She Cfntrt fJfnwrtat. ■ - ♦ BBLLEFONTE, PA. Tka Largaat, CktapMt aid Bast Paptr rUHLIBHSD IN CBNTRE COUNTY. THK CENTRE DEMOCRAT U nub- I Uhwl wTwry Thursday morning, at < ntttr* county, Pa. TKHMB—Taahln adrancs .. Si bO If not paid In advaar* tt OO A LITK PAPKR—tIeTuUd to tha Interest* of th* nlioU paopla. Paynanu naada within thr* months will b* con • idsrwd la adran< <*. No papar will i# discontinued until arrearagesars . paid, stcept at option of publishers. Papers going out of the county must be paid for in tifMM, Any person procuring us tenrash subscribers will bs sent a copy free of charge. Ouretteneise circulation makes this paper an un usually reliable and proAl*hl*> medium torstivrrtiatiitf We have the nioet ample fact lilies for JOB WORK and are prepared to print all kinds of Books, Tra< ts, Programmes, Posters, Commercial printing, Ac., in the ft nest style and at the lowest possible rates. All advertisements for a lees term than three months 20 cents psr line for the first three insertions, and '• cents a line for each additional insertion, fperial notices one-half more. Kditonal notices 1 > cents |>er line. L>C4L Not I cm, in local columns, 10 cents per line | A liberal discount Is made to persons advertising by the quarter, half year, or year, as follows: u & [ spaci occrrua. liiil One Inch (or 12 lines this type) f • fMM 1 Two tnchsa " l"| I ' ; 'l'ivree inches I" II - ,l Quarter column tor • inches) I: llslf column <ir l* , in< hei One column for .Sit Inches) j.V ."• I• a | Korelgn advertisements must be psid for before In • ertioa, eicept on yearly contracts, when halbyearly payments |q a.lwsio-e ill !e required. Political NoTtcK'v. 1 •cents p-r lineeach Insertion Nothing inserted fr less than io • ents. IK* si ft ft** Nonctf in the editorial columns, 15 cents per line, eacli liMftloi. Republican Extravagance. The people know one way in which nearly twenty million* of the one hun dred and fifty millions surplus in the United States treasury were disposed of. j Rut even after the river and harbor bill 1 and other extravagant general appropri ations have been made there still re , mains a large amount of money in the treasury which must be disposed of for i the benefit of ringster* anil contractor.. One way of making a raid upon tl is fund is through petty appropriatioi s- For example though the presidi nt * salary is s.'>o,ooo per year— sl.l7 per day —the following amounts are approptin ted this year to the executive tlcpail* ment: For refurnishing the executive mansion, #20,000 ; for care and repair of the executive mansion, $10,000; for fuel for the executive mansion, etc., $2..">00; for care and repair of oonerv a'.orn s, etc., (5,100; for lighting the exerut ve mansion, $1.1,000; private secretary, $1,250 ; assistant secreiar*. $2,2.10 ; two executive clerks, s2,doti each, $1,001) : stenographer, ssod; one clerk, c!a* four, $1,800: two clerk-, class three, SI,GOO each, $-1,200; two clerks, clss two, #l,4iK) e%'ih, $2,8000; one clerk, elaas one, $1,200; steward, $1,800; one day usher, $1,200; five nies.enger-, sl, 2)ooea2h, $1,00(1; two doorkeeper*, sl,' 2V) etc i, $2,400; one night usher, 20i"); one watchman, S9OO ; one fireman sß6l; contingent exp.-nses of the exec utive office, sß,ofM v Appropriation* of this kind are made unnualljr. 'I h • thought will therefore naturally sri i' that as twenty thousand Hollars are spent annually for refurnishing the president's house, it would be interest ing to know what becomes of the old furniture. President* and their families ought not to be so destructive that they can demolish twenty thousand dollar* worth of furniture every year. Tliia system of plunder and waste extend* to a greater or less extent to nearly nil the department* of the government and rapidly eats up the money congress does not dispose of in another way. The history of the Star route casesshow. how thieving contractors and govern ment officials ''pool their issues," so that the contractor* get ten dollars for work which they agreed to do for one dollar. When the plunder run* up into hun dreds of thousand* of dollars it begins to make a considerable hole in the pub lic treasury. **n a larger scale a glance at the great appropriation* will show with what a lavish hand congress votes away $00,000,000 a month, $2,000,000 a day, SIOO,OOO for each of the working! hours, over $-1,000 a minute, and s'i() every time the clock tickr. The people out of whose pocket* this money all comes must rebuke this spirit of extrava gance to save themselves, and they can only do it by taking the control of nf fairs out of the hands of the republi cans.— Harrithur'j Patriot. Tiib results of tha Congressional elec tions thus far held indicate a net He publican loss of seven votes, or a dflVr eace of thirteen in the majority. The delegation in Maine, now three Repub lican* to two Democrats, will consiet of four Republican* in the next Congress. In Ohio a change has been made from fifteen Republicans and five Democrats to til Republicans and fifteen Demo crata. From Oregon there will be one Republican as at present. Vermont drona from three to two Republican*. In West Virginia, now represented by three Democrats, two Democrts, and it is claimed, two Republican* have been elected. The summarise, the twenty two Republicans and ten Democrats of the Forty seventh Coogres* will lie suc ceeded by fifteen Republicans and sev enteen Democrats in the Forty eighth. It U to be borne in mind that ths*e five States have the same aggregate number nf members in the new Congress as in tbeold, Msineand Vermont each Ira ing one under the new apportionment, while Ohio and West Virginia each gain one. t I Major I'onderly Advocates the Elec tion of I'ultlsoti. tsn annoime* the attbui-teii to Arc- Tina or- tii i; i.aikik voir,- nit. i-atti- SUN' SPEAKS AT TWO MEETINI'.S |N It * All ■ Nil —CANUIUATBS III.ACK ANI El I 10l l AT SUNHURV. n> Telegraph to tin* I'ittriot., October 21.—A lurgo and enthusiastic mass meeting was iield last evening in Armory Hall, Nnntieoke, the centre of tiio mining operation* of the Susquehanna <'oul Company. The speakers were delayed by u Into truin, ; but the crowd waited patiently for their coming. John 11. Reynolds, a Kingston lawyer, spoke first and was followed by Mayor Fowderly, o f Scran ton. lie spoke at length in advocacy ol the del; tion of 0. W Connelly, Itctnocrat ic can didate for congress, and Mr. Mines, dem ocratic candidate for the' t legi*liiturc,sny. ing the interests of tin* important m I duatrial section, as he undeistood them, would be best subserved by the election of these two gentlemen. He knew both, personnully and politically, heid and felt that the workingmen ami lb- peo pie generally could safely tin t their, at Washington and llarrisburg. 1," '< rung to the state election, lie said "I have acted with the labor lefonn party ever since it* inception. lam a labor rrfor,.ier now, but 1 am a labor reformer from principle, and 1 want to warn you again*t those who are not so, (or it l* an unfortunate fact that bad and vicious men from the slum* have usurped the right to speak lor the labor reform party and seek to barter its suj port to the old parties for a prii r. Such men have made themselves conspicuous in the pending campaign and have gone with an otl'er of the votes they cannot deliver to the Cameron party. They are wicked men and 1 warn you against them. 1 warn you not to vote the Mai wart ticket nor the Independent t eket. Do not throw your vote* aw iy on the latter, neither the so called I abut ticket or any other ide ticket, but vote the Democratic ticket entire. V>fn (or Fat ti*on l'attison represent* true reform, lie represent* economy and honc-tv in public t xpenditlire*. lie represents the reform that wdl lower t.ix •*, relieve indu-tr i-s *ml thereby mk>- better wa g,-s for labor. Vote t->r him. s t >nd squarly in tlii* i*ue t>v him and by hi* party and vou will have no rea-on to regret your a -iion." Mr. t on nelly an 1 Mr. lime* followed Mr. Fowderly, each calling b>r united and earnest sup|>ort of the state ticket. The latter, w ho wa* a lab r reform mem ber ol the legislature of Ik7n1 k 7n '7.'