Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, November 16, 1882, Image 8

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    fhe Centre democrat.
Thursday Iforning, November, 16,1882.
OoasmraSßS*rt, rnnUlnlnx Important news,solicit
•S from may pert of the county. No roeimunicattcn
I nnrtad uul accompanied by tlic reel nem* of tho
Local Department.
—A tile floor is being laid in the office of
the Bush House.
—Go to Harris' hardware store to have
your tinware repaired.
—We understand that Hon. 8. 11. Yo
cum Intends to removo to Tennessee.
—Mrs. 8. T. Sbugert has been visiting
friends at Harrisburg for a month past.
—Dr. P. T. Musser, of Aaronsburg,
dropped in to see us ye*terday*mornlng.
—Mr. "Cal" Ilrackbill, the Curwens
vllle furniture dealer, spert Sunday with
his parents.
—The editor of the TVntu, Alloona, has
been sued for libel by Mr. Haines, of Ibe
Altoona Cull.
—What has become of the "Centre Coun
ty Constitutional Amendment Associa*
tion ?"
—A letter from our Port Matilda corres
pondent was received tao late for inser
—Gov. Uoyt has issued a proclamation
setting apart Nov. 30 a* Thanksgiving
—Miss Lizzie Driesbacb, of Lewisburg,
the lakker part of last week was the guest
of Miss Minnie Hoy.
—Prof. D. M. Leib, princspai of our
publio schools, was compelled. W> keep in
doors on Monday afternuua.
—Mr. Jno. W. Rurtge*, of Penn Hall,
and Samuel K. Faust, Ksq., of Millbeim,
called on Thursday evening.
—Mr. J. Calvin Crouse, one of Centre
Mills' solid, young men, and a regular
reader of the DEMOCRAT, called on Mon
—Mr. Jeiry Nolan, of this place, is
rapidly gaining an enviable reputaCon as
engineer. He runs between BellefuUu and
Bnow Shoe.
—Mr. John S. Yearick, one of the re
liable young farmers of Qua, while in
town, on Tneedey, called upon tho DEMO
CRAT. Come again.
—Mr. Benjamin Scbroyer, of Altoona,
formerly of this place, was married en
Tuesday eveniag to a daughter of Judge
Mann, of Altoona.
—Centre Hall received and entertained
the visiting members of the Y. M. C. AJ
right royally, last week. Centre Hall is
noted for itshoepitality.
—Mr. J. Calvin Meyer hea been ap
pointed Superintendent ef Knrollment for
the ensuing session ul tlie county institute
An excellent appointment
—Application for incorporation of
a new Mining Company to operate in this
county, and be known "Boynton Coal C 0.,"
has been made to the Govenor.
—According to an exchange Barnes, the
revivalist 'hinks bis mission here upow
earth is two-fold, to glorify God and woozy
the devil. Bbooid Mr. Barnes ever tome
to Bellefonte, Mr. Ja*. E. M'Cartney will
be worried almost to death. Selah.
—The Ntvi wants s stone lock-up. The
suggestion is proper. What hss been ex
pended in repairing breaches mvle in tho
old one by reetive inmate* would have
built a new one of stone or brick long ago.
The same authority states that a new locu
tion, near the water works, bss been se
lected far it snd will soon be moved.
—M. B Learitt's "Giganteen Miaskrel*"
eae of the most popular and sorsassful
•om panics on the road, will appear in this
place Deeember thirteenth, wish many
novel and attractive feature*. This com
pany received the plaudit* of an apprecia
tive public wherever it appswrod lait sea
son snd promisee to maintain its superior
standard of excellence ita all engagements
for which it is booked during this winter.
—Additional public interest was gained
for the Sociahfes of the Methodist church
by the exercise* of which the one given on
Friday availing of last week con risked*
The spacious room was completely filled
and every oe enjoyed the entertainmewt
|o aa unusual extent. All the credit is
due tho ladies of the committee, sad wn
would suggest that In the future aeon of
the sterner sex be selected to act in that
—We bad the pleasure of meeting Prof.
G. W. Atberton, of the .Stale College, on
Saturday. Mr. Atberton ka an eminent
degree possesses the quahties that may
be expected to Insure *urse*s—extensive
learning, energy and pleasant address.
The immediate future will demonstrate
that the i* sa institution meriting
the united support of all. Oor readers are
directed to the prospectus to be found in
another column.
