Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, November 30, 1882, Image 1
SIU UKRT A VAN OTTMKK, Editor*. VOL. 4. She Crab* jfirraticr.it. Verm. 11.50 per Annnm.tn Advance S. T. SHUGERT A J. R. VAN ORMER, Editor*. rhurßilav Moraine. November, 30.1882. lli-AiwiMi'M, alter Gen. Butler has given it a taste of Democratic gov ernment, may settle down as a Denio cratc State, but it is altogether too previous to claim it yet as " happily converted." BLAINE AND ALLISON are sugges ted as a Presidential ticket for 1884. That will do for the "half-breeds.' Now, if Arthur is ruled out, let us have Mahone and Cameron or Chal mers, for the Boss Stalwarts. THE Edmunds Mormon Commission, it appears is a failure. It won't regu late. A pologymiat Mormon delegate is agaiu elected to Congress by a large majority, and the law iuteuded to re strain the objectionable institution is a dead letter. JOHN IRELAND, the Governor-elect of Texas, is a native of Kentucky, and it is stated started out in life a* a host ler at eight dollars a month. Ability und pluck in the lead, no one so bum ble that integrity and enterprise and true manhood will not raise to the highest level of citizenship. TiiEanuual statistical report oi Mr- Loring, the commissioner of agricul ture gives the estimated yield of the grain crop of the United States lor the year 1882 aa follows: Corn, 1,635,- 000,000 bushels, wheat, 410,000,000 ; oats, 470,000,000 ; barley, 45,000,000; rve, 20,000,000, nnd buckwheat, 12,- libo.ooo. R. R. BISK, a stock and grain broker in Harrisburg, has disappeared and it appears victimized a number of busi' ncs men of that city to the amount of 815,000, who are now anxiously in quiring for the whereabouts of the absconding embezzler. He has proba bly gone to escort Maj. Phipps home to his anxious friends in Philadelphia. THE Democratic State Committee Is to meet at Harrisburg on the third Monday of January for organization under the new rules adopted by the last Htate convention. Very important changes take place in the party gov ernment We believe the party is to lie represented at this meeting by del egate or members of the committee from each county. THE Board of managers of the Lincoln Institution of Philadelphia propose to change that institution into si training school for Indian girls, and have authorized Attorney General Brewster to present their proposition to the Secretory of the Interior, with a view of obtaining an appropriation from the government of $175 per annum for each child, provided there be no less than fifty in number. They ntfer to utilize the institution for the purp.jse and give their service volun tary. THURLOW WEED, the oldest, and perhaps the best known of American politicians, died at his home in New York last week, aged 85 years, being born in 1797. At the age of twelve, he was an apprentice to the printing business; in 1812 a volunteer in the war, and at twenty one established a "ewspaper in the western part of New York, and took a prominent part in the Anti-masonic excitement of 1826* '27 ; was elected to the legislature and grew into prominence, not as a states man, but as a shrewd and not over scrupulous party manager in which he wielded great political influence and power in his state. Mr. Weed was a political manager, a boss, as the term now is, endowed with rare sagacity, who made and unmade prominent officials at will, but always too adroit to fritter away the power to do so by seeking or accepting office for himself. In this he differed from the Pennsylva nia bosses, of later dale. For several years be bas been in retirement much respected and esteemed by his friends and the Tho Next Speaker. The avornge Republican has always taken great pleasure in fixing up a factional figbt for Mr. Haniuel J. Ran dall in hopes that discord in ike Dem ocratic purty may result as the conse quence. Formerly, the effort was to "kick up a row" between him and Senator Wallace, hut the fight never came off, and these eminent gentlemen still remain together delivering their blows in concert against the questiona ble political practices of the common , enemy. Now, tin y are again jubilant in the expectation of an acrimonious disturbing tilt between Mr. Randall and Mr. Carlisle for the Speakership, one to champion free trade, the other protection, resulting in weakening tho Democratic harmony of the House. As neither of these gentlemen repre sent free trade nor protection, hut are both Democrats in favor of a revenue tariff, fairly and judiciously adjusted to foster the industrial interests of the country, there is little chance, what ever the result, of disturbing the Dent era tic harmonv. Besides, this eternal tariff issue which the Republicans bellow on all occasions, and then make no proper effort at adjustment in such manner as to render the laws bearable and permanent, is losing its potency to excite or win respect in any quarter. Whether Mr. Randall or Mr. Carlisle is the Speaker of the next Congress, the Democracy will rejoice to know that their party is ably represented, and not liable to the disgrace which attaches to the'prescnt Congrc #s from the ignorance and inefficiency of Keifer and the leadership of Robeson. We have strong hope that the great experience and ability of Mr. Randal' will commend him as the proper per son to preside over the next Congress, but whether or not, the assurance which comes from him is gratifying, that "There will be no factional fight in the Democratic majority over the election of speaker, because Mr. Ran dall regards the unity of the party in the House as of much more iinpirtance than the choice of any man for speak er. If he cannot be elected without dividing the majority into factions, he will step aside and invite Mr. Carlisle to the place." TIIK HOW. J. M'DOWELL SHAWL the late representative-elect from Franklin county is prominently nam ed as a candidate for speaker of the next House of Representatives. Mr. Hharp has much experience and his known ability points to him as a very proper person to give efTeet to the legislative economy and efficiency so generally expected of a Reform Leg islature. Under his administration of the office, roosters and ringsters would find lit lie favor. The Hon. John E. Faunce of Phila delphia, ami that matchless old par liamentarian, Uncle Jake Zeigler of Butler are also favorably named for the position. They arc both able and experienced in legislation and the choice of either will ensure a prompt and efficieut presiding officer as well as to inspire the hope thot the shame less peculations surrounding the legig lature and the extraordinary expendi tures which has so long distinguished it, will be cut ofT or at h aet confined to reasonable proportions. CHAIRMAN HENSKI. of the Dem ocratic Htate Committee, In*idea set tling and paying all hills against his Committee, invites scrutiny as to the propriety of the payments, by auditors appointed by the new Committee, < r by a committee of the voluntary con tributors who raised the funds, stating that "they were applied to usee for which those who gave them, have no reason to blush." The Democracy of Pennsylvania looks with much pride and commendation upon Mr. Hensel's management of the campaign, and Aiere is no doubt the expenditure of the limited fund at his disposal and the object of these expenditures, are quite as creditable to him as the gen eral management. He has richly earned the plaodita of his party. "KUUAL AM' EXACT JUSTICE TO ALL MEN, 0* WIIATEVEH AT ATE OH 1-KHBUAHION, HKLIOIOI'H OH roLJTICA L.'J'-ffi-rw-n BELLEKONTE, l'A., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER, 30, 1882. Tho Now Battlo Cry. "Free soil" was the Inspiration, the creed arid the watchword of the Repub lican party when, In 18.'>8, it sprung into the national arena like a self created | giant. "Free soil" was the inscription on all its banners in that memorable campaign in which the young giant gave ample promise of the strength and prowess it was to show in coming con tests. "Free soil" was still the shibboleth of the bold, aggressive Republican purty in 1 800. "No more slave States" was the free soil platform on which it won tl e victory over tho divided and demoral ized Democycy. "Free men" was the next Republiran battle cry, and under its inspiration, grand armies of Republicans and as many war Democrats trample the life out of slavery on the bloody battle fields of the war of the rebellion. "A free ballot for every man without distinction of race, color or previous condition, was the shib!>oleth of the Re publican hosts when they next went forth to battle. Ry this sign they con quered, giving suffrage to a million men who had just been released from slavery. Since then the Republican party h*s had no inspiration*. Sinceenfranchise ment wa accomplished the Republican party ha* lived on its memories. It has fac-d the past. It has "pointed with pride" to deed* of other day*, and, a* an old aoMiep"'houldera hi* crutch and show* hoyraields were won," so this prematurely-aged party has babbled of the exploits of its youth, and fought its : old battles over and over again. At last the grand old party is prepar iag to raise again the battle cry of free dotn. Some of its veterans, who fought successively for free soil, free men ami frre ballot have another watchword for the old banner. "Free ruin" is the ibibholeth of Ihe : next crusade. "I.et us relieve the toil ing millions by repealing the whiskey tax' say the sachems and chief counsel ort of the party that boasts of having done so much for the cause of freedom. How do the Republican masses feel when it is proposed to take their old battle flag* and add the motto "free rum" to 'Tree soil," "free men," "free ■ ballot ?*' THE staleinent that at a recent Democratic jollification meeting at Gettysburg, an indignity wz* placed upon Gen. Beaver, i* incredible. There was nothing to call forth an in dignity ofany type upon this gentleman whose character and standing is equal 1 in excellence to any man in the Com monwealth, and if any thing of the kindoccured as stated,could only have J lieen the work of ignorant irresponsible I riwdvim. The burning of Gen. Beav ;er in effigy could not injure him of course, hut such a demonstration would lie discreditable to the intelligence and decency of any community where it would be allowed. IT is stated that Judge Kelley and his Ways and Means committee of the llonae, will at the coming Marion, fav or the entire rooting out of the whole revenue tax sytem and the discharge of all officials connected with that ser vice. On the other hand, it is also stated that the President is opposed to a clean sweep, and will recommend the retention of the tax on whiskey and tobacco to adjusted as to yield an an imal revenue ol ( onc hundred million*. This is claimed to be in the interest of a tariff' revision, while Judge Kelley's views are supposed to be obstructive of that object. THE cabinet makers are still busy making appointments for Uov. Patli son. The Hon. Wm. |H:auger of Franklin county is now on the return for Secretary of Htate, but they are divi ded on the Attorney General between Casaidy, Hays, Huckalew and Jenks. It is creditable, however, to these vol untary aids of the Governor that the ■elections are judicious and welt made from the very liest and ablest meu of the Htate. THE Philadelphia and Reading railroad company paid out in wages in the city of Reading during the first ten months of 1882 the sum $2,000,- 000. "A free Trude Congress." Hays the Philadelphia I*rru : "It takes the election of a free trade Congress to hammer down the price of iron and smother the furnace fires. How do the people like it,anyhow? There has been no free trade Congress elected, and not more than two or three of the Congress men elect are strongly inclined to the English system of raising revenues from a few articles. We may remark that lien. Oarfield wasjust such a free trader in theory us the Democratic revenue re formers are. His declarations in favor of free trade principles were recognized in|England and caused his election as a member of theCobden club. The results of the Congressional elections of this year have no more influence on the price of iron than on tho growth of wool or the fall of snow. '1 he same issue of the Preu from which the afiove extract is clipped contains a speci >1 telegram from Harrisburg, which states that "the man agers of tho leading steel and iron works in this city and vicinity do not entertain the opinion that the election of a Democratic Congress has anything to do with the cutting down of work or reduction of time in the iron industrial establishments.'' Superintendent Rent, of the Pennsylvania steel works, told a Preu reporter that "the orders for rails frotn the works generally came in July, August and September. This year there were no orders in those months. Hence it could't be laid to the election. In bis opinion overproduction will be the main cause should there I* any cessation Are we asked to believe that the November elections produced 'heir effect last duly? All this foolish talk may gull the simple, but it will not prevent such readjustment of the tar if] as the financial situation demands. m Mahone Must |h- Supported. A Sun Washington special say* : In a recent Cabinet meeting it w* agreed that the Headjuatera in Virginia should be supported, and the President prom ised that Mahone should have all the patronage in the Departments. There fore the officials do not interfere, and Mahone interviews theclerka from Vir ginia. Mahone called at the Patent ''fßce a few days ago to demand the discharge of Miss Jennings, of Virginia, requesting that she be] sent for, and it took some time to convince him that she had been dead over two years. W. H. Miner, a colored man. who had just been promoted to $lO per month, WAS dismissed on Mahon's de mand. No one was found who had knowledge enough of the files to do the work required by the attorneys, and a petition jra* signed by all the attorneys for the reinstatement of Miner. He is at work again, but at hie former salary of S4O per month. Mr. Irelend, an Examiner of long standing, whose record is one of the best, was dismissed on Mahone's order. Mahone interviews the clerks, saying that he wants the places they hold for influential parties from hi* district, and no pleading* of the victim* avail with him. In one instance a lady retained her place after proving that she knew bis wife, and was conoecled with people who were, politically, bis friends, hut he was almost inexorable. Cuitri M. CUT pugently stiys: The result* of the late election* were a pro test against the dry rot of hoary office holding, by which the honor* end emol ument* of office were regarded a* |>er *on*l perquisite*—A reriral under • different form of gorenment of the di vine right of king*. "£bie Jefferson foresaw and denoq/iced when he adro cated with ao much warmth and per sistency frequent elections and change of ruler*. Home of the eeil* of this the ory of the Republican being the dirine party are the gross theft* of the public moneys ; the shameless jobs in the pub lie expenditures ; the multiplication of useless offices ; the sinking of the nary; > the destruction of our commercial ma ; rine ; the robbery and proroked Indian wars; the unjust and increasing eril of pensions, robbing labor for pririledged non-producing classes; the creation and roatering of vaslt corporations; the ille gal and growing use of the public mon eys, property and nary and other con reyancee by public officer* ; the unequal taxes by which labor is saddled with al most all the burdens of ciric rule. These are the issues decided by the late election*. The triumph was not, then, of the 'Democratic party,' but of Demo cracy in its highest and best seuse—the rule of the people." Tillable Property In l'lilludrlphla. IlmHitßUKtt, Pa,, November 23—The State Hoard of Ilevnuue Commissioners at a meeting to day adopted a resolu tion fixing the vulue of property tela ble for Slate purposes in the city of Philadelphia at four mills upon the dollar at the sum of 1200,000,00010r the year 18*2. The property taxable by law at four mills was returned in 1880 at STI.OOO 000. This act ion of the board increases the valuation (156,000,000. Ihe increased valuation increases the city's obligation for State tuxes for the year 1882 by $620,000, A novo the payments on account of the navy is an amount of s2,lß'j 76 for j the enteitainment of the Board of Vis ! itors at the Naval Academy—not a large amount in itself and made up of items ' for the most part of pressing necessity, | the study of which let* in an interest | ing light on the personal habits of boards of visitors, presumably similar ! in all countries. For support of the > animal man there were in ice, groceries, j meats, cakes, ice cream, Ac.. $690.60; liquors, Ac., $589.16, and in cigars, $252.12; in all. $1,531.88. For refreshment and renewal of the social i and spiritual nature there were, besides other trifles, $13.76 spent in flowers, $208.16 for servants, $1,50 for newspa pers, sls for barber, $lO6 for carriages, $37.57 for umbrellas, $6.23 for tinware, $222 08 for china and glass, and sl2 for washing. The charge for washing seems, at first sight, to he worthy, of FaUCafF; but the lavish expenditure of the board ! in the matter of china and glassware entirely removes the rising suspicion of its indifference to personal cleanliness and fills us with wonder at the energetic scrubbing- which were out s2on worth of wash bowls in a few days. It was no doubt to meet and intercept the splash mgs consequent upon this furious wash irig that the umbrellas were required ; and the mind dwells with pleasure on this proof of the harmony which mark ed the ablutions, no less than the de liberations, of the board, each member, we may suppose, squatting at ease un der bis own United States umbrella.— A*. i. \\'>r Id. IF the President in compliance with the urgent calls of the Stalw art organs, talis attention in his m<**age to alleg ed intimidation and frauds in Southern ( lections, the occasion should not be lost also to discuss frocly the question of Federal interference in State elec lions. A defence of his own instruc tions to the North Carolina Republi cans, and the conferring the whole pa tronage of the government upon chos en political bosses to bribe and intimi. date voters in other States, North and S.mth.might also form interesting chap ters in the coming message. THE President, on the demand of At" torney General Brewster, the other day created quite a sensation in official (Se ries by ordering the dismissal of a num ter of important officers, suspected and known to have improperly interfered to shield the Star route thieves lately on tr,a! for robbing the government. Col. Ainger, the postmaster of the city, and Mr. Parker, his assistant; Col. Henry, the Mai shall of the District. M. D. Helm, foreman of the Congressional Record, and Fx Senator*}. K. Spencer, a govern ment director of the Pacific railroad, were among thoe whose heads fell in the basket unexpectedly to subserve the ends of justice. Other removals for the same cause are expected, and the excitement in Washington for some davs among the anxiousoSli ml* is up to fever heat. ONE thing that the people decided at the late election, the msmlien of the next legislature cannot afford to ignore, and that is, the abolishment of all use less sinecure*. All roosting placet tor political birds of prey, which have been growing up under aurccssive Kepublican administration, must be rooted out. is a popular decree that has substantial meaning in the reform ordered by the election of a Democratic Governor and a Democratic legislature. (its. SI ana CAMERON in an interview the other day in New York, expressed the opinion that hi* boy "Don" is big enough to take care of himtrl', and will from the late reverse. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. C-O VHT Paot'EEDlNUa.—Court call'd , Monday morning at 10 A. M., with Judge Orvif on the bench. After bearing and passing upon an unusually large number uf applications, petitions and motions, court adjourned to 2 P. M. Court convened at 2 P. M. with Judge Orvit presiding, and Associates Kunkle and Larimer on the bench. The cour* then directed Dcpty. Prothonotary Wil liams to call over list of grand jurors and administer oath of foreman of grand jury to Jacob Botlorf, after which the balance of grand jury was sworn, when Judge TERMS: #!/><) pfr Annum, In Adraiirr, Orvis, in hi. uvual forcible style, instructed the grin,d jnrort whet m required o' llu-m end what their duties were. The lid of constable* for the several borough, ar.<l township* in Centre county, *ll called over. George Lucas, of Unionville borough, and William Bowes, of Hurn.ide township, did not answer when called. In the Common Fleas the trial litt wu _ di.j.o.eJ of a. follow. : * Cbri.tiari Freese v. Barnuel Grening' r continued on application of plaintiff. I) D. Royer v, Jonathan it reamer, rattled. Joseph K Mitchell v. (Jot/rut Lander settled Millbeim Hanking Co. vs Jam-* 8. i Croat. Defendant confessed judgment in | favor of plaintiff for ft-2.42. Daniel Freasher v., Bamual Preasber, | settled. If. 1) Vanjielt v. B. F leather, Akon. Verdict for j.laintiff for (2V7 W>. Uriah Htover v. John T. Fowler a. bondsman of D. G. Ganoe. Judgment of non .uit entered agninat plaintiff. K. P. McCormick v.. D. 11. Parker. Continued on application of defendant. Cbarle. Van Gordon v.. Fenr.a H. K. Co. settled. Willis J. Weber u.e of Joel Iloyer vs. Jeaeph K. Weber. Verdict for plaintiff j for $118.17. D. H. Hastings vs George M. Peteer. Continued before court. In the court of Quarter Sessions the fol lowing cases were disposed of: Commonwealth v*. Frank Goheen. Prosecutrix, Minnie Daniels. True bill. Bench warrant awarded for defendant Same vs. Kdward Williams and Jarnea Ross, larceny. William Fisher, prosecu tor. True bill. Defendant pleads guilty . Same vt William Lucas, assault and ! battery. Prosecutor, Henry K. Hmitb. True bill. Defendant pleads guilty and sentenced to pay $lO fine and costs of prosecution. Same vs. Harvey Benner, malicious mischief Prosecutrix, Mrs. Rachel Roop. True bill. Jury sworn, after which Dis- I trict Attorney is granted leave to enter j nolli proserin. Same vs. Amos Coone and Tbomae Lewis, iarcenry. Prosecutor, William 11. Wike. Ignoramus. Same vt John Roop and Rachel Roop, assault and battery. Proaecutrix, Mrs. ; Klixabeth Benner. * Ignoramus. Proaecu , trix to pay costs. same vs. William Bhortlidge. assault ard battery. Prosecutor, Jamas A. Mv Clain. Defendant waives the finding of a ! bill by grand jury and pleads guilty. Same vs. John RaassJale, violation of liquor law. Prosecutor, John Irb. Ig ! rioramut and prosecutor to pay the costs. Same vs. Daniel Showers, fornication arid bastardy. Prosecutrix, Ada Blrunk. lMcndanl pleads guilty, usual sentence | imp-scd. Same vs. Amos Wilson, larceny. Pros j i-cutnr, Kmil Roth. True bill, defendant nleads guilty. Directed to be sent to the House of Refuge, Philadelphia, j Bsme vs Aaron Pariney' John Vender | pool, Geo. Vanderpool I/evi Vanderpool, i and Clark lleeman, rutting timber, tree ' jars. Prosecutor, K M Siortevant. True j bill. Jury sworn in this rase and trial | still in progress at the the time ef going to press. The balance of Traverse Juror* • w ere dlscharg-d at PA M . Wednesday. <rsnd Jury finished their, business by W'i-dn<wday no<*> and were discharges! with thanks of the Court. t —Mr. 8. I). Bhugfrl, of Siniquipe, Snora, Mexico, the manager of and stockholder In Ban Augustine mines, a nephew of the senior editor of the I>KM <CHAT, visited his relatives kere on Tuea ily. Mr Bhugert, when a young man, moved frnnff the home of his father, ta Ohio, to join his grandfather, Stephen Da ns, Ksq. in California. There he was ed ucated in, and cboae tha profession of an nnelysist, devoting all bis life, after gradu ating, to prospecting, opening and opera i ting gold and silver mines, meeting with auib success. He picture* life in Mexico \ as exceedingly pleasant and on no account j desires to change his resideare in the land ••f the Montexumas for one in Pennsylva nia. He left again the sanse day. Last week's issue of tbaf sturdy, raw honed, vigorous publication, tha America* Rfgittrr, is be for* us. It will ' meintaiD the fundamental principle# upon which our government was found ad." To thia and it present* to thw country explicit expositions of political issue* as tbey arise, and keep the puhlw i posted on the progress of events, scien tific, literary and otherwise as well at political. Subscribe for it. #2 j-ar annum, the cheapest and beet paper published. Address American Regi-ter, 1343 F. street. N. W. Washington D. C. We read it. —His Honor, J. Irvin Hsgerman, re ported the proceedings el the spta/ial term of court last week. On Modner morning of this week Wm. P. Kcber, R*q . took bold of the quill. Both competent sten ographers. —ln connection wtth the eppotntment of the postmaster of the House of Repre sentatives, the name of Mr. H. M. Wolf, Jr., editoi of the Williamaport Sum and Hanmr, to mentioned Tha Democratic caucus lo lie recommendation can fiaeor no one who to mora competent or deeerelag and If the Hghtding happens to strike our Intelligent friend he will be an axcelleat official. NO. 47.