Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, December 21, 1882, Image 8

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    Mt Cttttte g mortal
Thursday Morning. December, 21, 1882.
(iiiunramv'S. tidaligtagwHaeiaeewe "it
,J (IUI , sn usilul lbs meaty. N<> runiaionlt nkM
InwrtsJ miles# accoiupanlsd t>J b* real name of die
• ■
Local Department.
After January Ist, IWW, all local notices
will be charged for at the rale of 10 cents
jier line for each insertion.
—ln conformity with the usual custom,
no paper will be issued from this office
nest week. Printers, more than any oth
er class of mechanics or artisans, need a
little rest occasionally. All hands join in
wishing our readers a merry Christmas
and happy New Year.
—lf you want first class tinware go to
Harris' hardwaro store. - l
—lce of superior quality is being put up
by dealers and private parties.
—Ladies' and children*' coat# and dob
won#, finest iu the land, at Hie Bee Hive
Go to Harris' hardware store to have
your tinware repaired.
—Will D. Saphar and "Reggie" of
"German Volunteer" renown, called on
—Mr. T. P Rynder, of the Altoona
Advance, looked in upon us on Monday j
Cidi to see tho novelties in Gent # fur- j
Dishing goods at the Bee Hive one price
Baird's Minstrels gave one of their
inimitable performances at the Opera bouse (
on Tuesday evening.
—The Lewistown \. M. C. A bx#
closed its doors. Lack of public interest
and support caused iu sudden taking off
—Go to Harris' hardwaro store and get
Wolfs make of tinware.
—Mr. Jno Coldron, of Spring Mills,
while in town on Tuesday, favored us with
a call. Mr. Coldron it one of the "heavy"
men of that locality.
—Leonard Rhone, Eq , has been re
elected Master of Sute Grange, Mrs
Rhone, Lady Assistant Steward and L>r
James Calder, Lecturer.
—Our gentlemanly friend, I) L Kel.er, j
Esq , county treasurer, was obliged t"
walk with a cam during the earlier part
of the week on„account of a soreness in
bis side.
—lf you want to buy your wife, daugh
ter, sister, cousin, aunt or grandmother
something nice for Cbristmaj, go look at
the silk dolmans, and real seal skin plusi
garmenU at the Bee Hive.
Mr. Noab Coriuan accompanied by
Mr. T. F. Brumgnrd, both of Woll
Store, paid the DEMOCRAT a visit on Mun
day. They are prominent and reliable
young men and it did us good to see them.
Daniel German, with the same gener
ous instinct that always characterize# him,
on Monday furnished team, wagon and
driver for the purpose of bringing spruce
to town with which to decorate the Epis
copal church.
Mr. Frank P. Blair iiss ropapered and
otherwise Improved the interior of his
store room and now has the extreme pleas
ure ol welcoming customers to one of the
neatest, nicest, starchiest places of busi- J
nesa in Centre county.
—We call tho attention of any of our ,
readers who are in want of a salaries! sit- j
uation, and who can fill the bill, to the ad
vertisement in another column of R. G-
Chase Jt Co., headed "Wanted." Write,
to tbem for particulars. &0-2t.
—The iVrwi man is growling because
the slocking worn by his wife is not large
enough to hold more than a pound of
candy. Why, good fellow, there is no use
crying about spilled milk. Grin and bear
It like a man.
Hereafter the Saturday edition of the
Williamsport Sun and Manner will be an
eight page ibeet called Orit. The first
number is before us, looks well end bids
feir to meet the expectations of its pro
preesive proprietors. Long may it live.
—Do not forget the sociable of the
Presbyterian Ladies' Aid Society at the
residence of Mrs. James 11. Rankin, cor
ner High and Thomas streets, to-morrow
evening. Take with you something weigh
ing a pound, that can be disposed of at
public outcry.
—Wolf and Parsons are the well known
tinners at Harris' hardware store. 2|
—Messrs. Berwind, White A Co., who
are largely engaged in the coal and cok„
business in tbis county and from whi. h
tbey make heavy daily shipments, am
opening up their collieries on the lands of
the Kittening Coal company, near lieutz
dale, Clearfield county.
—A horrible easuelty, resulting in the
death of four persons—Alire end Florence
Amine, Bnaworth Cameron and Daniel
Parks, —occurred at Tiptoe, four miles
above Tyrone, last Thursday evening.
