Wat €mtft Hk Democrat. SIIUUKKT *V VAN OHM Kit, Editors. VOL. 4. •Jhc Centre ; u)rm curat. Torms SI.AO par Annum, in Advance. 8. T. SHUGERT A J. B. VAN ORMtH, Editor,. Thursday Moraine, November, 23, 1882 AT the late election in New York, Gov. Cleveland, carried fifty-two of the sixty counties of that state. THE Louisville Courier • Journal thinks that a party which depend* j salelv upon tho blundering of its op jtonents for existence is in a very bad way. CARL SHURZ says the people le- j niand a party with new aspirations and aim* as well as with a new organ iza 1 ion." Of course, with the slippery Hhurz at the head of it as genera! boss GEN. SHERMAN it appear* is not rufficiently flattered bv Bob Ingersoll* nomination for the Presidency to lose his head. He is satisfied with bis present distinction, and does not pro ]6se to be a candidate for President in j 1884. Ji'DUE KELLEY Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, lays his hatchet at the root of the Internal Revenue tax system, nnd says the whole structure must fall. His little humbug of the last session was too in significant to attract attention. IT is nnno iu • d that the h altli of ex-Governor Seymour, which has been i feeble, is much improver! lately. How could it l>e otherwise. The result of lute elections was enough to give vigor to the grand old Democratic Ftaiesmaa and patriot. ' THE result of the late congre-sional election in the State of Illinois gives the Republicans eleven members, the Democrats eight and the Indepen dents one. The Republicans have a majority of twelve on joint ballot in ihe Legislature, who will have the • lection of a Senator to succeed Sena tor David Davis, the present president *if the Senate. RHODE ISLAND has voted by a large majority against the call of a conven tion to revise the Constitution of that Mate, so as to place naturalized citi xens upon an equality with native born citizens. At present citizens of foreign nativity are required to be in ' possession of a free-bold estate to en title them to vote, while the native born are exempt from this require ment. IT seems to be generally predicted that there will bo an unusually large Dttmlier of contested seats in the next < 'ongress, and that much lime will he wasted in their investigation. No doubt there will be many defeated can didate*, who will want to draw the pay usually allowed to contestant* what ever the merit* of their claims, but it is to be hoped that in a Democratic * tongresw these case* will be disposed of promptly and the seats awarded to i hose fairly entitled to them. Th* jwrnicious precedent* of carrying frivi- Jous contested case* through an en tire Congress is an expensive luxury, that might with great propriety be sat down upon in the early session. THE brief letter of Mr. I'attison de clining the escort of the military on the occasion of his inauguration a* Governor of Pennsylvania, is not only well timed, but the determination of the Governor-elect will appeal to the common -sense and good judgment of . sensible people of all parties, as jiecu liarly fitting and proper now. An effort to popularize the return of our state government to the simplicity and economy of former days, wa* no insig nificant issue in the late election, and it will be a* gratifying to the people, as it is commendable to Gov. Pattison, that he fully appreciates the fact that parades and show on these occasions at the expense of the Commonwealth, is a part of the general profligacy that i e*d* reform. : , ;p - p ' Ex-Bhoiill Spaiißler'H Caso. The case of the county against John 1 Spangler eame on for trial on Tuesday) before Judge Watson, who is holding court for our Judges. D. F. Fortney, K-q., appeared for the County and A. <. Furst, Ksq, for Sheriff j Spangler. The only question in dispute i was whether thq Sheriff was entitld to receive fifty cents per . Tho Result. The official count of the vote cast on the 7th instant in this State show* that FOR GOVERNOR I'attison, 1 > had 365,791 vott* Heaver, R " 316,089 " Stewart, I. It 43,743 " Pettitt, P " 5,190 " Armstrong, G L " 23,484 " I'unison'* plurality, 40,202. FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR lilack, 1) had 353,612 votes Davie*, it " 317,614 " Duff, I. It " 43,577 " Williams, P " 4,662 " Howard, G. L... " ...... 