—Maj. R H. Forster In the official man
agement of tbe late campaign in coun
ty succeeded In maintaining the beat of
spirit within snd without the party lines
No noise, no friction, no dust aad no mud
slinging were tolerated. Tbe organization
was effected and tbs well-defined course,
marked out, rigidly adhered to. Great
defferance was shown Gen. Beaver, and
whatever else may remain for the future,
regarding this election, nothing can be
laid at the door of our chairman that will
la any sense detract from tho high esteem
In which be baa been beld by bis neighbors
and friends. Mr. Forster deservsa kind
treatment t the bands of Centre county
CRIIIO, and they wont, until more then A
ecoro of snows had fallen upon the blasted
hopes and blighted prospect* of the De
mocracy. Defeat only served to render
her more determined, and each successive
election found her bravely lighting the
same good fight, contending for the princi
ple* to hot far dearer than more party
•uccoM,and valiantly unfurling to the breezo
of public opinion the banner *ho so proud
ly look* up to to-day. Adversity enabled
her to see herself ui other* saw her, de
fect* were noticed and speedily corrected,
and now hor force*, a* they appear after a
mot me'.norable conquest, challenge the
admiration of every lover of free and hon
est government. Pure, clean and unde
flled, what tenable objection could bo urged'
to intrusting to her care and guidance the
affair* not only of Pennsylvania, but a*
well of twenty-three other State*—Kiut,
Wot, North and South ?
I* it strange, then, that the citizen* of
Centre county should desire in some public
manner to express their joy and gratifica
tion caused by the happy turn the tide bait
taken ? Saturday last, u. the time, and
Iteilefonlc, a* the place, were agreed u|oi>,
and, a* you will notice before we are
through, tho expression* of satisfaction
came not entirely from tho victor*.
Tho parade, consisted of bra* bands,
drum corps, men on horseback, citizen* in
private conveyances, and hundred* of jubi
lant men carrying "wide awakes," pitch
pine torches and Illumined transparancie* ;
among the latter were "There is no place
'likehome," "The O* and thoM's to the
front, Pat Ty*on elected, ' "We pro) toso to j
run this thing awhile, now," "Jumbo" I
and many other* equally express! vo. A ;
boat, in consideration of the depleted con- J
dition of tho stal wart.wallet, wu provided, j
and passes furnished all travelers bound j
few the Halt Kiver reservation. Mr. Ham- I
mon fyjcblor officiated a* chief marsball
assisted by a number of aids. About
sovon o'clock the lino moved, traversod
the moat important thoroughfares of town
prescuting the most gorgeoujly brilliant
•ight Bollefonte ha* ever seen, the thou
sand glaring torches being re-enforced, on
rc*ite, by millions of burning candles in
the windows, unnumbered fanciful lanterns
• waying fitfully to and fro, and flags, large
and small, gracefully floating in the air
rent by cheers from more than a regiment
of men, not to mention the quiet, favora
ble comment of many ladle* on the pave
'roents and balconies. The illumination*
were grand, chaste and attractive, indtca
i live of tho light and glory that burst upon
the people on Wednesday morning, when
the news of the result was announced. A
fine display of fireworks contributed to the
elephantine character of the jubilee.
The surging mass that crowded into the
court house consisted of person* of all po
litical opinions, and exiled Adam Hoy,
Kiq., to the chair. Mr. Hoy with calm,
quiet dignity, and graceful ease of man- j
nor announced himself at the service of the
meeting. .Speeches by Gov. Curtin, Kx-
Senator Alexander, C. M Bower, J. 1,.
Spangler, D. F. Fortney, Kq's., Mr. Ja*.
Scofleld and Col. D. H. Hasting* followed.
Maj. R. H. Forsler, chairman of the
Democratic county committee, introduced
the latter gentlemen, who being the chair
man of the Republican committee must
have felt like a fish out of water, hut with
bis usual success h • succeeded in doing
what few others wo'ild under similar cir
cumstance—making no mistake*. He as
sured the Democrat* that Gen. Beaver and
his friend* entertained no iii-feeiing to
ward their opponent* in this county, char
acterizing the cam|>aign a* one fairly and
honorably conducted. He was lustily
After tho adjournment Maj. Forster with
a band proceeded U> tho residence of Gen.
| Reaver and tendered him a serenade. I'pon
making his appearance he wa vociferously
applauded and replied In hie accustomed
eloquent manner, remarking, in substance,
that ho was only too glad to remain at I
borne. Maj. Forster and J. L. Hpangler
•poke on behalf of the serent dors.
In It* comment* upon the affair the Re
publican thus reports in part the remark*
of Col. D. H. Hastings, and coming from
that soureo they are vory complimentary
"The speaker, Col. ILastir.g*, referred
the open and fair campaign which Chair
man Forster bad conducted for the Demo. |
cratic party and said nothing else than I
honorable treatment could have been ex
pected from a battle-scarred old veteran of ,
two war*. He said the Democracy de
served great credit for the dignified man
ner in which this jubilee had been con
ducted. The only personal thing that wis
done during the procession was the baiting
that Bait Kiver boat in front of hi* bouse
for over half an hqur. Not one of their
speakers had referred to Gen. Beaver, the
defeated candidate, f n other than most re
spectful term*. Indeed they appeared to
vl# with each other- in paying tribute to
his record as a soldi* *, his sterling abilities
snd msnly worth, arid hi* blameletf life as
a neighbor and citizen.
