Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, December 14, 1882, Image 4

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    fhe Centre JPemotrat.
TkskargMt, Cheapest mmd Best Paper
llahsit n*rjr Tburwlnir wuruln*. si IMlof.ititr, (entrn
couslr, Pa.
TKKMS— Csahls sdTUt-s St bO
U Dot paid In sillies til OO
A LIVE I'APta-dsTutsd to tlx, luUmli ol ill*
wtiol* pnr.pl*
Psjra>nU Binds wlthlu Ihrn* moulli* *lll tn ouß
•idsrel In ndfrnir*.
No pnpnr *lll !•# dtan.ntlnand until nrr**r*K*"r*
pnld, nscnpt at option of publlnhnrn.
Pnpnra (Oln| out of lb* cniiuljr mint t># pnld for In
An* pnrnon prucurint u tuncuh subncrlbnra will
bs nnut n eopj fro* of chargs.
OnrnstnnnlT* circulation makes tills piper an un
nsanllj reliable and profitable medium lor niivnrtlnlii*
We here tbs most ample facilities for JOII ttOltK
t rs prepared to print all kinds of Books, Tra. Is,
progrsmia.w. Posters, Commercial prlullng, Ac ~ to Ihe
finest style and at the lowest possible rates
All adfsrttseraeuts for a less term than three month*
E0 cote per line for the first three Insertions, and A
cents a Una for each additional Insertion. Special
notices one-ball mors.
Editorial aotlces 15 rents per line.
LOCAL Notices, in local columns, 10 centsper line.
A llbsrul discount Is made to |*.rs,.ns advertising by
lbs qaartsr, half year, or year, as follows:
M SI -
srscs oocienD.
ill I
Oo Inch (or \'i liur tht§ typ*)
Two inch** - j " l"l
Thro 1" I' l
UoarUr column (or ft loch**) |l- ;Ml
Half coin ui ■ [or loinchM) ;-J"
Oo* column r i"liich' I ' > J'*'
Vorsl|R tdvsrtls<>nnt inst b pil f<r b*for in
•rtioß, except on y*rljr rontrurt* wh*n hulf yearljr
piyoniita tn mltanff will l* r^uinl.
POLITICAL Noftro*t cut* p*r llnach Innrtlon
Hothiug iiiHTtrai ftr IfM thnn 6(1 rrnt.
Biamiif NOTICE*. in IBV (Hiitorinlcolumns, IFT cents
psr llns. Mrb insertion.
Mr. Dorsey Talks.
A little tribulation sometimes causes
people to open their mouths anil let
out a great many interesting secrets.
Mr. Senator Dorsey has been keeping
very quiet during bis trial under the
impression that there was not much of
• a case against him. But of late his
friends have been showing some dispo
sition to desert him, notably President
Arthur who is considered very ungrate
ful. Mr. Dorsey has therefore permit
ted himself to be interviewed and has
made some very startling statement*.
It appears that the Star router was in
favor of taking the stand in bis behalf,
but his intention was opposed by his
counsel because his partner in the mail
contracts had been a large contributor
to the campaign funds of 1880, and the
fact was showo in the books. The part
ner was Mr. J. W. Hosier, of Carlisle,
and he gave Garfield five thousand dol
lars for his personal campaign expen
se* and afterward gave twenty five thou
sand dollars more towards the general
election fund. Evidently Mr. Hosier
had supreme confidence in the efficacy
of money in eltctions, Since he wo*
defeated in his senatorial aspiration* hi* :
confidence has doubtless been some j
what weakened.
