Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, November 16, 1882, Image 1

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    uljf Centre iSk democrat
* VOL. 4.
XTlir Centre jO mount.
Terms St..SO per Annum.in Advance.
Thursda* Moraine, November, 16. 1882.
IT is said that President Arthur who
•was at the New York election, voted
for three of the candidates on the tick
et, and discarded the balance, who did
n 0 t come up to his stalwart ideas, of
perfect politics.
THE Greenback party is defunct.
The roll of the next House of Repre
sentatives will not show the name of a
single man who was elected as a Green
hacker. That party had candidates
in the field all over the country but
jione of them were elected. .
Piltalnirg Dinpatcli, cxpresea disgust at
the manuer of treatment he has receiv
ed from the workingmen of the State.
The workiugmen just got a little ahead
of him. That's all. The fullfilment
of his contract with the bosses depend,
ed too much upon the stupidity of the
vrorkiugmen, aud they declined to t
stupefy. Mr. Armstrong and the work
men are about quits so far as disgust
are concerned.
THE Government clerks nt Wash
ington and elsewhere, tbe scrub women
and other necessitous laborer! for I ti
de Sam' must sympathize very ardent
ly with the misfortune* that overcome
.Hubbell, Robeson, Don Cameron aud
other managers of tbe "Grand Old
Party" iu tbe late election. Who
now are to levy their stipens or "vol
untary contributions" Tom Cooper
canuot do it, even with tbe assistance
of Boss Quay. They are all in the
same boat on the rough sea with very
limited chances of return.
IT is said < Joveruor Pattison ha* ap
pointed as bis private secretary the
Rev. Dr. Tlionia* T. Everett, pa-tor of
St. Stephen's Methodist Episcopal
Church, 4621 Grrmantown avenue,
Pliila. and that he will accept the po
sition. This is Mr. Pattison'* first ap
pointment. He and Dr. Everett have
known each other for about five years.
Their relations have lieen of the nnst
intimate character and entirely dis
tinct from politics. J>r. Everett was
mentioued a short while ago as a con
gressional candidate in the I ifth dis
trict against Harnier. He declined to
run, however. Explaining how his
name got connected with the candidacy
he said that iu sevei.il -erirtnos which
he preached he pointed out tlieiwccs-i
--ty for the overthrow of the Ixw-e* aud
for thorough reform. The private sec
retary of the govern'* receives a sala
ry in all of a year —$'i.fitMl as
secretary and #">00 as recorder for the
Board of Pardons.
TRUE patriotism is shown in tho
quiet words of Mr. Pattison expressed
from his official desk iu Control
lers office the day after the election, to
those who called to congratulate him
upon the result.' He said: "I regard
the result as a victory of the,people
against party oppresaiou. I do not
look upou it as a partisan triumph. If
the Democratic party shows itself true
to the peoples' interest a majority of i
the people will continue to give it their
- confidence. Yesterday's results show
conclusively that the people are willing
to try the Democratic party in this
emergency and have given it a vote of
confidence. It is for the Democratic
parly to appreciate and honor that
trust. If it should prove recreant and
fail to meet the peoples' expectations
thp confidence now felt in it will be
withdrawn. Ho long as the successful
party, no matter what party it may be,
shows itself carefal and anxious for
the urgent interests of the people, so
long will it have the peoples' confi
dence, but no longer. I think all
friends of pure and popular govern
ment should be gratified at the gene
ral result both in and out of Pennsyl-
The Victory and its Lesson.
The great victory achieved by the
people in the late election —"the most
overwhelming ever gained at the bal
lot box" is so stated ami its lessons so
so clearly drawn by (Sen Davis of the
Doyelstown Democrat, that we trail-'
fer his remarks to the DEMOCRAT as
reflecting our own sentiments. "For
mer Republican majorities were swept
away with case, and congressmen and
legislators elected as if by magic. It
was, in every sense, a revolution.
The meaning of this political revolu
tion is apparent. The people have be
come tired of tbe corrupt rule of the
Republican party, and resolved to
place power once more in the hands of
of the Democrats. Rut the lesson of
the victory docs not cud here; it is
above and beyond this simple signifi
cance. It means, likewise, that the
people lick to the Democratic party
to give them good government. The
reforms they demand must he granted,
otherwise the power will he transferred
to other hands. The people arc not in
a mood to stnnd any political shenane
gnu ; they will insist upon the execu
tion of the bond. If there be any de
fault ; any failure to carry out the
pledges made, the people, who now
thoroughly know their strength in the
ballot, will again rise up and turn out
of power their unfaithful servants. The
Democratic party will l>e allowed to
manage public affairs as long as they
deserve it, and not a day longer. If
it shall become corrupt, and fail to ad
minister affairs in the interest of the
people, it will meet the same fate that
has overtaken the Republican party.