—We are under obligations to David
M'Kay, of 23 South Oth street Philadel
phia for kind reman ibrance In shape of an
elegant publication • Fran's Treaty" for
warded through Mr. HtiUcr.of whom the
book can ba procured. But we dteire to
state that Mr. M'Kay buys and sells new and
old books, and is always snxious to quote
priote for old|books oil her slnglyjor in <m
plete libraries. If you desire to buy or
sell anything In the Isoak line put youraetf
in correspondence with Mr. M 'Ksp.
—Speaking roughly,about three-fourth*,
by weight, of tho body of man i consti
tuted by the fluid hacuniuniN, and tho re
maining fourth by tho iiolid material he
appropriate*. It in therefore no llguro of
speech to say that food innks* the man.
Wo might even put tho cae in a stronger
light and afllrin that man is his food. It
cannot obviously bo a matter of Indiffer
ence what a man eats and drinks. Wo
know tho effoct tho feeding of animab
has on their temper and very nature*;
how the dog fed on raw meat and chained
up so that ho cannot work off tho super
fluous nitrogeni/.ed material by exercise
becomes a savage beast, while the samo
creature fed on bread and milk would bo
lame as a lamb. It may bo fair to say
that different kinds of food exert a par
allel influence upon man. They who buy
groceries at Hechler 's never, on account of
the food they eat, are subject to the an
noyance* sure to follow having used im
proper food.
—lf you want a good job of spouting or
tinware, go to Harris' hardware ttore and
havo Wolf do it. 44-2t.
—Demorest's Monthly Magaxino come*
to us with it* accustuincd regularity, and
on examination of tho November number,
wo find that the articles aro of a nature to
make them highly acceptable to the read
er* of this popular publication. Mrs.
Alexander's serial, "The Admiral's Ward"
gains in interest, and tho shorter tales are
exceedingly well told. "Wanderers in
the Heavens, ' "Winter Kesort* in South
ern Europe," and Jennie June's "Talk
with Women" aro worthy of note. There
is a variety of very readable articles, soma
of which are illustrated, on instructive
topics, and every department, including
the "Fashion," "Household," and "Cur
rent Topics," is fully and judiciously fill
ed. A handsome oil picture forms the
frontispiece, and the art department is
further supplied by several pretty cngrav
——(Jo to Harris' hardware store and
got Wolf to'do your tinwork, if you want
a good job. 44-2t.
Wilson, McFarlanc A Co., call atten
tion to the only reliable Heady Mixed
l'aint in the market. The I'ioneor Pre
pared Paint is not only superior to any
Heady Mixed Paint sold hut rivals pure
white lead in its smoothness in working
and durability. This paint is guaranteed
by the manufactures not to crack or peel
wilbin three years. The guarantee Is not
•snly good for replacing the paint but it
will be put on if it should crack or peel
within the time specified. It will be to
your interest to call and see Wilson, Mr-
Karlane <k Co., before purchasing either
white lead or any other Heady Mixed
—All tinware done by Wolf at Harris'
hardware store is warrnntod. 44-21.
—(sen Heaver accepts the situation, at
the following letter will show :
HRLLRrOXTK. Nov. 10, 18*2.
Mr. A. L. Zelibski, No. 2AM German
town road l>ear Mir : Yours of the tlh
inst. received. I am quite satisfied with
the result of the election and have no
regrets in regard to it. I did my duty so
far as I could and left the decision to the
people They ought to understand their
own business best, and my hope Is that
they may be better served than I could
have served them. Philadelphia did her
duty fairly, and I am ol course grateful to
all my friends for their generous confi
dence and support. I will always stand
by toy old comrades as long as I live.
Yours, JAM** A. BEAVER.
—Go to Harris' hardware store to hav
your tinware repaired. 44 2t.
—The circulated report that no county
institute would be held by the teacher* of
this county, this year, is an error. Prof.
Wolf, during the course of an hour's chat
on Saturday, said: "An Institute will bo
held, and I am endeavoring to secure ablo
instructors, among those whom I havo
written are Prol. G. W. Atherton, State
College, Prof. Hrooks, Mlilertville, I)r.
Higbee, State Supt. of Public Instruction
and Prof. Sanford, of New York." Should
all of these gentlemen be here all or part
of the time the member* of the institute
will be unusually favored.
fcgfT'P.o most brilliant shades possible,
on all fabrics are made by the Diamond
Dyes. ITaequalled for brilliancy and du
rability. 10 cts.
. —The storm on Monday reminded those
whose shoe* are not heavy that damp faet
cause more sickness than any other one
agency, and that to avoid thi* evil thick
eolo* and good sound uppers should cover
j the feet of all who must be out of door*,
la thia connection we desire to call atten
tion to the stock of boots and shoe* on the
shelves and counters of Messrs. Doll A
Mingle. Everything kept—price low,
custom-made work guaranteed and satis
faction may be expected in each and every
Figures are not always facts," but
the incontrovertible facte concerning Kid
ney-Wort nre better than most figures.
