Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, November 30, 1882, Image 4

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    Centre Democrat.
bsllifonte, pA :
The Urgsst.Okssysst sad Beat Paper
llahed every ThumUy morning, at Bellefunt*, Centre
county, P.
TERMS—Ce*h In edveoce SI BO
If not paid In ndtnnc* U OO
A LIVE PAPER—devoted to the Inlereet* of the
whole people.
Payment* made within three mouth* will be con*
• tJerel In advance.
So paper will te discontinued until err#erene*re
paid, except at option of publisher*.
Papers going out of the county must he paid for In
Any person procuring as tencash subscriber* will
be sent a copy free of charge.
Oar extensive circulation makes this paper an un
usually reliable and profitable medium lor an ver Using.
We have the moet ample facilities for JOB WORK
and are prepared to print ell hinds of Books, Tracts,
Programmes, Posters, Commercial printing, Ac., in the
guest style and at the lowest possible rates
All advertisements for a less term than tlnee months
20 cents per line for the first three Insertions, and 5
cents a line for each additional Insertion. Special
notice# one-half more.
Editorial notice# 15 cents per line.
Local Novlcxs, In local columns, 10 cents per lino.
A liberal discount Is made to persons advertising by
the quarter, half year, or year, as follows :
? I 112
One loch (or l'J lines this type) fj I*lsJ;
Two inches. ! 7 I'm
Three inches 'v.*
tjuerter column (or ' Inches) I J **
Uatf coin l..ll vr I'MIII hee) J'-* 1 ' ■K
One c damn ..r 2"laches) 1 3.5155 l"
Prelgtt advertisement* must be paid fr before in
nrtiOM, e*CWpt mi -.,rl> coiitr.kt t • when half yearly
pavtuoiit* IU advance win • E required.
Political Xoticl". '> eiits per line each Insertion
N ithliur inserted fr leas than 5n cents.
Ill'4! Ml** Noricr*. in the edltorlalcolumns, 15 cents
per line, each insertion.
" #
York's Jefferson Association.
7"o Robert Emory I'-ittison, Governor
elect—Slß: The Jefferson Democratic
Association of York begs leave to mingle
its congratulations with the many thou*
and* wnich come up to you from this
redeemed commonwealth, which, in
spile of power, patronage, and money ]
corruptly raised and corruptly applied, j
hat chosen.you to be its chief magistrate.
We hail this result with peculiar satis
faction—became we recognize in you an
exemplar of Jeffersonian democracy j
There never was and there never can j
be, any progress toward better political
methods, except that which spring* !
from the benifieent philosophy, lirst
practically formulated on this continent i
and crystalized into a system by Thorn
as Jefferson, the founder of tbe deni
ocratic party. That system is as sun i
pie, ana as plainly true and necessary, j
as any lav ever given to men. It con- j
siats of a few principles, which being oh
served, secure tbe public welfsre, and
being disregarded bring certain disss j
ter. Government is a necessary evil: j
the less we have of it the better; tbe
farther government is removed from
tbe immediate control of tbe people in
their primary capacity, the more luxu
riout, corrupt, expensive, and oppres
sive it becomes. Hence home rula by
the people in the state, strict economy
in the administration, a number of offi
cials sufficient to transact tbe public
business, and no more; not a dollar
taxed from the pockets of tbe people,
except it be absolutely and immediately
required for the public service ; no class
legislation ; no monopolies ; cor|*>rate
power duly restricted; protection to all.
favors to none ; a pure ballot box, and
elections free alike from federal intimi- >
dation and federal corruption. This is
the creed of the democracy to-day, as it
was when Jefferson, Madison and GJIIS j
tin led tbe common people to the first
great victory over the bourbon federal
ista at the beginning of the century. !
There is really no practical difference of
opinion concerning the soundness and
necessity of these principles, if we would
preserve our republican institutions.
The people bare always approved them;
and they have uniformly endorsed them
at the polls whenever their sober judg
ment was invoked, and left to decide
unembarrassed by temporary issues,
such as those arising out of the civil war.
When the opposition has achieve'! [tow
er, or held it, in a national contest, it
has invariably been upon some false pre
tense, while their measures in |iowpr
have been invariably of the samef char
acter —centralization, high taxes, - übsi
dies, bounties, a multiplication of otii
cialt, favored classes, monopolies, rings,
bosses, universal extravagance and cor
ruption, followed by the inevitable dis
aster which overtook the federalists in
1800, and has now overtaken the feder
alist republicans in 1882.
This association is formed to maintain
in its way those principles of Mr. Jeffer
son ; and it is our hope that similar
associations will be formed everywhere
in tbe state of Pennsylvania to discuss
public questions in the light of funds
mental truths; to back our represents
tivea in congress in the great work of
decentralization and retrenchment upon
which they will enter one year hence;
to prepare for the final conflict of 1884,
and make sure that the fruits of victory
are not wrested from tbe |x>nple by
another electoral fraud; and to those
ends to support your administration in
the application of the Jeffersonian test,
to state affairs, including tbe reduction
of expenses, tbe reduction of t*xe, the
dismissal of useless officials, the faithful
execution of the eonstitution where it
touches great corporations as well as
where it touches the individual citizen;
honest legislation in the interest of the
people; and tbe fearless exercise of the
pardoning power according to justice
ud law, without reference to the wishes
oT any ring however powerful, or any
man however high in place. No body
of yonr fellow citizens within the limit*
of the commonwealth has a keener ap
preciation than we of tbe high qualities
you have displayed in the important
office which you have held and elevated
in the oity of your residence, and none
will take e deeper satisfaction in doing
their pert toward holding up your UD
•potted hands in the great work before
Cti AUNCET F. BLACK, President.
JAMES A. BLAESER, Secretary.
MRS. Mel"ille, wife of Engineer Mel
ville, left the insane hospital at Norris
town on Friday evening lor home. She
km completely regained her health.
The Coming Men.
From (lie Industrial Smith.
I lie typical .Southern men is no long
er a free handed fox hunter whose in
herited fortune is lavished as long as it
Issts upon bis friends, his horses and his
hounds; he is no longer the gay society
man studying etiquette as the finest of
tine arts, and cultivating his capacity
for conversation as the most valuable of
all intellectual gifts; he is no longer a
believer in classical education as the
first requisite of a gentleman and an in
dispensable groundwork for celebrity in
life. The typical Southern man of oth
er days has learned new lessons in a
new school, and he is profiting by them,
lie is taking more practical views of
lile. He is grappling more with the
robust realities of life. He is applying
his mind and his muscle more to ac
complishing the substantial things of
life. He is developing himself more as
a man of actual, useful affairs. He is
training his spirit and his energies more
in the direction of realistic results and
less in the mere accomplishments, or
namentations, and elegancies of life.
It is always wise as well as brave to look
facts in the tace. Introspection of our
selves is not always agreeable, but it is
essential to self understanding, and is
wonderfully contributivo not only to a
generous construction of the conduct of
others, but to an unprejudiced estimate
of all changes that may be oll'ered to us
for our advantage. And however the
people of the South may look back with
tender emotions upon their usages
and associations of other days, as can
did and intelligent men they must ad
mit that, industrially regarded, they are
in the new order of things many im
provements upon the old. During the
existence of the institution of slavery
we had a noble race of splendid gentle
men in the South; but at the same
time there were splendid gentlemen in
the North too ; and l>oth here and there"
the race maintained to the end, not
only without deterioration, but with nn
increased and ever increasing develop
ment of all the great manly capacities
and virtnes, under the agency of honest
labor of every description and the in
fluences of that bold and chivalrous
spirit of enterprise characteristic of the
Anglo Saxon with freo institutions
around him.
The Southern man has the moral, the
mental and the physical forces adequate
to the attainment of anything and
everything within thecomja*ol man's |
capacity to reach, and now that he is no I
longer enslaved by his own institution
of negro slavery he i a sturdier worker
,in the rugged fields of industry; his
enterprise is expanding; his inventive
genius is awakening. Kre two more de i
cades shall have gone by, the wealth of I
the South will be the wonder of the ]
world : and we think we may safely say j
that the coming men of the South, the I
men who are to guide us in council and
direct us in energy, are the men who
shall have most turned their thoughts
to practical affairs involving the indus
trial interests in their section.
Governor Puttisou.
The following corresjAmdence is made
public :
Pit ILADKI.r 111 A, Nov. 16, 18*2. .Vy
I'far .Sir: —As the returns of election
become fairlv complete, I cannot exam
ine them without feeling it my duty to
express, through you. my extreme satis
faction with the orgamttiion of the par
ty in the last campaign. The vote in |
the Democratic counties of the State, as |
well as the general result, attests the i
excellence of the party organisation. |
I desire to thank through you the '
Democratic County Chairmen and com j
mitteemen .for their faithful and ben j
•■tidal services. To you at the head I
of the general organisation I extend ray
personal congratulations upon the sue- ;
cessful issue of the campaign to which |
you so largely contributed by your in
telligent direction and tireless energy, j
I cannot forget and want publicly to
thsnk the intelligent and efficient gen
tlemen associated with you as your
Secretaries for their valuable contribu
tion in achieving the victory.
Believe roe, gratefullv yours,
Uonr. K. FATTISO*.
LAMCASTKR, NOV. 18.— ,\fy [tear Sir:—
I am in receipt of your favor of the 16th
inst., in which you kindly make ac
knowledgement of the service* render
ed by the Democratic organisation in
the late campaign. Sincerely thanking
you for the generous manner in whicti
you are pleased to refer to my part
therein, I will take great pleasure in
transmitting a copy of your letter to
each of the members of the State com
mitlee, and its Secretaries and the
Chairmen of the County committees.
To them, to the eminent gentlemen
whoso readily responded to their call
and mine for services in the canvass, to
the Democratic press and to the large
body of district committeemen and
faithful coworkers who made the Dem
ocratic organisation, vigorous and kept
it intact, much is due. In view of the
results whicti the complete returns pre
sent you do not exaggerate "their lailh
ful and beneficial services."' The
lion of all the State nominees by Urge
pluralities, the poll for yourself of thir
ty eight thousand more vote* than ever
before cast for a Democratic candidate
for Governor, and more than were ever
before returned for the candidate of
any party for a Slate office in Pennsyl
vsnia, have not only vindicated the
wisdom of the Slate convention in ila
choice, hut they have emphatically at
tested the fidelity of the psrty to iU
nominees. With great personal regard
I am, very respectfully yours,
W. U. HlNltU
—-- ■ ♦ ' ■■
*,*" IT is a great art to do tbe right
thing at tha right time.'' The person
subject to derangement of the kidneys
or liver has a protective duty to perform
in purchasing a package of Kidney-
Wort. It invigorate* these organ* and
by ita cathartic and diuretic effeots,
cleanses tbe whole system of all bad hu
THR most notable attraction of Otta
wa is a very aged couple, named Mac
donsld, the husband being 105 years old
and tha wife 106,
The Turlff Commission's Report.
The Republican iron and steel manu
facturer* who are so frightened at the
prospect of a revision ot the tariff will
doubtless now with one consent close
their mills and throw thousand of work
ingrnen out of employment during the
winter, that is if they mean to be con
sistent with their recent declaration
in regard to the effect of a reduction
of the tariff on their special industries.
It is announced, on what appears to be
good authority, that the tariff" commis
sion in its report will recomend that the
whole internal revenue system be abol
ished. The commission as i| well known
is com|K)sed almost entirely of protect
ionist and monopolists, arid if this be
done its members will be committed in
favor of the much dreaded tariff for rev
enues only, which it is claimed the dem
ocrats desire to iustitule. The same au
thority gives out futhermore that the
commission will advocate material
changes in the tariff including the im
position of higher duties on some arti
cles of import and lower on others.
Among the duties that are to be reduced
! are those on steel rails and sugar. This
report according to the recently ex
pressed opinion of republican manufac
turers, should have the effect of par
alyzing the steel industry in the United
■States. But fortunately it will not. It
will simply serve to expose the insincer
ity and folly of the partisan arguments
used by republican manufacturers. The
stuel industry does not fear a reduction
of the duty one half as much as is ad
vertised. The manufacturers of steel
rails have in convention favored a re
duction of five dollars and a half per
ton, and during the last session of con
greas when it was proposed to make a
reduction of the duty on this < lass of
imports there was little or no opposition
and no business scare was created. In
fact the bill would have become a law
had it not been introduced at too late a
day in the session. A republican con
gress has openly declared itself in fa
vor of a revision of the tariff, but has
thus far failed to do the work. Now
when the democratic party, having been
given a part in the control of the gov
ernment, proposes to insist upon the
performance of a work which has be
come a duly, the republicans hasten o
make political capital out of the matter
us they are aide. But they lind that the
more they play the demagogue the clear
erit becomes that the present depression
in the steel trad it owing simply to over
production.— l/arralurg J'atnot.
- -
lion to Begin Government Economy-
Senator Mitchell, in bis late interview
makes a suggestion in relation to the
proper jiolicy to be adopted by the
coming session of Congress in treating
the subject of extravagance in Rppropri
alion*. He says this evil has grown large
ly out of the large surplus revenues,
which are a standing temptation to all
the sharks and job)>er* in the land. He
would begin the work of economy by
reducing the revenues till there was
nothing to spare atove the necessary
expenditures to maintain the govern
merit, pay the interest on the public
debt and a small portion of the princi
pal yearly. To this end he suggests the
•■nlire atwilition of the internal revenue
system, including the officers .who 1
collect the rivenie.
This suggestion is eminently wise. If;
there is no carcass there will be nolb
ing to attract the T iltures. The thieves ,
in this world always go where the
plunder is—not where it is not. Rich '
men's sales and bank vaults are the
chosen prey of the ordina-y cracksmen
and overflowing public treasuries are
equally the centre of attraction to pub- I
lie thieves. The simplest and surest way ;
to prevent public jobbery and atealing
is to have nothing to steal. A poor
government.will, ol necessity, be an
honest government. If the $1.15.(100.
000 which are now raiaed by the inter
nal taxes are left in the pockets pf the
people there will be no more twenty
million river and harbor bills siruply be :
cause there can't be. There will Im no ,
fllh.Ull) |i>st offices built in little coun- 1
try villages, because there will be nolb ,
ing to build them with. With the re
removal of the internal taxes the rev*
nues would be reduced to a point at
at which pro|>er ecooomv would he a j
matter ol positive necessity. By all
means, let the retrenchment in public
expenses lie begun at tbe right end.
Cut off the surplus revenues and econo
my will follow because it must.—/'Ai/o.
THE official vote of New York exhib
its tbe wildest fresks of the indepeud
ent voter. The following are the ag
gregates for Governor, Lieutenant Gov
ernor. Chief Justice and Congressman
at I.vge :
Cleveland, f) liW,KM
Folger, K 341,544 I
Hopkins, 1' 20,833
Howe, G 9.084 j
Cleveland* plurality - 194,412
LtatrraaAXT oovaaaoa.
Hill, D 534,846
Carpenter, K - 337,90"
| Hill's plurality 1 Wfl,fl7W
j Slocuro, I) - 502,941
1 Carroll, tt 390,770
Slocum's plurality.... 112,171
Kuger, D. 470,045
Andrew*. R 400,253
linger '* plurality - 67,792
Garfield's plurality 21,08$
Two years ago, Folger the late Renub
lican candidate for governor, was elect
ed Chief Justice by 45,160, largely lead
ing Garfield. Now he i* beaten 194,412.
Tbe Democratic vote for Governor i*
larger tb*n Hancock'*, while Folger
fall* 214,000 behind Garfield.
A Bono tbe officer* whose service* can
be dispensed with, by an arrangement
for collecting liquor revenue by tbe sale
of stamps, art* 120 collectors whose sala
ries range from s2,fiUo to $4,500, and I,
036 deputy collector* with salaries of
$1,025 to $2,100.
TUB only tnellow spot in the Solid
South just now *( pears to boa small
one about the SIM of William Mabon*.
—Philadelphia /*rtu.
Strange Actions.
In the jail of Havidson county. Tenn.,
is now confined, according to the Nash
ville American, a man who is charged
with murder,and whomightly.in a fit of
somnambulism, repeats in pantoinine
the crime of which he is supposed to be
guilty. He rises from his bed, and hav
ing peered about his cell and into the
corridor to assure himself that he is not
observed, rolls up his bedclothes into
the semblance of a man, set* the figure
on a chair, takes a broom from the place
where it is kept, raise* it to hi* shoulder,
goes through the motion of discharging
a gun, creeps stealthily up to the bun
dle of clothes, carries it to one corner
of the cell, scrapes at the floor as if dig
ging a hole, lays down the bundle and
carries out the form of burying it anil
covering the spot with leaves. He then
carefully examines his clothe* as if look
ing for blood, washes his hand*, retire*
to his cot and sleep* soundly the rest of
the night. In the morning he denies
nil knowlebgeof the crime and of his
ghastly rehearsal of it.
TIIEHE is plenty of evidence accumu
lating that the present Tariff Commi"
sion isentirely unequal to the importao
duties with which it ha* been charged.
As an example of its innocent and
unsoi.histicated ways, it has lately trans
pireo that in it* bill* for expenaes it has
been guilty of calling things by their
name*, line hundred and fifty dollars
is tbe amount charged up to rurf bath
ing, while a much larger sum appears
in tbe expense account lor witiea. This
will never do at all. If these articles
had appeared in the schedule a* sun
dries. hotel bills, board or travelling ex
|*enses the public would have been led
to believe the members understood just
what they had been appointed for.
But commissioners who are verdant
enough to call winestatid surf bathing
by their own names and put them in a
bill for expenses at that .which naughty
newspaper men will be allowed to see,
can't be expected to know enough
about a tariff' to be of any earthly use.—
Philadelphia Times.
THE increase in the membership of
the Methodist Episcopal Church South
since the war has been 500,000, and the
increase in all the colored denominations
of Methodists has been 900,000.
Tbe Independent.
The Independent needs only to be
bptter known to add to its already large
list ol friends. It lias been published
for thirty five years and hss acquired a
world wide reputation as the t'et re
llgiousand literary newpa|>er.
The 1 ndependent is not denomina
tional Its creed and field are broader
than any sect. A* a Christian journal,
>ts aim is to strengthen and extend
Evangelical religion and to defend it
again >l the attacks of Materialism.
Atheism, and unbelief. It is free to
approve or to criticise in any of tbe
denominations whatever it lieiieve* is
designed to adv*nre or binder the pro
gress of the Gospel of Christ.
In civil and political affairs THE IN
HEPRNHINT will contend for sound ideas
ami principles. It fought against slavery
and the iniquitous system of the Oneida
Community. It is now fighting against
Mormonism. It believe* in the reform
of the civil servic* and tariff, in the
purification of f>o|itic* and in chea|ier
(lostage, and will maintain those princi
ple* which the highest ethics and best
intelligence require*.
The Independent is designed to suit
all tastes and wants. We provide week
ly stories by the best magatine writers,
poem by the lending pietsof America
and England (we first publisned in
America Tennyson's last poemi, and for
others, who look especially for instruc
tion, whether in religious, literary, edu
cational, philosphical. or scientific ar
ticle*. we luruisli what noother periodi
csl doe* or can. We pay large price* to
obtain the most eminent writer*. Re
side# the editorials, there are twenty two
distinct department*, edited by twenty
twosperialist*. which include Biblical
Research, Sanitary, Legal, Fine Arts,
Music, Science, Pebbles, personalities
Ministerial Register, Hymn Note, School
and College, Literature, Religious Intel
ligence. Mission* Sunday school. News
of the Week, Finance, Commerce, In
surance, Stone#, Putties, Selections,
and Agriculture. 32 Pages " all.
We will report in full Rev. Joseph
Cook's celebrated Boston Monday lect
ures, which will begin in January. Mr.
Cook liasjust returned from a two years'
trip round the world, and bis lecture*
this Winter will attract greater atten
tion than ever.
Oar New Term for 1,H83.
One subscription one yesr $3 00
For 6 month*. $1.50; for 3 months 075
One subscription two years 500
One subscription five years 10 00
These reduced prices ($2 per annum
in club* of five or morel are very much
loiter than any of the standard religious
"Trial Tup. '
In order that one may read a few
consecutive numbers of THE INEPRN
HINT, and thus learn its value, we offer
a month's subscription, as a "Trial Trip.*'
for 30 cents, which can lie remitted by
l>o*tage stamp*, payment of $2.70 in ad
dition will secure the balance of • year's
Send postal card for free specimen ropy
and judge for yourself. Address
251 Brnadwoy New 1 'ork.
THE sudden cold snap caused tbe peo
ple to think of more comfortable cloth
ing. The Boston Clothing House just
opened in Reynolds' Block, opposite
Brockerboff house Bellefonle l a., baa
supplied hundreds with warm garments
already and still ths assortment it large.
There is money to be saved bj buying
at headquarter*. People from e die
tance can afford to trad* at this large
clothing house, because the margin of
profit saved will mors than compensate
for the traveling expenses. Parties
visiting Bellefonte, during court weeks
are requested to atop in at tbe greet
Boston Clothing House tbe cheepest
place in tbe world for clothing hoots A
shoes. look for ths sign, Boston Cloth
ing House. 46~3w
New A dverttsemento.
*4K|H c
Absolutely Pure.
j Tlil* p"d*f n*r*r tirlM, A mrv-1 of yoritj
•trwofth *od M rr *<onomlra| than
i the or<lln*r) kinds *nd cnrot !*• no Id In mention
1 whb UM> multitude of low Inf, abort weight. %lurn or
i {'(<phate powder* He,ld oolV ID r*lt* K UL HAR
IWD rowoll . I<J6 H ||-et ,ft Y
For The Holidays.
o -1| 11| - o
0 0
Never before have you been per
mitted to buy Fancy Confection
ery, Fresh and Canned For
eign and Domestic Fruits,
Table delicacies of all
kinds at prices as
reasonable aa I
am offering
o o
I ChriHtmaa guodxa HptM-ialty.
it i>
ahall bo
plc&aed to have
you call and will be
ablo to show goods you
will want and soil
them at prices Bure to auit all
II - | ♦ !| - 0
48 4t No. 8 Brockerhoff House.
An interesting letter from Mr. Calvin
Smith to the jtersom he i ishe* to ad
dress. Head it carefully.
UelleftmU, ,Vcr. 26, 1382.
/(olitifttj Goods. •'
SO 11* that ('h riot ma* is hut a month
distant, I desire to assist my friends
in mating the usual presents ej-jweted
by the member* of your families ahd
others at that time, by telling you in
this way trial I hare far you to select
from. These rjf>od are latest in,aires
ordered expressly for this oecasion and
are sure to suit. 1 may as veil say here
that on account of purchasing and sell
ing at wholesale, as ire 11 as retail, 1 can
quote prices a tray below those of any
other dealer in this neighborhood. Tit
of all grades, from the cheapest to
the most expensive. Buy and sell hun
dreds of pounds of it daily, and to
Sunday-schools or other organizations
intending to celebrate either C hristmas
or New Year by public entertainments
thai I am prejmrrd to fill orders for
any amount of supplies at the very
lowest rates. / make this trade a
For little folks there art *o many
things thai I can't name half of them.
Come, and ore what they are.
Those who are in town at any time
for only a short time and do not want
to go to a hotel can hare in a few
minutes a complete meal or lunrh. My
customers hare, ineroased so largely j
within the Inst three months that tam ;
fiaying fiatiiciUar attention to this
branch of my trade and now hare the
mod complete establishment of public J
comfort in the county.
The 'Bakery
is dIU turning out only first-dam
bread, cakes, pies etc.. J take pride in
the quality of work, and the praise* of
customers cause me. to make special ef
fort* in supplying customers,
Ut Snow Shoe.
The branch of the liellefonte bakery
of Unow Shoe, was opened to accommo
date my customers out there and always
keeps in stock the identical goods handled
at the rstabliihment in Bellefonte. They
who need any HOLIDAY /SUP
PLIES can deal as cheaply there as
any where, else.
Thanking my friends for favor* in
Ihe past, and reqesting the patronage of
new ones, in the future, I remain
No. 49 Hifh Street.
4f-lt Pet qfonte, Pa-
New Advert/nentent.
Tb* i,,,,.i ..,u,j.lil* in.illui*.,, in i|„ i
. f'* :l •'*' <"'lU| of }uutig (till
•a; I ii. i Kii *r t aiir tin.
i - {lflriK lull | ul„. ,i,j,*
J C. ftMIIII, A M . I'uui ui*. f..
i I A la li#-ri.|i) / i. 11 llml |i i|. i. |. .i„, , ~, t(j .
l-.lu'i- llal.t.ali fUillb lulu 111 I't-utl 111* 11.1,11|Oou*
j miiriljr l' , .I*. .1 l,a,* l.iu-n |ri*r,ti-l i t, Ull i|,
ii-.|.||i.|i In .ai l n.wb.blf In uli.iin all f*ik„M Indul.l.
I >.i ii. nM mMi wo NfMMto safe. i-.'ii-.ui *,. i
: lb.,** bating i lain,a i.r <l. tnal -la *lll ii.ak. kli.,*o lb*
aawii. i11,..i1l iblar.
Notice ofCliurter!
I \OTICE in hcieliy given thutanar.-
! * I' Mill I.e. ti, 4.1. t<! til* n.rrrti t of 11,'
!'• i"i.)liai.la iiuiiur lb* Act ul A~*n>l.l>,
, IIIIImI lo |t,rt. [ , r luouf J-lialli.il ami n gi,ui*,u
i-fi-iuii, ..,,|,iii.m.. *| ji- *d April 2Mb, !*: ai.4
• III* aii|.|,i*Ui. HI. 11,. ii ii, |i,. | | —rl , , ,b|*,„l.
I " orynalLiu mbralM li,.- t|*a.ft*l.l bnua.li, .a
I I--I Ooaiptajr, 111- . l.ailrr ab'l ..I-..1 I * iirrwilla lli.l
-i ibr 11.1U11.K M 4 niuu i,i ,„j, am. and mi*t
, Hum i*ia, aiul ii,. w,abufai-|iirii,c and tuning of ~-ka
I Hud* In.in 111 la Ill* |.,iu<l|i fiara „f
I I'll. 1 1.-a * but*, if |a li, I* lb 11.. - ~,f i lariUil,
,"|'T'|m|u .In liar* ail Iba
; iiiibu. I.*i..iii. and |*„i|. t „ ,i„ A , t A ,.
. auibtlif and 11. lu|.j,|. minl.
' Cluaifli ld. ■. V, Al-I-A * KftEl!-.
4'r it
viitue of bundry writs of Fieri
; 19 M 1.1 I Bmmml
, | m • -i in. i ....it „ i
..HUM, and I. ll.* dif* l.|, Ib*i. will | M ~
publn aal* In 11.. I .mil llnnat* t In b*!l<! ~u ~n
Saturday, Nov. 25, A D. 1882.
!.1 1 11 . -l-k. I- M ll,* I, ll,.,„, dinribud rial
I *Ut# of th* 'lffeii'UnU t > %■ 11
No. S.
AH II Hi ' |i|'-fc*Jß;'a t< r> r fif ft! Of lot if gtui I 4
; in th, of IHI-vm* Ukf.nJ^l
niiMrtMn l vi i v • j.. a Hl |rf#l
n*+t tb* tm\\t<*v\ (r*rt i r. h, tJ . feertb
>i *at 174 II 1.. |. ul 11,11. I I.) ~.. ' k.i l.iiaMi Vk 11 -
"• brli. i.-TtJ, I .4,. villi:.!! I |. ■ Jbi., ■
1. an all.) * ~tt, . n t , 1,, y[,, ~,
"I llau|.| and . tl 11, ,
tl.anr* |.) I. I. I aar, I ►• tb , a| I■ - !| |a|*wt -
tli*l... a..i.11, 11, ...1 17. -t , ofb.an
t.ii.a—l-fna 11,* a**.* ti ... *aidl tu: ar..„,,d
ablrb lb. a.i.l Mlllian. li Hilliaaaa 1. n„i. M„I,
Uwrira."" dai. b*i.."i,. naayarf a ib* aaM K n
fAlllialna fl.ar. 1, in-iti*| al* ,1, .:**., *
b-*ta*. a at.*, .1,1 a ball.lf 1. m. maib.n* .h- 1. ai d
■4b*r -.ait oil,liny. a,i,.-i. uk*n it. *>*-bt*.u and i„
lw a.. Id a. ll,* I , (-, 11, ,|l II \i, I llama
J 111 Nh IX. M,*rir.
Administrator's Not'ce.
(El 1 LltS ol AiiniiniMration upon
. J M|".B tl.l *.ti -.1 N,av*| b) I. I. of U ..Ik.f
1,-n.hl|. d*. -a.i t l a,- I" U *tl,t*,| t ■ II a 1.,. 1. .
aiannd. 1,, a.I |ami, n-W.bd 1..
ail r*.4ntind I t, k |N)m*i.ia- I I). , bawna
' (lain, ot ii.n-.ud. will m.k- 11... aa*ni ki an ,ib .
dalar. Mint HIV. 7 - fa
Adnlni.traii 1.
I r Rrnrrit of /Ul- t Fun,l ~t
tirftrg: INist, No. !>r, <;. a. If,
UK 11 Ola IF* llllala.
11l filial., y, uf / ■>?, I Sflturr'oy J
N r. t< A (I. I>. 1 1\ J,
:*rtricii Ti
7ivi4 Eealltsi::! T r:l.ia£ S:cttt: •
in hi* or if, 1 i| diiurUn of
LOLotrleic o*~-cX H-Zat.l'.rlsa.a.,
Inlrndiinr-a Sa*f. Bavilati M nr.lM a,
a*, it. ,] |.;
Ji Jj ft flics aV (i (it lie men.
Exj'.tiss Seil::t'c S£r:ti!
j Tif MU'Ulug aa* W.at* of ib< lbnl.u a ..tu.ti
Death of Col St Clare Tne Burn
in Uouao. The Avenger's Oi;th.
Capture and Escape of the He
ro. Capture of Djetrick while
on Picket Capture of Hor
ace St Clare " This time
you bo to Belle Isle.
Escape of Deitrick, therayrteriong Dtitcli
Woman The Hero in Prison Deitriik.
diagnUed ai a woman, visits tbe Hero
Tbe Irithman'a Devotian to Horace Fa
cape of Horace, panned by bloodhonmi•-
Tight on tbe Long Brigle Horace turn*
blea into the atream. Beamed by De.t
rick. Morton, the Rebel Chief, shot 1 t
Graphic Irc'.dcnu e t.eLATZWAH.
Atimhtion.... 3"
j Rofotveil .NetiU .10
Eoserred Seats at BREWS STCSS,
rn tr*Tn* utit t'nu, ttt itnit win.
- SoSkwfl.fi .upnnlimikbawßi-a
I fTtrr CotwUpWl*. nd no n.idy bat im _
P*U*d tk. o*)*htwtl Kddmr-Wort m t c
k. WlwteT.lk.ww.bnii. oWtitMoja
MM, tat. WWdTWUI MtMMIt. k
P| I eft Tiua Hill..un M>- J
S "ILM. pus., i. v— k
g WfUMt.il Tllkrowpmo. Wldnny
„ Btmtftii.ni Uw waH jwrt. 4 qafcaklf p
lo.mniktadßcfKwmt.k n pbrk<Ww>B £
a .ad waiuinw ban hrfbn blbt. ?
S•• tWTf f—kanauwrof tbn tfrabln v
* NlOl sl.| ÜBI t Drvnliti Salt "
anssiaas's LOKS HSALLE
umoti m tori w rm. ana or
mAfcdS e,.IM w nf llb-.t. s .-n.
■BP ill is <>-' bs ieUs O*
larth 1 fW, Hdaf*lS
JHmj .nd all Dimm m lb* lu*
afctSHßibvoowt (wpaits
flcumin * f . rimbsrt*. fa,
a. . aa.HtfiTiibias laafbtasrtktl
Sq to §2O Am. a StlltM)* ate
tm newocaaf. in 111 tia. it. <> H
fur all*