The charges of the Democrat* that !
immense sums of money were used to ,
elect Garfield are fully substantiated by i
Dorsey. Neither he nor any of the
manager* felt sure that the "magic of
Garfield's name" was sufficient to assure
hi* election, so I>or*ey admit* that a
little over four hundred thousand dol
lars was expended in Indians. He also ,
asserts that the work in Indiana WAS
child's play compared to that in New
York, where over a million dollars *i<
put to good use. It it admitted that
both Garfield and Arthur knew of the
expenditure of these large sums of
money. It is no wonder then that
Arthur proposed Dorsey'* health at
that memorable banquet. A politician
of Ikyrsey's stamp doe* not regard these
disclosures as reflecting any discredit
upon himself or bis party. He re
marks in excuse, however, that "politi
cat practice* are not usually those pre
scribed by Sunday school managers and
no matter how innocent they may have
been in intention there are people who
would think the end attained did not
justify the means." Mr. Dorsey is en
lirely correct in saying that there are
people who think that way. In fact
the result of the recent elections show*
that a very large majority of the people
of the country are coming to that opin
ion.—Jlarrut/urg Patriot.
The Mr. Hosier, referred to in the
above aa the .Star route partner of
Dorsey, is the same man who is to con
test for a seat in the Pennsylvania Sen- .
ate from the Cumberland district.
VSNNOR, the weather prophet says:
Respecting the approaching winter my
views are, aa already published in differ
ent form i Severity in December and
possibly early part of January, with
good snow fails well to the southward,
as in 1880; a decided "break" in the
fore part of January, and auolher win
try wave after the 20th of the name
month; the usual weather in March and
rather advened spring. As a postscript
I may add, a very cold Christmas week
preceded by a heavy and general
snow fall nn or in proximity to the 20tb
of December The thermometer read-
Ings at the close of the year IMB2 will
be generally low, and more particularly
so in the northwest and western section*;
very cold weather in England and
Europe; winter short.
TUB bill presented by the tariff
commission, beside* enlarging the free
list, makes an average reduction in the
duties of2o to 25 per cent., the reduction
in many esses being from 40 to 50 per
cent. It is not believed in Washington
that there is any prospect of the passage
nf the bill, or any similar mcaanre, at
the present session of congress.
Reminiscences of John Howard Payne
and of the Gberokee Indians.
Tin- ftoutlirii World.
John Howurri Pityne, author of
Home," WH*U warm per*
tmnal friend of John Run*, who will he
remembered u* the celebrated chief of'
theCherokeee. At the time the ('her*
okeee were removed front their homes in
Georgia to their present possessions
west of the Mississippi River l'ayne
was spending a lew weeks in Georgia
with Ross, who was occupying a mis
erable cabin, haviug been forcibly
ejected from his former home. A num
ber of prominent Cherokoes w ere in
prison, and that portion of Georgia in
which the tribe was located was scour
ed bv armed squads of the Georgia
militia w ho had orders to arrest all who
refused to leave the country. While
Ross and Payne were seated before the
lire in the hut the door was suddently
burst open und six or eight nilitiumeu
sprang into the room. Rosa' wife was
seated on a trunk containing many
valuable papers and a small amount of
money, und at the unexpected intrusion
she sprang up and screamed wildly.
Ross spoke to her in the Cherokee lan
guage, telling her to be seated, as she
would save the contents of the trunk,
and thus sat down again. The intrud
ers told Ross that he and Payne were
under arrest and must prepare to ac
company the squad to Milledgeville,
where they were to be imprisoned. The i
soldiers lost no time in taking their
prisoner* away. Ross was permitted
to ride his own horse, while Payne was
mounted on one led by a soldier. As
the little party left the hovel rain l>e
gan falling and continued until every
man was drenched thoroughly. The j
journey lasted all night. Towatd mid
night Payne's escort in order to keep
himself awake, began humming "Home
home, sweet, sweet home," when Payne
"Little did I expect to hear that
song under such circumstances ami at
such a time. Do you know the au
thor r
"No," said the soldier. "I)o you ?"
"Yes," auswered Payne ; "1 compos* 1
ed it."
"The devil you did. You can tell
that to some fellows, hut not to me.
Iok here, you made that song you
say ; ifyoudid—and I know you didn't
—you can say it all without stopping.
It has something in it about pleasure
and palaces. Now pitch in and reel
it oil", aud if you can't I'll bounce you
from your hurso aud lead you instead '
of it."
The threat was auswered by Payne,
who re|>eatcd the song in a slow, *ul>- I
dued tone, und then sang it, making 1
the old woods ring with the teuder
melody and pathos of the word*. It
touched the heart of the rough soldier,
who was not captivated but convinced,
aud who said that the composer of such
a song should ncvei go to prison it he
could help it. And when the party
reached Milledgeville they w r<\ afl< r
a preliminary examination, discharg* d,
much to their surprise. Payne insist
ed it was because Ihe leader of the
squad had been under the magnetic
influence of Ross' conversation, and
ROM insisted that they had BI N saved
from insult and imprisonment by the
power of "Home Sweet Home," so: g
a* only those who feel can sing it. The
friendship existing between Ross and
Payne endured until the grave closed
over the mortal remains of lhe latter.
IT is alleged thai crookedness in the
•lection in the Forty-sixth Senatorial
District by which Franklin 11. Agnew
was returned as the Senator elect over
Daniel M. Donahoe. Mr. Donahoe pro
poses to contest the seat nl Mr. Agnew
oo the ground nf fraud.
THE 200th anniversary of the first
meeting of the Society of Friends in
Pennsylvania was recently celebrated
in Montgomery county in a building
which was commenced in 1097 and fin
ished in 1701.
——- ♦
liamsport, has erected a costly monu
ment over the grave of a pet dog at that
place although few people ran afford to J
indulge in such elegant eccentricities,
as marking I he graves of departed dog's,
in such a splendid manner. All can
greatly benefit themselves by purchas- |
ing their winter clothing, overcoats,
boot A shoes, hit* A cap*, gents Furnish
ing goods at the Boston Clothing, 800 l
A Shoe House, just opened in Reynolds
Block opposit Brockerhoff House, Belle
fonte, pa., and by doing so, tbey will
• how wisdom and good common sense.
49 2
* # *UNBlDDtll guests are often we|-
corneat when they are gone." Disease
is an unbidden guest which Kidney-
Wort almost invariably "shows the
door." Hereisa.case in point: "Moth
er has recovered,'' wrote nn Illinois
girl to her Eastern relative*. "She took
bitter* for a long time but without any
good. So when she heard of the virtue*
of Kidney Wort she got a box and it
completely cured her, so that she can do
a* much work now as she could before
we moved West, Since she got well
every on* about here is taking it,"
BABT Ki.trtUHT.— Barnum i* overjoy
ed with his acquisition—the baby ele
phant—and declare* S3OO 000 could not
buy it. He offers $52 COO for an insur
ance of the life ol the infant for 52
weeks. Surely, if he knew the full value
of Ptruna and Manahn, he would do no
such foolish thing, aa they are the most
successful protective medicines that
have ever been introduced to the hu
man family. No one can take any dis
ease while taking I'miiut before each
meal, and keeping the bowel* regular
. with Manahn. Ask your Druggist for
tha book on the "Ilia of Life,"
Y. M. C. A. NOTES.
i'ur which tic rrctlit the I{K<'OHli m
nucd by the I'ublicytion Committee
y! UK Reception (,'ommitte will </ive
<1 koeinl luncheon in the Romn*
on New Yctire niyht from eight to
ten o'c/orl:. Young men only. Tielc-'J
j twenty five ante.. Jlenefit of the fur
I nulling fund.
The l'ituthurg AuiM-iulion lum *>oUi*d
j |7. r ),(KXI for h new huilding.
Mr. C'luvnn of the C'entro
Hull Aexoeiation culled on the .'th.
Hereafter the Hoard of Munngi-rx
nn-et at ti o'clock un<l take tea together.
Rev. K. lvlwardx, the new ItaptiMt
ininixter has Ihm-ii welcomed by hia
The social reception committee thank*
Mr. J. Harnett for hi* gift of a large
codec pot.
ChriMma* pre*cut* in tho ehape of
book* would be acceptable for the boys'
Our young men's meetings have been
continually increasing in attendance
since October.
State Secretary Taggart paid us short
vi-its as he passed to nnd from the Cen
tre Hall convention.
Arthur Hregg, of the Holidayshurg
Association, visited us on the evening
of Noveinlier 117 th.
We were sorry to lose brother Will X*
Laurie, but glad to know he is pleased
with his new home in I'Uih.
Will some friend remember the Asso"
| cintion with a g<Ki album for photo
( graph- 7 Christmas i- coming.
The " Heading Circle'' will hereafter
j ilevote n half hour on Saturday even
. ings to some one of the great j>oet*.
The week of prayer for young men
| was observed by the three Associations
of the Southern pint of the Williams
j<ort district.
Business men r.ro shrewd. 'fliey
want honest capable clerks an<l awist
' ant-. K••liable young men are at a
Mr. tieorge Boal, on the evening of
the 4th, gave our boy* n pleasant half
hour's recitation. Mr. Wash ltee also
sang two song-.
Through brother Xpwr, chairman of
■ out-district meetings, a few brethren
visited the people at a meeting in the
I Forge church.
Photographs of Mr. tieorge Willi tun,
the founder of Voting Men's Christian
Associations, may !• had through the
general secretary.
The committee appointed at the last j
Board of Managers' meeting ha- acted
pr unptly and plan-da new stove in the ,
Isits' reading room.
Nome one ha- ug|ested that a Iwiv's
penny saving- ban'.- with a regular I
Isiard of director-, ca-hier Ac., bo or
ganized. What do you think of it 7
If Bellefonte sup|rts twelve place
to ruin young men at a cost of g.KLOOO
per year, how much ought -lie pay to
the churches, which jiavo men ?
The second general -ecretary in the
Williums|M>rt district is Mr. 11. L.Sim
mons, who entered the workla-t month
for the Williamsport association.
Mr. Wilincr Crow, a-i-tant secretary
of the Itarrishurg A-sociation, has en
tered iijain his new duties a* general
•.ecretary of the Meadvilie Association.
Hev. Mattern, the newly apj<ointe<l
pastor of the Pleasant (iup, circuit called.
Visits from pastors, local and distant
are always pleasing and profitable to ua.
Thanks to the ladies of the W. C. T.
who recently presented to the Aso>
j nation eight look* and three framed
pictures; also to Mrs. Love for a framed
Prof. W. H. Jordan, of State t'ollege
will le the second sja-akcr on the
course of free practical talks in our
hall. The cominitte states that his date
i is January lllb.
Appropriate Thanksgiving services
were held November 117 th. A |oent
! was read by Ciill>ert A. Beaver, a story
bv Water Leiubkey and a good paper
was prepared and read by Harry Keller.
Prof. 1. T. Osmond, of State College,
who delivered a delightful and instruc
tive lecture on " Astronomy" in our
hall, has been engaged for the same
lecture during one session of the teach
ers' institute.
The next monthly meeting of the
Board of ManAgcr* will be held Tuesday,
January 2d, at ix o'clock. The chair
men of the different committees will
at that time meet and take teA with
the Hoard.
We would suggest that our boy* visit
the workshop.of Oilbert A. Beaver. It
is a model for a (toy's shop. By the wav,
the thanks of the Association are due
Oilbert for tilting and rehanging fire
doors in our rooms.
Centre Hall has a flourishing young
men's Bible class. They report their
young men's meetings are growing in
interest. On the evening of December
Bth, a reception w* given to the busi
ness men of the community.
Willis William*, Hugh Beaver, .Tame*
Kintloe, Ralph Mann, William Hartley,
John McCartney, Harvey William*,
George Bayard and Charles Rhone were
recently elected to member*hip of the
local district boys' committee for the
coming three months'.
Two representatives of the association
held service* in Mrs. Mann's church at j
Boiling Spring. The Christian people
are active there and large congregation*
assemble, while the Sunday-school num
ber* ninety. The name of tho good
Christian ludy who reared this memori
al of li<-r love for the Master, will over
be cherished by the community.
The second general reception was giv
en by the committee on social work,
Tuesday evening, Nov. 21st. Pumpkin
pie and coffee in abundance awaited all
who attended. The young men's or
chestra added music to the fsre. Chair
man Carman of the committee wishes
to thank all who aided in the success of
the occasion.
Whosoever coineth to me ami heareth
my sayings and doeth them, 1 will shew
you to whom lie is like; he is like
a man which built a house, and digged
deep and laid the foundation on a rock
and when the flood arose, the stream
heat vehemently upon that huose and
could not shake it; for it me founded
upon a rock.—Luku vi: 47-48.
The Devotional Committee appoint,
merits for meetings are a* follows :
" Are you forsaking or indulging in
sin?" Isaiah xxxi.; Psalms lxvi, ls
-20, K. F. Carman, Friday, December 18.
"Though ho slay me yet will I tru-t in
Him." Dan. iii, 10-18; I-. xliii, 1-2,
Sunday, 17th, George L. Potter. "The
power of faith in God," Matt, viii, 1-13,
Luke xviii, 35—13, James I*. Irwin, Fri
day, 22. " I have redeemed thee," Isaiah
xliv, 22; I Peter i, 18-19, Clement Dale,
Sunday 24. " Kternal life," Luk<* xviii
13-,'lU: x, 2'-2s, Joseph K. Soil, Friday
22. Song und prai-e meeting, 3lt, J.
W. Gephurt. January meetings, "I am
ready," Rev. hi, 1-13: Mutt, xxiv, 42-
44, D. A. Kennedy, sth. Monthly meet
ing, Rev. S. K. Fur-t, 7th. "Why
should 1 seek Christ to-day 7 " Proverbs
xxvii, 1; Lukexii, 20; I. Iv, ft, 11. li,
Schroyer, 12th. "There i- such a thing
as coming too lute." Jer. viii. 2<>; Luke
xiii, 23-27, J. C. Weaver, 14th. " Con
secration—how to show it," Rom. xii,
John A. Rankin, jr., 19th.
The convention of the southern |nr
lion of the WiUiams|>ort district brought
together upwards of forty regular dele
gate*, beside ninny visitor* who desired
to gain knowledge of the work. <*n
hriday evening a social reception for
young men was given in the rooms. An
orchestra and the Slate College male
•piartette furnished rnu*io and the local
organisation supplied excellent refresh
tn Saturday morning the convention |
in opening wa- led m prayer by Rev.
Fischer, after which the district secre
tary, iri the absence of the chairman,
calb-d the delegate* to order. Mr. M.
\\ . I/O wry, of State •'••liege, wu cho*< n
• retary after which report* were made
by delegate* from the various places, i
Following'thi* ('. hinge-, of Centre 11*11, !
read a pnj>cr on "A Model A**ociation
in a Town of Six Hundred." Discussion 1
follower!. J. W. Reeves, of State Col- I
lege, was chosen chairman for the after- i
noon session, after which theconvrntion
adjourned to meet at 2 r. u.
The afternoon e*inn was opened V y
devotional services lasting until half
past two, conducted by M. W.
At thi* hour, J. W. Gephart of Belle
fonte. addressed the convention on
" Work for Boys." The half hour allot
ted to thi* subject having expired, on
motion the time was extended ten min
ute*. Following this came a Bible read
ing. led by J. W. Miller. As presiding
officer for the evening session. George
Buti, of State College was chosen. At
four a conference of ladies was held.
The evening session was hpld in the
Lutheran church. After a half hour's
devotional service conducted by the
chairman, Miller, of Bellefonte, and
I/Owry, of State College, spoke on " Tite
Relation of the Association to the
Church." The closing address of the
session wo* made by Rev. S. A. Taggart.
Sunday, at 9 *. a service was held
in the room, conducted by State Secre
tary Taggart. and at 3:30* service for
young men in the same place was led
by J. W. Gephart. At the same hour
a meeting for ladies was held in the
Methodist church. This was very large
ly attended.
The Reformed church was filled on
Sunday evening. Charles F. Cook, of
Bellefonte, presided over thi* farewell
meeting. Brothers Gephart, l>cr*tine,
llostermnn, and other* spoke, Mr. Tag
gart making the closing address. At
this meeting a resolution of thanks to
the citir.cn* of Centre Hall and to the
Association, was read, it having been
adopted by the visiting delegates at a
previous session.
The convention was throughout ex
ceedingly pleasant and encouraging to
Christian laborers.
•Some friends may feel lik# making
Christmas giits to the Association. So
we give a list of articles which the or
ganisation wants. A six foot step lad
der, a paper cutter, a long table for the
l<oys' resiling room, half a doten news
paper files, "Gospel Hymns, No. 4,"
liooks, towels, knives and forks, and a
home of its own for the young men of
| Bellefonte.
Xrin AdvertUornenU.
>" ' , !iVJi*2£-'' ■ •
•s l
i ®
• .Igp
Absolutely Pure.
ThU powder t>*if A itiirvt of purity
*lr#fi(;tli mhl wloliswtnis •* >ftmi< •)
lti' "flirt*!* hlwla, Ihd c*m"t !• • Ml in lion
vliL tl. uialiitulw of 1 lii, ffborf weight. hJumi <r
iiii po4*r. h-'ld otil in 'An* K'l*l Has
• !''<• M A , 11# W)UU N V
For Tlie Holidays.
o - xu - o
0 0
Novor boforo have you bcon por
mittod to buy Fancy Confection
cry, FroHh and Canned For
eign and Domestic Fn.ita,
Table dclicucica of all
kinda at nricca an
reasonable as I
um offering
0 0
ClirifttmanlKoodHn specialty.
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ahull lo
pleased to have
you call and will be
ablo to show goods you
will want and sell
them at prices sure to suit all.
0- X
ti:o. W. EATON.
18 4t N > h Hrockerh<>ff Houe.
nut) I
\ tik I♦ t flittic •* ( ;>U| ft
r*V>irl W I' ft -!| iflMil ; MeliJ i;r
II* Iff 1 M .• It"* t ikke *• a lUb. *|*<l
> • I I| ■ • i • f J VMI
i I nan,** at l.i t. t •: fi ttfk* crs-al pa a! i ft,#
iibw. *mrfer p*M sr to I! iluitti 4 r rt
iiid. Man' 4-4T.lf^
This offer is made by the
tb 44t *nl beat of Ib* r#11<rl")t wkllw T r
•illy tora, thia a*4*b''n*fc*o tutl. bm|
t#ail*ij*r h% !•** (iimliuaf in tfe#
I hIH "Uia Mid *l at itrf j f<'J'ijb ctitifn Ita
•!imt*ra w r, utt*t t#r • c-f iiiruk k C*rb
}*<+* lt n -d*'} t-< iia t*loe, i u(*c>iif
?r*<*4. addon arwl e%.rrvt- tidwU at I* m> ai,.| *. r-aMi.
at largiv f ati l iwiltifHj In* il* 4|iwltriPiit and
<Jr-S.vr.Tine to rMEJire tlx If ,#< }<)<**( -f tb H**t Ha
llfi.wraod BNtiUl Nwllt Ki-V*||ifr 1 K*T
till* }**t. U> *t) •tiU'tUft. nan or <>ld. *)• itiU
•rrt|Ot. la |ud fsr 14.t. tb ia* Imok r.f Re* *
Irrr * ti I*rime. t l. miltW ' I*>tn *i>rr A*ai*~
• haada tnf Vol lima of n-*r j j j>t- tam, t* ?mJ in
fifth. thrrpJiil pet* of mhtr i* otia dollar h;< ttnm
<*jda* of tha j*ajat nnt fr*.
Get two Weekly Newspapers
for the Price of One.
And tho Best Inland Daily at Re
duced Rates.
TH nlarilptMi prira of tUMitut rittiov is
•IjHi fir atttitiin, (*l. In atfrstv*
llMmftaf the W illi! r*Tl"Tlhd 111* Km ToHl
Weekly hud will la isant to the aame addmn. aaa year
fr fl I#aah in sdUßia; of tha k rVKI V PurtliT and
(he l*hilmtelpha Weekly Tim*-a f>r s*<*' <m*ii In tub
To ftfty pntu fskiac if> a dab of tea or or iit
ertlte>r* to tha Wni Ptttiot at fl UD per |*er
annum. wf* nlll te eent gratia for the yeaar.
The anttarrlptlon price of the Pant Parmtor I t
mail la s*<■ per annum r*h In adranre If not paid
In advance fT |-er sr.ir.m mil |e charged . tor aft
vnenlha k) 'la mlrance or (.t M If not paid in advance
and at ynpifksial ratea U r ahofter farkd* The
Davit r*rnio? darinir the aeadsMaf t'-mtmaa and the
l*ii*lature will he eafwriaJty interestiac Rend for
fiaity and Weekly. Remittance mnat l*e made ly
poat Ofßre money order or draft arcerded lr tiank on
which It le drawn Addrewa PATRhfT PI HI.IRIIING
COMPART.* Market atraet, llanial arg. Pa.
rtmade at home .y i|e Indaatrlowa
*k / r Rwl bbalneea now l>eforethe pahlir Capital
eTN / ft not needed. We will atari yon Men.womoa.
T 1 " hoya and girl a wanted everywhere to work
fw at Wow Hi the time. Ton can work la
armr* time, or give yonr whole time to the hnatasw*
Wo other hart neat will pa> yon nearly a* well h>
ewe can fall to make mrm<>ne pay, hjt ewgaglag at
owre Onetly ontAt and term* free. Money made faet,
emN Iy, and honorably. AddrwaTitiiOo, Aipnu
Maine 4 4My.
j-| | _ . .>j&, rj
It nn r; rrht rrn
\'\ ii li'n v'lil A I'li JOf - I
alt 14 tzt e'v: - r-' A ■> •of
r.ioNMV3*uvsa r.wauawrui. it,
y T. cIWMM AN. etv-y . i J>- 'l
nu) Wi "i .M i '.7. -j '.'*.'r]
alcj.V Uii <r .- r. r r ; af ' n rt„.jr. . :•!
•2 , reoucAMCi cv c.\c i p
JJJcf the vvn icJ ■* <f f It t.r 4 ■' e
Slhare hawn <?♦. *. * r —:t?re*i t md 1-4 ehert tar
•| CUftta. Tv
Srat.Kv ft. Mt, ct hgtecim*!*
. <j It- Jt
.Vfiff A eln-rtlncincut.
Anint'rcsting letter from Mr. Calvin
Smith lo tli" p -,'jh /,/ ir 'dies toad'
drei". JI tail it <>■>, j a[. /.
JlrUrfimis, - '/I'., !>■' 2.
Jtolif/filJ fSotHtiS.
SOW Unit I!■ n ■< mo* i ■ hot a month V
distant, I litvir' to a, ft my friends J
in waking the <■ va' prieente expected m
by the member- of •your families and •
others at 111 it time, by tetii ~g you '•
this way wlui 4 , / hare Jor you to " '"f
from. Th'te goods an hit'A invoices
order"l > x or'fly for thii. orratvm and
< ore mre to suit. V may as a ell say litre
llmt on nrrount of purdwing and sell
inrj at wholesale, a* a ell as retail, I run
• '/note jjriem airny below those tf any
other dealer in this neighborhood, I've
of alt grades, from the theaped. to
th, most expensive, liny ami mil hun
dreds of pouruls of it daily, and to
j Sunday-sehooU or other organizeitionA
inteiidiny to i ' lebrate either ( hristmas
or A'it ) tar by pubUc enlertainnu nts
that / am prep<ir< d lo fill orders for
' any amount of sujijdus at the very
j lowest raits. I initio this trade ft
j s]>rrialty.
j Lor !title folks there are so many
things that I ran t name half of them.
Come, and t" what they are.
'I hose who are in to 1/71 at any time.
| >or only a 'hart time and don/it /'ant
■to go to a hotel can have in a few
; minutes a complete meil or lunch. My
I customer' hit - inereased so largely
| within th' lost three months that jam
jiaymg particular attention to this .
branch of my trade and now hare the '
most complete establishment of public
comfort in the county. 1
The 'Jlakcry
lis still turning out only first-class
bread, cakes, pus etc. J lake pride in
' the quality of work, and the praises of
. eustomers cause me to make special ef-
I forts in supplying customers.
lit Snow Shoe.
The branch of the Jh.U/fontc bakery
at Snow Shoe 1/ is*iijwned to arcommo
d'ltr my customers out there and always
keeps m stock the utenfiral goods handled
at the estabhihmetil in JtrJleforite. They
who need any HOLIDAY .Sll'-
I'LILS ran deal as cheaply there as
any where rise.
Thinking my friends for favors in
flu p isf, and rtqcsliug the patronnsjc of
j new ones, in the fu-ure, I remain
AO. 1!' High Street,
4' -It Jiet efonie, Pe.
II IL/U t(l . , ~j.,. ... ~n iKn ,,
I %rt* • < Her < hr*t n.k
mm t* * *nt rftftbt n**t>. * .n.eu. Imf* •. . girls
1< * rk J..r u* right in tt*tr own I AH}
ran fc th* urtfk tr*>m th* ftr*t start Tlhi
lwiri*s will tiH'IW tli .n t*4l t r.. •< ■! Ai*.M Oftirm
ft**. Sis 'Hi* * t< *©#■*#
fail* t mftkf tKit*% mj-iil T'n ran j*ri jrotir
I h"l Uro* I tl* * .ik •/ unl} tour *jnr* u. 4n -*:•
i 101 l information ao<i all that i u*+*inl **m fro* Al
- A i.. . p. rtlftr.4 Mair . A-4Mj.
Thr in'*t cn plrtt inrfitst- r: fa tl I nlto1 M*t*a
it 1 1 >t t{ I|> a:ti oal *<l © •"?• <4 m*.]
a;- \ m i A% *• at atij titn*
, • tfr in# full |*>itf a <:**••
J C £l4 1111, A M.. Mil#!*?#. I*.
Kch - inff* '4r| iwni Orlj" mJ- O Pol'. t rn ' r.w■ i • '
urr or u*ful lit #vwy -Mhwrrl'w-r. Th* '"■. n • • . .I' l * ' r I
I • nnw lU - • fi f* - -#*.• * it r> • t
bomtp n ll* 111- .4fg—> If • *tln n t .r Ui ••• I- i •
p \ :*f tc ft orflwi* or, , r |r . . • rttM il n ll ■' f "
Arn< *♦*/ frrn. A- t f • %*f .. 4J. ¥ ' ) • H. V t ji
t lha h aixl rh*r rtaH* Imwl Ip m..- \r ji. V i % p--
dollar* • , o I"1 •'■• * "• * T'" IMJ T<r> • I 11.- J t -i- ,j-r ,
Ebitahxl ll t tM-1 ,—■■' >" (WMU** ' nl J""* ' ..•• *• ->'• ••
rikw. n.l oium If f J";
itxl ■MrM'o tor It Tim rtrrulini-m •' rr*- ' k'U -.. J • - iu>. > <.l.
JTfe* iwmboiw alii tmlii /vtir aulwriptiua tl I3r t no > ut >n J • f vmv
Gurrrrniirs Lima ESALIS,
nrmov. in im mm rm* C imm or
fIH M IKC of Mood, Rnt.
MgjjK*, ff.Ui*. <M kl oMt, W
moiomry Otrmnm.
TTSWSTxk. Jr ~>£=iv*
UIKXTHKI * l#,ht.mkmrtk, rm. 1
I> uLUtrovrc. FA.,
FaimlltM mml *)• *<!•••■*. •"<' • IV (ft*-
•rm) irmrrltmrn mUT • inmmwikl mm mrr tmittrd
to |ht< Klrtl-CUM mkxrm tfcmy Till And bemm*
(MmlMO ml tMam>U> Mlm.
Uhonl rmAmrtlmm lm J •>•• ml mbrtm mtlMiAlmm
Own. W. k. 1M.1.1.k. F0.,'1
•c i SmimlttmMiin
10 A <l4 mm A. t IkfOk ACV
Mlu4. ■mlmo. |m|
O TR DKMOCRAT. Tm Till Ilk. It. mmA mm will
jmar mrtfm.