For ini tauce: "It is curing everybody"
write* a druggist. "Kidney-Wort Is the
most popular medicine* we sell." It
should be by right, for no other medicine
bes sueli specific action on tbe liver, bow
els end kidneys. Do not felt to try it.
—Our etock of Woolens is now com
plete. Clothing made to order ehaaper
than ever.
Morroowggy A Co., Tailors.
Tuesday tho Congreuioniu return judges
of the XXth District and those of the
XXXIVIh Senatorial District met at this
place. They accepted the Invitation of
Gov. Curtln to dine with him and were
elegantly entertained.
After tbe Congressional return judges
hud completed the count of the vote and
made out tho certificate of election, they
again repaired in a body to Mr. Curtin's
residence for the purpose of presenting the
certificate to him. Mr. Laverty, of Clin
ton county, in a handsome speech, on be
half of the judges, said : "It affords mo
much pleasure to present you with this
certificate of re-election as an endorsement
of your course as Hepresenlalive of tho
XXth district, in tlio present Congress.
In doing so we are not unmindful of the
fact thnl you were the honored Governor < p
thi* commonwealth, in a time of great ex
citement, and that your duties wore many
and arduous. That you afterward re pro*
sented this country in one of the most im
portant foreign missions and the people of
this district realize that while you r*pre.
sented them faithfully and carefully in
Congress, they were no less honored in
having you as their Hepresenlalive. Your
re-election by so large a rnujority was an
emphatic endorsement of your course upon
all public question* before Congress, while
you were a member. A glance at the re
turns will show that although you were a
parly candidate, your vole was not con
fined to a singlo party, they felt proud to
regard you as tho representative of the
whole people, and know that your course
in the future will he as it was in the past."
To this Mr. Curtin replied in eloquent
and fitting terms, and received at several
time* hearty applause.
Tho judge* had a pleasant time and re
turned to their home* with cheerful recol
lections visit to iiellefonle.
PLEASANT GAP ITEMS —The election is
over, and our stalwart brethten are about
the saddest set of boys ever seen about the
(sap i tbey died hard, poor fellows ihey
have our sympathy, for we know how
hard it i* to be beaten, and oh so badly
too, however, we havw been telling thetn
all along that thunder would strike them
on tbe heel some day.
The thief that stole Mr. Miller's horse
and wagon is still at large, and Miller
minus a valuable horse and wagon not
withstanding the untiring efforts of Mr.
Milter and hit friends to rapture them;
we sincerely hope he will yet be aide to
recover hi* stolen property along with the
Among our new enterprises is the butch
ering establishment of our worthy friends
Mr. Henry Zeigler A Co., with tbe assist
ance ol the saddler tbey are killing fine
rattle and their meat it prime and good ;
a* all parties concerned areexj-erts at tho
business ther will be sure to give satisfac
tion to their customers.
Our schools are all open and in good
running order to fsr we have had no sen
sation*. Hope we will get along ail right
this winter.
Our old friend, Cal, came home after
working in Curwensrille al! summer. ~ He
look* well and feel* jubilant over tbe elec
tion. Hit many friends were all glad to
see him home again. SIIIN BONK.
tensely ijteresting military drama will be
produced in Reynold's hall, on the even
ing* of Wednesday and Thursday Nov. 2t(
and 30, and Friday and Saturday, Dec. 1
and 2, under the auspice* of Gregg Post,
of ibis place, directed by W ILL D. BAPHAR,
Philadelphia's renowned comedian, assist*
ed by 36 ladle* and gentlemen, of Belle
fonle. Mr. Baphar complete*a four nights
engagement at Atlantic City just before
coming here.
Our cilizeni remember the restaurant
an 4 Art Gallery conducted by thia Post in
'BO, in w£irh undertaking the member*
were a**i*ted by our people and to whom
they have on more occasion* than one been
placed under obligation* for acts of kind
ness. It being necessary that the "Belief
Fund," which U-devoted to defraying the
expenses of raring for tick comrades, bury
ing dead ones, tha support of soldier*' or
phan*, etc., be augmented, it is deemed
expedient not to solicit direct contributions
but to afford all the opportunity of attend
ing a flnt class entertainment, in which
the thrilling scenes of a soldier's life are
faithfully aud graphically portrayed.
Admission—reserved seats, at Brew's
store, 60 cents, general admittance 85 rls.
hu ttartled tbe maker of France by a
paper be rend before tbe Soritl<i Hnygifne,
in which ho announce* the dlecoeery of •
now diaeate, discernible through tbo pul*e,
which be ilyfee "Interroittency." It I*
induced by the nnrcolic notion <>f tha nico
tine nnd tbo other intent alkaloid* present
in tbe tobacco leaf. Tbi* rhythmical action
induce* heart di*en*e, derangement of tbe
nervou* *y*tem, nnd indlge*tfbn. Tbe*acne
pby*ielnn ha* te*ted tbe elfecta of tobacco
upon boy* from ninnto fifteen year* of age,
and di*oo**red that not only did it produce
palpitation of the heart, but alto a peculiar
oondition of tbe blood, akin to amrmia.
