Little by Little. Little by little the time tfooa by— Bhort if you slug through it, long If you sitfh : Little by littlo—an hour, ti day, Gone with the years that have vanished awny ; Little by littlo the race is run, Trouble and waiting and toil iiro done. Littlo by little the sky crows clear ; Little by little the sun comes noar ; little the days smile out Gladder and brighter on (uiin and doubt j Little by littlo the seed wo sow Into a beautiful yield will grow. Littlo by little the world grows strong. Fighting the battle of Right and Wrong; Little by little the Wrong gives way, Little by little the Right lias way ; Little by little all longing souls Struggle up nearer the shining goals I Littlo by littlo the good in mou Blossoms to beauty for human kon ; Little by littlo the angels seo I I'opheoies bettor of good to bo ; Little by little the Clod of all Lifts the world nearer His pleading call 1 JOHN JUDSON'S NURSE. " A dozen tea biscuit, did you say, Mrs. Itooney ?" said the baker's wife; "and a loaf of bread? and a card of black gingerbread? Just let mo take your basket, ma'am, and I'll pack 'cm in a deal better than you could. Yes, as I was saying, there he lies, clean out of his head and raving, and no body to take care of him hut me. And you may guess how much time I get, ma'am, what with the shop and the six children and Feathertop's old mother to look after." " But why on earth," said the cus tomer who had ordered the tea biscuit, bread and black gingerbread, "don't you send the poor fellow to some hos pital ?" " Just what the doctor advised his ownself," saiii Mrs. Feathertop. "Hut la! the minute you mention the word 'hospital' you'd think he would go out of his head, poor soul. -No, no, no,' he says, over and over again, and he holds on to the side of the bedpost tin til one must have a heart of iron to try and get him away. And the worst of it is he's just been turned out of this place!" "Turned out of his place?" repeated Mrs. Hooney, while Miss l'rice. the pale little seamstress who rented tin top bark room of Mrs. Feathertop and kept herself on infinitesimal morsels of bread and meat whieh she picked up nobody knew where, paused to listen, on her way through the shop. "lie was getting good wages in u manufacturing jeweler's," said the baker's wife, evidently enjoying her small audience, "and Mr. Gohlilove set store by him, for he'd away of working that he'd learned in foreign parts, and they tell me it's quite an art to set them precious stones in the gold o as they's stay firm and show off their colors to good advantage. And there was a particular choice jewel sent there tolio sot as a wedding pres ent for some young lady—a sapphire, they say it's called- and it was gin into his charge. And from that day to this, ma'am and Miss Price, there hasn't nothin' over been heard of that sapphire. If it had l>een any one else Mr. Gohlilove would have had him ar rested ; but this John Judson had al ways borno so good a character and was such an out-and-out respectable man. as he hain't the heart to dp it. But he discharged him, of course— who wouldn't? And here the poor fellow is, out of place, with no refer ence, and so far as I know without a penny in his pocket. And what we'ro to do I don't Jsnow. for its downright sure I ean't spare the time to give him his drops and look after him as a sick man should l>e looked after." "Has ho no friends?" said Mrs. Booney. " Bleaa your heart! no," said the baker's wife. "Heis a stranger in the conntry. And poor folks, mind you ma'am, don't pick up friends here and there and everywhere like the mil lionaires we rend about." Just here Miss Price step|ted for ward, with her little splint basket on her arm. "Mrs. Feathertop," said she, diffi dently, " I am quite alone In the world, with no ties to keep me busy. If you don't object I'll take ray sewing down into Mr. Judson's room ami take care of him days, if Mr. Feathertop won't mind the night charge." " I'm sure. Miss Price, it would lie a deed of Christian charity," said Mrs Feathertop. And as she afterward sajd to Mrs. Booney; "It wasn't as if Miss Price were young and pretty. She's forty, if site's a day," said the baker's wife. ".A nd she's bad smallpox, as you may sec for yourself, Mrs. Booney, ma'am; and her hair is red and her eyelashes are white, and 1 often think, ma'am, of what Feathertop said when first she engaged our top story hack;.' Peggy,' says Feathertop, says he, ' we've g ( ,t the humbliest woman in New York for our tenant.'" But Mary Price, If she was neither young nor beautiful, possessed the rare attributes of u sick-nurse—the soft step, the quick perception, the noise leas, gliding movement—and before she lmd been the guardian genius of poor John Judson's room for a week the fever turned and lie Ix-gun to grow better. "-So," ho said, suddenly, one bleak February afternoon when Mary Price sat stitching silently by his side, " 1 shall get well." "The doctor says so," silently as sented Miss I'rice. " Why didn't they let me die?" groaned the poor lapidary, screwing up his forehead. Miss Price l<*>ked at him in amaze ment. " Don't you want to live?" she said. " AVhat have 1 got to live for ?" burst out John Judson. "1 have neither name nor fame left, and can't even get the clmneo to earn my own living. They believe me to be a thief. As well die of fever as die of starvation." Miss Price looked gently at him. "There is no mxxl of eitlo-r," said she. " 1 have a few dollars in the savings bank. You are welcome to them until you can work and earn something for yourself." John raised himself on his elbow and stared at her. " Why do you give me your hard earned savings?" said he, bluntly. " Because you nei-d thenf more than 1 do," said Miss Prices, sewing away. Judson uttered a low, bitter laugh. " I thought tin- race of Christians was extinct," said be; "but I believe there are some left." After that lie recovered rapidly. But on the day on which he- first sat up there came a thundering knock at the door and in walked old Mr. Gohli love*, plump, clean-shaven and looking eminently respectable in his fur trimmed overcoat and new kid gloves. Judson started. " Have you come to arrest me, sir?" said lie. " Not at all, my dear fellow—not at all!" -aid the old gentleman, briskly. " Look he-re !" And opening his hand he showed snugly re-|H>sing in the palm some thing small and sparkling like a drop of blue dew. " It's the Mordaunt sapplure 1" ex claimed the lapidary, eagerly. "Kxactly!" said Mr. Goldilove; "it's the Mordaunt sapplure. And where do you suppose we found it? " " I am sure, sir, I do not know," an swercd J udson, whose fever-bright eyes were -till fixed upon the glitter ing blue jewel as if he momentarily expected to sis- it melt away. " Why," chuckled Mr. Gohlilove, " I was the thief, Judson ! I stole it my self. I [a, ha, ha !" " You, sir ? " ejaculated John. " I sent thin mat to the furrier's," said Mr. Goldilove, "to have ttic trim ming repaired where it had ripped away. And the furrier found the sap phire lodged neatly in a seam. It must have rlung to the fur some time when I leaned my ellmw carelessly fin the tahle- slipiKfl in at the ripped place and tucked itself cornfortalily away. Anl all the time Iw as scold ing at mi it you, Judson, and IK lieviiig you in my heart Pi IK: a thief, I waa carrying atxiut the missing jewel myself. Good faith, my dear fellow! I've thought since if the Lord judged us as hardly as we judge each other our chances in the other world would he mighty slim, eh? Hut I'm sorry sorry from the very hot torn of my heart—and 1 l>eg your pardon, Judson! And your old place at the shop is waiting for you, with a little rise in wages, whenever you choose to come hack." And he cordially wrung the lapi dary's hand once more and hobbled off: and it was not until he had gone that .Judson discovered that he had left a twenty-dollar hilt on t|„. table, folded in an envelope directed to " John Jud son." When Miss Price ratne in as usual on tier way home from the shirt fao toty w here she worked John Judson had a story to tell her. " You've kept my heart up many a time, Miss Price," said he, " when it has been like a lump of lead In my breast, with your talcs nlsait the vari ous little adventures you had had seek ing for work In all those downtown places, ami now I've (pit an adventure to relate to you!" ' Mis# Price hurst into tears when she heard iti " I'm so glad, Mr. Judson!" she cried. "Oh, I am so glad! Hut I knew all along that you never took that jewel!" "(lod bless you for that!" raid Jud son, in a low voice. When Mrs. Feathertop came up she was full of Mr.Ooldllove's good-nature —the pennies he had given her little ones, the praise he had adjudged to the shining, gtaw-toppsd count'?# and pihs of vrnolraione-looking hrrad. " And so tho sapphire was foun 1 after all," said Mrs. Feathertop. "But, dear me ! have you heard about poor Mlh I'rice. Did hljo tell you ?" "No," mild Judson. " What is it?" "The shirt fju:tory lias failed," said Mrs. Feathertop. " The hands are all left without work ; and what's worse their baek wages never will be paid. I'm dreadful sorry for poor Miss I'rice. It does seem as if she had nothing but ill luck in the world. But, there ! I've left Patty in the store and she don't know the price of a thing. I must hurry back as fast as ever I can." Miss i'rice came down in the bakery that evening. " Mrs. Feathertop," said she, "lam going to give up my room." " 1 supposed so," said Mrs. Feather top, wrapping up a loaf of Boston brown bread in a paper for a cus tomer. "Well, Miss Price, I'm sorry," but—" " But I didn't tell you all," said Mis- Price. •• I I'm going to be married 1 To Mr. Judson !" Down rolled the loaf of Boston brown bread to the floor. " Kb?" cried the baker's wife. "It ain't possible!" But it was. Plain tittle Miss Price, with the white eyelashes, the red hair, the pock-marked complexion, had won a husband after all. "In my eyes, dearest," John Judson had said, "yours is the sweetest face in the world. It bent over my sick btsl when I should have died, save foi its hejp and sympathy; it lightisl up the dark Imurs of my weary convales cence; it shone like a star in my ut most need. And if you will trust your self to me, Mary, you shall never, God helping me, have reason to regret it." So they were married, much to the wonder of the world in general. "Well," said Mrs. Feathertop, "if Miss Price has got a husband, then no- Ijody need despair." But Mrs. Feathcrtop's vision was duller than that of John Judson. >tu had not seen the glory of Mis- Price's pure soul shining through her plain face.— H'Un F->rr>-t Gra r>.. Curiosities of Kridenre. The custom of kissing the thumb instead of the hook was considered bv many an evasion of the moral obliga tion attached to an oath, while to others, holding the Testament upside down was deemed an equally i-ffi carious release. Three and other dis reputable artifices are, however, very little indulged in at the present day. When the celebrat'-d Sergeant IfrU conducted a defense at the bar of the house of lords, he propounded a rpiestion to a witness which the coun sel on the other side objected to. After much had la-en said on either side, the law* lords themselves ilis agrccd, and the bar and all strangers w ere ordere<l to withdraw. After an absence of two hours they were read mitted, and the lord chancellor in formal Mr. Hill that the house de cided the question might le put. •'Please you, my lords," said the ser geant, "it is so long since I asked the question that I forget what it was, hut with your lordships' permission I will put another!" A witness was lately cxvllM on-a trial at the old RailegJUi fffeve an alibi. He solemnly swore that the prisoner on the night and at the hour in ques tion (11:25 r. m.) was at home and in bod at a distant j>art of the parish. Nothing could shake his testimony, for he said lie had looked at the clock just as the prisoner went upstairs, and he had set the clock right with the church dock himself the same day, and it was certainly 11:25 i\ m., etc. •• I'ray what do you make the time now?" blandly askiil the counsel who cross-examined, pointing to a great white dial over the dock. No answer was given. " Don't he confused—take your time. I ask you again—what is the time by that clock now?'- The question was repeated sev eral times and the witness was eventually hound to confess that hr could not tell the time by a clock at aIL Singularly enough the clock ir the court was standing at 11:25 wher. he made this avowal. We remember a country witness being called at the assizes to prove that at a particular hour oh a certain night the moon wns shining and at the full. Thero happened to be no almanac in court, hut the evidence seemed to he satisfactory, for he. hail obtained his Information from " a regular good London stationer's al manac." The question was asked In cross-examination, " How did yilu ob tain this London stationer's Almanac 1 Did you buy It?" " ftuy it! No; niy father pasted it behind my kitchen door nine years ago—the day I was married!" It need hardly lie said that information a] to the moon's age dur ing a day in the current year wan of little valuy from an aliuaonc nine yean old.—Lsfjnri lloir. TOPICS OF I IIK DAY. In the last two years the world has lost 8,508 vessels, <if which .'PSJ were never seen or heard of after they they sailed out of sight from port. The lives lost number many thou sands. The Canadian wheat harvest for IHH2 is a material improvement over that of 1881. The crop of winter , w heat is estimated at 32,300,000 bush- j els and the spring wheat crop at J,800,000, or 41,000,0<)0 bushels in the , aggregate. The great granite monument to the Allies brotliers, builders of the I'acilie railroad, is nearly coiiijilclcd near <>g ien, I'tali, at the liigliest point of the -oad. It is a red granite pyramid i iixty feet square at the base, sixty feet , high and will last as long as granite will bold together, A medallion bust of (lakes Ames lias been hewn on the west face and one of Oliver Ames on the east. The cost is $90,000. A house was burning at Oshkosh, Wis., and a woman was left inside. Her husband cried, "Five thousand dollars to t lie man who saves her !" A fireman dashed in'at great personal risk and brought her out alive. Although the husband is very wealthy, he refused to give a dollar of the reward ; but the supreme court de cide that the offer of $5,000 was valid, and that the money must in.- paid. Preparations arc active in England in regard to the great international fish eries exhibition to U- held in London in the early part at 18*3. Arrange ments have been completed to bold the exhibition in the gardens at the Boyal Horticultural society. With the exist ing buildings and such additional space as w ill )e covered the total area pro vided for will he some 220,30) square r-ct. The Fnited States will lie exten sively represented. Judge Brown, of the supreme court of Baltimore, has delivered an iin portiuit opinion l irmg ujmn tie-ques tion of what constitutes legal r dt-nce of a government officer, and Wll< ,f be is cntithsl to Vote. The judge held that a < itin n who t ).• - an office under the government 1> • s not lose his residence by removing to an other place while he Ls employed by the government, unless he intends to make such place Ids permanent resi dence. A writer in an English news. papr thinks that tlie teeth of Americans must be g- tting into a very disastrous condition when it requires twelve large factories, turning out |i i ( h >- mi artificial teeth a year, to sup ply the annual loss, and s2.'*i,o<iQ worth of gold to stop up the cav|ti<-s that appear in natural teeth. These figures, says the Chicago > • rn, do n >t prove that our tis-th are wor ■ than they used to lie, but that we ar taking Utter care of them. The Prussian government, alarmed at tin* rontinuisl state of emigration, has been seriously considering what means to adopt for clieckingthe steady drain upon the population and re sources of the country; and it is now projiosisl to take the ground that per sons who intend to emigrate must first prove that induing so they ss ill not violate any contrai-t obligation, public or private, express or implied, like those that may In? construed to exist toward municipal and village commu nities, families and employers. Wlier exer it is impossible to infer the exist, ence of such obligations, the official authorities w ill doubtless he ingenious in spelling tlicm out, and measures will he taken to prevent emigration in all such cases. Bands of gypsies wander aland in large numbers in some parts of Her mans-. and occasionally, emboldened by their numerical strength, and rendered reckless by their necessities, thev do not hesitate to make serious intoads ujion the farms that they come acrosfc. Lately a band counting over 200 encamped near a small village in the Hessian territory, and turned their horses loose to graze at w ill over the meadows and farming lands of the neighborhood. The exasperated farm ers and peasants thereupon armed themselves with pitchforks and other weapons, and attacked the Intruders. A pitched battle followed, anil It was not without a severe struggle that the native population remained masters of the field. The Interference of the government will probably he required to put an end to the growing evil. From a lately published work by Gen eral Strelhltsky It appears that Europe Is 133,000 square kilometers, or almut lf,OO0 square miles, larger than was supposed. General Strelhltsky ins founded his calculations on the most careful measurements, and ascertained that Europe has a superficies of 10,010,- 486 square kilonu tcrs.ol w Idch 9,316,023 belong to the continent and (4,463 to the islands, a calculation which differs considerably from those hitherto mad". If General Ktrelhitsky he correct, tho size of