Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, December 21, 1882, Image 4

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    fht (Crutrc gmocral.
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TkLr||Mt,Chcsprnt anil Best Paper
)Uh<*l vry TliurtUajr luortilug, At ll< llnft'iite, (Vuiro
county. **•.
TKH-MB—CAfth In %<]raar $1 I*o
If oot|>l(tin ktlTtuc&., VJ OO
A LIVK PAI'ICII dfttuted lu tht InUrrttft of lit*
whol* po|I.
r-) within thrpw month* will bp con*
• l(|orpl in *lvnc.
Ho will t <tlftcontlnud until *rr**rA,{'ft at
p Aid, xcppt at option of pulillthrri
Pap*™ tfolugout of thcouut> mint !• |A>d for In
• d?AUCO.
Any ppTfoo procurlnir tic twn *h ftubftcrlhrrft will
l *ul * copy free of charge.
OurPxlPUAivo circulation make* thlft pu|*r mi un
aoitlly reliable and profitablemedium forAi*rrtntlnK
YY here the moet ample faeilUiw* lor .lull HoltK
•nd or* prepared to print All kind* of Hookft.Trat t,
ProgrAiunii A, I'oitvri.tkiuiiMri i*l in luting, Ac., In the
flnwet •tylw and At the lowMt p>miM. rete*
All A'trprtinpinriiU for a !•" i•• i m than thrw month*
20 cent* per lluo for the fir%t three tnMion* and 1 j
rt>in a line for e*z h a(MiMoiim) Inftcrtivu. SptHlol
notice* one-half nor.
tutorial notice* IA cent# i>cr line.
1,.. M Vtrlcc*, m t>i ill i*<lluinii■, 10 c elite [er line
A liberal dlftroufit i made to per*..if# ad*.'lifting I) ]
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nrtinw, except • of; hen lnilf*y*arl.
p mmiii • B . .
nilfl fA Hot I icb loirrtlM
iatMi ■ nmru\ • • • nta
Rnuw*Nonom 1 ♦ iN dltortoleolunkUcull I
pwr line,itrh insertion.
TIIB Commonwealth Clul>, til Foil*
delphin. last week complimented Chair
man Hensel with si dinner in recogni
tion of his servi. es as chairman of the
Democratic State Committee and hi.
discreet and aide management of the
campaign. To the toast "our guest,'"
Mr. llensel, responded in one of hi.
happiest speeches, and we regret that
we have space only for the closing para
graphs :
And, having won the victory, what do
we propose to do with it ?
The eyes of a wider constituency th n
suppoited the Democratic party of tin-
State are upon it now. The past is
secure, yet we may look to it t >r warn
ing if not for inspiration. It ill be
comes a majority Hnd a res|onii |e par
ty to take shelter behind a negative
• policy, hut. recognising the blighted in
tluences wb'ch have been overthrown,
it will not be out of place, surely, upon
the threshold of power, for the Detnnc
raey to pledge themselves anew to. the
avoidance of those practices which have
brought shame upon t he ('nnimonwealth
and disaster to our political opoonent*.
We must realise for Penns) Ivani i the
protest* we have made "againt evil
which the policy and practices of the
Republican party, and the insolence oi
its long possession of office'' have
brought upon the Stale. Having Re
nounced the spoil* system, let us not
only abolish oil supernumerary- offices,
reduce extravagant salaries and restore
the Jeff-rsonian test qualifications, but
eradicate those other pernicious bercsn s
that the offices of the people are per
quisitea of the appointing power, that
considerations of person*! friendship
factional interests, shrieks of locality
or even claims for partisan services ren
dered shall determine the selection of
public functionaries, if we shall move
forward to this high pane with unfal
tering tread it will concern party man
agement and party loyalty far less to
know who shall Ice sealer of weights
apd raeasures or who shall be merrsn
tile appraisers than that all inquisitorial,
superfluous and oppressive i Ifices lie
abated ; or who shall be the overpaid
appendages of the Legislature than
that the swarming horde of political
lazzaroni be banished from the halls of
Having protested against the boss'
system let there be concurrence in the
idea that the organisation of the party
and the administration of public trust
by those whom it has elected for that
purpose are separate and distinct things
and that the direction of the one shall
he free from the dictation of the other
Having demanded "an honest, just and
true congressional and legislative np
portionment," let the demand fie en
forced by Democratic power with the
same impartiality with which it was
B spmklns s pross only on •t-sk.
Which hs, ths man hsrs. nsssr deal-let.
lis donhts, It whsthsr ws rsn no ths thins
With iisc.nl grass ws'ss not jsl d,ir.s *1 *ll.
Fardon me if I have exceeded your
invitation. But it seems to me that
here and now, in deference to the char
acter and the name of our association,
and for it, rather than for myself, I
ought to be allowed to say that s the
victory was won it may be kept, ff the
pledget of the campaign shall be nl
lowed to goto protest then verily is the
party as the improvident partridg*
which "aitlelh on eggs and halcheih
them not." But if from this festal oc
casion and out of this presence shall go
the declaration f hat with its face turned
to the reddening sky of DemirraMo
sunrise, the party of the people in this
Keystone State proposes to keep step
to their highest demand for the best
administrative policy, you will have
builded far better than you knew in
realising that it is follv alive to the
connections of its faith."
To the loaat, "The Democratic Party,"
Kenator Wallace in substance,
as follows:
"Pennsylvania'i Democracy found it*
birth in tho victory over Federal con
trol in 1800. The Stale was central, lis
influence great and ita verdict was the
verdict of the Republic. Oallalin. the
elder Dallas, Jared Ingeraoll, Mifflin,
McKesn and Leib were the sponsors at
ilschriatening ; and the principles thev
taught and the organisation they created
live to-day. Thev are indestructible.
Tbey are of the essence of the govern
mental structure. .Strict construction
of the Constitution would have pre
vented an enormous river and harbor
hill Hubbellism will speedily die
when centralised power and extrava
gance are met by local rule and econo
my. Wo exist now because we believe j
we only have acted on the thought that
our lives, liberty and property are best
cared for by them- and other principles
opposed to the Hamiltonian theory.
We believe that the conservative powy
of the educated masses is a belter safw
guard than moneyed control of aristo
cratic power. The business ihleresls of
the people can salely be trusted to their
own control, and it is and ought to lie
our highest aim to so govern as to ad
vance and protect those interests. Mis
takes and errors in judgment our orga
nisation has oflvn made in its long
career; but parlies are made of men,
and men Hre fallible. Actuated by an
honest purpose to govern with purity
and economy from our own standpoint
of principle, why shall we not go for
ward with bolduesa and enerey ? There
is such a tlnng as too much humility.
We must lake care that in imitating
the 'umhle I'riah' we do not go too far.
I do not believe in apologizing for the
existence of au organization or in con
cealing our opinions or in traveling in
untried paths. Krror, corruption and
extravagsme have found their way to
State control. It is our duly to re
move tin*m, and we must join hands
with all who wish as we do. RecogniS
ing that duly let us go to its peflorm
.iieo with the force and energy that
flows Iroui conscious honesty."
TIIE following are the resolution*
idopted at the meeting of the State
Oi-inge an (lie views of the farmers on.
v.trious subjects :
The following resolutions were report
ed and adopted :
First. That the declaration of purpn
•, proclaimed by the National Orange
i* the article* of our fall b, are hereby
reaffirmed ami approved, and emplusli
cully thnt portion winch requires irt s
-enll il* unity—in no essentials iitwrly
and in all tilings charity.
Se- ond. Thai we now and liete renew
our disclaimer of all w i-h or purpos*> to
monopolize or contest the markets
against the natural laws of supply and
-ieintiid, and shall strive only to secure
lor the produce such pricea'as the cur
rent msrket, trom time to tune affords,
without manipulation from produce
-peculator*, or rebate from middlemen
—and we earne-lly protest against llie
(iro-iice too long folertied, of some
■rp"i at ions and capitalists combining
io control the prices of coal, iron and
0 her articles ol general consumption,
because 11 ey 111 i)' h ivo the disposition
and power to do so.