Tbey were walking on the railroad and
stepped off one track to avoid a train com
ing toward tleni Just la time to be struck
by another going the opposite direction.
The bodies were found mangled almost be
yond recognition, mnny paru being lodged
in the machinery of tbe locomotive. Death
U thought to have been instantaneous, ex
cept in the case of Parks, who lingered in
intense agony until Friday morning. Tbe
ladies were daughters of a farmer living
near Tipton, where Cameron was study
ing talegrapby and Parks teaching school,
day afternoon man walked into thn busi
ness office of Uerbarick, !lal cV Co., and
handrd Mr llarry Halo this order:
ZION, I'II., Dec. lf, 188' J.
MR. DUNCAN, IIAI.K A Co : I lost my j
wilu tliis afternoon. 1 am in need of
twenty dol'ars until to-morrow. Pleasu
let the hearer, John Beck, have the
amount and 1 will nettle in the morning,
and oblige HAMUKL DECKER.
I* K.— I will bring wheat or money aa
you please.
Mr. Hale, after aomo questioning aa to
the ability of Deck to secure the cash on a
cheek payable to the order of Samuel
Decker, drew in that way upon the Kirat
National Hank for tho amount asked and
handed tho man tho check.
The transaction throughout was a purely
business one as the tirm is often asked to
do tho same thing by many others of its
numerous customers.
Tho tirst intimation that anyone had of
tho irregularity of the proceeding was that
Mrs. Decker was not dead. Notice was
immediately given the bank not to pay
the check, and diligent search made for
the rascal, who up to this time list eluded
capture. It will not be healthy for him
i! justice gets bold of him, which we trust
she tnay succeed in doing soon.
OUR CARRIER —Before another issue of
the DKMOCRAT greets its readers our car
rier will tender each ol tbem bis tnuual
New Year's Address. Tho castom is an
old one and presents a favorable opportu
nity for our friends to in part return the
kindness so cheerfully and promptly shown
them during the past year. Bright and
early, wet or dry, warm or cold ho ha
each Thursday morning been pleased to
visit your homes and plains of business j
and the happy "Good morning" so regit- |
larly vouch-afed you bad in it more of the
ring of disinterested friendship than is
usual, lie has told you about the trial,
conviction and execution of Guilcau ; the
progress of the Mar Koute prosecutions ;
the death of Emerson, Longfellow, Dar
win, Garibaldi, Wagner and other celeb
rities ; the defeat of the American team
at Creedmoro and the American crew on
the Thames ; the arrival ol Oscar Wilde;
the 'JuO.h anniversary of I'enn's landing i
the victory of the English in Egypt; those
celestial wanderers the two famous com
ets ; the visit of Herbert Spencer ; tho
success of the "Jersey Lily the transit
of Venus and hundr-ds of items of intel
ligence—h-cal and general.
Any kindne-s shown him will he apt-re
cia.ed and if an op|-oriuhity presents it
self giadly ratipros aP-d. Whoso givcth
to tho poor, lend-th to tho Lord Now,
friends, if you liku the security, dovn ci th
fAr duet.
I'ORT MATILDA ITZUS. —Plenty of snow
and good ice.
The prospects are good for a brisk holi
day trade.
Are we U> have a Christmas tree or en
tertainment in our town this year?
Monroe township, Snyder county, Pa ,
has a young lady who husked HMJ bushel*
of corn this fall. Would advise young
men who are looking for a "helpmeet" to
i all that way.
It would be well for all to remember that
an honest man is believed without an oath,
| for his reputation swears for him.
Old Santa Claus has been receiving
1 many orders from both old and young and
j many will realir-e on Christmas morning
! that hope deferred maketh the heart sis k.
11. 11. Osman, J. P , continues to attend
I to hia shop, deal justice to his fellow men,
: collect taxes and cash school orders.