In the election of Mr. Pattison, to
the office of Governor of Pennsylvania
the people have done well. His re
cord in tho Controller's office is a
guarantee of what may be expected of
him. The people may rely upon it
that he will correct every abuse that
can be reached ; arid if good govern
ment l>e possible, he will give it. He
may be called tho child of the people
and in him thc-y may put their trust,
lie wa* born of reform, and reform
will he ilie key-note of his admini-tra
The Democratic party uevcr occu
pied a prouder position than today.
It i the only party iu the world able
to -tnnJ the defeats of a quarter of a
rentury, and at each succeeding battle
present a united front to the enemy.
There i* no stronger evidence of its
strength and fidelity to principles.
The Ifemocraiic is thcpnrly of coun
try. It was lh.ru whin the Constitu
union was cradled, and {frontthnt ,dav
to this, through good and evil reports,
it has stood by it, a* the anchor of its
hopes. In the future, ns in the |>a*t,
that -acred instrument will le careful
ly guarded.
They, who iielieve the result of the
elections solely a Democratic victory,
fail to appreciate its true inwarducss.
It was, in tho broadest, and deepest,
sen.-e a victory of the people over laws
machine rule, and is notice that they
will have no more of it. We hope no
Democrat will belittle the great achieve
nient by claiming it a partisan victory;
such conduct is an attempt to rob it of
it* greatest moral force. The result
proves there is a reserVe force of pat
riotic voters behind the politicians,
who love their country better than
party, and who will come to the front
when necessary to rescue it from cor
rupt rule. When they speak through
the ballot, their voice is not misunder
THE official returns of the late *'*°-
tion in this county will be found on the
fourth page of this paper. In the haate
of publ shing last week the returna as
given were necessarily incomplete. If
our Republican friends can find com
fort in them, we at hut cad afford to
congratulate them upon the enjoyment.
Oor. CLEVELAND'* majority in New
York ilill gnr mircbiD(( on and upward
aa thft.tray-district* add their return*
to the general awell. It baa now reach
ed near SOO/XX).
TION or roatsT co., 39,703.
ilficial returns from sixty-one counties
in the state give total vote of fi7">,421
for governor last Tuesday, an inert ase
of 125,008 over the vol# for State Tren
urer in the same counties one vesr ago.
With two remote counties to be heard
| from Senator Stewart * total vote Is 47,-
| 876, against 4'.*,75'.1 for Wolfe in INB|.
fhe following table gives the pluralities
! for I'attison and Beaver :
Adams -'>7* Allegheny 2102
Bedford 3.*.") Armstrong 217
| Beaver 322 Blair 517
Berk 77814 Bradford 982
\ Bucks 1 266 Butler 27
' 'ambria 958 < heter 1423
! (,'ameron 3 I 'auphin 1270
I' 'arbon fi-'S Delaware 758
; Centre 879 Forest '.()
Clarion 1-504 Indiana 1003
j ''learfield 1766 Jefferson 17
j Clinton 931 Lancaster 4123
Columbia 2403 Lawrence Mil
Crawford iJ'-O 1-ebanon 152.',
! Cumberland 9,-i l'htla<lelphia 34t>4
pjk 888 Snyder 427
p>j p 509 * 1097
Fayette 12ii0 Hoga 13
Franklin 803 Warren 56
\ Fulton 425
jGreene 1911
i Huntingdon I 12
Juniata 26
I.ebigb 2102
i l.uierne 35L
] Lsckawanoa '79
j Lycoming 172s
, MeKean 34 r -
I Mereer -t
, Mfflm 4ul
Montgomery 12.at
i Montour fi'2- r >
Northampton 4♦ >7• '•
Northumber'd 117*
Tke 8-42
Perrv 23
' Potter 4
Schuylkill 31**
| Sullivan 42'-'
! Si|,juehanna 334
j Union 91
, Vensngo 311
Washington 4'
Wavne 1379
Westmorel'r.d 15'.'*
Wyoming 4*4
York 4291
1 Total 5947'-
4pf arent plurality f.r rattion 39703
Corgrcaaional and Senatorial Dia
Ihe return judges of the Twentieth
j f.Vttignwsional and the Thirty-fourth
Senatorial district* m- t at IlellefoDt®
on Tuesday lat for the purpose of
computing the rote* cast for Congrea*
and Senator. The following is the
official result in each district;
(Vntre 4741 3030
j f'lenrfield 4270 24*7
Clinton 2715 1004
1 K.lk 1322 046
Mi til in lOT-'i 15st5
lluion 14*0 1757
16.515 .11,288
I . T
('urtin's maj. 5,227.