£*xinea*, ctupidlty, and an inability to
|tudy characteriaad all boy* who u*ed
tobacco. Hi* *tati*tic* prove conclutlvely
that tbe uae of tobacco induced a tatte for
vinouaitimulanU, The lad who commeno
ed with a cigarette flniabed hie career a*
the tlave of tbe brandy bottle.— Domortti*
Monthly /or AVer ether.
ception committee of the Y. M. C. A. has
concluded arrangement* for the holding or
a reception, on next Tuesday evening, that
will cause those previously held to appear
very Insignificant. Music, pumpkin pie
and coffee are thought attractive enough
to secure the attendance of a large number.
No cards. All aro invited. Come and
bring your ladies with you, for if there is
any one thing of which ladies are fond
and know how to appreciate it is apiece ol
good, well-baked, fat pumpkin pie. Should
you not receive a verbal invitation, do not
think it was intended to overlook you, but
come to the haU of the Association on
Tuesday evening. Positively no charge
and no bat passed 'round The intention
being to afford a general good time.
DRATII.— On Monday night at twelve
o'clock the spirit of Miss Mary A Hankin,
daughter of Joseph A. Hankin, Esq , wa
called hence. Her case was one demand
ing tbe sympathy of all—young, talented
arid a favorite in society wherever she
mingled with others, it wu* sad to see one
so well adapted to minister to the happi
ness of others, completely disabled. For a
number of years she was confined to her
room. On Sept. 25 last she had attained
her 24th year. Her remains will b in
tor red at two o'clock this rfi-rnoon
Head the advertisement of M. A A
Loeb. No doubt the intelligence it con
vey* will be a matter of mm b importance
to you. They do not say much, but the j
little means a great deal Their trade (hua '
far during this season has been good and
they aro prepared to meet any
made upon their facilities to supply their
entirely different from allothcrs. it is as
clear as water, and, as its name indicate*,
is a j>erlect Vegetable Hair Restorer. It
will Immediately free the h.-a'l from the !
dandruff, restore gray hair to il natural
color, and produce a new growth where it I
has fallen off It does not in any manner
affect the health, which Sulphur, Sugar ol
lead, and Nitrate of Silver preparations
have done. It will change light or faded j
hair iri a few days to a beautiful glossy
brown. Ask your druggist f..r it. Each
bottle is warranted. Mmilh, Kline AO , I
Wholesale Agents, Philadelphia, and C. i
N. Crittenden, New York fly :
—The Philadelphia Branch is alive and
busy. The throng* of customers that
crowd the room daily understand fully j
that to buy yof clothing at reasonable j
rate* is true economy It never pay* to
buy anything cheap simply te-cause the
outlay i# not so great. Mr 'l,win'* word
never ha been doubted and bis g sods
•qe-ak for themselves Try them.
November Court.
r>4**rm*n Innkr ReiM'l !< W Rr%m*r Farmer Mil#*
7 t*. . 0| It, J • M rr 1 7 . s
J ArtuufMi Farmer fUii r (' k U*mUfU>n Aim rMI If
J C WmftM Miliar H"f| W Wtniusfr-'fi Ul fall n
M T S+tl Isal***? \% . ,** r, Fa?riser I* t#t
J lUrrv.fT Fatro*? CoHrfe t* iMtaaiitn • 44
l Fittot HC'jlt Dm Ruth
i' |v H Farmer llait< F* MlkrltW i'iun* tb PMK#
II Iwhm " ** I* Lot* Farmer fprtng
i II Msr*#* " M J M AlUr W ai'nta r W alk'r
jI. l Kuril " " (' R* Farmer W<*rtli
M Alt*alitor " llutUti. A V WilUama Miliar ** j
A W RrlnlffrMfi R F Uiihm
J |U~I lairot fall< n Wm Millar <"Urk Pfrtejt
H O lMnin*r R! Mtllh'm W R BiHiH limit* r iir*-gg