. spoko in especially strong term* of cointnen diction of Mr. Fait;- Ti aroi tht hi* experience h.,d tiugiit h.ui that the demicr.ilu- parly i* ti>e natural Inend and ally of 1 Notcvithstami ng the meeting had opened late :.n l ha I l i-t ed ,everal In ur* the ah i n< - wi* rot ye', tir-d ami Miyor Fo-sdiri- w - call' ed lor and spoke a st-i n I tiio--. repeat ing previou* advice in stiil iu< re j o.itive language that the working no should id this c ontc -t ignore il>e - aiie i bd-or ticket and all other side show * ami help effect the reform* now in - -lit I - vi t ing for Fattison and the whole lu-k-t- Fart* fur the People. Democrats. remint. r when they n*k you to vote tor I hot iis A. Armstrong, who Claims to b, the Ir end nl the !:v boring iimii. that he I* a t'.mic-inii man and seeking to individually I c-lp 'lener al Itenver m tbi* campaign. Democrat*, reoiendwr ihst ev.-rv vote ,-s*t (or the 'iieenhark-l/ibor - amlidate lor Uovernor is had a vote in luvor of tieneral Reaver. Democrats remember that the only representative man that > • overthrow radical Reput>lii-atiim in I'am i.-v I vsma in this canv.t** i* Rolx-ri I F-tti*on. Democrats, remeni' < i mat • atneron ha* openlv •iecl.crc-d that li" will *• uy up enough vote* to eicc tierierd |;---ver. *t*ting that thcreaie fifty thousand Dem ocrat* who can l>e tiougbt outilghl or induced to vote for Armstrong. Democrats, irnienite-r t-hct c*mrr>n through <1 iv tia* issued an order in cvhich he **)*, "orginise tireenback I.* bor movement among the Democrats— forged speeches attributed to Fattison among ihe Irish and I'atboiia votert— be secret, ami see I list your own mak i* perfect and that no one o*f>ert* you are operating in my interests, AND I WILL FOOT THE 111 bi llow <}uay l Fighting the Rattle i rtiil*irl|)it i' l>• New York Time* | Senator Cooper ha* been, to a consid i erable extent if not altogether, supersed jed in his direction of the Reaver can vas* by the advent of Colonel (Juay, who ha* gohe into the State committee room* and "taken hold in earnest.'' His principal work appear* to t>e the manipulation of the Irish vole and of the "labor" vote, and a* the only hope of electing General Reaver ha* mr sev oral week* lain entirely in thi* direction Colonel tpiay is now practically the di rector of the Stalwart fight. How the Republicans propoee to mit igate the burden of taxation was shown by ihe bsnk check and patent medicine bill of the last session ol Congress. The subject i* still further elucidated by -lodge Kelley, chairman of the Way* and Means cummiitee, who advocates abolition of tbe Whiskey lax while pro posing no deduotion of the enormous duties on almost all the goods consumed bt the work classes. It it true, aa Judge Kelley says, that the internal revenue machinery waa gotten up to raise mon ey for war purposes, and waa never in tended as a part of our permanent sys tem. Hut the tariff is a war tariff. Still if Judge Kelley and his party desire to go on with the effort to take off the whiskey tax, while leaving the present war ratea on almost all Ihe coarse good* used liy the poor, we ere willing for them to go Ihe country in 1884 on that policy. Rut they will not dare to try it. Rt'buui lilng n Sfnfe. "We'll buy tip the State," wan the re cent defiant and significant remark of u Stalwart sub Box* in Alleglteti), say* the l.nncaxtcr intr/!i, /rimer, wliem the ni* chine fin ditxcli confrouted by a popular revolt scarcely equaled in determination and rehvtivo strength in nnv other pan of the Common wealth. And thi* threat vividly portray * the situation in Fetin aylvitnia to day. The men who have xo long disgraced the polities of our State, | who arc steeped in corruption, and who I have beconin utterly councioncelcxn in their pursuit td any object, have rexolv | i d I bat money shall not stand between them and success; thst they will go to , an extent of campaign debauchery that I may be necessary in or to secure tin i election of (ienei il Beaver and tn retain I their blighting grip upon tiie l.egi-la i lure. The money is at their command ; a V'i*t amount liu* already been raised a ltd more can lie prociif d when wanted. Mr. ' ' .llteron iia* handed in hi* cheek lor -*2O.IKK) and intimated that more Will lollow if needed. Not lex* tliau a quitter o| a million ol dollar* will best the di-poxal of the Cameron mauagei - in tin* great contest. One tenth of thai stlui would amply suffice to pay all tln legitimito expense* of the Slalw.ut campainn. What will he done with the remainder .' It will xitnply he u-ed in a thousand disrepulahle wsv - to hol-ter up the rotten and • rumbling machine, and to et.utile it if po—ih|e once more to thwart tiie will of the honest and de cent citi/"ii* of the Slate. There i* widespread incredulity, even among our nioxt Intelligent people, in r'-gsrd to tin* grave matter, one ol mo mentuous importance to the Common wealth nnd the nation, thiie ix an erroneous disposition to believe that such ch rge of contemplated venalitr are unfounded, or at lea-l greatly exag gerated. It i* •leciared that such un lawful expenditure of money cannot take place with lit attendant ri-k of exposure and i iioi-liiiiont too great to he di regalded, even hy the nm*t de perate. Ail tin* arises from popular ig not nice ol the character and operation* of what ha* been xo aptly termed the machine. Voter* are not bought like sheep in the shamble*. The seller, auctioneer and buyer do not stand on the open highway transacting their in fnmoua husinex*. The pay-master in the employ of tho Boe* doe* not appear in public calling nil the roll and paying the wage* of debauchery. But the money nevertheless i* transferred and tnvde to serve the base purpose* for which it ii assigned. But few voter* comparitively, are purrliaed outright : the number of men who are willing to defy the mandate of the law and <l* iiVU'-h themselves, even amongst the VI cioit* classes, is much smaller than might be supposed. The great m.| >r II v probably nineteen twentieths "I tin ... who are reprcheu-iblv brought under Hie baneful influence* of the nut chine are simply misled, through mi representation, uppe -I* to their | a-* on* and prejudice* and well simulated pri ten*., ni a desire to serve and promote the r material interest*. Tiii* work i* done chiefly through the mean* of secret agent*, many of whom ate resident* of wi te | er*ODal ncquairi tance and more or le* n tluence. of tiie section* in which they operate and for which purpose they are regularly retain ed. year after year, being well paid for their villainou* lalior. f'tfier*. aptiv kriinvn a* "r -*d agent-. ' are scattered brohdcu-t ovet the Stale, stealthily mov ing a'-nul like thieve* in tiie mgiit, nil being cn_• iged in the despicable w..rk of |ioi*oning the local fountain* ol t uti lio opinion, perverting the mind* of the ignorant and sowing, n ght and day. t c seed* of politi al here*y, revolt and di-integration in the rank of the party a hich i* battling with the machine nioi etidcavoring hy all legitimate mean* to rfu-ll it. In the iic e t,f I hi- v • work the hope* of the ha ill ed It i—i-are n- iv centered. Within the next four wei k* every county, town*hip, city and village HI lVnnsylvania will bo thomug ly. persistently and exhaustively "worked on this se-ret agent | lan. Kx|ierieoced enii:irie ofcthe machine will be everywhere, lining every <q por tutnty to trv and *ave the doomed cause of r*merom*ro. Idie most mon*lrous faUeh'Mxls in regard to Hie I'cniocratie patty slid il* candidates dl lie iudust rtouxly circulated ; promises tif i-llirial preferment will he a* thick aa the fal ling autumn leave*; hrda-ry of every conceivable character w ill he attempted and executed; there will lie in efleet, a flood tide ol political deception.trickery, debauchery and crime, ft will lie the la-t Btid most deperte fight of the miwt corrupt oligarchy that ever cursed a Mate. There can he hut one re*ult of tfle contet, unless the people refue to heed the warning thst has heen given. But every hnn-t citiwn, especially every I'ernocrat, has a duty to porform winch he mu*t not for one moment neglect, lie must meet the uncrupu lon* adversary at every point, ex|K>s his plans, counteract his effort* and de feat his purposes, drag into the light the"*ecret agent" anij brand him he fore all men. He must *|>ot him and cru*h him everywhere. To OAV bungs a report from Washing lon that President Arthur, during a meaptng of the Cabinet on Friday, ob served that "he "supposed it was we'll understood that no "force or pressure •hould be used to conipel "the payment of political assessments." Ol course this mutt We very gratifying to all peo ple who have the good of the country at heart and sincerely desire to rrspect sod laud its Chief Magistrate. It is un fortunate that at tha same time we should get the sad new* that Mahone has just .assessed the Virginian clerks from 4 to 5 per cent, in addition to the 2 per cent, already levied by Hubbell; that Hubbell'e collector* are lying in wait in fbe depart merit corridora warn ing (he elerk* openly, "If you do not come down, your bead goes off." sod that in ohe case where a Virginia postmaster replied to Mahone'a black mailing circular with a contribution in Con federate currency the irate "ho**'' not only had the official removed hut caused the office itself to be shut up, in order to punish the residents for their supposed sympathy with so outrageous an offender I President Arthur's party is "damned beyond all redemption". He really ahould try to eecape alive from the wreck. A/. P. WorM. + n A PLAN OF THE STALWARTS. ! CAMERON'B CATHOLIC PROGRAMME. I liott IIIV. FORT V Tllfil H AM* S A MKR or PATH -4*l.|f VOTFRI AM* Tlff. PORT OffH f. Al I'IiKH'KH M'r.RK OftTAIMRIf — MR. KMll'Elt A* HHOWN, PRVIOR, f*p** ial rufnvfi'iiidpiMi' tf TIIVTIIUP* FMIK. < Ictuher 21. I he prompt and ilioinugh expoaure ; by the '/' mm of I'auieroo'* Catholic pro j gramme ha* find the only elleot ueh | i de-perale political inovetnent c<uld have—to prevent any I'einocratic Cath | otic* from voting for lliet.'atneron ticket and making even the Republican Cith olica lukewaim in the cauxe. T here are I i nunifier ol Ifepuhliran t.'atholic* in i tin* xection of llieState, in iliy of whom j are intelligent American liorn eitu'-nx <ml they (ed keenly the humiliation thi-v and their religion autler i'y ifie rcclile** atternpl* ol Bo*-e to involve their < 'hutch in political *lrife. i All that w* declared in the I'm,, ' .'lbout the decixion 'd 1 '.trneron to make ; a hv-t dexperale effort for the itiachine | tiy a talxn n| peal to religion* I H ,udic< ■ ! on the eveof the election, hn* hecll fu! ly verified in thi* I 'vtliolic liiK*e*e. Ihe ii.iiuii uml poxt ofllce flddre* ol every j t'ltholic viter in llilx diocexi * ha* been obtained and forwarded to tjuny ut the •>inte t'omimttee head(|Uaricr, and it w* expected to mail to each of the*c '' illioßc VOter*. ju*t a lew dnv* t' fore the election, a copy of the New York '/V.-Vf containing the fal>ricateif vci.itu of tiic Fatlixon xpeech in winch he in made to u* oflenvtve Inngunge ngmn-t the Irixh Cllilell*. Whether tlic expo* ore of the whole programme i.v ill-' : T,a,r will make t 'atneron and almri'lon tin* ilexJiei ate *< heiiie. I cnii ; not xay. but I can axtire vou llntl In ; tin* the 11 nmi * of the <'atliolli voter* of ' tin- diocexe for tie purpo'e. T'hoini* F. '• Fnicn of tin* 11v. wix | editor of the Uxt tear and he ■ind In* |n| er with William I. *-c>>tt. actively oppoxed < 'range Nol.le. < i J'.rn n , ix n < vtholic l>etnocr.'t. hn' had a per -onal political feud with Noble, and be i wax active m i irculating the Know Nothing xtorv again*! Niiole. In tiiat l.uxine-* fie co operated Willi 'Tinuin iii '' per, of the Republican '-tate rem nnttee, and ret tiered valuable xervue to I'■ *tlv. i' I'rien and f ooper corre*|ind ed under tlie fictiun.ix name* of .lohii F.r *ll, and .lohn I'rown. Ir ,'nop cr pl.iving the role of father • n i ' • Ri .en that of on. The fetter* of I i-t jiat whii li I have *een, are xigned i y < ooper a* our alfectinnate father, .lohli Brown, O'Brien w* • arto-xily i/ai -t Nolle, init when ' ooper xotlglit h ni tin- year to do the *xrne work, i e ■ I I not take to it lurther than to or - 'hi-t .ndin all it* detail* the fiaud to l.e attempted on Cnlhtilvc Vu|e|*. lie ap| ifi'nt'y CO operated Willi t'noj er un til the r Hue* of t In* dlOce-e, wit li their pint oll'ire addrearf. *i-r* furnished. Hid then he dropped out of the work. I"he following I* one of '' o| er letter to ' > llrien tin* year Rr l I nt.ii v\ -rvtr ijiv.irtrr, >t. ft r i n I fort i.. Fit 11. v tit i rni v, .lan llarv h'lj .lolls BROW \. .I R. ; 1 le*r >r — Your letter ot the 'J i ijuat reached. ill he vcrv glad to have vour -ervice* thi* camp i gn, and hope V"U will, a* aoon a* you arrive in Me Kean. lay out a programme and *end me detail*, With expeoe Hem*, etc. i have n* yet no fund*, but will have I.v A-igu-t or '--•[■leinber Yon did well i.**" year and i.npe we n.av do i * well thi*. Vety trulv vour*. .lons BROHV'.NR. A peculiar featured tiie 'orrgoing let ter the original of Jwhich I end you, i that I ooper had evidently lo*t the hang of writing hixnafno.lohn Brown. Sr..and he ltrt write* "Tho*. V." and then l>lur the name of .lohn Brown, Sr., over it. You will readily recognize (' wiper'* handwriting, a* I have com pared it with a d< zen or more I have -eon on the *nmo*nl p-ct, and the letter i* unquestionably genuine. In accord arce with tin- foregoing letter, 'ooper and <'' Brian met, and the whole pro gramme wa divulged to O'Brien. •>'. llrien *M given ch tree of the Krie dio ce-e, and he accepted it, received rail way pv*e for himelf and oilier* en gaged in the movement, and the name* and a idrex-e* of every '"sthohc voter of thi* region were xent to ('.toper and | tpiay, to he u*ed, at f'ooper informed :('Brien, toeireulate the fabricated Fat . ii*"n -peeeli through the New York | TJ'Ut juxt on the eve of the election. | The work of furniahing the name* and *ddre*e* ha* heen done, bill nearly ■ very Catholic in tiie State now under • land* the inurement and no appeal to their religion* prejudice*, no matter where printed or by whom *ent, will influence a dnnen vole* in North weMern ; IVnnsylvania. Melville'* Report. I'RXWINQ Fi.ta* roR ARITII SIIIC WBILS Ytr luratso.vcn on rua let Ftot. Wxtnixorov, Oct. I'.'.—Chief Knginetr Melville xent in lit* re|>ort ye*ierd*y to the necretary of the navy, and it will •onn he ptililixhed. It i* a graphic nar rative of the expedition from the time when, after a parting dinner, I lie* crew *eparateif into three aection*. Thi* re l>ort. therefore, upplement the flhip'* log and De I,ong' own minute*, all of which were preaented. and thu* com plete the hi'tory of the illfaled expedi tion. The re|>ort i* accompanietl hy a carefullf drawn chart which *how* in detail the wandering* of the explorer*. No one reading thi* account of xutrering and peril would imagine that a peraon who had endured *tirh hardship* would carh to rik a repetition of them, but Arctic exploration ha* a peculiar fa*cin ation for those who engage in it. I'ur ing i heir imprisonment in the floe when the -leannptte ex|>edilion w* already fated to end in failure, Melville drew a design for a *hip specially adapted for polar vi.aging, in view of luture,etplor at ion a. The plan chit* for a ship of steel, atrongly support by wooden brace*. The value of ateel a* a material was proved hy Nordenakjpld. It is scarcely nere*xary to add that tha ahip is very unlike t!i* Jrannette, whose unfitness for polar orui*ing tha naval board of inquiry ia daa'iog with aa gently aa po ■ible. The .Taennet a inquiry f likely to j l"H<l to some rather interesting develop, i merit* if reliance can be placed on th< prophecies of home person* who ought |to know the fact*. Acceding to their ! story Lieutenant Dinenliower, in liin or ignal repot t, made some charges of a nr. tion it nature touching the character of j the xhip nnl the action of th* crew, I Secretary ('handler, on readiyg the re i port, tecoinnn-ridc'l tht it lie modified I in thi* particular, nod MI hi* iri*tance it *• no revised. 'l'he re|mrt hn* not : yet i.een published, nnd w hen given out will not contain the ohm-xlou* jiortion. It i raid, however, that iln inV din. pOhllion 111 the hosrd of iltqjiry t" get jat the fact*. Mtid thwt I'ar.enhowcr, in hi* testimony before the hoarrf, will give, I in substance, hi* htory a* it ongtiMlly up p'-iire iHI the report. /fy '/' l-'/ri/h l" ( I Patriot. finlianu Republican* | nbappy. W miiiim.tiiv, October l'.t—From ar couti l w hicli reach here I ndiatia 1-epuh tiCMli* lire not in a happy xtate of mind, Mr .lame- II \. IhWotlli, a Republican, of S <lJth Bend, clerk to the Ifou-e coin iinllee on election*, raid to day that the probability W:i* that the R publicans would 10-e all liut fnoi Cougrc-*roen, Brown. lie Motte, Calkin* and Fierce, lie think- the temperance question will afl-ct Indiana quite a* much a- it did Ohio. lii ome reaped* it ix a similar context. I lie nut I.egixUture i* to vole on the constitutional pioiiil dory amendment and the i*sue i* -h.r ly drawn. The ' vole i* a m it •olid again*! the Republican parti He Won't Stiy Much. Wearevery bu*y getting in our heavy -toi kof Men' and Itoy'n wear in cloth nig, l oot* A shoe* for (all n 1 winter. .lu*t *le| in and take .1 look at the lnrg "t and tnoet attracliv <• et< <k of bu ' nex and drex xuitx, overcoat*, ever • ■rought into thi* county. I heir xpleti lor. -ttlc, quality and quantity will *- loiiixh you. vou will en that tbeie i no mall ill the wot Id whohax a belter taxte 111 Selecting g'Melx and the low | flee, w ill make you feel all hunky, iur.-. I'xixton Clothing llouxe cheapest and iext place on Karib for clothing, hoot* A shoe*. .lint opened in Reynold'* block, oppoxlte licockrtholl llouxe and two diMirs i," ow Reynold* Rank Belle lonic. Fa. ]'. >. We al*o call vour kind alien lion to our I.,die- A Mnw* gum coat* at the I'.oxton Clothing House. 'NT<I-ITV I the mother of inven tioio In-ea-ex of the liver, k due)* *nd how id- I rough! forth that xov ere gn r< medy Kidney Wort, which i natnie - fiormal curative |or all thoxe d re c> rn plaint*. In either liquid or liy form it ix* j erlei t remedy lor thoxe terrible di*ea*e* that r.u-x xo many dealht INR TO* hill* are alioiuir ai> e and n<>t needed in kidney and liver affection*, a* Fl mm ami M IMIIV w ill cute them. N't I IR forget that billinuxnex* and cor. tip*t on ire entirely curable wit h M im 11*. Veir A itrrrtiriiirnt. ; r *AKIM 6 POWDER Absolutely Pure. TV*** *#? h *f ptirify •< l< Mo?* HHiAimiii al than Ihe ov-i|||4ti VIMK fitnt rbbul I* *1<1 In *< iri|*Hition with tit*- in ti • 111 n !• if !••* |i-. wlj.vft w + ifcht. alum <r t j h'|-tifc j. .tr,h t. ft I I obit in ifi( H \At lUfc i*i P vbrtJfMWilUUlV V Writ of Partition. T' r4ihilf K H onr, i li* If CinUltn* at1 I I Ira hefh UntHfn*. •<! Ir-ful fy|ir<ntfifite* <f Jnfen !•• u| llaiDM l*p. ilfitgaed, vnift r'*! knl *ifhfn lit* CVnnM of (Vfitie. Talc ru ld* lh*f ( I * irlu*uf * Ufi of rrtitltn, onl It** it- 1 < **nrt of fenlnt'i nafj an| t< ma an mill I'* hfi'l at th* lata rof John M -a> .locaivd, tri lb* ftanhi|i f llmif* and roan* L .F ( EIDIE NFI FII NT TL* DF •! <MOLIFR, A IV l**.', *1 I® > <>'< Infl * M, of MI4 iUt f- r ih- |*r !>•#■ . t f mtifcinfi partition <f t•• r**l ntatr of tfa Hid .Woawd to and amonp Mi brir* and lifal r*f*ro* wfilalltM, if thaaamo ran 1+ done if Knot !to ir apotlinii lb# vbolr . ntlfctaiap I • raiuc nnd ajv |>ra|*r tlv* Hiiir irmrtlng to lata at hi* It tint* and |4ar rim ?*% If |tn*fiii, if yon think proper xheri# x oat. -, It- il-f-nt-. I T J id >KEI„ iWI. IM2 f Phoriff. N'OTK'K. —I>cttei* of Adntinurtra -IMb rttm iHiamrftlrt ißßrto. wpf.n \h+ * .lata tf fmnurl c<Mi|v*r. Into of fovititaon t >naht|v drr*aa> od. har* Mm panid to iM nnd*r*! % tasl. in all pttwßi IfidrliiH to l'f Mint* af* t inak* > and tti*o having < |afm or drmandi will mahr thr mmr kn< n viiKimt d*daj MART -A ISIM.KK. KM Adtwn.tHratrix, rtr A** day at Hnma. worth |A Iw Ad.frt.aA tIINPUR A < l> Portland, Main*. |^-| JrOBTHEPEBMNt*TCu" " J | CONSTIPATION. | - yottiardlaa* WMpwnlwtfntta wu* g ' t. 7 CVitMCtiNWJow. awd *•) naito ha* -ear Z pjequaile* tha elxbralod SJdaey-Wort u >{ El.ur*. MX* ..- -.x-—— i •jUi* e. u>r* i ■■l ie WUI araraa— it. | fc ! nil Bft TtSia dtatraMr.( com. • e, t'IUKIO. puiot I* vrrv apt to t t wMAaanaUpaUoa. Mdnrr Wort •* aWßiw I*l Mam of r(4B tvta whea Dhjratoiia** p s *4 I** lligaaa bar* b*r-e* flu lad. f He trif rrowliaraattaerof vwwtrnohlea B • • v Avn' . I >trvrtlhviiivn fa. Notice i hereby jjiveii that an appli* MMM mill-- i,,.... n, , # 1'1... „f (V-hfr. ' . ■<>, t ■ J., t.. II .1, .• . ,1,, 1., 4*)rt If u.U-r, !*'•> „. , -i . ■ , t., A. t ammmM; I : •<•* ' •• ... .li'lcr " ( 'lf iMI-t.'l- , I,i- . , ill. voi NO Mi.Mfim>iiiNA.nmiii\ 1,, ti'NTK. I'KMkHI.V AMv ti,. .I , ! Jul |.. fc, 0... I I III* >Ufill MtOfftl, v* ul, till |,|,y , , #( . ■ 1 lurii. ®t I for lit' • | "... , J f All lift ffofclt, wwii At I.f Aw'-wMr ll S W li A t.KI H MM " ;l ' . I 1. KKKDEKK Ks, 'I • Repairer of Sewing Machines. IIKLI.KH.NTK. |M ; —•< f is... ~ i.illl* #1 •!, mill | , Z Km..-, K-|, ' * ' : 014 Mart, f , Lr if. < A,, / PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. Fill term tftim A-gutl 25 IM.' 71", ii..i,. v, .. ... . u , ,1.. „„ t iti..i bwiuoui .e i- ■; ib ——- *"~ifcri ir^.-.i HI. I-.,, .i. it. - - ii. - ... .i.o -1.1, ii„ i I".I'l, I 11.. - ! I . 1 A I'll 1 <*!*•!' 111 ' -Uf M • f I ■ t \ I kit i A Fi.ll Mi-m : - ; I M . Tl. 1..11 -,n • M'bHl.i.iwi,. .(,. •*1 ••'! "Ill* ll,' tt't ' „f U,. K 1.111,1 h Gxirw V'IHK I 111 I.K t VAIt'BAL IIIAToIIV < 111 M I-TI:VSI'MO-l'." I < IV 11. KN'ilM I HIS, I A l. rt ri'lZ I.VLCOI, A,.,, . ' A ib rt HCK/IAU OI iti ( i * • A FWlrml S. l Mil f'tt fiktkti t) ' -ft*-. MtliUry 4rf|| la r#jftif••. Kumum | t Uwnl *r • in IM*U \*ty |o. Ttttti- n I* ) 'u Uai m 4*-rt h%rgv <f r<-iu|-fm u \ l*titi'Jjai I t' vUI z*—. or M hn itiformti s * UV/t U Mil F.HT V I'tiMHv. 1*7*51. ' | til (Mil < I't 4 pn.r;-! I'li.i;-: PILES • .! Sl'ft f fl'llK I (it \ft AT / AST \'i Off St. I'.li Slff 111 A * • • ' r* for I ' . . . ' k * i Pllw !*• I*r -i,. no ,i |i r \\ i l%tl ( Al| Indian rrtti#vf ..Jlr- JJi, W .lijatii IndUti ontui i t A!♦ th VI ittM i rm <•*• f W|afli4lAtHll| 3M ■ Mfi IT ~ u HWU . • ft.r i > i i*ir t).i i-ffol WM .h'ii.# I • • • ' 4 \li l at r U.e tt.rn f• tiler,., it.. |jii |,M t.Uf v at t fl# t |i'Uh £ *nti it '■ >' t* wa jn.tjlii i (it.-* Hiatal t 41 1 1 4. .e* r< •' .. i • |*• {Natrni Uiy f |'i|,. luhhf# -f !!♦ !>l I. -t# I nf. i i f .f till. . lk+ Hl re |f ~ .1 M < ,f( aatt ut I U i*t •In Hat. |M <m ?m t t !.*■ .)•-j o/M f I'. , !(•• .it,.| it it,a j Vafttif, t. mi tt *l I !,* i-, * ftf i itD'l a> ( •hf h *** t . t,d I rr.attrci r*l cf a* J r vt 111 ,*n. * If iaii t tn.v r.t . *ll drt.f£iU r n.allfvj fj rer* ,j.t .. Hire. |l<* IIKN A* Co., Pront. ft* I f \ eft! M. . N# (,k i>rsn HOUSE, * * BKLLKFOKTK, PA . KftmilU-* af<l ffentUoici . *• a*)) a* ika r*t> Mai tfi 't>* i •r<i ' mh'|. nl fi)n i;p Intiti J t-- tl.i I ifttJ !*• ll• f *|,#fft thti will fitid bv.urft ti ' ta at faM 'tial-b ra!a I Octjrl W K TKIJ.BE, Ft*.*' , 0, M'CLINTGCK CO.. 22 FIFTH ATM, PiTISM, Wholesale & Retail CAR PUTS, MATTIN(iS, OILCLOTHS. AT t'RH > TO THE TRADE as low as any Philadel phia or New York Jobbing House. UPHOLSTERY GOODS A\r niTE FURNITURE IN THE URKATRMT VARIETY A 1.1. BEST MAKES OK Wilton' 3, aCoquetts, Body Brussels, Tapestry Brus sels, Throe-ply Extra Super Ingrains, and vari ous grades of Wool and Cotton Carpets. COCA ASS m ITTIS, Window Shades, etc. 0. M'Clintock & CO. :t.l FIPTII AVENUE, Pi 11 sbur gh. GUBBCRIHE VOH THK CEN- L. 1 2SL Plt,,o< * "T W|f, *ft '% . -itC* c
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers