®he sJrwctat. Thursday Morning, November, 23,1882. OoftAMroxnsnoi, containing lnixirt*nt n*w*. •oltrtt •d from any pari of tha countjr. No rominuiilr*t|c it will succeed. It is ovident that McCoy's iron company have no fear of a business piostratiori fol lowing the change in political afl'airs, if wo may judge from the new mill they are erecting and the very large stock of char coal and iron ore they have on hand. County Supt. D. M. Wolf was in town lat week, and visited the Mileshurg school* but left our schools in the "city' until another time. The new eating house, under the supervi sion of J. C. P. Jones, opened up last Friday with a very flattering degree of success and quite a liberal patronage. We wish him success. ijuito a number of our little folks are sick with measles, and Miss Gertie Else one of our young ladies is also having a siege of them. It is our sad duty to record the death of Mrs. Isaac Wieland. Wrs. W. was taken sick last Saturday morning and lay in con vulsion* until about twelve o'clock that night when she died, bihe leave* a sorrow ing husband and four small children who most certainly have o'ur sympathy in their bereavement. The remain* were interred iu the Mileshurg burying ground, Mon day, Nov. 2(), Rev. Morris preaching the funeral sermon. Mr Hubert Bicrly i having quite a lot of repairing and plastering done at hi* home. Wo understand that Mr. Win. Campbell means to havo his new* house done this fail. We predict cold lingers for the "Lit tle plasterer.'' Henry is not ecU to get at it full force soon. Newo. Tiik Jcxiata Vallkt Editorial A sociatio!*.—The printer's association of the Juniata Valley, which .mot in this place on the first of September last, is now a thing of the past, that gathering being the last in its history. In consequence of the fact that the privileges which the or ganization extended were abused it was not considered advisable to continue it, aud in its stead an editorial association was organized at Huntingdon on Saturday last. The meeting for that purpose was held at the Leister House in that place, the follow ing named editors being in attendance : 11. C. I>ern, Aitoona 7ViJun; K. Con rad, McVeytown Journal; Edward T, Tuten, Hellefonto Republican ; W. W. Trout, I-ewistown Free /'res.*; George Shrom, Newport Ledger ; Harry E. Bow man, Mount Union Timet; L. A. Frszer. Houtzdaie Observer; C. 8. W. Jone*, Ty rone Herald : W. C. Smith, Bedford Re publtean ; Hugh Lindsay, Istenl .Yriss ; John A. Nash, Journal , S. E Fleming, and Port Crawford, Monitor . Frank Wil loughby, Globe, Huntingdon. The meeting was called to order by K. Conrad. HC. I)ern was chosen i bairman of the meeting and George Shrom, Secre tary. On motion, a committee of three, con sisting of Messrs. Lindsay, Tuten and Trout, were appointed to draft a constitu tion and report at 2 o'clock. The same committee were also direvted to nominate permanennl officers. On motion the meeting adjourned until afternoon. The meeting was railed to order at 1.80, when the committee reported a constitu tion which was adopted. Article 8 slates that tho object of the association shall be to promote liio business and financial interests of the member* af the newspaper fraternity, by mutual in terchange of view* ; to protect each other against dishonest advertising agents and fraudulent advertisers generally j and to cultivate and maintain friendly relations among its member*. The following officers were chosen for the ensuing fear : President, 11. C. Hern; vice president, Geo. Bhrom j secretary, K. Conrad: treasurer, John A. Nash ; execu tive committee, C. 8. W. Jones, W. W. Trout and Hugh Lindsay. On motion the secretary was instructed to have the constitution printed and send a copy Us each office in the distHct, with the request that those people entitled to be come members of the association sign tho same and return it to the secretary, accom panied by the annua! fee of one dollar. On motion of Mr. Mmith the president was directed to call a meeting of the asso ciation at the request of five members. AdjoumM. (Rep* Mean.) —Tho long winter evening* are at hand now, and our lady reader* will thank ua fur a few suggestion* bow they may make thorn pa* t>lea*antly, us well a* usefully by engaging in a little work to decorate their home*, l'iliow shams aro going out of lathion at present, and when used at ull ( aro no longer made of white linen, hut either of colored ailk edged with lace, or of cream-colored craih, embroidered in colored crewel or 111 rue lie. The favorite design* ure Thorwnld*en'* Night and Morning and other similar design*, sug gestive if repose. A charming novelty for upper mantel decoration consist* in tho insertion of a broad baud of figured plub between the carving at tho top and the framework which support* tho shelve*. Tho tone of tho wall paper in the room de termine* the color of the p!u*b. Cushion* for deep cane chair* may he made of fig ured plush. Peacock blue, maroon, or dead gold velvet aluo look* very beautiiu) and enrich tho appearance of oven tho most humblu apartment. Great attention i* being paid at present to tho decoration of lamp* and globes. Colored design* of wreath* or flower* aro especially suitable for tho latter, and they aro a* readily painted on glass as on china; but it is less easy to have them burnt in. Tho colon, however, will last a long time if simply laid on and left to dry. For ladies who are unable to paint, decalcomanies, obtainable in any stationery store, will como very handy. Unusual attention i* being paid, both in Kurope and America, to this branch of lithography, and wligri carefully put on, it would require a prac ticed eye to tell them from genuine paint ing —Speaking roughly,about three-fourth* by weight, of tho body of man i* consti tuted by the fluid lie consumes, and tho re maining fourth by the solid materia! h-i appropriate*. It it therefore no figure of speech to say that food make* the man. We might even put tbo cao in a strong) r light and affirm that man i* bis food. It cannot obviously bo a matter of Indiffer ence what a man eat* and drinks. We know the effect the feeding of animate ha* on their temper and very nature* ; how tbo dog fed on raw meat and chained up so that he cannot work off the super fluous nitrogenized material by exercise become# a savage beast, whilo the same creature fed on bread and mi'ik would be tamo as a lamb. It may be fair to say that different kind* of food exert a par allel influence upon man. Jbey who buy gr.-c.-ries at .Sch!er 's never, on account of tho food they eat, are subject to the an noyance* urn to follow having used im projwr food. A f'JOon HIIILI) *t. Hr.wsHii.—The pub lisher* of Hutl&lgt * Monthly offer twelve valuable rewards in their Monthly for De cember, among which is the following e will give $20.00 in gold Us the per son telling us how many verse* there are in the New Testament Scriptures (Dot the New Hevision) by December 10th, 1882 Should two or more correct answers be re ceived, the reward will he divided. The money will be forwarded to the winner Dec ember loth, 18*2. Persons trying for the reward must send 20 cent# in silver (no postage stamps taken i with their answer, for which they will receive the Christmas Monthly, in which the name and address of the winner of the reward and the cor rect answer will be published. This,.may be worth S2O 00 l you ; cut it out. Ad dress HutWdge Publishing Company, Kas ton, Pa. Let it be known that Graham A Hon have the most complete stork of boot* and hoe* in town, and are selling good good* at the lowest figure# ; pile* of besot# and shoe# of every description. Person* that are troubled with cold and lender feet should try a pair of those warm, toft buf falo lined boot* or shoe*, or a pair of cloth boot*. All tines aad styles of the long leg four-sole driving boot#, long leg grain waterproof boot#, thigh, hip and knee gum boot# for men and boys, different stylet of lumbermen gum*, in fact boot# and shoe* to please everybody. If you want a jwir of boot# made to order leave your measure, they are ahead ef all io manufacturing work to order. Corner BrockerhofT Row, Itnllefonte, Pa. Wilson, McKarlane A Co., call atten tion to the only reliable Ready Mixed Paint In the market. The Pioneer Pre pared Paint it not only superior to any Ready Mixed Paint told but rival# pure white lead in it# smoothae# In working and durability. Tliit paint I* guaranteed by the manufacture* not to crack or pssei within three year#. The guarantee I* not only good for replacing the paint but it will be put on if it thould crack or peel within the time specified. It will bo to your interest to call and see Wilton, Mc- Farlane A Co., before purchasing either white lead or any other Ready Mixed Paint. Make ail necettary arrangement* to attend the "German Volunteer," to be produced in this place next week. The receipt# to be applied to relief fund of Gregg Pot, (I A. R Mr. Will D Sapb ar, of Philadelphia, will lead, assisted by 85 ladle# and gentlemen of Bellefonte. Reynolds' Halt, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, of next week. Heats at Brew's store. —Seventeen commercial men were boused at tha BrockerhofT on Sunday, Giikat JOU.MI'ATiox Mkktino ASU Tom iiLtaiiT Pakaijk at Uowahis.—The Democrats of Howard borough and town ship, and the township* of Curlln, Liberty and Marion, had a magnificent torch light parade and joliilii.ulitin meriting on Thurs day night of Inst week. Tho dwelling houses and hut!net* place* of every Demo crat in tho town were beautifully illumi nated and decorated with flag*. About four hundred men took part in the parade. At seven o'clock the line was formed on the common near the R. R. station, and headed by tho Zi<>rr Cornet Band the column marched through the principal streets of the town, nearly, whole-souled cheering being kfipt Up al most continually. Ihe chief marshal of the occasion was John A. Woodward, who i* much of the life and energy of the Ih-morraiy of this end of the county. When anything is to lie done fi-r the Democracy that requires hard work, good judgment, and the dis. play of energy and ability we always rail upon Mr. Woodward. The chief was ally seconded by mar-halt Hliutl, Oardnir, Brieklev and Confer Howard Brii kly, Howard Moore, Balsi r Weber, -I W. Gardner, Ira Leathers, Harnuel Kline. George Witter and every Democrat in Howard did hi* full share to make the demonstration a grand succes*. After an hour'* marching the parade q. Mr. Hippie wa* ia fine spirit* over the result of tho ele. tion, and op>ened his speech by referring to the great men Centre county had given to tin- Slate and nali'-n. That *he had furnished a secretary of the national Treasury, two judges of the .Supreme Court, one g ivernor who would go down in history a* the great War Governor of Pennsylvania, and when he undertook to furnish a second governor "he got left H>- referred to the fact that during the campaign p*tt'on was caiied the t„,\ car,di )jj.o t,y th publicans, but the boy had grown so rap idly during the rr mat he came out a grown man, to,out) bigger than the other fellow He spoke of the evils practiced by the Republican tarty, and sa d th-v had led to It* overthrow, and that if the Democrat* *nl>-d to retain power they must stamp out ttie.e evii* and ait h-nestiv with the people. Mr. Hippie's ip h *'< excellent, eisquent and we w.-re gia-1 t<. have hiin with u* in our rejoicing. The Z n Hand discoursed excellent piece of music after which J L Njuingler, Ksq., delivered ash- rt and very effective s| ecb. A few bowling radical* w. re ob noxious enough to attempt to annoy the meeting b_> calling for an xp'ah*tr.in < ( the lat--Hheritt * hill for boarding prison ers. Mr. Hpangler U*.k up the matter, although not strictly appropriate t<- a j i --liOcaliou meeting, and expia md tnst when the i)eniucr*lic County t' mmission - rs putilishe-1 their statement and it was thought lhre were something- wrong hlmiuV the Hhetiff s acc--unl,'the Democrat)-' auditor* Investigated hi* accounts, and found a balance due to the county, that the Sheriff ha-J app-a oliiiral pur p.-se*. and now a* Democracy wa* surcess fui these reform* mut b- made, and the assessment business and the ue of patron age stopped, and that at once a* far a* our party hail power to do #o or it would be acting In bad faith with the |>eople. Par tie# to lie *ucceful must keep faith with the people. He urged the necessity of chousing good and pure men for office ; that it cost the people as much for the ser vice of a poor, weak or bad ntan a* it did for a high-mind-d honorable man of good abilities. That good m-n in office who will honestly and faithfully discharge their dullea will do more to keen the Democracy in power than anything else He referred to the happy deliverance of the Ib-mocracy of this H-natnria! Dis.riet from the un happy muddle into which it had been thrown by the Clinton county candidate making sale of tw.o of his conferee#, to a conferee- from Clearfield county and after the purchase money wa# in his hands, of. fared to return it and say nothing about the disgraceful busfnes# if the Clearfield ■confered# would nominate dim on the next hnllot. lie said, suppose this men hail been nominated and eleibd, it would lake a* much to pay him at it will to pay Mr. Wallace—and, the difference between the two is mora than that between an angel of light and one of darkness. He said this occurrence illustrated his argument very clearly. We have for our H-nator a man of great experience, learning and ability— high-minded, honorable and of Inflexablo integrity, tho p—r of any livitig man in statesmanship. Tba deliverance was to great and so happy from what it might have been that of Itself it is cause for great rejoicing. He said that men, who like the Clinton county candidate would use cor* rupt mean# to secure office, when in office are the power of the bo** and machine• He said that only four year* ago this same candidate was running on the Or centra-k tick at, endorsed by tha Republicans. He ' urged tho people to take warning, select only true and tried men and tho part* and - tint government would ho safo. These f viows were heartily endorsed by tho audi* t once. Col. Joseph L Neff, „r Hoggs township, t wa* seen ill the cTow.I and heartily called - for ami responded in a ri-at little speech, - J urging the Democracy to ho of good cheer ■ that surelv tho victory in tho next politico) 1 I battle would ho ours. • - The president thon adjourned the meet i ing. We take pleasure in calling atten* l ; lion to tho fa-t that in our dintrict* the en* " tiro ticket run closer, ami more regular i - j than In almn-t any other districts is, the ; • ; county. Much of this is duo to the un- j tiring energy, zeal and devotion of John I ' A Woodward to tho inter--t and success ' of tho Democratic party. # ( We are pleased to he able to publish this J , report of the meeting at Howard, and ' I glad to know that the Democrats of that j section aro so r.r-alou*lv alive to the Inter* est# of tho party to which they belong.— Kiss } , —An ag-d gentleman, Mr David Km mitt, who resides at the homo of hit son. m-ar the glas* work*, died on Tues lay night and will be buried to-day. —Mr Ja- A Keller writes us that there will h- n m—ti' gof Pomona Grans" #1 (-ritre Hal), Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov, 2S and 2f. Those interested will please take notice. —Our Howard friend, who sent us an excellent report of the jollification down there last week, was not quite soon enough, the other was in type before the latter reached us. Write often. —Do not overlook the new advertise- : meet of C. Smith, the hak-r. He has an unusually complete sto, k of Christmas ■ goods to an examination of which ho in- GJ | FEJGJ J —ln referring to Chairman Hastings, tho Ilrj/iil/hfan commends his tneti.-d have some left after the f-ast. This can l-e accounted for because Messrs. Sellers and Green were not there Mr. Charles Cook, however, got his work in to the tune of, we think, one pie and a half. Tho chairman of th committee, > Mr K F Garmsn, w -rk-d hard to insure r a pleasant time for ali and tb- Young Men's Orchestra did som- fine placing A M roTaaiota MA* Ark*tkd— ! Sheriff Dunkle has received the following j card from th- Choif of Police of Kimira, j Now York. It will explain it*e!f Jsheriff: I have a man arrested about I® years old, brown hair and mustache, about 5 feet T incbe* tall, thsck set. weight alsuut Ksl pounds. Had in his j*sesion a dark bay or brown m*r, aleiut 8 years old , wheigh* about 1200 pound*. f*Ur in fore bead, quite crooked legs, hind fenl up to fetterlock white Mare wa*evidently stoi. en, a* he offered her for one-balf value- He had sold hi* buggy and was riding the mare. Please have this copied in your newspapers, Jon* 8. Kxsrr, f'Mitf of I'oltr*. Rohbrrt.—On Tuesday night unknown parties forced an entrance into the buslne#* I office of Messrs. I*. R. Crider A Son, blew - open the safe and abstracted therefrom all the money it contained, about Fortu nately U,e amount of cash on hand was in considerable. They entered tho office of Wa. F Dun can A Co., through the different depart ments of the foundry, breaking down sev eral diKir#. The lock of the sale wa* tri-l and an effort made to bore a hole deep enough t<> admit of blasting hut for scin reason desisted before any especial damage i wa* done. Their next stopping place was the office of Berwind, While A Co., where they paid no attention to the large safe belonging to that firm but ihstcad tore the door off a small one,belonging to Daniel Klioads, Kq , in which tbey found aolh* ing Hut private papers. We believe no one is suspected, hut that we have among us persons who do covet what belongs to another cannot lie doubted, and the necessity of a force of night watch men is rendered all the more apparent. —Our stork of Woolens is now com plete. Clothing made to order cheaper tha ever. Montooukky A Co*, Tollora, WALWUT LP-AP HAIR HIOTOKKR It! ntitir. ly dlff.-rrnt from all other*. Jt ii at clear water, AND, . iu name indicate*, I. P.-fleet V. T'K I'IL" llm ß R.-eiorer. JI will IIIIIIIC LIAI.-IY |... it,,. F R OM tbw dandruff. RNATTUM GMT Hir t, -I. natural COLOR, MH'L |.r- ) " I'M FI'!W IFFR.WTB WHERE It ha* (ft. "it oft I( N*N ,I T NNY MANNER affect IN.. LII'MITB, which Sulphur, 6oanr of leal, and 2ilrt" of STIVER PREPARATION' have <..et„|,er ! t rt, It Jl* */ A. J. it ilt tio.j . in ih |, J M 'TOml MI M.,.T T 0.1T.1L. . IT, U | J|. I T'or/Mlnp. 'etnie county, ' _ Jleliofnute Grain Markot, l:, Ll.rfiT. SNT I. . |.. . ■ • o.| .„!, I. T 11. ,14. a ~ ttbtwt- .WBLT.'.FMT, L-J.liri F) N, TT'B-At. V, ' ' ■ ®W* AMI JH T'Alill .... M, " .ttell.,|, L.uttiL. 0n..|.,,.i„, 4 . I ■!"> I-' '• , ..t a.i, ji.ut.-i I or (,„! ,e, ja-r I ,| , Roller 6 , " I"' T " |v. RLULRF, RT-tluij, (H I UW „ Provision Market. CorrwtH weekly l.j 1u.j,., Brolber*. A||.LB ft C'bf r e*w|#d . i** |T*-r<| I ."./..'lV.** hard |-r P-.utcl It, K** perdu* P>iUl'-*A (or lettirl.... ** rrtl I-..1 Ir riit .ft/ vrrtisemrnts. SMITH, THE BAKER. .In interesting bt'-r from Mr. Calvin S.iwlh to the jetton* he wishes to ai!- dnltea'i it carefully. Htll'CfoTtie, A'or. 2t#, IS^2. /(oiiila if Coods. SOW that ('h ri*t ma* i* but a month >li*tant, 1 drriri to an*t my friend* in moling the u'ual j/r'*rt,U by the member• of your families and other* at tint time, by telling you in this xr iy what I hare for you t > *rieri Jrom. IhI" good* nr< latrjit invoice* ordered tx]ir'*dy for thi orr ,*ion and are rare lomnt. / may a* well toy here : that on arconot of j/Urrhusing and ml! mg u t irhobeale, a* veil a* retail, ] run quote jtric' $ atr.iy brloir tho*, of aim other dealer in thi. neighborhood. !'<> C an feet ion fry of all grade, from the chajir-t FV the mo*t t j-j/eiu ll-R. Buy and nUhmn dnds of j round* of it d lily, and to Sunday nrhredt or ether \orgariisation* intend ug to eel*brate either C hristina* or .\ay who need any HOLIIIAY SI f'LJ IIS can deal a* eke ijJy there a* any where else. Thanking my friend* for Juror* in the past, and rtqesting the patronage oj new ones, in the future, I remain Respectfully AI.VI\ NVIITH., Mo. -it* High .Stneef, ''• *t IMlrisnt*. Pkr PXECUTOITS NOTICE.—XO* 1 * t. lot.t.t (it.a tbt lett.r. t..u. U., ,* tj,„ j btMr r.f llnnt.eh Mnnh Ul. at PMU VIEUMOET Veto l' . i>.c .I bete 100-t. freeint t. Kit*, ft. PmltH I t.*blln In *M treiablj. n. ehotn *ti pMeom i..rt.t.t --! eltanM MI. •< IE JEEET.,I in TN.BE | >T.T.t *TV4 < thnee be' 11 y: (Uim* • 'IMMAHAB nil) M.T. KWEU tbe ; MB.. eltt..t a.U) KUAK K -MlTil ♦* t tvmu Notice of Charter ! NOTICE i HPIT-HY GIVEN I hat an Air p kwtl.BT Bill to t.". ti. tb* Motet wot l the At.te 1.1 nn.tl.i,te bbA., the Art el A-.tet-ly. •* tut led > jwtiti . tor ibe nntpnllie ami rewulettew of • efteln .or|.ottlint.* H *,~l A|t) Wtb, |e?4, MM) tbe >n,.|.lee.. thee. to. tor the t'buter of •• tettvwl ortt .iB.tt.s t.. In r.Ued lhe U-tiVM pilttwle-wt OMI Cotniwu t." tt e R battel ami at jeT tbm l t. tbu ..f tbe tuiuhtg *tnl *elU*( i-1 nwl. ore*, end .Abe* Mlnetwle, .iA tbe *nwlt>rtftHt>A ew4 eelling at *. *da ft*an l>