Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, November 23, 1882, Image 5
TBE BEE-11/ ii: s nuns. Vf ' V* v f '*'*. Money Refunded if goods do not turn out as represented, and no growling. Special Attention is called to our stock,lwhieb is larger and more varied than ever. Every Department is now complete. All Goods are marked in PLAIN FIG URES - - - ATIIIHKW I M.I Itl.s and at prices within *he reach oi any purse be it large or small. DRESS GOODS, SILK * 1 SI'BCIALTi', VELVETS, PLUSHES. BLANKETS, ! FLANNELS, HOSIERY. RIBBONS. LACES. NOTIONS. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS. DRESS TRIMMINGS, MATTINGS, HATS CAPS, Gents Furnishing Goods. MERCHANT TAILORING. ;&c„ &c„ &c. LADIES 6c CHILDREN'S SHOES. L \ DIES' COATS & DOLMANS. MISSES* 6c CHILDREN'S COATS & DOLMANS. Havii * purchased for CASH noveral c*ses of de sirable LRESS GOODS of a defunct manufacturer at ruinous p*ices. we will in turn disnoS3of same toocr customers at r.bout halt heir value. REMEMBER they arc the latest styles and in oil tlte new and de sirable sh*v cs - uch as Ter ra Cott". Cadet Blue, Rifle Green, Crushed Strawbar ry. Olive, M rtlo. Plum, Garnet. Navv Browns and Blacks. (■OLDMIHTII RIIOS, BEE HIVE ONE PRICE STORES. llellrfontc, /'<!. "N. 8.-We are sole agents for BALLS' HealthiPreser vinc Corset. Lew in'it Philadelphia Jlranrh• I LOOK: HERE boys. j • 10.000 t<. t... oiv. ii t.wiiy! suiii". vol' ~,,<1 musical whips nn.l canes. Gents' Furnishing Goods, ! READY MADE CLOTHING THESE AltE NEW INVENTIONS-NOVEL, ATTKACTIVK, AMUSING AND DURABLE. THE LATEST AND BEST THINGS OUT FOR BOYS. * They are not for sale, we give them away to every purchaser of _ aXD _ YOUTH'S, BOY'S or CHILD'S SUITS, A SURE POKfIWIJIP OR CANE, OR MUSICAL WHIP OR CAME. THEY ARE BILK BRAIDED AND ASSORTED COLORS. HQLS cHICI OcIDS REMEMBER ONLY AT LEWIN'S PHILADELPHIA BRANCH, ALLKGIIEXV STRKET. 4-1 Blf BrLLEFONTE. PA. \ j V/Hl ojf/ i>t'i<fw>t>nv.t iVfie Advertisement*. Jturch/ielil'* Sew Grocery. NKW CKNTKB COUNTY HA NK JUtLUINU. Groceries! Groceries! 1 r pilK new Store in tin CentreCoun ' 1. Ijr Il*nk LIIIIIIIBK, Hl,b L, Hellr-lonl*, I'*., IS NOW OPEN —and— STOCK KUTCK. TU<* g.Mwta on ialr itr tlir l<ni l|,t tuniket 41..1 iJ at lo lull all fuatoimia. GROCERIES, ('ON FK( TIONERY, GLASS WARE, CANNED FRt'ITS, AM) KVKKY TIIISO;BL*K USIAI.LY KBIT IN A 11 RfT CI. AAA fTUR f RKW KMBKK TIIK STORK IS A NkW OSK OI'IN | SCI* <'S M oiiflu v. M;t v 1. AM) ALL JOOOM JCOaSBQfKKTI.* SKW AS rann. The iKttronaye of all tif hiring fmxr treat ment is **Ait\tedi • r <|*>t Uliohi rail and yo will t-a t* atln*o thai a re? ■lath.n ha* L*wn rflKtol in priran of a' pD*offrnl f..f aalw ii.i W. K BUKCIIFIBLD. FURNITURE. IS. SPA XGLER t- CO. re. quest the attention of the ■. intelligent reader for a innmci.t or hcet. The faHs ihey desire In male public trill hare a telling effect j upon the domestic economy of any household in which (hit recital of their facilities (n supply furniture of all hind* eil re'imneihU prices, w given a fair leering. They autheeriie UA to et'ite that every article they have on ex ; libit ma i* ncic ami *ea*onnblf., WYIA bought for cash, and trill be eedel at the loirtst price dceilert rein afford. They hare constantly on hand parlor and bed-room suits, relcct anel carpet lounges, extension tables oj their otcn male-, odd pieces, feretories, side- Imards. marble-top tobies, tables, etc., etr. Anything made to order and guarantee,l to glee s ills/action. They sujtcrintend each dej/ai fmrnl in person and keep themselves posted in matters of importance to customers. They also invite sjieeial attention to their undertaking dejmrtmenL Mr. Henry Snarl:, practical, scientific eabi . net maker and undertaker of many j years experience, superintends the ar rangements and work. They have late iy secured a ec patent cooling board, the most )>crf'cl body preserver in use, and the only one in Centre county, at , consulcrnb/e. expense. An elegant , hearse will be provided gratis. In transacting business of this kind do not forget R. B. Spangler & Co, High St. opp. Bush House, 80 H, llcfuutr. s. ,l a. LOKit, General Merchantn, Allcyhcny-Ht,, Hellcfante, Ha ' # compare our prices with those you are paying for the same goods elsewhere. i' : I I I I Arbu2kle'B Coffee ... . 15 c 1 Choice Roasted Coffee - - 1251-2 c.!' "A" Sutfar ... . 10,.. j Clioico Syrup - 60c Good Calicoes - - - - 5 cents. Heavy Muslins .... 7 cents.!; Dress Goods as low as - 10c. Men's Full Suits from - - 5.00 up. Overcoats as low as 3.50. • Ladies' Ccats at - 2.50. ! I FULL ASSORTMENT NOW IN. jl i A thousand-and-one articles too numerous to mention ; at equally low prices. We guarantee all cur prices 'below those of any others. S. & A. 1.0F.8. I SI'.CH 1.F.1t if I (tracer*, Hush llauitr Murk, Ihllcfuutc, I'a, NEW GOODS F OU THE Sl'RlXli mid SUMMER TRADE! 1 W■ I ave eml. av<>r< •) to get tlo very l>e*t of every tiling in our line, ami now have wmic really CHOICE OOOJiS. FIXE CIiEAM CHEESE, Extra Ijiw FRENCH PROFS. SELECT OYSTERS, SWEET POTATOES, LARGE RIPE CRASHERRIES, J'RCXELLES, IMPERIAL IHIS, BRIGHT SEW LEMOXS, FLORIDA ORAXGES, Prinmw Paper-Shall Almonds Evaporated DRIED PEACHES, A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FRUITS. PRESERVED PEARS, PEACHES, PLVStS at,el PRCSELLES. PLAIN CANDIES, FINE CONFECTIONERY, GOODIES of all Sorts and KindsJ *ar\Ve invite the people of Centre eotmtv to rail ami itupeol our NICE | GOODB, which cannot fail to p|ea*>. ™ SKCMLKH cV: CO. Km IO 1 I] i ll IVRNI E T Invfmrt • PRACTICAL IUMNMO KMCATION La., f.r man* s a ,~t MHtvt. \+. r ti.r aim rf |till> t oll#f j Th* faithful Mit'lrnl hum h# fit |e for anrh training a* nll quallfj h , * eplnuire j pfa' f r| datt** in any i| hr# <■( (if# frf OirnUra mMt+m I* M If A AON*, fit to) Miff, p% •rDfrr'i ftobaittnw*. MillialHwl l.y llvrpwr A Dr.* in cr*!.**. 4< |.a* T.* tar*e, \ | artotK# ptiMtoh*! A w-fk for Lanhra. raJtna la, • m-u aw i pr* trI a,• i | t , . f pfc 41 . Lffinted A€iE\Tft! AftK.VTft! ACJEVTA! Fn, C.ES DOIMK'S brW nr. b. k. rnxy Thirty-Three Yearn Among OUR WILD INDIANS! A trae r*eoH tf the HfWi TMrtm Thru* Vsm** P-rutmil Kt MMHUM. Qy Muh an abW Intn^urban n y Gen. Sherman. TV.. ' I nS it rn> nNwHiwl 1m Sy N.M ATMI • mf ru.r, IW, f U, l>r Hm. SK.-m -. ttm. a Ml. Om. SirrtJmm, llmmm-S. n4 Ummm+U M Tn lo.r.l M.n li" drr. l</, snrurUUm." IhiW, u , . nr. - -n maUmt if *mmm tn>m. • It ku *.J nUrrU. inwißt , o.if "m tv. f ISrfr "ImipT Wl.'mlMip.|iMNf|f 111. rrywnnni lArttl)., rr - - -MS M Urn Ani' .f. .r-1 <rf *,, ftnmta. 1"r". M •* R"|4m RnHU.. Mf..lrW!y porlnrlr, ?"t .. .1 n. w. 1.. i- ... .. in Hini.l n .UL <RH RRFMLI.. •—). Hnn is IA rrW, f.-n rVl.rrr.-A. M.I bf Uir V. A, 0'IVTL J LLARIJNI, M: V TT)! TYH r>.A Wl|. Hrr ,n nfV^ ilrlol. A >r. „,w .... „,.! imrtt* I* to • wil,. < '*'■ *r rrr- Mr"., r, inn. Jtrwwr. finrMrrrrv, , mn rv ~ Uat hnrlnl.n wit* f. a ••!•. * I I- ■ I- it. i elm, n*. * MHM-, i* 11-IH'- II || n VAill \ n. r-fr r ... , -i, . r-n*. GCC l • low*. Trim, m 4 %S tm 900 r.t firr. A)M H. IIA. LKTT * 00- Xml An 4. Nsltvf. taiy TIIECKEAM ( K All HOOKS or AD \F :NTDRE. PI NEER * Ml) OARING HEROES ililll DEED ?. Tit. 't.'.ll.nr adrnalnraa nf *ll Iba b at plana* j •n l Ir. nit.t B(l.t*ra ,th inrt M i, a , nMi a n n,i IM l<r*ai, .m <.nr wl-ni* . nnt.y. limn in. nailnm tin,.. In tfc 1d... .1, I fa... ... , **•l* Pa Ila Ularnll.ti. Iw. Krt.l.Hi Hl-n.lt I ( .- ,l - r,iir.m,i. 1 Jna. Wild mil Hurrah. Ml, )|r~ aMI <>m.k I'/SJ.'L-"•* -• "thai* GORCr ILIUSTrtA\CO * Ilk I?.' Una nip. t. ih.l..- AGENTS WANTED. L*> j mI si.iti.inc |. >r m . whK n\ P. ; —— - , THAT WONDERFUL BOOS. GUIDE TO SUCCESS j * 'Tit ruR FORMS BU V,? ESS SOCIETY la a>llla( I. Inn. nf tl.m<mta ll Mha K m nnl aatnally knfal l.n IKI tnl. .K.d It talk nnalHn It 1111* Tll IM) R1 HI Till SU tn lb. SMI auj. Il.a t" h Vnt llan la|* Saw In IK. Hnalnaaa tVirm tl? bad Par. aaalulty, Una to act In Itnrinty and nwi ■ abara. A (uid tn.na nf talind InAriamtlm tn all , rlaaana da nantal mfamaa. AGENTS WANTED Rn all at apaf* !■• Ta Em* .ht ! Inla bona eTHIAL malae ami attrarttona aalla hafiat than any .abar. apply br tarma tn n. B. PCAK WBIX A a 1., rhitadrl|ibl*. Pa. .lu*, A'-/• Advertisement*. J JR. FRAZIKR'B ROOT HIITKIO. K.*t IJliiff* ire ri"f • 4tm *hop whi**.} l**t*ra|fr, I'M I Mr* atrirti/ m-ih it* til >t# mti ty •***. Um| ! fttrciijfi/ u|"/i lli llm •n-l kW'M k*r th* how tla open Md mk lb* *k heal III* It*i I'l.lM I||. Ill* |M-fVHAft4 th* I |ihJ ami | fi ) ttnpurlt). I "i • h<nli "I lil'Ml t'< i J.' Il ad. f# • 4ifjr lf A|"|*l-x . ()>*|~->' rr -f.'J : fc I'lMfilil illtj lllntf)*'* f'lwflili/UI lluo i'f • ftf.'l Ml*. 7 rtl^f , King Wui/n, U iiiiff Swell.i,g, KriiliitlM, iMit* K)'t ami J r )otif,g II*"H at*l>flhjr If-in Wikf>"w* of li'l'llll)r iim| li< iii >, ml In | male* It* I** m iMi f fraicltr'i Itoot lillliHrt <N|ilill; If" llllll' lull <i Iff, I in/ii i I hat' iittd tfto Ullltf of )Mir 111* I Hit Pit |iil j*|, *' 4 I. Hit try |>l mm. . an.! ||.. j u, ij ~,4. r , tfaaia* ||, <h*toa Mli'J flj I hit ll, 11, Hi* I UK J I Ml*. th* f.fftl d<ft* I ln*|£*o to in* ml. itt**l lamu- *ln perfect h-lfh, ami f • ! at well a | . r <lid. | (. i. -j/tei jfur iwliHi t n* "I (hi Kf(lMl of 1.1,-Mlt*jrft MR* U >1 A 111 IN, { Wr*ha2Mf. <f Fold |.jr all dfbggtata (t-r>ih< tj at *1 |>*r la/til* JII.NKY A - ( <)., Sole I'iojiV. f,2 Vnr) It., Jlf-a Turk CKIN DISEASES < IKED! Hf I*l. lift/;*'! t Mag)' fHjtl**e|.t. ' !*• ft* li ly nafi . J'itu|.l*e, lii*'. Jl*a<j i,f I.Mill* |il/lrh ft ml hrt.pt .**• 'ti || Jt . far*-. leafing >|t- tkm health) M<l AUMIUM* If/li, I aiU-r • lUl* Put tit.* it in. I< ttrr, ||...).Cht|)H lUii't* Ni| | Si-t, ■ ♦ |j|- ..hi.'UMmti' l I'fi* autl ISoe*. A . MhIN RISK ASK. I. I' i.e. I*-, • |. lftuJ. i|„•uflrffttft !*)o&d all 4* *' 'I, t.< !. !l lii ft rI.UI •! MM-. \ ||.l || ft}'| >• ft | '*l Of* lit* liaU'.r, i. a<J Mi.., i <<- i ant! iMily i***l/> fail hi* eye®. Ih t rftf.Mr f- i'jf t*f liig lath') fn !#•-1 hint, ami al' Iff vi) I.M'I t < • -! !i i- l |tr frilifi • M*ku UlblWriil ami w** ' at n] * al>o *j j.li' al ft* *v ll** l.ii < .1 ~tAy \* Uf • ttf fof *k in dU a**a *f* i ilim ot r-'l tut by mat I on t*- ♦ jH tf prtre. rirrt i\' r. llfNHi A f*. .{. J'fof.r'# \ M.. >♦* York. ) * liliU'J. It>rdn ir It'httifc f I l'*-taU4 I'ilm Ir W hllam* lftMaft ott wtftt ira*u i** tu. I'M. • • l i*i. 1} mail. For *a l" h) llruggUu. ut ly \ I II.LIIKIM lIOTKL. a*! WIfUIIIII ' I . • . S. Ml Propriftuf. Tit** Idb • f Milllf im • i<xaUd it, fi-tit. • Yall) f tU'iit t<i m,|.•• from f. I nu, rtato.t m tt Uan. f-ar K . irt.tfr fi ftprm*. IWk |Lall *I. Mt. *,.. rout.ditift* that iokt• It a PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT Hood tr uit ful ii jf if, thf :.fn. liatr itrmJtjr. A fa l ' rur* . ti. a At th Mi lh"ifi, lintel aur-latf t* trill l f'Miml lt*kl* and term* u*odei* it* J • B.un>||t New Brockerhoff House. I >ROCK KRIIOFV HOUSE, 1 i AI.I.K'.IItSV BT BtI.LKfI.VTE, PA C. Ci. McMILLKN, Prop'r. 0 *jd SatnjiU Rfom on f >rt Floor, Bu. to atrl fron. Ml Tr.im pj*. I.i r'. to witt*eeeee ami )nt>> f*. 4.1 PKNTUAL HOTEL, (o|*fM|te tb iLailr mml station.) MlLttkl W, I.MKK COIXTV, l*A A. A. KOiILBKCKKK, Proprietor. TilEOl'till TkAVEEKkI the railroad will hnd tin* Hotel aft *to>|lHit jla*f V* lunrh. of | r <or a maal a* ALL THAIM* almtit tit felt, tit'-a. 47 J>dh. CLAHK JOHNSONS L|P Indian Bloocl Syrup. ■ Cures nil diseases of the stomach Liver, I Bowels, Kidneys, Skiri and Blocd. MU |/j'ow,s testify to its efficacy in healing the Inbove named diseases, and pronouee it to be the BEST REMEDY KNOWN 10 MAN. i— tit A KAXTKKH Tit 111:1 It YSI'FI'SI i. TKA„K MARK WASENTS WANTEE-W /.nbratory 77 Hr* I 7U I St., Xrtc York City. Druggist* *•// it CENTRE COUNTY BANKING VJ COM PA* T. AM A H*v Ihtooutit V ta^ *>7%M VII o*% J..U* '^r— i. l ,U1..1RT.1 < t( CANCER REMOVED, \\ IIII<>II KNIFE, aud iu ni(*t * * A|<pli „ ' llt C. W. P. PiMIMi K^Wmrt. * " iwlrf iwltOil* GGI/ f'riMfHfA, I | J AKPKR BROTHERS, M'kixu amain, uimiaii, p. tlat* Uirtr counter* and ialvc tilled with NEW GOODS, ( RANK Hf IT KATKN l>nr.hadai , HANKKI IT liATKs ( BANKRUPT RATES wuh u riiar orra* at BOTTOM I'ttlCES, ROTTOM I'RICES, •BOTTOM PRICES, txtxsimxo o*l Dry Oondi, MtlHnary flood*, Cloth tag, Fancy flood*, Notion*, Ac. BOOTS and SIIUKS I .'.(HITS and BHOKS at vary low price* 1 BOOTS and SIIOKS ' P ' HATS and CAPS L*tct tj !*• of HATS and CAPS L . HATS and CAPS i Carpal Baa*, LTwabralta*, PtiMik. Ladia' Cloak*, Cfrpatlng, Urotarta*, Quaanawar*, Ac. I OMaprww, .vary tela* that caa I. fc.* |. , am aaiam. harper It rot hers* npaiao araarr, . . ■elucpovte, pa nU I ®*™! n, ®W **•* ta ckut at tfca awrkM *nw