Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, November 30, 1882, Image 8
§he Centre Thursday Morning, JSovember, 30,1882. COSSMSOSDIKCS. coiiUlnlng ImpurUut nsws, •4 from ny P*r of ,h * ®only. Wo IVwrMd sulEs sccompsnled by th. rssi usm* of lb. wrilsr. Local Department. —Return thank*. —Buy Holiday good* at Katon'i. Altoona want* a city controller. WiUiamsport ha tho dipthoria.—Re porter. Do you think iho will die ? —BaptUt service# in Y. M. C. A. lec ture room next Sunday morning. —Noll's opening at Pleasant Gap to day. General store, good goods, lowot prlcM. —'Thanksgiving service* in Y. M. t A room*, thi. morning at 9 o'clock. All ° Lock Haven i* threatened with an in luflicient eupply of water, owing t" gri<*t waitefulneei by consumers. —The increaied number of marriages .11 over the country is a sign of good ttmei now, and good time# to come —Prof. John Weaver, of Pine Grove, will conduct a musical convention et K" bersburg, commeacing Doc '.' S. Mr. J. C. Morri, of Wolf's Store, one of the beet teachers of this county, called to see us Monday evening. jj r \ Sternberg, of the Philadelphia Branch, railed on Monday and introduced Mr Wm. ReiaensUin, of Baltimore. -A number of the invited guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. M Millen will dine with them at the Brockerhoff to-day. -Snow Shoe willfioon have another in dustry in McClain and Hamilton's box factory, which will be moved from Miles burg soon. —Mr. W. B. Miller, of Philadelphia, waa in town on Sunday. Hi. new venture ia paying bandsemely and of ceurse he is happy. „ , . Rev. Wm. Laurie, of the Presbyterian church, will conduct a Thanksgiving .or vice in the Reformed church, to-day aj 10.30 o'clock to which all arc most cordi ally iavited. —One of the largest turkeys ever brought to Bellefonte was sold to Mr. Daniel Gar man by our friend Mr. John Kishel, of Centre Hill. His turkeysbip weighed thirty pound*. —Dr. Hoy treated Mr. Lambert Aucra man, a glass worker, for a combination of troubles, necessitatingsome delicate surg ery, about three weeks ago. The patient ia doing exceedingly well. The new bridge at Osceola, built by Clearfield and Centre counties, has been nspected by the viewers appointed for that purpose, and has been pronounced satisfactory, in evary respect. —There is a trifle too much sameness in many of the locals of the Lock Haven Journal and our Daily Seva for them to have emanated from one and the same brain. "Thou shall not steal." —Mr. Barney Coyle, of Thilpsburg, ac companied by Mr. R. • Brett, of Pine Grove Mills, paid the DEMOCRAT a visit on Monday morning. Both are good fel lows in every sense of tho word, ( all again. —The editor of the Rrpuhliean can change that raw "Spring Creek" of his to good "twenty-year-old" by adding oak shavings and burned sugar and glycerins, and then passing an electric current turougb fho mixture. —Mr. Walter N. Heiss, representing W. J. Heiss, Bro. A Co., wholesale gro cers, 19 and 21 Girard Avenue, Phila., is devoting his attention principally to trade In this neighborhood and is meeting with abundant success. —"Astronomy" will be the subject of s practical talk by Prof. Osmond, f>f the State College, in the Y M. C. A Wwture room, Friday evening, Dec. 1. Admission free, ticketscan -be procured at the Asso ciation rooms. —A postmaster, living between Lock Haven and Tyrone, was seen helping him self to his neighbor's grapes, during the latter'* absence, and to excuse hi* presence, where be bad no business, said "1 sailed l bava a little talk." In bis mind. —Mrs. Nancy Tuten and daughter, Miss Bsther, of Mount Vernon, N. H., mother and sister ef Mr. 1 T. Tuten, editor of the JUpubliran, are enjoying the generous hospitality of that gentlemen's borne. They arrived Monday evening. —Messrs. J. M. Furey end W. C. Mil ler, of the Lock Haven Bute Normal Behool, will be present at our Institute to Introduce Prof. A. N. Reub s new end complete work on School management, Raub's Literature, and Test Speller, by the same author. These works should be la the poeeeseion of every teacher. —ln order to better fit himself for the practice of bis profeesion, Dr. Hoy bas lately added some costly and important instrument* to bis already complete outfit. One of them is e galvanic battery—the aooet expensive, reliable and effective owned In Centre county perhaps. Doc seems benl on keeping up with the times. —We, for some unaccountable reason, forgot to tefer last week to the very friend ly call at B. O. Delninger, Esq , editor-in chief of the Mitlhelm Journal. It was the first time be ever saw u* ''at home" end if ha noticed any particular embarrassment will understand why. We've ever look, d to Mr. Delninger as a friend and counselor, •ad as time roll# rapidly on, trust the pleasant relations, formed In our boyhood, toay ever continue- FlßS.— Between 8 and 4 o'clock Tues day morning a wooden ' uilding in the rear of the Mutts llouss, w*s discovered to bo on fire. The Undine Hose company re sponded to the call and soon succeeded In quenching the (lame*. Mr. F. X. Lehman, proprietor, thinks it had iU origin In some ashes, the remains ola flro used to heat water for washing. Whatever may have caused the trouble tho escape was narrow. Wo congratulate Mr. Lehman and the Messrs. Brown, owners, upon lhe*trifling loss sustained. WHAT SHALL WE I)O WITH OUR GlßLS?— Mostof our exchanges are asking and trying to answer this question. Prac tically speaking there is very littlo to do with them. Girls natu'ally incline toward gentility, meekness snd a reserve of man nor characteristic of the sex, anil if assist ed, but a little, by their elders, while grop. ing, in the moral darkness that too often surrounds them, for tho noble and true, are in no great danger of making it neces sary (or any ono to chido or reprove them. In the case of those who have not had tho benefit of early training, and lack strength of character to successfully contend with the evils that daily confront them, the question becomes one that directly concerns society in general. A SUM-RlSK.—Cupid has been perched upon our chair-hack ever since our last issue telling us ever so many things about persons married and given in marriage, all which were allowed to pass wife a mo mentary notice, except, perhaps, tho case of Mr. J. Howard Bpangler, foreman of this office. Mr. Spangler has seemed radiantly hap py for somo iiino, and a great, largo smile was often seen lighting his face, hut no intimation came from him that said happy expression was tho external indication of the connubial joy so deftly hidden deep down in hia heart. The lady heretofore has been known as Miss Klla Bayard and is ono of Bellefonte * prettiest fair ones. Howard is an indus trious, capable, talenti-d young man and lias done well in thus establishing himself They expect to move into rooms on Alle gheny, near High atreet, soon snd we trust athwart the altar there to he erected tho glow of hearth (ire may never bring to light anything not intended to promote arid insure the fullest possible measure of domestic felicity. IMPORTANT TO FARMER*. —At th meeting of the National (.range at In dianapolis, Tuesday of last week was de j voted in part to the reading and discussion J of the Report on Agriculture prepared by a committee composed of the following gentlemen: Put Darden, Mississippi; C. G. Luce, Michigan ; J. M. Blanton, \ ir ginia ; L. lthone, Pennsylvania ; J. L Neal, Kentucky ; W. A. Armstrong, New York. We cannot insert the report entire and to attempt an abridgment of it would be unsatisfactory to all concerned, we, there fore, suggest that our farmer friends write for the IndianapcAu Journal, of the 22d instant, which contain* the report in full. These resolution* were adopted ss em bodying tho spirit of the association : Rr wired, That in the exercise of the elective franchise we shall recognise alle giance to principle as tho only *fe rule of action. Retolred, That we repudiste all leader ship in politics, except that which lends to the advancement of the national interest* of our people through the #xerci*e of the virtues that dignify and ennoble cilixen tbip. Rewired, That safe protection for our industries against organixed extortion im plies suitable, and in some degree, propor tional representation in .State and National legislature*. ConmqnkU"o MiLKanrßo—Mr J. A. W. Rishel is about to open a store In the room belong ing to E. U. Csrr, lately occupied by Lu cian Fryherger. Some of his good* have arrived. We hope be may stay longer than his predecessor. [Glad to hsar that "Ward" mean* business, and shall be pleased to know of his success. Klie. J The many acquaintance* end friends of Dr. C. L. Addleman will be interested to know that be intend* to go west. His office is closed now, and we understand ho will go in a few weeks. Mrs. Addleman and children will go to the home of her parents at Warrior's Mark until the Dr. establishes a practice. Our Evangelical friend* have not yet given up the idea of a new church here. Rev. Morris end Mr. Jos. Rodger*, one of the street regulators, were quite busy Bet urday afterneon measuring and slaking off the plot so generously donated to the con gregation by (Jen. Beaver. They need a ehurch building for holding religious ser vices as a school house is not pleasant. Mr. and Mr*. Jacob Bhirk mourn the death of a dear little boy aged about one year. Little "Joey" had not been well for sometime and died about 12 o'clock, Wednesday night. The funeral sermon was preached by Rev. Morris, and the re mains interred in the Mileeburg burying ground on Beturday afternoon. We deep ly sympathise with them and hope they may find consolation in Him, who said "Buffer liula children to come unto me." Mr. Carr is so fully convinced that oar pavements are sadly In need of extensive repairs that he is putting a substantial brick one in front of hi# dwelling. Mr. Mitchell, teacher of the Central City grammar school hs# resigned. We do not know that another ha# been secured to complete the term. Mr. Tom Qogga had hia hunting sport very unpleasantly broken in upon laat week by being recalled to the bedside of one (if hia children, who had been taken alck. Wo are glad to aay that tho little fellow is doing well and hope ho may ho running around soon. (Wo deaire to call tho attontion of our readers, in various part* of tho oounty to thia letter, and then ask thorn why some ono in each town and at every post office in tho county cannot write ua in tho same way. Sond mat ter# of interest to persona in your localities and wo will cheerfully publish them ] I'ORT MATILDA.—They who prophesied, • fter tho newa of tho election waa hoard, that all tho btiairieaa interests of the coun try would auffer were ncithor prophets nor tho Hon* of propheto. Bupt. Wolf viaitcd our school* on tho '.Mat instant, accompanied by the director* of our town. All enjoyed hia viait. Rev. U. Conley held two protracted meeting*, thia fall, with good roaulta, and Rev. G. B. Ague ia holding an interesting ono at Martha, Hog cholera haa mado it* appearance among tho hog* of this vicinity. Tho people havo declared war on tho fattening hoga, rea* ning that a poor bog is hotter than nono. Sensible. Harry "look* well" in hia tight* and new "plug" hat. Herbert Roth rock, A. W. Recto's clerk, haa resigned his position and returned to hia heme in your town, where he expects to go to school during tho winter. We are sorry to lose him but expect to see bim occasionally, aa there is ari attraction for him here. Miss Nannie Gill ha* gone to Houtxdale to aew. Tho many friend* of Miaa Gill and Mr Rothrock, gave them an oyster supper at Harry Woodring a on the evening of tho 21#l inatant, at which many were present. A number of hunter* have been after deer, which they report plenty. Attack* of "buck fever" prevented them from kill ing more than two. They are not danger* oualy ill, however. "Mark" aayt if he did aleep it ia not true that the deer hit him. "Sam" aay# it ia a lie that tho deer ran over him, the only trouble being that he had not eyes enough to tee him. Tha oyater supper at Whippo'a, on Sat urday evening, w*a a success. \N e pity those who tho other evening were heard singing "Tell me not in mournful numbera, Life i* but an empty dream ; For tho aoul is dead that alumhera, And thinga are not what they seem." leu DISK. BPRIKO MlLL.*.—Winter ia here and tho ground ia decked with it* fleecy covering, hut many farmer* are not prepared for it, aa a great deal of corn remains unhuaked, and much fodder ia still in the flelda of Gregg. AH the school* ars open except the town hip grammar or high school which will open aa soon at the teats arrive. Spring Mill* haa three school* now, hut the high eat grade, juat mentioned,i* for the benefit of tho whole township. Th* changing of the road near Greno ble's atore from a curve to a right angle baa enabled Mr. Grenoble to lay out two building lot* on the property occupied by Mr. Rarick. Mr. Kunkle, of Centre Hill, hat purchased one of them and will build soon. Report aaya a furniture establish* tn*nt it to be connected with it. Philip Heima and wife after a rnaidenoe of a few year# in Indiana, have returned to thia place, and will build a house on Church hill. Amo* Koch i* building a house on Guinea hill. Your correapondent haa alao caught tha improvement fever, bought a lot and will btnld some time between now and when the Republican* again get down Salt river. [Wo hope our friend may not have to for ever abandon building hia house, change the time. ] Robt. Duncan ia sojourning at Milton The Republican defeat made him alck. Charley Krapo has quit telegraphy and is clerking for Geo. A. Runk. Home pervona have lost as many a* twen ty head of porksra by hog cholera. Among the heavie*t loasra are William Scholl and Abraham Harthbarger. %• A Hm.iniou* NEWSPAPER —W* deaire to call the attention of our reader* to one of the largest, ablest, and moat popular re- Itgiou* newspaper published—one that se cure* the boat writer* in tbia country and Rurope, regard!*#* of etpense; has the best and fullest book review* of any paper in the country; ha* able article* upon financial and commercial *ohjarta ; ha* de partment* edited by specialists and devoted to Fine Arte, Music, Science, Religious Intelligence, Mission*, Hchool and Col legs, Newa of lha Week. Hymn Note*, the Honday-achool, Legal and Hanitary questions, Biblical Research (something that cannot be found in any other news paper In tha United Bute*), Farm and Garden, Insurance, Weekly Market Re port*, etc.—ln fact, a nawapaper which, with it* twenty-two distinct department*, I* salted to the requirement* of ev*ry fam ily, containing a fund of Information which cannot he had In any other ihape, and having a wide circulation all over the country and in Europe. We refer to THE IKDBPEHDBKT of New York, now called "The largeet, the sblet, the beet." Bee < advertisement, in another column, and •end a postal card for free specimen copy. —Mr. Mert E. Beelt*, lata of the Fell House, Greenville, Pa., fermerly of the Bt.' Cloud notel, Canton, Ohio, ia now boek keaper et the Brockerboff. Mr. Beelt* It a model man, and will render the popular "McMillan** New Broekerboff" dill more attractive. —Capt. It. 11. Hall, of tho U. H. Army, who u detailed to inspect tho N. G. IV, encampment at Lowlatown, laat August, ha* submitted hia rnjiort to tho propnr officers, finding fault and flattering hi nearly equal measure. Tho camp inatruc tlon and diaciplirio bo think* very good, and in altnoat tho tamo breath hurla an in voctive at tho ahooa and underclothing worn, thoir manner of saluting atiporiora, failure to properly perform guard dutiea. ruaty gun*, and unsteadiness in ranks. Tho frionda of tho National Guard may exultingly aing it* praiaea hut they will never auccoed in convincing men that playing aoldier ia what they crack it up to bo. Tho great majority of enliated men ontored tho organization to have a good time, and when thoy worn aaked to carry mud, water and raila, aland unprotected in a drenching rain, on guard, during a whole night, etc., no wonder they kick. Theae evil* are insignificant, however, when oompared to tho aupercilioui, au thoritative hearing of a great many of the officer*. Hoy*, i' you want to wear tho blue, go wcat, and join tho regular army. —Speaking roughly,about three-fourth*, by weight, of the body of man ia conati* luted by tho fluid he conaumce, and tho re maining fourth by the aolid material ho appropriate*. It ia therefore no figure of apeacb to aay that food make* the man. We might even put tho caae in a atronger light and affirm that man ia hi* food. It cannot ohvioualy he a matter of indiffer ence what u man eata and drinka. We know the effect tho feeding of animal haa on their temper and very nature*; how the dog fed on raw meal and chained up ao that he cannot work off the tup*r fluoua nitrogeniaed material by axerciac become# a savage heaat, while the aarne creature fed on bread and milk wouljl he tame a* a lamb. It may he fair to aay that different kinda of food exert a par allel influence upon man. They who buy groceriea at Becbler a never, on account of tho food they eat. are aubject to tho an noyance* aurn to follow having used im proper food. —A haa for aorn# time been anticipated tho I'enna. and the I'enna and Weatern railroad* havo locked horn*, and thero i< any amount of blood in the eye* of both The latter company haa, in laying it* track, reached a j-oint where further pro greaa ia rendered impoaaihle uniea# the I'enna read agree* to ailew the P. and W to croa* it* track The location of the point ia on the farm of laaac Luces, near Snow Shoe. Ten Java time have been agreed upon in which to have an injunc tion issued. Gentleman, atop quibbling, go on with your work and give ua the new road aa acaon a* it can he flniabed. Our friend* of the I'enna. road are deairoua, i f courae, of retaining the right of way and when they have that aecured will without any doubt blandly request their rival* to go ahead. Wo ahall keep the public I-oaled. By referring to the liat of marriage* our reader* will notice the announcement of the marriage of Rev Calvin F Gep hart.of Millbeim, to Mia* Sal lie A. lleagr, of Middieaox, Cumberland county. We have known Mr. Gcpharl long and well, and are aure that Centra county never produced a perac.n who ia more of a gen tleman, a man in whom the inatincl* of true gentility are more clearly marked, or a friend in whom there i* !<**# guile. Hi* career at a miniater, though abort, haa been a brilliant •, bard atady, buwaaai impaired hi# health to uch an extant U a* for the paat year he ha* been recuperating We are glad to offer our aincere congratu lation* and wiah Mr. and Mr*. Gapbart a long and proaperoua future. —TheLadioa' Mite Society of the Preahy terian church, met at the residence of Mr* W. P. Wilaon, laat Friday evening and an occaaion of rare pleaaure and enjoy ment reaulted. The hour waa devoted to a octal chat, charade*, conundrum*, etc., and patted ao quickly that before any-one expected it the lime to go home had ar rived. It ha* been determine.) to hold the naxt meeting at Mr*. Jamea A. Rankin * residence, corner High and Thoma* atreeta, on Friday evening, Dec. 22d, to which all are invited, and requetted to bring with them tnmething weighing a pound. Republican official# generally may profit by the example of a Spring town ahlp member of that party, who atole an elegant wolf roba from the buggy of Col Jo*. L. Meff, in Mtleaburg, Saturday 261b instant. lie took K borne, but the mean net* of bi* daatardly deed ao worked upon hi* oontcience that at 12 o'clock Sunday night ha routed Mr. A. C. lddinga, out of bed and requeated him to return the robe to iU owner. We aball witbold the name pf the party for the present. —Our good friend, Adam Hoy, Esq., ia now "aeven daddiaa," the addition to the little flock made hi# appearance on Satur day afternoon, and weight twelve pound*. The little stranger ia exceedingly fortunate In having aecured a boma ameng person* who nre *o well qualified to render hi* life bappy, and we with hi* father nothing lee* than that tba young man may, at year* advance, be an honor to lha family. —Mr. Robert 1. Hunter, ton of Hon. B. F. Hunter, member of a*aembly elect, recently finished an aieellert portrait in crayon of R. M. M'Oee, E*q., which I* a real gem of at. It can be aeen at tha office of Slitter A M Gee. ftoy Fttnthflra, ribbon*, velvet can el) be colored to match that new hat by using the Diamond Dye*. 10 cent* for any color. —Mr. W. Mile* Walker, ia subject to somnambulistic attacks, that it, he often move# around afw r dark, hut unlike other aleep walkers, be always ride#, and that, too, in ono direction—Centre Hall. Oh Mile* I —The pulpit of the M K church will he filled next Bunday, by Rev Dr. Flood, pastor of the Tilusville charge, and editor of the (.'hataw/uan. The discourse* eii) he of auch a character aa to merit large i congregation* and we trust many will at tend. —The various suit* brought against I Guggenhcimer have been disposed of, The creditor# having judgment were paid in ; full, those of I. Guggenbeimer A Co r• ceivid 76 cent* on the dollar, and those of I. Giiggeoheiiner were paid 60 per cent of the face value of their claim*. —lt is exjieclcd that the Tfarhern' Jour nal, the organ of the Centre County T'-ar h- , er-' Institute, will he published again thia year. The Juumal is one of the large# and beat papers of it* kind publirhed in the Bute, snd haa already Income an india penaalde factor in institute work. Mia* Klla Gerherirk, of Nile*. Il'-rrb n county, Mich , was married to Mr Amo* Kibble of C*"poli§, Ca-a county, Mich . on Tuesday last. Mia* Gerherick i* well known and highly esteemed in thia com munity and her friends unite in a tender of well wishes for the year* yet in store for her. —The teacher* of the Bellefonte schools have organized a claaa that rneela bi-week ly for the purpoteof discussing educational topica and to improve themselves, a- tea? h- T*, generally. The movement is com mendable and prove# conclusively that the instructors of our young id<-a are determ ined to fit themselves for the work they have undertaken Head the advertisement of S. A A Iyoeb. N< doubt lha intelligence it con vey# will he a matter of much importance to you. They d>> net *ey much, hut the little rn*ena a great deal. Their trad* thus Hr during thia ■••*' n Ira# been g*>d and they are prepared to meet any demand made upon their f*< ilitn-a to supply their customer#. —The Philadelphia Branch i* alive and busy. The thror.|ps of customers that crowd the room daily understand fully that to buy food clothing at reasonable rate* l* true economy. It never pays to buy anything cb-ap simply because the outlay ia not so great Mr le>win°a word nevsr haa l*-*n doubted and hia good* • |e-k for themselves Try them. —The case of Webner Butler against Michael Confer wa# tried before Judge Wateon lat week and reaulu-d In favor of Butler for $ 12. The coat* and attorney's fca-a on the on* aide, and lawyer's fees, — minus sl2 on the other, render thafcspeci- j men of bovine development about the most | expensive piiece of bull meat grown upion Centre county soil for some time. Hati ng* A Rcwder aj |-cared for plaintiff and Beaver A Gephart for defendant Mr. H B. Marshall, ial* manager and business agent of the (Ttnfon Democrat severed hi# connection with that j<mrnaJ j on the lfuh instant With iseo* of j Nov. Ti, the raoßsawf Mr K H Thielecke j waa istksd to the mast head aa editor, al though he ha* tor the p.aat year filled that position with credit to himself and satis faction to the patron* and friends of the Democrat, which i# Justly esteemed one of the most reliable and influential papers in this neighborhood. We tender our kind est regards to all concerned. —Wilson, McFarlane A Co., call atten- ; lion to the only reliable Ready Mixed I'aint in the market. The Pioneer Pre- j pared Taint is not only superior to any Ready Mixed Paint sold hut rivala pure j white lead in it* smoothnea in working j and durability. Thia paint is guaranteed by the manufacture* nut to crack or pseel within three year*. The guarantee ia not only good for replacing the paint but it will be put on if it should crack or peel within the time sp>ecifled. It will be to your interest to call and see Wilson, Mc- Farlane A Co., lofore purchasing either white lead or any other Ready Mixed Paint. 'tis la eel worths of the honoyeowh. Thai shaft* lha hlv* hswats th* lass hsrratting." The Watchman. last week, indirectly attacked the judge* of our court claiming that whHe they aboali have been holding court they were attending to private bust ne#*, referring to the week of apiecial court over which hi* Honor Judge Wateon pre aided. Wedo not wiah to place our neigh bor* in an unplea*ant position,'would not If we could, poaaibly could not, if we j would, but deaire to make thia alatement— neither Judge* Mayar or Orvia were fish tng, hunting or speculating, a* waa assert ed, the former waa preaiding at a session ! held in Clearfield and tha latter wa* sick, nor could either ef the gentlemen hare oc cupiad tha bench in the trial* of the eject ment case* originally set for diapsoaitiun last week, bad they olbarwiae been able to. Tbeee case* bava been continued from term to term for year*, Judge Oral* hae ing been retained a* counsel In both of tbem prior to hi* elevation to hi* preeant position and Judge Mayer being directly interested in the result to b reached in each. November [Th< following li<<••, appropriate to thin reason, wore written I.y h Jvly r cwiding in till* place, arid published >iu- \.-nr ago.l I ft""*! In lht m>*U t) * Autu i.r . *f|, Mwrf't k<H In*m fit*. So,tU Vh'tff f*">l llit*! tin- i"V*a •* fit" mill* . ( OVrtiff*!, tti 4yiUK !*•••• m*trmtstr4 Umh, Ak tU-y flutter*'J It* o</iom of criifjwti an*! J On i.,e tnjM li*'f/u* brwir, Mlf lb"; kf.* | Tliey k#oo tuuftt fall—-their ko II *- % JW-4 Tli-j ha/I wfl the |iur|KiM for whlrh ih*y **•. I l'".k"l on 1h- ft- 11, I hut In j(laj) array ' In tin* •uitiM*r !•, had I mr) fluti* * ill* • pfoJltfl haiH their frvln *o r*y, That *nt*4l the Mirk* it */<-r Ih'-m huu£. *ll M 'llil ||MTJ Mtl'l t'VoW l/*f< Tb# UrtNU w* ribrr(<(l-UM Urm at* t. i*~j Khrlll viii<l lou.i through lb# fraaty Mir, Ah*l tin- ui.. f rjr aotrg uf the r*ape* i alJ]|**J Ufa— Kuttab*r of If* All MHf, ,uU I/) tb" w|i**lt of CM If, T)**' fl'-'it'K ymin •itb ato rot* ar rife, Ar.'i itiova of muter will tou*h th# hir. "n* hy or." tint*- * Mij* btik uiarM tb" !• , Tb" 'Jr* an.a of y,, ttl h. ni| Ul(#^l , > ll*" <*l*l a*ay, there rmuifM only n,M ( *1• li' t of i .11y w^-,. Tl" earth Jo* k tip i.-kil, iter fc-j I f< ,| f Tl" lit" ar<<! bnit (of lb*- *<#tnii>g Th* tiny * M. m h.* f *. Mlaut. Mit tb* titer for their l)'*w,ualtag. Ho man a outer I if- rua> I- fr*'r*-t< r<ij Mr* o>r eratawl thi kly wither** ni a**, aid, ! Ilul Mi heart Ilk- ll* we..Jw. Ihr.u*l. hf. . AiOuam |!i"ar W ait for I ut • tm.ly f*g ring . unf Id. r A 8. Til* N RIIIKKK CoM r.KKM ( —'l'l l) Northern Conference of the Evangelical Lutlß-nii Syii'iil of Ventral I'l'tiii'vifinift, convened in the I.ylberan churcb at N.. lona, CiitiU'ii county, Xui'udav i v- mi,' , Novaintx.-r 21 Tb**'|ieri i ;.oerinon, t* .1 I Uti J'hll. 2 I, flrt irl UI d. !j*ersl Lr | Rev. J A Ji war, •: i'.j Grova M ; Tbe offico .b - t, f..r lie <)>.,,(; m are I*reiid<*nt, K**v. K h *'-1, f Reliefer)le J S<*' ri'Dtv, Kev (j : •_ Diven, of UehUburu; Trn.urer, J',. -. John TomiiriK i), of A.r r.-h.rt;. Ti ut.h. routine bukiie ik we j r * .i riv dnj.i ,• ed of But one ua. tj.re>-i-d at to the irji*reHhg charatU-r "I the pr . ing iti fi 'Tai, the t j ,o di- ur ■ J he! h o embraod in the : u ir.g : 1-t. tin- ;! • J article of the Confterion, \ i. "of the S n (i 4 i ho u. i atonal work, o|en d with ■ f.aja-t hv i: v WiU liarn K. Fin-bur, of C.-nlre 11a ! 2f, l'ac. tore) \'inUtion. . (.en.-: by lb-v .1 K'i. ler Miller, of Centre Hall, Ad, "lCxifir . cal I>uty of I'ailx.r and I'eojile. Tint b<'iri|; eo cliwely aili'd to tbe 2d wit diicuM'd und- r tin- tame head Wedn<*da\ evening wa> devoted U> ruit •ioni, Rt tt l I. Furtt and .1 T mlmn n •ddretred tbe meeting. On Tl.urtday afterr - n a children * meeting wat held in the churt r, wbu h waa addreteed by llevt. Oreehoe, Xirritnerman ami (a<i S Diven. Tbe cloftng termcn ' wit j.real bed by Her W. Sia br:-l. of Zion, on Thumiay evening. Tbe natt hieeting of Conference wiii I .a held in Zion, A}>ril 17, lh and ]!<, lfrH.l. Re*. J. Keller .Miller waa j[ednt<ej to prepare a j ajier for the ri *t meeting on I the 4th article id tbe Aug-burg O'ltfereion, ! vl* : "Tbe Doctrine of .1 u-liflcation." It waa reaolved that tbe t-erie* < f paper* prepared and in eeurts of preparation by itt inbi-ra of Conference, on ttte wow a! articles ol the Aumhure t'orde-in n, ahail ■ !•• the pro|>erty of Conference, and ' when C))fnpb ted shall be published in reg. ilar order in b-wik form. —Our attnk of AVoolena la now com plete. Clothing made pi order cheaper ; than ever. Mojttoommit A Co., Tailora Walkct Lsaf H*in ItaerokßK. —lt ia entirely different from *;i itherw. It ia a* clear a water, and. aw itt i.*me indicate*, ia a jerbtt Vegetable Hair Ketpirer. It will immediately fret the head from the j dandruff, real-nre gray hir to iu natural color, and produce a new growth where it ; baa fallen off. It doe not in any manner , affect the health, which fwulpbur, S-.igar of lead, and Nitrate of Silver prej-wrationn have done Jt will change light or faded hair in a few days to a beautiful gloaav I brown Awk yroatr drugg -t for it Each , bottle ia warranted. Sniith, Kline A Co., I Wholewale Agent*. I'hiladelphia, and I iiali lackili New York 4-lv MARRIAGES. fIKI'IIAKT—IIKmT —On tt U HMlnnl.nl lb* hof of thr brM*' *i t f R. ft Atinin'i, Rt. C V <f MlliHHm. t 0., muU Mim ftnlli# A HHit, of Uldll fri, < latM Co . IH (ft#* Lmt] GtIJ.ILAM O—HOLT—AI rti!tfwt>nrtf. < ctoWr M, IftAS, tjp R* U O, Urigi.t, •< t t<* of tb • riftli-r. Copt Joftn H <.<lltUt>.i f mh< Ml-*, MtJ Mmi fto# llolt. *4 r.Ui,M nr*. ftMKRR—OOftFRR —At Miloltf. Ort. M*. lWta, lit lUv W 0 WrlgM, Mr |. ftlik*r, of MllsM-trf n4 Nto U*a M OmfM. of H CCI.VKB~BrKI.ItV —At MilMl.nr 23. Into Kor, O. Wtlht Mr Oo ro M fnltor niA Mint SnUt Ifllt;. Urtl .f KoßMtioa.CmirtW. W BoHnfontn Grain Marknt. Itli tnronrt Knrjn. IMA Comrtrf rtllf hf T It. Rt)iMi A On . ffttnl—lnM. .....MO lit thm. Mo *. r..". (Iwn-nri. |ot baohol „ *> * oitrlloA. por t.iwtiol „ M Onto, pot Knntiol 41 Multji. |r lM. .. t4 Ami Mwl. por piaml ...... Fl.'ur, nbolomio. por W, R-.llor .. ~ • M " por nnrli. " . I? 4 PMotor. ground. por ton. • i Proflnlou Mnrknt. r.rrocto,! ftrklj bp Itarpoi Mfllrt*. Applon.Artnd, por pnonA • 41irr4m. JrloA, por ponnA.MMll— - _ in Bonnt por <|otl —— .. It Knob bailor por point • —ao Cfetrkooo por pona—— t cw. t-1 potrnA in Ooantrp Umt por p"nA _ I i flnmo. ongnr pnrot • Baron——.—— - lard por p-Mnt - ||tl WW* ... M*M< ... WTT. MM MNNT Eu'l'iT I I-mmi