JVeiP AdrertlMi'tiient. SMITH,THE BAKER. An interesting letter from Mr. Cnlvni —Smith to the persons he wishes ta ail dress. Head it en fully. liellefonte, Nov. Vl'!, IWJ. /{oliilftij Ifoods, NOW that Christmas is but a month I distant, I desire to assist my friends in making the usual presents expected ' by the members of your families audi others at that time, by telling you in this way what I have for you to select from. These goods are latest invoices ordered expressly for this occasion and are sure to suit. I may as well say here j that on account of purchasing and sell ing at wholesale, as well as retail, I can guote prices away below those, of any other dealer in this neighborhood. I've '[ Confectionery of alt grades, from the cheapest to the most expensive. Hay and sell hun dreds of pounds of it daily, and to Sunday-schools or other organizations intending to celebrate either Christmas or New Year by public entertainments that I am prepared to Jill orders for \ any amount of supplies at the very j lowest rates. I make this trade a specialty. toys. For little folks there are so many things that I can't name half of them. ■ Come, and see what they are. 'Restaurant, Those who are in town at any time 'or only a short time and do not want j to go to a hotel can have in a Jew | minutes a complete meal or lunch. My customers have increased so largely within the last three months that jam paying particular attention to this branch of my trade and now have the most complete establishment of public comfort in the county. jfhc llakery is still turning out only first-class bread, cakes, pies etc. I take pride in t the quality of work, and the praises of customers cause me to make special ef forts in supplying customers. rlt Snoir Shoe, The branch of the liellefonte bakery at Snow Shoe was opened to accommo date my custom> r out there and always keeps in stork the identical goods handled at the establiihment in liellefonte. They who need any IK) 1.11) AY SUP-1 I'LIES can deal as cheaply there as any where else. Thanking my friends for favors in j the past, and rtqesting the patronage of j new ones, in the future, I remain Respectfully •* CALVIA MIITH, No. 49 High Street, 4'3-4t lielUJonU, Pa. FURNITURE. Jjgs} 11. SPANOLER A CO. re. quest the attention of th r ffj-f intelligent reader for a moment or two. The fads they desire to make public will have a telling effect upon the domestic, economy of any household in which this recital of their facilities to supply furniture of all kinds at reasonable prices, is given a fair hearing. They authorize us to state that every article they have on ex hibition is new and seasonable, xvas bought for cash, and will be sold at the loicest price dealers can afford. They have constantly on hand parlor and bed-room suits, velvet and carpet lounges, extension tables oj their own make, odd pieces, secretaries, side boards, marble top tables, tables, etc., i etc. Anything made to order and guaranteed to give satisfaction. They superintend each department in person and keep themselves