J If Ju Half M""b I. F Garmaii (lark Rallrf't ,
R R*f<kr Ul rf 4r*f g J*m— Intaflrrl Mpriag '
II llahn liar.t Mll~rc - Nilara Tall r fla!I Movft
J I Lvfif FaiwM i flin .IraC Jnhbb n Manor* j
4 A Hunk A*ani iirt%g J Farvoar Man n
j T Irrln Farmar iV-cir* J Frm> r Malkar
A R 11*11 Farmrr I ut"n t UrmmUy <#at>l Mii<a
I. f Flira* kawgaal Rfrtaf K Mm Farmar Ollag*
J Millar Fartnat M alkaf 0 ll#rt* Farmar Cur tin
T Willlama L*t*f Ontlaffa'i H tral ("arpantar P>j.r c
W K Buff 1 Ra|la|ifiia W RaMUi Fa'ijf ll'nr*r
II 41 II .flat T-\T llrillf W 1 4#ail l-r alh IW ! ,
f* PU'trt l*alta* Llb*rft f M Pmitti U amk r Ilar.ar
FH ar Farmr 1* alka- W H tWalina TMUnf Rallal
J II Kmamar 4Tg tfillli'iri W Kr arharl Farmar 4 -..ilag*
I s Ul'snur ISITO l.tl-rlj J K ine-t Rlsrt.rt. h R- M
M I. Rack Fatm-r M alkar S II Mayara Farm lloaal n
J Ria *! Ilal'n. wvn ila- Millar Lutwirar Tarl>r I
A F*!!f * Raf.*r J M swi Farmer Haiti**
I H Hall " Iru m JW A lama LaMI art tp
(' fnr*l " llarrH K ' "tilrf Farmar IV*gg*
n Raw k OfikTfatllar Mla* l F iHta T|rk Rallaf .nta
i 4>r. Rally Fa'mar M -rtli M llaa# Farmar ||arrl*
; J l RrVllfif lAkfi fort in l Rarlgm Milaa
l F virmib Ftnnar Rfi* Rn*h Uhmr Clnk Fft'g
. A Ilarl**fk " Ifarrl* 11 II at far Farmar Oragg
Kselrf lliann " Bannar J R<*t M IV<gg
Ctifl llrt'a fl • II I* Rankay Fanr*ar f Uar
F II Hrlffaili A*m'r Rpr'g M (lima V arm** (\*l)aga
(I li l lman *l m r l*h !• g K kltof** Isalvrar Fo MM*
W Rili.at Clark LlMlf IP Bmm Uf>rrr f*ltaf
M Ana r T*un* i lUIInTfU" II llaa* Farmar fi ruimt
II T Rart.y farmer Tann it" Ia)a Fa#uriman rJlrr*
*1 R MrFarlana fill IU f| II Rn< kathrtlfUl|af|
J A Fnartf 4ibi M'alkar Canto Millwright II t*ro
J Waavar Fa r frrga*>n T A*kay Lalw.rar Rarak
H Kran* Far man |Vtt*r N k Lal*nrar F M'a
J MTMItt rarmar * W I*hlar Jr Prtfrf
I. Rl. t.a 44 W II itar lnar Faun UU rty
A I>a*kar Farmar Walkar J T FWiaf Farmar Tl ggt
J J liny Farmar Marin Clu h jol Farmar I,ii- rlr
II Mayar Tarn bar Milaa M Hairt Tanner Mtla*bwr
C II Kay Oarpaf|arCVllwga (I II M War II- wart Iwfin
H Hartnar FargrH*n M * C'adw allator Unl n>
J II Hsni*!! Farmar Fpfing W W Rn|ari Taa'r Walkar
(' I Boinr 4 lafk Rallaria J Wtor Mieatn k'f llarrl*
J B Rnywr Farmar Rnrlag A Hach l -l FamFi"W khraa
W II AHII Farmar I nf>n B I* *rrl. Taack MltihHm
J R Ha*mw*r Hut wail" J Th"in|w.n Farmar Mtiflli ,
F I* Vf*na4a Farmar (Iragg W R FHahar F><ftar
W IRtwngh l<a VlitHprt*rg R R F|ar.gl r Rallafrmta
II llowtt Farmar llarrl* C C Taytnr I*•~-rar Rprlng
II Walkay Carp Rallalotita J 4"ralg(iait ||Q*l4>n
J liar* Isandh r l Ro*h W | Flaming Tailor ftallafl
Frank Clalhfwilh Rallarta W Ala tan tor Farm Inmo
I R Jam lam UknmOrrft R Kfina Farmar foliar
J q Mtlaa Farmar llmlon II Farmer Taylor
4' Fraaß*,~*~ aa.R Orartfngar
Pl R*'?ar. " J >nathar> Rraamar
Ini K Mtlrhal 44 Oaorgr Lamlar
MlHhalm Hktiklng On ** Jama*i" Ow*
Panial Trwrntar— 14 Ramnnl Tiamtar
II P Van Fall • R F l*at>. r* A Ron
I'rlah Ftraw. M J T Iolrr
K f McOormlcfc "Ml Farßar
CHaa Van Oovtom " Farm* R R On
W J I'rhan aaa of ... - 44 Jna K Malar
P II llaating* " Oan M Inm
Jno Rtsnpes Rar* et al. ...nC Sh-p- si si
J O Sse*.. trwss— " RAOSII A NsO rt al
R Miilhelfand.
fa MeUWlaisU Jr— - I. * Mawoa
Oatbarta. Hoffman - Hoar. Hrs.a -
Arte RAT*. H al "80 Moj-er rt al
Tin. M-rrmian —. "J T Fywler
R M Maa -CM FCWH al
W 1 T Sena Bern - Oatlnwla* IWtrrt
II W H..RT " JacA. A Urttto
THN llt)4 <V " W at P tsaneaa A OS
(I A RMS * 0a... 'V TBmpa((WLUI clsaa.)
A area t>rat —. " J Ran At.
C H RUOB-ES , T of " AARIWW liwns.l
Hetty RaiM " Rnaam top Ptwr DM
Perns A Sswrlff "JC Raana
Orwrhill A Oa Lias "IC ftmaanr * al
R UaskrMll *t wa - H C Rett
A * Tlp*OA - J R WatklM M al
J * Urwjr.... " C Rharrrr
OiwyMlt A CV> Urn " Rmma Rrtaas.r H al
t FI PWbsr - R II toswnsa SI al
J It Slsskltt " TV. lost M al
Jot OcMsa't Rasa.... "UK Mmtantmi
Irwin A Alllanw .v.... " • H Rnantaon A4aar
Wat Alllanw Jr - Aasa*
I. W Mawane . . . • ffa RWAI.
# ™
New Advertl*ementH.
\J WIIKHKAM, Ih* A M Pf „ .
T 1 " !. I'l-a. . ! lhZHhJndl-t>l
.!w , ' V"i, ." "T Oils too
li. T v*. 1 . 1 " " J '• •">
n>m J K Ituuki. A" 1I.-J
* m! 11 I—i , i.t, ii,. ;r,u, "ay
of 1V,..1,- 1.-.-, ... ~,, , : ,„ t . , 0/Mr|
<>y,r • !„, 7-rn.ln.-r xn-l 1..|,.,,| J.,| |,-|„., and
/nail., trmluam ,rf th. I-—. i„ , u i.
"f " ' ;• 11.-. u.-u, ~( i-,.
? ,
jriv.r, t<, ih- < - r-.r.-r, ..I il.. |-,.,,, ... '
•nrl 0.n.u1.1w .. mi l our, I, ~f < , h
in.li and il,. r- in th-,, (mi. ntl |., ~k
In, il,. f.,r-r... n of aaid day, mil, ||„„ |. fn',.on
• i i... - 1 ,1,,11,,|| „„| 11,,,,
b.-h. lb-,. Iblßga will. I, t, Ib-ir „m-. a|,i.. ruin, u,'
l- deM,Nf u,a~ .1,,, WINI ir, nomlNMi i..
|>f—ml. *k-air,.t n,- |,rlmn-r. ||,.| |n
11,-JaJI ~f IVr.lr-< -qrily. b* 11,. „ and 11,-r* |„
• Ul- auxin*! 11,-11, aa *l,all l.a j.i.l F
■lli-li ui.drr r„> hand, al ft-11-f. t.l-. ih- d,,
h ul,,| I—d an.l •ml, >-ar ~f 11,, li„l.lM-ndor. ,f iba
< nil-l Hl.l-a TIIOMAH JHI S KKI.. ni.-nll
IA 1 vi 1 tui: of sundry writs of Fieri
*- i.. i.,,-,, imh -rfini,| bMM
1"! '-"II "f r-,ri,n,.1, Plana I '1.1r
,.,,11..! >lll btutMauf al
II,UM in fb-ll.",
Saturday, Nov. 25, A D. ieß2,
~u',- n, u.ixV-i'l'lu'l:: •"*
ltil"ln tt- rt |".I"?*"?*.! <"' d Of rrnxMt
"rt'iJ::" r ::, ,u ; r h , B
.U*-f .! uiMlritft •.</ ' tai,. I, , 1 ;
IM- KM M tlif j.r<'fn> uf I: |i Uiilim,. ''
T. J. lIUKK KL, M.rfaff.
1/ X IXL'Tf RH NoTK J-;.
I J ir.i. m.w. -I-.,.. i
I „..rt-7 .., ri. a,-.,-., .
11,- n. I yrt l up-a, Ifennui-M M n II -
/l).> d- . an I
inafc- di*ir,'-t,ti> t, ~| i|,- fak4, i r , if,., t.an-i.. f u.- ~ .
-til-.r (-and am ~,- i 1,.„, ,-f,i|,
• ill all-,id I , Il„ dnll-a -d l,la al Ida
oea Is MMmls FlMi) iba ITib dar ..I \ ■
' 4 I' ' I -rl-.k a. Si art.-II and *h-r.
I .ait,-• Int-matnd ■ ar, atta-nd if 11,-> ~,
" r TSV.
* VSI Auditor,
I• SI . —( am'- to (ho premitsw
J-f lb- aaha, Kl*r. In Mar ~ U.wr.al.it. a l -. IHa
|„I HI- ~f b-1 i, mlx-r I art. a I, ,la- ||-,f, r , al-ot h,
>-ara -l-l. *tll, *,n., t-d al-xil lb- I and a r.ol, l,
ml out of Ih. rlfhl ear Tb* -,i,-r la d-airrxl u.
mm. f raatd |,r . and tak-b-r a.ai.
,ib-rai,- rti- afll I. dir| a-d of a-a, rdtng l taw
v ~, DAM El. Utmr.
„ a, I 4t-dl
\: XIX l Toll's NOTK E —Notice
I J I# l.fff ■ 7 4 aI • tl , r. t- '.in 1. *>
|>U'd .f lif r fct, if l< Ifcte of Fmtf t Oftf .