Scandinavia, France and I lung; ry has hitherto been undervalued, while that of Italy, Great Britain, Spain and Portugal have been exaggerated. Tho three smallest European States have the following i/e: Lii-ehtcnstein, 159; San Marino, 85, and Andorra, 21 square kilometers, the latter being about one-third as large us the city of Berlin, which has a superficies of 00.0 square kilometers. Die Grandeur of Woman. When you want t > get. the grandest idea of a queen, you do not think of j Catharine, of Itr-siu, or "f Anne, of England, or of Marie Theresa, of Ger -1 many; but when you want to get your grandest idea of a queen, you i think of tin plain woman who sat oppo-dte your father at. the table, or walked with him arm in-arm down life's pathway; some times to the thank giving ban -1 quet, sometimes to the grave, but , always together—smithing your petty griefs, correcting your childish way wardness, joining in your infantile sports, listening t<> your evening prayers, toiling for you with the needle ! or at tlit spinning wln-el, and on cold ■ nights wrapping you up snug and warm. And then, at last, on that day when she lay in tin l ack room dying, and you saw her take tics' thin hands with which she had toiled for you bo j long and put them tog. th. r in a dying prayer that commended \ou to the God whom she had taught you U trust—oh, she was the qius-ri! The chariots of G'*l eaiue il>wn to fetch her; and as she went in all heaves rose up. You cannot think of her now without a rush of tend rn< -s that stirs the deep foundations of your soul, and you feel as mu< ha child again as w hen y u i ricd <>n her laji; and if you could bring In r tack again to speak just once more your name, a* tenderly as sin* us.-d to sp< k it, you would be willing to throw yourself on the ground and ki-s the s'l that rovers her, cryirur : "Mother, mother!" Ah! she was the queen—she was the queen. Now, <an you tell me how many thousand nuies a Woman like that would have t<> travel down la-fore sin* got to the ball t-l.ox? Compared with this work of training kings and queens for God ami eternity, insignificant sinus all ttii- work of voting for aldermen and common coum ilmen and sheriffs ami constables and mayors and presidents ! To make one such grand woman as I have descriUsl, how many thousands would you want of those jKH.pI. who go in tlie round of fashion and dissi j.ation, distorting their body until in tlu-ir monstrosities tliey seem to outdo the dromedary and hippopotamus! go ing as far toward disgrtuiful apparel as they dare go. s> as not to lie ar rested by the police the behavior a sorrow to the good and a caricature to the vicious, and an insult to that God who made thein women and not gor gnns; and tramping on. down through a frivolous and dissipated life, to tem poral and eternal damnation.— Dr. Talma [ft. Ths Djek " Head Hunters." The Dyaks of Borneo, who have re sumed their old pastime of "head hunting," arc tlie almriginal inhabi tants of the islands. They are closely allied to the Malays, hut are descrilicd as latng more simj>le and honest and morally superior. They are somewhat taller than the Malays, well propor tioned, and with straight, roars", Mack hair. Of late year* they have gained tlie reputation of being industrious, docile and faithful, whin kindly treated. They were formerly notori ous for their daring ih-isls of j>iracy, and especially for indulgence in the peculiar pastime styled "bend hunt ing." Imjirettfted with the liclief every jK-rson l**hi aibsl would become the slave of the hunter in the future world, the Dyaks were eager to decapi tate as many person* as possible, and thus became the terror of tlu-ir foes. CaTeof the Ejes. Continual reading is apt to injure the sight. Such reading as confines the eyes without interruption to the page is more injurious to the eyes than such as requires occasional pauses in order to keep up with the scope of the thought—novel reading is harder on the eye* than history or philosophy. A broad page taxes the eyes more than a narrow jage. unless it is divided Into two or three columns. Writing is easier for the eye* than copying, as la the latter work one must read as well as write, and compare tlie copy with the original. Reading on the cara, or when in motion, is injurious to tho eyes, as they are at rained in trying to overcome the shifting of the jmg®. Healing in an uncertain, changing or flickering light la trying to the eyes, and should be avoided. W ... ' . i JL Jn Field-Path*. Path* of the field*, Oh pleaftirit puth* ! Unit ftmy j Through the deep wind tr<yj panto re* of the spria u. Throofch all the glory and the Moaeorning That ("Jnime/ yield*, CotupHDicmed 'if the golden buttercup Up in heaven'* far e4>rod flecked aapphire gnalna—flp, i'lercing to height* that net- the *ky lark ring, Proro the world'* wearinea*, from hope'* decay, Inmd me, 'lh lend tie, pleasant path nvray- I'atli* of the ti> Id- ! Who kt ow riot hotira— Hour- when |if |ong to revi; Iteeridh-- 'jne liotiilig of the n.)-*tcry Of rorrow; when the t. n;| |J| we -<.i> All he|*' o'c-rpowc• -? Oh in *urh hour* of darktn-. end of f-ar. In joy and ijoietude alike, >-■ • < ir : Vear in deep trarKjuilna*- and gladn* -* lie! through ua'.ure * placid calm, throughaweat releane 'rom douht. from team, Oh lead tee, path* of jieaci Path* of the field ! * li t//toin C. Bennett. PL'XiKST I'AKAfJHAPIIM. An old fetid: The f-< liiijy iretween ague and quinine is exeiv-mgly hitter In the < uji of life youth is the sugar middle age the cream and old age the dregs. The waiters ought to succeed in a strike, lor they usually < arry ail Mf. r tbem. It was Chaucer that aj; r priati It said, " There is nothing new hut what has once l#een old." Chaucer evidently ' knew hash when he saw it. It was very rude in the old bachelor who was told that a certain lady "had one foot in the'grave" to ask "il there wasn't room for lioth feet." A young laily says tliat males are of no account from the time the ladies <top ki--ing thern as infants t;ll they commence kissing them as lovers. Arabella—" Yes. I think this sweet pug is just perfe tion. Don't you?' George (with feeling; —" No, not ex actly; hut I do think lit is very mar 1 perfection." A man sent one dollar in response to an advertisement which promised, in a mysterious way, to Ml "Why I bm-arne a Mason." lie received as an answer, " Because I didn't want to be come a carpenter or a shoemaker." Spink* went home the other night afflicted with double vision. He sat for 1 a time with his sleepy gate riveted on Mrs. S., and then complacently v inarked: "Well. I declare, 'f you two gals don't look 'nough like to Ik- tw ins." An lowa City man has 158 hives of I ice*, which are arranged around h;s hen-house, and when he hears a thief fooling around that establishment in the darkness he just lie* still and waits to hear a hire upset, and then laughs at the sound of wild yells gradually dying away in the distance. Jenkinson is having his fortnight oft. As he was leaving the house the ither morning Mrs. J. presented her l lips for the customary parting kiss; nut Jenkins.m. the brute, turned on his heel with the remark; "Not this morning. Tilda; I'm on my vacation, you know." Evidently Jenkinson is Imund to g.-t all the recreation {nesil le out of his vacation. "Why, my dear," said poor little Mr. Penhecker, with a ghastly smile, "why would the world, without wo -1 inan. In- like a blank sheet of paper?" Mrs. P., who had just been giving the little inan "a piece of her mind," smiled and " couldn't think." " Why bicause, don't you sis-, love," said the long-suffering one, "it would't even la- ruled." The clergyman's wife had pr<*entixl him with a son. and the happy father, as he went liis parochial rounds, was congratulated bv the members of his Congregation. There was one old far mer. however, who received the tidings very coldly, but when perceiving the pastor's disappointment, good-natured ly explained: " I ain't got no spite, it's til accordin' to natnr', I 'spnse; hut when I think of that My of yourn 1 can't Help reck'nin' that in a few years there'll have to lie a new fence put , 'round my watermelon patch." " — —— ••Heathen" HulTaloes. Buffaloes are the oxen of Burmah. But the creatures have a strange antipathy to white people. A whole hen! will gate quietly ujmn a white ; man for a time, hut the moment he j goes to the windward of them, their heads are thrown up, they sniff the air, * show signs of alarm and anger, and then break Into a run. This antipathy makes it difficult for white persons to ride on a buffalo cart, unless it la drawn by buffaloes aoruatomed to see them. The missionaries. who are oldiged to go In carta through the jungles, are sometimes reassured by the natives saying, "You have nothing to fear; these are Christian buff*!new" At other times the caution will he. "Take care! these arc heathen buff aloe*." ■kSnSP 41 * ... " A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers