Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, December 14, 1882, Image 8

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    ®be €*#t graocrat.
Thursday Morning, Deoember, 14, 1882.
CosMro*l>**' ■.oueulnlag Important '*•.
ad from any p*" < <*• No eooiaiunlc-t'i'tis
Interim! mils** accompanied by lbs real iiams of 'ho
irlln, _______
Local Department.
Officers of Institute.
President, ex-offictn D. M. A\olf.
f D. M. L'ob.
Vice Pres'U | W ls r„,„, p*, Woodie
Secretary Henrv Keller,
Am U Secretary T. 1. Jamison.
r Henry Meye
| C. L. Orinly,
Cem. on Per. Cert, ...-! E. U Emcrtc'k,
I A. D lioiite,
Miss Sallie Meek.
Supt. of Enrollment J C. Meyer.
Cell to see the novelties in Gent's fur
nishing goods et the 800 Hive one price
—You are invited to call and examine
the elegant stock of choice holiday goods
now on cxhtbiton at Zellors, Drug store.
—A. J. Brown & Co.,have an elegant
line of groceries and provisions ready for
your inspection. Nothing wanting, every
thing complete.
—Wednesday evening of last week was
a pleasant one for our Lutheran friends.
Their social was fully up to the generality
of their gatherings.
—Ladies' and childrens' coats and dol- ]
mons, finest in the land, at the Bee Hive.
—Remember Seehler in making your
purchase of groceries and other supplies.
The supply is immense, quality unequaled
and prices sure to suit.
—lf you have not been to see A. J
Brown A Co. do not postpone any longer
doing so. The best coffee ever handed
ove# a counter at fifteen cents.
—The new store of A. J. Brown & Co.
is being patronised more extonsively every
day. Their stock is full. Each depart
ment ready for supplying anything you
may want.
—Our freind Mr. W. 8. Zellor' has had
a trifle more experience in selecting holt- |
day goods than any other one man in
Bellefonte, and he ha. been particularly
careful this year to please all.
—Tho ripple of surprise raised by the
cheap prices at A. J Brown & C's. has
not yet died out. They mean business
when they offer to sell the same line of
goods cheaper than any one else.
—Flannels, blankets and haps, best and
cheapest, at the Bee Hive.
—L<<ebs are offering mere inducements
to | urclasers than ever and <>fT,-ring liar
gains such as will surprise those who have
not been accustomed to deal at that popu- j
lar bouse.
—Thursday afternoon of institute
Week will he devoted to the directors t f
the county, who will be addressed by j
State Supt. Higbee upon their special j
duties as connected with the common
school svstem.
Mr. W. R. Teller, proprietor of the
Bush House, wishes us tossy that teach
ers are cordially invited to stop with
him provides! they can put up with the
accommodations a second class hotel
has to ofTer.
—Don't miss seeing Baird's Zouave
Cadets In their military maneuvers, and
the Major in bis lightning musket exercis
es, together with Baird's Brilliant .Silver
and Gold Band in choice selections, on
Tuesday afternoon.
—Zellera A Son want you to look nt
their elegant stock of perfumery, toilet
articles, drugs, etc., which is full and
comprises everything. If you want
anything nice to present to a friend
Zellers can sell it to you at right figures.
—ln the action brought by the Belle
fonte Water and Steam Governor Manu
facturing Company against Jno. C. Mots,
of Woodward, to recover $126., the price
of a governor claimed by them to have
been sold him, the jury rendered a verdict
favorable to defendant.
—Teachers while attending inatitute
are cordially invited to accept the free
dom of our office. Come and go as suits
your pleasure or convenience. You
will reoeive a hearty welcome, and
enable each to become acquainted with
the other.
—Do you need an elegant book, auto
graph or photograph album, gold pen
and bolder, Chriatmas or New Year
cards, fine picture*, brie a-bracc or any
work of art, suitable for conveying to a
friend your compliments of the season ?
If so, go right straight to Stiller, the
loading bookseller and stationer of Cen
tra county. He will be glad to see you
and uae you well.
—"Frank P. Blair is a brick," our an
thority being 8. D. Gray, Kq., and who
ia in a position to know better than he.
Well, be that aa it may Mr. Blair ia the
boas jeweler of Centre county, carries
tba largest and most complete stock of
watches, jewelry, diamonda and eye
glasses you ever saw, and is one of the
few men who never are caught out of
humor. Go 100 see him.
—The moat elegant clothing Is purchased
at Lewis's. We never bvard a single
word of complaint from customers dealing
at that bouse. Whgn any one at the
Philadelphia Branch tells you sn article
Is all wool you can rest assured that you
are not buying anything shoddy. We
know whereof we speak, and can conscien
tiously advise our friends to patronise this
—Among the good gifts that December
brings us is Demoreat'a Monthly Maya tine,
Tho Christmas number is replete with mi t
able articles for the season, well written,
and of a highly interesting character.
Mrs. Alexander, the popular English oov- I
olit, continues her story, "The Admiral's j
Ward," and the shorter stories are well
worth reading. All the Christinas arti
cles are unu-inilly good, Including Jennie
Juno's "Christmas Sermon" in her "Talks
with Women." The article on "1L mo
Art and Home Comfort,, will give the la- i
dies some good hints, and "Current Top- I
ics" are, as usual, full of intercut. "The
"Fashions" arecureluliy looked to. Among
Kitchen" has not been forgotten, and the
tho poems is "A Christmas Dream,,' by
Margaret Sangster, beautifully illustrated.
The art department embraces a charming i
oil picture of a German lady of tho ix- j
trainth century, two tine steel engravings, j
and a great variety of other illustrations. ;
On the whole, the Christmas number ot 1
Ifemoreat'a Man I hit/ Magazine is a decided
success, and cannot tail to give pleasure to 1
its readors.
—The shoes nmde by Doll A Mingle
l are still gaining in popularity. They
j are willing, ye anxious, to warrant all
their work. Their trade haa been on
! the increase and to-day numbers among
their patrons many of the best families
!of town. Their rooms nre 2nd door
; below the Brorkerhofl'entrance. In the
! matter of holiday fancies theirs is the
- finest display in town, if you visit
Bellefonte, remember a cordial invita
! tion is extended you to dtop in and bo
como acquainted.
| —Ladies' furs and fur trimmings, all
; grades and styles, at the Bee Hive.
| —The Social Club will bo presided over
by Prest. Cba Richards during whi -■
absence Mr. Elliott Lann will swing tin
! gavel arid call refractory member* U
j order J what little cah they may posse,.
, will quietly repose in the Ca; nci"U- waiie"
i-f 'Dr. Geo S. Dure," until called for, and
\\ iibur F. Harris will record lh-minor -
j of meeting*, send out notices requ-slu.g
I them to remit monthly duo, > tc. Alto
gether they are a Very creditable set
otfi ials and we wish them and their clut
much pleasure,
—Sechle-' A Co. still invite the j üblir
at large to inspect the Urge and mm
plele stock ol grocer I---, etc., now open
and on exhibition. .Special attention
I has been pud to the holiday tri Irani
j in our estimation ii > stock ever open.- l j
: in Bellefonte w,, m ire admirably *ur- j
(ed to the wants of ail. I'.-is .i.k alien I
i ing institute will do wdl to defer link
ing any selection* untd they line sc.
j Secbier and In* elegant display.
Leave your noasir- I r a bran' m w j
Christina, suit at the II . Hive.
—One of the most enjoyable entertain
menu with which Bellefonte has been fa
vored this *eaon is to Im>* • tle giv- n
by the ladies of tho Presbyterian church
on Thursday evening, 2ll instant. The
; principal f-ature will b - the appe*ranee of
J thirty young ladies in a "broom drill" ex
•touting the manual of arms in sueh a
manner as in make th memberi <■< Com
pany "B" feel like resigning It lams
lions, singing, etc , will add to !h all-*. -
•dons. Proceeds for the furnishing fund
new Presbyterian 8 8 room.
—"Major" Hpiller is no morn. "Ret
in peace" can lie said <f him, for the
memory of offence* committed again*!
others than himself will n- l follow bim.
Many worn his friends, his enemies f,.*.
and of the latter the ehief was himself.
I During the lat two months of his life, he
was unable to care for himolf and the
feebleness of mind and beli,le#sne- of body j
that seemed doomed to him will make his
exit from this life seem but a shortening
of "the evil days."
—ln the appointment of Mr. J. Cal
vin Meyer, .Superintendent of Enroll
j ment, Prof. Wolf has -lone well. Mr.
; Meyer posaeases a keen discriminating
business faculty that will enable him to
Lscharge hia duties with the dis
patch and celerity needed. And then
too his courteous hearing and polished
manners will m*ke him a favorite with
*ll, and especially the ladies. "Cat"
almost thou Jiersiiadeal lis to envy thee I
—lndispo-ingof property by will and tes
lament a man can not be positive that his
chatties, etc , will become the proio-rtv of
them upon whom he desires to he-tow his
earthly possessions. The matter of the
suit brought by the brother* of Mrs Mur
ray to secure an equitable share of the e*.
late of their father John 8hop" re-uilcd in
a verdict by the jury favorable to th'-m.
—lf you want t,i buv your wife, daugh
ter, sister, cousin, aunt or grandmother
1 something nice for Christinas, go look at
the silk dolmans, and real seal skin plush
garment* at the Bee Hive.
I Ladies' mens' arid childrens' gloves,
, mitts and hosiery in endless variety at the
. Bee Hive.
Ralrds Ministrals, the most refined and
1 popular troupe now on the road will give
1 one of their mirth Inspiring entertainment*
' In Reynolds' Hall, on Tuesday evening
next. Reserved seat* at Brew's' store, go
i early If joe deslra to seeura one. Read
what the Botton Journal has te say :
Oounty Indexing.
Under recent li-g i In lion it devolved
, upon the Court, In connection with ihe
Prolhoilolnric* uinl Ki-cordiT*, to Nppoilit
| suitable persons lo iii(lux the record* of
t'lose two office*.
W. A. Tobias, ex-Recorder, wai Hp
pointed to do thU work for the Keeorder'*
' ollii o. lie IIH* J list Completed hi* book*, (
Kiel so fur MS we know hua dolio hi* Work
, rnithl'uily Mild Well.
j Of it* necessity no one cn doubt. It 1
| facilitates the exnniitiNtion of title*, HIIII
j preserves, in the best possible form the i
evidence* of our title*.
The compensation for this work WH* not
; fixed bv lw, arid hence the Court, under
the lw, must allow the amount which
• hall be paid for the work. Mr. Tobias,
| we understand, presented a bill for services
amounting to $;!,8()0. Judge Mayer grant
ed an order on the County Commissioner*
! for thut sum, hut beforo the order was
paid, the Judge directed that payment
i should bo withel j until ho could examine
into tho matter more fully. Accordingly
last weeek Judge Mayer ordered that the
of indexing should he referred to
a committee consisting of Messrs. Beaver,
Hoy and Blanchard, who should lieten to
all parties interested and then decide what '
amount of compensation should be allowed
Mr. Tobias for this work.
When the committee met, D. F. Fort- !
ney, Esq., apje-ared on behalf of the Coun- .
ty Commissioners and the taxpayers. Mr ;
Tobias was representsd by C. T. Alexan- |
dor, Ksrp The committee heard tho par- i
tie* nd during the hearing it was devel
oped that Mr. Tobias had paid for clerical
work to t'h*. Sbreeder and L T. Mun
son S'ltne seven hundred (TOO) dollars,
tilt h- had Ie n engaged in the indexing
frorn Sept. Hi to S--pt. 'go, about one
year. Mr. T<>bia claimed pay for his
W- rk at SO much |-r line, —AM claim trni
' r O'l •**! /m/s, er thereabout*, at srrni
cent* per /me, making s.l H<lO Of this he j
paid seven hundred dollar* f, r clerk hire,
leaving him $. lOJ for hi* own services
--r one year's work, during a part of the
unie a, ting also a> lb-, order.
Mr F -rlncy ,on 1,, ), , f--f the taxpayer*.
roge-J tiiat the com I en-atlon was too liigl , ;
and thnl the w-rk could have been done
lor bs money H- also u-gid that the J
l law did n->t require that the indexing j
• h IIIL.I IMI paid f--r />** lint, that w hile that
i might LW> N fair way OL arriving at a prop
er I oin|-EFI-a(ioM, it NOT the onlv wav
Mr T -btas, he sisi-I, sh-NT'd B pud J ot
woat su LI servi<-.-s wcra RRSOINSMV worth.
It WAS I right L-I pay SI 100 f--r ONE
y-ar'S work. If- sugg---L--d that fire RRAFS
|Pr linn would LE- very fair, and six CENTS
would IK- very high. THE com mi ties* final
• V agreed L> allow- /lr ami OH* Juurtk
fat* pr line, itierehy giving Mr. Tobias
! - me St.' SM>
IN this all -wanc-s the R mmittee RATED
Mr SNRO 1,-r's servt •• at $!7-V an<L MR
Muns.-n'( at $-I I, *till leaving $1 800, for
ex- H- corder Tobias.
This may IK- a very fair comj-ensation—
lit i* amply high >tiil. W-have no doubt
that plenty of tab-nt, in tbi* county, tan
b-- had at that tt> e for this *. rt of work.
Future indexing can always be secured at 1
similar price*.
The committee and Judge Mayer have i
endeavored to do right between the tax
payers and the olBcia) concerned. The j
ourage and li I'-lity of the Commission*
ars Attorney, Mr Foftny, deserve the
comm-ndalion of the peopi- H. has d-me
his duty lo the county, and be ha* not
wronged a deserving ofR, ial.
Mr. Tobias, we understand, I* **tisfl.i
' with the work of the committee. lie has
not receive.} as much compensation as has
, been paid by other counties, for similar
work, but other counties may have paid
entir -Ijr t- MI much. If other c--untie*
ch eto pay more for work d-.ne than i*
right. C'ntre w*nU it distinctly under
•t- --d that she will trantas t her public buti
n** in the same manner and on the same
principles that priratr iiumsu should be
conducted. There is no difference.
What similar work is worth between
true business men I* the rule between the
county and it* employee*. The county
hould not pay one cent more for the same
kind of work than an individual. With
tbi* rule strictly adhered to there will be
no need of reform, for there will bo noth
ing to reform.
—You will be *urpri*e<| to e* the list of
valuable books offered in the premium list
lo subscribers to the Philadelphia MVeA/y
/V*s.s Address a postal card, and ask for
• ?jA-t iMie*fs lini
—Graham A .Hon have just received an
other lot of thixe nice warm buffalo-lined
|Hitwnd shoe*. Any one lh*t i troubled
with cold and tender feet ehouhl try a pair,
you will never regret it. The largest
stock of lumhermeoa' driving boots In
. town. Lumbermen*' pure gum overshoe*
'sum hoot* of all kind* for men and hoy*.
It Is lh place to gi-l flrsti-la** biHits and
gaiters made to order K-member the
place, corner Krockcrhoff Row,
Miss Mamie Worth, of Willnwdala,
Chp.ler county, is nt present enjoying the
hospitality and courtesy of the hms of
Col. Win. Hhortlldge, Thomas street, a*
the guest of Mia* Lixaie Hhortlldge, W
[ trust the young lady may enjoy her visit
• fully and return to her home with none
I but pleasant recollection* uf Bellofonle and
IT* people.
I —P. (trny of tho Wntrhman, it |
mentioned In connection to tho appoint
ment of tho chief clerk of the House.
Mr. F. W ('rider wu* to have been
married to Mis* North, ol M-lllmiown,
last eVI-ning. Particular* later.
—The new Lutheran church at Mill
holm will ho dedicated lo tho worship of •
(• >d on Sunday, -'ll-l instant.
HojrTho Scarlet, Cardinal lied, Old
(sold, Navy Blue, Seal Brown, Diamond ;
Dyes give period results. Any fashion- !
able color, 10 cents.
—Tho elegant residence of Hon. John
11 Orvls narrowly escaped destruction by
lire on last Friday evening. Tho damage
dune was inconsiderable .
—"They are all very suitable for Christ
mas present*"—the book* off,-red in the
Philadelphia Wckly J'rttt premium list.
Write for it—free.
Tim Ilepublican local want* to got
married. Now girls, do not all speak nt
once. We ran cheerfully recommend him
ns one worthy tho heart arid hand (and
pocket book) of any young lady matri
monially inclined.
Mr. Isaac Btddlo, of /.ton, has secured
the right to sell Muff-t's leather dressing
in Walker and Spring townships, and de
sires farmers and others to ask for It at
stores, where it will be left for sale.
—One of tho rooms in the new building
now in course of erection "n High street,
will be occupied after April Ist, by Mr. K
F Carman who w ill open a genu' furnish
ing store. We predict for him a succe**-
ful business career.
Our Mr li-orge C Miller, of
Valentines Forge, informs us that a grand
suffer will he given in the Ironworker's
t-ui'ding on Friday evenir g, T2i inst , pro.
- eedt f--r hen-fit of Methodiit congrega
tion at that place
—On Sunday afternoon, immediately
-ef>r>- the close of til-- Sabbath school (•*•
•■rciscs, Rev. Ih-fln-pack-r, of the M-ih--
I di-t ihur h, administers 1 the l-apt.-mal
■ervi.e to three applicants, and admitted
• Is-veii probationers to f ill membership.
—T*k a fesstal card, ad lire*# it to the
l l'eek'y /Vest, P:.i a . I| h *, a k for a
pe, iinen and premium lot of |-<'pular
b-iks. You will IK- pleased.
—At ihe i att -• show recently held at
Chicago, fis h ifers were awarded the
prix -off -red for the fa tes'. I allle One of
■ he*--, *hi h wa I >< f*t f r I'ilt-lsorgh
tra-l--. a* b-ught by Mr Wm Lyon, of
th s t-.wn. a tid ha* IK en in I> 1 at--I dressed,
arid will lie I Xlllbll-d at 111- |>lai e of bust
ness on Boli p street, to day and to-mor
row He invite* every one to cad and
in-p at tics marvel 'or without any ex
ception it is the m >st remarkable ever
• hown in C-ntr- county. The par- ntag
of the heifer was Durham-Huistosn, and
shows what ran be done when good stock
Is given plenty of feed. Our farmer
friends while in town sh IU'.J NOT fail to
inspect the exhibit The layer of fat on
the ba( k bone is ab ml t wo imh-i thick.
" LEWS Pot.mra— MOHß Sl**. "
Brother Dvininger, of tho Millheim Jour
nal, rail* ufein his col-mporari-s of the
l-ress to insert les* fKilitical and m-re news
and general intelligence in their publica
tion*. In this, we think with our fri-nd,
there it much room lor marked and radi
cal improvement. Without an attempt to
deny the importance and neoc-sity of keep
ing the people well posted upon matters
pertaining to the conduct of oflb ial*—pasi,
present and prospective, we add our pro
t'-st to tiiat of our neighbor o'er the way
against the exclusion of religious, educa
tional and literary information, for the
purpose of giving room to political stuff
that is nut infrequently both obnoxious
and injurious. Lay on Macduff!
day morning last about 11 o'clock, the
soul of Mrs. Koxahi-th Van Tries, wife Of
Smuel Van Trie*, Esq., of this place,
ended lla career here below and journeyed
to ihe delectable city, where forever it will
dwell in the presence of Him who created
it. Preparation for this ca'l had been
made by many years of service in doing
good as a consistent member ol the Pres
byterian church. *
Wo can not state her exact age, but
know that she bad lived a long life of
singular usefulness. The ceremonies „f
interring her remain* took place on Tues
day afti-rn -on, and a* the solemn "ashes to
ashes" fell upon tho ears of sorrowing
frivndt surrounding the tomb, few eyes
were undimmed by tears of grief.
1 cannot but i xpress my thank* to you for
the great ken- 111 I received (mm ihe use of
I'rruna and Mana/in One bottle of each
placed nic squarely on my feet, after a long
•ickness, which had laid ma in bed and
then left me lame and cripplad. Three
(lavs' Use of these remedies til-persed With
the the cane, and in a week 1 was perfectly
well. N J. WRIGHT,
Business Agent, Krin Errning Herald.
Ak your Druggist for Da U A HTM AN •
RIMIII on tba "Ills uf Life." He will give
it gratis. If not, address Da. If. at o*-
born, O,
—There is aome talk of tUrliog the car
work* again.
ll'ilfsl ar llfg HKASUX. —|; remained f,,r
Bliird'* Minstrels to show u- all lhal was
excellent end refined in ihn minstrel line.
From beginning t-, end the attention of
tho audn nce wa* closely held and all went
away feeling Hint they had passed an
evening of enjoyment seldom Vouchsafed.
The Royal li-uid Bull Ringers, in tin jr
original specially of ringing and singing
at mice, w- re w -rib going a lung wy to
hen r,—Taunton (iuirtU.
WiNiiaoß TIIKATRN.— With a company
which provided to-ariy tlireo hour* of un-
I lagging entertainment, and a first-class
audience filling every seal and a margin of
- standing-room, this cosy Houth-end play.