Third. That we recognize the use and
m e. ssiiy of corpr rations, established for
proper and b-gi i i ate purposes. <|,,
not antagonize such whilst acting with
in the province of their 1,-gi rights,
ut deem it tin- duly "f all classes, in a
republican government, to watch with
jealous eye the operation* of all ins'itu
•ions winch may wield combined pow
er *or selfish or pecuniary j urpose*.
Fourth. That the lia ge prides Itself
upon its just and equil n|e principles—
-1 lint it accord* equal and exact justice
tf, ,11 cl inn-, occupation* and professions
—that il aK* for itself and it* member*
nothing bir what is elearly right, and
resolve to submit to nothing manifestly
wrong. That by tbi* principle it pio
fesses to set and be judged.
Fifth. That whilst we firmly adhere
'n the tradition* of I he order, to tolerate
no discussions of n political partisan
character in the (ironge. it should at the
mine time be underst >od and proclaim
ed that we mean to protect and cherish
our own institutions, and thnt on nil
qu-slions affecting the intere-t* of ngn
culture, we advise our member* to hold
the (edllical organizations to their good
behavior and to vote for such men for
office, regardless of party considerations,
who may pledge themselves to act with
u* and for u*. on all question* affecting
agricultural pursuits.
roxth. Tnat we look to the tnemlwr
of the next legislature who may be mom
b,-r* of our order to scrutinize each bill
a* it may be brought up lor considera
tion,and oppose all measures not in har
mony with the principles of our order
as herein avowed.
Seventh. That we heartily sympathize
with the toibng millions: whether en
gaged in the pursuits of the mechanic,
the manufacturer, the miner or the la
borer. and sll societies established in
the interest of such, and trust the time
is near at hand when a common cause
may prove the way for a common and
united action iu support of mutual
Flighth. That we recognize • and ac
knowledge the good office* and friend
ly spirit manifested inward the grange
and it* cause by Hi* Kxrellency (lover
nor Hoy I, and we hereby return him
our sincere thank* for the same.
Ninth. That the election of the
Hon. Chaunccy Black, an esteemed
member of our order, lo the second
office in the commonwealth, is received
and aecepted a* a harbinger of a good
time eoming for the agricultural inter
est* of the state and for the full reali
zation of which we can well afford to
wait a little longer.
The lollowing officers were elected.
Thev serve two years.
Master, Leonard Uhone.fentre coun
ty ; overseer, .1 0 Mc.Hparran, Lancaster
rounlv ; lecturer, Dr. .lame* Calder.
Dolphin county; steward, Jesse Davis.
Chester county ; assistant steward, .1, K.
Oary, Westmoreland county ; chaplain
W. 11, llolsfein. Montgomery county;
treasurer, Wm. Yoetim. Berks county;
secretary, R. 11. Thomas. Cumberland
county; gate keeper, Charles llartzel,
Northumberland county, ceres, Mrs.
IDdstein, Montgomery county ; panmna
Mrs. K*er, Lvconnng county; Flora,
Mrs. Calder, Dsuphtn county; lady a*
, sistant steward, Mrs. Rhone, Centre
county; executive committee, Col. V. E.
Ptollet. Bradford ; J. H. IDrr. Clinton ;
T. .1. McCleary. Washington; D. C.
Kennedy. Krie. J. B. Kirkbridw, Phila
delphia; C. A. Carrier, Jefferson.
* # *"Help yourself and other* will
help you." But don't fsil to use Kid
ney. Wort for all liver, kidney, and
bowel complaints; piles, costiveness,
etc. The demand of the people for an
easier method of preparing Kidney-
Wort ha* induced the proprietors, the
well-known wholesale druggist*, Wells,
Richsrdson A Co., of Burlington, Vt.,
lo prepare il for sale in liquid form M
well as in dry form.
Washington'* Wife.
