Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 04, 1883, Image 1

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    SlllXilßT A. VAN OHM Kit, Editors.
I She Craftt ffrmotrat.
Terms 51.50 per Annum, in Advenoc
8. T. SHUGERT 4 J. R VAN Editors
Thursday Morning. January 4, IPB3.
THANKING our frieuds for their
cootiuued patronage and wishing them
all a happy ami prosperous New \ ear
we present the first number of the
fifth volume of the CENTRE DEMO
CRAT. We intended making some
improvement upon its mechanical
make-up, as well as other satisfactory
arrangements, hut that will all come
iu good time.
A BED OF MICA has been discover
ed on the South Mountain, in Berks
county. The metal, it is said, has
been tested and found to be fire-proof.
It is believed to be .of great value.
FORTY Chinese women disguised
themselves as Italians and slipped
over to America to get married. This
proves that the laws of Congress can
be no obstruction to keep a woman
out of this country who wants a bus'
SOME laborers iu Lebanon county,
the other day, undertook to drv n
number of dynamite cartridges hy the
fire of a blacksmith shop. They suc
ceeded hut they also dried up the shop
and severely injured the blacksmith
by au explosion.
IT is said that Mahoue is intriguing
Tor the Presidency of the Senate in
place of Senator Davis whose term
-expires on the 4th of March. Muhone
uud Kiddlebergcr hold the cards in
their own baud-, and can enforce the
result from the high-toned Republi
can side of the Senate !
UAMBETTA, the distinguished
French statesman and orator, a" well
0 as the great leader of the French Re
public, died on Monday last. lie lias
for many years occupied the most
prominent rank of any other states
man in the attaint of his government
aud his death produced a profound
York, was inaugurated at an early'
hour on the Ist inst. The ceremony
was brief and simple, attended hy no
crowd, and was over, and he was qui
etly seated in the executive chamber
when the ma*s of people assembled to
wituess lire taking of lite official oath,
BECAUSE Robert T Lincoln is the
•on of bis father, the Republicans are
di.-cussiug him as a probable candidate
lent. With the large num
er aspirant*, it is not pruha
the merits of the deceased
I be available capital to com
r the absence of sxtraordi
t in the son.
D6BY, Minister to China, in
* he will return to hi* homo
aiu time to lake a hand in
i the next campaign. He
Ixpn**e-great contempt for the boss
system introduced by Mahone into
that Slate and prom ices to make a
wi£4rnus fight t© &er it of the re
CHICAGO present* some figures
'which start the inquiry as to what she
•may become in the next quarter of a
xietdurjr. "The new structures erected
there aggregate 817,500,000. The
total of 74,000 feet, or fully fourteen
lineal mile* of frontage. The value
4P f the building* erected this year
ranks the third highest since the fire.
ecapgoat* of the Republican Congress.
Keifer, of the worst elements of the
House, aud Huhbell of the meanest'
elements of a Committee made up of!
the members of both house*. Tbee men j
were charged with the execution of
tbc dirty business of both bodies, and
have to bear the odium of acts of
which others were as guilty, but in
position jto teulk responsibility. 4
The Pennsylvania Legislature
The Legislature met in their halls
at the Slate Capitol at 12 o'clock on
Tuesday last and was organized for
but-iocss without much delay, and ap
pointed the usual committees to wait
upon the Governor ami inform him
they were ready to receive any com
munication he had to make.
In the Senate, Mr. Hey burn, of
Philadelphia, the Cameron Machine
candidate, was elected on the second
ballot. President pro tern., over Mr.
Hall, of Elk, the Democratic candi
date, hy a vote of 20 to 20 ; Thomas
U. Cochran was reelected chief clerk ;
Smiley, of Venango, Journal clt rk and
George Pearson, of Mercer, reading
clerk. The election of the other of
ficers aud employes was on motion of
Mr. Lee, postponed for the present
with the view of weeding out supernu-
meraries, when that distinguished r<-
former (?) and purely sympathizing
patriot, Senator Tom Cooper, present
ed a resolution providing for a final
adjournment of the legislature ou
the 22d of March.