W A 1.1.AC K. liORIHiN.
Centre 4335 3424
Clearfield..., 4158 2569
Clinton 2680 1907
11.182 7,900
Wallace'* maj 8,282
.GIN. lit ri.ta, the Governor elect of
Maaaehu*ett* closing a serenade speech
in Boeton on Thursday evening after
the election, remarked, "for myaelf I
have hut one pledge to make, and that
is, that not one of you shall ever regret
the vote that you have given tbia Bay,
and that It aball be my endeavor that
in tliia commonwealth every man (hall
enjoy equality of right, equality of power,
equality of burden and equality of
privilege under With auch a
programme alrirtly adhered to, Gen.
Butler cannot fail of a succeeaful ad
. DON. CavatOM having bad hie acling
t oth extra, tat is • ippoaed to he in a fa-r
way of recovering an iquitable teffl|#r
if not hia power to command a victori
ous army of political Slaves.
I'aUiaoii's Prophecy.
Returning Ironi Alexandria ypstorday
altPinonn a reporter for the Pott recog
nized among the passengers on the boat
Hon. Robert K. I'attison, the Democrat
ic Governor-elect of Pennsylvania, who
had lieen receiving the congratulations
of hie mother ati(l eieter, the latter the
wife of Mr. George B. Carlin of that city,
lion Jauie* J. Gordon, State senator of
Pennsylvania, Mr. W. B. Smooland Mr.
t'arlin ace mpunied Governor i'attieon,
who was en route for the 4:20 train to
Philadelphia. HP in a tall, well built
man of IV) pounds, dark hair, tnous
tsiche, eyes and skin. In his hand was
his sole travelling haggnge, a courier's
satchel. He was dressed in a dark suit,
with light fall overcoat and I>.-rby list.
His thirty two years of relive bu-ln<-*
and political life have left their mark in
a grave Gee, (en years older. After
congratulating the fortunate candidate
'/'/i< /'<-•' proceeded to interrogate him
upon the recent rivival of Democracy
in the Kevatone and < ther Slates.
"The victory," aid G iv. I'attison, "is
one of the ( eople over the ho-es The
result in Pennsylvania was due not so
much to the Republican dimensions as
to the popular demand for good govern
ment and disgust with machine rule
It is an uprising no le* iigi.tiM tlie Re
publican than against the Hemocratic
"What will he the practical results in
your State ?"
"Simply an administration in accord
with the |>enplo; in other words, a good
government and gil that it means for
those who have been mismanaging the
affairs of the State."
" How about the died of the present
vrtnrv upon the result in I**4? '
"If the Itemocrats meet Itie people of
the nation and give them the adntinit
tration they demand, they will probably
sustain their success. Tliis wi]l not de
|>end entirely upon the action of the |>ar
ty in Congress. The States now in new
Democratic harne* will be watched by
the people and a l<etter government
than the one that has been dismissed
expected. The people ate demanding
good government, that is all there is
about it, and the party that will give it
to them will be in power herealter."
"Was the result anything of a surprise
to you t"
"I expected success. We hare been
working aide by aide with the Indepen
dents to overthrow misrule and have
succeeded. The people want to return
- to the simplicity and economy of the
' early government."' ,
"How about the management of mnn
oj-olies ?"
"Well, these must be interfered with
only so far RS they interfere with the
people in their effort at self govern
"You spoke of working with the In
dependents. Will that alliance be
maintained in 1884 T"
"There is no alliance to maintain."
"Wil, suppose that a candidate,
hitherto Republican, should he notnina
ted by the Democrats and Independenta
bow would Pennsylvania vote?"
"That is looking a little too far ahead
speculating on candidate*. But if the
Independents are still strisiog for the
suns end as we are, then I see no rea
son why we should not vote for the
same candidate. Just ao far aa the par
lies meet the demands of the people
wiil make themselves heard and fell
before tbat lime."
"llow about the tariff iaauc in Penn
sylvania ?"
"Well the man who raised hia hand
against the industrial of the .State by
advancing free trade had better hang a
millstone about hia neck and jump into
the sea."
Governor I'attison made connection
with the train and started for hia new
duties followed by the hearty good
wishes of hia friends in this section.
VaaanaT and Kbode Island stood
firm to the fortunea of spurious Repub
licanism. Why shouldn't tbey f Tbey
could have no affinity with Democracy
or any system of that did
not look directly to the old Federal doc
trines, and the centralisation of ail pop
iticat power in the Federal administra
- a * ,
It is estimated at Washington, that
for every dollar that Cameron and Ma
hone abstracted from the earnings of
the poor women in the Ifopertmeote,
the Republioan party lost at least a
hundred votee. .
* •
11 I'UIIKI.I.'M ambition to represent
Michigan in the Senate of I'nitcd
.State*, was blocked at the late election.
The jieople it appcutv, did not vole in
tliut direction. They preferred Firrv.
Tin Democratic members elect to tins
next House of R< prcsentatives from
Philadelphia cll<-d u conference i<ik>
certain the sentiment of tin- delegation
with refrrnre to candidate for Speaker.
So f,-r a* expression i given the Hon.
John 11. Faunce sei-ms to be the favor
if I. I.EiuiiTON, the Grand Secretary
of tin- Knight* of Labor at I'illsburg,
*y, that hereafter he favor* throwing
the labor vole to the candidate in tin
old party rii"t favorable to labor. I nat
ii sensible at li iet, and ian only mean
tfie Dcm- ralic party, which is Ml*. M
it ev-r baa beeOf the firm, oonsiatent
fr.end of labor.
W nii.r. the I'• inocracy at-* joyful over
their great v ct ry they should not f- r
get to award a tair mede o f pre -e to
the brilliant young chairmrn of the
State t*.,inmittee for a trot rre iitable
management cd the rampiign. A!r.
llr%M i i worthy of all praie, not only
for ell -envo work.hut for the ab-cnoe <>t
the expensive follies and parade- of
former year*. His appeals to the under
standing of the voter- and riot to "'their
eyes " is fully vindicated I y the result
St NAT'DT YI.-T a\* the r 'v lit vie
• # *
ton insures sueeiin I*B4. Nothing
but tlie ini>-t ntro< iu- blunders cuu
prevent it. He think- the rial cause
of republican defeat i the growing
conviction of the people that the party
rt-pr< -eut> monopoly and centraliza
tiuu. lie fount) the discussion of there
two topics in hi- canvn— most excited
the atlenti n ami infere-t* of the JK-O
pie. Mr. Arthur is looked uj-on a- a
machine politician, entirely under the
control of the great monopolists. The
atrocious system of political nss.
ment* under birii wa* cited in illustra
Wit ATE- i a character T he campaigo of
I**l may ss-urne, Hul-bclloin or t-ul!
dosing assessments will be *voi:ed.
That mode of conducting party politics
has rec ;r*< such a bi w from the jeo
pie this fli that the assessment nidi
man be considered disabled and out of
service. "Some arrangements," says
the Washington Pot, " will in all prob
ability be made by wfiich department
officials and employe" will l.e bled to
some extent ; i tit the bold insolence of
the department of corruption will not be
repeated. There is no stalwart ao blind
that he cannot see, none so stolid that
he cannot understand the condemna
tion that has been put on this business.
If the Republican party appoints a cam
paign committee in 18*4, as it di-uhtlr*"
will, that committee will be exleremely
carctul to avoid the grostness w .tb wh.ch
the llubhell committee has outraged
decency and di-guated the country.
There will be no bulldozing, no dogg
ing o( clerks, messengers, mechanics,
laborer* and boys by collectors; no bint"
of what may be in case the account is
not squared. In fact, all the officials
and employes, from Cabinet ministers
down to floor scrubber" snd wslcr boy*,
will understand that noamouut of mnn
ey can avert disaster, and will feel that
any contribution, voluntary or involun
lary, would be thrown sway. The ver
dict rendered on the Tth instant will
inaure an appearance of decency, and
the Republican party will step down
and walk out without again bidding
coarse defiance to public opinion by
practicea that have been branded with
the country's detestation.