H. A. Brock COD tribute* to tho Rich
mond (V.) Dispatch the following let
ter received in response to request
Irom bin) through that paper for definite
information concerning the family of
Mrs. Martha, wile of (Jen. fieorge Wash
ington :
' Willxamtburg, I, Oct. 25. 1882.—Mr.
| Brock—My Denr.Sir: Martha Dandridge
' wu torn at her ancestral homestead,
"Kltham," in New Kent county, Vu.,
Sunday, May 8, 17,12.
Her tnaternul anceator wo* the Rev.
Oilmxlo .lotto, n native of Wale*, who
was established on the hank* of tho
Potomac, and is buried in the grounds
of the old liruton Parish Church, in this
city, now the oldest English church in
use HI America, II it date* Irom 1032.
We lirst heard in colonial amiulsof Mies
Dandridge as a dazzling belle at the
court of (ov. Pitiwiddie, at Williams
burg, the sent ol government, where she
met Col. Ihuiiel Parke Cuati*. of "Arltn
ton," on the Kaaletn Shore of Virginia,
the on of the Hon. John Oustis, and,
i an his father hd been before him, a
j member of the' King's cottneil, arid at
j the deliberation* of which tie was in at
tendance, The meeting ripened into
I love. The marriage waa at first opposed
i by the father of the groom, but in 174'J
! < 'ol. Custis bore liia bride to Ins "Tne
White House," on the banks of the
I'amunkey, in K*-nt county. Three
| children blessed the happy union, the
j first of whom, a son, dung in infancy,
was soon followed by the father, and
Mrs. Custis was left a young beautiful
ind wealthy widow, the sole executrix
of mi estate appraised Hi £.'101)00. Jo
17.78 Washington, a' tended by a servant,
crossed the I'aniunkey on a military
mission ol importance at Williamsburg.
Stopping for a moment at the house of a
friend, Mr. Chsiuherlay lis, in New
Kent county, lie Was pressed to remain.
He at lirst declined, but the grace* of
Mrs. (*ut i*, who was a guest at the
house, quieted the scruples ol the speed
nig warrior so th-ctu -Jlv that his stay
was prolonged for two day* and a night.
He bad met bis domestic fate, and Mis
s'ustis became Mrs. Washington on the
nth of January lollowing. the ceremony
being performed bv the Key. Hsvid
Mossom, at St. Peter's < nurcb, in N<
Kent county, and near "The White
House." 1)1 the two surviving children
sd Mrs. Washington by her first nar
iige, a lovely daughter (Martha) died
in 1770 in the seventeenth year of hei
age, and her son fad. John i'mii, mi
aide de-camp on the staff of Ins illustii
lor national independence, died of ma
llgnant b-v< r at Klih.m, on the 2.7 th of
s 1.-tober, 1781, wlnle the camps front
Wnliatushurg to Yorktown were reso
fialit with the pit-alls to the tiiilii ph
that ended the weary and hitter sirug
gle. Cel. f'tistis had married in 177.7,
and left four children, one of whom
was the father ol the wife of our grand
hero, (ien. Robert K. I.ee. Mr. Wash
ington died in lfUl. 1 am, very tiuly
"J Mrs. j Mary K. Necl."
Polltlral Assessment*.
jrtiicitiT < omtirtcr.
At the close of the morning hour in
i the Senate yesterday. Mr. fleck called
lUp his political assessment resolution,
| the question being on Mr. Edmund's
; motion to refer the resolution and the
i substitute offered by Mr. Hale to the
! committee on the judictarv.
Mr. Heck said be was content to have
, the motion prevail.
Mr. Davis, of West Virginia, had no
1 objection to the propoar d r< fetence, bui
desired to say. • it wss poaaible no in
vestigation might be mode, (hit th-
I)<-moeratic congressional committee, oi
which he was chairman, ha l not soliri-
I ted or received any contributions from
either the liquor trade men or employes
of the Government. He wished to make
i this statement a* emphatically as he
j could now, and whenever the ronunitiee
| should he prepared to investigate the
J matter.
i Mr. Hale admitted as in the debate
tile Other day. thai Mr. Idavis probably
had no knowledge of the levie* on the
1 whiskey men and the brewers, and he
! thought that a very good way to di-po#,
of Mr. Heck's resolution And li e *uh*ti
Itule Was to refer I hem as suggested.