In the House the election of officers
resulted in the choice of the following
gentlemen ; For Speaker, the Hon.
John E. Faunce, of Philadelphia,
whnon taking the chair briefly returned
histhanks for the honor conferred. He
promised to discharge the duties of
the position fairly arid impartially.
The party now in control.of the House
was sent here to reform abuses, and *n
far a* it is within their power, the
1 vils complained of must be remedied.
Public officer* must he held to a strict
accountability : use!e offices abolish
ed ; officers to lie paid by sitlarr and
the fes to go into the public trenury.
A fair ap|mrtinment i* demanded in
the interest of the whole people. An
im|Mirtant niensure which would claim
larneet attention WHS the readjustment
of the revenue, so that the burdens of
taxation may la* lightened nnd fall
equally upon all classes. To thi* ami
kindred measures he invited the care
ful attention of all the month r*. so
that an early adjournment could be
brought alsnit. In conclusion he hop
ed the member* would so com'uet
themselves that the encooium of ' well
done, good and faithful servants,"
would be lie* to wed 011 them
HOD. P. Gray Meek, flitor nf the
Democratic lUU/dt man, of this place,
was then elected chief clerk and Maj
Klbridge McConkey, of Harrisburg,
resident clerk, and we cannot allow
the opportunity to pass to congratulate
the Democracy of Pennsylvania for
the excellence of the selection of
speaker and clerks thus far, in the ef
ficiency and ability it brings to the
public service. They are all high
toned, courteous gentlemen deserving
the mark of Confidence bestowed up
on them by the meridiem of the I>-gi •
lature. The other officers and employ
es have not yet lieen chosen, and we
presume will not !*•, uniil the list is
brought down to the requirements of
the law ami the nhsolutc necessities of
the House. Under the reform eron
omical demand of the people of Penn
sylvania, sinecures ami supernumerar
ies ami extravagance can no longer lie
received with commendation, and
those members who fail to come up (b
this standard will also fail to compre
hend his duty and vitiate the pledge*
of the party be is expected to repre
sent in the struggle for honest govern
I IIK Rev. John E. Massey who con
tests the election of John 8. Wise the
Readjuster candidate for a seat in
Congress asGmgressman-at large from
V irginia, lias published bis notice of
coutest. He claims that he is elected |
over Mabone's candidate by 10,000
majority and is sanguine that be will
be able to prove this when be gets a
hearing before the house of Represen
tative*. The notice of contest con
tains twenty printed pages, specifying
illegal voting ail over the State, and
other acts of illegal character whicbg
if proven, will make np a strong case
in hia favor. I .\ , * -
THS Wabaah iwilmad nyttew of
the west has earned t2,280,000 more
iftau foe the same time to 1881,
U *• * „
■, JL rS*
Mr. PENDLKTON'H civil service bill
passed the Senate on Wednesday last.
The amendment* offered by Mr. Ve.st
and Mr. Beck, prohibiting officers or
employes of the Government to solicit
or contribute any money for political
purposes, uud providing a penalty for
offenders, was rejected. These amend,
menfs struck at the root of one of tlie
greatest sources of Federal corruption
Complained of bv the people, and we
trust may yet be incorporated, or
something similar in effect, iu the bill
before its final passage. The organi
zation of an army of Federal officers
and their dependents throughout the
country to control and corrupt elec
tions by means derived from the pub
lic treasury, liberally bestowed for ser
vice* in the transaction of the public
business, is a danger of such magni
tude that any means pro|vu>ed to arrest
it would seem to demand the cotit-ui*
reuce of honest Reprtseuti lives. But it
appears the Federal Republicans are
unwilling to surrender any corrupting
ageucy they may posses* to maintain
jMjlitical control of the official patron
age of the government, which they
abuse so recklessly. There should be
no restraint placed upon the citizen by
reason of bis official connection with
the government for the exercise of all
the tight* guaranteed hy the Constitu
tion and law*, hut there should ire no
power hy assessment or threats under
had of the Executive, or under lend
of hi* henchmen, to combine official
power corruptly in the interest of a
particular political partv as a mean*
of enforcing their party maudates
through fear. This was douc in the
last election indeed it has been one of
the leading cards of Federal asceuden
cy for many years. This bill as it
passed the Senate is some improve
ment over others, hut it i* weak ami
will lie easily evaded a* it provide*
no efficient means for its enforcement.
It provide* that removal shall only lie
made " for cause," but iudicates no
" cause" that should form the basis of
removal*. It mikes no provision cm
powering the Commission provided lor
to weed out the srmvof incompetence
and *ii| ernumeraric* now in eniplnv.
Aii())iinlil this is (lone. io great in pruv* •
tuent will result from the passage of
the bill. So fnr a* imjxisiiig restraint
upon political a*so*smeuta iu the en
forcement of contributions for parly
purposes, the hill is a blank and worth
ies*. To this point public attention
hat been special!? ifirrvterl and the
demand for restraining legislation
most emphatically called for by the
|eople. I his demand has Iteeii recng*
tiix-d hy the amendtneiits ofTcretl hy
Mr. Beck and others, as well as hy
Senator Edmund*, who present* an
evasive sham hill to meet the demand
which amount* to nothing more than
i* already u|von the statute book* and
evaded without stint.
ILRRIT MUST IS H i'.uro|ean Social
ist now lecturing in litis country to
the crary fools who hold socialistic
sentiments, with uproarious applause.
At Chicago the other night, in his
speech, he said, " that when the people
got the upper hand they stopped kill
ing ; the only thing to he done was
to keep on killing ; people here roust
kill, roust open hanks and stores and
help themselves to whatever they
wanted, and bankers and capitalist*
roust lie set to work 011 the streets.''
But why should this fellow lie permit
ted to travel through our cities coun
selling the ignorant rabble who har
bor him, to murder and rob. lie is a
lunatic or a villain of deep dye, and
should be provided for in the iustitu*
tions appropriated tobia ease. If one j
of our own cilieens were to go around
counselling murder, anaaaein and rob
bery, it would not be tolerated.
Tnc Independents of the Senate
were entirely subdued by' the oouver-i
aiou of Senator Tom Cooper to refbcM \
and early adjournment. His leatfof.
the "grand old party* to defeat, *ud
*dher|cp to the principal boas, do nut
*wf| It is all harmony now I
'• V
WILLIAM BALDWIN, the chief of
! the Highway Department of I'hiladel
| pliiu, died on Tuesday last, very sud-
I denly of heart disease, while on his
iway to a meeting of citizens. He was
deservedly n popular man nnd nl-
I tluhigh his adiuinslration of the office
litis Iwen under investigation for some
I time past, hi* sudden Inking oil' pro
■ doced much excitement and sincere
ing an iron dwelling bouse at Parkers
| burg, Chester county. It rests on a
j foundation of solid rock. It i< wholly
! of iron, including the floors, windows
I sills, sash, etc. The floors arc made
! to represent tiling, and the walls are
hollow,the space between them is used
instead of ehiinueys. Hot smoke and
hot air passing from furnace* between
(lie wall- it is thought will be siiflieii lit
to warm the building iu the severest
'1 HE action of the member* of Con
gress iu relation to the holiday vacation
was childish and inconsistent, and ex
hibited a cowardice discreditable to
them cs men. They sought to dm ive
the public hy voting aud speaking
against the usual recess 011 account of
the pressing busitx -* <>f the -cssi< 11
ami then packed their wick* ami
paired t<> their homes, leaving a üb
ajK-ekf-r to note daily adjournment.
IN the year 1780 < 'oiigrcs adopted
n resolution to erect a monument at
Annu[olis, Maryland, to the memory
of Karon !>•• Kiiih, hut uutdc no appro
priation to carry the resolution iuto
effect. It lia l)een sleeping over a
hundred years, and the other day was
called uj> by Senator Groome of Ma
ryland ami an appropriation of £l<),
000 pn*sed to carry into effect the tar
dy re munition of the lira v<- volenteer
pntrio t a* cont< inplated by the nsoiu
tiou <if 171KJ.
Tin: rase of General Fit* John
Porter is now (wing considered by tl e
Senate, with Senator L>gn, of Illi
nois leading the op|>oaitioii to the de
mand for justice to the gallant and
wronged officer. Logan ha< made a
three days' speech in an effort to over
come the testimony of General (Jrant
and the three disligui-died officers of
the army who investigated the charges
established their falaey against (it ncral
Porter, and recommended his resto
! ration to ttu- rank HI thearmy of which
| he was iinprojH-rly deprived.
Tin: Republicans tiaviug stolen a
President successfully, propose to steal
a Governor. The people at the late
election in Connecticut, elected a
Democratic Governor. Some of the
tickets, it ap|N>ars, were printed on
white paper from eletratype* hcavilj
iuktd leaving the name* of candidates
in while. These have heen decided lv
a judge to IN- illegal and it thrown out
changes the result,nod overturns a dem
ocraic Imajorily of over four thousand.
There is no evidence that any fraud
wras committed in the election mid the
attempt of the K<-puhlicnti* to ignore
the exprcatd will of die rnajoriiy nu a
techno al, objection, when their own
tickets weroequally objectionable, Inn•
ing a black border printed nrotiad
them, is di •creditable to them ami adds
force to the accumulated evidence of
many years; thnt they do not hesitate
to obtain and retain power by any
means however dishonorable and
wrong. Tle defeated C andida e, Mr.
Bulk ley, however, could not affird to
to take the office under such circum
etaucca an-d place himself U|M>II an
equality with Rutherford 11. II a yes,
the Presidential thief, with the satue
chances of res|eet accorded to that
(fapised individual, has written a man
ly h-Mcr iu which lie says : " I do not
entertain ntid have not for one mo*
n>uU entertained the idea (hat it
vwfd be possible for me to hold the
office of Governor under the existing
yircuitutaiices, no matter what the
'General Assembly way do or declare,
jind any action they may take must
twith the knowledge that in no
ul wilt I serve or lake the position
Which 1 believe it M#4he iuteulof the
electors to five
-*-T Ji 1 * ** tl
if .A
The Work before t 'oiigrca*,
Practically speaking only two month*
. of iln- present *e*iori ol Congress re
itisin. Iri tin* time there 1* mucti itn
portaiit bu-iiivn* lit be iliquweii *f, t.ut
it Hoc not appear that nil which outfit
to be dime will lie done. The mint im
(•OflHflt lll*' it *ll f If) Its' |tfs***fj f*)f | lift
mge lielnri- t1,,, si-.-ion expire-, beside*
the nppropri oion bill* are tolls provid
llig for I'irilt r.-vi..00, the r<*ducli'n of
; the internal revenue, civil service re
form, the it.lin 1 .ii>ri of Dakota ari'l it
bankruptcy *)stern, Ttie bankruptcy
foil i- now before bMh hoiies, NIII pro
vole, tor H modification of the Lowell
scheme, hot it i hardly probable (hat
II will hecome H law.
11l a convcrmiion Mr. Tnwnshend. of
Illinois, sail! he ju tg.-d Iron) link* with
itn rn'a-r- genemlly lliat it w. very
oouiofiii whether an) tinny wiiufl he
"lone -.iili me 1 itr II -.ml internal r<-e
ni'e lilts session. 11,. s ,i,J there w.is
sui li ad 1 v *-i -11 y of opinion on 110-.r
sU'js'Cta thai It would he linpo-itle for
tile vat tolls element - to hnrtIIOIIIZA Up
->n any rue-sir'-s *u llirieiit ly to csiry
them. The inference it that none of
the great men-urea proposed except,
perhaps, tfie civil service toll, mil he
-1 come laws. It is (relieved (tial afiout all
t fiat can tut acr-nmpli-fied in tliehriel
pel 10 I remaining of this ("on g 1 es will
Lo tfie pxss,ye of the appropriation fulls
I' bly the 1 ivil service toils and some
| "<ln r measures of minor importance,
i li is loudly expected hy any one ihat
1 lie 11 iko! 1 hill 1 .111 he passed, at it is so
olelructi-d in the Senate hy the Yank-
I ton county complication and s., buried
li lljeraleiid.it of the Hon lliat noil
1 tlie opposition tif the Ih'luocr.i I*, noiti
my can < me of it
I iie pen 1 rig order in the House is
jtheartuv appropriation lull according
j I" Ihe condition ol mailers at the ad
) ornm-nt. Ihe prnj>o*itir,n hy liener
it Itrowne. ot frcliana, to aholi-h the
jiv rlepartment of the arm* has n, u ed
I iinirh exciteruent in circles wim-h con
tain those who would he affecte 1. There
; are now tflty live officer* in the depart
m* ot, C'stir.g atmut loilf a million <loi
lar* to muntain. They di-t-iir.c only
thoiti $ I( M* t.) txvi to 11• IT fi.il men HI
line at MO of about for p> r cent, of
the sum it is propowrd, ml to aboli-h
thebuie-u suddenly, hut lo leave va
fancies urisuppueil arid tiave force suit),
cienl to carrv on the work in Ihe mean
! tune detailed from the tjusrtcrmatter'*
j -lepartlll' nt.
What Shall hr Hone With 7 hem I
1 fie auditor general * report* *hnw
that am rig the i.(h ials of the house ol
represent-I ives ll,ere sre five *-rgeni*
it arms, two posluiasprs, two firemen,
•even janitors, eleven paster- and fold
era, four ines-enger*. live door keeper*,
and filtei ti p.ge . At least on-third of
them can lo- dispensed with, and if Ihe
l.rjttlo-Hf Iltford should he aUdl-hi d
j I!*• liumlrer ot paste,s aud folders need
not he over three or four. There Is no
necrssily for more lhan a half do*cn
page- ,nd two or three jitxtors are en
Hr< l> aul!) tenl. I lie I• niocral'C mem
' i ts ol lip- tiouse should at once r it)s|-
| der the qip -iion of a roiuciinn of tin*
| army of • llic tl- end adopt a|• licy in
teg-id to -I II I lioroiigh agre.-uielll
mlb the pledges of rellenchiiteul and
ret rm given ly tfie paity during Ihe
recent c-na-.
1 It is claimed that under exot .ng laws
n-> rctluciion ol iln- number ol officers
<nd employ ei •• of I lie two lious) * ol the
legi-lature can he made, and that it any
reduction i- to he made n must he done
Iny the p-S-sge of n new Liw. *| I Hi
cers id the list legislature hold over
until l lour MI ce-soi- re ipisptied siol
inis :-i,. g ii,e cs< it i argued llml it
Hie loio-e olMie I r-ss-i I legl-uluto tails
ii fid lit, M-VI rut rdlices elected hy law
j t lie ottii -ta ot •he lor ttiei Is el y will hoi* I
then places until tlieet r| of ll.ese'ston.
It Hit- he true a 101 l on the sui j i t
I sliould le-p' odtl, pa e-l so that the
propo-f il rehii m mm take effect at once
At tlie end of ten day s Hie offi. er> lioid
-1 nig over who prove to he sups t numriar)
slid in.ru-cestary sliould fisve notice to
so that if Ills) stmuid persist 111
letaining their plm e* ihev wdl do so at
! (he risk of 10-mg their pay. A con
current resolution migiit l-e pa,-, <i li\
I the i*ii houses declaring reriain • dire
uiinei-i s-iiry and th.-rflme vacant, or
j < iiher liuttsi-1 oufd by resolution create
j -lic'l I K-HI en s.
the whole subject shield he Carefully
and thoroughly consult red I.) Imih
j houses of ihe legislature and the Dclli-
I ocratic tngor ty HI the house of r pre*
' aetiativwill niak's a good l>eg>iining
hy giving it attention ;,i the e<rlu*sl
(H'Si-lt'lo liionieitt. //■ liTtftary I'iltruit.
Treatment of Immigrants.
WASHINGTON, |.T 2N— Represent*
live ffuenther, of Wisconstti, who has
heen to New York to tnre*tig,tw the
treatment ol initmpr nt* at Ca*He <)*r
den has returned, lie rcpor:* that the
treatment isstmpiy horritde; that men,
women and chihlrcn are huddled to.
getber in fiitlt; iliat the dead remained
for day* in a pile 5 in fact hw account
ol the management of the place and
condition of IIIOM who sre so unforiu
nste a* to be there h-fIU description.
It will be rcmend>ere-< that at llie fir*i
session of the present congress a bill
wai passed putting • tax of fifty cent*
|>er head on each immigrant. Tliia
ought lo keep the place a good order
•ml provide amply lor the comfort of
all. Mr. Uueiiiher propoaew that eon
greM shall retuedv these vvils.
TKIIMK: !.'>() per Annum, In Aflvunee.
•iarfield arid Doraey
Yesterday a issue of the New York
Urtatd contains annie interesting lettera
Irom President Garfield and other
prominent Republicans 'luring the oi
tesi of |KKO. Garfield's letter* to Irof
"■y '"n through Ihe campaign down to
the 4th March, JMTI, when the corres
pondence w*> -tj.Menly interrupted \,y
the Star Route prosecution*. f i r-ev's
pur|me in publishing these let lets ia
to repel the H.-ertson, made by aome of
ti 'i field a i n<l lee rent friend*, that he
I hIIr• t' U|*on the late President hi* un
sought advice, and alro lo show how
constantly Garfield leaned u(>n him
for support. In making tlo-re letters
public there in alo an evident drtire
upon Ihe part o! Iloney to awaken the
H) nipathiea of the Republican p.riy for
a man who ha* |>*thomed *ucli great
*rvire in their came arid who a now
undergoing prorecution for an in arr.oua
(•Mine. In I. rpotire to a lettir fiom
G ofi-ld definuung the political situs
tion in Indiana, 1) >r-y went to that
Male lo lake the direction of the
campaign. In In* letter, in which (jar
field revealed himnelf * a pretty alirewd
campaign manager, he intuited that
large turn* of money would he needed
to carry Indiana, and intimate<i that
the denomination of Iheriples might
be 'worke-i up in hi* interest.
lierr ihe Indiana campaign *u over
be battened lo send D trsey grateful
acknowledgments of In* •niaieriy man
igeinei t Alter the election wa over
I fiarlield frequently sought Dortey'a ad
vice. which wa* Ireely given, in regard
Ki the ciuidiruction of hi* cabinet. Lite
in Ib-cemher, when the cabinet intrigues
I were going on, fiaifield M-OI to Doi*ey
vo cxiiaet from a letter of Pre-ident
II tyea in regard to the r,-w catonet,
( i(kiiig an early opinion * lo what
•'Ught to he done RU Ut that and other
■natter*. It i* (ioubtful wln-ther any
one of Garfield'* Ultimate (t enda en
joyed it, av gr.-at a degree hi* conbdence
.Si#• j.lien W.
Ail tic* oorre*|iondenco a* given in
tin- //rrjhi mi not n#-c* #ary to inform
the public in t-gard to the m-imacy be
tween ti*i field an>i Ji iieey. Tbe char
acter ol their relation* tin la-en pretty
well und'-raKwd in vptte of the recent
ellirt* of friend* of frarfield to deny
them. 'xnicerriing the manner in
which tbi* in' re than i'ytbian friend
ship i> diku-lved there ore, of cour**,
•I ft rent opinion*. Admirci* of Gsr-
In Id extol the Xornau virtu* which in
spired him to sacrifice *uch a friend a*
l)r*ey without Mrelcmng forth a bund
to rare him. I>nr**y' friend*. on tbe
other hand, of whom be appear* to have
many, notwithstanding in* |>o-ition,
condemn Garfield'* riadine** to d-liver
him up to a free |>er<cution on the fir*t
summons. They any thai (i.rfield
• flowed altogether too much *!a< rily to
*hake ofl the heavy weight ol hi* jer
<ni*l and political obligations lo Diraey.
Much a* !• >rey ■ nervier* during the
campaign in Indian* were neede-t and
sought alter, it iju*t (Mtaaihle that In*
long end exceedingly free letter* of ad
vice had become irksom* tofiarheld be
lore the day of inauguration, and that
lhi* Siar route prosecution wa* rather
welcome than otherwise. At alt event*,
there remain* no sign that Garfield
ever betrayed any great degree of grief
over the calamity of hia friend.—Pkila
The Lrglalallte Iternrd.
1 here i* a very general feeling of dia
gii't among the people and Ibeir repre
sents! Il es elect in the new legulature
over lhe Isi/ittutii* /iVcer</ and >l* part
manner of publication. The great pre
ponderanee of feeling i for it* al-oinion
at.if the saving of the Mate of atwiut
fbl,ooo w Inch it now coat* to print,
pa-te. told and distribute it. lb-sides
Hie llrrvr.l it *eeni*. that there i* kept
and punted at the clove of every aeion
. r|ideii**d j iurnal Ot the |egi|.tive
pioceevlinga, showing the mea*uie
■(I opted. ihe cute* on them, the pro
gre* ol bukiner* without the |.ee. h-a
and pudding that make* the publica
tion of the I}mini a pudding lor the
printer, and an #>tf,-ne to the public,
lo many clear mind* thi* journal i*
• leemed enough of a publication ol leg
ttlaiiee proceeding* to meet the require
uienta of the ca*e, and a strong inove
will he made to al>oh*li the JUrorcL A
difficulty in ilit way, however, •• the
(act that under the law a contract ha*
ulti v.ly be# n made (or the printing of
the curd for the two session* oj the
next tout year*, involving the Mate in
alioui c * pen*# f<r printing it
uione. It l understood that while tho
•mirtrartrr feela that he ha* eoroe profit
hi the job. and ha* nvn-le some out ly
and contract* in antiri|tton of it, lie *
ready to make or entertain a ptopoai-
Hon to release the commonwealth I torn
! it* bargain, and it i* lor the assembly
men to consider whether tb* ex|wn*e
shall continue, or l-e curtailed it it ta
not p#***ib!e entirely to relieve the atate
Irom it. In any event it i practicable
lo do away with the horde of paster*
and folder* who have hitherto been em
ployed to get up tlii* publication. From
fifteen lo twenty placemen, at an ex
pense of about tIT.fIOO, an- lured lor
this. The enure aerk can be dofie by
contract lor $1 300, and the Itcevni can
be pntmptly nutiedfor thi* nuin front
the place of ita publication. |f tbe
firmt,/ i* discontinued ol eo.irnw there
will be no earuse for electing a paster*'
and folder*' brigade thta year; and if it
i* continued tbe pasting and folding
can easily he let for ten per cent, of it*
present co*t. — l*tnc*rttT luieiUyrnctr.
AT I#ong Rranrb the high tide is
causing irieftaTable damage to the blurt
on which tbe summer settlement >* lo
NO. 1.