Kau/'outnn'a Corner, I'itt.-bui y, I'a. STARTLING ANNOtINOKMRST. $350,000 Worth of New styles an*tHntt*l jtariuentfl, r>Bs suiti strictly all wool hnglith and manufactured to aHI at |fi. American cheviots and cassimeres; tw-lve different patterns; nobby sack Will bt sold at Kaufmann's /or $2 75. styles; manufactured to sell at sls. ...... , ~ j. . , Mat overcoat* and ulsters; goods that hf * nU h-'xuffman t fur #lO. o(||er c , othmß bou , M , wk >ou fs for> 72S suits extra fine woolen, handsome un( | tell you they are cheap, ly cut and trimmed, including over ~ ... , , ... 20 oifferenl patterns ; manufactured to ' sold at haujmann s 'or $5. sell at $lB. 2,000 overcoat* in ffna woolens ; assort- H'i // bt sold at Kwjfman s for sl2 50. Ed grades and styles ; liwiul.oiiicly made CS4 suits of extia quality woolens, ""J irimiuwLwid manufactured to sell containing many new imported fabrics, *' u " u " * 15 ' all nobby sacks and frocks, including If,//4s sold at Katfmam's for $7 and $ 10. H5 different patterns and manufactured to sell at $22 50 and $25. L 375 imported tnrtWons, kerseys, fur wit 1 i, .t' j- - * •,* <„ .beavers, worsted and diagonal over 0 ill Ir told at hand,nan, for slt, ..0 and . „|eganlly lined with silk, serge * and satin, everywhere sold at $lB to $25. lO.Odt) pairs of woolen pantaloon, in ~ .. , , ... *'l .trades, manufactured to sell at #2 H,/ * **'** '/<* sl2 tosl9. 2 AO, s.l. s.l at), $1 25, $5 and s>. 1,500 Petersham veicoats for $2lO 05// Lr sold at Kaufmans for $1 25 to $4 worth double th money. PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. • ('•>n#ult your b*t interests, and clothe your tmv now, wiule vim have a chance to luy the best g,o,U tor less ntonev th n ili cheat, grades can t bad for. NOW IS YOUR TIMK! 2 1400 14-ya cheviot, cssairaere and i,O-) Children's goo I union casairoere woratrd suits, a; $2. $3; $4 and $5. 5n J * u ' l * * l $' - and $1(1. , , it |ifty a .,. r rtt g*. 3,000 Hoys overcoats in cheviot., C( - Chinchillas, fur bevvrrs and cassimeres, 2 500 f'niMreu'. nobby over, oats, wilt ► c sold frotn $1 .10 I" a big sav- ttimined wit., nlk. plu-h. velvet and all around, being from $1 50 to s.l lea. astr-ichan. w tl, and without capes, a; luan the Hcttial t alue. $2 50 $ > to $4, s■> up to tsa>*l'„rties wi-h ig to order goods from this gre; t DRIVE S.VLK g ,ing i n now at KAUFMANN'S will plewae give correct .i.e. and Oem-ril w material, as nea as |.w ibf, taF" Simple. o' Fabrics. blank, fur selfmenaureotert showing hoa to order, ar.d ll'ii.tr.ted Fashion Hook sent free on application. FREE! An Elegant Rosewood Piano FREE! We have deeded to present evpry pure hue r of one dollar', wi rth or mnr e a ticket entitling them to a chance on this bsVf .owe 14rand Squaie P aoo 7 J octave, tine tone, iucluuing elegant carved stool nnd hatid.ome < mbro>der, d cover, tome and a chance. Drawing to take plac,- January Ist. IHIj'S a KAUFMANN'S The Largest and Only Reliable One Price Clothing House in Pittsburg. 83 TO 87 SMITHFIELD STREET. 83 TO M CORNER DIAMOND STREET. Iff/arm Mr Ft i rlrinr ,€ Co., Hardware Dealers. HARDWARE! WILSON, McFARLANE & CO. jdralrrs in STOVES, RANGES? HEATERS. ALSO Paints, Oils, Glass and Varnishes, AND BTJXX.IDET2,S' hardware. aumhpt rraxxT. .... noMM' block, .... au.t.xmxTE, fa. THK PATRIOT. , A Penniylvania Newspaper for the General Public. P*' 1 ' PATRIOT I* the only morning tniptpn pahltabed .1 tb. Rtate Capital Twj.mmn.g, MUI .pertaUy of rn*yi DAILY PATRIOT pahiuhrrike AaocltM fria MI Mid eaeetal* from all point* Tb. DAILY PATRIOT flmi|iW at teat tea I. .rain Mid |ptort market* Tb. DAILY PATRIOT nppoaa* honei*m and ran trail rail on of |>.lineal poeer Term* per annum, (atrt. tly ia edraace.l or B7AJQ pet eanam If BM paid la advene*. pcr'anf period lea. I baa one fear .1 proportionate rale. ' Tb. WERE I Y PATRIOT ta. large.eight page paper I deroted la llleralura, agrtrullnre. ar lenr a, manufar' •area, sent. Barbate, etc. Daring IHA 2 each aamler *lll 'on tain aa illaalration of *ae prominent loptr •r eeenl Tbte at aa attractive feature abtrh ran not fall to pleaea T.rae* II ation mid I'll**. Lut ipriD| four pill* wrrtimimDMiilnl to mt| I nood thcui (I -tit with llttl* faith). Jam now B welt man, hava puml appetite, il i i.-aat tori perfect, regular atooli, inli-a Rone, ami 1 hnva irainrd fort* poiin.la aoiiu flcah. Tli f are worth their weielit in gold. ltsr. R. 1.. HIMPSON, Loulnai*, Ky. SYICPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loasof Appetite, Nausea, Bowels cot t Pain in tha Heiwl, with a dtill ncnnation in thoback part, Pain under tin- Hhouldcr blade, fullneoa after ontmir, with a dis inclination to exertion ofJ>o3y or mind, Irritability tif temper, Low spfrlta, Los. of memory, with a fooling of havtinr tie; lected soma duty, Wenrineaa, Dizziness, Fluttering of thojirart, Dots before thn •yea, Yellow Skin, Headache, Knatlesa ness at night, highly colored ITrlne. IP THESE WARNINGS AKE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL BE DEVELOPED. TUTT SPI f.LS are ranet tally adapted to am hraara. onedoae efTertaaurti n rliauge of Ireliiis as to natonlali the auflrier. Try tlilt remedy fairly, and you will ■tain a healthy IMit. atlon, Vlgitroiia lt.nl/. Pure Itlood, hti onu IVerrra, anal a Nounal l.lver. Price, JH Cants. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. faray llalr and VYhlakera changed „ a . !<>•> HLac la. hyaalngle appltaatlon of tlila lije. It linparta a natural rolor, acta lualanlaitcoiaaly. Solil hy liraajr fhta.or or lit I, a aiprtaa on rorripl uftl. tlfflrr, .'Pi Murray hf., te it Cork. ( Itlt. TI'TT'S *t STIA I, <.fValua,le\ . Information ami t-eful Itrrelpla will I be mailed KltKKon appllratton. / THIS PAPER IS ON FILE \ i\lß|P|f)l/A ■ AndAiimUitac'* u ntrartifar \ JUaflwlwUi I llan.l all oChar aeua|.|ra Is \ laurnrieiiin I IMwrlfrMbaaa.laon tha \ADVtRTISING JL mo- '"-.rail. Urma at tha tiTK F Ittttti'Jnil !'m;i;ti A;tcy, \KEYSTOHE/ \cCCESc / com., r. •. a. \ J _ ' f iNILIUWr af Ik* |t..^ r and Vr' lt*k Ulrwwinr; nf IW hnU. AAMAAACENSB | HAS BEEN PROVED L , Tha SUREST CURE for i KIDNEY DISEASES. * Vom m \%mm b*ck or duaarxlorM urine lodl- ® • t* lOaxvd >t WlU*p**dily ower k torn* tha diaaaaa and rwtort haalUiy action a € | orll AC For ooaplair.ta pvculiar C LaUICO. j.iin J and waakndaaa. Kidney. Wort la unaurpaaaed. • c m It will act promptly and aafely. Btharftax. Xnoontinanoa,ratcntion ofurtna. 9 S brick duat or ropy dapomta. and dull dracsinc c 0 paina, all ytald to tta cura*tr powar |5 K 1± SOLD DT ALL DBPOOISTfI Prloa l. 1* ■aMgI4IAVMAi ■ 81000 a Will he pari If any Imrairfttea or mineral | MUlonre, or* fBil In 1 in aA. or for one ■ cooe It wtu etfurafr hrip. fItHEMEEEEI I'tsrna It r>'umrilam and g 111 other lung and ha*.rmuri . a. SiSJSZS ■ " For Intennlttrnt freer, rhllit ami freer, ' dumb Ofoe, tha l;,fdllbla retne.|y Ul'zat wo. I No matter what ) mir cltvaa. Is, where |r>- % rated, he >ui }■ nn . r d t. mals or female. foal ooi. f r I'aui >a £sSSSSSe _ T II yi' netshte-ra and rnur frtenda that ' Prnt ua la the emty re-meafj, snd will curs | >ousndt!.em. S> .. I r r * pnui Met. g S. B. IIAKTSIAN tk(X>., CHborn.OMa. a bowed and pslrle c rgoai RCU- a V jS. / -a y/ ITIONH. ruz TOST or ma eatioia.L wiirtsa rut istaut- Kvery farmer in At* annual es/ienrnre ■lwciiverii unmethitfi/ of ra'ue. Wnte il and tend it to the " Agricultural F.ditur of the IlKMot-HAT, HelUfonte, J'enn'a," that other farmera may have the. benefit of it. Let Wnmunieatwn* be timely, and he sure that they are brief and welt pointed. Tim Fulton Farmer's Club advises •telling a part of the corn crop, and buying bran to mix with the remain der for feeding milch cows. Wr hear no report of the Hesaian Ely this full. Was the drought of last year which kept the wheat back so late fatal to Ibis little pest ? Harhkd wire for fencing promises ; to bo cheaper in the near future, the monopoly which has heretofore kept up the figures having been broken by legal decisions. TIIK balf-scoro or so of cormorants ! who have been making for themselves i an unenviable notoriety by ad vocal j ing an increase of import duties upon seeds and fertilizers—two articles j used exclusively by the already tax j burdened farmer—liudbut little com | fort in the result of the late Congres sional elections. The Klrnira Farmer's Club seems to lie practically unanimous in favor of orchard grass. They say that "no other grass is so sure to glow from seeding, and none d! 1 ar the tramp of feet l>etter. No kind starts quicker in spring and continues later in fall, and none springs up more rapidly after grazing." W inter has been long coming, and still it delays. i'i >*ib!y it * ill come suddenly, ami woili nil the more vigor because of this tardiness, it is well, therefore, to make the wr rangeroents for its advent a* com plete as | oaaihle. Particularly let the winter quarters for the st.,i k l in readiness for housing them at an ! hour's no'W. Not one farmer hi fiv,* knows or i appreciate* the value • f ponltn ma nure. It is almost equal to guano, snd iNistiblv I alter tlinti some hi nds lof tbi* much vaunted fertilizer. The amount annually productd by a 11-sk of fowls, if carefully saved, i* worth fully one-half llu* cost >f the f.-cd. Of course if tins is |>ermitted t.i be scattered in the Ity-plact * le comllln,us would I- Hi-.g. l izcl -i-fi-p-nsable. The fact that -In to will "git along" mi gi.<**, so long s it is not t'oteied Willi alum Ol oil I.- 111-lull- fiiZ'll out of it, stionhi I tl la mist' sell as e**nn|i|s|t i of the food and lislms jof winter life. The ahy meinliet* j stand aloof, while others gorge to i their detriment, thus adding the care j for sick animals to a round of lalr already replete with nnnojaiice*. The shepherd first exposisl to *ucli an ex. (H-rienee i* to commi*erateork iaofa much better quality. We have eaten none other than pig pork for four yesrs, and desire to eat no more of the big, atrong sort The Western producers are finding the best market for tbe small breeds, tbe spring pigs of which arc fit for slaughter before Christmas, weighing, when dressed, 250 pounds on an average, and fur. dishing hams of about fifteen pound* in weight, The early maturity of the •mall lueeds give them a great ad vantage over the latger kinds. ▲ Homemade Fertiliser. The Roaton Journal of Chemistry publishes an cxocllcnt formula for an easily made fertiliser of great value which may be profitably used a* a substitute for the best ol those usually found in the market. As "pure, raw, finely ground boner' are not always obtainable it is not amiss to say that the whole bones and large pieces gen erally to be found about a farm, may be utilized in the ssme way.by giving them a longer time in which to be consumed by the potash of the ashes : Take one barrel of pure, raw, finely ground bones, and one barrel of tbe j iH-st wood ashes; mix them on a floor, and add gradually three pail fuls of water, mixing thoroughly with the hoe. Use in small quanti ties in about the same manner as tbe sii|>oi phosphates. Jf the ashes can not be procured, dissolve twelve pounds of potash in ten gallons of hot water, and with this solution sat urate the bone flour thoroughly ; a barrel of dry peat or good loam, without stones, may be added. Tbe mixture should not be sticky, neither 100 moist nor toodry. In appHing it avoid direct contact with the seed ; for instance, when applied in the hill | scatter a little earth over it before dropping the seed. A very early visible effect should not l Id of potatoes clear of bugs would do rnueb towards cultivating it. if it could l>c so used. 1 In* result is small CPOpSOB a large acreage, when the re verse woul I IK- much more profitable. I have tins year si* acres less of |>o t:it** than a u*nr ago, but I hope to have more bushels. Next year I shall plant four less than tins year, and still get more j iota toes and certainly more profit than from the larger acre g*. " There is profit in all labor,"' is it sat ing as old us Solomon, but where so much of the lalior has to be hired, and the laltorers hoarded, a great deal of the profit must lie part ed with IS'fore it gt in into the farm ers' | >ocket. Curing Hums I he following is said, bv Hen I'er ley I'oorr, to IK* the receipt used by Mr*. Henry Clay for curing the once celebrated "asbland hams": "For every tin ham*, medium t-i/.-d, she tiHik one |H>und of salt|s-tre, two pounds of brown sugar, three nml oiu ii>• If |Mi Isar !.ii i gg. Al'.ir Ui bains 1 1ml r inaiiierl ,111 Ibis | i< kle for three weeks, lh\ win lakui out, mlds-d by liand with - ill. and thin btiiig up to dry in the jitir. I'ln \ win* then t ikeii to the smoke l ouse, while a fin- was kept up With gievn walnut brain lie* for 1 three wrk. Mailt ham was then -ewed up HI canvass, whitewashed, • 'lid and li*i 11 w I.iti w . slteii a• n. I'> wi-ie lln n paekisl in hiekorv I ashes, K celled ashes of course, or otherwise the fit would hale been ahworlH d." Clean t r p th j Roadsides. 11.1- ss. To. . Some farmers np|iear to forget that their land extends to the middle of the roadway, and that they have light* and duties in connection with (Hie roadside*. At this season it is eouiini'ii to find the largest wevds in jibe neighborhood by tlie wa.tside. Tluy have had it all their own way, ! this has l>een to lipvn a latgc crop of seeds. Such neglect of the torn!side i* a great mistake, a* it not only give* a neglected np|H-arance to the stieet, but is a mean* of propA gating wi-eils that do much daniage to tbe cro|s in the adjoining fields. It does not matter how clean the cul tivated crop may be kept, it weeds are left to grow just over the fence. It is too late now to do more than collect and burn these, but in doing this tire seeds should lie killed, to make the work of subduing these |w*t* less burdensome In the future, beside* adding to the attractiveness of the street. Peed Well at Pirat. (W. CwrtH- In Tribune When stock first goes into winter quarter* they nerd stronger food than after they bsve become used to the change. They should always have a little grain when first put into the stables if they do not have it ail the time. It is |>oor policy to lei an imals run down at the beginning of winter. Flesh thus lost is hard to regain, and costs a great deal more to replace than to keep. A strong ani mal carries with it a vigorous appe tite, hence, when it becomes accus tomed to dry feed il is easier to win ter than if the change hail I teen more abrupt. 1 have fed all my cows lhu far a little meal, and have gradually reduced the quantity with tba drv ones. Thia plan baa kept them iiv condition, ami now they will do well on the fodder corn and straw. ETERNAL vigilance only will keep down the vermin nuisance in a chick en house.