Mr. I>avis said that he had ex -mined
the list ol the contributioria received by
the committee, and knew that none o!
the character charged by Mr II .le h d
been solicited or received. The resolu
| lion and the substitute were then refer
ed to the judiciary committee,
HRirTirtx editions if alandad hooks
are sent with siitwrriptinns to Tllß
I'niLAnti.riiiA Wntki.r Paras at ridicu
loualy low figures. By the way, do you
know that it la the heal of the weekiy
newspaper* T Write for a specimen copy
and see-
Tux courts in this state are making
it clear to hoards of county canvassers
that they cannot disregard the interest
of the voter* in canva-atng the vote cast
at an election. The Republican Hoard
of County Canvassers of Allegany County
refused to allow to the Democratic can
didate for .sheriff I he voles cast on whirh
waa the initial of liia lirst name instead
of the full name, and awarded the cer
ufii ale to the Republican candidate
The case waa taken to the; Supreme
Court, and Judge Itaniela ha* issued a
mandamus to the hoard to reconvene
and allow the rejected vote*, which gives
the Democratic Sheriff the certificate.
In the Second Assembly District of
Wayne County the Rcpublicn boar I ar
bitranly threw out one election district
hy the ominous vote of 8 to 7, and there
by counted the Republican candidate
in, Thi* has also been taken to the
courts and Judge Maooinber baa ordered
that the hoard reconvene and count the
votee thrown outfwhicb will give the
Democratic member his seat. In both
of theae rase* the recognition and en
forcement by the court ol the inlereat
of the voters decided the case. Had
like ruling* been enforced in 1876 Mr.
Hayea would not have occupied the
Presidential cb*ir for four yean.—JV. Y.
Keely Almost Ready for a Public Kx- '
Piiii.AKEi.ruiA, December 13. A meet
ing wa-held here to day by the Keely
Motor Company. William fiocKel, the
expert appointed by Court to receive
from Mr. Keely the secret of tho inven
tion, made a report explaining tho mi
turool the motor. He said that Mr.
Keely has discovered that water in its
riulural state is capable of being by vi
bratory action disintegrated so that it*
molecular structure is broken up and
there i* involved therefrom a perms
nent expansive ga, vapor or ether which
result i* produced by mechanical action.
Mr. Hockel expressed great confidence
in the success of the invention. Mr.
Keely made a brief report in which he
promised that a new engine of 500 indi
cated horsepower would soon be ready
for trial. lie announced Ins intention
j of laying the matter before the Petin
| sylvanta Railroad Company with the
1 view of having the engine lirst applied
on the railway between New York And
Philadelphia. Before the adjournment
! t lie stockholder* passed resolutions of
confidence in Mr. Keely,
An Old Mail's Legacy.
WRSTCIIRSTRR. Dec. 14.—A very curi
nu will lound its wav into the otfice of
i lie register of will* here* few day* ago,
in which the testator doe* not seem to
have bad am thing but In* daughter to
| bequeath. I lie billowing i* an exact
copy of the curious document:
SKITS MIIRR 10, 18 s 2, ' |
Coletaine I'owrmbip,
I.ncaster County, Pa )
Know all men by tin- c present* that
I. Morris K. lone*, do her-'.y give and
bequeath unto Mary K. Whiteside, nn
Daughter Dell* Jones, to have and to
nobl and to cloth and to keep *• her
own child and to do tor slid with tier a
• IK- thin until she become* of lull
I'hi. i* tiiv ♦! wii and testament
•and I desire the same to be recorded a*
| surh.
Witnes* my hand and seal this Jo.lt
dai ol S.-ptenH er, I**2
Witiie.* Present MOKKI* K. Joss-
Milton Keech.