Secretary Folger ten Full for I'Mer
WASHINGTON, November 9.— Seretary
Folger declines to say anything in refer
enee to hia future plana. The general
impression among hia friends in the
treasury it, however, that he will aerve
out the balance of bia term as secrete
ry of the treasury unless some unfore
seen circumstance should arise to make
hia retirement necessary before that
time. The secretary has commenced
the preparation of bis annual report,
which ia to accompany ths president's
message to Congress, and ia now collect
ing data from the bureeu for tbat pur
TKIIJIS: £1.."0 i < r An mini, in Advance.
• onkiing, of New Yi>rk, retired from
politic* last year. Hi* friend Cameron
billows this year to share bin happiness.
No uiore tooth-ache.
No one will doubt that lime* have
changed muchly, when they r fleet
that Massachusetts arid Kansas have
elected Democratic Governor*.
Gov. Stephen* message to the Georgia
Legislature it only one column in length
and w H'lea no wolds by glitter,ng prom.
I tea.
I In- total vintage oi California this
year will b- 12,000 galloon.
I here i < t.ougli o! the Republican
party left to constitute a nucleus, but it
has lout the power of attracting the vot
ing ntoiLi.
I here is said to he no warrant tor tlie
assettion that Secretary Foiger will re
sign a. soon us he completes lit' annual
A go->d many members of the Forty,
seventh • jngie.s feel by this lima like
passing a new River and Harbor bill,
wtili special reference to the improve
ment of Salt liiver.
The • otnmiaaioner of l'enaiona states
that there are a m.11.0u of ex soldiers
now living el,t.tl* dto but not receiving
pension*. He also lays be learns thai
an ill irt wiii be made to pass another
bid giving arrears of pension* to these
nicti when they shall obtain a pension.
It will involve lite expenditure of many
• i ->ver nor elect Holler of Maasachu
setts it sixty four years of age. To men
of Duller a rugged mould tin* i* just
the prime of hie.
Says the Philadelphia Pre**, "the
Stulieart army looks as though it bad
fallen into n barrel of alum water,"—
puckered up as it were.
Sr v vto i I! r, of Massachusetts, a
sb it time since sun! he would not live
Hi Masarhuaetta if Her-j. F. Duller were
elected Governor of that State. It i*
about time the Senator would emigrate
Iter i min is there '
• •liver A me* the Lieutenant Gover
nor elect of Massachusetts, although a
man now of great wealth, wax trained
to work and did woik for many years
in the shops as a common journeyman
shorelmaker, in which he attained great
• sovernor elect Cleveland has been on
a visit to Kx-Govcrnor Tilden in New
York. With such advisers a the Kx
• sovernor, the Deform column will ruovc.
The Lancaster 1 ntclliyirer predict*
that the bloody shirt payment of the
rebel war cl .im< and the tariff scare a*
licpublican campaign ammunition bsve
become useless lor all time to come.
Lewi* C. f'ussidy. of Philadelphia, and
Malcolm Hay, of Pittsburgh, are turned
for Attorney General under Governor
Patlisou. They are both up to the high
est standard, and the Governor could
make no mistake in choosing either.
•>f the member* of the House com
mittee on commerce, the committee
which prepared the river and harbor
bill. Chairman Page and Messrs. Rich
atdson. Candler, White and Ko*s have
been defeated for reelection. Mea-r*.
Tdwnsend, of Ohio ; Ward, of Pennsyl
vania, and Mcl.ane, of Maryland, were
not renominated, •if the fifteen mem
bers of the committee the only one*
returned to the Forty-eighth Congie* are
Horr, of Michigan ; Washburn, of Wis
consin ; George, of • 'tegon j Guenther,
of Wisconsin,: lieagan, of Texas, and
Herndon, of Alabama.
The next time a comet suffer* a rup
lure of its nucleus just before a§ elec
tion, the Republican* will understand
what disaster the phenomenon por
"If there was a tax for Democratic
majorities," say* the Cevnrr "the
public debt could be paid off with the
November collections."
One hundred and aeventy member* of
the nest lloune bare never been in con
fret- What a glortona sen**lion is in
store for these neophyte*.
TllS member* of the House in the
Forty-eighth Congro** will consist of
19.") Democrats, elected a* such, and 12#
Repulicara, including Meeker of
South ( 'amotion, Ochiltree of Texas,
Chalmera of Miwimippl, Bnmm of
Pennsylvania and the Virginia Rend
j utter*.
XO. i:>.