Til Kit / E-II 11 /•: .s TO /t #:n. I w V -- --V7VWWV I Money Refunded if goods do not turn out as represented, and no growling. Special Attention is called to our stock, which is larger and more varied than ever. Every Department is now complete. * All Goods are marked in PLAIN FIG URES - - - AMERICAN: Fliit RES and at prices within *he reach 01 any purse be it large or small. DRESS GOODS. SILK V 1 si-EC!A LTV, VELVETS. PLUSHES. BLANKETS. : FLANNELS, HOSIERY. RIBBONS. LACES, NOTIONS, CARPETS, * OIL CLOTHS, DRESS TRIMMINGS MATTINGS, HATS, CAPS, Gents Furnishing Goods. MERCHANT TAILORING. Ac., Ac., Ac. LADIES' 6c CHILDREN'S SHOES. LADIES' GOATS & DOLMANS. MISSES'JA CHILDREN'S GOATS & DOLMANS. Havinv purchased for CASH several cases of de sirable DRESS GOODS of udefun t manufacturer at minous prices, we will in turn dispose of same to oor customers at about half * heir value. REMEMBER they are the latest s'yles and in all the new and de sirabl > sha es ' uch as T#r ra CotV. Cadet Bine, Rifle Graen, Crashed ry. Olive. M rtle. Plum. Garnet. Navv Browns and Biaclu. <.OI.I>ST||Ti| IIKO*, BEE HIVE ONE PRICE STORES. Uellr funic, /'. 8.--We are sole agents for BALLS' HealthiPreser vincr Corset. ewln'n I'hilatlrlphla Branch• look: here boys. 10,000 to I> CIIVIN NWV! SUHK POP AMI MUSICAL WHIPS AND CANES. Gents' Furnishing Goods READY MADE CLOTHING THESE AIIE NEW INVENTIONS— NOV KL, ATTRACTIVE, AMUSING AND DURABLE. THE LATEST AND BEST THINGS OUT FOR BOYS. They are not for sale, we give them away to every purchaser of -and- YOUTH'S, BOY'S or CHILD'S SUITS, A SURE POPfIWHIP OR CANE. OR MUSICAL WHIP OR CANE. THEY ARE SILK BRAIDED AND ASSORTED COLORS. HcltS Rlld CcipS REMEMBER ONLY AT LEWIN'S PHILADELPHIA BRANCH. AU.EOHENY STREET, 4-iw sjr '1 • . •v'wwff Newt Advertisements. Hurchjield '* New Grocery. XKW CKNTHK COCKTY HAN K 11IU.DIK0. Groceries! Groceries! |. I r PHE now Store in the Centre Coun- JL ty lUtik building, lligli *t . lUllfonr, |'j* t i;s NO W Ol* E N —ash— S TIO C K FULL. Tb* good* ou mI arc tk* b**t Ik* mark*! afford*, and sold al pricvt to tuit all cualotuart. GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERY, CLASS WARE, .CANNED FRUITS, ASII KVKRY TIIISO ;KLNE USCALIY KKIT l> a rmT claw Tom RLWKMKIU TIIK STOKK IN A XKW ONK OI K* :ei> OX Mnv 1. ASD ALL StW AX nun. The patronage 0/ ait desiring lair treat nxent m aotuited. dd'lif <)n Ulhßi rail aad J"J will I* CMtIMH 1 (kit a r**olatloa k* t yrtotß of al i goatt'ofTar*! fr **U. i*.i W. K Bt'RCUKIKLD FURNITURE. ftjj> 11. SPANGLEU A CO. re. guct the attention of the <4*s* intelligent reader for a moment or tiro. The fact* they tlt*ire, to make public uill hate a telling effect upon the. do meet ic economy of any household in irhich this recital of their facilities to supply furniture of all kind* al reasonable price s, in given a fair hearing. They authorize in to elate that every article I hey hare on ex hibition is new and reasonable, ion bought for rash, and trill be cold at the lowest price dealer can afford. They hare constantly on hand parlor and bed-room mite, velvet and carpet lounge*, extension table* of their own make, odd pieces, ereretarie*, tide board*, marble top tablet, table*, etc., etc. Anything made to order and guaranteed to give satisfaction. They tupmntend each department in person ami keep themselves putted in matters : of imjmrtance to customer*. They also invite special attention to their undertaking department. Mr. Henry Si cartz, practical, scientific enbi- . i net-maker and undertaker of many years experience, superintend* the ar | rangement* and %cork. They hare late■ , i ty secured a new ynitent cooling board, 'i the most perfect body preserver in use, and the. only one in Centre county, at considerable expense. An elegant hearse will be provided gratis. In transacting business of this kind do not forget R. B. Spangler & Co., High St. opp. Bush House, 80 licllcfanfe. N. ,0 A. lAtl'.it, General Men hunts, AUeyheny-Ht,, Itefte/ontc, /' j I Compare our prices with, those you are paying for the same goods elsewhere. ji ! . | I | I ji t 1 Arbuckle's Coffee ... . 15c 1 Choice Roasted Coffco - - 121-2 c. ; "A" Sugar ... . 10r. ; Choice Syrup - 60c j Good Calicoes - - - 5 cents, j Heavy Muslins 7 cents. ; Dresu Goods as low as - 10c. Men's Full Suits from - - 5.00 up. ' Overcoats as low as 3.50. < Ladies' G'cats at - 2.50. 1 1 PULL ASSORTMENT NOW IN.. 1 ! • : 1 A thousand-and-cnc articles too numerous to mention ; at equally low prices. We guarantee ail cur prices helow those of any ethers. S. & A. LOEB. Sl-A'il I.Eli •( ('ft., 1. rarer*, Hush House HI orb, Itetlr/onte, J'U. NEW GOODS | —FO It THE SI'RIMi and SIMM lilt THAI®!! \\ e have end'avond to get the very Imtl of every tiling in our line, ami now have *ome really CHOICE Gft OPS. PINE CHE AM CHEESE, Extra FRENCH PRINKS. SEI.EC T O VST EPS, S MEET PO TA TO EN, LARGE lUPE t'RASHERRIES, PRENELLIS. IMPERIAL 11GS, PLIGHT AT;II' LEMONS, ELORIPA ORANGES, Princess P;i|ht-Slic!l Almonds. Evaporated DRIED PEACHES. A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FRUITS. PRESER YEP PEARS. PEACHES, Pi EMS •./ PR EN ELL ES. PLAIN CANDIES. FINE COM HCTIONEHY. AND— iGOODIES of all Sorts and Kinds. We invite the people of Centre coiiniv t<> call and inxpei-i our NICE GOODS, which cannot fail to plea re. sKciii,i'.i{ A, ro No. U FIFTH AVFNCF PITTSItt Hull, ID. T imjort • t'K tni' \l, I?I MNK"* M't CATION Kb*, ft nunji }t*n iml trltli ifnai mk * lltf f *im < f luff* fN'llßfw. Tl>* filtlihil B|4*iil l"f* MIIIIn for *th lrtliiiß( tu till t)uillf| Liir fr mi •>*-•!it* ami r* uj> pwihsl dutiw* in •* Iphft# I if* for Pivoilir* Mew I' M'ff I <. Pitt*N ir#. Pi • Bo*moriv.. MllithHl-i II tj A Rn.|i>lM (r ntlnn, pt|* Tiif Utm w* r hn (•<* •rlenr* j>bli*h*..• 9 .1* hi 41 K| TJfmted AttE.Vrft! AOBKT! AOF.VTR! Tm r.rs IVMK-.F'S Wan' n~ ,irUd Thirty-Three Yearß Antony OUR WILD INDIANS! i Awiwyiv>iwirvrf, rvw r.r/w~,ir yanranaoaaaaar J mmm Cy'.:b u a Ida lalrwdHClaaa n y 6rr. Sh I Tbl. a, wnrV ra at ■ taWrfbal (or by /W*l Aatara *■< mn (Wj aM by r*a Kin.,,, ... Oaaf, Oaa. Atarbfaa. fir*. Ikmcmi. af llilfaalwi a IOKXTII TMa tnal bal la aan an! aaltlay all nikrii IS la I. Sammrrnnirm. AcvaM araraya IS la ts anla.a a4aa. Wa wan! I SOS Wara arm la al naaa. rab— fwwtm aarf "f.aabal tVaaia yiraa. Oar btrya r -aalara a ilk NU yatHaaHta a-at ./Vaa. A *aa |alaraa Plata aaal la abMna lor a * fral Uinta Addma Iba anVa yahllakara. 4. |v worr:!tfOTo* A ro, ma.rotn. Oaaa. s££ • Is r"r a inw*. Tanaa and on SOQ <1 fraa. A<1.1..a. 11. IIA HI. PIT A CO, port land. Malna. I My jTHKCRKAM ( FALL BOOKS or AD iA'CNTURE. PI NEER A MTI DARING HEROES *IW DEED'-. i Tli tlitlllin* mlnili rr of nil lit# loo #{•!.•?*• j ' Slid Ihiiili'l A|ht* Ipilmn. mitt*** •ba I IM j iitn or •♦* i ntilfi ttm> Ik* rl|ost ; fifties f>t ifift MMNI l.nt-s Aii'l laifMtsM !'► A-t' . I £*li- ►•niiaflti, lUt-n* Kontoa. Hi4il I'rorlk-tt If. llitMim. (Vii, f'n*tor. CsHlumtii J**, WtM Hill llnfal.t lull. Mtlr- wr.J I k., itrMl lit'lUf n ifli MNI m .rw* . ( rllisf# GORGE OUBIV II.LUCTHATED aim lTMaa anyrar.no to 11., Ida AGENTS WANTED. I, * 1-R-fi and laal* aorintoa In aail *lrn KTANIiAMIi HmiK IXI. Pl.lladal|4ita. Pa. - . THAT WONL£B?UL BOOK. GUIDE TO SUCCESS WITH row FORMS B^ EBS MI v SOCIETY la aalllas '7 ln nt lbaaiaan.lt. Il IrtSa Sal ant ! varaally aaat.il I nob ,vt |*,t>'lati'd ll lallt nMnplHn |y HOW TO HO 111 tut Till VI la lb, low nay. II. In l Tmh Oaa laayar llua ■<> In. SaUum l>.rwrlly and tarrMhlly. II"* m a.I la Sartaty and aim a hara A gnM aaiaa at van ad IntavaMllnS to alt rlaaata f.r ronalaal rvdanatra AGENTS WANTED '<* all m a)ara tlaia fi H- rn aki ihla l-.-i M SRALvalaa and aliiailluaa aa-Oa kattar man aay < ikar. i|yl) for Inai la 11. W. wrAWMKLL A On., Altadalyl.m, Pa *>Saa A'MD A latfjta, build oj Hi*- umm uwl ihana* iu blood Mild of BUfj tmj'tllH) For IH/rtt.-aa Il *••# ■! f{|--*3 l ilm A T. !>){•'l'Mla, F*%*r and *i br-d*/. f'lar|i|ro and Hi I'll** f l ' rufaliiM Humor a and < 7*tur, Itiiin Worm, Wliii* Nwrtimjc, fcr)atj4*daa r/fa i.>vo and fr ) i ihK lift i Hiffi-riiii lt< iii or lMdllfy 'ant*! fri.u, im|,ri,d*iif •, ami In b mal In •li li* mi* health, I'mili-f't Uoot lniiMiii r* "iiiin i'ii*l*i|. Ir. Frarltr I IIUT* MWL UJ|||H of jmr lb*! I)ltf*r* lor ||vJH |HiiM, iNrc!!,*-** VImIimIIMI Kidney . •"! Ili ) did ii more K**d liiib lli drntiiif and Ji Hi* nielli iii* I i*r •!*•-• i h"tt> III* ftrat do—i I began In Uifinl, and I mui no* In j* rf*., Kile I'rop'c. • I I Il f Mlf Hf lIV fMI CKIN UIBKAKKB CURED! Il) |)r. Fray|*r Mm*!' Ointment. Cureaaa If b) tnagi , I'lutjil**, UU/k lleada or Blalrbtf and KriJ|'li ii l.lje, old, > letii.at* I k*n and N*r*a, A. NK IN MPKAPK. F. It *k . Kaj*ar*d on hit haiida. h*ad and f< *. and n*a!y d-*lr< y*d lilt jr*a Tli* if i oat 'a ful lr llllnd. Rleedinjr Juhirigor t'l<*rat*d Pllas Hr William's I noun 0.-stwin? m a aura mre. f*rt< • I !.<, h) mail. For aai* It) Hruggitu. ably MIEEHEJM HOTEL, H. MiLLiiKiM, castas oovm, I-K.NKA W. S. >IL'SSKIt, Proprietor. The |A*H ' f Willh' jrri la located in a144.11! tao mil** from 'ntr* and Npruca <'r**k Kailroa*), AI.LKOHKMY4T , lIKI-UkKiNTK. tS C. G. McMILLK.N, I'rop'r. QixA Samplt Rt,',rn <>n hrit Floor, MO-1 r** Hu# to and fr■ -to all Trains. Bj— lal rate* ! to itn—and jarvra. 4-1 PENTRAL HOTEL, th* Kailr—l Math-u.) MII.KNHt R'i. ( FN IKK OiI'NTT, FA # A. A. KoiILUECKKit, Proprietor. TIIKoroII TRATEI.CK4 tbo r.r.r'*d wit! tut j tfcta II i*-] an *i-ltst.t |.u** it luii'lt, or pr< ItitT*t. Piirum SbtMi; Ny •..! MU Ooi. Uo|4ah4 JkKM A HIMH. hwldftt. J !• |f < ANGER REMOVE]^ \\ I I Hoi | KXIKK, and in moft ' " ■ wHAimtpnlu. Afi>l t.i .... 0. H p. riStiKh. ltnolbnr, I fry a*HHtm ami (I rwrrrir*. J I AKI'KK HROTIIEKS, pphiso PThirr. bkllrpuktk, p*. Have thrir countermand bv]*w filled iib NEW GOODS, f BANK KCIT KAtRS Purchased at } BANK RCPT KATES I BANKRUIT KATES *niTTOM PRICES, HOTTOM PRICKS, IBOTTOM PRICKS. OOXPIKTtXQ or I Dry Good*, Millinery Good*, Clothing, Pancy Good*, Notion*, Ac. t HOOTS end SHOES t'.GOTH end HHGKS *t eery lew pr HGGTS end SHOES HATS end Caps Latwt tvlaof HATS and C tw , HATS and c "Z Carpet Baa, Uiubrella*, ParaaoU, Ladie*' Cloak* Carpeting, Orooeri.. Ou ' Oaaiprta*** ***rj Uiu ihit cm *• I* a ' nl da* cue*. HAIiPEK BROTHERS, bprixo sraarr, . . bkllkpoxtk. r*. ooorrav paonrca ***** i* •*••* • *♦ HtIM arte*. I4|