When Hit* singular w ill w.t. presented
for probate the register refused to IP
tiate it, on the ground that he could
not make an appraisement nor eouid
lie grant letter* ol admini-iratirn or tr -
tarn'-nt. The b*g*tee through h-r t
turner, K D Hmgham, F. q . ot Ox for I
iiu- SJ pealed troin the decision ol the
register. The latter lis* certified n i
appeal into the < rphatis' court, win ri
it will be argued at the next argiiin<-i l
A Suicide Mho IlltPut Like to he Slan
Hum MI. December If. Alferd 0.
Msclitiu r. age I twenty one year*, son
■if a farmer, Jons- MM Inner, rending
near Moseleni spring, fourteen tniir
'rora tin* < it>, committed m - ids by
-hooting biinnelf through the heart
with a gun in tlie WIHXI shed. ID- ielt
a letter tiehilid, occupying eight pages,
in which he bid" goodbye to bis parent",
• isters and friend*, and say* that be wi
driven to the deed by a false repott
al-out himself and a young lady of the
neighborhood. He **j* that the report
gave bitu "o much trouble that t.right
mgel* took pity on him and when he
retired at night they sat on hi* bed and
•aid. "Come up to heaven." He direct
-•<1 that hi" bore and carriage should bo
k-iveri to hi" si"ter, and bis father should
I have another young man to take his
|il*ce. He mentioned the name* of the
young men who should dig hi* grsve
•ml t lie young Isdie* who should sing
I the hou*e, "S*f in the srm of
leu*" and other by mni that ho named,
• he wanted a "nice funeral." He
closed by writing. "Now I will go arid
-hoot myself right away, tjur Father
who art in heaven."
The Supreme Court Hill.
TJie House judiciary mmrnittc, after
three dava' disousston, roiiie to a volt
■in the bill to relieve the Supreme eo.irt
and adopted the D tvi* l-tll creating ninr
inlernie-tiate court*. The ch irman *■•
instructed to report it to the II au-c. ami
.*k us r"n*idcraiion under su|tensiot
of the rule" at some future day, at his
discretion. The vole two to one.
and was divided on party lines, the Re
utdiean* voting lor Hie adoption of the
I)ivi lull ami the Democrat* against it.
Mr. Manning, ol Mississippi, will pre
•ent a minority report, and will pre** hi*
'•ill, the main prnvi*ioiia of wiiieh, a
liffenng from the Davi* hill, are that b
provide* f -r the division of tfie presem
■•ourt into three ection", with no addi
tion to ita force ol ju*ttrea. It content
plates Ihst one section shall have all law
cases, another all equity ca"c, and the
other ease* in sdntiralty and revenue,
leaving C<>n*t itut tonal question*, treatv
atiptilation* and cose* from the slate
court* on writ# in error logo to the lull
HARV Kt.xrtiANT.—Dirnum is overjoy
ed with IN* acquisition—the baby ele
phant—and declares S.IOO 000 could not
buy tt. He offer* $52,000 for an insur-'
•nee of the life ot the infant for 52
weeks. Surely, if he knew the full value
of VtTMna and Mann/in. he would do no
such loolish thing, a* they are the most
successful protective medicine* that
have ever been introduced to the liu
man laroily. No one oaq take any dis
ease while taking Prrvna before eaeh
meal, and keeping the bowels regular
with Mnnahn. Ask your Druggist for
the book on the "Ills of Life."
liam*|>ort, lias erected a cosily monu
ment over the grave of a pel dog at that
place although few |>eopla can afford to
indulge in such elegant eccentricities,
s* marking the grave* of departed dog's,
in such a splendid manner. All can
greatly benefit IhetnoelvMi by purchas
ing their winter clothing, overcoats,
boot k shoes, hat* $ caps, gent* Furnish
ing good* at the Boston Clothing, Hoot
k Shoe House, just npeneib in Reynolds
Block opposite BrockerhoffHouse,Belle
fonie, Fa., and by doing so, they will
•bow wisdom and good common sense.
49 2
Adverlim mriifM. |
Absolutely Pure.
Tliii ftwvwr A nrr#>! iif Miity 1
•trrns*!ti fi'l •h' lAWHWffiMw Moff 'Uitrgl than '
IheiifilltlA' t Vl''la. ftft'! < *t|) >t '•* a RDL Hi '-iinpsllUol
*lh Hi- tttuHMo'l* 1 l'w !•►!, •hart * right, IDIU of
|!sui.f)#t. N-M null in (Atta il TAL !!tt
>T'l I'-WDAH . |I6 U ALL-wt . N V
Hy virtue of an order of the Orphan's
Court OF Centre county, !'*., there will be
exposed t public *AB* on
THURSDAY, January 11, 1883,
M otic O T lot K p. m., on the premises in
( urtin town-hip, THE following Real K*-
I! TNTE, ISTE OF Henry Tklel, ACUAIJ, con
• T>ting -if *
TR*-T ot IMIHI tenW'b-d ARI-1 dewrib-D a>
I foHuw* 'IN HI- north by lands of K-- bier,
■ *t SI-D N-ulh by L.t-d* of L'-T<>r U L-b .nd
->n TFI-- w'I by L.nd* -if Ar- bin* QUSY'T
- -tat-, I -.titsinirig S-venty tw- cre* more
> r H-M, th. r-A-n eriH-ted ■ log
AMI other outbuilding*.
I IIV! I IN- third "F pufi h<- money to
)-• p.I "(I confirmation of -.LE, one-third
IN ONE year thereafter with intcr-st AMI
the | . 110 in ll*<> *.sr with inU-revt.
I ll ' rr- I PAT NO R.t" to BE *• urett BV
TA. 11.1 *ml N. rig. G- OR, th- prsmi-e. HV
•" L-r - R tl" Court. j S. FIIAIN,
49 .'T Adm r.
For The Holidays.
0 - ' - 0
T-- Tll ■ 1 -I ii - I i ri.irt.oßTT AND
I) (I
Norcr lieforo bare you boon per
mit'ed to buy Fancy Confection
ery. FRO-I, nnd Cot tied For
< it/n and Domißtic Fruits,
Table dclictt'TEl of all
kinds at nricea as
reaaonnblo as 1
am offemng
l) (>
Christ IIIARLK'OOTLAII npccialty.
0 0
1 ; IN TOWN.
shall bo
pleased to havo
you call nnd will be
able to show goods you
will want and ecll
them at prices sure to suit all.
0 - j ♦ -0
48 4t No. 8 Itrockerhoff House. !
V •( B< N># \,J HW tn4n*TRI"IA
M /'AIV • I fltikr - V. W U|IFF IHW F T | |,|
(f|| rj •f-•• -1 •' | ul!liUi| p. n M'h ta-Hren
!•* !• V■ HI M> TIMW TO* r*N w< rk TO i
LIM* f* girp \ tM$ f,M* to the I AJ.h.*-.. I
>0 Othwr •ill !*•> % | BMfI T AW W.LL KR. |
ONW FMUI foil (MKV •-?• RM Q* . LJR AT 1
*BORW C'*ATLA otitftt * .<I TWMW FR*W Vi NCT .• '
'? fkt4 tofci>rt>)7. A<l4l waa Tin iCO . 4<ru*U
I MilK, MMf.
fa I A6J
a HAS t
I HontUM tact cr dIM-r"4 wig* Ml- *
ij-st. thr yov sr* s vtstlai TlirN VO HOT W
El I!TSTTATE; WM X idar- Wort St wuw. (dn*. S .
"j*t* rwwamettd ItiOnit tl wulcm "
•j WHS* Ita diwttr rnKw htslt-Hj seuca. .
