Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, December 14, 1882, Image 3
Ixiiiifiiiitint'* Corner, I'lttubiirff, l'a, STARTLING ANNOUNCEMENT SQ TO.OOO Worth of New styles and perfect fitting garments, introduced to the public at k on e time, A perfect iivnlanelie of stylisti clothing exhibited under one roof. Nothing to excel. Nothing to equal can he found in this Slate. An array of new garments which are simply magnificent in every detail, illustrated with all that experience, energy and cat ital can produce, exemplifying that a familiar knowledge of the people's requirements must he had, proving beyond a doubt i that cash alone is the only known agent that can bring forth such giorious goods. KATJFMANN'S Largest and Only Reliable One Price Clothing House in Pittsburgh, We defy any house in the United States to Match these Prices. GENTS'AND YOUNG MENS' STITS, OUR OVERCOAT ROOM. 65*0 strictly a'.l wool cassimere and jf y OU need an overcoat, whether eheviot suits, cut, fit, style and trim- ciieap ineclitim or tin<, KAUFMAXN'S ming first class, manufactured to sell at j„ lhe j,| HCe t0 buy it $lO to sl2. Ten different styles. ... 4,- 1,500 worm overcoats for men, well Will !>t so/iiut haul/man 1 lor . . , . , ' . M ... made, heavy, substantial garments, .*BS suit* strictly all wool English and manufactured to sell at s■*>. American cheviots ami cassimeres; twelve different patterns; noht'V suck Will be sold at Kaufman*'* for |2 75. styles; manufactured to sell at sls. „ ' , ~ 800 overcoats and ulsters ; goods that Will l<- sold at hauj tnan s Jor fcl . o ther clothing houses ask you f-S for, 72S suits extra fine woolen,handsome and tell you they are cheap, ly cut and trimmed, including over JO different patterns: manufactured to "<" <* *>< d <" haufimm ' Ars.. sell at $lB. 2.000 overcoat* in fine woolens ; assort- Will be sold at Kaufman's JOT sl2 50. Ed grades and style* ; handsomely made 684 suits of extra quality woolens, "' I J l rim, ?Sv ßl,d n " nufc,ured lo mU containing many new imported fabrics, at nnJ * lj ' all nobby sacks and frocks, including Will he told at Kanfmannsjor $7 and $lO. 85 different patterns and manufactured .... , , to sell at $22 50 and $25. 1-375 imported meltons, kerseys, fui , r , , . Al . fr . .bearer*, worsted and <1 aponul over 11// be sold at A mtfman $/oT *U .>0 COhin . elegantly lined with tillc. serfr* v * ,s and Ratio, everywhere sold at $lB to t a 3. 10,000 pairs of woolen pantaloon, in all grades, manufactured to sell at $2 " ll! ** * oltlat hmtfmmn sfor sl2 to sl9. 2 50, 3. 3 50, 4 25, 5 and 6. 1,500 Petersham overcoats for S2OO Will be sold at Kaufmans for $1 25 to $4 worth double the money. PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. Consult tour best inter, sts, an ! clothe your boy n >w, while you have a rhance to buy tt e best goods f*r le. money 'lian the cheap grades ran be bad for. NOW IS YOUR TIMEI 2.300 Hoys cheviot, eaasimero nd l. 00 Children's good union casalmere worated suits, at $2. $3; $4 and $5. *'[ " u,ts l *' 2 * SO 1,200 extra fine die. .lilt* f„ r bo v. : ,] f yx) Children's all wool extra fine tlnr \ difVrrnt styles st $6. $ and $lO. drp „, fujw , ;f , , t „, rD , t Hfid 3,000 Hoys overcoit. in ehevio.s, chinchillas, fur beivers sn-l cassiruere., 2.."tXl t.'luidrei, * nofthy overcoats, will Le sol I from $1 50 t<> $8 a fog sav tniumel with silk, plu-h, velvet and all around, teing from $1 .50 to ssi | n.irsehan. with and without caj •■*, at than the actual va'ue. $2 50 $3 60 st. $5 up to S.B. jViyPartie* ni.hing to order pood, from this great DRIVE SAUK going on now at KAUFMANN'S will plea.e give correct .mi describe material, a* near as possible. JPtf'Sample* of F.it-nrs. b ! ank f,-t e|f tne..iireuienl *howii g bow to order, and Illustrated Fashion IL>nk sent free <>n application. FREE! An Elegant Rosewood Piano FREE! We h ire decided to present ever? purchaser of one dollar's worth <-r more a ticket entitling them to a chance on thi< handsome Grand Square Piano 70 octave, fine tone, iucluuing elegant enrred .tool and handsome embroidered cover. Come ai.d secure n chance. Drawing io take place January Ist, 18H3 at 1 KAUFMANN'S The Largest and Only Reliable One Price Clothing House in Pittsburg. 83 TO 87 SMiTHFIELD STREET. 83 TO f / CORNER DIAMOND STREET. irifnori Mr Fortune •( Co., Hardware Dealer*, ZE3I-A.IRID"W" ARE! AVILSON, McFARLANE CO.. ;dbalkrß IN STOVES, RANGES 'HEATERS. ALSO Paints, Oils, Glass and Varnishes, AND BtTILDERS' HABDWARE. AIXKOIiKXV BTRKF.T, .... IIIMKS' RUM K, .... BRI.LRFOKTI, PA. THE PATRIOT* A Pennsylvania Newspaper for the General Publlo. Tb# DAILY PATRIOT I* lh* only morning i#*itwiif (lOlitilhMl II tb> Mint* CiplUi - Tb* DAILY PATRIOT nU a .per laity of P.nnayl- ' rant* ••*. Tit* DAILY PATRDrT pnMlahrrtb# Aaaorlalad Pr*a* nam and urn-lala f">m all potato Tit* DAILY PATRIOT *lrr* <pe< t*l *li*nllo p.grain anil prrehtr* market*. Tit# DAILY PATRIOT oppnae# monopoly, bwlan ami raotrallratton l |-luteal pnaar. Term*: fO*> pr annum, latrbtly in adraae*,) or tl.iu par annum tf not poi4 in aliionr*. p„, u , I—r 1.-1 l#aa than ••* y#*r at proportional* Tb# WRKfc IV PATRIOT la a large, alght | drtotad I* tiirralnr #. agrirattiire, a. ienra, mannta. - tor**, aawa, market*, rie. Daring |M2 h nami#i will nnnlain an illa#irllon of toot* prominent toplr or aratx Thta I* an ailrariir* feature nhlrb raaaol fall l> plan** Tarma II Mi pat ant-ant. InrariaUy |„ adraao*. Oo* copy nf Ik# WKKK I.Y PATRIOT and an# ropy of lb* Philadelphia MKKKLY TIMES will It# a#at on* yoar for tt Ml raab In adrance. tlina girtng III* Iwo paper* for III* anbaeripllno witr of Ik* Tallar. On* cop/of lb# EKKLY PATRIOT and *■* ropy ol lb* IJOTTAOK IIEARTII,an alrallaat monibly mag •ttina, publtabrd at Motion at 11., At par annual, aill b* I *>nl on* yaar fori! 7tr**bln andranr* Rand la yoar •übartptioaa • one* Addraaa PATRIOT PURLfsniMriOO., Pa. I <— - li \T () VHV ToLoanat 0 per Ct. I AVAI AJ 1 BF T||K MCTDU U|R , ARC! CO. or SKW YORK, on Rrai m-rtgag#. on imprurad farm property. la nomi Dot l#aa iban ttfiOO. and not airaadlng nne-lhlr-1 of Iba prraanl rain* at lha property. Any portion of in# prinrlpnl can b# pal-l ~R *| any lima, and II baa b*#a lb* raalom of lb* company In parmll tb* prlarlpal |o r*m*ln a* long a* tb* borrower wlabaa. If b* lnt#r**l I* promptly paid. Apply to CIIARLER P. AIIKIIMA V Attorney at law. ATT Conrt. atreat, Raadlag, Pa., orto DAVID 1. KLlSß,Co.'aAppralaer, 3-1' Rallrfonta.Pa. PATENTS Wn rtm'lnun to art aaSoUrltnra ft* Pv#nt. Carom*, Trmte Mark*. (■ pjrlghl*. rtr-, foe tlx Uoliad ftUUea. 2£Tibt t *mtis*m Ommar. W. n> h'nHl rmrwl rgparlrnre. PaianM obtained tirraigti ut an tv Aired In Uw Set- WTirni AMgaiCAR. Tbl. large and *plen<li,| fllua jll !' Wsr-M.fOa year.abowt lite Pm*rv*a V7J •"Dvwrgliw.and ha* an anormotm SUVrnt'"' I'af'Ttt Rnffcl rg, Phb *.*>j.A< \**nrtq Aw* at. a *,17 lurk H,, w . few Tort, Hand Ronß aßtxt IWtiM fws. Jfiw A dvtvHtem §H Ii TUTTS PILLS A NOTEHmNE l SArsr Iju.Tctt:— /har Slri Fur tn yean I Imvo I on u tuurtyr t I)"[>ep*l(I, ConMipation mid i*tU-* 1,*.1, j r tig ruur pills Trcrorrrotntnctulnl Ui n.; I unod tin in (ill will* little faith). Inm iiotv a will imui, Imvo goo-1 appetite, <lljr**tioti jwrfrct, regular *t"Ol*, pile* gun*. and 1 hna ruined ftirty poutnl* aolid tlciU. Tip y aro worth tUnr weight fit sold. lisv. n. 1.. MMI'SON, LoiiUvilU, Ky. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Lonsof Appet ItisNausna, Bownls oostlrs, Tain in tiio Hruii, wiili a dull aonaatlon tilth"back part, Falnundrr thn Shoulder blud", fwllri'-na nftrr anting, with a dla inoilnatloti to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of tamper, Low spirits, Los. of ui"morv, with n feelingof having n iscted nomnduty, Weariness, Dizziness, Fluttering of thnjieart, Dots befors th • yea, Yellow Skin, Heiularhe, Hestless nm at night, highly colored Urine. IF THEBE WARNINGS AKE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL BE OEVELOPEO. TUfl 8 PILLS .re miir, tally adapted to ■ nrhraara. on<luHiirwt< u< li r liauge of Irrllnu •■ln ••loiilih the .nfrerar. Try till* remedy fairly, and yon will Bain a hcaltliy DIK-atloii, vlgornu* ■ lo<ly, Pure Itlood, Mtrontr IVerve*. and a Sound l.lrrr. I'rlre, IS tent*. omre, :A Mttrrsjr St.. IV. V. TUtt'S HAlft DVE. ft ray Ilnlr and WliUkeri changed to a .!,>•> Klai k liy a ■logic apullratlnn of • hi* le. it Imparls a natural rolor, art* lntantancoiialy. Sold by llrtia ■t*ta. or .em In etpr.oo on raeeipt of SI. tithre, .111 Murray St., Sew \ ark. t 1)11 ■ TI'TT'W M A JVF AI. of Valuable \ , Infill mat lon and I •ofUl Iter elpto will I be mailed 11IL.K on appllcaUon. / , — _ THIS PAPER IS ON FILE \ Ilir\lf*lnilrs l udAdnrtWtitf mrvttfoe \ jUUIVeIUI/O f ltuulalloth*eaeaf|a|ro<a \ . f <Ae woeld eon U ma-to on tho \ADYtRTISINC/ ma * k™ at u>* mat I iiltmteil Tinppt ipte;, XKEYSTONE/ WcESC# \* v f PtoMkWv *f IM ss4 V*ltfkkk Dtrwdtorj sflhw VrU. ! Lit A SUUuI CJSu [ t i ■ ;-'i '■ ;c-e.-.fiO rftbo Kidney# and I I —LIVER — i . • -• | | M , i e ,t- •. : ,*r. t f.Tunr *.:t/ an J i i, i . * V.y of ' 1 t > Il>. a- 1 . r i J§ la tr9o [ ( . .. - c • *. d Nkaiii. ' ; Malaria. '■ i 'd, , 2 \ V 'dir. • t f ' c-t * iuonl u';.i b Uaor t.- • c-c ima of IL | corn 3V Dirjnr.i .T:;. I sflifikiVlri' la * new remedy, "tiglnzity rrwnpiwinded j, , anil Introduced to the pt- fewlon. n • and ttien to the puMlr at large, ly It. It B a llortman, M. 11. 11-has prtwtlliad It to *3 ceer axtmnattenuwtth the nv*t gratlfr- • 2 In. remit* W Q Its effort up.a liui •) Hem 1* entirely on- ° lite that of any othef remedy, and t* the g o unly merltrtne nee.led In dl- • a eo*. to whlrh #e*h I* heir. (Infon.ttp. m _ tloo. IM***e* of tha |.ler and K "tiirr* *. - M t **Ll> th-eild hegtrrn with It. ■■■ 0 T. Pz.t ** It rorojeiaedof purely regetahl# o Inrr—lleiit*. eqrh nne. aeenrdlng to me.lt- -• 3 rolaulhoro. * great remedy la Itnit. ■■ M C lu. Ilanm.in ha* wree-led la attract- tT a Irg ar,.| roniMnlng tlio aetlye principle* of the*e tr,grist lent* Into cm* *tir,ple o.m W '• ieind. which rerfertly coti.rhie* with tlie S " Vi* Mi.ptr*T.il Nn m In rrn <ll*- H t-. e*<*. nd arnrenerrautrtly follow*. Ihet* a a I* mt en organ It will 10-t rear n nof a *ll* p _, oom. li will i.i.t rure. ■SmPMpsmMM m 2 Ak your druggnl tor Ir. luttiaan t E ® patnphfrt "a Mte ' llkof 1.1 fa," Dt. b It. v a il*rtmn * t t" tn. 0.. pfotwtetuta 5 For I'tir*aid Celtic lilmat. take htMiWiWllfl k ? A ,IVXX* eJ \ y *8 \ JOUN HARRIS, SOLS AaaxT, t-' SRI.LRITONTK, PA. 2 CTu. e Saaa lUidie*. *a*aal|Ua, Aesan, eu, J ruai Imii. iwaei.Oa **a* O o B br nasiHiH* p A dure*. M. M. JOMVSTOW. 169 Bmilhfield elraet, FiiUburgh, I'a. For Sale. A FARM containing Fifty Acres sad hating thtrena arseted • TWO-ffTOSY VKAMR RI'ILbINU *nd oat balldlatt Tltlogoad. Ui,nlr. of A. Jill URUST M SaioaeiUo, Cs.tr* ota.gr, K ®he Crntre srraocut. BKLLKKONTK, 1* A. -A-O-X*ICXTX-TT7R.A.Xa. NFWH, FACTS AN!) BUOOKBTIONB. rs* rut or tii iitioiiL wuriii 11 tin iitilu- Kvery farmer in hie annua! experienee heeovere eumething of value. Write it awl tend it to the "Agricultural Lid it or of the Dkmochat, Hellefunte, I'enn'u," that other farmere may have the benefit of it. Let eommunuatuin* be timely, anil be eure that they are brief and welt poin ed. Incroooe of Fertility Through Green Manuring. An>ri an Cultivator. It in evident that recuperative forces are at work in the farmer's behalf. lie is not obliged to return everything to u moderately fertile soil to maintain its productive capac ity. There may be sandy wastes so poor and so little retentive of what the)- receive that they need manuring, as has liecn wittily said, "every twen ty-four hoursbut in general a top dressing once in two or three years with frequent seeding to clover will suillce lor ordinary purposes. The market gardeners who manure heavi ly every year arc obliged to follow such a practice because their land is too costly to be kept in grass for even a single year. The value of a ■•ingle crop is often greater than the selling price of farm lands. In such cases, it is perhaps cheaper and let ter to manure heavily and keep the land constantly under cultivation Gardeners do not, however, entirely dispense with green manuring. The practice is becoming more common every year with seedsmen ami nurse rymen at least to sow rye in the fall on land that would otherwise lie onked through the winter. Its growth furnishes a slight protection to the soil from blowing or washing away. Again, it is more than probable that the rye only takes from the soil such elements of fertility as have become dissolved by rains and would other wise be wasted, In this case, how" ever small the amount of manuiinl value of the green herbage, it is an absolute gain of what otherwise would be lost. With some varieties of crops the •pring growth of rye may be allowed until the latter begins to head at which time its inanurial value is greatest. The staple hoed crops, as corn, |>otatoes and lieans, do not need to have the ground filled for plant ing until Fall-sown rye is beginning to head. An excellent farmer has for years practiced this policy with a young apple orchard, plowing late in the spring, planting Wans and seed ing with rye after a bean crop is harvested. He drills in enough min eral fertilizers with his rye to supply that which the Wan crop removes. Other than this supply of fertilizing material the land lias for years re ceived no manure. The soil is kept in excellent tilthe and the growth ol the orchard is all that conhl be de sired. Until the orchard comes into Waring, cropping with some low, hoed crop, like Wans, with little ma nure except green growth plowed under, is |ierliaps the very Wst jtolicy that can be adopted. The country is full of young orchards which have never borne a crop, hut whose annual growths show that the soil has Wen over fertilized. After the Waring habit is established judicious manur ing is advisable, but until then green manuring with light cropping ia every way best. Shrinkage in Potatoes. ABMinu Oslti Tatar. There is more loss in storing pota toes than in storing any other crop, liarring all waatea from rot there is a heavy shrinkage both in quantity and weight. A bin holding 100 bush els will shrink in size nearly one tenth, besides a greater loss in weight. A bushel basket full that will weigh fully 60 pounda in OctoWr when taken from the soil, will not weigh so much after being stored in the cellar through the winter. The shrinkage in weight is much less when kept in pits olosslj oorered with earth, for there is then less chance for evapora tion. Tbim is not room for a broad grin on the face that Is pinched by poverty. House Plants In watering |rlbiitN, carc is neces sary, Under the treatment of people of limited experience in window gar dening, plants arc apt to nuffcr from a lack of water or from a too abund ant aupply—they arc either starved or drowned. The reHult in either case in about the same; the leaves turn yellow, drop off, and the whole plant presents a sickly and forlorn appearance. Nothing is more de pressing to a lover of flowers than a eickly, starved looking specimen of vegetation. Much less water is nec essary in cold than in warm weather, as plants then grow but slowly. Morning seems to he the most suit able time for watering, and luke warm water should lie used applied to the surface of the soil. I have seen some poured into the saucers of the pots, to soak up into the earth at its leisure ; hut nature does not perform her operations by such a process, but sends the rain from above, anil prob ably her example will lw> safe to fol low. The plants should be watered thoroughly so that the water will penetrate to their roots. Those who arc constantly dribbling a small suje ply of water on their plants will not have them in a flourishing condition for any length of time. The rcwon is obvious ; the surface of the soil is kept moist, but the lower roots j>er. ish for the want of water. A plant should not l>e watered until it is in a condition to receive a liberal sup ply of the element, which lieing given, it only asks to be left alone for a season. Resides watering the roots, the foliage requires nearly as much attention. Warm baths, show, ering, etc., are necessary to remove dust and dirt, which arc as injurious to the plant a they are to the human race— fir. Gardening. A thoughtful writer recommends to every man es|>eciully in the au tumn of his life, to lake to gardening, if lie has not already experienced its pleasures. Of all occupations in the world it is the one which lx*st com bines repose and activity. It is not idleness; it is not stagnation: and yet it is perfect quietude. Like all things mortal it lias its failures and its disappointments, and there are some things hard to understand. Rut it is never without its rewards, and perhaps if there were nothing but successful cultivation the aggregate enjoyment: would tie less, it is bet ter for the occasional shadows that come over the scene. The discipline, too, is most salutary. It tries our patience and it tries our faith. Rut even in the worst of seasons there is far more Jlo reward and encourage than to dishearten and disappoint. There is no day of the year without something to afford tranquil pleasure to the cultivator of flowers, some thing on which the mind may rest rest with prolit and delight. Food for Cattle. Asa rule, a combination of wheat bran anil nil-rako meal will accom plish more in maintaining a lot of cloacly-stabled breeding and growing cattle stock in a satisfactory condi tion, thai! any other two articles whatever. Rran, which was formerly supposed to lie the mere refuse part, bearing a relation to the inner |rr lion of the grain like lhat borne by the ahell of the nut to the meat with in, of about as mueli value ss the straw u|ton which the grain grew, is fount! to contain no small portion of the constituents required hy tiotb growing ami mature animals. The laxative tendency, objected to by aome, de|iends upon mechanical ac tion, ami is readily modified by com bining the finer'descriptions of mill refuse with it, in proportions required by the habila of body ol different animals in Uie herd. Increase of Egg r#Hrj V-Mttitv. It has been satisfactorily demon strated that the organs of produc tion are capable and can by proper food ami care be made to do a mar velous amount of work in the way of "shelling out." There are aeveral cogent reasons to aubatantiate thia, for if fowla are left to ehift for themselvea they will lay but few egga comparatively, whereas, if the opposite course is taken, they are being supplied with ! food containing albuminoids with the natural food they procure, such as insects, seeds and vegetables, they will more than double the number of eggs. All the wild gallinaceous fowls arc very indifferent layers; seldom any of the species will lay over a dozen eggs during the season. Nature in this as in other things limits their productions to the adaptation of climate, surroundings, habits, and the way of procuring food. Those who make an object of mar keting eggs will find by careful com parison that young stock can be kept to better advantage than those that have passed their third year; early hatched cockerels can be sold for broilers and the pullets retained for layers in the winter when eggs com mand high prices; pullets will lay more than old hens, they are'always in a fair condition for the table when needed, are ICBS liable to attacks of disease, and can bear the changes of weather much better. Variety of food, judicious system of feeling, cleanliness, pure air, and the general comfort and well being of tbe liens have a great deal to do with increasing their productiveness. These are mainly the principles that ' govern injkeeping fowls successfully ; ■ as circumstances vary, so the meana of carrying out the principles will vary, so that every one must use some judgement and common sense in what is best suited to his case— how most readily and cheaply he can i conform to the requirements, for the I man who hasn't aptitude enough for ' this is not likely to succeed after he i is furnished with what is necessary. Chapped Hands. i The raw winds of late autumn often produce in the hands of those who are much exposed to tbem that j roughness and cracking of the skin known as chapping. If nothing is j done to prevent, and the jx-rson is obliged to have his hands frequently wet and dried, the cracks will get i deep and lx- painful. Com husking is frequently accompanied by sore hands from this cause. As both a precaution and cure for chapped hands we have used tbe following with benefit: Wash the hands, and the face also if it is inclined to chap, with borax water, and afterwards rub with an ointment made by melting ' mutton tallow (suet) and then grad ually adding an equal quantity of glycerine, stirring the two together until cold. For the hands, this mix ture can be best applied at nigbt, using it freely, and warming it by tbe fire, nfter which an old pair of gloves can be put on to keep the bed clothes from being soiled, and also make the skin and bands softer. An excellent glycerine ointment lor chapped hands is made by melting with a gentle heat, two ounces aw eel oil of almond*, half ouuee sperma cetie, and one drachm of white wax. When melted, remove from the stove, and add gradually an ounce of glyc erine, and stir it until the mixture is cold. The ointment can be scented with any perfume to suit the fancy. Keep in wide-necked bottle. Agriculture Based on Livo Btock. o®r rf faiia <iw4c. The agriculture of the world is based on live stock. No system of farming can lx? prosperous that is not so conducted. The original quantity of plant food, in new soils and in new localities, may give prosperity for a time, but it will not be (wrmanent. Tiie earth produces vegetation. Slock j consumes the vegetable food, and the growth of the stock is the profit of the farmer. The manure is the bal ance due the land and should be care fully saved and intelligently applies), for barn yard and stable manure must be the main dependence for fertilizer of a great majority of those who I till Uic soil. No farmer can succeed | without stock. What shall it be, j thoroughbred or grade f What an Englishman Thinks of Ensilage. Pr*t. 3. R SIMMM. Our Yankee cousins have a playful habit of rushing to the wildest con clusions from the narrowest promises and of drawing general inferences from isolated instances. THE ssbington correspondent of of the Philadelphia Rcenrd palls Commissioner Loring's ears soundljr for his delay in furnishing the copy for the Agricultural Keport, and in timates that Congress wHI look after the case daring the coining session.