyb*. A. Ap
1 j haw K-biins. At*a, Kavw bit. tap.
• itt u fsrri, rMkMWi,