posted in matters of importance to customers. They also invite special attention to I their undertaking department. Mr. , Henry SwarU, practical, scientific cabi- 1 net maker and undertaker of many years experience, superintends the ar rangements and work. They have late y secured a new patent cooling board, the most perfect body preserver in use, and the only one in Centre county, at considerable expense. An elegant hearse will be provided gratis. In transacting business of this kind do not forget R. B. Spangler & Co, High St. opp. Bush Houie, 40 lit lie/on!fm . • 1 TUE RI R-JII YI.S TO It VS. ♦ i jllllji Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. I I We are prepared with plenty of help and plenty ofgoods to suit our m;iny patrons. Stock unsurpassed for immen sity, variety and chcapneSS. All Goods are marked in PLAIN FIO URES - - - Allium Al% ll(.IIU> a d at prices within *hc "reach ot any purse be it large or small. DRESS GOODS. SILK-* ' SPECIALTY, VELVETS, PLUSHES BLANKETS. : FLANNELS, HOSIERY. RIBBONS. LACES. NOTIONS CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS. DRESS TRIMMINGS. MATTING-., HATS CAPS, Gents Furnishing Goods. MERCHANT TAILORING. &c. f &c„ &c. LADTflft Sc CHILDREN'S SHOES. * LADIES' COATS & DOLMANS. MISSES B& CHILDREN'S COATS & iDOLMANS; ! Having purchased foe CA S H several cases of de sirable DRESS GOODS of a defunct manufnet rcr at ruinous prices, wo will in turn dispose of sam -to or ens omerg at about halt -heirvalne. REMEMBER they are the lat s s vies and in nil the n w nd de sirabl sha es nch as T r ra. Cot'a. Cadet B1 e. Rifle Gr. cn, Crushed Strawb r rv Olive, M rtle. Plum Garnet. Nave Browns and Biacks.O I t.OI.DStI ITII ItßOs BEE HIVE ONE PRICE STORES. liellefonte. Pa. * it. V ' N. 8.-We are sole a-*ents for BALLS' HealthgPreser j vincr Corset. f I . la'U'lh'h I'hllmli tji/ilti 11 vouch. A FEW PLAIN FACTS. ' Revolution in Selling Clothing. NQ Misrepresentations. 1 Everybody Welcome and Well-treated. Men's, Youth's & hoys' Out fits at right Figures. Samuel Lat in. Clothier. 11 J. V-L THE PHILADELPHIA BHANGH When I decided to locale at 3elleiorde I also derided to ad here to certain business prin ciples that have never failed to insure success ar.d crowd my rooms with customers. In i the first place I have only one price. Ant although I handle all kinds and prices of goods I am always careful to explain fo buyers the quality of every garment I exhibit. Th s does away with dissatisfaction, I disappointment and faultfind ing, and rarely fails to bring the same customer back lor the same good 1 ;. | I will take pleasure in showing you anything you may wish to look at and as sure you of a hearty welcome at the Philadelphia Branch. SAMUEL LEWIN •t/Jtn>JU vwdipottM4 IS. .I 1 A. I.OKU, General Mcrrhantn, A/tcf/Znny-St,, Itcllc/'ontc, /Vi Compare our priceji with those you are paying for the same goods elsewhere. | Arbu:kle's Coffee ... . 15c Choice Roasted Coffee - - 12 l-2c. jr"A" Sugar v - 10<. Choice Syrup - GOc Good Calicoes - - - -5 cer.ts. Heavy Muslins 7 cents. Dresti Goods as low as - - 10c. Men's Full Suits from - - 5.00 up. Overcoats as low as 3.50. Ladies' C'.ats at - 2.50. FULL ASSORTMENT. NOW IN. , A thousand-and-cno articles too numerous to mention at equally low -prices. We guarantee all cur prices below those of any others. S. & A. LOEB. t —— SIX 11 L ill; f f 0., (Srorrrn, lioune Work, ItcMr/ante, /Vi. NEW GOODS —FO K Tlt E 'SI'lilXO ami 'SUMMER TRADE!! "Q 1 ave nr line, and now have *nmc really CHOICE GOODS. El EE CREAM CHEESE. Extra Law FHENCH I'HI NFS, SEE EC T O Y.ST EES, S MEET EO TA TOES. I LARGE R IRE CRA .SHERRIES, ERIX ELLIS, IMPERIAL EI OS BR I (HIT XEM REM OSS, EEORIDA ORAXOES. Princess l'a|s'r-Shcll Almonils. Evaporated DRIED PEACHES. A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FRUITS. PRESERVED PEA Rs. PEACHES, PR I MS „,,t PI: I'XI.LEE'- PLAIN CANDIES, FINE CON FECTIOXFHY, -A N D-- GOODIES of all Sorts and Kinds. trf We invite tlie people of Centre county to tall and t t nir V. A I LOOPS, which cannot fail to pi tare. ™ SKCIH.KI? A CO. I • 10 FIFTH IVENUB PITTSBURGH, PA. ta li •TH M ll' M. fU'PtfVK&i fcll CAT!* SI * i, tor temi uar* aval ahf n •* hr. n • . j dim | luff • f'ollete 71# fallhfal tltHtehl tiv h< fV' lit** hw •nlt l*I Ififi •• Will -jr-ftltfj km fnf • It ire i . rat dltlk* hi * v te . f # I ■ Ft'filar. *4-1 p |t F A *l\ 4. PlttoVir*, Pa { # Im rr I'a ly ll .rt *r A * |< ia'wl in ntltai, fmrTV Ur • t . it . j •rlriK# A• 4 nt'r at U.ttflMnm n ft an fjw * tt< <1 mil t .!• hi if*. II * Waited AtiESTft! ACIF.ffT*! AUEVTA! for C*N. nOHOK'S b' to, booi, Thirty-Three Years Among OUR WILD INDIANS! A Baa fatoH to, Or*. Amdto. On> tfmrrnrt, and |la /. tn laralßm eu. duar yi t ■"* OrM tto • Mm IJ/t mar wffaa*" BtinapWttar (Maitodtatt aay* r—"IV ■ iMt(toonto- Ilia Mia aafe aattoana arraaat at aw Indiana aaw paMtatiad. fnlly ar*Jl*d Otto -|** Ufa, • and 4olp, rip Mb. to It I. mylto Md tkrlTl ad aapartawaa ad UM Aathaa. and of faam* few!*, Tnrfm. C>-torn **•. Bardar BadUaa. Ala .ylrldly partaylnt W In Ilia Oram Waal aa M ata • ddd (townd alara ami /ha-. A It* Wa-a ami ia aaWrfbn lor a I mal at. rap A4Jna |!M air r*'.,<.>>. M. A. I>. WOBTlll'iorii-l A Of, 111',",-in. Corn. (tCC * " Mk If !"' •* I l *** Tama and |A on i>oo I "**■ Aftdtaaa H. UAKI.KTT * CO, Mrl ln*d, Malar. lAty THECRKAII < KALI. ROOKS or ad ' :nture. PI NEER * x X\ f. A KING HEROES ailii DEED . j Th*- fh-illiftf ••Imiiati .. f *ll lU L hplofi o and front** R fight*" • *Mli IMMISV*. . •<( an - I * •. TIV#R mr T unln. IIVMI TH TWDIED tin.'. |n Ih# f.l v<*a aid (!'. fi MIJ '.Mr % ||*IOTRS 1A fall'-, I iat. I.T , N- NR, ffraffit rrtwkall LI ai', tluMor, < * W , < Cultfxrtita J*. VIM Mill, Hffal Ml, hfi" Mite* and I'rrmlt, irwil lhp :ftfi4 •<***• nf Hbrtt GORGE OUSLV ILL.USI SAItO *lth I* t"n" •aihttMft t. tb.il* AGENTS WANTED, > r .nd I*,.* tm bTAKIiA HO UOOK tX>_ bin. I'* THAT WONDERFUL BOOK. GUIDE TO SUCCESS wrrn RO* FORMS Bu v„? ESS SOCIETY I, mltlng by nf llMMtb It tw| nnt Wfalll aniil lt • li 1.11. Ijr How TO I "*1 Kt RT Til I Ml In Ib* Iri m.t. Hn b> t, Tn cf *>tt*d Int.."malign In all Ha—*• f. r ..0.1.nl on AGENTS WANTED •" n w •!■' Ci. iht,♦* M" Kktl. nla. aad .tlnrlka. nil, NIK Ibaa any < lj t. Ina, to 11. a. OCAMMKI.L A en.. bhiMairh"., E. *>**> A 't w A •In-/ tiKi'imiit*. I Ji; ITcA/.Ii.K'.S HOOT Hittkkp. h t' Ji ! liill* ft art' : <]rni >i j blO / hot hf tlfii ilj (Ni-'ilrkoii )n *Trf rHU*. '.'h,, M* i tr*'t>4iy * i - , tha litr an ! kldti' ya, k*rp f|l b'lW. ,• o|M n uri-lj. r,#, I ..! fh alio*!* ht*l Hi - lun r , luil'l up Mini U. bl* 'fl ti.-l pyuria <>f nt-i i Jinj.uriljr. > r l<, /.!.<• I *.*, t |si .t. it * fl# , U)M' J' ' * ■' 1 io J'> , I'JtUjW* • '"J *• Ib • ufol flatted •* t n lorm, lnbr, liitti' VVuitu, It hit" r* h itg, i;r)t|H iN, fc)' * Mi l f r JfUtig III' ft flifliftl u ft i.Ui Uiakl.i M of iHbtiity fatj*.| fc.tu ißlpllidfN' ' , l/ I'K.feiM IN Im-mitf<, kim/i't J. t fiatiitui' *m|* l*lir ri' UM i* !.*!•.J i' • Kt .Mr J I H lv JfiUf Ifo t If JU-ri ft* i'-| • pf) .. tMnifei •. WdkMN Ml Kbit.*/ *'*' l lb' > li*l in* 11 f fli. 'i'Al' tn M I all tit |i. .• ,,• I, ~, | 4 m 'J Kit.lll |||* llll(du* I iM * I md IUN now IN pifjirt linHl f.*i imi J| * I *• . Oil. J i .' } VUf ill* vt* of til* • at' lof i • ■. nit* >i mariiv, i i..;*a4. o Hold I.J all i|rurl' -*rr)i..i. -I |J po lUl , HhNKY A: Co., Hole J'rop'i. '■i'M- *V...j iMltf V'.rk S KIN iJI.-KA-LH CL'KKD! Fra/x-r Ointment. if ly • ■ , Much II * -.1 • MmrHic r f ii.jjf, ue .i. || 4l !•- lug ilt+ eltiii ci*i, Ualtl.) ei. l UMiitifut AU< un a Jt h, liafU-r a Jt b, --it *l 1 - 11. r Hiogaorrii N-Ji 11. ~*! ( |.aj , . | fl-t.il* -, r. Ni|| l.e f r- i. U|.,oM # Utin*t lktf ttii'J Mm, A-. KK IN DIMUM y. h *k*-, K**j • .. .: !. >. * frt l beyond all 4*- **lljt. Il'lll t| 111 dl'4*i* ill oil ti 1 4 !"■ " t ' . i.'utly ... h Hie ej.-e jr -t' - • ... i ... jno u4 *l - ' -it tut i, t • Iff %*• • Ut 5 I } a I*m e ) | f| all. r - J.ii *!> i * lic . or. for .ij Hrol I ) in ml or* r#v . j t . ♦ |,ri< *, Fim < tsj* ilt.Nlif A i js i. Kt*j r' : \ •. j m., N** Turk. I t Iili 1 Rit'!if.r fl'l t l'jl* Ir W i Jiau. -I*j>u Oi.timi) . • .(<■ tut*-. I'rxa 11 #>. by u.aii. I t if I'M |fiiU. oi-lr "y I I LI.iiKIM HOT KL, >'l MII.LIH.IH, ( I .itii COINTI PKXH'A W. H Ml'S.Sj-.li, I'r. j.ruu.r. I *t. f MlUburu I *•!•"! if. Prtiti't V!|j • ul I* it ,tn < tfiirn hutfor the Loot* lutf. •♦j.tre at*') Pit.**- 'm. k lUlJtoo ,-i fr :. ail T>.l. Ui a 11 utHtao* an j Jnr .i a. 4.; ( 70 (tin itYsrrrsi.i. •'.• ANk. AOriT TG *W.A iTTrE">rti Ltibmtoi y 77 Wert 3d St., Sew York City. Druggist* aril it (M.ViUh COUNTT IANKIXG v -Mr* . ■. A . A ifw lntfrMl, S 11♦ ; l') ftl.d h(| -—r —nu. If CANCKU ISEMUVED, \\ l KNIFE, ami in m#•// <>#brS. CIW whii NEW GOODS, i HANK HP PI UATI'H I 11.-. 1n.... k t < l *#lol Tlitt tif) KH pottom run i>. BOTTOM I'ltlt J>, UOTI UAI PRICES. CVWIMINU Tß sn.l SHOKS i.tHJTS n inim BOOTS knd HIKIKS r HATS nnd CAPS Latest tyif of II ATS ami CAPS HATS and CAPH Carpet Bu, , Umtwltf, PsMsrl., • Latin*' Clr.sk>, Carpeting, 4Ju>r wiro, AlMJk.i IS* > fc. | B , m HARPGI{ KROTHERB, cranio sraarr, • . iellksokt*, ri. jj^ ce