The many friends of IL-nry Wondrtng,
i of Tyrone, will very much regret to learn
! that he died a few weeks ago from injuriea
received on the Tyrone and Clearfield rail
Mr and Mrs. W E Jones concluded on
Friday, the Bih instant, to invite their
friends and neighbors to come and spend
the day pleasantly with them, and at the
same time to give them a complete sur
prise. So well did tbey succeed in their
desires and plans that those invited did not.
know who wero to be there or what was to
tie done. They were in darkness until the
object was explained by Mr. Jonea, who
remarked that it was not a sectarian or
political meeting. All the religious de
nominations and political parlies of our
lown and near neighborhood were repre
! aenled and all realised how good and how
pleasant it is "for brethren to dwell to
gether in unity." The dinner was eicsl
lent. I will not attempt to describe it
as the task is too great. Mr. Jonea pre
sided with ability and dignity, and to the
entire satisfaction of the 4'J guests present.
James Murray who has been for a num
ber of years foreman of division I), B. E.
V. K. K., has removed to Warrior's
Mark, Pa., and taken charge of a division
there on the L H. V. AT. B B. Wa are
sorry to losa such a good neighbor and
citizen. Mr. Murray is an excellent fore
man and an active and earnest Democrat,
William Crain, a good man, has succeeded
William V. Beck with, Thomas Fink
and Daniel Swing last weak captured four
targe deer In a few days, and are now the
"boy hunters." Many of our men are
bunting now.
A. J. Smith of Clearfield county, who
for a number of years was a merchant hero
and sold out toB. H Miles A Co., spent a
week with his old friends. lie look* wall.
Dr. Hartbberger continues to haal the
sick and is kept busy.
Cbany and Thompson are busy stocking
tbelr saw mill. lea DIM.
DM. 16,
A very good thing to have in every
boron, by everybody, obi and young, in
thn country or villag, and in cities at
well. A marvel of condensed informa
tion, both useful and trustworthy, with u
fc"iiouMinJ or more Engraving*, illuslrst
Ing labor-saving methods artd devices in
the field, in thn Garden, and in the House
hold, Animals, l'lanls, etc.—with many
largo beautiful pictures; Illustrated Stories
for and Inrtru"liv Talks with iloys and
Girls; Plans of Houses, Harris, and Out
iiuildings, with Specifications. All these
and much more, will be found in the 42d
Volume of the American
now beginning, and at less cost thsn any
wbere elao in the world. Its exposures of
Humbugs, a most valuHblo feature is to
be pushed Willi increased vigilance. To
the procioua stall' of editors and contribu
tors many additions aro now made, in
cluding the best writers all over the coun
try. In its prime, this journal enters it"
42d volume, mora vigorous than ever,
with new writers, new artists, new dress,
etc. Though prepared at larger eipenso
than most $3 and $4 magazines, it is, ow
ing to its immense circulation, supplied,
post-paid, for $1.60 a year, and less to
clubs—either English or German edition-
Single numtars, 16 cents. One specimen,
post-paid, 0 cents. A plate copy < f Du
pre's last great painting, "IST TIIK vie sn
ow," is presented to each yearly subscriber.
Address Publisher* of American A'/ri>u/- j
furuf, 761 II road way, New York.
Mii> Sadie C'onscr, of Sandy Ridge,
caino to Tyrone Friday evening with a
gentleman friend to attend tbo theatre.
Hut soon after their arrival at the City j
Hotel Miss Conser became very ill. Dr <
Clark was sent for and pronounced her j
ailment congestion—caused by a cold.
The gentleman returned to Philipshurg
that evening, leaving Mtsa Conor well
cared for at the hotel Her friends ar. '
rived on Saturday. She received skillful 1
medical attention and nursing until death I
ended her sufferings Monday morning 1
The remains were taken to Sandy Ridge I
for interment. The deceased was eighteen
years of age, bright, genial and lady-like ;
1 She had been in delicate health for some i
lime, and no doubt imprudent ex|>sure to J
ibn "cold wave," which swept through our
mountain gorges at that time, hastened hr
death,—Tj rone cor tlrrakfatl Tnhlt.
Wilson, Mi Karlane A Co.. rail alien-
I lion to the only reliable R'-adv Mir, -d 1
Paint in the market. The Pioneer Pr> -
pared Paint is not only luperi r t/> any
Ready Mi led Paint Sold but rivals pure j
white lead in its smoothness in working
I end disability. This paint is guarantees!
| bv th manufacturer' not to crack or peel
within three years. The guarantee is not
! only good for replacing the p*m4 hut it
! will be put on if it should erack or pes-l
within the time specified. It will be to
your interest to call and sec Wilson, Mr
Karlane A Co , before purchasing either
while lead or any other Ready Mned
—Warren Allison, of Howsrd.met aith
a misfortune on Haturdav His team was
fastened in front of the Ward House,
Leek Haven. Toward evening they broke
|.<ose and started home At the Raid
Ksgle bridge the tongue became detached
from the horses and was the meant of
throwing tbem to the ground. The wagon
contained a new sewing machine which
was Intended for a Christinas present for
j his wife. This was completely demolished
The t..ngue of bis wagon was also broken.
—Rrpuhlwan. •
—On Friday, the body of a man named
Patrick Shelly was found on the river
hank at Renovo, lying |>arl!y in the wa
ter. Foul play bat by the Coroner's Jury
been assigned as the cause of his death.
He was known to have had about s■'*). on
his person and the money is thought to
have been the object. He was a contractor,
a quiet, inoffensive man, and there can he
no doubt of the commission of cold-blood
ed murder.
—Quslavn Pipber, who was tried at
Isock Haven last week for lk killing of
Tbos. Miller at Rnovo, last month, wa
found guilty of murder in thn second de
gree. Judge Or vis presided. The ex*
treme penally is twelve years in the peni
tentiary. The trial was extremely short
and is an instance of how soon justice ran
be meted out to law-breakers. The prtso
ner was to have been sentenced yesterday.
—The big Msip|>er in the Ironworker'*
building at Valentines' forge, to-morrow
night, promises to be a good thing for lb-*
vburch, Tbe preparation being made ate
ample and tbe supply of luxuries abundant.
You can get all you can eat for 60 cents
—Tbe Wllliamsporl Hrrakjntl Tnhlf has
donned new attire and makes a decidedly
creditable appearance. No use talking,
Sweely means business and bas tbo satis
faction of knowing that bis paper rank*
second to none. It is a favorite in Belle
—The very latest and ntremest vagary
for fashionable women Is to spond tbe
money of their husband* for coats of rea'
seal skin for tkoir canine pet*. They come
from fifteen to iwanty-Bve dollars.
—Bit Honor, Judge Orvit, will preside
at a special court at Altoona commencing
nest Wednesday.
—Flannels, blnnketa and hope, best nod
cheapest, at the Bee Hire.
Tho Teachers' Institute.
Tbo thirty-sis lb annual session of tbo
Ci'ntro County Institute will convene In
the Court House, Ibdlcfonle, on Tuesday
morning nest at U o'clock.
The list of instructors and lecturers com
prises more talent than was ever before
brought together in this county. For par
ticulars regarding those, with tbe subjects
allotted each our readers aro referred to
last week's DEMOCRAT and the Teaeheri'
During Thursday afternoon and evening
tho liellefonlo Orchestra will bo present
and furnish an abundance of the music for
which it is so justly renowned. Nothing
that wo can say in praise of this organiza
tion will be new to the many whosv pleas
ure and privilege it has been to listen to
their music in the pari, and it is not say
ing too much to assert that a rich treat
is in store for the Institute and its friends
Thursday has been set apart by Prof
Wolf as "Directors' Day," and tbey are
requested to be Iri attendance. Dr. Hig- !
bee, Hiate Superintendent, wiil address
the in and instruct tbem in tbe matter of
tho duties pertaining to tbe official rcla- J
tions existing between tbem and the
school-going public.
The membership fee will lei the same at j
last year—seventy-five cents, enrollment \
under direction of Mr. J. C. Meyer.
The session will last four days and ad
journ Friday evening. Teachers attend
ing will ho allowed one half day for com" j
ing to arid one-half day for going from j
Institute in addition to the time they were
actually present. 8i ho d boards must a!-
i low and pay for lime tear her* are certified
!to have been present. Any contract made
| in ignorance of the Ait of Assembly ap
proved June 7th, 1 Ks*l, is null and void.
I lixt.LXroXTK A< ABKMY —Setslon re
opens on Tuesday, Jan 2, Ir-H1 Harden
charg.il per week for tuition, board
ing. furnished rooms, light and fuel.
; 20-2t .! I' Ilfottra
| This evening the "Broom Brigade," of
; Tyrone, will perform in the Interest of ih
j Ladies' Aid Society of the Presbyterian
I church. This performance has calhd
i forth the highest praise from those who t
; have seen it, and is pronounced very g'l
bv all. The principal feature will tie a
drill in winch brooms are used instead of j
■ guns. The Indies are said to I*- very pro.
■ fi. lent—executing the most iliffl-ult evnld
tions in the manual of arms with lightning
rapidity and wonderful accuracy.
We understand it is d4igned In sell the
; "guns, knapsa. ks," etc. to the highest bid
' der al the close of the entertainment, and
\o ing men will be afforded an excellent
op(e rluni'v to invest in articles of dm v
Utility as well as souvenirs of one of tbe
most j feasant occasion* of the season.
proceed* for benefit of furnishing fund
of new Presbyterian S S. room.
Reserved seal* AO cents, chart of hall at
Brew's store.
t'IIKI'TVAa AT TIIK t lit K- IIK- AfrM
| ffisf. Christmas serm m. Sunday morning,
S. S exercises arid entertainment, Mm •
J day evening
frrthyfrrtau ßegular Christmas ser
: vices, Sunday morning. S. S. entertain
j msnt Thursday, Jan 4
Rpi*cnpal. Service* Christmas morning.
I S S. exercise* Thursday, I>rc 18.
J.uthrran. Christmas sermon, Sunday
morning S. S exercises, Wednesday even
ing. Jan. 3, tn place of regular church so
Haplul Sermon, Surday 230 r. m.,
subject, "Christmas theme." 8. S. en
tertainment Wednesday evening, Dec. 27
GsfWir. Mas* at 6, BJ, and 10 o'clock,
A M , Monday.
)". W C. A. Boys' Branch, Monday
A Goon Tixi. —Tbe Ladies' Mile Bi>.
clety of the Luthi-ran church of Millheim
will give a series of entertainment* com
mencing on Monday and closing on Wed
nesday next. The object ia commenda
ble and worthy the support of all lovers
of thn order and decency secured thv pub
lie through tbe influence of < kurcb orga
nisation*. When Mdlheim ladies prom
ise lit furnish the edibles we knew thsl tha
character of the entertainment will he
flrst-clas*. we know, for we bare been
Thn hill of fare will Inrludn waffle*,
chicken, oysters, Ice cream, and every
thing else that is good, and will ho served
by attractive, attentive and pleasant wait
ers in ibn town hall.
Thn object in view is to raise fund* for
tho purchase of a hell for the new church.
Let all go, eat, drink and lie happy.
Rail's KxpxHixx.a — AVOTHKR crxi
PA., HEFT 10th, 1881. Da. UARTMAX:
I ( cannot but express my thanks to you for
the great benefit 1 received Imm tbe use of
I'rrutia and Manalin. One bottle of each
placed me squarely on n.y feel, after a long
i sickness, which had laid ma in bed and
then left me lame and crippled. Tb a*
days' use of these remedins dispensed with
the the cane, and In a week I wa* perfeuMy
well. N. J. WRIGHT,
limine** Agent, Rrie Earn ing iltrald.
Ask your Druggist for Da. II ARTMAE'E
Book on Ms* "III* of Life." He will give
It gratis. If not, address Da. H. at O*-
1 born, O.
Mr Explicit directions for every use ara
given with tbo Diamond Dyas. For dye"
lug Muasas, Grasses. Eggs, Ivory; Ualr.
Leave your measure lor a brae' ru w
Christmas writ at Ihe IJ.-e Hive. i
—C.'lies, W. rtoott, of Wiiltamspert, hs*
our lhai.k* lor an elegant ■ ali-ndar.
—Our Jolly frl.-nd Ms It A. Ib-ck. has 1
improved the interior of his lisrln-r shop 1
— ■ g „
—Go to .!**. Harris A Co and get H '
nice hanging lamp or student lamp for '
Christmas. 2t 1
Ladies' furs and fur trirnrnings, all 1
grades and styles, at tbe Ib-e Hive.
—Mr Meyers of Buffalo Hun'haa rnov |
ed into hia new house on jail hj||,
j— ——
Mr. W. K liurchfield has closed out
hia stock of grocr-ries, etc., arid the room
lately occupied bv him in the Centre
County Bank building is ready for another.
Mr. Geo. Wolf, the tinner at Harris
hardware store, has a great reputation
throughout tbe county for fine work. All
work fully guaranted. 2l
A Magic Lantern entertainment will
be given at the Baptist church, Milesburg,
on Thursday evening next. Tbe
c nsiit- f Bible Subjects, Natural Scenery
and Art, with some comic views. Mr. J.
W Miller. General Herrelarv of tbe Y.
M C. A will exhibit and explain.
—Go In Graham A Son's shoe store
| corner Broekerbnff Row, for good bar
gain* in men and bora' long leg double
*o|e hip boots, ladies' nnd children's
shoes. A fine assortment of gents' fan
cv slippers for Christmas. The largest
stock of ru'-hrr goods in town, all stvles
nnd sizes Give theni a rail. You will
be [.leaned with their stock and [.rices, j
—Mr F W Older, of this place, wa,
married lwt Thu-sday to Miss Rebecca
N -rlh. of Mifflintown, Pa , a member of
one of the oldest, rn.t respected and hen j
nred families of that ancient town. The
bride and groom are highly esteem.-d
where known, and there can tie no doubt
that thev wilt t... hsrt'V. The DEMOCRAT
on b half of the many friends of each,
tender* congratulations.
A horse attached to a spring wagon
belonging to Reuben Richard*, was
frightened bv Raird's hind on Tuesdav,
ran ofT and tore up things in general
Mr. Richar Is immediately institute.l
legal i roc*e ling- against Mr P.aird. and
>heriff Dunkle was compelled to re j
: otiest him to remvin in town yeaterdav
At ihel mstts go to press r oihing defi
cite has t een repnrte I in reference to
the action.
■—The mot elegant display in fown ,
in tbe line - f holi lay exhiblion is tha' i
•if Santa Cb us Inniself in one of the ;
Windows of the Rise Hire Si-ires. The j
obi fellow looks n< natural *• can be j
an I tbe |ter*on whs misbsok him for
our friend, Asron. must be pardoned
(What Goldsmith Bros, do not know
I -ilmu'. pleasing the popular fancy is
scarcely worth knowing and they rarely
'ail to satisfy all who favor tbem with
, 'heir patronage.
—T- -day Dr Th.o. R Hayes, of this
place, leave* for Philadelphia, there to en
joy a month's respite from lh onerous pro
fessional duties intidenl to a practice so
large as his. Notwithstanding the desire
to re*t he will not be idle at it it bis in
tention to s[-end a coesiderahle portion of
his time with eminent physicians, visiting
hospitals, infirmarie* and medical insti
tutes. Mai! matter addressed to him at
ihe Continental hotel will be received and
promptly attended to. During his absenca
Dr* Fatrlsmb snd Harris wiil care for bis
patient*. The DKMOCAAT wishes him a
pleasant time.
i-r.xivsvi.vaiA CXXTAAL AMI nssxinrj
orrm iirriuom TO ALL ixuars rot
We noticethat the Pennsylvania Com
nsni, P., C. Si L. R. B and Penosylva
niaCentral and branches which compose
the great through lines to all parts of
the roiinlrv, have ma-le arrangement*
by which excursion* can be taken in
any direction at very low rate*. The
tare is so low that it is within the reach
of everyone, giving them an opportuni
ty to visit the city, places of interest, or
a holiday visit to friend*. We may say
■ bat this is a real Christmas greeting
from these roads, and show* that they
are un to the time* in doing their pari
that the pu'dic can have every chanoe
to make the holidavv those of pleasure.
Picket * are sold from all the station* of
•He different division* from Deoembet
22 to J*nurv I 1883. and good for re
turn trips till January 3, 1883— thw rates
tieing exceedingly low that all mav en
joy the festivities of the season, either
IJ> the country among frieodaor seeing
the sighta in the cities. It make* no
difference in what direction you may
wiah to go. thcae roads have the facili
ties to send you to any point by innum I
erable branches that are under the eon J
trol of the made.
In additon to the holiday excursions >
these popular companies b*ve one to
Jacksonville, Fia. One of the mo-t
pleasant winter excursions tbsl can be
taken, The tickets for this eve.tr.ion j
w.ll he good for return trips t 1 May j
31, 1883, and the excurtionlvt haa not i
lee* ttian a doen diffetent mutea to se
lect from in purchasing their tickets by j
the Pennavlvanin Ji*. Baggage is
checked to deSttnalk*. Rate from Pitta
buig for the round trip, we learn, ia on
ly #4B AO.
We would ay to oer reader* to embrace
th.es liberal Christmas offerings to visit tha
country and th.ee In the country to visit
the city and place* of interest over the
Pennsylvania road and biancbae.
We would further state that the gentle
manly agents which this company employ*
are always ready and will cheerfully fur*
nish time lab*** of trains, rule* of far* snd
any daslred information upon application
I-adii-* mint' and children*' gloves,
mill* and ho*i-rj in endle,* vnrioly at tl •
llwi llive.
WALVVT LkaP II 111 RivroMb-H is
entirely diff.-rent fn.in ,\\wr. It is *.
c l**nr H- Afifl, he :t> t.arw fndlc&t**,
It i Vegetable Hmr 1'...|/.r r It
will Immediately Ire,- the 1,...,, pj,,,
dandruff, return- gray heir t„ j u natural
color, wild I rod lice n row growth where it
li- lallan "if. It dotM not >r, m.j omMr
affect the 1,, with, whicb Sulphur, Sugar of
lead, and Nitrate of Silver preparation*
have done. It will change light or faded
hair in a lew dayt u, a beautiful gtosry
brown Ak jour druggist for it. Kaon
bottle It warranted. Smith, Kline ACo ,
W hole, ale Agent*, Philadelphia, and
Hall A Kuckel. New York. 4-lv
OK.IIHID''.-On Hot. Mh at Belief „| |j„.
of Iraulel del.ret,
•ti'i 11 <U).
Bellafonte Grain Market.
Bti.LtV.etl. Ilee 21, I*#2
(V,rrotei ...ki, iH. kejaoWt *vu
wheat—wrote, J,e t LiutKel lilt,
" . J- 1 - M " - I <ll
o*i < •' i• f i agiM, '*** jS
** •lafilt-t], ~b
'KU, |**f Iruab'l ill
|r tMbol, ry wi|tii
*• m
t'Jfiiw hwvj, pr fa- ~g<l (l y
rieur, skeins*.*. per hl.l . Ik i let a ou
•'•* " ......... 1 14
Mattel,oi,,), for too . t w
Provision Market.
Cerrxtad ~i, Ly If a, t ßrolkart.
A|.|.] tJrt4 J**'
<l*fVl4*,4rtw4.|*r j/tioJe *-#-),• J jo
j IWat.M jta-r 'jttfsrt .. . ....
! Intin |><r (vquo
Ctl lutrt 4 . a k
I flMwpar i" id J
! ' him* |rf | -oo4. 7*
l|Uui,|li(M cured 10
j f* ■ ' 5
I fturd |**r ..I .. u
! biifcl J#f4ul
I F4eiw|w Mil
| Dl-d *~f . ,a
An/' A <trt rt*.
Application lor License.
I "VOTK'E i hereby privet) tl.at the
I JLI MMHtf i.W. pm nitflid *
• -r. lor Lu i.*w in ll. .4!.w of tbe f.*rk I
Qu*rt*r Kim* of lb* )'•<•<*. i m 1.4 fur •*>l
4#d ttißl *J J •ft'.li Wilt be ttUh4* tb lb* tat MAl.i'tll
ol Mtd tturi to f rant il miii*
• I M*~r Iran . M. :t*tm
J I (Mi"*/, 4o Luri) t*t.
H. 4o
Writ of Partition.
Ir the Orphans' Court of Centre Co.,
lu lb* h'*t of fc I ffmn I*fr, ilKMaml, In \mru
ti • 7'. J-bu A lN.fr, Mi'Ksr<-l Ir#rr, irant 1
. ll* M II N*td*ulMall and J # Mi*d*nball, kf
ltli*lWl4 ffihk A Ih-fi, < hr|ta 1 fhiuuf l. Mul
J .'im A ir' litejr fiurdiui. 7h* n it< (iiaf an
• -r. mm 111 Im :.m. MMi ■ Mm INI t
I>m • Bilad, A I I*** a • iit of f**rttt*<#ii ti |(a*<td
lu Iu uu-i* MkUt# and fltui in | tA Mud W tit
an r pfutaww in ib unl
IM *k '* • 4 ImI• |m i >* i KMIMI •. n* i.k
lIM* J UOKOtiMnf
j pit*r iff lOi'r, IWIMOUI*. Im , a, lMi.