£1 taPlllCOl to joar 0,. lull u pain u
I vr.d -ftkni ww. Kidney Wort unwrpms). ,
I ,a* It will sci proraptly sn.t nsfe!?. *
I Ki • \pr Bri. Inemttneßa*. rpimtictn of trine. *
An* tr ror.v sort Salt •rsxctiuf *
*) a- SOLD nr Atu rnuaonrr-i. pn-w si. u
Title offer is made by the
th- 1 -I—l in-l ta-l of tb* r*i Is tow* •etllw gar
•tit; i-ar*. I lit- nebMW.mtlaMl, cmriin.n and
**ant*ltU w*xaiar I-** law. rirrwtaUsx t. lb*
rnltP-l Stall. Mel alne-M mj foreign rvwntrj. lu
ntaitlm ar* rcunUd I J r-a>" nf tlnaiaa.il" Karb
)wl tl* laifibwn bsve nliM to ll* twine, engaslng
ft rob —tll-'l* and —.r'—i ' -.-)•*" at k-sse Mid ahrwf
ewlarglng sod baltlp;i*| Ita d-yaf Ita-.tat- a tad e.
d-a—r Ing to resltao I)—It btgb Ideal of (be Heal Re
llfbaw and *ernl.r K-miij Mrwapkpee Ibejr *al.
Oil" r-w. In —V —lwcitWa*. e or aid, tabaae ml
srrtpte-n U psi-l tar IW-' Ibe taew lawk of Re* *
Irene IK Pill*-, Il I ."taiMled •')%■ mm A*wss"
a b-mle mf n-laiw ( **utt niw, twwd Is
Wolb. the retail |Wtf of wbtai* *•* dntlar 9{-n- (won
wta at the |-a|—r wot free.
O TRK DKMIK RAT Tea win lit, ||, and an will
pnr We
N business some men experience n
great deal of trouble io harmonising
theory and practice. TbeyVay through
tbe that their price? are lowest
and their good* beat. Customers not
infrequently have good reason to im
pugn the veracity of these adventur
ers when the goods they handle are
compared with those of strictly first
cla.-*- houses. I have for many years
supplied the holiday trade of Belle
foute and vicinity with such articles as
their taste arid circumstance* might
suggest as proper, and have a! way# %
been favored with tbe renewed patron
age of purchasers of the year previous. ,
It is impossible, in this manner, to
tell you just what I bave to show you,
and in all probability, if I were to at
tempt it, you would tire of reading tbe
announcement. I have learned that
/"ring is a moke convincing process
than hearing, and shall not weary you
i with a aeries of statements explaining
all about the immense stock I have
seen fit to lay in for your benefit.
There arc at least seven so-called
manufacturers of Rogers, knives,
spoons, forks, etc., only one of which
iis the genuine and original. These
are tbe goods I offer you and I have
never sold any hut the genuine Rogers
since I learned to distinguish the dif
| fereticc, which was only after a severe
test to which I submitted the different
makes. I don't contend that what one
man makes can not be made by any
i other, but I do say that these wares
are the only ones that are plum up to
the standard every time. There is
absolutely no question as to their be
ing just what they arc represented.
They have been in the bauds of the
j public since 1*45, and tbe first in- I
-tance has yet to occur where they
hove not given the satisfaction expect
ied of them. Any of these goods pur
chased of me will be engraved in first
| claw style free of charge.
I have tbe exclusive sale of the cel.
; ebrated Arundel glasses which stand
unchallenged and undisputed as the
very l*t assistant to the natural eye
that has ever been discovered. Ijet me
just state what prominently distinguish
es these above all others is tbe compo
sition of the lens, although the frames
are superior to any other in many rcs_
poets, yet they should he only ,secood
. ary considerations.
Ifyou are any ways skeptical or ar e
inclined to think one eyeglass about aa
good as an other, I can show you the
testimonials of the moat scientific and
respectable gentlemen ot other places,
and can refer you to acquaintances or
your own county, who have benefited
beyond prioe by their use.
I cannot close this letter, however
# p
without mculioniiig that I can show
Gold Watches from $25 to #l5O
" Chains from sl2 to SSO
Setts of Jewelery..' $2 to SSOO
Earrings from 50 cto. to $450
Yours raipeclfully,