- bouse opened most auspiciously last even
-li' g under the management Mr. G. K
L-'throp. 1. W. Baird's Minstrel* are the
attraction, and seldom has a more unl
furmiy meritorious entertainment of the
kind been offered in this city. The pro
gramme include* VIM.*! and orchestral se
li-cllona of much excellence, winning two
and three deserved encbores each,a double
quartet of comedians whose wit it clean
and bright, a skillful clog team and a corps
of dancers, equally expert on the floor
or U|tn each i ther's l eads, a wonderful
contortionist in Prince Pharoah, a master
arlin with tlie trombone in Nathan Carl,
; Ace Leroy, a pleasing hiirli-stjue prima
: donna, and other features of minor merit.
Baird • Minstrels remain this week only.
I —George W. Kalon, tlie fancy confec
j tioner, has prepared himself for the boli
j lay trade, and mean* business. His wdec
tion embrace* everything in the line of
choice confections, etc , and is the most
complete in town. Remember Mr. Eaton
* I'"' only man in town who makes a
specially of randies, nuts, etc. Next dieur
j Pi Brockerhoff House entrance.
entirely different from all ither* It is as
clear as water, and. as it* name indicates,
is a perfect Vegetable Hair Restorer. It
will immediately free the bead from the
dandruff, restore gray hair lo it* natural
color, and produce a rn-w growth where it
has fallen off. It does nut in any manner
affect the health, which Sulphur, Soger ol
lead, and Nitrate of Silver preparations
have done. It will ( har.ge light or faded
nair in a few day • to a fe-Hutiful gbsv
brown. A-k v..ur druggi-l t* it. Each
b .ttle is warranb-d Smith, Kline A Co.,
Wholesale Ag-nt-, Philadelphia, al-d
llall i'u- kel. New York 4-1
BslUlsnt* Grain Market.
Istiits- its IK. ti last.
( .U'. t—l weekly ty 1 It K-y n-.ld* A (to
(Wheal—- jsf . ,-i. ... |j <v>
M■• i m
| hoi
if —Vif*. |#f Mselfff ... 4.1
•Jnili-l |**- iittshvl ..... Tr ..e r ..,_ rt | fr „ *!i
I 4t. Jef Ifflsel 4.1
j fhliv) |#| i ts)* I rje g|H ..
I t, |ae. |x til *1 tH
II -f -l.slr ww v. t t 1.4 1 , li.lirr ®
i- ♦ m * - i n
I'lkslei, gfoiiu-J }•*- I(MI > Vff
Provision Market.
r rrs.
fltMl. FUHUtI mamma... |
• bHff let ifHl |a f IkiUlßl.scnirvt .. |()
!'• •• J*#f V m'i . ... I 2
ffeati laltf'f |ff J*-*U nl ■■l.n.r.nirm- .Bl
Cl lf*lrt I*t JwsUG'l
ff.ewes j.. f }r -t|f I , M a
' -qnlf t h/n |*ef jßifiifl
iixnu.siigar ' rJ .... ||t
Mbwih ..... j.
F-fc'S* \~> lo> 3f.
• I*l * I*' IHHM n
be- f . .. |4
All* J(/l>rflMNifNr.
t I I'lToH S NOTICK —ln the Oi
„ \ |'i)n • Court "I Centre CMIDIT. KS
tato ol John C d<T**n*d. Th"
' undersigned, an auditor appointed bv raid
urti U> make distribution of thv funds In
lb" hand' <>f Mitchell and So'lt Urn her,
administrator* d b n v. t a. of said d- -
i • dent, to and IID'TIJ tho>e l< Rally entitled
lh- reto, viil nu t the parties interested
and perform lbs duties ol hi appointment
;on Friday tho oth day of January, A U
1881, at 10 o'clock, A. w.
; 48 3t it. It RAT, Auditor.
A \ | han't Court "I Centre county In the
manor of tho estate of Mary Ann Kunk,
deceased. The undersigned, appointed an
auditor to make distribution of tbe funds
in tbo hand* of l. W Munton, adminis
trator of Ac., of taid dec*dent to and
among thoso legally entitled thereto, will
meet the |,arttoe in interest at bit office in
Bellefonte, on Monday, Jan. 8, 1883, at
Irt o'clock. KLI.I L. Ottria,
49 3l Auditor.
phan's Court of Centre county In the
matter of the estate of Jamea Crust, de
ceased. The auditor appointed by tbe
court to make distribution of tbe funds
in the hands of the administrator of said
estate among those legally entitlod thereto,
will meet the partes Interested for the
purpose f his appoinlmen , on Saturday,
January 6, 1883, at 1 o'clock, r M ,at bis
office In Bellefonte. 8. D. (KAT,
j 31 Auditor.
u'\ und-rsigned having been granted lei
|er of admimstralisin u|*>n the estate of
i I'hoebe Quay, late of Curtin towntbip.
Centre county, deceased, hereby requests
all persons knowing themselves indebted
to said e-late to make immediate payment,
and those having claims against the same,
lit present them at once, duly authenticat
ed, for Settlement
I. S, KHAIK. Walker, Centre Co.
Dec 13, 'B2 (49 4t) .4 dm lets fro for j
QirßAii won saik.
[ ! By *lMiip of an rdt*r of the Orphan'*
I C'<urlnf Centre county, I'a., ibr will bp
e|po**| in politic xln on
| THURSDAY, January 11, 1883,
at one oYlm kp. tn., mi the prmilm in
Curtin town-hip, the following Real K
1 late, latent ll<nry Thlel, <!••■ d, con
; titling of a n-rialn tenement, nv-uago or
• tract nl land bounded and dew-rlted a*
follow* : On the north by land* of (Cockier,
' earl and muih by land* of IVlcr K tb and
i on the wn*t by land* of Archln* fjuay'a
relate, containing enty-two at re* more
or |e*, thereon erected a log
and Other out Molding*.
' Tkhmo: One-third of purchn money to
i ba |hiid on conflrtnation <•! rale, one-third
in one year thereafter with latere*! and
ih balanca in two year* <vilh tr.terewl.
The deferred to be mured by
, bond and mortgage on the tireml*a. By
order of Uio Quart. 1. B. Faaia,
49-hi a^wt'r.
i •
2-* 1 " business some men experience a
great deal of trouble in harmonizing
| theory and practice. They>ay through
. the press that their price* are lowest
and their goods best. Customers not
infrequently have good reason to im
pugn the veracity of these adventur
ers when the goods they handle are
compared with those of strictly first
class houses. I have for many years
-applied the holiday trade of Belle
f'ontc and vicinity with such articles as
their taste and circumstances might
suggest as proper, and have always
been favored with the renewed j atron
age of purchasers of the year previous-
It is impossible, in this manner, to
tell you just what 1 have to show you.
and in a!) probability, if 1 were to at
tempt it, you would lire of rt adiug the
announcement. I have learned that
"sting is a more convincing process
hail hearing and shi.ll not wearv you
*iih a series of statements ezplaioing
ill alut the immense stock I have
seen fit to lay in fir your benefit.
There r.re at least seven so-railed
j manufacturers of Rogers, kuive-,
sjMKtns, forks, etc., only one of which
i the genuine ami original. These
are the goods I offer you and I have
j never sold auy but thegeuuine Rogers
! -ince I baruc-d to distinguish the dif
\ fere nee, which was only after a severe
test to which I submitted the differei t
makes. I don't contend that w hat one
man make* can not be made by any
other, but I do say that these wares
are the only ones that are plum up to
the standard ovary time. There is
absolutely no question as to their be
ing just what they are r< presented.
They have been in the hands of the
public since 18-io, and the first in
stance has yet to occur where they
hove not given the satisfaction expect
ed of them. Auy of these goods pur
chased of me will be engraved in first
claw style free of charge.
I have the exclusive sale of the cel.
ebrated Arundel glasses which stand
unchallenged and undisputed as the
very best assistant to the natural eye
that has ever been discovered. I.et me
just state what prominently distinguish
es these above all others is the compo*
j sition of the lens, although the frames
are superior to any other in many res
pects, yet they should be only ,accond"
ary considerations.
Ifyou are any ways skeptical or are
inclined to think one eyeglass about as
good as an other, I can show you tLs
testimonials of the most scientific and
respectable gentlemen of other places,
and can refer yru to acquaintances of
your own county, who have benefited
beyond price bv their use.
I cannot close this letter, however,
without mentioning that I ran show
| Quid Watches from 125 to f 150
I * Chains from 112 to #SO
Setts of Jewelery #2 to #SOO
Barring* from 50 cts. to #450
Your* respectfully,
No. 2 BROCK KKUoKF tlOl'tfE.