I^sTliAY. —Came to the prpmiaes
A f ibe aula* rit*f m II ward l unb |,
lUre i he* irtk * fir a1 1 b ,'*f. l-**d t-< !*♦ ..<* Jef
■id (aifdt r<s uitb • Wte • bit* |/U Mark*. U#
• annll * lit mndar nd rifk' *ar Tb* <%
re. 4 **t4-d I" i'Hf |*Tuf **l f. }* f
< bwifW ai'd tab* h'f awa*. <thfiu *4l* will
i|i|wmwS • f ucirlihi lu law
VrniTORS NOTICE.—In the Or
ptiar.'* Court of Centre rountv. K*-
Vi" of John C Hikker, d<-coated. The
unJerngned, an audiP<r appauntrvl by raid
court, to make ditrihulion of lh fund* in
the hand* of Mitchell and Scott itriiker,
| administrator* d. b n c. t. a of raid de
cedent, to and among thou b gatiy •-nulled
thereto, will meet the paruet interested
and perform the dulie* td hi* appointment
on Friday the olh day of January, A. J>.
18S1, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
4H 31 8. D. Rat, Auditor.
. pban'* Court ol Centre county in tho
matter of the e*lalc of Mary Ann Uubk,
deceased. The undersigned, apfinted an
auditor to make distribution ,of the fund*
in the hands of L. \Y Munson, ad in in is
trator of Ac., of said decedent to and
among those legally entitled thereto, will
meet the parties in interest at hit office in
llcllafonte, on Monday, Jan. #, ISM, at
10o'clock. ELLIS L. Orvis,
ID St Aiofifor.
phan's Court of Centre county in the
matter of the estate of James Crust, de
ceased. The auditor appointed by the
court to make distribution of the funds
in the hands of the administrator of said
estate among those legally entitled thereto,
will meet the parties interested for the
purpiose of his appointment, on Saturday,
January 6, IhW. at I o'clock, r u , at bit
office in Bellefonte. 8. D. G*aT,
4W St Awrtitor.
undersigned having been grated let
ters ol administration \ip*on the estate of
Phoebe Quay, late of Curtin towetbip,
Centre county, deceas-d, hereby requests
all p>ers>ns knowing them*elrei Indebted
to said estate to make iioniediaie pay meet,
and those having claims acainal the seme,
to present them at once, duly authenticat
ed, lor settlement.
I. 8 Fraik, Walker, Centre C.
Dec. IS, 'B2. (libit) jdaiiaulrafsr.
Twe rsllstls ■ *n *s!W er4s Set sar > liwrr
atk in Its snl sdyntatng imavllna, ae s sslnra •*
will (IVS s atnsih'* trial ,as 4 xlrnn.s mumrj In* Iks
l|,'*, M Iks asms>. ul, If neerwnfal slw4r *a
fi-oa*sni 4H |*| IMtm. I O
on , Th- <"U Snrserles. rkilndelpkln, r >K, rL—
| stain* ) Ml
rATNE'BIO Horaa Spartt-A-rwatlng
I',.r sl.e Lncinr baa rat mono fu of MtcMgaa Has
, Pnaeil* la lu hoars, hurnlnc alsba las ma mm to
Our tt> Rarer M Osaiuw'n to taWk power to
•■ s.aoo to tof llemi Kk Pwaiu* to IthoafW Oar
14 fmres wtu rut tojm J** to asmr Urns
&(* > Kagtars set nrussTtta to
f imi-h k toeaepawu aa S toss
fad s I water than aajr mm Im
Hue M Wtf with aa haiaataiu
Pair*. If tea warn a kmtlaaarr
or MiaMs Mto, kdtoCtia
tar Paw Mill, Mtabtag ar tntrf,
.Htn- .-S.I . f Mr HM • V.=-I
VngMva PeUrj. araf tor war
kiformet*w*nd Xoeea.^ ° ***
aw PATXA A urn
Curatog. iTV Max MT.
. _ . _ -r. ■: