dht Crntte Thursday Morning, October, 26,1882. OoaßMPHi*!>*•■. ronulnln* Important nrt •4 from any part of !*• canty. No comtnunlr atbu ! nioitfd uuUw* accompanied by th# raal itaui* of th writer. Local Department. Owing to tho fact that it i* impossi ble to tecure extra car* no train will leave here for Tyrone on Friday and PattUon will not apeak there at that time a* pre viously agreed upon. He will speak at Altoona, Friday night, however, and tho*e wishing to sec and hear him can leave hero on the 5 r- M. train Friday. —A ure, poiitive cure for cottiveneu, MANALIX. —The Pino Ilall (Washington) Cornet Band enlived things on Thursday after noon. —A party composed of tho friends and social acquaintance* of Miss Bella Kankin met at the residence of her father, on Thursday evening last,and pnsse the timed most pleasantly. —Company "B" N. G. P., of this place with about thirty-five men in uniform left for Philadelphia Tuesday evening. This will be the first visit to that city of some of the boy* and they will have a pleasant time while there. —The sad news of two aged men driving a horse to death last week causes one to think that there are still some first class fool* in our midst. The only way to suc ce*afuUy treat disorders of this kind is to prosecute the offenders to the full extent ol the law. —The- Democrat* of I'enns and Brush valley* .should turn out to a man to hear ex-Gov. Curtin and Hon. John D. Stiles, of Allentown. Both those gentlemen are veterans and the opportunity to hear them should not be allowed to slip by unim proved on Saturday next at Millbeim. You can find the largest line of ladies and misses gossamers and gum coats at the Boston Clothing House, Bellefuntc, l'a . and at price* less than any other store in the countv, and every one is warranted to give satisfaction. Call at the B->-ton Clothing House when you are in town. —Parties unknown,but suspected, br--We into the Pleasant Gap hotel last Thursday night and appropriated about s<o in mon ey and personal property the value of which is not stated. They also entered the pieces of business of Mr. John Barnes and Mr. R. B. Barnes. In the interest of or der and safety the guilty parties should be ferreted orl and severely punished. A well to do farmer was a-ked the other day by a business man why he would not deal with him. Wall, said the farmer, you nevev'fnvited me; whenever I want to buy anything 1 always take my paper and look over the advertisements and see where I can get the articles I want, and I never found your name. I always find a liberal advertiser is also a liberal dealer. -r-Prot. Aaron Girnd has opened an oys ter and eating saloon near the depot in Mi)e*burg Jt is a neat, tidy, comfortable affair and if our musical friend fails to secure the patronage be so richly deserves it will not be because he has not attended to every detail and spared neither trouble nor expense to l>a able to accommodate guests in the very best manner. When hungry, or inclines! to listen to good music, ■trap in to see him. —General Beaver, at the reception ten dered him by the citizens of this place, upon his arrival home from the conven tion at Harrisburg that nominated him, said in a speech, replying to the address of welcome by Mr. Furst, that he would much sooner stay at borne among his neighbors and friends than move to Har risburg. And yet strange to s*y the Gen eral ha* spent very little of his time among those he professe* to love so much, since than, but has been scattering himself all over the state, wherever, in the opin ion of Boss Cooper, ha could do tho most good. —The present comet in the Kaitern sky, which can be distinctly seen by everyone al early morning, is certainly the most re markable one of all the modern comet*. Prof. Lewis Swift state* that the comet grazed the sun so closely as to cause great disturbance, so much so that it ha* dtvidd I lto no less than eight separate parts, all of which can be distinctly seen by a good telescope There it only one other in •tanca on record where a comet ha* divided, that ona being Biella's comet of DMA, which separated into two part*. Applies t!on* bava been made on Mr. 11. 11. War. ner by parties who have noted theso com etary off-shooU, claimiag the s'2oo prize for each of tbem. Whether the great oomet will continue to produce a brood of smaller comet* remain* to be seen. —Hon Stewart Pearcc, of Wilkesbarre, died In that place on Friday, the ittth in stant. He wa* a brother of Mr*. France* Hewea, of thin place, and uncla of our young legal friend, Mr. Charles Howe*. Mia* Nancy and Mis* Jane Pea roe, of Pot ter* Mills, this county, are *i*ter* of tbe deceased, and Rev. Jobn J. Paarce, ex congressman and ei-pre*iding elder, I* a brother. Mr. Penrce wa* a member of the legislature of thie Bute from Columbia county In IMA and 1H47, and was after ward collector of toll* on tbe Pennsylva nia oanal and railroad. Gen. Orant when President appointed blm postmaster of Wilkesbarre, wbicb petition be held for eight year*. During the latter pert of hi* life be wa* almost totally blind.— U'n/rA man. Pcrwonnl. Mr Washington )(>M ll rrerliiii; a neat j it'll' house <>ii Methodist hill. Mr. M. Kertleler, of Spring township, I dropped into our sanctum on Monday. Mr. Samuel Docker and I>r. IV S. Fish- I or, of /ion, called upon u* on Saturday. I'apt. It. C. Chessman and family, form- I erly of Bellefonle, now of Washington, ! are in town. Mis* Ok, of Wiskosh, Ockconsin, an intimate friend oi Mr. Aaron Gold*initb, is in town. Col. J. P. Colflirn, of Aaromburg, and ! Col. K. 11. Duncan, of Spring Mill-, wore in town lent week. The mother of Hon. S. K. I'oale, of ! Look Haven, wan buried at that place i.n Monday afternoon. Mr. P. C. Bander, of Lock Haven, at- ! companiedby bin brother vlaited Bollefonte friends on Tuesday. Mr. I. I'. Barnes, agent for Glenn Bros., Rochester, N. Y., nursery men, ba been doing some good work in this neigh- | bo r hood. Miss Fanny tirey, of the /front/icon, is in Ilontr.dale. No doubt she will enjoy hr visit and return to her work newly in vigorated for continued application. Mr. A. C. Moore, the jolly manager of | the business of the Howe Sowing Machine | Co., at this place, with his tadv, is in : Philadelphia, to be absent all w>ek. Messrs. Adam and John Shaffer with : their wives and Mr. Michael Gepharl and ister ichildren of John Gepbart, K<|., of /ion,i of Wayne county, Indiana, are vis iting relatives and friends at /ioa Mr. K. L. Gray, of the Doi/y AV . and Al. Garman, of tho Garman House. Belle fonto, called at thUoflLe, Saturday t'ome | again, gentlemen, tho latch string is i ways on the outside for you.— /."•■' //men RxprrtA. While in town Mr. W. B Scott, reprc : renting Johnston A: Co.. Harrisburg, a genial, wide.wake, pushing gentleman, called to see us on Thursday last. Mr Scott appoi.rs to f>o the right man in the right place Mr. I! A Bumillcr, one of lh editors of th" J/. iihrim Journal, pnid u j the com pliment of a vi'it on Monday. Mr B. is a representative newspaper man and We are glad to know that lie end his are flour ishing finely. In appointing II A M Ke, Kq . its attorney for this county, the "v A -> K II , i displays good judgment. Among our young i ntlornevs no ,-rie is consider-| more capa ble and reliable than Ma<- en.J ■ r hwr- ' fullv tender our congrst ilatooi llrown Bros , as K Brown, Jr Y Co., hav opened in their beau I r on , • p jaisite this office, a complete sic !, of gen eral groceries ar, I provisions HO. I insiie the attention of the public to th- ir g--ls and t-ri We trust our vonng frier Is may iii<-et with lb" r* • •i. • n lliev d>s aerve. Prof. Wm F Smith, of Mslits on, call ml t" see us on Saturday Mr, Smith has for many years io*| high in the estima tion of the patrol,s of our public Schools as a terher of unusual ability and •r e en tirely ► - --stiii. F r ■■ • re,s -n > r oilier be has chosen to l-irn his attention to other business. We wish h:rji sur. . An excellent portrait of B- ri. F. Hun ter, Ksq , one of the D morrat c nominee* for the legislature, eierulerl f-v bis son a young gentleman, sixteen years .f age, ' who never received any instruction in the art of crayon work—is perhaps one of the ' finest specimen* of this h-nd of skill we | have ever seen It can be seen a' the fffce of Stitr.er -V M Gee, D. M Wagner, Eq ,on Saturday, ran across the wrong man, In the person of Mr. Jan. Hunkle. F.vcrv one knows how fonil our venerable frfcr.it is i-f tuufllng those of opposite polit i opinions, by prop-wing to fiet. Mr Bunb.le "took irn i up' an-1, ger-tlo reader, ; it slroul-l have J seen him weaken. No tcu l ver melted ! more gracefully or completely The Kepublicans of thl* county have J nominated our friend Mr. G. R Spigei myer, of Spring Mills, for fhe Legislature. Could we see the slightest indication of the possibility of success perching upon Mr. S 'a political banner we should invoke the aid of our memory and tickle our readers with a history of hi- political goings and comings, but as it is "here's to you," hop. ing that the majority {willed for Prof. Meyer may not result a In Greely. • —The particulars of a heartrending af fair, actions that must forever blight the prospects of one life, we glean from tho Lock Haven Er/n-tu, of Monday t A young man of prepossessing appearaore, ftbey all are,) named Lynn, a travelling salesman representing McGeer Bros., Au burn, N. Y., several weeks ago engaged board at the frwin House in our neighbor ing city. He went to work, and apparent ly worked diligently for he succeeded In selßng a buggy for sllO which waa paid for a* toon as received. Shortly after fil ing himself at the hotel ha failed to report there at night but had bi* moats there reg ularly. The solution of the latter problem is that he had secretly married a young girl. The scoundrel, who ha* a wifa at Auburn, coklly deserted hi* second one, left the city without paying back money be had borrowed, without nettling hi* board bill, and at last account had not re mitted to hi* firm the money in hi* poa*ea lion belonging to them. Thl* will warn some of th* many giddy maiden* to bp careful a* to whose acquaintance they cul tivate and prevent tbem taking entire stranger* Into their confidence to tuch an eitent a* to he willlng-to marry them. I —One of lh<> novelties in walking cos til in Pi for Indie* in tk rnllngotn copied closely nflor gentlemen* Prince Albert frock coal*. It in medium long, double | breasted, nt.il ii buttoned I'rotn the collar 'to tbe waist line. The middle bark ••earn lin slightly pleated. Two buttons behind i dellnu tin* whii t, ate! the garment i Unbh ed with silk binding or faced with cut edge*, exactly liko a gentleman's coat, j For underwear, French percale i. ury popular at present. The must elegant sets of thii kind of upparal are now made with •olid yokes and border* of laco edging* and insertion. For street wear baliuorul ! -kirls ure nt pri sent preferred to whileon--. Hark colors prevail. >kirl* of black satin 1 are greatly favored by those fond of the recherche, and they can be had at price* ranging front 11 to Ik dollars lllack silk 1 lor walking and semi drew costumes re i tain* its popularity as it always will, j The most elegant material shown at pro-. ; enl is b" uvy corded ottoman silk, which : lias a very rich and distingue appearance i when made up. 'I hit material also shows jup well when combined with velvet. The j button* u-oil for these dresses are very j beautiful, aii J t ■ !• proper must bo very sbowv. I -Til'' /'.o/iy .Voir, lakes axcaptl !i |0 | the manner in which we disposed <d Mr , Butler last week. This is not nt all nr• prising The calumny heaped ujon our Republican friend* i borne with heroic in | difference s r.ee they have bwn told that I Quay will foot the bills. Now without any inore f. oling the situation is simply this—the Republican lenders advise mem. bers of tbe party to assist in the organiza tion arid maintenance of *o*cal!eJ green i back-labor clubs, arid put forth every effort to induce Democrats to go in with lb. m, nnd then when it comes to voting they vote th .rowniuket straight and allow lh" Ik'mecfitf, who were near-sigbled enough to he duped, t - vote with the grecnbai her- The game was played last year and wo .Id bake I •-n thi* campaign hail not several prominent n.overs given the thing away All right, Mr. \urs i the j -litis- tl day < f idgment is up- n you, and the -mt.e spirit of i r.aging _\eopbamy that allows you 1" swallow tbe unsavory hash DISHED up "by such outcasts as Roller will lit you f>r the journey to that [ iitii a! I'topia, where ad it serene as a spring morning, th- l- aulil' il kallet. at the bead • d .Salt River j —lt sag-'I thing Us keep one's tern ' per in i rill, It IS a -ad thing to base no temper to keep in control. Sine men arc- disturb-d I—cause th-y are disturbed. They regret their temptation to get angry, whereas they w .11 IK- worth a great deal less in the world if they couldn t get an. grv. I'nless they were temptable, th-y would be neither admirable m>r fll lent. T.'.ri. <•• I if * e, have a puck, strong temper : and pray fi •! t-> enable you p> keep it In due chrs k, and to use it wisely. 111-fllting r'oth s <a.se much of the dis. [ lay of (retfulni-sa a'ikc so unpleatant to ■, the party himself and th•<• around him. It is ss-elom that ar.y one who wears le-win s clothing exhibits such |*- >r ton tr.| of th-ir temper, as to gel r,i.| anl ' inake a dunce of hims.-lf. Trv thn I'hila. (tram h and And nut. Their gocd* and manner <-f dealing are veritable panaceas for ordinary discomfort —lt may IKS laid down as an I ncontio I I vorlible principle that no family can be | happy without employment —regular, di versified, continually recurring employ, ment. Th'-ro may !>e the possession of wealth, there may be an ample domain, there may he everything externally to en joy, but unless there be appropriate em ployment to occupy the body, engross the mind, and awaken the energies, there cat - not be happino.. It is the active, indue . trious, persevering family that is the truly 1 happy family, not the idle, the slothful, . the ueles—not the family that has no definite plan, no fixed and important ob ject, no personal and collective energy, j Neither can a family be happ.y without a liberal supply of pure fresh griseeries ar.d provision*—in fartthekind .techier At Co., deal in. ilarkins A Vctter*' Comedy company, met with a cool reception at the Opera house on Thursday night. They evidently , have for some time failed to receive the flattering smile of Fortune, and wound up | their career here Had they boen left alone the evening of the performance they , might have succeeded in securing enough I of an aadlenee to have enahldd them to pay expense*, but the very pressing de mand* of creditor* disgusted those who were about to enter, and no hou*e was the result. Mr. \V. R. Teller, of the Hush House, and Mr. A. B. Steele, of the Re publitttn, materially assisted the boy* In their time of greatest need. If the mem. ber* of tbe troupe are willing to be advi*- ed we would suggett that they turn their attention to some other business. Entertainment No. 4, 8y tbe Bella fonte Orchestra, will be given Nov. 0, In the Y. ,Ji. C, A. lecture room. Tbe program ha* been arranged with the same degree of care that so plainly {narked previous ones, and It I* thought that thi* will he the beet yet held. MT A pint of tbe finest Ink for families or school* can be madt fs->m a ten-cent package of Diamond Dya. Try ihant —For pile*, eonsllpation and n torpid liver, never 0)11 to take MSXALIK. a Ovgß.HnooTlKO.--A grave and dignified D. l>,,af.or listening to tho recitation <>f the chiitecbisrn by a < lass of children,' was a-k.| to in ike a few n-inurks to themi whereupon he arose and said: "I <b-iri-' my young friends, to express an un'jiiali. j lied approbation of thi* exorcise. | regard the ciileehism a- tbe most admirable ei.j. tome of religious belief extant." Tbe •tiperiiilrndenl pulled his sleeve and asked him to explain llie word epitome, which ha elm idaled as follow. "By epitome, chil dren, I mean—that is—it is aynonyniout with synopsis.' Too many merchants do the same thing. They use language that few if any understand and a.a coiisc'im-ncc the fai ts they wi-li to communicate are j lost sight of. Now, if yoy will but turn to the advertisement of .Messrs, H. A A f-oeb you will la- able to r< ad and know what liny wi.h to eouimunieate. Tb-ir English i- plain and everything they claim will be fully substantiated < AklS.no>. .* MOMCT AT ,M II K-nt HO The emissariu* of corruption an- at work in our midst and plying tin ir unholy v.Sf-st• tl within two miles of tbe home of Gen. Heaver A sel'.; on-titute<l organ:/ r of a pi>!ill-, al band, wb ■ r-id-- in Ibis place, has for some weeks le-i-n in the em pb y of the local lead'-rs here and coo,mi.. si on cd t- in r votk* lie even claims ti be in secret correspondence with (sen. Heaver, by wb >m, be alleges, h<- !• advised, and by whom his mot otni-nl. an- directed. At Mibsbiirg he request'- i a local l> mo. eratic (Kilitii ian to name his price for the trail-fer of twenty-five v-.t.-s that be sup |Hsed the Mile*burg gentleman c-.u d con trol. To another man bo offered sl6 to •ecure Ilis Vote f..r tho -taiwart ticket Our authority is direct, exp: n-it an 1 po.i live, an,| if the organizer, or anv of fii friends, arp not .ati-lled with tins <1 • f his nefarious conduit it ian without ar.v trouble he readily proven <hir only desire is to caution th- *e who may be approaclii-d in tin. manner that it is not only * criminal . ff.-no- to - ff.-r but espial y a- mm h to ai < fpl a bribe 1 be representatives of the party of puri ty and honesty now have an excellent topic for d i carton vbsasrsr r may • .it ' th'-.r c.nver ience to di-| ■--• .-f it I'ORT MATILDA. —Mr />/if..r <iur tn i- improving James Wiser and Lafayette "tine exj-.-> l - n to have their i bouses ready to la eupy J <i .l-.r.es ha built an addition to his house ar. 1 other . wi.e improv-d his dwelling house Tlu-s Weston's shoe shop wills, n l-e ts-nan table, and -John Mark has the f-.un lation finish ed of a he' l l- that will IK- ready f r o. . u pancy 11.1 fa" Tbe school le-ard of our township very ! wisely had the primary r-Hint repaired, r. • modeled and beautified, arid a new room 24 x.l Oft. I lilt t i it. A meeting of the hoard will b held on Friday U> fi.l a va cancy in the grammar department caused Iby a resignation, it you koow of any good ls-acher out of employment, send htm this way. The sl. re of A. U Ree... k . entered last Friday evening by burglar*. and cash and goods to the amount of fl.'i tak-n They attempted to drill I. 1 • in the k f,- to blow it open, and it is' suppose.) they were frightened away before succeeding. The team of Elmer War, on Friday j ekening took fright at the cars and demol- Ished hi- wagon. There has been mn'tderablo Stir here in matrimonial circle* Mr Jacob Williams and Mrs. L A Walker, and Mr Wm \'*n Pool and Miss M. Franco* Smilb, of Hirmingham, were married. and others in tend following their example. Mr. Rumor declares, with emphasis, that we are soon to have a few first elas weddings in our j town. "Aunty" continues to visit our town an! thinks it fortunate that he and nis partner were here on Thursday evening , instead of Friday, t'mns again. On tho 4th instant Mrs. Amanda C , Spackman, wifa of John Hpackman, died, aged hit years, T months and lh days. Sho was loved arid respected by all, had been a member of the Presbyterian church for a number of years. ' On tho 7th of October, Mrs. Ann W. Mai>ni|cp*rled this life, agml 8(1 years and II months. She was tho oldest Inhabitant of our town and fur over 70 years had been a member of the Methodist church. H. H. Miles recently purchased the Intire interest in the ilore of Mile* A Co. Rev. 0. B. Ague, pastor of the M. K church, was granted a vacation and Ids parishoner* concluded to take his family by surprise on their return home, last Friday evening. Quite a number took powesslon of the parsonage and proceeded lu prepare an excellent supper. When they had gone Mr. and Mr*. Ague found themselves the portessoM of sufficient gro onrins to do them until next spring. Thn Democrats are very much oricour. aged By the news from Ohio and will turn out to a man on election day. Worth township Democrat* will hold a meeting on Thursday night. A full turn- j out la requested. Tha many friends ol Prof. W. 0. Mor rison Will be glad to bear tfial be has re covered from bia lata Injury and will be able, on Monday, to lake charge of thx* Mill helm schools. - lea Dicx. —Doll A Mingle inform us that on last Saturday their Mies exceeded any one day's Mtla* since ibey started into busiaee*. This certainly i a good showing, and is ju*t what fair dealing, pfbek and enterprise will do. We predict an Immensa fall trade for this firm, utey surely deserve It. Y. M <J. A. AXXITKKMAKY —The last business year of tbo V M. C. A. ended on the first instant. In reviewing the wurk one is surprisi.d at the- gigantic slrid- s L • ward complete organir.allon, systematic work, gieiil results and interest awakened. I At the election f i fflcers held In Oct. 'Bl I • it was bard to find any one willing to a*- Siirne the responsibllily of the official con duct of wbat then seemed to be an cxpir- 1 ing enterprise. In December tbe board of managi-i s m ured the ii-rvh -> of J Wil- Raid Miller as general secretary, since' when marked improveTneni has attended '■ every move made by the association. At ' the election -<l officers held two week, ago four pi ison ► were voted for for president, 1 of whom fir J. If. Rhone received the "cot votes and was declared the choice of the members. Dr. Rhone will be ably mid willingly supported by all and we hope bis term of office may b<- an epoch of unu-ual prosperity. Hut in order to in • ure lb*- fullest possible mca.ure if . nt bene"!, the active assistant >-of each and ail. 'I he annual meeting wa- held in the large auditorium of the Presbyterian church, on Hun-lav evening. Rev. Pcnne.. packer, of the Methodist church, pr- .id'-d After singing, prayer by Rev. A. J. Mey. er., <.f lialtimore, atcl scripture reading by Rev J F D Long, of the Reformed chur b. the reports of the retiring officers and chairmen of committees were read. T iie f nr- r. I> H Keller, E-q , J Weslev 'sephart, F.si) and Mr J Williard Miller, the latter Mi-ssrs. C. F <' A Dan iel., I, \\ R-ese, A W. liny ar I W I. I b-miiig ami Master Walter Lembk-v. A cfiarar ti-ristic address by Rev. S A. Taggart. Mate se< retary, closed '-ne of the rn-ot enjoyable reiigiou* meetings with wbi- h Rellefonte ha. la-en lak if I for a ' long time An excharig* says Win n y< u ksnte to an e.litor, Send a three cent -lamp It *s ; IK- a gr at curiosity to htm Editors are slippa-ry fellows. They have ♦an unrivaled facility for slipping out of the . . r ,-t after publication dav. At, edtiur . veracity will do to gamblo n.l. He never li-s except (or a considera tion, --r in the piain discharge ..f bis du. , lies Never a k an editor to drink, unless you have go..d iredil or an extra dime. I V i might isuw h:m a psir.ful di-aj fioint- : meni. hen an editor's hair n aie# off and the top of his brail begins to look like the skin of a cow hide attribute it to wisdom ! not wife. An editor never steals. He a) ways gives i full credit, and be don t write "Ex after an article. There are a number of brain loss scalawags in the profession who pass j f-*r editors and who steal, but they d.|, v hsk. lb<- pure ring. \\ fien you shake hand- with an editor •lon t s-juoo/.. his fingers tMi hard, for th<-v may l-e covered with valuable diamond I ! ring* When y . i owe an editor a dollar d'-n t pay him, l->r the shock might l-e t->o great tor hi. nervous systs-m \\ hen you visit an office mix the editor s exchange. he has p.lenty of time to -traighten them Meal them il you want t • he will not ne-d them Resides u : fashionable. If you area mean man don t mention the name of sn advertising ag-nl D< an e-iitor. f -r it will thrill bis soul w ith de. light and cause him to smile. And when an editor smiles the bark i-ecls off and the air tarns blue. DEMOCRATIC MEETINGS At Hrumgard's Heboid House, Miles township, on Thursday evening, October | "'"•th. in se addressed by W. (' Heinle i and D F Fortney. At Hpnng Mills, (srenoble's Hall, on Thursday evening, October k'fith, to be ad- ' dres.i| by Adam Hoy and J. I. Hpangler ! Al Wolfs School House, Haines town | ship, on Friday evening, October 27th, to be addressed by H Y. StlUer and C. M. i Bower. AI Millheim, Mass Meeting, Saturday October 28th, to he addressed by Kt-llor. | C'urun, Democratic candidate for Oongress ; and Hon. John I) Htiles, of lzehigh Uo. At Pine Hall Hch(K)| ll use, Ferguson township, or. Tuesilay evening, October ! 81, to la- addressed by D F Fortney and j 1 | J. L Hpangler. At Hublersburg, en Wednesday even- |] ing, November 1, to be addressed by I). | ( F. Fortney and J. L. Hpangler. At Rebersburg, Friday evening, Nov- \ ember fi, to he addressed by Adam Hoy i ! and J. L. Hpangler. At Pine Orove Mills, on Saturday even ing, N-<vember 4, to be addf-atcd by D. i F. Fortney and others to he announced. Al Jacksonville, Marion township, on , Thursday evening, November 4, to ha at)- dressed by Adam Hoy, Kills Orvis and i John A. Woodward. 1 At Pleasant Gap, Spring township on ; Monday evening, November fi, speakers to h announced. At Tusseyvilla, Potter twp, Tuesday , afternoon, Ortqjber gj, 1882, to be address- j ed by J. Thompson Baker, Kq , of Union county, J. L Hpangler and C. M. Bower. ! At Linden Hall, Harris township, J •lay evening, October fil, 1882, to ba ad dressed by Adam Hoy and 11. Ktitsr. Al Powalton, Rush towns pip, Thursday evening November 3,1882, to be addresmj B y D. P. Fortney and W. U. Heinle. At Phlilpeburg, Wednesday evening, J November 1, ier>3, to BE addreseed hv Hon A A O.Curttn, , Hot-ftKiloi r* A mm* H|. th •mall leak* Ibal lm|xv. ruli booo-huM. it >a tlm •titwll miiiomiw thai |. n'i to affl it-nv. Soap your dirll. -< . lot In-. and ,„.k ! n warm wal- r-.v.-r nigh. t'.a hard eoap :to Wn.ll yillir idol !< • and * 1 v. , , v r I Hwiri, Soft •'•(• l 111 -!ip|* t , It ii g ""I I-rI in wit bin-. . | . A lltllo 4lt *prlitkled in tr ii p in boiling tend* U* pr.-v tit • ■ inking ii rid it in likt *iw good In tttr a ih •, , , i 'j ti* rut hi i-ti irid In. A fl'W JKllalfH*® l(l"t|, Rtld 1,, ;„• Water I toured over iln'Ri, rnak" hii .-w -m ( re.. iwlkw for dwmtliig b4 ttHTai r.g old ru • <w liy bUek illki Owhi Im It tlw fm thin |tur|Kiiu*. Tint glow- powder m cHiffn'if im 1 f prevent injury (ruin p"r.| raii- rt. „ in*; but comtuori cotii.laf. b ruble-d thor oughly otrer the hand* bt-l■ -re potting on glove. will RtiiKi-r thifpurp-... A pretty i hair Inn k *.* inndt- • I an an tiqrni lira itrips put im-r ilk Have the nee in the center and on the iik nrlii of th rame width l i-a<di aid" embf.-ider - I V*lty vim- I In. i. lovely made f t|,. ; lac and blue ► k, W.ili pray> of mai pink bud*, i r of cardinal .a'm ttli da;.i<- afid bulteri ; embroidered on .t '| 1,., top it turned down and beriitried, arid tli" bottom may !-•■ flaitbod with lac*or mad* in point. with a ta.Mjl on .-b.-h pojt j It i not at*—-l | lan to htr* t'.atlla ; lawn and cam brie dr.-...-. "done tl | ( | |a l-bra.e i.. to lay away for lb wiiiti r. f" ill" eipi-i'at n * bat they k I |.„,k and th ready f if imitierl at.- wear in lb" *prmp Kid liedi.appointed. Ofc.-nri" tfn-v .h< , not be put akav dirtv. but the .twr.hir and irnrilng may w.-ll b" left nil *-,nng • inlv common calico.-. .bun d 4*, i,,.j n I ironed before | at knit; awai (Jrea.e upol* ran be rerre-vi.l from i'k by fiirinkiintf Fret-i U chalk tin- t,<,t and laying the (arini-Dt away of a .in J' in n dark cloti-t If tin- .lain i. o|M nan thin may have to Ih- ri p-ated. In • rdi' a ry ca.e thi. wrill 1. .uffi ient. b it wli- re j lb" great" i. not fre.li and baa tpri-ad it may to- taken out by pla. ing bulling | a t-r over It ar.d a) j lying a hot iron to I! !• > not l"t the iron Hand on it lone, and it muit not In- very hot.aa ihnr" i. danger of lb" color of the ►! k being chanced A prnr. mad" of br k n linen of the pro| - r Kidlb to that me ►. Ivage need* no hem ming at the - d"., may b • rnad" very pr et . ty bv fnnping ■ .1 Ihp bottom UUbe depth < f two if ' b". over a.t 11 .- edge where 'be raw-line ' "n-i, Ih'-ri about two inrb". five thai draw ■ >; thread* for *n imh ar.d a half, arid th-ri run a blue or Mar let ribbon through the thread* (bat are left, making hbak. of the ribbon and thr-a I a ternatr-iy Alnvi* arid in-low thi. a row of fi-atii'r Hit' h Ig la added, and a row on 'I." band and • de. a'ao ; the pocket trini m"d to mati b ia put on at the right fid" —\\ ilaon, Mr Farlane A Co.. call after, lion to the only wimble lb-adr Miied Faint in Hie market. The Pioneer Fr<- parr-d Pairit ia not cn)> auperrr-r to ar.v ib-ady Mixed Paint aoid but rival* pure j wbit" b-ad in it* .monthneaa in working nnd durability. Tina paint i. cutrtriind by liie iiiafiufai't ire. r,. t to crack or [i*'i within three year*. Ihe guarantee ia t t inly go 1 for r>; !a< ig the paint hu u arill lie put on tf it .hoold crwck or re>i | within the time |ieciti"d. It wilt ~, your intereat to rail and IM Wilw n jj r . (• arlam- A (.'••, I "fire fKircbatiQ > either while lead or any other ttew'.y Paint j -The lew, wo., en . ( , U c<f>t hu| ton ahoe ever brought U. fV llf( . counn . at I' 11 A Mlbgie a. M ran al I \tit riir a. The undn -Ignrei wl.hea to Kir*. rtruction in rn oic in renium-ratron l.rf i „ n j Piva-v add re M tar s. OHKMarur, r.n i.kinsu, 11,I 1 , n \\ Atxi'T l.t/ vIIa ia lloimiti —lt ia entirely diffi-re' ,y f r , n , rJ| ~iber* It i a. ; < .car *. water and, n ii. name indicate., i. a |-erlect \ egetable ||ir H"atorer. It will immediately free the head from the dandruff, r ,lore gray hair to il* natural < lof, •od j r.iduce a new growth where it ha la lnt ~fl |j d<M- na in any manner ► d.l lb" hialtb, which Sulphur.'Sugar ol b-ad. wid .N ilrate Sow r | r. paratioti. have dune It will change light or fad.-d h*ir in a few day* to a beautiful gloe*v hro* n t,, u . druggi.t for it Karh j bo*tie ia warrant.*! Smith, Kline A Co., V. holwali Ageiile. Philadelphia, and C N. Crittenden, New York 4 It —Special inducement* for Fall end IAN inter clothing during the Summer I month*. | v.-if MorrooMMY A Oo.,Tailora. Bellefowte Grain Market. Rtu.tr -r*. <Vt. /••.. taai. r - rt". lot weekly la T K Run 14. 4 (V. i tfbeal—ablte. bueliei. ~ ! * red " | W heat, Rn. t „, t -in—eat*, per l-n.bet.___ . , w ** 'Welled, per bnahel. n., Oata. |er tmd>ei a i Barley . pet tahel..„ _____ 1 , rinrer Reed. |"r pi-and ■ rinnt, wbnleaale, per Id-).. Il lle. #. I'Uaier. (rhaad, per few. .IT""!".]! .a- ProrUio* Market. O'HIhM hj llMywmr \<+l , n ( trdrtod, |>Yr prHiiMt, nmN )o IWmii* jeMf I ffMah IM>l|< f |..r ... "* Cllkkfi |H-f T ~„m_ (, Chrw... |,rr pt.t.nd ] hmpef |ami„l _ . ~ llkiM,*N(kr rtirni iy ,, : ****** |. I*anl fwrr ,, Tin kct* pMT<IM. a. f 'UInH |,| ' * "** ***** fMmJ h+ml ||n| * ' ,„ Aew Aiivrrtisrmmtm. Ir.XIX f roil s NOTICE.—Notion . * " iT.**'' ''. < I.um. nr.ry "s lb. KMafe .4 llannab Maitb 1.1. el Pewn tea lw h, r Veto- IR-- Wave i-e. a aranted b. E1... b Rmlib r-.Hlnr la mbl e-.i.Uop babw all pmrno. lutein. Ed I. aald Mlafe are re->rmd.-4 In make f-armerit ami 4"g claim, nr itemar.it. mill make keawa lb. aame wlrbnel rt-1,1 KLtkk K aUITM ***** KiatWßet A EDITOR'S NOTICE.- Inikeiv ' \ * *.••' rvmtl <Vr.fr. cm . la Ik* m.tW i e* IbeeeUl. n| < Vmmd Rlrwlite. late -' kike tewaabap lb* aw.letlgwed.ab awdiw-r aypOua by lb. * dtatr.l-me.ft mt lb. lawk, fw lb. bawl. 1 of Uarfd * bra ret. r teem .4 aaM dmkal, to awd atwona Sb.ee )e*sty *otilled b. reectv. Ibe tattwe, •111 men Ib. part tea iwtoreWe*. be Ibe pwrpwe <4 bi. tfeoiiaeal t| bf. e-fßre tn Belbb-ete, ow Tlttawda* , Wkt k day of kmttaktr, IMt.tlHt a J. L M ib.il KR • A milt".. Administrator's Notice. IKTTKKH of Aflniitiialnittan anon 4 np.m tka eafote of hawl Rby, tal* af Walker toaahi| drc-rd, hate beea arwwted I. Ibe ami-- acftwed. la aba all weewm*. li rM 10l to aaid eMal. at* rmjaarted *o twaka | meat awd Ibaae bar la a claim, -a 4*taaM* will auke Ibe aptan kv-.B tubal •W.. eta. . tkRV KKV.4Uaa.Pa_ 4Mt* s%- kdmrntom-.a. - "m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers