KIIUUKIIT & VAN OHM Kit, KdltorH. VOL. 4. sht Ctnlte jDrmomt. Tormt 81.50 per Annum. In Advance !!. T. SHUGERT & J. R. VAN ORMtR, Editor*. Thursday Moraine, December, 7,1882. AMONG the uovel sights to be seen at the National Capitol now, is the large number of headless trunks parad ing round the House of Representa tives as members of Congress. THE cabinet makers have not yet dually agreed upon the appointments of Gov. I'attison, and it begins to be seriously apprehended that the Gov ernor will have to attend to this busi ness himself. THE Rev. Richardson, a prominent Methodist preacher in Washington, it is anuouueed, made the defence of the Star-route thieves the burden •>! his Thanksgiving sermon. He is said to have beeu very severe upon the De partment of Justice ami the prosecu tion generally. ATTORNEY GENERAL BREWSTER uses forcible but not inappropriate lan guage, when he designates the Star-route thieves "the worst hand of organized scoundrels that ever existed since the commencement of the Government." Since Richardson of the Washington pulpit has joined the band or at least become the defender of the innocent stalwart lambs, the Attorney General may perhaps, modify his opinion. REMORS come from Washington that a hostile meeting is about to take place between Senator-elect Riddle berger of Virgiuia and Page M'Carty a correspondent,* and that the com batants are under surveillance of the Chief of Police from Richmond. If the fools want to shoot at each other, why not? Why need the police med dle with the innocent amusement of the game-cocks. CLAYTON M'MICTIAKL, proprietor of the Philadelphia Xorth Amrrirnn. has beeu appointed by the President, Uni ted States Marshall for the District of Columbia, vice Mar-ball Henry, the Stnr-routc sympathizer recently re moved. Col. M'Michael served on Gen. Hancock's staff during the war, is a gentleman of character and ability, and will restore the office to the stand ing it possessed in the social and State assemblies at the White House before the appointment of u colored man by Hayes and an boor" by Gar field. THE Methodist Conference in Texas has entered a vigorous protest against ministers deserting their min isterial calling to engage in secular employment. So great is the demand for husiocss men in the "Lone Star State" and so strong the appeal to enterprise, that the church finds it difficult to restrain the clergy with in hounds to sustain the church organization. Many of its brigh test lights abandon their "divine mission" to embark in pursuits to swell their exchequers, in specu lative enterprise. • Wwis, of Virginia, who in certified by the Re-adjuster returning board, a* Congressman at-targe, elect, i* also the United Slate* District Attorney, finding that hi* *eat i* to be contented in Congress on the ground of shame less and extensive fraud* ha*, ?Fw*/y, perhaps, concluded to investigate the charge* himself a* District Attorney. He therefore propose* that the Grand •Jury of the United Slate* go into the case at once, ao a* to afford him the opportunity to certify a* a Federal officer that he i* all right and hi* par ty pure a* angel*. The committee on election* in the next Congrtss might, however, have *ome doubt* of the wis dom of this Wise movement aud en tertain proceeding* to satisfy them selves as to the honesty of Mr. Wise's election, in which other parties in in terest might be heard. Tho Mooting and tho Mcssugc. Congress convened on Monday last, and were rapped to order by Speaker Kciler. After the report of the tariff commission ami a few bills aul resolu tions ttcre offered, the President's mes sage was reud. His recommendations in regard to the reduction of internal taxes are sweeping, proposing to retain only those on distilled spirits. His recommendations on the subject of civil service reform ami assessments are very well and seem to favor the Pendleton hill, but ufter the abandon ed profligacy of the late campaign in which he lent the whole patrouage of the government to political despera does, like Mahone, Cameron and oth ers of equal infamy, to enforce ussc.-s --nients through the Hubbell organiza tion to bebaueh elections, the recom mendations are somewhat thin. On the subject of tariff revision, "so as to equalize the public burden among all classes and occupations," the enlarge ment of the free lists and "a substan tial reduction" of duties upon manu factures of cotton, iron, steel, woo'' ''ugar, molasses, and silk the message will startle tho protectionists, and throw Judge Kelley into hysterics. The President evidently favors a "tariff for revenue only," hut is willing to have discrimination "in the acquit ment of details as to afford aid and protection to domestic labor." The message upon the whole is a creditable one, but lengthy, and we have no space for it at present. THE Democratic party of Pennsyl vania have for many years been sjwak ing and writing and protesting against the rule of bosses and rings, but the Republicans only began to realize that they were degraded to the position of mere slavish followers, two yerrs ago, when Wolf raised the standard of re volt, and declared that the rank and file of the " grand old party" were en titled to equal rights with Don Cam eron and Matt ({nay. A portion of the party sympathizing in these views, declared their indepedence, and have fought a creditable "batleof freedom." Tho bosses were wounded, iu the en counter, but they are not dead, ami it now remains to be seen whether the protesting Republicans will maintain their independence or accept the yoke and again submit to the Boss mastery Don may tamporise hut he will not capitulate, and we expect to see him "next year" at the head of the Repub lican column directing its movements in the old rut, as lively as ever. He inherited the right to command the Republican Federals in the Cameron domain, and those who will not follow must leave, and identify their fortune with tho Democracy, with whom bosses will not be recognized, nor rings tolerated. THERE doe* not appear to be any ■triking evidence yet to sustain Judge Folgcr's prediction that Government securities would depreciate $10,000,* 000 in the event of a Democratic tri umph at the late election. The Demo crats are supposed to have been some* what successful, particularly in New York and Pennsylvania, and the only evidence to be gathered from the re. suit thus far is that the people were not so easily deceived and alarmed as the Judge imagined when he made that declaration. These sensational warnings against the Democracy are becoming less potent every year, and now even a tariff scare is found insuf ficient to produce a ripple of ex citement. THE Supreme Court of the United States have decided that the title to the "Arlington Estate" embracing 1,100 acre* opposite Washington in Virginia, which the United States have wrongfully held from the heirs of Mrs. General llobcrt E. Lee, must be surrendered. On thia> property, the United States have erected a Fort and established a National Cemetery, and will now be obliged to acquire a legal title to it hy purchase of Gen. Lee's heirs, or by condemnation proceed ing*. "mi'AL AN D KX ACT JI'HTICB TO ALL MKH, or WHATEVER STATU OH I-KKSI'ASIOK, KKI.IOIOUH OB l'< I ITloAlJeffs-roni, RKI.LKKONTK, l'A., THURSDAY, DKCK.MItKIt, f, IKHL'. Tins llarriaburg Patriot, say*: "It be comes iluily more appoint that the republican* appreciate the meaning of the result of the recent election*. The reform* demanded by the people ere repugnant to the leader*, but lhe*e de' mind* must be met even tin.ugh it be by *ticii n nil-tin n* wit# put forward by the republican# of the present congress in the bill for the reduction of the in ternal revenue. There are rumor*, how ever, which Hre worthy of credence" that nt the coming session of cougre** an effort will be made to tak* the civil service bull by the horn*. Some aort of n bill will doubtlea* be offered which will compel the damoi-rat* to re tain the preaent republican ollico hold era 'luring good behavior. If the bill i* not favored by the democrat* the re publican* hope to make capital for their parly out of alleged oppoaition to civil service reform, and thus to array them aelvea on the popiular aide without any lioneat intention of carrying into effect what they prolen*. To nttempt thia aort of a scheme would make it appeal a* though the republican* had stnsl hope* of controlling the office# in tin future. The Democrat# have nothinv to fear from #uch a policy. It will react upon the origin* or*. Tut O'cf.v--' • j Uomf.itrr apeak in g of the "effigy huaine*#" to which we refer ed in our iaat, ha* this to aay : The Chief Marshal and committee in dignanlly deny that the effigy of lien, lb aver waa "brought before and appro* ed" by tbein, and the Star owe* it to truth to aay a# much. They did not know that *uch a thing Was in conteni plation by anybody, and had it removed from the line during the inarch. It • the deaire of all (lie fieniocrata that nothing open to reasonable ciiticiam ahoubi appear in thedemonatration. The "etfigv" business haa been very common with the Republican l>oy#bere —Seymour, Tilden and Hancock having been In turn o "diagraced." Surety fln cock ot all oibera ahould liavebeen spar eil.u|K>n a field be o gallantly defen'l ed; but be wa* not. Had the Kepubli ran committee "properly scrutinized" everything that went into their pro**-* aior. (in 1800) tha "disgraceful" an* of - moral character that lost Republicanism ! it* protracted mattery cf the country. : Reformation in ollicial morals is as in . dispensable as in practical political and partisan action. Republican* only rid. iruled and despised Andrew Johnson liecauae he constantly | jsealrd to the Constitution and the laws. These have been violated shamelessly and act at naught until the people absolutely pro posed, in condemning the Republican party, to condemn perjury. Huhbell was only the impersonation of vicea which the coun'ry abhorred. There fore tho 1 teniocratic Congress, aside from its addictedueaa to the philosophy of "strict construction," will obey the laws and interpret them with judicial and noo partisan fairness. Men will be given seats, in cases of contested elections, a* the law and right and de cisions of courts direct and not as par tisan selfishness dictates. No sueh gross outrages will be practiced upon succeasful Republicans claiming seats in the House as Democrats have been forced to tolerate, and law and right, in obedience to parliaan necessities, will not be violated. Democracy means the government of the people, and the reoent actional the ballot box have shown that tbey condemn knavery and will approve bonealy.— Amtrtcan HryitUr. TIIE Wilkesbarre Union Lemlrr of Friday last contains n timely and ju.-t editorial in favor of the appointment of the Hon. Charles R. Bucknluw to th! Attorney Generalship as the man conspicuous for the place and the o - C tsiun. The recognized ability, of this profound lawyer, added to his excel lent public record, and hi- entire tree dom from any connection with cliques or disreputable business, either in pro fessional or political life, would point to him as one to fill the hill of an hon est administration. Of the excellent tnen mimed by their respective friend* in connection with this office, (he choice of none would give moro sati-- taction and confidence, than Mr. Buckalcw. IHE Ciucinuatti Commrrctul, a leading Republican paper, is not feel- j ■ng at ail comfortable over the lull elections and, says, ' that while it dots not follow that tho I), nio ratio party will elect the next I're-i h-nt, anmher . session of Congress like the l . t wit. . ter's performance would make the mat ter sure." "Last winter's performance i added to the general corruption and disregard of the Constitution and law which has distinguished the "grand old party" since 187(1 ami before, are now only living seriously considered and ' heir enormity realized by the people. Ihe result of this falls election ar >nly the first fruits of this coosidi ra tion, to he followed hereafter by grea ter results iu response to tie- [mpular word "change" which will ftmt upon every breeze throughout the country in 1884. Tut New York Ttmn pronounce* the "machine a hindrance rather than a help to the Republican party. It there lore insists that the party tnu*t be tbor •ughly organized. Hut how impossible ibis must be! There is a fixed and well defined class who make polities a trade. ' itlice seek ini* is their <-!o oerupation . I tiey live by it. The rest of (he com" muriity and its honest, respectable, self sustaining, industrious class .tand aloof trout practical |Kilitics. These only vote and they do not even cure to rote How then, can the Timrt hope to change the leopard's spots Reorganize the IP-pub lican party you msy. but the ssnie lead ers will take charge of it. and the same "machine" will shape its action and morals. In confessing the absolute nec essity (or reorganisation, the /'<•<■* con fesses the necessity for an im(>OMibiiity nd thus confesses the necessity for the inevitable dissolution of its party. Its mission was accomplished long sgo. It hss long survived its usefulness. a well as its honesty and good name. The T>m't is only at fault when it distinguishes the pir'y from the "machine," They ; i re insep rable. and, aa the Siamese twins, tbey must die together Training of Indlnu Mrl raojicr or TH* urctlx IVSTITITION at riirio WITH rtroi. The proposition ot Mr*. .lob tie It—l ' (tigp (•>*. to train Indian gill* HI the i Lincoln ln*titution ol tlii* city. i rm-iv •*d with favor by tli• Department ol the Interior. On Norrmbrr 23 Attorney General llrewster addre*"d a not# to •*ccr-iary Teller, giving hi* testimony lo the charitable work of Mr. Cox and her aoooiate* of the Lincoln In-titmion, and recommending the project, which ta to lake from fifty lo one hundred | U plls and educate tlieni at an eX|Kl*e to the Government of #l7.* tier capita per annum. Indian Commi**ioner Price, in a letter to Secretary Teller, wrote: "If thi* proportion couid be accepted the money thu* expended would, in my opinion, do more to break the j reju dice*of the wild Indian* and open the door to their civilization lhart ten time* that amount expended for auh*i*tence and support. It ia very important that the ratio of girl* to hoya now being edu cated here should he increased. The reluctance of the Indian* In part with their girl* might l>e overcome by three ladie*, who agree to assume all the la bor and expense of procuring the girl*, except the traveling expenses ol the pupils from lhair homes to the institu lion. Thia institution seems to possess exceptional advantages for the work it propose* to do, and the training given to the girls, and the influences thrown •round them, would be of the very beat. No such arrangement, however, can be entered into unless a specific appro priation therefor ia made. I therefore earnestly recommend that Congret* be urged, at its next session, for to make a specific appropriation for this purpose I of not I est than $20,000." (ONTIKFSS AT WOKK. hj- ill JH'jsfijrij \,, (I,* W AHIIN<.TON, Dec. •>. —The way* ami ni'-ati: coiiiuiittee to day declared in favor of the total abolition of the tux on tobacco iu ail its fornix and a hill to that effect was übmittod to the house, i lie vote stood six to five, ax follows: i • ,i- -Messrs. EnsU, Kel- I> v, Ran lull,.Speer.Curlinle and Tuck er ; nay- M'-ar*. Dumiell, Kasson, ll i-ell, McKinley and Morrison. The revenue rais- d from tobacco last year amount d to forty-three millions. Mor rison said to night thai lie doubted whether the hili would ever be reached but that it might ho tacked to the Lii l p tiding in tin- senate for the abolition ot the mutch and hank taxes, known as the "little joker." lli<-hill intr ilu ed by Mr. Kas sou yesterday to regulate the civil service, and referred to the select committee on Jie civil service, will probably he r> portet without material arnened ni<-iU. It provides for examinations and p ri.i I- of probation for all appli make voluntary contributions polit i il I ir purpose-, and fixes the penalty at not nior<- than a tho-and dollars. Senator Reck to-day offered a rew lutioiiealiingon thelinancial conirnii ee ol the sena'-- to make a prompt an I (borough itivt -ligation into all matters it latiug it ttie political asK-s --m> ni of govc-mraenment etn pl ,ye- hv the Hubble ami Mahone committ■ -• a andjthc discharge of any made I r n -npayment, ami to report by bill iu Febtiary next. The resolu tion wint over under the rules ami Senator George prop -t*f a conclitu ti ouai aim a,dim nt permitting the prcsi deal to approve or disapprove of sin gle items in tlit; appropriation bills. W imiisgton. I'ectuher t.—The second -i-sioii of toe I riy*eventli congress wis opened at 11 o'clock. The desk oo copied lat res-mil by the late Re,.re ,<-uiative I'pdegraff was tastefully dress ed in black and ornamented by a basket of dowers. In li s opening prayer, the Chaplain alluded feelingly lo the deaths o' Representatives l/>we and 4." pdegn-ff. The speaker then formally declare I the session opened and the clerk pro r- (-•<■ I the presence 'JlfiJ meniWrs. Ar< - -Aiimn w adopted providing for the appointmeiit of a committee to in form Hie | re-.-ietit slot i|ie senate that the bono- ,s r- t is to proceed lo hu-l ness. 1 -j.e .L. i i:*i.| beforethe house the r< , -ii ot hi'- to II coininiss on and on moti oof Mr. K-llev 1',., it wo referred t , the ways and meat's com init lee. Mr.' x N. Y i, a-ked if thi dis charged ih<. commission and u(in receiving in afli mipve reply remarked that he w.i very glvl to h>-r it. Soin" -i - iissi n w.,s hs t on • resolu lion by Mr. K ,sson. of lowa, grunting ih" coiiun it- on civil strvire teforni ii-sve to report ' ills at any tune and living lues in trie I'Jth inst *s a ,| a y for lhe consider at ion t here >f. Mr. Cox, of N"'-w York, in Ins remark* on the subject, in 1 .;re-( what had quickened tin- cot • eos . : the gentlemen on the other sol" in regard to civil servi-e reform and also made some jocular remarks to I candidacy lor the • peakership. V< action *,< taken on tlie resolution. The presidents rn<. sage W.'S ri - j and ordered lo be printed. The de. th, of It- presci,-Stives Low, of Ainhaina and t'pdegrsff, ot ilhi" were hi nounc- lan I in irk, of respect to their memories the hu -e m .t,|o adjourned. TliK I hilidclphis Tif't :ii*ulity in con nection wit,i the pro**-- u:ton of thc*e cases. This letter "li'cli * very inter e-iiug. clear* up much of the inward history heretofore unknown, surround ing the retirement ol Mr. MacVesgh and h s refusal to be employed by the government in th•• prttserulton, credit- j able alike to the goori judgment and in- I dependence ol tliecx Attorney (leneral. We have only toont for what he *ays in the outset: "A* I have already told you, I knew comparatively nothing at>oui the star route frauds until President Garfield i caiied my attention to them. Ilespoire very earnestly of his duty to them thoroughly Investigated, to remove all petaons who ought to have prevented them, and to see that ail persons were prosecuted agatnat whom reasonable grounds for such acoutse were develop ed by the Investigation. He said he had expressed to the Postmaster Gen era! the same views, and also why he wished htm to consult me rather lhan the district at'orney of the District. The Postmasti r Uensial called upon me and we went together to the President. He was quite emphatic aa before in the expression of his own opinion upon tha TERMS: $1.50 per Annum, in Adwme. subject. He spoke of the fr.iu 1* nt> un paralleled vilUnies, a* a ! athkorhe, ulcer on the body |>oli(ie ticciyig to bt> ' • ct out, with all r* ri'Ol', no rnasi,-r where they extended, He stated that whilb it did i;,,t belong to my depart merit—r rtaiuly not all at that stage of tin* matter ye? I, v.. . i | , me with the Postmaster General to t • extent of having the latter feel at perh t littertv to c >rniuli me at any • :n< #y. ' , it. lie said he llite.-jd. rohahle after all moat effective. Washington and Dakota w,il pie*, hard this winter for admission to the family of .State* They wilD.fler strong I inducement# to the* who Will make vigorous cllorU for th'ir admiaaion. l-.rie, December I. —Th morning W 1.. Scott's famous hotel at Ma.aas.auga Point, which cost sid,ooo, burned. Nothing wa* saved, the occupant., the Graham family, barely <• taping with their iivea. Ihe London SpteUtttr is n is to " cut lo,e from the oid hulk* altogether, should let protection and protect ion tss go to the devil, and plant ing himself upon live ssues should seek the confidence of the country outside of ll' iui*) lrani# H< is ay, u g uun ami has tune to btnlii up a new party in the Keystone Stat'-.'* II inmha! D.Norton, priuciyuil deck ol the finance diviid ti,e I .id As' • i-t ant P, (tinastcr Gctiersi'* . dice, on Friday last removed by the potm*a icr (seneial upon the recommendation of Attorney Genervl P.ewMej. It is thought thai the removal ws brought about by tbe course taken by Mr. Norton in giving hi* testimony before the Crtmi nal Court in the late .Star route A convention of representative* of labor unionr wa* held in VRaihiucton on Thursday, in pursuance of the call issued in July last by the federation in that city to look alter the legislation in the interval of the workingmen. The convention waa well attended, with rep resentative* from Florida, Missouri and Kentucky, KnighU of Jjibor from'Prnn aylvania and elsewhere. A directory (if aeven members to represent the work men of the United State* before the committees of Congress wiil be chosen at a meeting to be held on neat Thura NO. 18.