19,475 " Hlack's plurality, 35,028 FOB HEC'Y. OF INTERNAL AFFAIR* Africa, I) had 353,752 vote* Greer, K ' 317,408 " Merrick, I. 1t... " 43,096 " Dcwoody, P " 10,491 " Cross man, G. L. " 5 497 " Africa's plurality, 36,344. W FOR CONOR EHH AT LA ROE" Klliott, D had 351,043 votes Ilrosius, K " 323,255 " M'Michac), I. It. " 40,995 " Tumlinson, G. L " 20,400 " Pierce, P " 4,642 " Elliott's plurality, 27,788. FOR ftI'I'REMF. JfDGE Claris. I) had 355 935 vote* Rawle.lt " 815,163 " Junkin, I. It " 41.900 " Cake, P " 19,385 " Chase, G. L....1. " 4,457 " Clark's plurality, 40,762. THE Doylestown Democrat advises the I)a moo rata of the Senate to unite with the Indc|>cndri)t It- publican* of that body in the election of Senator John Stewart a* president pro tern, of the senate, Of course a Democrat cannot IK* elected A* such, and it would IK* a graceful act on their part to pre fer Mr. Stewart or some other honora ble Independent Republican who would not ho influenced to indulge in machine bgislation at,the command of bone*. It needs no bargain or di vision of spoil* to make such a result proper and desirable. We vote, aye, on 'Jen. Davis" motion. CitAI.MERH of Mississippi is again in trouble. As a Democratic mem ber in the last Congress, ho wa* con tested by a negro ami thrown out by a lb-publican Congress. He then be came a Republican candiduto, under the patronage of Hubble and (lie ad ministration for re-election, and for informality in the returns in the iatc election, the certificate of election is awarded, and certified l>v the Gover uor, to Mr. Mauuing hi* Democratic competitor. Chalmers will therefore appear as a contestant, and his record is such that he will draw little sympa thy from either side. THE President recently appointed Gen. John Pope to the Major General ship of the army, vacated by the re tirement of Geo. M'Dowell. This was the officer who to tide over his own blunders and inefficiency had unfuund ed charges prcfered against Gen. Fit?. John Porter upoo which he wa* dis missed from tho service, and ( it is uot at all probable that this appointment will lie approved by the Senate until some very decided action i* taken to do justice to this gallant ayd shame fully wronged soldier. It is to he hoped that there is virtue enough in the Senate, to require that justice to Porter shall precede reward to his traducer. SENATOR CAMERON is not disponed to consider the machine so hopelessly wrecked as to be useless, and proposes to re| air damage* for a vigorous cam paign "next year." It is said he will immediately commence by cuttingofl all government officials who did not respond to active machine work "this year." He propose* to be boss, if any thing, and will have no "rebels" in the Cameron raoche. J Who's Rcoponsiblo. "The last Democratic Governor that i Pennsylvania had was one of Lycoming's own citizens, William F. Packer, in 1857, who defeated I'avid Wilrnot. Since his retirement Pennsylvania lu been under Republican rule." The Townnda Journal, from which the above is cut, should have added that when the Democrat* went out of I power ill 1857, the cost of the State ! government was 8960,000 a year, . which has increased to $5,000,000 ; j that in this time, public office lias j been prostituted as u reward for parti ; -an service*, and is no longer coin-id ilda public f ru-t; that a spoils system ha* la-cm engrafted on our polities • that corruption and extravugauee buve I entered every branch of the punlic service, and bosses have taken the place of leaders, The Journal might have said this much and more. As Pennsylvania " lias been under lie publican rule," since 1857, they alone [are tespousiblefor all the evils which linve la-fallen.-— Doyle 'nun Democrat. "Snlcldal Tilings." Ft- m Ihe WMlilfctft 'ii I'-ei. The Ntw York Tribune, in the course i of sn ill-tempered lecture to the demo ! erstic party. ee* fit to remark thst "l most every experienced man in eithei | party expect* the democrat- todi some suicidal thing before they have beldeon ; trol o( one branch of congress for sin gle balfye-vr." We do not know of any [experienced rnzn in either party who ; expect* or has reason to expect sny surh i thing. And it i* tn impeachment of the honesty and patriotism of tie- j • < |>le to as*ert that they have m*de sr.- c npUatic declaration in favor of pr tv thst is expected to "do some suicidal , t ..ng" unon a* it g<-U a chance to • how it* temper and capacity. The democratic party "held control of one | brm-h of ronpre#** 1 frmo l.*eember. 1575, to March, lßs|. During the Dt i*o years snf thst period the other branch WAS also democratic, as it woufci have been i ing befoie but for the votes of northern m-n, whose n tines had hem fraudulently entered on the <-ri tie roils a- those of senator* of various southern *-te in which they had no ioc*l habi tation, nor any right, save s l.en on the p •nitentiary. We mav add, in this | connection, that from D 77 to lh.nl the i executive office was filled by usurpation, | the duly elected president having heeti j b rred out by revolutionary crimes, j Wijut "suicidal thing" *.n done by the | democrats in congre## during those six I years? WAS if "suicidal" to cut down j the annual expenditures and effect a saving of more than I130.rth0.000? Was | it "su-.cidsi" to so manage financial leg idalion as to improve public credit? ! Was it "sucidsl" to bring the crimes snd rascalities of reputdicsn office hold ! ers to light? Wst it "suicidal"' for j democrat*, or wss the republican parly i | on the "suicidal'* tack, when, after Ihe j rasctls had been exposed. the repubil ; can minority rallied to their support ami filibustered dsy after dsy and night j after night, in order to slave olfaction I on the cases of the grest-si thieves in 1 history so that the statue of limitation ! I might save them from the penitentiary ? | The democratic party understands Ihe j the import of the elections of 1882. ; j The democratic house that is to cme I I in next year will not fail to understand j the bearing ita acts must have on the I presidential canvass of 1884. The lec lures of the Trdmne, able as they are, are a waste of time and spar*. ELECTIONS for Governors were held j in fifteen stales at the lafe election.and resulted in the election of thirteen Democrat* and two Republicans as fol lows: C'dliforuift, Gov. Ftoaaman ; Colors" ; do, J. B. Grant ; Connecticut, Thomas M. Walter; Delaware, Charles C. Btokelejr; Kansas, G, W. Olick ; Mas sachusetts, B. F. Butler ; Mi -higan, J. W. Begole; Nevada, J. W. Adaim i New York, Governor Cleveland ; j Pennsylvania, Robert E. I'attison ;• South Carolina, J. Hendrix M'Lanb; ; Tennessee, W. B. Bate ; Texas, Jahn Ireland, all Democrat*. The Repub ' ft (fans elected, are Bam'l W. Hale of New Hampshire, and James W. |Da wen of Nebraska, Of the twenty threw Ycfftsimng states ten have Demo catic Governors, and thirteen Repub liean. A Domocrutic Victory. lb-publican politician* and llepubli ; ran organs having recovered from the first shock of defeat are now engaged in the interesting operation of endear- ; oring to collect their scattered w its and are making some attempt to account for the result of the recent election. The conclusion generally arrived at seem" to be that this has not been a v.c : tory for the Democrats but for the peo- ! (Je. Hut the comfort that csn be ex tracted from this H very small in quart tily, in the first place the Republican I a ty lma suffered a crushing defeat from which it is doubtful if there can , be u recovery. In the next place it is not denied thst the people generally have massed themselves against repub lican methods. They have renounced faith in the S-alwrart leader : they have condemned extravagance and rebelled : again-! unnecessary an 1 burdensome taqation: they have shown determined Opposition to the spoils system, to the bestowal of office* for political purposes to political assessments and the corrupt use of money in election"*. AH of these evils were inherent in the policy and ni' tiio ls of the republican party and t* arrogant and aristocratic leaders The Democratic party promised reform of a sweeping character, the abolition of the abuse* complained of and better government; government, in fact, that would meet the requirements of the times. The people took tiie Democrat ic party at its word and so far as they w.-re able this year ( laced the p ,wer in t that parly's bands. It requ.red Repub lican votes to eff'-ct this great change. Hut bee ,use a voter had csst his ballot for Grant and Hayes and Garfield, it did not follow of liecess.ty that lie must be a Republican always and was in duty i bound to endorse as long as lite lasts all of the s,us commtt< d in the name of , the ( arty. It mo tbe remembered that j no victories ar-- ever gained by the mi nority p:rtv without aid from the Mia.) j or-ty. i'he peoj le have ctndidly and ! wiih ojwn eyes endorse i tiie Democrat ic can i i.,tes and the pricip they j represented. fhe victory could not have b< en achieve 1 ithoul the Demo 1 critic | arty. It therefore belong* hon ! *! !y to that | r tv. no matter ta ho aided in I.ringing about thst result. The d.* • comfiud italw irt* will have to rake up some other explanation of the deluge with which to console themselves. They cannot get liWjy from the fact thst tf tlii* is a defeat for the Republicans it is a v clory for the Democrats— lltrru ; 'wry Patriot. Titr Nw York Ann -ay* ihe Supreme j < utt of the United States has lost the confi fence of the country, and add# : It r# an open secret, lor instance, that Justice Marian was s| pointed to the l>encb * a reward for his services to j Hayes in Louisiana. Stanley Matthew# ' wa# appointed by s bargain made be. | tween Garfield and Jay Gould, by which the latter contributed a large sum of j money for the clrction of the former as President. The name of Matthews does I not appear in the written agreeme.it which still exist#, if it ha* but recently been destroyed, but Garfield agieed to appoint a judge adverse to t tie 1 hurman act, snd Matthews was intended, though for obvious reasons be wa# not named, lie bad Ieen the attorney for the Pncif ie railroad corporation* in the Senate ' during the memorable contests which endesi in the deleat of Gould, Hunting ton and their associstes in 18*8. VVhcn Justices of tho Supreme Court receive and openly u*e free pa.se# on railroads, including thoe subsidised by govern m*nt bonds and land#, which are often in litigation, with free stamps from teb -graph corporations, free permits from expre- c wpoi alionf, and othxr favors of tkat s->rt, they exfiitnt a moral unfit ncas for the high which thc-y bold. .Some of theiu have costly libraries fit ted np in their private houses at the public's espense, color oi legal authority. The bill* for furniture would make a most discreditable exhibit. When the judge* are capable of doing such thing*, what is to lie ex |>ected from their subordinate* ? The accession of Judge Hlatchford and of Judge Gray to the bench baa been a great gain in many rrepeel#. It is not believed they will tolerate practice* that have brought ' the court into discredit and have necce sarily wewkenssd the faith of the country in the integrity of iu judgements. ( Governor Colquitt, the new senator from Georgia, ilk* Governor Pattison, is a Sunday school teacher. TiillMN : | < r Annum, in Advance. IT i alleged that the expa-nee* of the Tariff Commimon have overt-ached the amount appropriated by ("on gross for that purpoae, and that aome of the l>i!l- will be profited at the Treanurv I> partment, The item of S-VKK at I/ng Ilranch; BHI for a two day'a trip to New York —sll4 of which were for lunch on the tug; four day '* hotel hill at Washington of one mem ber, at g'i<> jwr day, would reern to in dicate thai the (otnmisnion were high toned and up to the full dignity of a ('ougre-doual funeral excursion. I HI: \\ a-hiugtou stalwart organ hat been favored with an inspiration, ami produced nu issue on which to gather up tin* disorganixed forces of it* party for 1 * w *" 1 - It is : "If it is admitted that Democratic rule is undesirable ■*t ail unite on the basis of opjK>*jiiou Pi that, No matter for principle or the public good, hut save the plunder and insure the rule of the boss machine to control election*, i* the plain read ing of the i—ue presented. A I'IUIMIM.NT Treasury official speaking of tho party necessity of doing something in the approaching se-sjon of congress to make up for the sin.'- and omission* of the last two years, says "the revenue must l>e reduced and the tariff reviser! a- a preparation for the I 'residential election in I**4. lie a!o says we are getting more money than we can use in the Treasury, here and the large surplus is becoming dangerous. M it. Lixcxit.!*, the Secretary of War, ap|K*ars to take in one at least of the lessons of the late elections, and it is -aid will recommend that no appropri ations be made for rirers and harbors by tii- coining aaaaios of Citlgret* flie la-t ses-ions appropriation*, with I the millions on hand from previous appropriations, will be quite as much a- the administration will he able to handle, and will admit of as much stealing a* modest tbeives ought to desire in one term. 1 HE administration organ at Wash, ington asserts that the late election* have made it clear that there must he a reduction of expense*. True, hut it took a tornado to blow this truth into t.ie understanding of the Republican party and it will prohahlv inquire an additional avalanch to induce the < * ion of the eslab iisbment, on the 23d instant. The 1000. motive hi question was built by Mr. M. W. Baldwin and on its trial trip ran at the rale of a mile an hour. Alter every stoppage It had to be started by push, iog, NO. H;.