"■*§, ft h.'WdU.f to Klifc IL
s' •• I<-'tllkf|l t w Mart, fell |nf*lM ItaAd Wt.
♦wit fefeid feffef* Ml Td Jto a> .k' ).feiMt fetk.l
lld'ifed UmrUig t ifeitj I ilt itAfeie fer.A * u tb#
Mm* itLnt df-U)
V l iHToITS NOTK K -1.1 theOr
aW | ban. < MafCMNMMI 1011, uiall.,
. | 11,. —* tat - I < - ,ad ktml la lata ■ I Salk.r , -n.h,,
-a—d. 11-, Ul"l-|d an audit, r a|'|axi,la<d l-> tl,.
I ~rt t n.aka d.atnluli, n-f Ih- fi.ada in th- hand#
-I Irald Ah,am. .narainr ■ I aab| d—..l-„i. to and
an, ■ .■ tr, •- l-fa'o . I.tiiinf to r.-.i.. lb- iaa,..
• ill m—l lb- |.arl,-a InLfaNi 1. kx ll |,ur-}-*. ,d bia
a|,|-Xnlrarnt al 'i., , , n In IM-ni- <a, Tfaurada,
lb- '.<lh da, ,f A |aaj .al Id a m
M Amfit-x
Administrator's Notice.
I El FKRS of A'ltninixtratioti upoir
J U(V1 Iha —tali f.f ha run-! IS,a. la I. if W-lk-r
laaeahlf darimand. bar. I—n frar,l-l 1,, 11, nr.d—r
a:frad. I,- • IhiU, all . Indfl I—l |„ aald "I*l-'
At- la-do-al-d I > luaka |atn—iil au-l Ih-a- haatna
'lain,a or C,uiandi will mak- lb- >n-m ki—uu • ih--o
drlay. MABV r.BT. l<m fa .
41 '■* Admlr ialral.it
Writ of Partition.
T ' r*!hferfjr A Wtfetff <liM II OqMlh *fi
KTr*ad-t|, Gote-Hu*. m) ryn wottitrn f .i
Jn hti M fetf. Ul ul Mn t.l t|i, tiMdfeiied. riftfe-te*'
tid-tit* •ifEtti fit* Coofitv f On1n. Tkkf hclwe (hat
hy virfssof •HHI of < ii ih# Or* *
J'hfeTi • < - rtj f | of (Villi* I sefeantjr felld 1< MM* *(
111 Ik* h*l'! fet th- Ifef# <tf
M U. in th* toM|ii|. of lUu.** t*<l
tf <f Otitf* at
•( I '••(" o tUrk \ M feid das the put.
of makirtir putill .a r.f (h* *! '♦•♦tfet* -f(| r
feat'! the*i*"l (<• Mttd tmoAf III* h**tr at.d l*fnl
*rtfetl-* If fh*fenw i at) l* t* it|, n! fra
to >t afW'ilinjt tb* ti l* . oth*r•* t mJJ. a tfd |.
I>rai* th* m* aofMrdiidf t<. u *t bi<b iiaatM|
j lf * %<• may !•* pr***ni. if y n thlok f rf* T
! hb*ri# '• "Aoa, tl< lhf <ut*. \ T J MNKEI*
F- r time fit uj fUlvrf Fund t j
firejjH: I'ost, Nt. I>."> O. A. IL,
COlalZlT O-!
m ♦
IIA 1,1,.
M>-/n.hr/rry, Thurmiity, Fridap d Snfiniei,,
Nov. 2D fe *O, IVf tX 2
**TtrLtf Tt t
ViTid R*l!;&:!! T.r.i'.ir; S:.no:! 1
fa hi* origin*! fh*t< tm of
IDlotriclc atxxd ZPCaHxrlna-N
IntrMafing A*w ttafi<i, Raafoal flbdna,
•Nfet*t*N| lit
ii Ladies $ Gentlemen.
Ircitiag TiV.eo^x! BeilSct !e f ffcrtt'
i Th. h.llonln* ara a.m- nf lha lhrillln wtuati-m*
Death of Col 8t Clara. The Burn
in* House The Avenger's Osth.
Capture and Escape of the He
ro. Capture of Dietrich while
on Picket. Capture of Hor
aoe 8t Clare. " This timo
you go to Belle Isld.
Escape of Kdtrick, the myiUrioui Dutch
Woman The Hero ia Prim Dei trick.
diiguiaed m a woman, riuti the Hero
The Imhman'a Devotion to Horace. £•-
cape of Horaoe, punned by bloodhonoda j
Fight on Uie Loo* Brigde Horace turn
i hie* into the (tream. Beeened by Deit
rick Morton, the Rebel Chief, khot by
Graphic Reliant* of ti* LATX WAR.
A.iikiß.... .r.
Kranred Seat* 60
BwrndSuu at BRXW'S BTOBX.
MO ntnii amcTuu. m wtu mu.